EMF: Evolution

(Evolution promo video starts, once it ends we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts off and once the end the lights turn on and the camera searches around the crowd as they scream and hold up their signs)

JR-Welcome to Evolution…

King-yeah…yeah JR, they know where they are. If they didn’t you think they would have paid more then 30 dollars to be here?

JR-I guess that’s a good point

“Natashia’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Natashia walks to the ring

King-Guess they still don’t know many theme songs

JR-guess not

“the Game” blasts on the PA system as Ashlee walks to the ring

JR-Seems she’s had some problems lately

King-Oh well she’s a puke tacular champion anyways

[Ashlee and Natashia trade blows and then Natashia gets the upper hand and then hits a few more fists. Though Natashia stops to show off to for the crowd and then Ashlee starts to hits a few fists of his own and then Natashia stumbles backwards and then Natashia is reeling on the ropes and then whips Natashia to the ropes. Natashia bounces off the ropes and then Ashlee hits a fist to the mid section and then hits a fist that doubles Natashia up and then nails a Russian leg sweep and goes into the cover with hooking the leg and gets the 1……………2……….kick out. Ashlee then gets up and then drops a leg drop and then gets up and waits for Natashia to stumble up, Natashia gets up a little less stunned that Ashlee think she is and then charges at Ashlee who is by the ropes. Though Ashlee is able to counter this charge with a hang man on the top rope. Natashia bounces off the top staying on his feet in pain and then Ashlee runs to the ropes and then catches him with a running clothesline that takes Natashia down and then Ashlee waits for Natashia to get up. Natashia stumbles up and then Ashlee gets ready as Natashia stumbles right into Ashlee and then she picks her up and then drops her into a back breaker and then she leaves her knee driving into Natashia back and makes a submission hold out of it, the ref asks if Natashia wants to give it up…Natashia in a lot of pain screams no…after a while Natashia can’t find a way out of it and the ref asks again if she wants to give it up. Fustrated Ashlee just let’s the hold go and then throws Natashia on the mat, Natashia crawls to the ropes in extreme pain and slowly makes her way to her feet and then turns around and then Ashlee hits a fist to Natashia who looks like she’s not going to be able to take much more. Ashlee whips Natashia to the ropes and then hits a back body drop on Natashia, Ashlee then gets ready for the Ashlee slam as Natashia slowly stumbles to her feet, Ashlee sets Natashia up and before she can hit the Ashlee slam Natashia elbows out of the move and then Ashlee stumbles a bit and then Natashia quickly kicks Ashlee in the gut and hits a DDT. Both are down as the ref uses his standing 10 count. 1………2…………….3…………..4………5 Ashlee stumbles to her feet as Natashia is almost to her feet, Ashlee tries to get the match back by charging at Natashia, but Natashia hits a drop toe hold and makes her fall on the middle rope throat first.]

King-*snaps his fingers*

JR-What are you doing King

King-I’m thinking maybe if I snap my fingers, she’ll snap her neck. So I don’t have to see her anymore…though the pay Badd Boy been given me is really good.

[Natashia moves to her feet as Ashlee is up hurt and then Natashia hits a few hard forearms to Ashlee. Ashlee is reeling on the ropes and then Natashia whips her to the ropes and then Ashlee reverses it sending Natashia to the ropes, Natashia bounces off the ropes and Ashlee goes for a standing clothesline, but Natashia ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring and then Ashlee turns around only to get hit with a flying cross body block for the 1…………….2………kick out. Ashlee gets up and then Natashia kicks Ashlee in the gut, measures her up and then hits a hard fist that makes Ashlee stumble near the ropes, Natashia then measures Ashlee up and then hits a high kick on Ashlee that makes Ashlee stumble back and fall through the ropes and fall on the mat. Natashia then plays to the crowd and then goes to the apron and then measures her up and then as Ashlee gets to her feet. Natashia jumps off the apron and nails a lou thez press on Ashlee and then nails a few hard fists on the downed Ashlee, Natashia then pulls up Ashlee and then rolls her into the ring and then rolls back into the ring herself.

