EMF: Dark Horizon

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Just......Rick!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Just......Rick comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Brick Lesnar walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Just......Rick checks out the ring. Brick Lesnar drops Just......Rick with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Just......Rick hits Brick Lesnar with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Now Brick Lesnar standing. Brick Lesnar hits him with a back fist. Just......Rick kicks Brick Lesnar in the back of the leg. Brick Lesnar gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Just......Rick. Now Just......Rick standing. Brick Lesnar gets hit with the shooting star press from Just......Rick. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 Brick Lesnar escapes. ]

The King - Not even close!

[Brick Lesnar is up again. Brick Lesnar executes the flying head scissors on Just......Rick. Brick Lesnar chants start. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Just......Rick is back on his feet. Brick Lesnar sends Just......Rick to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

The King - stupid sim

[Brick Lesnar picks up Just......Rick and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. (..2) ]

JR - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[(...3) Brick Lesnar puts Just......Rick in an arm grapevine submission. Just......Rick moves back to his feet. (....4) Brick Lesnar catches Just......Rick leg, but Just......Rick reverses it with an enzuigiri to Brick Lesnar's head. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Just......Rick and Brick Lesnar move back to ringside. Just......Rick and Brick Lesnar move back into the ring. Just......Rick jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Brick Lesnar. Now Just......Rick standing. Just......Rick measures Brick Lesnar up and drops a closed fist. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Just......Rick hits a dragon suplex on Brick Lesnar. Just......Rick chants start. Just......Rick stands up. Just......Rick with the hammerlock on Brick Lesnar. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... ... Just......Rick breaks the hold. Just......Rick puts Brick Lesnar in an arm grapevine submission. Just......Rick rolls onto Brick Lesnar connecting with a knee. Just......Rick hits Brick Lesnar with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Just......Rick gets up. Brick Lesnar gets hit with the shooting star press from Just......Rick. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Brick Lesnar kicks out. ]

The King - Not even close!

[Brick Lesnar gets up. Just......Rick climbs the turnbuckle and nails Brick Lesnar with a flying bulldog. Now Just......Rick standing. Brick Lesnar climbs to his feet. Just......Rick slaps Brick Lesnar. Just......Rick chants start. Just......Rick executes the front-layout suplex on Brick Lesnar. Just......Rick gets up. Just......Rick goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Brick Lesnar. Just......Rick chants start. Now Just......Rick standing. Brick Lesnar stands up. Just......Rick knifehand chops Brick Lesnar. Just......Rick with the Flying Elbowdrop on Brick Lesnar! Just......Rick uses an inside cradle to pin Brick Lesnar. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Just......Rick!!!

(The copyright information goes over the screen, once it fades away we go into a video pack of how the matches tonight came to be and then it fades we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the specially made stage. Then fans yell as lights are turned on and the camera scan the crowd.)

JR-Welcome fans to Dark Horizon, what a show we have for you tonight.

King-yeah, it will be alright

Kris Gaffney-Well let’s just get to the matches already…

“Who I am” blasts on the PA system as Chyna walks to the ring along with Chris Masters

JR-It seems that Chyna has some back up


Kris Gaffney-um….King’s officially went crazy

“not the lady to mess with” blasts on the Victoria walks to the ring with Steven Richards

Kris Gaffney-Speaking of theme songs, here comes the girl that comes out to the theme that doesn’t make sense

JR-Well…she’s a bit weird anyways

King-I liked it when the writer couldn’t remember any of the themes

[Victoria slides into the ring and then charges at Chyna, who just counters with a hip toss. Victoria gets up and then charges at Chyna once again and then Chyna answers with a boot to the face. Victoria stumbles back and then Chyna hits a few forarms to the face and then whips Victoria to the ropes. Victoria bounces off and then Chyna goes for a standing clothesline, but Victoria ducks and then goes to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes Chyna turns around as Victoria goes for a cross body block and then Chyna is able to catch the move really easily and then hits a rib breaker on Victoria. Chyna hits a few stomps on the downed Victoria who stumbles into the corner and Chyna hits a few stomps into the gut of Victoria. Chyna then whips Victoria into the opposite corner and then Chyna sets up and does her cart wheel/back flip combo and then goes for a back elbow. But Victoria moves out of the way and Chyna crashes out of the corner and stumbles forward. Victoria goes back into the corner as Chyna stumbles around and then charges at Victoria in the corner who counters with a boot to the face. Chyna stumbles back a few steps and then Victoria pulls herself to the second rope and then Chyna stumbles towards Victoria. Victoria hooks her and then goes for a tornado DDT on Chyna, but Chyna pushes out of the move before Victoria is able to drive her head into the mat and then Victoria lands on her feet and then Chyna stumbles towards Victoria and then Victoria tries to go for a northern lights suplex and then it’s countered with a knee to the gut. Victoria stumbles a few steps, suddenly Chyna picks up Victoria and body presses her over her head and then hits a body press slam on Victoria. Chyna then goes to the ropes and then comes with the big splash (I wouldn’t be surprise if Chyna started shaking the ropes for powers). Chyna goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………….2…………..kick out. Chyna picks up Victoria by the hair and then throws her into the corner once again and the Chyna decides to choke Victoria with her boot and then the ref counts to 5, and Chyna lets up on the choke hold and then hits a hair toss out of the corner and then Chyna goes to the ropes, steps out on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Victoria stumbles up and Chyna goes for a flying double axe handle and then Victoria hits a fist to the gut on Chyna and then both wrestlers are now down.]

