EMF: First Blood

(The copyright information flashes on the screen, and quickly fades away. We go into some clips of the past First Blood, good and bad. Then we fade into clips of how this years matches came about. Then finally, it fades away into an introduction screen that welcomes the viewers to First Blood 2006. We go into the darken University of Phoenix Stadium, fireworks blasts on the really specially made set for this large venue. They go a bit longer than usual, and the lights turn back. Fan's wave their signs that read "Greg's hardcore!", and next to him it say "It's true! I am!". Other signs say "Rex fears me", and "Marc!! Puke over here *with arrows pointed to the people in the next seat*")

JR-Welcome everyone to First Blood! I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler, and Kris Gaffney. What a show we have for you tonight as it's the EMF's biggest night of the year…First Blood. What a show we got for you tonight. Headline by the huge triple threat match for the world heavyweight championship.

King-Also the barbwire match for the Extreme match.

Kris Gaffney-Also, tonight either Christy Hemme or Amy Jericho are going to be losing their red hair.

JR-I got a bad feeling about that Kris. We all know Amy Jericho can take care of herself, but something does not smell right at all. Anyways let's get to the action.

("Stranglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, he steps into the ring.)

JR-Dewey Pond has been able to find a lot of success here lately

King-Yeah, it's like we stepped into some other world…where everyone is hated.

Kris Gaffney-That exists…remember?


("Sabu's theme" blasts on the PA system as Sabu walks to the ring, he is holding a chair as he walks to the ring.)

Kris Gaffney-This theme song makes me hungry.

King-Me too

JR-We saw Sabu make his return last Shockwave, you have got to wonder if he'll have any ring rust.

[Sabu slides into the ring leaving the chair on the outside, and Dewey Pond starts to attack him before he has the chance to get up. Dewey Pond hits a few stomps as Sabu stumbles to his feet, and then Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face of Sabu. Sabu stumbles into the corner, Dewey Pond this a few knee lifts into the gut. Then finally brings him out of the corner to the ropes, and then whips him to the ropes. Sabu bounces off of the ropes, and then Dewey Pond is able to hits a hip toss. Sabu stumbles up, and Dewey Pond charges and hits a running clothesline. Sabu goes down, but gets up quickly and then Dewey Pond hits a standing drop kick that sends Sabu stumbling back and he falls through the ropes and on to the floor. Dewey Pond measures up, and goes for a baseball slide on Sabu. But Sabu moves out of the way, and Dewey Pond slides out of the ring. Sabu grabs the chair he brought into the ring and then quickly throws it at Dewey Pond. But Dewey Pond thinking quickly catches it, and throws it back to Sabu which Sabu isn't able to catch back not expecting that to happen, and it smacks Sabu in the head. Sabu goes down to the mat, and then Dewey Pond hits a few stomps on the downed Sabu. Sabu is getting up, and then Dewey Pond takes the chair and then aims it, and then smashes Sabu over the back. Sabu stumbles forward, Dewey Pond takes Sabu and rolls him into the ring and Dewey Pond throws the chair into the ring. Then Dewey Pond jumps on the apron. He then climbs to the top rope, and then waits for Sabu to get up on the top rope. Sabu stumbles to his feet, Dewey Pond leaps off the top rope and nails a flying clothesline off the top rope. Sabu goes down to the mat, and then Dewey Pond backs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes. He leaps high in the air, and comes down with a knee drop to the face of Sabu. Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and he gets the 1…………..2…………..kick out by Sabu. Dewey Pond thinks of something else to do, and then he see's the chair. He considers doing something, Pond takes the chair and sets it near Sabu. Sabu stumbles to his feet, and then Dewey Pond kicks him in the gut and tries to hit a DDT. But Sabu spins out of it, and then pulls Dewey Pond forward. Sabu hits a northern lights suplex that smacks Dewey Pond's back on the chair, and he gets a 1…………….2……KICK OUT.]

JR-Almost three!

King-Dewey Pond almost cost himself the match there.

[Sabu is obviously really beat up, but he see's Dewey Pond getting to his feet. He turns around Sabu grabs the chair, and is able to throw it right into the face of Dewey Pond this time as he wasn't able to see that one coming. Dewey Pond goes down to the mat, as Sabu fall down to his knee. Then takes a few moments, and rests. He then gets up, and quickly hits an regular Arabian facebuster (just a regular leg drop version, not the one off the top rope). Then he goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………..2…………..kick out by Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond, Sabu looks at the ref making sure that wasn't three. Allowing Dewey Pond to crawl away, Sabu goes over to the corner, and then he hits a few fists into the corner and then Sabu hits a few fists to the face of Dewey Pond in the corner. Sabu whips Dewey Pond to the opposite corner, and then he crashes into the corner Sabu takes the chair and sets it near Dewey. Sabu backs up, and charges and then jumps on the chair and nails Air Sabu on to Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond takes a few moments, and then stumbles around Sabu pulls himself on the second rope where Dewey Pond is and then Sabu leaps off and then hits a one handed face buster into the chair face first. Then Sabu goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2…………..kick out by Dewey Pond. Sabu starts to think of something else, and then he rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring. He pulls out a table, and starts to set up a table on the outside. He gets it on the outside, Sabu slides into the ring. Dewey Pond is getting up, Sabu hits an inverted atomic drop that stumbles him back near the ropes. Dewey Pond runs to the ropes, and comes off and then nails a flying shoulder block on Sabu. Dewey Pond falls out of the ropes, and to the floor.]

JR-What is Sabu up to?

King-I don't know, but I think we should duck now

[Sabu takes his chair and sets it up, he see's Dewey Pond getting up on the table. He goes to the ropes and comes off the ropes. Sabu jumps off the top rope and tries to hit a flying DDT on Dewey Pond. But Dewey Pond blocks it and nails the Dew Drop on Sabu that's dives him the table, and into the pin and he gets the 1……………..2………..3!!]

JR-Sabu took a big chance, and it didn't pay off.


JR-Before we get back to action, I would like to take this time for a special interview with Stephanie McMahon concerning her actions last week that I conducted earlier today.

(The EMF tron lights up with the image of JR and Stephanie sitting down in chair within a random room. )

Jim Ross-First off Stephanie, I would like to thank you for being here.

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-It's no problem at all JR. Actually there is a lot on my mind about this whole situation.

Jim Ross-First off, is the past issues between you and Jackie Cena. So what exactly happened between you two.

