EMF: First Blood

The copyright information pass over the screen as it fades away as we go into highlights of the past First Blood’s with many different matches who’s legend still hasn’t died to this day. Once the highlight video finishes we go into the darken Bobcat arena where the 7th First Blood begins with pyrotechnics on stage once it finishes the lights turn back on as the fans yell out loud as they wave their signs as we go to the announcers JR, King and Kris Gaffney

JR-Welcome to First Blood!! First Blood though out the years has been history making event and we expect no less of the 7th edition. I’m along side Jerry “the King” Lawler and “KG” Kris Gaffney

Kris Gaffney-You know..this is my second First Blood. So that must mean I’m not a rookie anymore..huh?

King-Go get me a Soda…BITCH

Kris Gaffney-yes sir *goes to do that*
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Vince McMahon!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Vince McMahon comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, "Stonecold" Steve Austin!!! (crowd cheers ****)

["Stonecold" Steve Austin walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Vince McMahon drops "Stonecold" Steve Austin with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Vince McMahon gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from "Stonecold" Steve Austin. (ding, ding, ding) Vince McMahon hits "Stonecold" Steve Austin with the back of his elbow. ]

The King - Vince McMahon with a back elbow.

[Flying kick by Vince McMahon takes "Stonecold" Steve Austin down. "Stonecold" Steve Austin climbs to his feet. Vince McMahon uses a snap mare takeover on "Stonecold" Steve Austin. Vince McMahon puts "Stonecold" Steve Austin in an arm grapevine submission. Now "Stonecold" Steve Austin standing. "Stonecold" Steve Austin puts Vince McMahon in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. "Stonecold" Steve Austin chants start. Vince McMahon is back on his feet. "Stonecold" Steve Austin and Vince McMahon go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) "Stonecold" Steve Austin hits Vince McMahon with a headbutt to the mid-section. (...3) Vince McMahon bounces "Stonecold" Steve Austin off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor. Vince McMahon is back on his feet. "Stonecold" Steve Austin moves back to his feet. (....4) "Stonecold" Steve Austin hits a flying karate chop right to Vince McMahon's neck. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Vince McMahon and "Stonecold" Steve Austin move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. "Stonecold" Steve Austin takes a slap to the face from Vince McMahon. Flying Tomahawk by Vince McMahon sends "Stonecold" Steve Austin down to the mat. "Stonecold" Steve Austin is back on his feet. Vince McMahon goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps "Stonecold" Steve Austin. Vince McMahon goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on "Stonecold" Steve Austin. Vince McMahon moves back to his feet. Vince McMahon hits "Stonecold" Steve Austin with an elbowdrop. Vince McMahon moves back to his feet. Vince McMahon rolls onto "Stonecold" Steve Austin connecting with a knee. "Stonecold" Steve Austin is up again. Vince McMahon hits a dragon suplex on "Stonecold" Steve Austin. Vince McMahon chants start. Vince McMahon gets back to his feet. "Stonecold" Steve Austin gets up. Vince McMahon and "Stonecold" Steve Austin go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) "Stonecold" Steve Austin gets hit with a running powerslam by Vince McMahon Vince McMahon gets up. (..2) "Stonecold" Steve Austin gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Vince McMahon. Vince McMahon stomps "Stonecold" Steve Austin's head. Vince McMahon chants start. They fight into the aisle. (...3) "Stonecold" Steve Austin gets knocked on the ground and Vince McMahon flips onto him. Vince McMahon climbs to the second turnbuckle and moonsaults onto "Stonecold" Steve Austin. Vince McMahon is up again. (....4) Vince McMahon jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on "Stonecold" Steve Austin. Vince McMahon is back on his feet. Now "Stonecold" Steve Austin standing. Vince McMahon nails "Stonecold" Steve Austin with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Vince McMahon is back on his feet. (.....5) Vince McMahon chokes "Stonecold" Steve Austin. Vince McMahon chants start. "Stonecold" Steve Austin climbs to his feet. Vince McMahon punches "Stonecold" Steve Austin in the gut. (......6) ]

The King - Vince McMahon'll be counted out.

["Stonecold" Steve Austin gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Vince McMahon. Vince McMahon throws "Stonecold" Steve Austin off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. (.......7) Vince McMahon hits "Stonecold" Steve Austin with an atomic drop. Vince McMahon measures "Stonecold" Steve Austin up and drops a closed fist. Now Vince McMahon standing. (........8) ]

JR - They'll be counted out if they don't return to the ring.

[Vince McMahon with a falling splash on "Stonecold" Steve Austin. Vince McMahon stands up. Now "Stonecold" Steve Austin standing. Vince McMahon leg lariats "Stonecold" Steve Austin, sending him to the floor. Vince McMahon goes to the ring. (.........9)(...........10).

JR - The winner of this match, Vince McMahon!!!

(OOC-I let the Sim decide this…no RP’s so I figured it was the best way)
JR - This match is a Ladder Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rylee!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Rylee comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Chyna!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Chyna walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Chyna gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Rylee. Rylee gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Chyna. (ding, ding, ding) Rylee applies the clawhold on Chyna. Rylee gouges Chyna's eyes out. Rylee does a cartwheel and kicks Chyna in the face. ]

The King - Chyna takes a cartwheel kick.

[Chyna grabs Rylee's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. Now Chyna standing. Chyna throws Rylee over the top rope, and out to ringside. ]

JR - My God! Rylee could be killed! They've moved to the ringside area, there's weapons there!!

[Chyna swings the hockey stick and hits Rylee. Rylee rakes the face of Chyna in attempt to make a come back. Flying side kick by Chyna takes Rylee off his feet. Now Chyna standing. Rylee stands up. Rylee with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Chyna. ]

The King - Rylee with a flying spinning leg lariat.

[Now Rylee standing. Chyna is up again. Chyna comes from behind and bulldogs Rylee. Chyna stands up. Chyna goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Rylee. Chyna moves back to his feet. Rylee executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Chyna. Chyna is back on his feet. Rylee goes under the ring....Rylee pulls out a trash can! Rylee continuously slams the trash can into the forehead of Chyna Rylee swings the broomstick and hits Chyna. Chyna picks up Rylee and executes the cradle DDT. Chyna climbs to his feet. Rylee gets back to his feet. Chyna swings the broomstick and hits Rylee. Chyna is bounced off the ropes and hit with the rocker dropper. Chyna falls over the guardrail, and Rylee follows him into the crowd! Rylee throws Chyna into the guardrail. Chyna climbs to his feet. Rylee gets tiger suplexed by Chyna. Rylee moves back to his feet. Flying Tomahawk by Chyna sends Rylee down to the concrete. Chyna applies an arm wrench to Rylee. ]

JR - Rylee takes a arm wrench.