JR-What is Natashia going to go for here

King-So for the first time you don’t know what’s going on…..awesome

[Natashia jumps up to the second rope and waits for Ashlee to stumble up, Ashlee stumbles up and then goes to where Natashia is waiting. Natashia hooks Ashlee and then goes for a tornado DDT, but Ashlee pushes her off before she can hit it. Natashia stumble back and charges Ashlee ducks the charge and turns it into the Ashlee slam! Ashlee goes into the cover and gets the 1…………2………….kick out! Ashlee gets up can’t believing that she didn’t get the three, she pulls up Natashia and nails the Ashlee slam again and gets the 1……………..2………….3]

JR-with 2 Ashlee slams, Ashlee has retained her womans championship

King-Oh good, she didn’t have to use the Ashlee-mission


King-Yeah she makes people look at her and they pass out after throwing up too much


*We go back stage inside Dirty D and Shane’s locker room, suddenly Missy who is there too doubles over in pain. Shane runs to her side, then Johnny does as well not really caring they hate each other as of the present time *

JR-hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm what happen there

King-Who knows JR

JR-Well if we know the condition of Missy by the end of the night we will let you know folks, though from what I hear because of this their going to call off the Dirty D and Johnny match

King-No big lost

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, CM Punk!!! (crowd boos *****)

[CM Punk comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Degenerate!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Degenerate walks to the ring. P-Nut is the referee for this contest. CM Punk executes a pumphandle suplex on Degenerate. Degenerate executes a pumphandle suplex on CM Punk. (ding, ding, ding) CM Punk executes a jawbreaker on Degenerate. ]

King - When in the fuck did P-Nut become a referee?

JR - Apparantly is was still saved from the last time the writer simmed their match!

[CM Punk is up again. CM Punk hits Degenerate with an earringer. ]
JR - Degenerate takes a earringer.

King - I don't know what an earringer is. For the love of God don't be so damn lazy! Write the match for God's sake.

JR - She would have loved too, but writing a 672 line RP drained most of her life energy.

[Degenerate with an illegal chokehold on CM Punk. Degenerate jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on CM Punk. CM Punk moves back to his feet. Degenerate discus punches CM Punk. Degenerate knees CM Punk and rolls back to his feet. Degenerate stomps CM Punk's head. Degenerate goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on CM Punk. CM Punk is up again. CM Punk picks up Degenerate and hits him with a Back Suplex. CM Punk gets up. CM Punk climbs to the top rope and nails Degenerate with a reverse flying elbow drop. Degenerate gets back to his feet. CM Punk drags Degenerate to the floor. P-Nut starts the count (.1) CM Punk cuts Degenerate with a blade. Degenerate is bleeding as a result. Degenerate hits CM Punk with the spinebuster slam. ]

JR - Nice spinebuster by Degenerate.

King - Well, atleast I know what in the hell that is...
[(..2) ]

JiR - The WWE is the only place for entertainment like this!

King - You're right! It's boring as all hell, Vince would love it!

[(...3) CM Punk gouges Degenerate's eyes out. (....4) CM Punk hits a jumping elbow hrust on Degenerate. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Degenerate gets hit with a diving elbow smash from CM Punk. CM Punk stands up. Degenerate gets hit with the shooting star press from CM Punk. P-Nut counts the pin. ...1 Degenerate kicks out. ]

King - Wake me up when this is over...

[CM Punk is hooked in a full nelson. Degenerate is hooked in a full nelson. CM Punk uses a snap mare takeover on Degenerate. CM Punk jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Degenerate. CM Punk gets back to his feet. Degenerate dropkicks CM Punk. CM Punk stands up. Degenerate drags CM Punk to the floor. P-Nut starts the count (.1) Degenerate picks CM Punk up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. Degenerate and CM Punk move back into the ring. ]

Jim Ross - Degenerate is doing quite well at this point in the match. He might pull it off.

[CM Punk stands up. CM Punk superkicks Degenerate. CM Punk puts Degenerate in an arm grapevine submission. Degenerate gets hit with the shooting star press from CM Punk. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Degenerate kicks out. Now Degenerate standing. Flying sommersault drop kick by Degenerate puts him back in the match. Degenerate chants start. CM Punk gets up. Degenerate connects with a flying knee. CM Punk is down, and Degenerate taunts the crowd celebrating too long as Ashlee Ikeda comes from the crowd.]

