EMF: Evolution

The EMF logo flashes on the screen, a video package plays how the main event came about. Then we go into the arena where pyrotechnics blasts off on the specially made stage. The lights come back on and the cameras scan the crowd with their signs

JR-Welcome to the United Center for EMF Evolution, I'm good ol' JR along side the King

King-JR tonight Primetime has a chance to tie X-Cold for titles, it was 2 years to the day that X-Cold won his 4th championship at the very first Evolution against Counterfeit and Darkside in a triple cage. Then weeks later won his 5th world championship before retiring at First Blood 00

JR-Yes King, what makes X-Cold's career even more impressive was that all the accomplishments were down in the span of one year. Primetime has past that mark, but being 5 time world champion of the EMF is very impressive in itself and tonight he will have the chance to do what only X-Cold has been able to do in the EMF's 3 year (almost) history!

"Highway to Hell" blasts on the PA system as Big Mastadon walks to the ring with Titan getting a lot of heel heat

JR-It's been a long time since we have seen Big Mastadon in the EMF and it would seem that he's here to make a impact

King-Well Mastadon has a lot to prove...that's for sure

"Crow's theme" blasts on the PA system as Crow walks to the ring

King-JR...couldn't we just put RVT or X-Cold-T in this match...at least it would be more fun...

"the Mario brothers theme" blasts on the PA system as Mario walks to the ring

King-I'm surprised Mario can even get into the ring....aw shit if he heard that then I'm FUCKED!

ding! ding! ding!
[Big Mastadon walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Mario checks his boots. Crow drops Big Mastadon with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Big Mastadon checks his boots. (the bell rings) Mario gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Mario takes Big Mastadon off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Mario gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. ]

King - Big Mastadon executes a backspin armdrag.

[Big Mastadon hits Mario with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Big Mastadon stands up. Mario climbs to his feet. Mario goes for a tilt-a-whirl powerslam but Big Mastadon dodges the attack. Mario sends Big Mastadon to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Mario swings a Steel chair and hits Big Mastadon. Big Mastadon is bleeding as a result. ]

JR - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[(..2) Big Mastadon gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. (...3) Mario knees Big Mastadon and rolls back to his feet. (....4) Mario stomps Big Mastadon's head. Big Mastadon trys for a headscissors takeover but Mario avoids it. (.....5) ]

King - They better get back to the ring!

JR - Blood is all over ringside.

[(......6) Big Mastadon and Mario move back into the ring. Big Mastadon short lariats Mario. Mario bounces Big Mastadon off the ropes and clotheslines him. Now Big Mastadon standing. Big Mastadon runs and tackles Mario. Big Mastadon punches him in the head. Mario goes for a sitdown faceslam but Big Mastadon dodges the attack. Mario and Big Mastadon go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Mario with an Aztecan suplex on Big Mastadon sends him to the floor. (...3) Mario grabs Big Mastadon and applies an arm wrench. ]

JR - arm wrench!

[Big Mastadon is back on his feet. Crow executes a neck scissors on Big Mastadon. Crow gets back to his feet. Big Mastadon is up again. (....4) (.....5) They head back into the ring. Crow applies the clawhold on Big Mastadon. ]

King - Crow executes a clawhold.

[Big Mastadon bounces Crow off the ropes and clotheslines him. Crow gets hit with the shooting star press from Big Mastadon. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Mario kicks Big Mastadon off of Crow. Big Mastadon executes a jawbreakeron Crow. Big Mastadon grabs Crow and applies an arm wrench. ]

King - arm wrench!

[Crow is back on his feet. Crow piledrives Big Mastadon thru a table! Crow with execites a bearhug on Big Mastadon. Earl Hebner asks Big Mastadon if he quits. ... ... Big Mastadon trys to escape. Big Mastadon escapes. Crow kicks Big Mastadon on the mat. Big Mastadon climbs to his feet. Big Mastadon gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Big Mastadon gets knocked on the ground and Crow flips onto him. Crow chants start. Crow stands up. Big Mastadon climbs to his feet. Crow unleashes the Canadian backbreaker on Big Mastadon. Crow moves back to his feet. Big Mastadon is up again. Crow trys to whip Big Mastadon to the other side of the ring. But Mastadon puts the breaks on and then pulls him back and then hits a choke slam on Crow. Big Mastadon goes for the cover 1..........2.......Crow puts his foot on the ropes but the ref doesn't see it 3.]