JR-Victoria might not get an another chance to win this match

King-I’m sure she will

Kris Gaffney-wrestling is too back and forth, what about that ballet that King was talking about a few weeks ago…


[Victoria and Chyna stumble up, Chyna goes for a fist. But it’s ducked and then Victoria hits a few hard forearms to the face and then tries to whip Chyna to the ropes. But Chyna reverses the whip and then sends Victoria to the ropes and bounces off, Victoria leaps up and then nails a flying forearm on Chyna. Chyna stumbles back and then bounces off the ropes and then Victoria hits a double leg take down on Chyna and then turns her and then Victoria now has Chyna in a boston crab…the ref asks Chyna if she wants to give up, Chyna refuses to take and then starts to crawl towards the bottom rope and then Chyna grabs the ropes Victoria releases the hold and then hits a few stomps on the down Chyna, and then pulls her up and then tries to whip Chyna to the ropes and does. Chyna bounces off the ropes, and then Vitoria hits a kick into the gut that doubles over Chyna. Victoria goes to the ropes, bounces off and then nails a spinning neck breaker on Chyna. Victoria goes into the cover and gets the 1………………….2……..kick out that sends Victoria flying and she’s now in the corner and then looks like she hit her head Victoria is stunned in the corner and then Chyna see’s this and charges at Victoria. But Victoria was not that effective as she counters the charge into a drop toe hold and sends Chyna face first into the second turnbuckle Victoria waits for Chyna to come towards her, Chyna gets up stumbling around. Victoria kicks her in the gut and then hits a fishermans suplex and gets a 1…………………..2……………kick out by Chyna. Victoria looks at the ref as if to say “that was 3”.]

JR-Only two count

Kris Gaffney-Well Victoria thought it was 3

King-No one asked her

[Victoria then looks pissed at Chyna and then waits for Chyna to get up Victoria kicks her in the gut and then sets up Chyna for the Widow’s peak. But she can’t get Chyna up in the move, and then Chyna hits a back drop on Victoria. Victoria crashes to the mat, and then Chyna pulls up Victoria by the hair and then goes for the Chyna bomb, she then lifts her up. But Victoria fights out of it, and then falls behind Chyna and then goes for a clothesline. Chyna ducks it and hits the low blow, Victoria goes down like she it really hurt. Steven Richards jumps on the apron and starts to yell at Chyna. Chyna goes over to him, behind her Victoria just shakes her head, as she was just acting hurt. Then she takes off the padding of the bottom turnbuckle. Suddenly Masters pulls Richards off the apron and then starts to brawls with him, Victoria once again acts hurt in the corner as Chyna is in the opposite corner as she does her summersault/ back flip combo into a back elbow. But Victoria hits what seems to be a reverse drop toe hold, and Chyna goes crashing into the unprotected turnbuckle back of the head first. The ref doesn’t see this as he’s destracted by the fighting going on around ring side by Masters and Richards. Chyna goes down to then Victoria climbs to the top rope, and then leaps off and nails a moonsault on Chyna and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………3]

(Bad, Bad Man blasts out over the PA system, as John Cena emerges, accompanied by the beautiful Jackie Gayda. Cena quickly gets in the ring to a chorus of boos, but there are some cheers as Jackie poses with her women's championship, before joining her boyfriend in the ring.)

Cena: "Well you're probably all wondering why the Fatal 4 Ways referee is out here.. no i'm not gonna run my mouth with bulllshit.. I left that to the competitors.. no instead i'm out here to accompany my gorgeous girlfriend.. because she has something she'd like to share with you all! Jackie.. go ahead.."

J.R: I wonder what Miss Jackie has to share with us..."

King: "I got a few preferences..."