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Well JR, the thing is…nothing really happened between us, that was what I was trying to tell Jackie. My father, pointed the finger to me on everything that happened to Jackie Cena in the WWE. I had no clue that my Father had said those things about me. The only reason I was backstage was that the EMF was in town, and I wanted to say hi to some old friends. When Jackie Cena came up to me snorting, and yelling at me for things that weren't my fault. Now, I do take responsibilities for my actions, so I will say that there is SOME truth to what my Father accused me of regarding Jackie Cena. But Jackie Cena seems to think that everything that happened to her was my fault. But the truth is that I am the reason that my Father, and Father alone gave a reason to treat Jackie as he did in the WWE. My part in the whole thing that I was asked by my father to give him an opinion on a wrestler. While I was visiting my Mom, that wrestler just so happened to be…Jackie Gayda, who he had concerns with. He showed me a few matches. To say that they weren't good, would be an understatement, so I gave my Father the opinion that she needed more time and training before she became a in-ring competitor. So I told my Father that she should be sent down, and not to put her in the ring until they feel that she was ready. That was my only role in the situation.

Jim Ross-So your saying, that you were the start of a great women's competitor like Jackie Cena being treated the way she was then. So, why did you think that she wasn't ready.

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Jim, I simply gave my honest opinion on what I saw. Jackie lives in this reality that she was always a great wrestler, everyone wants to see her, and nothing was wrong. But that's exactly the same attitude that not only made her miss her husband sneeking around with her cleaning lady. But that's the same attitude that has made her puppet…I mean her best friend Amy suffer again, and again. Not that I think that Amy Jericho doesn't deserve it, but I think it was too far when Jackie herself almost left a poor innocent child mother-less. But despite her short sighted attitude, if she isn't going to listen to me…then all she needs to do is go back, and watch her last promo against Serena Hughes. She said that in the time she was an in ring competitor with the WWE, that she had "a few horrible matches". A few horrible matches Jackie? Well, if you want to know why I didn't think she was ready, it was because of those matches JR. I saw those matches, and they were in fact horrible...as Jackie says. In FACT one of them is considered one of the worst in WRESTLING history. So with that in mind, and because of the fact that Jackie herself admitted that she had a few horrible matches in the WWE. I feel that I was justified in making the decision. Was it personal, no. Was it anything else…..no, all it was…was to try to help a girl that needed more time to become the in-ring competitor she wanted to be. Which she got, but she for some reason blames me for having to come here to the EMF, bitter how she was treated. Jackie, if your watching this keep this in mind. People have been FIRED over one bad match before. Matches that were somewhat better than some of your matches within the WWE. I could have very well told my Father that you weren't worth it, and seeing how he was willing to listen to me on that occasion….Jackie probably wouldn't have a job, or extra training. But I saw that Jackie had the heart to get better, so I told my Father that it was worth sending her down to get more training. Had I said that she should stay as is…failing in the ring, then she would have not gotten anywhere, and my Father would get sick of her and fired her. Had I said to fire her right there, and my Father did…she wouldn't have anywhere to go. With no extra help to get the in-ring training she still needed. Because the EMF certainly wouldn't pick her up, with no potential to get better. So I doubt that anything you have here in the EMF would have happened if I answered that way. So Jackie, you don’t have to respect what I did, but you could be at least understanding that I was trying to help you.

Jim Ross-Alright, I guess you have some valid points. I guess it's up to the fans, and Jackie to decide about them. But moving on, as you said…it was your Father who made Jackie a manager, and put her in diva matches such as bikini contest. Don't you feel somewhat bad about it?

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Of course I do JR, it wasn't exactly what I had invisioned for Jackie when I gave that opinion. I couldn't do anything for Jackie, because I was here in the EMF. Like I said, my Father and I don't get along. But I can only guess my Father thought Jackie still wasn't ready to be a full time wrestler yet. There are a few issues about it, but I'll save that for later, and some other question. It's unfortunate that she didn't improve before her release. But it did get her ready to be the women's champion in the Extreme Measures Federation, that I'm sure of.

Jim Ross-Well, I'm sure that many of the fans that have watched you were taken aback by your attack on Jackie after her match last week. So why did you attack her?

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Well, you saw what she did Jim. She disrespected everything that I tried to do for her, and to top it off she slapped me. Look, I know that she has had some bad things happen in her life, and I'm sorry for them happening. She doesn't even have to show me respect. I can understand to a point why she's so upset about having to work her way back to being an in ring competitor. But where I draw the line is being disrespected as Jackie did last week. I was just answering back, as simple as that.

Jim Ross-Well, ok….but why did you feel the need to strip her of her clothes as well?

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-Well Jim, since she was blaming me for her being in diva matches, such as bra and panties matches, and bikini contest's. I decided that if she is so bitter at me for something I didn't do. Then I thought, I should actually give her a reason for her to hate me then. But what confuses me is that she says that the bikini contests were embarrassing. I guess we know why Jackie and Amy are friends. Because they are both ashamed to show off their bodies in front of a crowd. When they both spent enough money on them. I mean look at this…

(Stephanie holds the top of Jackie's ring gear up to the camera, and shakes her head)

Stephanie McMahon-Walker-I tried this thing on, and if I didn't give birth twice…then the bust room alone wouldn't even fit me. That is the only reason that it fits me right now. So Jackie….Amy, while I hate to go down this path, it's a question worth asking. Why did you go spend so much money on your bodies, if you are so ashamed? Look at me JR, I don't have implants, I never had any type of surgery to enhance my looks. I guess only an idiot would mess with perfection *laughs at the thought of her being perfect* (take that WWE Stephanie!) But still, I wasn't afraid to step into the ring in the Extreme Measures Federation, and do what those two women are so afraid of. Especially when no other women in the EMF were wrestling at all. I entered the ring, with the possibility that I could have been left in my bra and panties in front of the world. It was because of this, that the women's division was born, and opportunities for people like Jackie and Amy came about. Hell, the first womens champion wanted to do one better, and expose my breasts to the world (OOC-It's true! She said she wanted to. So I'm just making that up.). Yet I wasn't afraid to step into the ring with her, with that possibility, and become the women's champion. I can't understand their embarrassment, because of this…I have never lost a bra and panties or evening gown match. I have never once been left like that. It's not my fault that they suck at the matches. I feel embarrassment for them that they can't seem to keep their clothes on in those types of matches. But that doesn't mean that they should go disrespecting me. It's because of me that both of them have a job, they don't have to kiss my ass. But the disrespect that I got last week, and in the past with Amy was enough. I'm tired of being humble. As women in this industry, showing off our bodies is apart of it…that's the cruel truth to it all. So Jackie and Amy, you can continue to act like your above all that. But it's an insult to everything that is the womens division here in the EMF. It's great to see that women are being more respected. But to spit on me, is to spit on the women's division that you think you own, and if you want to disrespect my sacrifices. Then it's time for me to show that I'm more than X-Cold's wife. I'm more than the girl that could have gotten her clothes ripped off her body, in the only women's matches at the time to help create the division. Maybe it's time that I show them I'm not weak, just because I was kidnapped so many times to get inside my husband's head. Because Jackie particularly needs to know that you shouldn't disrespect Stephanie McMahon-Walker. I gave her that message when I left her in her bra and panties on Shockwave. As for her clothes here, I think I might just want to keep them as a rememberance that the message was received by Jackie. As for the future, since Jackie disrespected me. I'm not going to be nice, and say you don't have to respect me. Now I'm going to keep sending that message through the people most close to her, until she shows me respect. Now if you excuse me JR, I need to be leaving.