King-Crow's not going to be happy

JR-I don't think so King

[Crow gets up angry and yells at the ref, ref says he didn't see anything. Crow pushes the ref and the ref hits the turnbuckle hard and goes down. Crow stays in the ring and watches as Big Mastadon hits a big boot on Mario kicking a steel chair that he brought into to the ring while the ref was down. Big Mastadon puts Mario near the ropes. Crow grabs the steel chair as the Mastadon is on the top, Crow hits Big Mastadon with the chair once....twice...three times...four times....five times. Though amazely Big Mastadon seems only really stunned. Crow goes to the outside and then goes to the outside with the chair and then hits a chair shot to the back of the head of Mastadon that sends Mastadon flying off the turnbuckle and hits the Biggy bomb on Mario. But Mastadon is too stunned to make the cover, but Mastadon puts his air over Mario. While Mario does the same thing to Mastadon. The ref is recovering as a new ref runs into the ring and counts...as does the orinigal official counts as well. Both raise the hands of Mario and Big Mastadon blah blah blah, you seen this on WWF before. I just couldn't pick a winner for this match. So I figured give both younger guys a shot at the extreme title.]

JR-looks like Mario and Big Mastadon are getting the shot

King-Hey Crow cheated...but he couldn't win...DAMN IT

"some saliva song" blasts on the PA system as Wasabi walks to the ring

King-Wasabi's song is "some saliva song" now?

JR-no...Mike just forgot the name and needs to do his homework soon to ask


"nWo theme" blasts on the PA system as Rob Steelhart walks to the ring with the TV title followed by Dark Talon

King-Counterfeit must haunt him every day


[Wasabi charges at Rob Steelhart, but Steelhart side steps Wasabi and then throws him against the turnbuckle. Steelhart then hits a few hard fists in the corner to Wasabi and then hits a few knee lifts to the gut of Wasabi. Steelhart pulls Wasabi out of the corner and then hits a few hard fists that has Wasabi reeling on the ropes. Then Steelhart trys to whip Wasabi to the ropes, but Wasabi reverses the whip and Steelhart gets thrown to the ropes. Steelhart comes off the ropes and is able to hit a leg scissors hurricanarana as Wasabi gets thrown out of the ring under the bottom rope and then holds on to the apron to keep himself up. Wanting to press this advantage as much as possible Steelhart gets on the ropes and sling shots himself over the ropes and comes crashing down on Wasabi with a flying cross body block. Steelhart gets up a little hurt after that move. But Steelhart is able to pull up Wasabi and rolls him to the ring, Steelhart shouts a few things at the crowd and other things which waste time as Steelhart steps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Steelhart climbs to the rope, but suddenly Wasabi gets up and catches Steelhart before he can attempt to do a move. Then hits a slam off the top rope, Wasabi is down due to the damage that Steelhart inflicted before. Wasabi pulls himself off and shakes it off as he sees that Steelhart is now up holding his back after crashing into the mat. Wasabi charges and then hits a one handed face buster. Wasabi goes into the cover and gets the 1.......2....kick out, Wasabi looks at the ref and then pulls up Steelhart. Wasabi hits a few european upper cuts that stumble Steelhart to the ropes. Wasabi then whips Steelhart off the ropes. Steelhart bounces off the ropes and Wasabi hits a falling side slam (boss man slam like), Wasabi knowing that isn't going to finish Steelhart (hey...it was Bossman's finisher after all) hits a few stomps as Steelhart get to his feet. Steelhart then goes back to his knee's and begs off as Wasabi presses on, the ref says something as Steelhart trys to turn around run. Wasabi grabs Steelhart by the hair. The ref goes over to tell Wasabi to stop grabbing the hair, Steelhart uses this chance to hit a low blow on Wasabi without the ref knowing. Wasabi is down on his knee's in a lot of pain, Steelhart charges at Wasabi and then hits a seated drop kick on Wasabi that brings Wasabi all the way down. Steelhart then looks around at the crowd and then pulls up Wasabi, Wasabi is pretty much out of it as Steelhart hits a few fists and then backs him to the ropes. Then Steelhart whips Wasabi and charges after him as Wasabi bounces off the ropes, Steelhart then hits a knee lift in the gut of Wasabi as he bounces off the ropes that sends him down]

King-Hey JR I figured out why Steelhart is in a bad mood

JR-Why's that King?