Jackie: "Well ladies and gentleman.. I have a couple of friends I want you all to meet! NOw.. I was gonna bring out The VP and her little friend she claims she's dating.. but it would seem their invites to our little part got "lost in the post!" Or rather.. it would seem Amy doesn't have the bottle to bring her ass down to the ring.. not to mention Jericho not having the balls to come out! But I got for you all the next best thing... I present to you... AMY DUMAS AND CHRIS JERICHO!!!"

J.R: "Woah.. is she serious?"

King: "Man I hope not... I got excited then..."

(The Other World blasts out, and the crowd roar in excitement. However.. it is not Amy or Jericho that emerges.. at least... not the AMy or Jericho we all know. Instead 2 people resembling them come out.. with the only difference being they are migits! They enter the ring.. and Jackie addresses them!)

Jackie: "Well welcome to our ring! We are two of the EMF's biggest superstars.. The Franchise plaer John Cena.. and the Women's Champion Jackie Gayda! And who might you two nobodies be..."

Mini- Amy: "Im Vice President AMy Dumas.. and this is my boyfriend Chris Jericho.. or at least.. we claim we are dating.. though we've done nothing in the years we've been together!"

Jackie: "Well it's so good to finally hear you admit that Amy... tell me, what exactly does the job of being Vice President mean for you?"

Mini-Amy: "Well.. not much really. It means I sit around on my ass all day.. staring at some blank papers to look important.. and all i do is corrupt the company so my personal favourites can win titles.. like I did with Benoit last week! And really I just like to be the centre of attention and look important.. whilst really Mike and others are taking care of everything!"

Jackie: "Well that's interesting Amy.. ok next thing.. what are your feelings towards Chris?"

Mini-Amy: "Well... he makes me look good.. being with him boosts my status.. I mean.. being a red head.. my status in society is quite low.. so i need Chris to boost that!" other than that... nothing I suppose.."

Jackie: "Hmmm Chris.. anything to add to that?"

Mini-Jericho: "Take a hike... ass clown!"

Jackie: "Right.. I begin to wonder if that's all he can say.. but still. Ok Amy.. To move off the topic of how pathetic you and Jericho are.. I have to ask.. do you know what this is?"

(Jackie puts the Women's title down in Amy's line of sight..)

Mini-Amy: "Something I spend money on but are too stupid to understand... it's shiny though..."

(Amy makes a grab for the title...)

Jackie: "No no no.. that's not yours Amy.. but you want it don't you?"

Mini-Amy: "Amy want... shiny... thing..."

Jackie: "Well she grasps basic things.... Chris.. would you like the title?"

Mini-Jericho: "Take a hike... ass clown!"

Jackie: "As I expected... but Amy.. if you want this title... do you know what you've got to do for it?"

Mini-Amy: "Ok ok... i'll beat you at Hungry Hippos for the title... I mean... for the shiny thing..."

Jackie: "No Amy... you see... for titles we do a thing called...wrestling! Do you know what that is?"

Mini-Amy: "Nope... no idea... can I jsut have shiny thing now?"

Jackie: "This is wrestling..."

(A clip plays of Jackie beating Trish for the women's championship.)

Jackie: "Happy Amy..."

(Amy's face is a sight of pure terror! she looks at Jackie... and runs and hides behind Jericho. She throws Jerciho towards Jackie instead.. but Jackie just pushes him over...)

Mini-Jericho: "Take a hike... ass clown!"

Jackie: "Well Amy... I always knew you were scared... but throwing your own boyfriend at me.. to let him be attacked rather than yourself.. that's just low! Then again.. I suppose you don't LOVE Jericho.. so it's understandable... right?"

Mini-Amy: "Jericho can be hurt.... just don't hurt Amy.. big scary Jackie..."

Jackie: "Don't worry.. I know how scared you are Amy.. but as i've said.. I don't know when i'm gonna get you.. but mark my words.. one day.. you will taste the pain that only Jackie can inflict on you!!! Word Life!"

(Jackie places a hand on Amy.. but she runs! The Other World blasts out.. as Amy runs rom the ring, terrified of Jackie. Jericho tries to leave also.. but Jackie pulls him back.)

Jackie: "Who said anything bout you going.."

Mini-Jericho: "Take a hike... ass clown!"

Jackie: "Oh but you see... as your little "girlfriend" refused my challenge.. we have a special challenge for you... namely.. THE MASTERLOCK CHALLENGE!!!"

(Chris Masters' theme blasts out. He climbs into the ring, as Jackie stops Jericho running away! He then grabs Jericho, and applies the Masterlock! Jericho struggles.. before submitting to the hold! Bad, Bad Man blasts out as the scene fades with Cena. Jackie and Masters standing in the ring, looknig down at a beaten Jericho, with AMy half way up the ramp.. almost in tears at the fear Jackie inflicted on her!)