(Stephanie takes off her microphone and leaves the set. As Jim Ross has a confused look at this out burst by Stephanie)

King-Wow, never thought Stephanie had it in her.

JR- Me either King, but lets get to the next match

("Walk Idiot Walk" by the Hives blasts on the PA system as Christy Hemme comes to the ring, and does her hyper active entrance.)

JR-This is a battle of former student and teacher, but it's for something far more than that

King-That's right, the loser of the match has to dye their trademark red hair blonde…

JR-That would be crushing for either woman, I can say that for sure.

("lovepassionfuryenegry" by Boy Hit Car blasts on the PA system as Amy Jericho runs on the stage, and does her usually taunts. She hurries down the ramp, and slides into the ring and does her usual taunts. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.)

JR-Amy Jericho particularly is more nervous about this match. Which is different, because were use to seeing her confident. But she's worried about the slightest chance of an upset, that's how much she does not want to lose her red hair.

Kris Gaffney-But she can't be thinking of that now, or she'll get upsetted for sure.

King-That's true.

[Christy Hemme tries to slide into the ring and then Amy Jericho tries to attack her. But Christy Hemme rolls out of the ring, and then Amy Jericho being angry rolls out of the ring with her. Amy Jericho starts to chase Christy Hemme around the ring, Christy Hemme finally rolls into the ring and then Amy does the same. But Christy Hemme uses this chance to hits a double axe handle to the back of Amy. Christy Hemme clubs Amy's back a few times as she gets up and then Christy Hemme goes for a fist, but it's blocked and Amy Jericho nails a few forearms to the face of Christy Hemme that backs her up. Amy Jericho is off the ropes. Christy Hemme hits a knee lift to stop the momentum and then whips Amy to the ropes. Amy bounces off the ropes and comes off the ropes, Christy Hemme goes for a clothesline. It's ducked under by Amy, Amy goes to the other side of the ring and bounces off that side of the ropes and comes off and hits a flying forearm much like her husband. Christy Hemme goes down to the mat, and then stumbles up and Amy Jericho hits Christy Hemme hits a back heel trip that knocks down Christy. Christy stumbles to her feet and then Amy Jericho hits a running clothesline that knocks down Christy. Christy is getting frustrated charges at Amy Jericho. Amy Jericho counters this with a hip toss. Christy Hemme goes down on the mat, and then gets up stunned as Amy Jericho hits a few fists to the face and tries to whip Christy Hemme to the ropes. But it's reversed by Christy Hemme, Amy Jericho bounces off the ropes and counters the whip with a leg scissors hurricanarana. Christy Hemme stumbles into the corner, and then ducks between the ropes trying to stop Amy from attacking anymore. The ref pushes Amy from doing that, while the ref has his back turned Christy quickly unties and tears off the second turnbuckle. Then turns around and shields it with her body. Amy doesn't notice, and goes into the corner once again and then hits a few fists to the face and then takes a little trash. Amy bring's Christy out of the corner and then tries to whip Christy to the ropes. But it's reversed once again, Amy bounces off. Christy blindly goes for a clothesline, but Amy ducks it and then hits a Russian leg sweep flow over into a pin and gets the 1……………………2………………..Christy barely gets the shoulder up. Amy looks angry at everything that Christy has done to her outside of this match. Then Amy Jericho hits a few fists to Christy, Christy covers up, Then finally the ref has to physically waist lock Amy, and pulls her off of Christy. Then warns her, Christy Hemme goes into the corner with the second turnbuckle unprotected. Amy runs into the corner, and then Christy Hemme hits a drop toe hold to Amy, and she goes face first right into the turnbuckle.]

JR-Oh god! The Vice President might be out from that shot.

King-Well, at least she can have fun for a month..

JR-King, after everything she's been through. You want her to do through more?


[Amy falls to the mat, and not moving. Christy Hemme pulls her to the middle of the ring and then quickly covers her 1…………….2……..KICK OUT. Christy Hemme sits there, not surprised that she kicked out. But wishing that she did get her there, Amy tries to get up. Then Christy decides to back up, and then runs and kicks her right into the gut as hard as she can. Amy Jericho goes rolling into the corner. Christy Hemme goes into the corner, and then hits a few stomps into the face of Amy Jericho and starts to rake the face. Seemly trying to disfigure her, the ref calls for the break and Christy Hemme breaks not wanting to lose her hair color like that. Amy Jericho gets up and then Christy Hemme hits a few fists to the face. And then tries to whip Amy to the ropes, and does. Amy Jericho bounces off the ropes and then Christy Hemme goes for a running knee lift. But Amy Jericho floats over the knee lift and then does a desperate pin, she gets the 1……………2………..kick out. You can see how bad Amy doesn't want to lose her hair color, as she goes to the corner, and then Amy pulls herself. The crowd chants "Lita! Lita! Lita!" Christy Hemme mocks her, and takes some of her hair and shows it to her. Tells her that she's going to take it from her, Christy Hemme bulldog headlocks Amy and then hits a running bulldog that plants Amy. Christy Hemme cockily turns around and slowly makes the ccover, but suddenly Amy reaches up and small packages her for the 1….2………..kick out barely. Amy gets up, and Christy gets up fuming mad and then hits a big slap on Amy. This fires up Amy and she hits a few fists to the face of Christy Hemme who backs up to the ropes. Amy is then stopped with an eye poke, and a body slam. Christy Hemme mocks the crowd as they are chanting for Amy as she waits for Amy, Amy stumbles up, and then Christy kicks her in the gut and goes for the twist of fate. But Amy Jericho counters it by running while she's in Christy's clutches and sandwiching her in the corner. Amy Jericho stumbles out of the corner. She is trying to get her vision back corner for what seems to be a running shoulder block. But Christy moves out of the way, and Amy goes shoulder first into the ring post.]

Kris Gaffney-Looks like Christy is going to try to apply the Master lock.

JR-Kris, I don't think that's going to work. This is so personal, and Amy Jericho's hair is so important to her. I hate to say it, but I think Christy would have to literally kill her for her to lose this match.