[Rylee puts Chyna on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Rylee is back on his feet. Rylee throws Chyna over the guardrail, and to the ringside area. Rylee throws Chyna into the ladder. ]

JR - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Rylee applies an arm wrench to Chyna. Chyna gets back to his feet. Chyna with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Rylee. Chyna is back on his feet. Now Rylee standing. Rylee pins Chyna against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Rylee runs and tackles Chyna. Rylee punches him in the head. Chyna stands up. Rylee tackles Chyna. Rylee climbs to his feet. Rylee kicks Chyna on the padded floor. Rylee jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Chyna. Rylee gets back to his feet. Chyna nails Rylee with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Now Chyna standing. Chyna and Rylee go over the guardrail, and are now fighting in the crowd! Chyna throws Rylee into the guardrail. ]

JR - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[Rylee uses a lariat on Chyna. Chyna throws Rylee off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Rylee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Chyna. ]

The King - diving elbow smash!

[Chyna is up again. Now Rylee standing. Rylee slaps Chyna. Chyna uses a closed fist on Rylee. ]

JR - Chyna with a punch.

[Rylee uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Chyna is down. Rylee and Chyna climb over the guardrail and back to the ringside area. Rylee throws Chyna into the guardrail. Rylee puts Chyna in an arm grapevine submission. Rylee rolls onto Chyna connecting with a knee. Chyna gets knocked on the ground and Rylee flips onto him. Rylee gets up. Rylee knifehand chops Chyna. Rylee takes Chyna down with a full nelson faceslam. Rylee is up again. Rylee swings a singapore cane and hits Chyna. Chyna is bleeding as a result. ]

JR - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Rylee head butts Chyna. Rylee gets back to his feet. Rylee swings the broomstick and hits Chyna. ]

JR - This is how wrestling should be!

[Chyna stands up. Chyna hits a jumping elbow hrust on Rylee. Chyna stomps Rylee's head. ]

JR - stomp!

[Chyna fist drops Rylee on the padded floor. Chyna stands up. Rylee is up again. Chyna grabs Rylee's head and hites him in the face. Rylee grabs Chyna's head and hites him in the face. Rylee jabs Chyna. Rylee gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Chyna comes over and smashes Rylee's head into it. Chyna chants start. Chyna nails Rylee with a belly-to-back suplex. Now Chyna standing. Rylee gets up. Chyna throws Rylee back into the ring. Chyna climbs the ladder....and grabs the title! Chyna has won this match! ]

The King - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Chyna!!!

“Some song” blasts on the PA system as Kincaid walks to the ring

King-You know I asked what Kincaid’s theme is…but Kincaid just looked at me with a blank stare

Kris Gaffney-That’s never good, especially when you need to wrestle a match…

JR-Well maybe because Kincaid’s so concerned with wrestling that he has no time to worry about his theme song…it is his job after all.

Kris Gaffney-I often heard it was Wes…he’s the biggest fan next to the King


“Problem Solver” blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring with Ric Flair Tomko gets into the ring

JR-The 4 Horsemen are slowly becoming a force in the EMF

King-Yeah, but it would seem the respect hasn’t come just yet

Kris Gaffney-That will come with time….I guess

[Kincaid and Tomko lock up, Tomko then over powers Kincaid and then Kincaid goes flying half way across the ring and then Tomko goes on the attack going for a fist but it’s ducked under by Kincaid who then starts to peg Tomko with fists that rock the bigger wrestler in the corner and then Kincaid tries to whip Tomko to the other side of the ring. But Tomko puts the breaks on. Kincaid tries again, but Tomko pulls back and then Kincaid goes flying over the top rope and lands on the apron and Tomko hits a fist to knock Kincaid all the way down to the arena floor. Tomko drops down and then goes to the outside of the ring as Kincaid is getting up and Tomko hits a few fists to the face that back up Kincaid and tries to whip him to the steel steps. But it’s reversed by Tomko, and Tomko goes crashing into the steel steps shoulder first and then Tomko is sitting there and then Kincaid comes into the picture and nails a drop kick into the face of Tomko that sandwiches him into the steps. Tomko goes down to the mat and then Kincaid hits a few stomps on the downed Tomko and then rolls him into the ring and climbs to the apron and waits on the apron and then Tomko stumbles up and Kincaid leaps off the top rope, and nails a flying shoulder block on Tomko that knocks him down to the mat and then Kincaid goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………2………….kick out by Tomko and then Tomko stumbles up and then Kincaid hits a few fists to the face of Tomko who is on the ropes he reels with every hit and then Kincaid tries to whip Tomko to the ropes and does. Tomko bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid goes for a clothesline on Tomko. But Tomko ducks under, and then Tomko goes to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes and then Tomko is able to hit a high flipping drop kick on Tomko that makes Tomko stumble back and then falls outside the ring and then on to the arena floor. Kincaid looks at Tomko who is on the arena floor and then measures up and then charges to the ropes. Kincaid bounces off just as Tomko is getting up and then Kincaid leaps out of the ring for a suicide dive. But Tomko ducks out of the way and Kincaid over shoots where Tomko is and crashes into the Spanish announcers table to a big crowd response.]

King-Well, I never liked the Spanish announcers anyways

JR-Have you ever met them?

King-Tried to, but I couldn’t understand a word they were saying

Kris Gaffney-Probably because they were insulting you

King-You think?

[Tomko is down on the mat trying to recover from the beating he’s gotten so far and then stumbles up to his feet as Kincaid stumbles into him and then Tomko picks up Kincaid and then puts him over his shoulder and charges at the nearest ring post and launches Kincaid and Kincaid goes flying like a long dart into the ring post and then Kincaid slides down in pain, Tomko takes Kincaid and then smashes him into the ring post. Kincaid has a small cut and is bleeding from his forehead and then Tomko rolls Kincaid into the ring. Tomko gets into the ring waits for Kincaid to get up. Kincaid stumbles up and then Tomko hits a running shoulder block Kincaid. Kincaid goes down to the mat, and quickly gets to his feet and then and then Tomko hits a few fists to the face of Kincaid that stumbles him into the corner and then Tomko holds him and then nails a fist to the few fists to the face of Kincaid. He then whips Kincaid to the other side of the ring and then Kincaid stumbles back and then Tomko is able to lift up Kincaid over his head for a body press and then throws him behind him in a body press slam and then Tomko goes to the ropes and then comes off the rope and leaps in the air and then comes down on the back of the head of Kincaid with a big leg drop. Tomko turns Kincaid on his back and then goes into the cover and gets the 1………………….2……………kick out by Kincaid and then Tomko waits for Kicnaid to get up. Kincaid stumbles up and then Tomko hits a kick to the gut of Kincaid and then Tomko goes for a gut wretch power bomb, and he gets Kincaid up. But doesn’t drive him down right away, and then Kincaid hits a few fists to the fists and then Kincaid is able to flip off into the ground and then lands on his feet, but he has to take a while to get up and then he runs right into a big boot by Tomko that sends Kincaid flying.]