King-Well didn't Counterfeit kill his wife or something

JR-King.....that was a dog named Mrs. Steelhart

King-a dog huh.....must be another one from Ashlee's famly. Which reminds me *King pukes*

[Wasabi is stunned as he reaches for the ropes to pull himself up, but once he does Steelhart starts to choke Wasabi on the ropes. The ref tells Steelhart to break it up, Steelhart pulls Wasabi all the way up instead of taking any stupid risk, Steelhart trys to whip Wasabi to the ropes, but Wasabi reverses it. Steelhart bounces off the ropes as Wasabi trys to recover, Wasabi is able to hit a spinning heel kick on Steelhart that takes him down. Wasabi can't capitalize on the move as he has to stay down just to recover. Wasabi then is able to crawl over to the ropes and pull himself. Steelhart gets up very stunned and stumbles towards Wasabi. Wasabi is able to hit a knee lift into the gut to stun Steelhart even more, Wasabi then takes a few moments and then is able to follow that up with a few fists that stun Steelhart back to the ropes. Wasabi then whips Steelhart to the ropes, Steelhart bounces off the ropes. Wasabi is then able to hit a over head belly to belly suplex. Steelhart gets up some how very dazed and then just stumbles right into a release arm drag. Steelhart is thrown to his feet after the move. Wasabi then hits a inverted atomic drop on Steelhart that stumbles him back to the ropes Wasabi backs up a little bit and then hits a hard running clothesline over the top rope and Steelhart goes crashing to the arena floor. Wasabi plays to the crowd who are pumped up. Steelhart is very dazed, but while Wasabi is paying attention to the crowd is able to get up, but before Steelhart can do anything. Wasabi notices and then charges over to where Steelhart is getting up and then leaps over the top rope and then knocks down Steelhart with a cork screw moonsault over the top and on to Steelhart on the outside. Both wrestlers are down as the ref starts to count them both out]

JR-Both wrestlers need to get back into the ring

King-Wow JR you figured that all by yourself?

[Wasabi is seemly hurt more than Steelhart, Steelhart gets up and rolls Wasabi into the ring. Wasabi gets up holding the ropes, Steelhart hits a few shoulder blocks and then puts him on the top rope. Steelhart goes to the top rope and then goes for a super plex. Steelhart hits the super plex on Steelhart, then floats over into a cover. But Wasabi is able to catch Steelhart's leg as it's floating over and get Steelhart in a pin for enough time to get the 1.......2......3]

King-Wow....that was a FLUKE!

JR-gets the job done...


*we go to a hall way where Wasabi is walking down a hall where he see's Nidia...Wasabi looks at her weird and suddenly gets blindsided by....*

Jamie Knoble-Jamie Knoble BOY! Jamie Knoble YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHAAAAWWWW don't you forget it. Jamie Knoble BOY!

*Knoble finishes his beat down of Wasabi*

Jamie Knoble-That felt good, I haven't beaten anyone up lately. Hey boy where is the next WWE event.

(Wasabi points from his beaten down state as Jamie Knoble and Nidia run off camera comando style)

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the EMF Intercontinental Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from St. Louis, Missouri....Badd Boy!"

*"Just 2 Badd" begins to play as Badd Boy steps out onto the stage. He walks down the aisle, a look of stern determination in his eyes as he slides into the ring and backs into one of the far corners..*

Finkel:"And introducing next his opponent. He hails from Australia, and represents the Wasabi World Order, he is the reigning Intercontinental Champion....Waaaasssabi!"