“St. Anger” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring

JR-Dewey Pond hasn’t been seen as of late, I suppose he’s it might have to do with Tori being pregnant

King-Yeah that could happen, I could picture Tori making him get random things to eat

“Prophecy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Prophecy walks to the ring

JR-Prophecy is also making his return after a while

King-Remind me who he is…

Kris Gaffney-*ignoring King* These wrestlers come out of no where…

[Dewey Pond is walking to the ring, and then Prophecy meets him at the bottom of the ramp before he can get into the ring and then they exchange punches and then Dewey Pond lost the upper hand to Prophecy. But then Prophecy tries to whip Dewey Pond to the steel steps, but he then reverses the whip and then Prophecy goes hard into the steel steps. Pond then shakes off the punches and then rolls into the ring and then the bell rings to start the match. Pond waits for Prophecy to get up and then Pond hits a few hard fists and then whips Prophecy to the ropes. Prophecy bounces off the ropes, and then Pond lowers his head and then his a back body drop and Prophecy crashes on the mat. Prophecy stumbles up and then Pond charges at Prophecy and then Pond knocks him down with a running clothesline and then Prophecy stumbles up and Pond picks him up and then hits a body slam. Pond backs up to the ropes, comes back and then hits a knee drop on Prophecy. Pond goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………………..2………..kick out. Pond gets up and then climbs into the top rope and waits for Prophecy to get up. Prophecy stumbles up and then Pond leaps off for a cross body block and Prophecy ducks it and then Pond goes crashing into the mat. Prophecy gets up seeing that this might be his chance to take over the match and maybe win it. Prophecy stumbles up right into Prophecy who kicks Pond in the gut and then hits a twisting fishermans suplex and then gets a 1………………….2……..kick out. Prophecy hits the mat thinking that was a legit chance to win the match. Prophecy gets to his feet, and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Pond. Prophecy then starts to choke Pond as he gets to the ropes as the ref uses his count and he breaks the choke before he reaches five. Prophecy then runs to the ropes and leaps in the air after coming back. But Pond moves out of the way and then Prophecy lands on the ropes falls back into the ring. Prophecy stumbles around in pain of where he landed, Pond gets to his feet and then kicks Prophecy in the gut and then sets up Pond and then hits a quick power bomb on Prophecy and stacks him on his shoulders and then gets a 1………………….2………Prophecy is too close to the ropes and he is able to break the count by grabbing the ropes. Pond looks around, and then calls for the move]

JR-Prophecy was lucky the ropes was there

King-Yeah, but that idiot Pond is going to do the same move again!

Kris Gaffney-If it’s not broke, don’t fix it?

[Prophecy stumbles up and then Pond kicks him in the gut and then picks him up for another power bomb. But Prophecy is able to hit a few fists as Pond has him up and then is able to flip to the ground behind Pond, Pond turns around and then gets taken down with a double leg take down and then Prophecy positions Pond towards the turnbuckle and then hits a sling shot that sends Pond flying into the corner and then Pond stumbles backwards out of the corner after smashing his face on the top turnbuckle and then Prophecy hits a flowing reverse neck breaker on Pond. Prophecy can’t get up as well, and the ref starts his standing 10 count 1…………………2…………….3…………4…………..5…………….6……….7…….Pond is able to make it to his feet first, and then goes for a fist and Prophecy ducks it and then this a belly to back suplex on Pond. Pond stumbles up and Prophecy hits a short arm clothesline. Pond gets to his feet, and then Prophecy pegs him with a few hard fists and then whips Pond to the ropes and Pond bounces off the ropes and then Prophecy hits a spine buster on Pond and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………kick out!]

JR-Almost three

King-No it wasn’t

Kris Gaffney- Clearly that ref was paid off….oh sorry, I was reading from Angelus promo last week (j/k)

[Prophecy stumbles into the corner and then Pond hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip him to the other side of the ring. But Prophecy reverses the whip and then Pond goes crashing into the corner, Prophecy comes charging. But Pond hits a reverse elbow and then Prophecy stumbles back and then Pond steps out of the corner a little bit. Prophecy charges into Pond, Pond is able to hit the Pond water splash out of no where and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1………………..2…………..3]

“Bad, Bad man” blasts on the PA system as Cena walks to the ring

JR-What he and the womens champion have done to taunt the Vice President isn’t right. She was just doing her job in the things that Jackie and Cena blame him for. Now he’s going to ref this match, like he could really be a fair ref, Cena can go to hell

King-and you use to warn me about talking trash..

“Archaos theme” blasts on the PA system as he walks to the ring with Sable

King-When’s the last time Sable’s been in the EMF?