JR-Few people get up from the big boot of Tomko

King-Yeah, well…maybe Kincaid will…um…Kincaid up?

Kris Gaffney-For him, I think that means kiss up.

[Tomko goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………2……….Kincaid is close to the ropes and then puts his foot on the rope. Tomko gets up annoyed with the ref and then gets in his face as the ref tells it was only two. Tomko just shakes it off and then gets ready for another big boot to finish Kincaid off for sure. Kincaid pulls himself up with help of the ropes as Tomko is ready yelling for Kincaid to turn around and then Kincaid stumbles to his feet and then Tomko goes for a big boot. But Kincaid ducks it, Kincaid does a single leg pick and goes for the Kincaid coverleaf and locks it in. Tomko goes for the ropes as he’s in extreme pain, he doesn’t want to give up and is about to the ropes…but Kincaid pulls him in the middle of the ring Tomko holds on for a while trying to get to the ropes, but finally he has to tap out!]

“Ravage theme” blasts on the PA system as Ravage walks to the ring

JR-This use to be the manager of the up and comer Ravage, but he turned on him at a drop of a hat

Kris Gaffney-Seems Ravage wants to make sure that Talon really is a up and goner

“Talon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Talon walks to the ring

JR-You have got to wonder what’s going through the mind of this man

King-Probably…….not much.

[Talon comes into the ring and then gets in Ravages face and then yells something that we can’t hear and then Ravage pushes Talon and then Talon slaps Ravage. Ravage stumbles back and then Talon doesn’t let Ravage answer back and then Talon hits a few fists and then Ravage stumbles back and then Talon tries to whip Ravage to the ropes and then Ravage reverses the whip and Talon goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Then comes off the ropes and then Talon leaps in the air and nails a flying clothesline. Ravage stumbles up after it as Talon stands ready and Ravage charges at Talon and then Talon hits a spinning elbow into the face and then Ravage falls down to the mat and then backs up in the corner and then Talon goes on the attack hitting a few fists to the face and then tries to whip Ravage to the opposite side of the ring. But it’s quickly reversed by Ravage and then Talon hits hard into the opposite side of the ring and then Ravage charges into the corner and then Talon counters it with a back body drop that sends Ravage flying over the ring post and on to the arena floor and then crowd cheers as Talon is not threw yet as he goes on the top rope and waits for Ravage to get up and then once he stumbles up to his feet and then Talon comes off the top rope nailing a flying axe handle on the head of Ravage to the arena floor. Talon gets up and then takes Ravage by the hair and then whips him to the steel steps and then Ravage hits into the steps back first and then Ravage is in a sitting position and then Talon takes his time to stomp away at Ravage and then starts to hit a few more faster and then backs up a bit and then charges at steps where Ravage is and hits a low drop kick into the face of Ravage that sends Ravage into the steps and then Talon takes his time being the rookie that he is letting Ravage crawl away and he crawls into the next nearest turnbuckle post and then and uses the post to get up and then Talon gets ready and then Talon goes for a super kick. But Ravage dives out of the way and Talon hits the ring post and Talon goes down in pain holding his leg]

JR-Talon came out fast, but the anger of being turned against might have made him take his eye off the ball there for a bit too long as he missed that move

King-This match might be over now.

Kris Gaffney-Well, if you can’t walk…you can’t win right?

[Ravage is down trying to recover as Talon gets up and then tries to limp around a bit to try to get the feeling back in the leg. But then Ravage comes from behind and then clips the leg from behind and then Talon goes down in pain and then Ravage picks up Talon and rolls him into the ring and then Talon is right behind him and then Talon stumbles up limping and then Ravage picks up Talon and then hits a shin breaker and then Ravage is able to hold Talon’s leg and then drops a few elbows into injured leg of Talon as he screams in pain and then Ravage puts Talon’s injured leg on the bottom rope and then spring boards off the ropes and comes crashing down on the leg. Talon is in even more pain as Ravage backs off and then Talon gets up with help of the ropes and then Ravage puts him in the corner and then puts Talon’s leg on the second rope and then starts to kick it over and over again until the ref tells him to stop it and then Ravage backs off and then Talon stumbles back limping and then Ravage takes down Talon with a single leg take down and then sets up Ravage and then puts Talon into a figure four leg lock. Talon screams in pain and even though he’s in an length of the ropes he doesn’t grab them as he’s in too much pain to notice how far away he is from the ropes and then after a little bit he even forgets where his shoulders are and then he puts them on the ground and then the ref counts 1………………..2…………Talon gets his shoulders up and then looks around for a way out of the hold and then grabs the ropes to break the hold and then forces the breaks up the figure four as the ref tells Ravage to break it up and then Ravage pulls up Talon and tries to whip him to the ropes. But Talon reverses it and then Ravage bounces off the ropes and Talon hits an Arn Anderson like spine buster and then Talon falls away from Ravage and both wrestlers are down.]

JR-Talon just answered with a move, but does he have anything left

Kris Gaffney-I don’t think so

King-I know I don’t have anymore money…that’s for sure

[Talon and Ravage stumble up after a time and then Talon limping on one leg goes over to Ravage and hits a fist that stumbles back Ravage and then he hits another and whips him to the ropes and then Ravage bounces off the ropes and then Talon goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Ravage, and he goes to the other side of the ring and then Talon turns around and scope power slam on Ravage. Talon gets up, but is limping a bit and then he looks to the turnbuckle, but he’s slowed by the his leg and then slowly limps to the ropes and climbs up. Getting to the top rope, he stands up as Ravage gets up and then Talon takes too much time to leap and Ravage dives on the top rope and Talon falls on the top. Ravage goes on the turnbuckle and then hits a fist and then Ravage puts Talon’s feet on the second turnbuckle so he’s sitting on the top turnbuckle and then Ravage….NAILS THE GAIN OF SAND OFF THE TOP ROPE on Talon. Talon is out, Ravage goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2……………3]

(OOC-Well I don’t know if this was the type of match I was suppose to give, but hoping for the best since it’s been too long to get this match up, so I wrote something fast. If there is any edits I should make DT, then just tell me.