*"Click Click Boom" begins to play as the crowd goes wild. Wasabi walks out onto the stage wearing the Intercontinental Championship around his waist. He walks down to the ring, and slides under the bottom rope, taking off the belt and handing it to Nick Patrick who signals for the starting bell. Badd Boy and Wasabi begin to circle the ring, staring each other down. Finally the two men rush each other, meeting in the center of the ring and locking up into a collar and elbow tie up. Badd Boy takes the early advantage and body slams Wasabi. He backs away as Wasabi gets back to his feet. The two men stare each other down again, and then lock back up in a collar and elbow tie up. This time the two men muscle each other around until Badd Boy ends up pushing Wasabi back into a corner. Both men release each other and raise their hands in the air for a clean break, but as Badd Boy backs away Wasabi thumbs him in the eye and then steps out of the corner, grabbing BB by the hair and ramming is face into the top turnbuckle a few times. Badd Boy stumbles out of the corner, falling down to one knee, holding his face, only to have Wasabi drop kick him while hes down.*

J.R:"Well King it looks like Wasabi is willing to do anything in order to keep his I.C Championship out of Badd Boy's hands."

King:"Damnit J.R, you talk too damn much!"

*Wasabi pulls BB to his feet and punches him a few times as he backs him against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Badd Boy returns from the far side ropes and Wasabi catches him with a spine buster, and then floats over for the pin...1..2..BB kicks out easily. Wasabi stands back up, pulling Badd Boy up with him. Wasabi grabs BB by the arm and delivers a short arm clothes line, but he holds on and pulls him back up and does it again, and then once more. Wasabi laughs as BB hits the mat holding onto his neck. He kneels down and slaps BB a couple of times and then stands up, pulling Badd Boy back up to a standing position. Wasabi measures BB up and then delivers a right hand to his chin that rocks him, but doesn't take him down. He reaches back and does it again, and again Badd Boy doesn't fall. Wasabi bounces off the ropes, but this time Badd Boy takes Wasabi down with a drop toe hold. Badd Boy comes back up to his feet fast enough to catch Wasabi as he stands up. BB kicks Wasabi in the stomach and then a few European upper cuts to his chin that rock him back into the ropes. Badd Boy whips him off the ropes and then catches him with a beautifully executed drop kick as Wasabi reaches the center of the ring. Badd Boy comes back up quickly, and grabs Wasabi's ankles under his arms. He spins around so his back is to a corner, and then he falls back, spring boarding Wasabi face first into the top turnbuckle. Wasabi staggers backwards out of the corner. Badd Boy grabs him around the waist and picks him up, driving him down hard onto the back of his neck and shoulders with a German suplex. But Badd Boy doesn't let go and he rolls through, still holding onto Wasabi and delivers another German suplex...and a third...a fourth.....and finally a fifth rolling German suplex ending in a bridge and pin attempt. Nick Patrick rushes into position...1...2....no Wasabi is barely able to get his shoulder up and break the count.*

J.R:"We were a mere sixteenths of a second away from having a new Intercontinental Champion."

King:"Damn J.R, I told you that you talk too much, and on top of that, your too god damned analytical."

*Badd Boy stands up, stomping Wasabi in the back of his head and neck as he tries to stand up. BB grabs Wasabi by the hair and pulls him to his feet, only to snap mare him back down. But Badd Boy pulls Wasabi up to a sitting position, and then jumps over him, grabbing his neck and snapping it forward. Wasabi falls back to the mat, clutching his neck and screaming in pain as Badd Boy stands back up smiling at him. Badd Boy slowly walks over to where Wasabi is laying and as he reaches him, he begins to taunt and mock him crying. Badd Boy starts to put the boots to Wasabi as he grabs the ropes to help pull him to his feet. Nick Patrick steps in and causes Badd Boy to stop due to Wasabi being in the ropes. As Wasabi reaches his feet, BB kicks him in the stomach and then grabs his arm, whipping him into the nearest corner. Wasabi hits the corner hard and nearly falls out of it, but just barely manages to drape his arms over the top rope to hold him up. Badd Boy puches Wasabi a few times and then picks him up and sets him on the top turnbuckle. Badd Boy steps up to the middle turnbuckle and grabs Wasabi for a superplex, but he takes too long and as he tries to pick Wasabi up, he blocks it and instead punches him in the stomach, jumping off the top rope and holding onto Badd Boy and turning it into an X-Factor face buster.*

J.R:"Good god all mighty, this has turned into one hell of a slobbar knocker. That move could've hurt both of these men."

King puts on a pair of glasses with little wipers on them..."Damnit J.R, say it, don't spray it!"