JR-I think she appeared with the Destroyer in his debut

Kris Gaffney- Destroyer was a pimp when he first got in the EMF..so I’ve heard

“Getting away with murder” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno walks to the ring

JR-Rhyno sure has had bad luck as of late

King-Oh well

Kris Gaffney-Maybe he can take out his frustration on a flower pot

“number 1” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring

JR-where has Dude Nick been

*King and Kris shrug*

[Daemon Archaos stays on the side of the set and then the champion Scott Kincaid walks from the entrance and then Archaos charges at the champion. But the champion obviously saw him coming or got a look where he was hiding on a monitor before he stepped into the tunnel, because he nails Archaos with a square punch to the face of Archaos and then Archaos goes down as Rhyno comes from behind Kincaid and then knocks him down with a running forearm to the back of the head of Kincaid. Rhyno hits a few stomps as Dude Nick walks to the fight. Not overly interested in getting into the fight just right now, and picking his spots. Rhyno turns around and then gets a big boot by Dude Nick. Rhyno falls to the ground and then Dude Nick measures up Rhyno and then Dude Nick hits a few kicks that makes Rhyno roll towards the edge of the stage. Rhyno is close to the edge now and then Dude Nick waits for Rhyno and then Rhyno stumbles up and then Dude Nick holds up his hand as the crowd boo’s and as Rhyno is to his feet and then Dude Nick goes for a choke slam off the stage. But before he can do it, Kincaid comes from behind and then hits Dude Nick breaking up the choke slam and Rhyno falls on the stage still close to the edge of the stage and then rolls away from the edge of the stage. Dude Nick stumbles back, Kincaid hits a few fists trying to make Dude Nick fall off the stage himself. So much in fact Dude Nick is just about to fall off, Kincaid goes for another punch. But it’s blocked and then turned into a head butt. Kincaid falls back and then gets up dazed and Dude Nick picks up Kincaid into a body press and then it shows that Archaos who was obviously beaten down by Kincaid before is getting up and then Dude Nick throws Kincaid and then Kincaid flies into a cross body block into Archaos and then both wrestlers are down. Dude Nick turns around and then gets gored by Rhyno. Rhyno goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………2……………kick out by Dude Nick as he’s not beat up enough. Rhyno pulls up Dude Nick and then hits a few forearms as Dude Nick stumbles down the ramp. Rhyno then kicks Dude Nick into the gut and then goes for suplex. But can’t get it, Dude Nick counters out of the suplex with a knee to the gut and seemly is going to go on the offensive when Kincaid comes running down and then starts hammering away at Dude Nick, Rhyno joins in after a moment and then sets up Dude Nick and nails the suplex on the ramp way.]

JR-It took quite an effort to hit that suplex

King-Well, it is harder to do that to taller wrestlers

Kris Gaffney-Rhyno should have hit Dude Nick with a flower pot.

[Kincaid rolls into the ring, as Rhyno tells him that he wants to take some business with Dude Nick. Kincaid being the face he is agree’s and then Rhyno goes under the ring pulls out a flower pot to the King’s yelling at Kris Gaffney “you and your big mouth”. Rhyno measures up and then smashes Dude Nick with the flower pot. It would seem that he’s about to try to go into the cover, but Archaos comes out of no where and then hits a few fists, an inverted atomic drop and then throws Rhyno into the steel steps. Archaos comes back with a chair from under the ring and then Archaos goes for Rhyno’s head and Rhyno rolls out of the way. Archaos stumbles back stunned and Rhyno climbs on top of the stairs and then goes for a shoulder block. But Archaos counters by slamming the chair into the flying Rhyno, Rhyno goes down in extreme pain. Just as Archaos is about to pick up the pieces with Rhyno seemly done for, Kincaid comes out of no where and nails Archaos with a baseball slide and Kincaid slides out of the ring and then pulls Archaos up and rolls him into the ring. Kincaid tries to slide into the ring. But then Archaos who isn’t up yet starts to hammer away at Kincaid. Kincaid stumbles up and then Kincaid falls against the corner and then Archaos hits a few fists and pulls Kincaid out of the corner and then whips Kincaid off the ropes. Archoas lowers his head and hits a big back body drop on Kincaid. Archaos waits for Kincaid to get up and once he does he kicks Kincaid in the gut and then hits a pull up piledriver, Archaos goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………………..2………….kick out by Kincaid.]

JR-Almost three

King-When will this match get over damn it!