“Down with the Sickness ripoff” blasts on the PA system as Monty Brown walks to the ring

JR-Monty Brown is a very, very intense competitor

King-He’ll probably win, after all…he has good shoes!

Kris Gaffney-So I hear

“Dewey Pond theme” blasts on the PA system Dewey walks to the ring with a look of hatred

JR-I wouldn’t be against Dewey Pond tonight, he’s got a lot to lose

King-But I already did!

Kris Gaffney-Well, maybe he won’t win anyways…you never know…it could happen

JR-Don’t think it’s going to be that easy after what Edge did

[Dewey Pond stands on the outside looking into the ring with a lot of hate and then slides into the ring. Obviously being the more powerful of the two Pond knows he’s not going to win a straight out all out brawl so he slides into the ring with all his hate at Monty Brown who is connected to Edge and then Brown tries to hit a big clothesline. But Pond ducks under and then fires off a bunch of punches and then Brown’s head is snapping back with each one and then Monty Brown goes for a fist, but it’s ducked by Pond who runs to the ropes and then bounces off as Brown turns around as Pond knowing that he’s probably not going to be successful attacking from the air takes down Brown with a double leg take down and then starts to fire away with fists to Brown and then Dewey Pond goes to the outside and measures up and then goes for a vertical cross body block. But it’s caught by Monty Brown and Brown has him in a bear hug and then Brown drives Dewey Pond hard into the turnbuckle Brown then hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut in the corner and then backs off as he taunts to the crowd and then charges at Pond and then Pond counters the charge with a drop toe hold that sends Browns head off the middle turnbuckle and then Brown stumbles back and Pond hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Brown that makes him reel on the ropes and then Pond backs up and then goes for a clothesline over the top rope. But it’s countered by Brown by hitting a back body drop on Pond, Pond lands on his feet and then Brown turns around and gets hit with a hang man. Brown stumbles back stunned. Pond quickly looks under the ring as it seems he knows what’s under there and brings out a chair and Brown is stumbling back and then Pond cracks the chair over the back of Brown that makes him stumble enough to make him fall out of the ring and then Pond follows him with the chair. Brown is on his knee’s on the outside and then Dewey Pond goes for a another shot and then on Brown. But Brown catches it and then quickly stands up with a pissed off look and then Brown throws down the chair. Pond being pissed rakes the eyes and then hits a few fists to the face of Brown and then Brown stumbles back and then Pond charges at Brown. But Brown side steps him and then throws him hard into the ring post and then he hits it with a lot of force behind it.]

JR-It looks like Dewey Pond was busted open with that move

King-Dewey should just give up…retired life won’t be too bad, he has a kid now

Kris Gaffney-But then again…it’s the off spring of Tori and Dewey…that’s all that needs to be said

King-Ouch…very harsh

[Dewey Pond is stumbling around as mentioned his forehead did crack the ring post, so Brown hits a clubbing blow to the back and then Brown smashes Pond into the ring post once again and then he bounces off Brown picks up Pond and then drops him face first into the barcade and then Monty waits for Pond to get up and then Monty Brown sets up, lifts up Pond and then drops him on the barcade and then Pond is hanging over the barcade and then Brown hits a knee lift that sends him into the crowd side of the barcade. Brown waits for him to get up and then Brown hooks up Dewey Pond and then lifts him up and then vertical suplexes him out of the crowd over the barcade on to the ring side and then Dewey crawls away to try to cause some separation. But Brown is on his trail and then Pond turns around and then Brown looks like he’s hooking him up for another vertical suplex or something. He gets him up, but then Dewey shifts his weight and then hits a DDT. Dewey knowing that he can not stop this crawls to the ring apron and pulls out a table and leans it against the barcade and then Brown is getting up and then Pond rakes his eyes and then puts Brown on the table and then Dewey hits a few clubbing blows to make sure that he’s beat down enough and then Dewey rolls into the ring and then looks at Brown with a lot of hate and then Dewey Pond charges at the ropes and bounces off the ropes then leaps through the ropes for a suicide dive. But then Brown moves out of the way at the right time and then Dewey Pond crashes and burns on the table as it explodes into many pieces.]

JR-That wasn’t a smart move, but Pond is running on pure emotion right now

King-That’s never good…

[Brown takes Pond out of the wreckage and then hits a few fists as Pond stumbles up the ramp and then Brown takes Dewey and then tries to smash him on the stage. But Pond blocks it with his foot and then Pond smashes Brown’s face instead. Pond stumbles back you can see from his boot he pulls out some brass knuckles. Brown after a while turns Pond around, and Pond swings and connects with the brass knuckle shot and then Dewey see’s that Monty is only dazed as Pond hits another shot that takes down Monty Brown. But not out, Dewey instead decides to lock on the on a STF known as the “Dew Justice”. The ref asks Brown if he wants to give up, but he refuses…suddenly Edge comes out of no where and then breaks the hold. Dewey stumbles up and then Edge hits a few fists to the face as Dewey gets closer to the edge of the stage and then Edge goes for the spear off the stage. But Dewey moves out of the way as Edge stops himself from going over the edge. Dewey hits a few fists to Edge who is getting close to falling over, just as Edge is one punch away. Edge dives out of the way and makes Dewey turn around right into the POUNCE that makes Dewey fly off the stage and breaks a table below. Brown drops down on the stage and then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………….2……………3]

[Camera then goes to the back as security is leading Dewey Pond out of the building, Tori then pulls up in a car as she rushes out wrapping her arms around him, hugging him. The sound of a slow clap is heard as Dewey looks over and Edge stands infront of the door in the parking lot.]

Edge: Thats really touching, I mean I am tearing up over here. Thought I'd give you guys a little present before you left...

[Edge reaches inside the door and grabs something as he presses it over his head and throws it in Dewey's direction. The camera then gets a shot as its a car seat.]

Edge: Strap your little Dewey Jr. into that car seat and get the HELL OUTTA MY ARENA! Cause both of your asses are now FIRED! [Edge laughs as he waves goodbye.]

Dewey: SON OF A BITCH!!...[Dewey charges at Edge as security holds him back.]

[Security leads Dewey to his car, as reluctantly he does so and Tori drives away.]

“Away way” blasts on the PA system as Michael De Kreek walks to the ring with his bodyguard Bobby Lashley.