*Both Wasabi and Badd Boy lay there in the ring motionless as Nick Patrick begins his standing ten count....1....2.....3.....both men start to roll over....4...5....Wasabi starts to his feet...6...7...8...Badd Boy gets up to his knees as Wasabi reaches his feet. Nick Patrick waves off the count as Badd Boy finally gets to his feet. As Badd Boy turns around, Wasabi bounces off the ropes and dives at him, but Badd Boy jumps out of the way and Wasabi nails Nick Patrick with his forearm smash instead. Wasabi stands back up, cussing and screaming over what he just did, and as he turns around Badd Boy nails him with a clothesline that sends him over the top rope to the outside. Badd Boy slides under the bottom rope to the floor and pulls Wasabi to his feet, only to get nailed with a low blow. Wasabi stands up and laughs at Badd Boy, and then makes fun of him in a high pitched voice. Wasabit punches BB a few times and then drives his back into the guard barrier a few times. Badd Boy falls to his knees, clutching his back. Wasabi grabs him by the head and pulls him up to his feet. He locks Badd Boy's head under his arm and then drapes on arm around his own head, picking Badd Boy up for a suplex, but instead he drops him gut first across the guard barrier. As Badd Boy hangs there, draped over the guard barrier, Wasabi climbs up on the ring apron and yells at the audiance. Wasabi gets a running start and he jumps off the ring apron, dropping a leg across the back of Badd Boy's neck, bringing him back down to the ring floor. Wasabi stands up and grabs Badd Boy by the head pulling him up with him. Wasabi grabs Badd Boy's arm and attempts to whip him into the ring post, but Tony blocks it and sends Wasabi sholder and head first into the post instead. As Wasabi falls down from the impact, Badd Boy grabs the time keeper and throws him out of his chair. Tony grabs the chair and folds it up, and carries it over to where Wasabi is. Badd Boy grabs Wasabi by the hair and pulls him to his feet, only to drive the chair into Wasabi's stomach and then roll him back into the ring. Badd Boy rolls back in the ring behind him, the chair in tow. Wasabi slowly gets to his feet, and as he does Badd Boy swings the chair at his head but Wasabi ducks it and grabs Tony in a Full Nelston, picking him up and hitting him with his own Full Nelson Slam finisher. Wasabi screams to the fans as he steps through the ropes and climbs to the top turn buckle. Wasabi looks around for a few seconds and then jumps off the top rope for the Hang Time, but Badd Boy reaches out and grabs the chair, lifting it and smashing Wasabi in the face with it as he comes down. Wasabi hits the mat hard and then bounces back up, staggering around holding his now bloody face. Badd Boy stands up and waits for Wasabi to turn his back to him, and when he does he locks him into the Full Nelson, and delivers a Full Nelson slam and floats over into the cover. Nick Patrick blinks his eyes and starts to crawl over towards the pin as he counts...1.......2.........3!*

J.R:"God no, it can't end this way. Wasabi has been robbed of the Intercontinental Championship."

King:"I could care less that he lost the title, I just hope Ashlee doesn't come out her to celebrate with Badd Boy."


(I'll be honest...we couldn't figure out who should win. I tipped it to BB due to the fact that Wasabi was going to win the TV title. I mean he was willing to give up the IC title for the TV title before. Though don't think this wasn't a promo choice too...it was just too close to call and I gave my opinion and didn't really know what to say either way...so that's the reason I decide to have BB win)

(MAN my computer killed the written version I had of this....I have no choice but to give you a simmed match, though I do include a written ending...so it should be alright. Again sorry about this, it was something I couldn't control *kicks computers while they are down*

"Break you" blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR-You have got to wonder about his changes...he's going against two people that hate him

King-Well I hate you and I always do a great announcing job!