[Archaos stands up, and then Rhyno comes out of no where and then and goes for a clothesline. Archoas ducks and then nails into Cena instead. Archaos goes for a clotheline on Rhyno. Rhyno ducks it and then hits Archaos with a gore. Suddenly Cena kicks Rhyno in the gut and then hits the F-U! Cena does the “you can’t see me” taunt suddenly he see’s Kincaid and Archaos drape both their arms over Rhyno and Cena shrugs and does the double count 1………………..2……………..3]

JR-I guess that means we have co-champions

Kris Gaffney-Too confusing *Gaffney jobs*

(Suddenly the lights go out, and turn back on as everyone is looking around confused and Dude Nick is no longer around at ring side)

(OOC-Alright this is the deal, there were too many confusing issues with Archaos RP. So this is why it took me so long to get this up. Don’t ask me why I just came up this compromise just now, it just came to me. So really to get away from the issues this time, I figured this was the way to keep everyone happy and set up a rematch at a later date to make an undisputed extreme champion)

“Barbwire Chris’ theme” blasts on the PA system as Barbwire Chris walks to the ring

JR-Barbwire Chris is without a doubt…..a unique competitor

*Kris and King hold up weed wackers and start laughing like mad men*

“Metalius” blasts on the PA syst

King-What Wes is back, and now he’s proud to say his name sucks. What crap, it’s just like when Kurt Angle tried to turn the “you suck” chants into positive

JR-Oh well, it would seem that this DTC and Elite feud is a foreshadow of what will happen with the tag titles. Though we aren’t sure exactly where they will go

Kris Gaffney-Well guess I’ll see if Wes really is even close to the wrestler that KG was.

[Wes and Barbwire Chris lock up, but Chris just surpasses the wrestling and just nails a knee into the gut and then Wes doubles over and then Chris allows Wes up and then Chris hits a few hard fists and tries to whip Wes to the ropes and does, Wes bounces off the ropes and then Wes leaps in the air and hits a flying shoulder block on Barbwire Chris. Barbwire goes down to the mat, and Wes waits for Barbwire Chris to get up and then knocks him down with a running clothesline. Barbwire Chris stumbles up and Wes kicks Barbwire Chris in the gut and sets up for what seems to be a vertical suplex. But then drops Chris forward hits a front slam on Barbwire Chris. Wes then goes to the outside, and then goes to the time keeper making him move out of the way and then he grabs a chair. Wes turns around, seeing that Barbwire is already up and is now flying towards him after leaping off the apron for an axe handle smash. Wes thinks fast and then jabs the chair into the gut of Barbwire Chris. Barbwire Chris falls hard on to his knee’s and then Wes measures up Barbwire Chris and then hits a chair shot to the back of Barbwire Chris. Wes then takes the chair and throws it into the ring and then he see’s Barbwire Chris getting up near the Spanish announce table and then Wes picks up Barbwire Chris and drops him face first into the table. Wes then starts taking apart the table with the monitors and other stuff that’s on there. Wes pulls up Barbwire Chris up and then smashes his face into the announcers table and then throws him on to the Spanish announcers table as the Spanish announcers go running. Wes then goes over to the guard rail and then gains his balance and jumps up as high as he can and comes down on Barbwire Chris with a big splash that breaks the table. Wes rolls off in pain and Barbwire Chris is in whatever is left of the table. It takes a while for both wrestlers to get to their feet and then oddly Barbwire Chris being most use to crazy pain is able to get up and then charges at Wes. Wes counters with a double leg take down, he then positions Barbwire Chris and then nails the sling shot that sends Barbwire Chris face first into the ring post. Chris just stays there for a while and then Wes pushes him into the ring. Wes rolls into the ring and then drags Chris’ body to the corner and then uses the chair to choke Chris for a little bit and then puts it into his face. Then calls for the coast to coast.]

JR-Here comes the coast to coast

King-You mean the ripped off van-terminator?

Kris Gaffney- I wish I knew what the move name meant for Wes, but then again…what the hell does the coast to coast have to do with Shane McMahon in the first place?

King-um…I’ve ripped off this move, and I’m going to use it coast to coast (no offense to Shane McMahon fans, he’s cool in my book)