King-That's for sure, Christy thought she had her a few times. But Amy won't stay down.

[Christy stocks Amy (that's a good…I mean…nothing to see here…move on) anyways comes from behind, and then gets one arm in for the master lock. Amy holds the other away from behind locked, as Christy is yelling trying to lock in her finishing hold. Amy is able to spin out so that Christy is facing her, and Amy has a hold of her arm. Amy pulls her forward. Christy tries to counter this by hitting a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Amy Jericho who is hooks Christy, yells and nails the reverse of fates on Christy Hemme! The crowd cheers loud as Amy Jericho says a few things to Christy, and doesn't waste anymore time to go the corner and climbs up to the top rope and leaps off and nails the Litasault on Christy right into the cover 1…………….2……………3!]

JR-Amy wins! She gets to keep her red hair!

King-Yeah, and even though it was a normal match for her. She still seem relieved that it's over.

Kris Gaffney-What about Christy though?

JR-Guess she's finally going to get what she deserved for a long time

Kris Gaffney-What!! I don't like that BLAH!

(The bell rings, as Amy Jericho is on her knee's after pinning Christy Hemme. She smiles with relief as she grabs her hair, happy that everything went as she planned. Then she gets an angry look, as Christy who is coming to has a horrified look on her face. Amy grabs her by the hair of Christy who is a bit too beat up to fight back. And starts to carry the smaller diva in her arm's. But before she can even step out of the ring. "Bad, Bad Man" blasts on the PA system as Amy looks angry as John Cena makes his way to the ring. Amy drops Christy for the mean time, and Christy rolls out of the ring to seemly recover as John Cena slides into the ring. But Amy doesn' notice as she's gotten a microphone and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Cena! What are you doing here. If your here to get in my way of dyeing Christy's hair, then forget it. You can't get in my way of the dyeing or you'll be in violation of the contract of this match.

Cena: "Oh Amy but didn't I tell you..... i'm sure I must have I mean it was on my to do list. Oh God... must have slipped my mind! I had the contract changed Amy...so i'm only out here to over-see that things go according to the contract... not at all to violate it!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Whatever, it will make it much better anyways. So why did you have to confront me in the ring then? If you wanted to see one of your fuck buddies get her hair dyed blonde. You could have wait for me up there, I got a while to carry the slut up there.

Cena: "Oh no Amy... because the change was quite a big one. It still says if Hemme were to win you'd be blonde for a month... I couldn't see any reason to edit that! But the change occurs if you win Amy... and seeing as you just did exactly that well... i'd better reveal it…..

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't know what your talking about...REVEAL WHAT?!

Cena: "Oh don't worry Amy... you'll find out soon enough... I know your just DYEING to hear it...."

.::Amy Jericho::.-DON'T play games Cena! I don't care what you got, since when have I listened to you anyways.

(While Cena is distracting Amy, Hemme has rolled into the ring carrying a cloth. She jumps onto Amy's back and shoves the cloth over her mouth. Amy struggles to try to get Christy off, as she knows that if she doesn’t what could happen. But she can't, as Christy is clinging on for dear life. Amy appears to be fading and Cena laughs)

Cena: "The contract says Amy... that in the event that you win... then BOTH women will have their hair dyed for 2 weeks and share the punishment! Sorry you went through all that and still failed but still.... maybe you will enjoy being a blonde!"

(Amy hears this but can't respond before she passes out. John Cena then picks her up and puts her over his shoulders to carry her up the ramp. Cena gets out of the ring with her and begins the long walk up the ramp, with Hemme smirking and following. A second chair is bought out by some technical workers, and eventually they reach the top of the ramp. Cena places the lifeless Amy in the chair and Hemme sits in the one beside her. Cena says to start with Hemme so they can get it out of the way, and a professional comes out and begins to apply hair dye to Hemme's hair. After it's done Hemme stands up, still with dye setting in her hair. She seems not to care too much as she walks over to Amy ready to get revenge. She herself takes the dye and begins applying it to Amy's head. She leaves a little room and Cena takes some more and runs his fingers through her hair to apply the rest of the dye. Cena and Hemme laugh and Cena takes a microphone.)

Cena: "Well obviously this is going to take a while to take effect... so these two are going to be finished off backstage.... but I assure you.... seeing Amy as a blonde next time she appears will be well worth the wait!"

(Cena takes Amy out of the chair, and carries her to the back. We go into the next match)

("CJ Lethal's theme" blasts on the PA system as CJ Lethal walks to the ring, and steps over the top rope.)

JR-This match is very personal

King-No kidding JR, these two hate each other

("" blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard walks to the ring, and waits for the bell)

JR-It all started with a match between these two, which Rad Hazard won barely. But it would seem that Hazard wanted to end it there.

Kris Gaffney-Rad needs to beat CJ for all the backstage announcers…because we might be next.

King-Never thought of it that way…

[CJ Lethal and Rad Hazard start to hammer away at each other, and no one gaining the advantage due to the fact that there is a lot of hatred within this match. CJ Lethal is gaining the advantage due to the high advantage, but then Rad Hazard ducks and then hits a few fists to the face of CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal is finally reeling back, and then Rad Hazard tries to whip CJ Lethal to the ropes. But it's reversed by CJ Lethal, and Rad Hazard goes to the ropes, and bounces off the ropes. CJ Lethal goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard goes off the other side of the ring and CJ Lethal turns around and Rad Hazard leaps in the air and hits a flying forearm shot to the face. This stumbles CJ Lethal, but doesn't take him down. Rad Hazard hits a standing drop kick that sends CJ Lethal stumbling back. But he doesn't go off his feet, he stunned, but doesn't go off his feet. CJ Lethal stumbles towards Rad Hazard who kicks him in the gut, and nails a DDT. Being that this is a first blood match. Rad Hazard gets up, and then looks around for something to hit CJ Lethal with, and then he goes over to the corner and then starts to untie the corner. He then goes over to the opposite corner and then Rad Hazard goes over to CJ Lethal into the corner. He then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of CJ Lethal. Rad Hazard tries to whip CJ Lethal to the opposite side with the exposed turnbuckle. But it's reversed by CJ Lethal, Rad Hazard goes into the corner, but he blocks hitting into the corner with his foot. CJ Lethal charges at Rad Hazard seeing his plan didn't work and then goes for some sort of move. But Rad Hazard takes down CJ Lethal with a double leg take down and then he aims Rad Hazard into the corner with the exposed turnbuckle and then hits a catapault that sends CJ Lethal flying and hitting face first into the exposed turnbuckle. The camera gets a shot of CJ Lethal's face, there is no blood he just seems to be out on his feet. Rad Hazard hits a running clothesline that knocks CJ Lethal down. Rad Hazard rolls out of the ring, and gets the chair from the ring side area. He then jumps on the apron, and then climbs up the top rope with the chair. Rad Hazard measures up and goes for a chair shot on CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal hits a big boot to the face of Rad Hazard that sends the chair flying into the face of CJ Lethal.]