JR - King, you better wake up! I wouldn't want you to choke on your own vomit.

King - Damnit! That can only mean one thing! Ashlee!!!! *King puts a brown paper bag over his head, but still pukes all over himself.*

[While Degenerate's back is turned, Ashlee goes for a low blow, bringing him to his knees. The ref calls for the bell]

JR- Apparantly she's still upset about Degenerate's involvement in the Sunny thing.

King - She should be those damn Ikeda brothers are the only two men that can look at her without puking!

JR - In any event CM Punk keeps his title due to DQ!

“Jarred’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

King-Wow didn’t Jarred do this same thing….two years ago! Man Jericho and Amy really did knock him down the ladder. Somewhere Jericho and Amy are laughing

JR-Well in any event Jarred does need to get his career on track, this could be the first step

“Shane theme” blasts on the PA system as Shane seems kinda worried most likely due to Missy getting taken to the hospital

JR-I’m not sure Shane head is into this match, Missy was taken to the hospital and we are yet to learn her condiction

King-oh well.

[Shane comes charging in the corner and then hits a few clubing blows to the face of Jarred and then Jarred tries to cover up and block the moves. But really can't really take away any of the punishment that the fists are giving him. Shane then hits a few shoulder blocks in which of course Jarred can't cover up on and then the ref tells him break it up, he does but quickly goes back into the corner and then throws a hard forearm to Jarred and then tries to whip Jarred to the opposite side of the ring and then Jarred reverses the whip and sends Shane to the opposite side of the ring and then charges in with him. Shane then uses his momentum to then use the corner to get on Jarred's shouders and then reverse hurricanarana him outside of the ropes and Jarred goes crashing to the ground. Jarred is up fast, but really dazed. Shane sees this and then charges and hits a quick base ball slide into the face of Jarred and the Jarred stumbles back to the guard rail and then Shane then runs to the ropes and then bounces off and then leaps over the top rope and nails a summer sault dive over the top rope on Jarred on the arena floor. Both wrestlers are down and then the ref starts to count 1...............2.................3.................4................5 Shane makes it to his feet and then rolls into the ring and then rolls back into the ring and then grabs Jarred by the hair and then takes him and then throws him shoulder first into the ring steps. Jarred is in a lot of pain as Shane then looks around to the crowd and then hits a few stomps to the downed Jarred. Shane then waits on the other side of the steps as Jarred gets to his feet and then Shane grabs Jarred's arm between the ring post and then uses the ring posts to deliver shoulder blocks. Shane then rolls Jarred into the ring and then takes a little too long to get on the apron and then Shane slowly gets up on the turnbuckle and plays to the crowd. But suddenly Jarred springs up and then charges at the turnbuckle and quickly makes it to where Shane is and then arm drags him off the turnbuckle. Both wrestlers are down.]

King-Wow were at a turning point at the place we talk…what a shock *sarcasm machine explodes *

JR-Not a smart move by Shane there, he had complete control of this match until then.

[Slowly Jarred claws over to the turnbuckle and then Shane stumbles up and then sees Jarred in the corner and then Shane goes for a splash thinking Jarred is too stunned to really move out of the way. But Jarred moves out of the way and then Shane goes crashing itno the turnbuckle, Shane is now in the corner and slowly stumbles out to where Jarred is standing barely able to stay on his feet. Jarred then hits a kick super kick on Shane and Shane goes down to the mat, but Jarred can't really follow up to the move and just falls to one knee and then can't do much else with the beating he's been getting and then Shane stumbles up trying to shake off the effect of the super kick and then Shane then charges at Jarred and then Jarred hits a quick hard clothesline and then Shane goes down and slowly gets up and then Jarred gets up faster and then Jarred hits a inverted atomic drop and then Shane stumbles back and then Jarred hits a quick hard fists and then takes him down Shane stumbles up and then gets whipped to the ropes and then Shane bounces off the ropes and then coming off the ropes Jarred goes for a clothesline, but Shane ducks it and then hits a super kick that stumbles him back. Though for some reason Shane seems to be out of it to really go for the Shady Tree as if something is bothering him. Jarred uses this opening to hit the soul Reaver!]