[Wes goes over to the other side of the ring where Barbwire Chris is and then gets ready and leaps off. But then Barbwire Chris throws the chair away and dives out of the way of Wes’ finisher. Wes crashes to the mat, Wes stumbles up right into Barbwire Chris who hits an impaler DDT on the chair. Wes’ face bounces off the chair and then both wrestlers are down, it shows that Wes is now busted open. Slowly both wrestlers are getting to their feet, at some point Barbwire Chris opens up the chair and puts it in the middle of the ring and looks like he’s getting up with it and then gets to his feet as Wes does. Wes still dazed charges at Barbwire Chris and then Barbwire Chris counters with a drop toe hold that makes him fall into the chair. Somehow it does not bend and then Barbwire Chris puts Wes sitting in the chair and then Barbwire Chris goes to the ropes, bounces off and then hits a clothesline that sends Wes down to the ground and then Barbwire Chris takes the chair from under Wes and then measures up and then Wes stands up still bleeding pretty well and then Barbwire Chris smashes Wes with the chair. Wes goes down in a heap, Barbwire Chris then takes the chair and then jabs it into the gut of Wes. Chris then drags Wes over to the corner a little bit and then places his right wrist into the chair and then backs up into the corner and climbs to the second rope leaps off and nails a flying double foot stomp on the chair crushing Wes’ right hand in it.Wes is in clear pain and then Barbwire Chris goes to the outside and then brings out a 2 x 4 wrapped in Barbwire and slides into the ring. Wes is stumbling up, and then Barbwire Chris smashes Wes with the 2 x 4 wrapped in barbwire. Barbwire then starts to rake the 2 x 4 across the head of Wes making him bleed more. Barbwire Chris lets Wes drop to the mat, and then starts to bit the hand that he smashed in the chair]

JR-Wes is losing a lot of blood

King-Guess he shouldn’t have messed with Barbwire Chris


(Suddenly Just.........Rick walks to the ramp way)

King-and who would that be

JR-He's the new wrestler here in the EMF that wrestle a dark match

King-I act like dark matches don't exsist...I wish I could have done that for wrestling run in a bingo hall. But it's all around me......AAHHHHHHH....WRESTLING IN BINGO HALL, THERE IT IS *uses Gaffney as a human shield*

[Barbwire Chris then pulls up Wes and hits a few fists and then tries to whip him to the ropes. But Wes is able to reverse the whip and then Barbwire Chris bounces off the ropes and then Wes hits an arn Anderson spinebuster. Wes bounces up to his feet holding his hand, which is clearly bothering him. Wes calls for the full nelson slam. Barbwire Chris stumbles up, then stumbles right into the waiting Wes. Wes goes for the full nelson slam, but his right hand is too injuried and he loses his grip and Barbwire Chris spins in mid air turns around and then Barbwire Chris kicks Wes in the gut and then sets him up for his pattern brain buster. Barbwire Chris gets Wes up, Wes is able to get free and lands on his feet and charges with Barbwire Chris and then rolls him up and is able to bridge and gets the 1……………2…………3]

JR-Just that sudden Wes is able to pull out a victory, but it was a hard fought victory without a doubt

King-What you expect when your going against Barbwire Chris?

(Just......Rick leaves after watching the match, and before Wes can recover.)

“Whatever” blasts on the PA system as Benoit walks to the ring

JR-Benoit had the world title once, he could very well do it again

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…well, it was a fluke

King-and the ref was paid off

“Down with the sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the ring

King-You know…Amy and Jericho now have a new dog..

Kris Gaffney-Which is exactly why their not going to seen this match

JR-I tend to agree, I believe they want a winner here as much as we all do. Angelus needs to prove it himself that it was a fluke though.

[Angelus and Benoit meet in the center of the ring for a stare down and then Benoit goes for a test of strength Angelus then slowly agree’s, but before they can start it. Angelus hits the cheap shot into the gut. Angelus hits a release northern lights suplex. Benoit stumbles up and then Angelus knocks him down with a running clothesline and then Angelus grabs a chair and then slides back into the ring as Benoit is stumbling to his feet and then Angelus charges with the chair over his head and then Benoit counters with a drop toe hold and Angelus goes face first into the chair. He’s able to block it a little bit with his hands. But not too much, Angelus stumbles up and then Benoit runs to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and then hits a running/flying shoulder block on Angelus. Angelus stumbles back and then falls through the ropes and then falls on the mat on the arena floor. Benoit looks around as he times his next move, and then he runs to the ropes bounces off and then leaps through the ropes and then catches Angelus with a suicide dive. Both wrestlers are down, but Benoit soon comes to shaking off the effect of that move. Benoit then looks under the ring and then pulls out a table and then puts it against the top of the steel steps and then Benoit tries to pull up Angelus and whip him towards the table. But it’s reversed. Benoit is able to change his direction slightly so he is able to only go shoulder first into the steel steps (really makes a difference, huh?) Angelus goes to one knee and then Benoit stumbles up and then goes near front of the table and then Angelus gets up and then charges at Benoit. Benoit counters with a hip toss that sends Angelus flying into the table breaking the table on impact. Benoit backs up as the ref starts to count 1……………….2…………..3……………..4………………5…………….6…….Angelus starts to make his way back to his feet and then gets up for a second breaking the count and then goes back to his hands and knee’s Benoit then measures up and then hits a kick to the ribs Angelus crawls away and then Benoit takes Angelus and then throws him hard against the guard rail back first and then brings him back and then hits it again the guard rail and then Benoit takes Angelus and then rolls him inside the ring and then looks under the ring and then picks up a ladder Benoit tries to slide the ladder into the ring. But Angelus then hits a baseball slide that sends the ladder into Benoit.]