JR-A year ago, Michael De Kreek was a dominated IC champion. Since he has fallen off the mountain after a long reign, he has had a problem climbing back to the IC title…will his luck change here tonight

King-It better than my luck, I’ll asure you right here

Kris Gaffney-That’s for sure, you still owe me a THOUSAND DOLLAR HAT

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles walks out with his hood jacket on, then he throws the hood off throws out his arms and does his usual entrance as he walks to the ring

King-AJ has had success since coming here, but I think it’s going to end

Kris Gaffney-Really?

King-Yeah, because if it doesn’t MDK will lose his smile!

JR-That’s HBK

King-Same thing, right?


[AJ Styles slides into the ring and then gets into the face of De Kreek. The two have a stare down for a few moments and then talk trash and then De Kreek pushes AJ Styles back and then Styles backs to the ropes letting the momentum of the ropes bounce back and then Styles hits him with a forearm shot to the face and then De Kreek stumbles back and then De Kreek goes for a big fist. But it’s ducked under by Styles and then De Kreek turns around and Styles kicks De Kreek into the gut and then hits a double under hook suplex on De Kreek and then De Kreek is slow to get up so Styles measures up and then runs to the ropes and then De Kreek stumbles up and then Styles knocks down De Kreek with a diving clothesline to De Kreek that connects and knocks down De Kreek to the mat. De Kreek is sitting on the mat and then Styles hits a few kicks into the back of De Kreek that echo through out the arena and then Styles puts De Kreek down and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2…….kick out easily and then Styles knowing that probably wouldn’t have put away De Kreek gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed De Kreek who stumbles up and then De Kreek hits a few fists to the face of De Kreek. De Kreek falls back on the ropes and then Styles hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of De Kreek and then Styles tries to whip De Kreek to the ropes. But it’s reversed by Styles who goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and then De Kreek goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Styles who waits for De Kreek to turn around and then De Kreek does and Styles hits a super kick to the jaw of De Kreek. De Kreek falls on the mat. Styles then takes a few moments to think of something to do and then Styles decides to go to the top rope, he steps out on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for De Kreek to get up and then De Kreek stumbles to his feet and then before Styles can do anything as De Kreek is up on his feet. De Kreek dives on the top rope and Styles falls on the the top rope. De Kreek goes to the top rope where AJ Styles is in pain on and then tries to hook him for some more. But it’s countered AJ Styles who hits a few fists to the gut and then pushes De Kreek off the top rope, De Kreek goes crashing on the mat and then Styles gets his foot and then leaps off the top rope. But it’s countered by De Kreek by hitting a drop kick to the face of AJ Styles as he is in the air.]

JR-Styles is a risk taker, that time the risk didn’t pay off

King-I should start betting with AJ, it doesn’t seem he’s too lucky

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, maybe your on to something there

[Styles stumbles up holding his face and then stumbles into De Kreek who hits a jaw jacker which only hurts the face even more and makes Styles fly back and then holds on to the ropes and then De Kreek recovers and then hits a few fists to the face of Styles. De Kreek tries to whip Styles to the ropes and then Styles reverses the whip and then De Kreek bounces off the ropes and then Styles tries to go for a spinning heel kick. But De Kreek ducks under, Styles turns around and De Kreek kicksStyles in the gut and whips him into the turnbuckle and he hits into the turnbuckle face first and then stumbles backwards and then right into De Kreek who sets up Styles and then hits a germen suplex that makes De Kreek do a flip basically landing on his stomach and then De Kreek pushes Styles on his back and then makes the cover and gets the 1…………….2……….kick out. De Kreek gets up and pulls Styles up and then hits a few hard forearm shots to the face and then Styles tries to cover up as De Kreek starts to pumble Styles with fists and then Styles is in the corner and De Kreek hits a few hard stomps in to the gut and De Kreek whips Styles to the outside side of the ring and then Styles is able to run to the second turnbuckle and then as De Kreek was trying to follow him Styles leaps off the second rope and goes for a twisting body press. But De Kreek ducks under and then Styles goes crashing on the mat. De Kreek goes to the same second turnbuckle and waits for Styles to get up. Styles stumbles up to his feet, and then De Kreek leaps off the same turnbuckle and then hits a flying bulldog that connects with Styles driving him into the mat and then De Kreek hits a body slam and then goes to the ropes and bounces off leaping in the air and nails a big splash (and then starts to shake the ropes, and talk, but no one understands him…oh sorry…lol j/k)]

King-AJ Styles is getting what he deserves…you never wish your parents should die quickly…they hold grudges

[MDK pulls up Styles and then hits a few hard forearm shots to the face of Styles and then MDK tries to whip Styles to the ropes. But it’s reversed by Styles. MDK crashes into the corner and then Styles goes up and starts a punch combo 1……………..2………………….3………..MDK walks and Styles is power bomb. Styles hits a few fists to the MDK Styles is able to weaken MDK, Styles spins around and then is able to flip down into a school boy and then the ref goes down and doesn’t see MDK’s arm is under the ropes and counts the 1…………………2……………3]

JR-AJ Styles wins here, but I think MDK’s arm was under the rope

King-Oh well….

(Before AJ Styles can start heading up the ramp as MDK is yelling at the ref that his arm was under the rope. AJ stops as "Lovefurypassionenergy" blasts on the PA system. The crowd cheers as the Vice President Amy Jericho walks out on the stage with her husband Chris Jericho in the background.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Hold on one minute here, now while I know AJ you are ready to leave and celebrate your first win at First Blood, but the fact is that your win is a bit tainted. You see MDK's arm was clearly under the rope, now normally this is grounds to restart the match if I so choose. But I think we should do something a little bit different, instead of taking your victory away from you AJ. I'm going to let you have this victory, but turn this IC title match into something a little bit bigger than what was originally planned. Because with the tainted finish, I decided that there will be at the very least an additional two matches. Because AJ, you will face MDK in a best of 3 series with the Intercontinental Championship on the line!

*Crowd cheers, Amy's theme blasts on the PA system, Amy and Chris Jericho leave together to the backstage area. AJ doesn't look like he has much of a problem with the decision as he leaves the camera focuses on the top of the arena as the slaughter house begins to lower

“Dirthouse” blasts on the PA system as Matt Dragon walks to the ring that has the Slaughter House surrounding it

JR-Matt Dragon has returned to First Blood, but he is walking into a match that Angelus made famous

King-Yeah, but Dragon made Road famous…you know how hard that is

Kris Gaffney-Although Total Destruction helped that

King-No one asked you

“Down with the Sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus Archer walks to the ring

JR-Angelus seemly hasn’t been ready for a match since he had the world championship

King-Can you say that more negatively…I want to give him a reason to come after you.