JR-It seems that Missy being taken to the hospital just cost Shane there

King-Why didn’t it before

JR-Maybe because he was trying to work through it and it’s not helping much anymore.

[Jarred gets up seeing that this might be his only chance quickly sling shots himself up on the top rope to save time climbing up on it and then leaps off the top rope and nails the LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jarred goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………….3]

JR-Jarred may have won this match, but I doubt he would have had Shane’s mind been in it.

King-Too much soupy storylines makes King go something, something

*As Jarred is trying to pull himself up suddenly a voice comes from over the PA system&

CM punk on the mic coming out from the back: Well well well, what a fucking boring piece of shit match that was.....that's like watching the grass grow. Im letting you all know I want a shot at this son of a bitch right here.

(CM Punk points to Jarred and then flips off both Shane and Jarred and walks to the back)

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, and is to determine the number one contenders to the EMF World Tag Team Championship. Introducing first, now making their way to the ring, TwiLight and Kaedon!"

*"TwiLight's Theme" begins to play as he and Kaedon walk out onto the stage together. The two men stop after a few steps, and stare at one another, trading a few words before they finish making their way to the ring. TwiLight makes his way up the steps, as Kaedon simply slides into the ring under the rope, and the two men meet back up on the far side of the ring.....*

Finkel:"And now introducing their opponents......."

*Before Howard Finkel can finish his statement, the EMF-Tron springs to life and is filled with the scene of what seems to be an empty locker room. But after a few seconds, the camera pans around a bit, and as it finishes circle the room, it pans downwards and reveals that Mike Angel and Genesis have both been laid out and left bloody messes. The view freezes for a few seconds, before it finally fades out to black, and the arena is filled with the infamous, and familiar ECW theme song. Paul Heyman walks out onto the stage, one of the EMF Tag Championships draped over his shoulder, and makes his way down to ring side, climbing up the ring steps, and stepping into the ring, a microphone in his right hand. He reaches up and adjusts his black ball cap, as his music comes to an end.....*

Paul Heyman:"Now, I bet your wondering what we're going to do about this match now aren't you? I know that the two of you have been spending alot of time together in preperation for this match, in hopes that it would be the two of you who would get to go onto Shockwave next week to face the EMF World Tag Team Champions. And I'm going to be honest with you, I admire what the two of you have been doing. I admire the fact that the two of you have managed to put the majority of your differences aside in order to try and achieve a more important common goal. Especially you Kaedon, since your a rookie here in the EMF, I know how important this match had to mean to you. But I honestly don't know what I'm going to do since your opponents, Mike Angel and Genesis have both been laid out in their locker room, and are therefore unable to compete against you tonight. Now, on one hand I could have the ref start the match, and initiate the ten count, thus giving the two of them the opportunity to come down here and wrestle this match. Or, I could simply name the two of you the winners by default, and therefore give the title shot to you. And thats what I believe I'm going to do. So, allow me to be the first to congratulate the two of you on earning a tag title shot for next weeks Shockwave. Now, last week on Shockwave I told Messiah that he could either choose a tag team partner to defend the titles with him, or I would pick on for him. Well, the deadline has now passed, and I regret to inform everybody that Messiah has not gotten back to me with the name of whom he would like to be his new tag team partner. So, I have been forced to choose a partner for him. So, without any further ado, allow me to introduce the man who will be teaming with Messiah next week to defend the EMF World Tag Team Championship...........BRICK LESNER!!"