"Snap your fingers, snap your neck" blasts on the PA system

King-I love Primetime....his last promo was his best ever....and the one before that...none of his promo's are boring...and Kevin Kelly is his soul mate


"Doperide" blasts on the PA system as Raptor walks to the ring

King-man...maybe we should just sign Saliva to some sort of record deal or something

JR-your right...we have too many superstars with their music

Ding! Ding! Ding
[Raptor gets up. Raptor hits the fallaway slam on Primetime. Raptor gets back to his feet. Raptor puts Primetime in the double reverse chinlock. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... ... Primetime is fighting the hold. Raptor breaks the hold. Raptor drags Primetime to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Raptor climbs to the top rope and nails Primetime with a reverse flying elbow drop. Raptor chants start. Now Primetime standing. (..2) (...3) Raptor legsweeps Primetime. Now Primetime standing. (....4) Primetime with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Raptor. Primetime climbs to his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Primetime and Raptor move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Primetime and Raptor move back to ringside. Primetime takes Raptor into the ring. Primetime knees Raptor and rolls back to his feet. Primetime applies an arm wrench to Raptor. Raptor gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Primetime. Jarred executes a back breaker on Raptor. Raptor gets hit with the shooting star press from Jarred. Charles Robinson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Primetime kicks Jarred off of Raptor. ]

JR - Jarred was so close!!

[Raptor climbs to his feet. Jarred drags Raptor to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Primetime nails the bridging back suplex on Jarred. Primetime chants start. (..2) (...3) Primetime fist drops Jarred on the floor. Primetime gets back to his feet. Jarred gets back to his feet. (....4) Jarred connects with a flying knee. Primetime goes down. (.....5) Jarred and Primetime move back into the ring. Jarred fist drops Primetime on the mat. Jarred is back on his feet. Now Primetime standing. Jarred jabs Primetime. Primetime pump handle slams Jarred to the mat. Primetime chants start. ]

King - Good pumphandle slam by Primetime.

[Primetime drags Jarred to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Primetime kicks Jarred on the floor. (...3) Primetime goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Jarred. (....4) Jarred hits Primetime with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Now Primetime standing. (.....5) Primetime and Jarred move back into the ring. Jarred gets elbowed to his midsection by Jarred. Primetime slaps Jarred. Jarred puts Primetime on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Jarred chants start. Jarred knees Primetime and rolls back to his feet. Jarred hits a frog splash on Primetime. Raptor and Primetime go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Raptor with a falling splash on Primetime. Primetime stands up. Primetime gets hit with a back heel kick. (..2) Raptor executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Primetime. Raptor climbs to his feet. Primetime moves back to his feet. Raptor nails Primetime with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Raptor climbs to his feet. (...3) Raptor hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on Primetime. Raptor chants start. Raptor puts Primetime in an arm grapevine submission. (....4) Raptor measures Primetime up and drops a closed fist. Raptor gets back to his feet. Raptor monkey flips Primetime onto the floor. Raptor moves back to his feet. (.....5) ]

King - They better get back to the ring!

[Raptor jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Primetime. Primetime moves back to his feet. Raptor flips Primetime to the floor. Raptor chants start. (......6) Primetime gets knocked on the ground and Raptor flips onto him. Primetime gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Raptor. Primetime is up again. (.......7) Japanese armdrag take down from Raptor send Primetime to the floor. Raptor executes a corkscrew legdrop on Primetime. Raptor moves back to his feet. Primetime moves back to his feet. (........8) ]

King - They better get back to the ring!

[Raptor punches Primetime in the gut. Raptor goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Primetime. Raptor stands up. Everyone of the wrestlers get on the apron and break the count. Jarred is climbing to the top rope, Raptor and Primetime look at each other and then both shake the ropes Jarred falls on the top rope. Both Raptor and Primetime climb to the top rope and then hook Jarred and hit a double super DDT. Primetime and Raptor pull up Jarred and both volly him with a few hard punches. Primetime then lifts him up and drives him down with a Primetime pludge. As this is happening Raptor hits a shooting star press for good measure and pins Jarred for the 1.........2......kick out! Raptor can't believe it, Raptor pulls up Jarred and then hits a sharp claw impaler. Raptor covers Jarred for the 1......2......3]