JR-Oh god

King-I think if he's not bleeding…then he's dead…

Kris Gaffney-Sucks for him

[The camera gets a shot, and thankfully for all the Rad Hazard fans out there, Rad was not busted open with that shot. CJ Lethal has to take a few moments to rest, and then Rad Hazard stumbles up and CJ Lethal charges and he nails a running clothesline by CJ Lethal. Rad Hazard stumbles up and then CJ Lethal hits a few fists to the face of Rad Hazard that stumbles into the corner. CJ Lethal goes over to the corner, CJ Lethal hits a few knee's into the gut. This doubles over CJ Lethal and then he throws him from the corner and sends Rad Hazard flying. He goes crashing into the mat, and then Rad Hazard is in pain. CJ Lethal takes a few moments to rest, and then grabs the chair. Rad Hazard stumbles up and then CJ Lethal hits a chair shot to the side of the face. Rad Hazard falls to the outside. The camera gets a shot of his face, no blood, and CJ Lethal puts the chair down in the ring and steps over the top rope and then goes back on the attack on Rad Hazard and then CJ Lethal waits for Rad Hazard stumbles up to his feet and then he hits a few knee's into the gut. This doubles over Rad Hazard takes Rad Hazard over to the steps and then CJ Lethal tries to smash Rad Hazard into the steps. Then he tries to smash Rad Hazard into the steps. But then Rad Hazard blocks it, and then smashes CJ Lethal's head against the steps. Rad Hazard hits a few fists to the face, and then stuns him enough. Then Rad Hazard jumps on the apron, and then waits for CJ Lethal to get where he wants him. CJ Lethal transfers him over his shoulder and then charges, and throws him into the ring post like a long dart.]

King-You think that will bust CJ Lethal open?

Kris Gaffney-It's enough to give Rey Mysterio nightmares



[Rad Hazard is not bleeding yet, CJ Lethal is getting frustrated. CJ Lethal goes over to the steel steps and then puts them over his head. Rad Hazard stumbles up, and CJ Lethal runs as fast as he can with the steps. But being that his eyes are also somewhat covered. Rad Hazard is able to hits a drop toe hold and CJ Lethal falls and smashes his face into the steel steps. CJ Lethal turns around, CJ Lethal is bleeding. The ref rings the bell.]

(OOC-At least the second hardest call on the card, but my staff decided that we slightly liked Rad's focus and text slightly better. Although I gave you a close, but clean ending to reflect that.)

After the match, Shockwave cuts to a video feed in the backstage area. We see the EMF Extreme champion, Mr. Kennedy. He is in a hallway approaching a locker room. As he knocks, the camera zooms to reveal Tyson Tomko as the name on the door.The door opens as we see the I-C champ himself.

Tyson: What's up, Ken? It's been a little while.

Kennedy: Yeah it has, but you know how busy life is around here when you're carrying a belt.

Tyson: Tell me about it. This shit has been crazy, but that's the price you pay though, I guess. So, what's up, Ken? What can I do for you?

Kennedy: Well, Tyson, I'm actually here to discuss a little business.

Tomko: Business? What kind of business?

Kennedy: Probably better if we talked inside.

Tomko: You bet, man, come on in.

Kennedy enters the locker room as the video feed changes to an inside view of the locker room. The camera angle is that of a fly on the wall. The conversation between the two continues...

Tomko: All right, so what's this all about?

Kennedy: Well, Tyson, I know it's been a little while, but there's something I need your help with. Actually, you could say that I have a problem tonight and require the services of a problem solver?

Tomko: Well, what exactly do you have in mind? It's gonna cost you, but it'll be worth it.

Kennedy: Well, as you know, last week, myself and AJ Styles took out Cena and Archer in a tag match. I think they might try something tonight. What better revenge than costing me the Extreme title. Masters and AJ aren't able to do it, and I need someone to watch my back just in case they do try something tonight.

Tomko: You think they might huh? Well, what about Rex? You think they're all in it together?

Kennedy: Hell, no, Rex isn't that bright. Besides, he won't be any trouble in the ring. I just want to make sure that I get a fair shake tonight. Cena is the President too for Christ sakes.

Tomko: All right, I'll do it. I'll be there. I'll make sure that if they pull anything, it won't make any difference. Like I said, it's gonna cost you, but we'll talk about that some other time. I know you got a main event match tonight, I'm sure you've got some last minute prep.

Kennedy: You know I do. Well, I'll see ya later.

Tomko: Yeah, you will. I got your back tonight. Don't worry.

The two shake hands and Kennedy heads out the door as Tomko turns his attention back toe the newspaper lying on the table. The video feed fades out and we're back in the arena.

("Bad, Bad man" hits and Cena comes out on the ramp, carrying the now blonde Amy Jericho. She is still unconscious although appears to be stiring a little. Cena brings her down the ramp and into the ring, laying her down as he gets there.)

Cena: "Well I just couldn't let you guys go a minute longer without seeing Barbie... sorry... I mean Amy with her new hair style! Doesn't she look stunning! Or rather... doesn't she look pathetic! Hey Amy... it's been said that blondes have more fun but let me tell you.... over the next 2 weeks you will learn first hand that that is NOT the case!"

(Amy is only starting to stir, she opens her eyes and see's the ring. Not knowing what went on she looks a bit drowsey..she then snaps out of it. Then looks at her hair. It's blonde, just as blonde as Sierra's and maybe even more than Jackie's. Amy screams the loudest and most horrified screams we ever heard from her. She can't even say anything back to Cena. She just gives the most devastated look we ever seen from her.)

Cena: "Glad you like it Amy... I was a bit unsure myself on whether you would... but i'm really thrilled that you do! It took me a lot of time but as long as you happy... it's all worth it!"

(Amy inside felt like crying, but she wasn't going to break down in front of Cena like that. She tries to think of something. But she can't say anything but

.::Amy Jericho::.-My hair....my HAIR! (over and over again)

Cena: "Yes... your hair. Must say... I prefered it red... but it's the customer that matters. Another satisfied customer.... wow... maybe I could make a living out of dyeing hair... what you think Amy? Or maybe... I should just stick around here making your life hell! Yea... I like that idea far better!"