*"Brick Lesner's" theme begins to play in the arena, as he steps out onto the stage, doing the Brick Dance, and nearly falling flat on his face in the process. He regains his balance and begins to walk towards the ring, but as he does, two men slide into the ring behind TwiLight and Kaedon. The first man quickly gets to his feet, and a quick glimpse of Messiah's face is seen as he clockes TwiLight in the back of the head with his Tag Championship, meanwhile the second man spins Kaedon around, kicking him the gut, causing him to double over. The man grabs him by the head and tucks it between his legs, getting him into position for something. As he does this, he tosses his head back, and the crowd begins to boo rabidly as they see Jarred Carthallion's face. Jarred lifts Kaedon up and nails him with a vicious Soul Reaver. Jarred bounces back up to his feet, and smiles over at Paul Heyman and then Messiah, as Heyman hands Jarred the EMF Tag Championship, and then grabs the I.C Title from the ring announcer, handing it to him as well. Jarred and Messiah shake hands, as they stand in the middle of the ring, holding their titles up as the fans boo......*

Paul Heyman:"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your new Extreme Measures Federation World Tag Team Champions, the team of the Intercontinental Champion Jarred Carthallion, and Messiah!!!!"

*The three men stand in the ring and celebrate for a bit before finally rolling out of the ring and making their way up the aisle, and back through the entrance again as the crowd fills the arena with a chorus of boos!!"

(We get a shot of the triple cage and a short promo video on how this match came to be as we go into introductions)

“Almost over” blasts on the PA as the crowd mostly cheers

JR-It seems that Wes having the crowd behind him is going to be….new…even the King brought a sign for Wes!

*We go to a camera shot of the announcers table where King is standing on the announcers table and holds up a sign “Wes, if you win the world title….CHANGE YOUR NAME!!!!!!!!! *

JR-Wes isn’t going to like that

King-Well do we really want a world champion named “Wes”.

“Just 2 badd” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

King-What a badd man, a badd champion…this is going to be a badd match JR!


[Wes and Badd Boy stand in the middle of the ring, it seems that Wes is kind of not wanting to go through with this. Badd Boy and Wes shout at each other for a little bit, then Badd Boy back hands Wes and then rakes his eyes hard and then Wes stumbles back in pain and then Badd Boy hits a few fists on the blinded Wes and then whips him to the ropes, Wes bounces off the ropes and then leaps off the ropes and then nails a flying clothesline, Badd Boy gets up and then Wes hits a fist that knocks him down. Badd Boy gets up dazed and then gets up and then hits a running shoulder block that sends Badd Boy to the mat and then Wes runs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes, Badd stays down on the mat and then lets Wes jump over him and then continue to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes and Badd Boy gets up and leaps over Wes and then Wes bounces on the other side of the ring Badd Boy sets up and hits a monkey flip on Wes that sends him across the ring and near the ropes and then slowly gets up and then Badd Boy charges for a clothesline over the top rope, but Wes is able to counter it with a back body drop. But Badd Boy is somehow able to land on his feet on the apron. Wes turns around and then Badd Boy goes for a punch on Wes and then Wes blocks it and then Wes hits a few punches of his own while Badd Boy is on the apron and is stunned holding on to the ropes so he doesn't fall off. Wes grabs Badd Boy's head and then charges with it and then smashes it into the steel part of the turnbuckle. Badd Boy then falls off the apron and then goes to the arena floor. Wes looks around not really stunned from much of what Badd Boy has hit thus far, Wes comes to the outside and then Badd Boy starts to beg off. Wes slowly comes towards Badd Boy, Badd Boy then hits Wes with a rake of the eyes and then hits a double leg take down and then sets Wes up and then goes for a caultpault and nails right into the cage. Wes goes crashing into the side of the cage and doesn't slide down it. So Badd Boy takes Wes's head and then ramps it into the cage. Badd Boy then holds Wes up by his hair and you can see that Wes is already busted open and then starts to rub his face into the side of the cage. Badd Boy then lets Wes stumble back, Wes does so backwards and then falls to his knees. Badd Boy uses this time to look under the ring and then pull out a ladder and a steel chair. Badd Boy then grabs the chair as Wes is getting up by the steel post. Badd Boy then tries to hit a steal chair shot that would sandwich Wes with the chair and post. But Wes ducks it and then Badd Boy is a bit of pain from the miss and then Wes hits a few hard fists and then whips him to the steel steps and then Badd Boy goes crashing into the steps shoulder first and with that crashing into the steps with such force it pushes off the top of the steps off the base of the steps. Wes then goes over and then pushes the steps off of the base of the steps all the way and then Badd Boy turns to where Wes in on the ground. Wes then sees Badd Boy facing the base of the steps so he goes running off somewhere...in fact all the way around the ring, when Wes comes around the corner Badd Boy has slowly gotten to his feet and then Wes drives him into the base of the steps with a one handed bulldog.]