JR-I think I’ll pass

[Angelus and Matt Dragon look around the slaughter house, it would seem that Angelus is obviously more familiar with the match being that he was in the first and only one. Dragon takes an extra amount of time to know his surroundings and then Dragon and Angelus meet in the middle of the ring and then start to talk some trash as their rivaly has built up over the past month or two and then Dragon being the less experienced of the two in the match tries to throw the first blow, but it’s countered by Angelus by blocking and then Angelus hits a upper cut into the jaw of Dragon. Dragon reels back and Angelus follows up with a fist and then whips Dragon to the ropes and then Dragon bounces off the ropes and then Angelus hits a drop toe hold that sends Dragon face first into the Dragon. Dragon holds his face on his knee’s and then Angelus runs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes nailing a low drop into the face of Dragon. Dragon goes down to the mat and then Angelus goes over Dragon and then this a few hard fists into the face of Dragon and then Dragon stumbles up to his feet and then Angelus takes Dragon by the hair and then throws him hard into the corner and then smashes his head into the turnbuckle 10 times and then Dragon stumbles around and then Angelus measures up and then charges and knocks him and Dragon out of the ring and the momentum not only makes double of them hit into the slaughter house side. Both fall down, obviously Angelus being the less beaten up of the two and then Angelus picks up Dragon after a few moments goes behind Dragon lifts him to his feet and then charges with him and throws him into the cell wall. Dragon bounces back stumbling around on the ring and then puts him in atomic drop position and then lifts Dragon up and then charges with him and then wraps him around the steel pole and Dragon falls down in pain and then Angelus takes him by the hair and then smashes him into the ring post and then rolls him into the ring. Angelus climbs on the apron giving a grin obviously he is right at home at the slaughter house and then climbs up to the top rope and then Angelus waits for Dragon to get up. Angelus leaps off for what seems to be a double axe handle, but it’s countered by Dragon who hits a super kick squarely in the chin of Angelus as he flies through the air and then Dragon falls down to the mat.]

JR-That came out of no where, if Matt Dragon was able to pin Angelus, he might be able to win this match right here.

King-Yeah, but I don’t think Matt Dragon has much left

Kris Gaffney-Unless he Dragoning up!

[Dragon gets to his feet, and then he falls against the ropes having to hook the ropes to try to recover move. Being that Angelus is still down he still has time to wait and then Angelus stumbles to his feet and then he looks like he’s about to go for a double axe handle. But it’s blocked by Dragon hitting a punch to the gut and then Angelus stumbles back and Dragon hits a few fists to the face of Angelus and then Dragon whips Angelus off the ropes and then Dragon goes for a clothesline that ducked under and then Angelus hits a boot to the stomach that doubles over Dragon. Angelus goes to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and then Dragon gets up and then catches Angelus as he comes off the ropes into a spinning side slam on Angelus. Dragon gets up and then goes over to the turnbuckle and takes off the turnbuckle padding off the corner. Angelus can’t see this because Dragon’s body is blocking the view, Angelus charges from behind Dragon. Dragon just as he gets the pad side steps Dragon and then takes Angelus by the hair and smashes Angelus into the corner and then Angelus bounces off as Dragon hits hits head against the exposed turnbuckle a few times and then Dragon backs up as he then hits a few fists to the face of Dragon and then whips Angelus to the ropes. Angelus bounces off the ropes and then Dragon goes for a clothesline. But Angelus ducks under and then continues to the other side and then bounces off the ropes and then Dragon hits a flying back spinning elbow. Angelus goes down, and stumbles up to his feet and then Dragon kicks Angelus in the gut and then sets him up and then hits a sit down power bomb on Angelus and goes into the cover 1……………..2………….kick out by Angelus. Dragon gets up and then looks at the weedwhacker on a pole, but then goes to the outside and then goes under the ring and then pulls out a chair from the outside and then brings it into the ring. Dragon tries to charge with the chair, but it’s blocked by Angelus and Angelus rips the chair away and then opens it as Dragon goes charging Angelus notices just in time and then hits a drop toe hold into the chair. Dragon stumbles up seemly really out of it and Angelus takes Dragon and throws him over the top rope and on the arena floor]

JR-Angelus might have been baiting into that move, and once again Angelus has the advantage

King-This Slaughter House is already an advantage for Angelus

Kris Gaffney-Somewhere former Co-Owner Jay is rolling over in his grave…if he’s dead…you know if he is?

King-I’ll have to get back to you on that one

[Angelus slides out of the ring and then is out on the arena floor and he’s brought the chair he drop toe hold Dragon into ring side area as Dragon stumbles up and then Dragon turns around and Angelus jabs the chair into the gut and then Dragon is doubled over and then Angelus cracks the chair over the back of Dragon and then Dragon goes down in pain and then Angelus then thinking ahead of time goes under the ring and pulls out a table from the ring and then pushes it into the ring. But it seems that he’s not through as he looks under the ring and then pulls put a baseball bat wrapped in barbwire. Angelus waits for Dragon to get up, but then he decides to throw the bat down for a second and then Dragon stumbles up to his feet as Angelus comes from behind and grabs Dragon by the hair and charges and throws him into the cage side and then Dragon bounces off face first and then stumbles back and Angelus gets the baseball bat and swings at Dragon’s face with the barbwire aimed at Dragon’s face and then it smashes into the face of Dragon. Dragon goes down holding his face. Angelus laughs a bit and then takes the baseball bat and then puts it to Dragon’s back tearing at the flesh. Dragon screams in pain and then Angelus looking to cause more pain brings out a bed of barbwire on a piece of wood and slides it into the ring]