JR-Benoit just made a mistake there

King-Well he’s missing a tooth, he must be use to making mistakes

Kris Gaffney-Even I didn’t do anything that made me lose any teeth in my wrestling career. That’s saying something, because I took a lot of beatings in my day

[Angelus gets up and then goes over to the ropes and then waits for Benoit to get up, once he does. Angelus uses the ropes to sling shot over the top rope. Benoit dives out of the way, and then Angelus uses the ropes to land on the apron and then waits for Benoit to get up and then Benoit gets up and then Angelus hits a helow on Benoit. Angelus then picks up Benoit and then rolls him into the ring and then Angelus pulls him out on the apron with his head hanging over the edge of the apron and then Angelus grabs a Singapore cane and then measures up Benoit on the top of the nearest steel steps and then leaps off and then nails the cane shot across the chest of Benoit. Benoit looks like he’s about to fall on the arena floor. But his foot is hooked on the bottom rope and then Angelus puts him back into the ring and then rolls into the ring himself with the Singapore cane and then Angelus starts to choke Benoit. Benoit is fighting it. Trying to keep Angelus from choking him out, and then Benoit slowly gets to his feet and then starts to elbow out of the choke hold with the Singapore cane and then Benoit is out of the choke hold. Benoit takes a few moment to recover and then begins to run to the ropes and then bounces off. But then Angelus comes back to life and then nails a brutal cane shot to the head to Benoit. Goes down on the mat and then the ref starts to count 1…………………………..2…………………………..3…………………..4…………..Benoit starts to stir…………..5………………………..6……………..7………Benoit makes his best effort to get to his feet………………8………………….9………….Benoit gets to his feet. Breaking the count and then falls back into the corner and then Angelus hits a few hard forearms to Benoit in the corner and then whips Benoit into the corner. Benoit bounces out of the corner and Angelus tries to hit a clothesline to knock down Benoit. Benoit ducks it and then hit a germen suplex on Angelus. Benoit picks up Angelus, Angelus was able to grab the Singapore cane. Before Benoit can hit another germen suplex. Angelus elbows out of it and then Benoit stumbles back and then Angelus hits a shot to the gut and then Beniot stumbles back and then grabs on to the ropes. Angelus then charges and knocks Benoit out of the ring to the arena floor once again.]

JR-Angelus has got to be wondering what do I got to do to beat Benoit

Kris Gaffney-Actually he knows, he just hasn’t gotten that desperate yet

King-For some reason, I think your spoke too soon

[Angelus rolls out of the ring and then picks up Benoit and drops him on the barcade. Angelus then pulls out the shank! Angelus turns around, Benoit kicks Angelus hand and the shank goes flying and sticks into the barcade, Angelus charges at Benoit. Benoit counters with cross face! Benoit puts as much pressure on it as possible. It even might seem that even tap. Benoit let’s go, and then starts making Angelus tap by moving his hand as kind of pay back. Benoit then goes under the ring and then pulls a table and then pushes it into the ring then grabs a sledge hammer and chair throws them into the ring. Benoit then sets up the table and then Angelus stumbling up holding his shoulder charges at Benoit. But Benoit counters with an inverted atomic drop and then Angelus stumbles back in pain and Benoit pushes Angelus on top of the table and hits a few clubbing blows. Benoit then looks around, and then does his throat slashing taunt and then goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope. But suddenly Angelus comes to life and then runs up the turnbuckle and Benoit tries to hit a few head butts to make Angelus fall off the turnbuckle. But Angelus fires back with a few fists, Angelus then gets on the top rope and both of the wrestlers fall off the top into the table smashing it the ref starts his count on both wrestlers 1……………………..2…………..3…………………..4…………….5…….both wrestlers start to move and move away from each other…………6……………7…….Angelus grabs the sledgehammer, Benoit grabs the chair………..8……………9……..both wrestlers are up with their backs turned to each other. Benoit goes charging with the chair. But Angelus turns around and smashes Benoit with a sledgehammer shot and Angelus at the same time gets a chair shot to the face. Both are down 1………………2………….3……………..4……………..5…………….6……..Angelus starts to move, Benoit is about to stir……7………………8……Angelus is struggling to make it to his feet with the ropes….9……..Benoit almost gets to his feet….Angelus at the absolulte last fraction of a second is able to stand on his feet…..10!]

JR-Angelus has survived this last man standing match, not without a hell of a fight

(Dark Horizon goes off the air with Angelus sitting on the mat, almost not believing it took that much to finish off Benoit)