JR-I didn’t expect the brothers to be going to this extreme to get the EMF world title

King-You must have not have been paying attention during the Bret and Owen feud then….

[Wes then gets up as Badd Boy is laying on the base of the stage and then Wes then pulls Badd Boy slowly up on the base of the stage and then sets him up and then gets him up and nails a piledriver on Badd Boy on the base of the stage! Wes just sits there for a few moments and then gets up and then goes to the otherside of the ring and then grabs the ladder that Badd Boy took out and then slides it into the ring and then sets it up near the hole in the top of the first cage and then Wes starts climbing to the top of the cage. Wes opens the top of the cage as he gets in the top of the cage and then makes his way to the second level of the cage. While this is happening Badd Boy weakly rolls himself into the ring and then pulls himself up with help of the ladder and then slowly starts to begin climbing. Wes then looks on the side of the second cage, there are many types of weapons on the side of the cage. Wes finds the chain cutters, as this is happening Badd Boy has made his way to the second cage and then while Wes is trying to get the door to the second cage Badd Boy grabs a chair and then smashes Wes on the back with it. Wes turns around in pain and then jabs the chair into Wes’ gut doubling him over bring him to one knee for a moment and then Badd Boy smashes the chair over the back of Wes. Badd Boy then throws the chair down and then grabs the chain cutters and then breaks open the second cages door and then pushes it out and then walks out of the second cage. Though slowly Badd Boy makes his way to his feet and gets to the outside of the second cage holding a trash can. Though once Badd Boy sees Wes making his way up the cage. Badd Boy quickly drops the trash can on the top of the cage and then quickly goes up the cage after Wes. Badd Boy is able to catch up with Wes and then hits a few fists on Wes to stun Wes. Badd Boy then smashes his head against the cage and then sets up and then hits a super belly to back suplex off the side of the cage to the top of the first cage. Luckly the first cage doesn’t break.]

JR-What a move by Badd Boy

King-JR…you realize we have a match that was inspired by the movie “Ready to Rumble” *Shudders *

JR-yes your point….

King-Shut up JR….or I will RULE YOU *King crowns JR and then runs away commando style to win the WCW championship…but then realizes there is no WCW championship and then comes back *

[Badd Boy can’t really move after that move, so he recovers for a little bit. Though this allows for Wes to recover after falling from a cage. Badd Boy slowly starts to move towards the second cage wall. Though while this is happening Wes is following Badd Boy with the trash can he brought out of the second cage and then he is able to get to the top of the second cage as Badd Boy just pulls himself on the top of the third one and is on his hands and knees not realizing that Wes is back up and following him. Wes starts his make his way on the top of the third cage as Badd Boy starts to climb to the final platform. Wes gets on top of the third cage and sees Badd Boy around half way up on the final platform and then Wes quickly leaps and then nails a few forearms to the back of Badd Boy to stun him for a few seconds. Wes then throws the trash can on the last platform and then starts climbing to the last platform. Badd Boy and Wes are both now on the top of the triple cage with the title hanging almost above them. They trade fists back and forth. Though one Badd Boy ducks and Wes swings through and Badd Boy uses this chance to turn it into a running atomic drop that Badd Boy tries to use to throw Wes off the side of the cage with. But Wes rolls off the back of Badd Boy and Badd Boy loses his footing and falls on to the top of the third cage again. Wes then grabs the trash can and then waits for Badd Boy to get up once he does, Wes throws Badd Boy the trash can, Badd Boy catches it and Wes leaps off the final platform and hits a drop kick into Badd Boy that sends Badd Boy flying back first into the top of the second cage back first. Badd Boy looks like he’s out of it. Wes on top of the third cage then turns around and starts to climb up to the final platform. Seeing this Badd Boy wills his way to his feet and tries to climb up and is able to make it to the third cage. But Wes is already standing on the final platform and then grabs the world title!]

King-Wes better change his name…NOW

*the PPV goes off the air as it shows Wes on top of the cage holding the World title in disbelief that he actually won *