JR-Things are going to get worst, before they get better here

[The camera gets a shot of Dragon who is bleeding all over the place from his forehead and from smaller cuts in his back. Angelus now has the weed wacker, and then looks over to where Dragon is trying to get up as his blood is being spilled all over the place. Angelus slides out of the ring and then gets the weed whacker going as Dragon has pulled himself up thanks to the ring post and Angelus goes over and then Angelus tries to put it in his face. But Dragon is able to grab the handle holding it away from his face and then Dragon drops down and then uses the weed whacker to send Angelus face first into the ring post. Angelus stays there as Dragon now has the weed whacker and it’s already going so Dragon goes over and then starts to use it on Angelus as it starts to tear into the flesh of Angelus it goes flying a blood starts to pour out. Dragon stops and then takes the side of the weed whacker and smashes Angelus along side of the head and then rolls in Angelus. Dragon after a time, and then rolls into the ring as Angelus backs a bit off as he’s bleeding a bit from the face. But nothing compared to what Dragon is, Dragon presses on but he was baiting Dragon in and then hits a low blow on Dragon. Angelus laugh as he pulls over the bed of barbwire and places it where he wants to, then Dragon stumbles up and Angelus hits a few hard fists and then whips Dragon to the ropes. Angelus stands right in front of the bed of barbwire as Dragon bounces off the ropes. Angelus lowers his head, but Dragon goes right into a quick set up and then Dragon power bombs Angelus on to the bed of barbwire. Dragon falls to the mat himself as the ref starts to do his standing 10 count as Angelus rolls off the barbwire in a lot of pain. 1………………2………………..3 Matt Dragon gets up and takes the table Angelus put into the ring and then sets it up close to the side of the corner 4………….5…………..6 Matt Dragon pulls the bed of barbwire and puts it under the table……….7………………8………it might seem Angelus is trying to get to his feet……..9…..Angelus is having a hard time getting to his feet, he might not make it. When Matt Dragon who wants to pour more punishment on Angelus pulls him up and throws him on the table. Dragon stumbles around with all the blood lose, Dragon then goes to the outside, and climbs to the top rope preparing to do some sort of top rope move to drive Angelus through the table to the bed of barbwire once again. But Angelus comes to life and dives on the ropes, Dragon falls on the top turnbuckle. Angelus climbs backwards up on the second rope as he prepares Dragon and then….NAILS A SLAIN OFF THE TOP INTO SHATTERING THE TABLE SENDING DRAGON INTO THE BED OF BARBWIRE. Dragon rolls off in paina s Angelus falls backwards hooking the top rope to keep himself up 1…………………..2………….3………………4…………….5……….Draogn’s moving…….6………….7……..Angelus has a look of dis belief……..8…..Dragon’s on his knee’s...9….Dragon’s trying to get up 10! Dragon just misses the count as he gets to his feet just after the final 10 and then falls back down the match is over]

JR-Angelus wins! But sure wasn’t without a fight

King-That’s for sure…

(OOC-What can I say…two very good RP’s from two very good RPers. Believe me, I hate to have to pick one of these RP’s…because I liked them worst. But since I have to, I just think Angelus comes out on top in this one, but there were a lot of great things from Dragon’s RP. So that’s why I made the ending so close, so hopefully both of you like it)

“Bad, Bad Man” blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring, and steps into the ring

JR-You can question his methods, but you can say for fact that John Cena has taken the road that the greats such as Road, X-Cold, “Primetime” Daniel Massoud have taken on rout to the title. You can not take away the fact he has earned this opportunity tonight, whether you agree how he got it or not.

King-That’s an big build up

Kris Gaffney-Well this is First Blood, X-Cold himself won his first title here…also ended his career here a year later. So if Cena does that, after that year…I don’t know him.

“Not listening” blasts on the PA system as Wes Ikeda walks to the ring with the world heavyweight championship

JR-Wes is also a very deserving champion

King-Well…more deserving than Mr. Chaos at the very least…

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, could you imagine having him as the champion at First Blood?

King-*shudders* god, don’t ever say that again…

[Wes has his back turned as the challengers John Cena slides into the ring and then comes from behind and then hits a few fists that catches the champion Wes Ikeda off guard with a few clubbing blows that stumble Wes into the corner and then Cena hits a few fists that rock Wes in the corner. Cena whips Wes to the opposite side of the ring, Wes goes crashing into the corner and then Cena charges into the corner and Cena stumbles back as Wes pulls himself up on the second rope as Cena gets up and then leaps off and hits a flying shoulder tackle from the second rope. Obviously since the match is in the early stages Wes isn’t wore down too much, Cena stumbles up and then Wes knocks Cena down with a running forearm shot that knocks Cena and then Cena stumbles up a bit dazed as Wes hits a few left and rights to the face of Cena and then Wes whips Cena to the ropes, Cena bounces off the ropes and then Wes lowers his head and Wes hits a back body drop that sends Cena down to the mat. Cena stumbles up and then Wes kicks him in the gut and then sets him up, and then lifts him for a vertical suplex and gets him up. Cena holds him for a few seconds to turn it into a stalling vertical suplex. But then Cena is able to shift his weight and then he falls on the back of Wes and then Cena goes behind Wes and charges with him to the ropes and then tries to roll him up. Wes counters by hooking to the ropes and Cena does a backwards summersault as Wes is on the ropes. Cena gets up and then see’s Wes and tries to on the attack and then Cena charges at Wes. But it’s countered by Wes by lowering his head for a back body drop and he’s able to get Cena over the top rope. But Cena is able to land on the apron, Wes turns around and Cena goes for a fist. But it’s blocked by Wes, and Wes answers with a fist of his own and then Wes takes Cena’s head and bashes it against the steel part of the turnbuckle. Cena falls off the apron and on to the arena floor. Wes then drops down and slides out of the ring after a few moments and then Cena is getting up roaming around ring side. Wes comes charging in from the back of Cena and then hits a running forearm shot to the back of the head. Cena falls to his hands and knees, Wes hits a kick into the ribs. Wes backs off as to let Cena get up, then once he does Wes takes Cena by the hair and throws him against the steel post as Cena slowly slides down by the steps that are there Wes hits a few stomps into Cena, and then backs up and then charges at Cena and goes for a running knee’s into the face on Cena, but Cena dives out of the way and then Wes goes crashing into the steps with so much force that he knocks the top of the steps off the base of the steps. Wes goes down in pain.]