(Cena rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp, leaving Amy laying down in the middle of the ring. Amy get's up in a kneeling position. She shakes her head, she couldn't be here anymore. She wasn't going to act like she was that effected, but it was clear for everyone to see. Amy rolls out of the ring, trying to not look at her hair. The crowd, gives Amy a positive response, due to Amy being the victim of Cena's ultra heelish ways. She can't even look, but to show she was thankful for the response, she puts up her "I love you sign" to the crowd. Then quickly runs to the backstage, not being able to stand out there anymore.

("Addicted" blasts on the PA system, Morphine walks to the ring and slides into the ring.)

JR-Some people say that Morphine hasn’t had too many matches, but there is no question he earned this shot in a tourney of TV title contenders.

King-Yeah, that's true.

Kris Gaffney-Who has the experience factor? Marc because he's been in the EMF longer, or Morphine because he's older…

"All the things she said" blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walks to the ring with the TV title.

JR-Give him credit, Marc Mead has showed that he's just as talented as people a lot older than he is.

King-I don't think anyone questioned that he could show that JR


[Marc Mead and Morphine pace around the ring, and then they lock up. Marc Mead Mead tries to over power Morphine. But seemly he hasn't learned he's not going to ever win that battle and is pushed back by Morphine, and Marc Mead goes crashing into the mat. Morphine measures up, and charges into the corner and Marc Mead moves out of the way and Morphine crashes into the corner and Marc Mead knowing that he has to keep the pressure on Morphine hits a few stomps on Morphine in the corner and then Marc Mead brings Morphine out of the corner, and whips him to the ropes. Morphine bounces off the ropes, and Marc Mead goes for a clothesline. It's ducked under, and then Morphine goes to the other side of the ring. He bounces off of the ropes, and comes off it. Marc Mead tries to go for a super kick. But it's ducked under and continued to the other side of the ring. Marc Mead is able from a backwards position to pull off an almost front pele kick into the face of Morphine as he comes off the ropes. Morphine goes down, obviously really stunned. Getting up, and is dazed as Marc Mead hits an inverted atomic drop and backs to the ropes and then hits a diving clothesline that takes down Morphine to the mat, and Marc Mead goes over to the downed Morphine who isn't getting up this time and drops the leg drop, and goes into the cover. Morphine gets the 1……………2………….kick out. Marc Mead pulls Morphine up into the sitting position, and then Marc Mead puts Morphine into a chin lock. The ref checks it to make sure that it's not a choke, and then he checks to see if Morphine is still in the match. Morphine hasn't been put out yet. Morphine decides to try to pick up Marc Mead on his back. Morphine does so, and aims Marc as he holds on to the chin lock, and runs with him and smashes Marc Mead into the corner making him release the hold . Morphine tries to back up for some sort of move. But Marc Mead is able to put boot up, and this knocks down Morphine. Marc Mead goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope. As this is happening, Morphine springs to his feet and then runs up the turnbuckle and then hits a super belly to belly over head through that sends Marc Mead crashing and Morphine lands hard as well.]

JR-That move might turn the tide

King-That's not what Marc wanted

Kris Gaffney-Guess he should have listened to Amy….when you mess around, you'll probably end up falling and hurting yourself.

[Marc Mead and Morphine are down on the mat, and the ref starts using his standing 10 count 1…………….2…………….3…………..4………….both wrestlers start to get to their feet. Moprhine with the help of the ropes, and Marc Mead around the middle of the ring………….5…………..6………Marc Mead is able to get up, as Morphine is near getting up. Marc Mead charges, and tries to knock him out of the ring to try to gain the advantage again. But as he charges at him, Morphine side steps him, and then throws him out of the ring by the hair. Marc Mead is on the mat, and then Morphine has to take a few moments to rest and plan out his next move. Marc Mead gets up using the apron, so Morphine charges, and nails a baseball slide into the face of Marc Mead. Marc Mead is down on the mat, as Morphine slides out of the ring. Morphine pulls Marc Mead up, and gets behind him, and lifts him up in an atomic drop position, and puts him down over the guard rail. Marc Mead is in pain from that, Morphine backs up a little bit, and then charges and nails a clothesline from there as Marc Mead goes down to the mat. Morphine grabs Marc Mead and throws him into the ring. Morphine slides into the ring, Marc Mead gets up. He stumbles right into Morphine who kicks Marc Mead in the gut and hits an impaler DDT. Morphine pushes Marc Mead into the cover, and gets the 1………………2………..kick out by Marc Mead. Morphine gets to his feet, and then doesn't waste any time and hits a few stomps on the downed Marc Mead. Marc Mead crawls into the corner, and tries to get up using that. But Morphine hits a few stomps to stop his progress, and follows it up with a boot to the throat of Marc Mead. The ref counts to 4, and Morphine breaks to avoid being DQed.]

JR-Morphine wanted to avoid losing this match by DQ

King-Yeah, Needles wouldn't let him live down that.

Kris Gaffney-Who's needles?

*King shrugs*

[Moprhine looks like he's one move away from trying his finisher, as he pulls up Marc Mead and then puts him in a vertical suplex position. Then lifts him up, and puts on him on the top rope. Morphine hits a few fists to the face, and then goes to the top rope. Morphine goes for a super plex, and the two catches on to the mat. Morphine tries to float over into the pin. But Marc catches Morphine into a small package. Morphine is struggling as the ref counts 1……………2………Morphine being so big is able to counter the small package by rolling Marc on the pinning side. But it seems Marc doesn't notice 1…………..2………..3]

JR-Morphine countered the small package, and it's gained him the TV championship!

King-I don't think Marc even knows it was countered

Kris Gaffney-Just hope he doesn't puke here…

(OOC-Hardest call of the night, the issues are a non-factor. This was a staff call, it took me particularly sometime to get Morphine's focus in the first RP, but I got it after reading it over a few times. So we thought that Morphine's RP's overall were just a little more stronger than Marc's (quality, text, if you want specifics from me). But yeah, close call, and regardless of everything. It was a good match between you both. So great job.)

("Mr. Kennedy" blasts on the PA system as Ken Kennedy walks to the ring.)

JR-After last match, Rex accused Ken Kennedy of not being very…hardcore?

King-Or Extreme *King glows*

Kris Gaffney-What does glowing have to do Extreme?

King-I don't know…ask the Hardyz

"For whom the bell tolls" blasts on the PA. Rex walks to the ring.

JR-Rex claims to be what Hardcore is all about, we will see how hardcore he can be in this match

King-He's no Hardcore Barczykowski!