King-aw that's not fair....aw well cheat to win *King pokes JR's eyes*

[Primetime get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Raptor. Primetime is up again. Primetime gives Raptor a reverse neckbreaker. Primetime gets up. Raptor moves back to his feet. Primetime is hit with a backward kick. Primetime throws Raptor off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Primetime climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Raptor. Primetime and Raptor go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Primetime executes a corkscrew legdrop on Raptor. (...3) Primetime gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. (....4) Raptor measures Primetime up and drops a closed fist. Raptor stands up. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Raptor short-arm clotheslines Primetime to the mat. Raptor rolls onto Primetime connecting with a knee. Raptor stomps Primetime's head. Raptor hits Primetime with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Raptor is back on his feet. Primetime gets up. Raptor kicks Primetime in the groin. Raptor hiptosses Primetime. Raptor puts Primetime in an arm grapevine submission. Primetime is up again. Raptor hits Primetime with the Asai moonsault bodyblock. Raptor climbs to his feet. Primetime gets hit with the shooting star press from Raptor. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 Primetime escapes. ]

King - Raptor almost won the match!

[Primetime is up again. Primetime hits Raptor with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Primetime chants start. Primetime sends Raptor to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Raptor punches Primetime in the head. (...3) Raptor hits him with a back fist. ]

King - Raptor with a back fist.

[Raptor gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Primetime. Primetime with a huge fisherman buster on Raptor. Primetime takes Raptor into the ring. Raptor gets knocked on the ground and Primetime flips onto him. Primetime stands up. Primetime hits the flying legdrop across Raptor's neck. Primetime goes up to the top rope and goes for a Primetime pludge and leaps off and misses. Once this is happening Jarred comes back to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Tazz goes to the other side of the ring and gets the refs attention. Primetime is getting up dazed, Raptor pushes Primetime to the ropes where Jarred takes a swing at Primetime's head. Primetime ducks it and then Raptor gets hit. Raptor falls down as Primetime knocks Jarred off the apron. Primetime waits for Raptor to get up, Primetime puts Raptor on his shoulder and drives him down in the Primetime pludge. Primetime goes into the cover and gets the 1........2......3!]

JR-Primetime has done it!!


[Before Primetime can celebrate Jarred slides into the ring and then takes Primetime down with a chair shot, Tazz and Jarred are beating down Primetime. Suddenly the crowd stands up cheering which usually means someone is coming to hopefully help. Badd boy slides into the ring, Tazz charges at him. But Badd boy counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Jarred comes over and takes a swing at Badd boy with the steel chair, but Badd boy ducks it and follows it up with a few hard fists to the face of Jarred. Jarred is able to counter the attack with a knee to the gut. Jarred then whips Badd boy to the ropes and picks up the chair. Jarred goes for a chair shot, but Badd boy ducks it and then hooks Jarred and hits a full nelson slam. Jarred rolls out of the ring and back padles on the ramp. Badd boy shouts things at Jarred, then looks at the world title on the ground. He picks it up along with his IC title that he threw on his way to the ring *he's handed it* Primetime slowly gets up. Badd boy holds the world title for a few minutes and Primetime walks to the center of the ring. Badd boy then hands Primetime the world title. The EMF evolution copyright information goes on the screen and we are about to fade to dark.....when the arena goes dark]

JR-what is this....

*King shrugs...but of course you can't see it due to the lights being out*

(Suddenly the words "the Sick Fuck is back" flashes over the EMF tron)

[Several loud crashes can be heard. Jarred who hasn't taken his eyes off the ring unknownly has a somewhat insane looking person looking face to face at him as the lights turn back on. Revealed to be none other than Justin Franchize himself. Jarred turns around and then gets nailed with a hard fist that knocks him down, Franchize hits fists on the downed Jarred like a mad man. Franchize pulls up Jarred and then throws him against the steel stage Jarred dazed and bleeding now stumbles towards Franchize who lifts up Jarred and delivers his pattern tombstone piledriver (lol Franchize if I mess up your finisher...sorry it's been a long time man :-D ). Franchize yells at the downed Jarred.]



[Franchize head snaps towards the ring where Badd boy and Primetime are both down, Franchize slides into the ring as Primetime gets up. Franchize takes the world title and smashes Primetime's face with it. Badd boy gets up as well, but then gets a world title to the face as well. Franchize looks over the carnage, then grabs the IC championship and raises it over Badd boy as Evolution finally comes to a real ending.]

(Badd boy sorry man, you invited yourself to be apart of that beating when Primetime told me to have you help you (I know you two have been planning this...but it's another good talent to the EMF so take one for the team)