JR-That move may have backfired on Wes

Kris Gaffney-Wes never has good idea’s

[Wes is gets to his feet and is clearly limping a bit, Cena then notices that takes out the right leg with a shoulder tackle into the back of the leg. Wes goes down to the mat holding his leg and then Cena hits a few stomps to the downed Wes’ leg and then Cena waits for Wes to get up. Wes stumbles to his feet, Cena waits from behind Wes. Cena then sets up Wes in almost like a shin breaker and then lifts him up takes a few steps forward and drops the injured leg on the base of the steps. Wes in a lot of pain and then Cena rolls into the ring to break up the count and rolls back out of the ring to go back on the attack. Wes has stumbled up from the base of the steps and then is limping badly around the ring side area and then Cena comes from behind him and then turns him around Cena hits a few fists, Cena then takes Wes and throws him into the steel steps knee’s first once again and then Cena has to catch Wes from falling and then rolls him into the ring and then Cena goes back on the attack hitting a few stomps to the downed Wes and then Cena takes the leg he’s been working on and drops a few elbows into the leg as Wes screams in pain, obviously the leg is killing him. Cena then puts on a single leg lock on the leg, the ref asks Wes if he wants to give it up. Wes refuses, but he’s in so much pain he forgets where his shoulders are puts them on the mat and the ref counts 1…………………2………….Wes rises up and seemly is going to try to break the hold. But Cena lets go of the hold and then drags Wes by the leg and places the leg over the bottom rope and then he starts to stomp away at the leg of Wes and then Cena spring boards off the second and comes down on the leg of Wes. Wes rolls away in pain and gets up in the corner. Cena goes into the corner and then Wes is able to fight back with a few stomps from the corner and Cena stumbles back with every kick into the gut and then it looks like Wes might be getting a fury of offense, but Cena catches one of them and then hits a Dragon screw leg whip and then takes down Wes once again and then do a spinning toe hold on Wes]

JR-Cena is not known as a submission specialist….but I do like the strategy, so far he’s used basic holds to wear down the injured body part

King-Much like you have wore down this announcing team

JR-Well…a Kris and King team couldn’t be any good


[The ref asks Wes if he wants to give up, Wes refuses Cena tries to put it on again and then Wes is able to get out of the hold by catching Cena into a small package and gets a 1…………….2………kick out. Wes and Cena get up, Wes takes a swing at Cena. Cena ducks under and hits a spinning side slam and then does the “you can’t see me” taunt and goes to the ropes and drops the 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2……..kick out. Cena gets up and questions the ref, the ref says it was only a 2. Cena turns around and gets surprised by Wes who hits a sitout jaw breaker. Wes gets up after a time, and Wes is having problems putting pressure on that one foot and then Cena charges at Wes. But Wes is able to hit a diving clothesline. Both Cena and Wes are down as the ref starts his standing 10 count 1…………………2………………….3………………4………..Wes stumbles up to his feet and then Cena does to and then being a little less stunned than Wes goes for the first fist, but it’s blocked and being that he knows he’s injured he fires off fists to the face of Cena and then is gaining the advantage when Cena hits a few fists to follow it up and then Cena is able to stop the momentum by kicking Wes in the leg. Wes stumbles back and then Cena goes back on the attack by hitting a few fists to Wes who rocks back once again and then Cena whips Wes to the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then Wes leaps in the air and hits a vertical block almost and starts to hammer Cena with fists and Wes gets as he’s still limping as Cena stumbles up and then Wes kicks Cena in the gut and sets him up and nails a pull up piledriver on Cena. Wes sits there and then gets up hitting a few stomps after taking a few moments to recover and then Wes goes to the ropes and drops a diving elbow drop and then Wes goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2…………kick out. Wes looks at the ref a bit frustrated and then takes it out on Cena who hits a few stomps as he’s tries to get up Wes picks up Cena on his shoulders. The crowd reacts because it looks like he might go for the F-U on Cena. But Wes hits a reverse Death Valley Driver and then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2…………kick out by Cena.]

JR-Kick out by the Challenger, but you got to wonder how much he has left

King-You got to wonder how much Wes has left

Kris Gaffney-And you care, because you’re a closet Wes fan



*Suddenly Sam Coleman pops up from the stage ala Rey Mysterio*


[Wes hits a few stomps on the downed Cena as he goes to the ropes and then Wes starts to choke Cena on the middle rope as the ref counts and Wes breaks it when he was suppose to as Wes goes to the ropes and bounces off obviously with a limp and comes crashing on the back of Cena. Cena stumbles up as Wes stays ready as Wes plants Cena with a DDT. Knowing that’s not going to be enough Wes drags Cena into the a corner in a sitting position and then starts to stomp away at Cena and then starts to choke Cena for a few minutes and then calls for the coast to coast as Wes goes over to the other side of the ring to the top rope and jumps off. But suddenly Cena gets up and then catches Wes in power bomb position. Wes looks around and then starts to hammer away at Cena to try to break this up. Cena falls backwards into almost an reverse power bomb (alley op that the Big Show used years ago) Wes’ head snaps off the turnbuckle and stumbles back Cena gets up and picks up Wes and drives him down for the F-U!! Cena goes into the cover 1…………………….2………………………3]

JR-Cena countered the coast to coast

King-I seen that in some other match, Cena must be studying old tapes

(Cena is handed the world championship, he celebrates and then leaves the ring after a time. Obviously being a heel he doesn’t want to bring the fans into his celebration as much)

*Everything was starting to fall silent on the EMF crowd. After everything that had transpired, John Cena was no longer in the ring. Wes stood against the ropes taking in the moment for whatever reason. He was about to be able to step out of the ring and enjoy his night, but he would be halted from doing just that very quickly as his attention was turned to the rampway. *

Press Play for music

*The lights dimmed while the unfamiliar drum beat started to sound. In the back off camera a man started walking towards the gorilla. Two men of the ring crew were standing in the back as the man passed them. One a veteran looked at the other guy who was pretty new and said with wide eyes "Better pay attention boy, whatever happens here is going to be magic". The man who passed by them stood behind the curtain moving around a little bit trying to get the butterflies out of his stomach. He just swallowed everything he had into the pit of his stomach. As the vocals kicked in on the song the man stepped out from behind the curtain and stood at the top of the ramp staring into the ring. Wes Ikeda with eyes open wide stared up at the ramp in utter shock of what he was seeing. There standing tall with a dead cold stare stood the one and only Badd Boy, Tony Ikeda. As the double bass drums started pounding Badd Boy took off running with his feet matching each bang of the drum….The Badd Boy slid into the ring and immediately tackled his brother down and started swinging. Tony was getting the better of Wes, but this was expected as Wes had just finished a grueling match. Wes kicked Tony off of him and the two got to their feet. Wes grabbed Tony and slung him into the ropes, but The Badd Boy came flying back with a flying forearm. Badd Boy stood up and so did Wes. As Wes stood up Tony clotheslined him over the top rope to the outside. The Badd Boy stood there at the side of the ring leaning over the ropes staring coldly as Wes slowly backed up the ramp looking angry at what had just transpired. The fans were going absolutely insane as Badd Boy stood tall while First Blood went off of the air. *

(OOC-I thought Cena’s material was good, a bit more than Wes RP could over come. I question if this is a good ending for this match. But I figured it’s First Blood, so might as well get a clean ending…and the craziness at the end…never thought this was going to happen. I proved to myself here I can’t hold grudges for long…I want to state out front this is not my idea.)