Kris Gaffney- You could see the HoRde mention coming a mile away

[Rex slides into the ring, and then takes down Ken Kennedy with a few fists to the face of Rex while he's down. Ken Kennedy is able to shift his weight on Rex, and then Ken Kennedy hits a few fists to Rex. Ken Kennedy pulls up Rex, and then Ken Kennedy hits an atomic drop to Rex . Rex stumbles back, and then gets hit with a few fists to the face and then he's nearing the barbwire. But before he can hit into it. Rex is able to hit knee lift into the gut. Rex pushes Ken Kennedy away, and then hits a running clothesline. Ken Kennedy that knocks him down. Rex takes a few moments to wait for Ken Kennedy, Ken Kennedy stumbles up. Rex kicks Kennedy in the gut, and sets him up for a vertical suplex. Rex lifts up Kennedy, but then Ken Kennedy shifts his weight, and then is behind Rex. He hooks Rex, and drops him for the reverse DDT. Ken Kennedy goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2……………kick out by Rex. Ken Kennedy didn't expect to get him there, so he starts to choke Rex as the ref can't do much with the rules being the way they are and then Ken Kennedy breaks the hold. Ken Kennedy gets up, and then waits as Rex gets up. Ken Kennedy hits a few fists to the face of Rex. Rex stumbles towards the barbwire ropes. He's dangerously close to falling in, to stop this from happening he then hits a eye rake. Ken Kennedy stumbles back from the barbwire. Rex times his run. Ken Kennedy is able to shake off his blindness for a moment, and see Rex coming and then he side steps him. Rex throws him by the hair right into the barbwire on the other side of the ring back first. Rex is in pain, Rex goes down on the mat as the barbwire is tearing at his flesh. The camera gets a shot showing that his back is bleeding a bit already. Ken Kennedy hits a few stomps into the back to make it worst, and try to open up the cuts on his back a bit more. Ken Kennedy backs up a bit and then hits a senton splash into the back of Rex. That hurts Rex's back more as he starts to bleed more, and more. Ken Kennedy backs up as Rex stumbles to his feet, and then Ken Kennedy starts to hit a few fists that makes Rex back to the ropes and then Ken Kennedy backs up and charges trying to knock Rex into the barbwire. But Rex counters with a back body drop and Ken Kennedy goes flying right into the barbwire. It's clear how much pain Kennedy is in.]

King-Somewhere….Hardcore Holly just cringed.

Kris Gaffney- Yeah….but at least we know that they got each other's backs?

King-Good to know.

JR-The barbwire is ripping at Kennedy's flesh.

[Ken Kennedy is just luckly able to come off the barbwire clean. But his back is bleeding fairly bad. The ref asks Kennedy if he wants to give it up, he refuses. But while this is happening Rex takes Ken Kennedy's face with a part of the barbwire and is able to put his forehead to it. This starts to rip at the flesh at the forehead. Finally he lets Kennedy roll out of the way and then Rex takes a few moments to back up, Kennedy is on his hands and knee's. Rex charges, and hits a kick right into the ribs of Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy stumbles into the only non-barbwire place around the ring. The turnbuckles. Rex hits a few fists to the face of Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy stumbles back. But refuses to put his arms out where they could be cut. Then Ken Kennedy gets hip locked from the corner and Ken Kennedy goes crashing down on the mat. The mat gets blood print by Kennedy landing it back first. Rex waits for Ken Kennedy to get up and then he does, Rex kicks him in the gut and nails a fishermans suplex with a bridge. The ref counts 1……………2…………..Ken Kennedy kicks out. Rex takes Ken Kennedy by the hair and charges, but Ken Kennedy counters and grabs Rex's hair and throws him hard into the barbwire that totally moves the barbwire's off the ring, and on to the floor. Rex goes right into it. Rex's flesh get's really teared up, on the ring. Ken Kennedy is in the middle of the ring who is bleeding quite a bit too. Rex comes out of the barbwire with his flesh and parts of his ring gear ripped up. But he was luckly to get out of that not caught in the barbwire too much. But Ken Kennedy has recovered, and then Ken Kennedy tries to hit a fist to knock him back into the barbwire.But Rex answer back, and both wrestlers who are bleeding bad. Suddenly it looks like Kennedy might be stumbling, and ready to fall into the barbwire himself. Then Kennedy fires back a few shots to save himself, then they both fall into the barbwire together as fans chant "ECW! ECW! ECW!"]


Kris Gaffney-Ouch is right.

JR-This is where I shout "stop the match", right?

King-But for who?

JR-Good point.

(On the outside Tyson Tomko is just watching this match, suddenly someone jumps over the railing. Then rushes over to Tomko and attacks him, he takes a chair and then hits him over the back with it.)

JR-Devin Malis?

King-I thought he didn't work here.

JR-Well I do know there were rumors of him going after the IC title before he left.

Kris Gaffney-Well, AJ and Kennedy are not going to be pleased.

(Malis continues the attack, although Tomko soon gets up and then hits a few fists. Then the two battle away from the ring)

[Both wrestlers are tangled up in the barbwire, they both trying to ignore the pain as they start bleeding move and pull themselves out. But they get on the apron and realize that they can't move in the barbwire. Rex just so happens to be with his shoulders down on the mat. Rex tries to roll off it, despite the more damage it's doing to him. Kennedy not wanting to lose this chance, pushes down Rex's shoulders and gets the 1…………..2………..3]

(OOC-Despite a few small facts that were off, we felt that Kennedy was the better RPer this time. Both focused in their different way, neither was wrong. But I will say that Rex, you are on the right track. In fact if your RP was that focused the first time, then you would probably would have won the title at LH)

JR-My god that was a war

King-Yeah, but now they gotta cut them out…that's going to take ages

(The ring crew is cutting both out of the barbwire, as they can't move in the barbwire. Their that tangled in it, Kennedy gets let out first and gets handed the Extreme title. Kennedy is being helped to the back. He turns around as the crowd gives Kennedy and Rex a cheer for their efforts. But suddenly he gets turned back to the entrance, and Kennedy gets hit with a chair. Dewey Pond's back, he decides not to go further he made his point. He yells a few things about the Extreme title.)

JR-Well, I guess that's what Pond's been doing in the hardcore matches the past few weeks.

King-He can't be denied now can he?

(OOC-By request by the RPer of Dewey Pond. Hopefully it went far enough or not too far. I figured Pond wouldn't go that far)

("Life Of My Own" by 3 Doors Down blasts on the PA system as Jarred Carthallion walks to the ring. He slides into the ring)

JR-It was 4 years ago at First Blood 2002 when Jarred was able to win the World Championship from Raptor, can he relive that success?

King-I don't know, but all I know is that he was far more entertaining when he wouldn't talk back.

Kris Gaffney-You have an inferior complex, don't you King?

("Bad, Bad Man" blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring, and slides into the ring after enterting the cell.)

JR-What he did to Amy Jericho just makes me want to puke

King-I thought she looked better though.

JR-That poor girl was devastated…

("I Am" blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles walks out on the ramp, and walks to the ring)

JR-AJ Styles has an opportunity of a life time

King-Yeah, only person holding him back from it is Mario

Kris Gaffney-He's fucked…

[AJ Styles runs after John Cena who tries to go for a fist, but it's ducked under by AJ Styles who hits a few clubbing blows to the back of John Cena, and then tries to do something. But suddenly Jarred Carthallion comes from behind, and then hits a few clubbing blows to the back of AJ Styles. AJ Styles turns around, and then Jarred Carthallion hits a few fists to the face, and then Jarred and John Cena takes AJ Styles and throws him over the top rope and on to the ring side area. John Cena is taunting AJ Styles, as he thinks that he is safe from being beat up, and then suddenly Jarred comes from behind and him and school boy's John Cena, and gets the 1…………….2…..kick out by John Cena. John Cena gets up, and then Jarred Carthallion knocks him down to the mat with a fist before he can get his footing. John Cena stumbles up, and then Jarred Carthallion hits a few forearm shots to the face, and then John Cena stumbles backwards and then Jarred Carthallion whips John Cena to the ropes. John Cena bounces off of the ropes, and then Jarred lowers his head. Jarred Carthallion is going for a back body drop, but it's broken up by John Cena who kicks him in the face. Jarred Carthallion pops up, but doesn't seem too hurt. He runs, and hits a running clothesline that knocks down John Cena. John Cena stumbles up, and then Jarred picks up's up John Cena, and goes for a power slam from the corner. But as he's running, John Cena slides out the back, and then pushes Jarred Carthallion forward. Jarred Carthallion goes forward and AJ Styles comes out of no where on the opposite turnbuckle and nails a missile drop kick that knocks down Jarred Carthallion. Jarred taken off guard, rolls out of the ring and into the outside to recover. AJ Styles gets up and then gets hit with a few fists by John Cena. John Cena follows it up with a kick to the gut, and then hooks AJ Styles up, and then hits a fishermen's suplex. But instead of having an impact one, Cena puts a bridge into it trying to win the match and gets the pin for the 1…………………….2……….kick out by AJ Styles. Cena doesn't look happy, so he takes AJ Styles and throws him out of the ring. John Cena takes AJ Styles, and throws him hard into the cage door, which is obviously open so AJ falls outside of the Hell in a Cell.]

JR-Seems that this match is already spilling to the outside

King-I knew that this match shouldn't happen.

Kris Gaffney-Why didn't you stop it?

King-eeerrr, I wanted JR to say something….so they could kill him.

[John Cena takes AJ Styles, and throws him against the cage wall. John Cena grabs a chair that is near the ring entrance and then tries to smash AJ Styles between the cage side, and the chair. But then before he can smash AJ Styles between the cage, Jarred is able to grab ahold of the chair and pulls it away from Cena. John Cena turns around and then he gets the chair jabbed into the gut. Jarred Carthallion would go for another one, but he notices that AJ Styles is stumbling towards him. Jarred throws down the chair. He then takes down AJ Styles with a double leg take down. He then aims AJ Styles to the cage and does a catapault. AJ Styles goes flying, but instead of hitting into the cage. He sticks to the cage side, and starts to climb up the side. Before Jarred can do anything, John Cena turns him around and then hits a few fists, Jarred answers back. The two trade fists. But suddenly AJ Styles is able to jump off the side of the cage into a cross body block of sorts right on Jarred and Cena. All wrestlers are down, as the crowd cheers for that one. AJ Styles is able to get up first, Jarred stumbles up and gets kicked in the gut and AJ Styles hits a snap suplex. Jarred is in pain, AJ Styles gets up and nails a few fists as Jarred gets up as he stumbles forward all the way to the top of the stage. Suddenly Jarred Carthallion hits a knee lift into the gut and then throws AJ Styles into the stage head first into the steel stage. Before Jarred can continue the attack, John Cena comes running from behind and then hits a throw back. Cena gets up, thinking that he needs to press this advantage and then pulls Jarred up. John Cena hits a few fists as Jarred Carthallion backs to the stage where on the bottom is a table set up. Jarred is almost there as he's near the edge, John Cena mocks the crowd backing up. John Cena charges in, but Jarred is able to counter with a back body drop that sends John Cena flying off the stage and through the table. Jarred Carthallion is turned around by AJ Styles who goes for a clothesline. Jarred ducks it, and then hits the soul reaver. But falls away from AJ Styles, unable to make the cover right away due to prior moves (everything was instincted). Finally Jarred crawls into the cover, and gets the 1……………2……..AJ Styles rolls the shoulder up at the last second.]

JR-Almost three!

King-Few people get up from that, but the fact that Jarred gave Styles too much time to rest

[Jarred looks down, and then shrugs his shoulders. Seeing that AJ Styles I still hurt form the Soul Reaver. Jarred see's that he has plenty of time to set up a big move. Jarred goes to the back, and come back with a table to a cheer from the crowd. Jarred grins, and then sets it up. The camera gets a shot of John Cena who is still out from going off the side into the table. Jarred sets it up, and then AJ Styles is getting up. Jarred Carthallion waits for AJ. Jarred hits a super kick that knocks AJ Styles on to the table. Jarred then looks over to the set, and then climbs up to the first platform of the First Blood set, and looks like he's going to LEGENDARY END!!!!!!! AJ through the table, but AJ quickly comes to life and then rolls off. He then does a pull up to the same platform. Only faster than Jarred, Jarred comes over to him and then hits a clubbing blow to the back. AJ hits another, Jarred hits a fist, and AJ answers back with another. Then finally the two fall off and right through the table!! The crowd chants "holy shit"

Kris Gaffney-I agree with the crowd.

JR-Wait a minute…Jarred fell right into the cover!!

[Jarred fell with his hand over AJ as the ref counts 1………………………2…………………….John Cena Comes out of no where and smashes Jarred with a chair to break up the cover. Cena goes into the cover on AJ for the 1……………….2………….3 Jarred can be seen diving into the picture as the final 3 goes down]

JR-Damn it, Cena survived again without doing any of the work!

King-Hey, he must be getting tips from Edge

Kris Gaffney-We all know why that is…he wanted his music changed to "Edge is well good" by Sam Coleman

(John Cena is in a seated position feeling the effects of the matcas Natasha Jones runs out)

(OOC-Rob, regardless if I thought Cena should win, because he was a bit too much. I did like your RP, and I know that things didn't go your way. I was trying to make Jarred look somewhat good in this ending, hopefully I accomplished it. I'm glad to see a RP from you.)