EMF: Dark Horizon

(The picture fades into an impressive video package about the PPV, how some of the matches came to be and all those good things. Once it ends we go into a darken arena where fireworks blasts off and then lights are turn on and then we get a shot of the stage and then scans the crowd a little bit)

JR-Welcome Everyone to Dark Horizon! We will kick it off with the Tornado Tag Team Inferno Match featuring the Dark Alliance against Freddy and Impact.

King - So.... boring.

JR - It won't be that bad, King.

King - Oh, shut up. What do you know?

[Freddy & Impact come to the ring. The Dark Alliance walk to the ring. Th officials light a small fire in the metal structure surrounding the ring apron, and then to prove that it is dangerous the official throws a small piece of lumber just above the flames. The flames shoot up, and the crowd reacts as Freddy places Modecai on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Modecai counters and puts Freddy in the achilles tendon hold. ]

King - Be careful Freddy. He claims to haunt people in their dreams, and he thinks he's better at it than you!

JR - ...

King - Oh, so I paid a little bit of attention this week, so what?

JR = This is also a Tornado Tag meaning all of the opponets are in the ring at the same time.

[Freddy gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Modecai. Prophecy gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Impact. Modecai short-arm clotheslines Freddy to the mat. Prophecy stumbles over and stomps Freddy's head. Impact piledrives Prophecy. ]

JR- Piledriver from Impact.

[Freddy pulls Mordecai up and begins to throw him over the ropes. The flame shoots up, but Mordecai escapes the throw. Freddy goes for a few punches to the head of Mordecai. ]

Jim Ross - I wish every match could be like this!

King - What in the hell are you talking about?

[Freddy hits the handspring moonsault on Prophecy. Impact short lariats Prophecy. Prophecy moves back to his feet. Prophecy jabs Freddy with some hard rights. Freddy goes into the ropes, and the flames shoot up. Prophecy throws him from the ropes, hits a flying clotherline, and Mordecai goes in with the stomps to the head. Prophecy executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Impact. Freddy is down and Impact gets hit with the shooting star press from Mordecai, as Dark Alliance goes for the double team. Freddy moves to his feet and clotheslines Prophecy. ]

JR - Things may be changing for Dark Aliiance here!

King - I don't care, just get it over!

[Prophecy jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Impact followed by a sit down splash. Freddy goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Modecai. Prophecy executes the guillotine choke on Impact. Prophecy turns and hits Freddy with an earringer. Prophecy turns again, hitting a hard right to the chest of Impact. Impact regains his senses and hits a Russian legsweep on Prophecy. Impact drags Prophecy to the floor holding his arm near the flame, but Prophecy gets back to his feet. Impact catches Prophecy leg, but Prophecy reverses it with an enzuigiri to Impact's head. Freddy jumps from the top and nails Mordecai with a flying axhandle smash. They fight into the aisle. Prophecy and Impact move back to ringside. Freddy roles around in pain, and Prophecy kicks him into the flame. Causing his arm to catch on fire. The Bell sounds.]

JR - The Dark Alliance has just won this match!!!

King - I can't contain my excitement.

(We go to a backstage shot as Chris Jericho wheels Amy Dumas in her wheel chair, suddenly Jericho stops dead in his tracks.)

Voice off screen-Looky what we got here…

(Suddenly Scott Hall steps into the picture as Jericho and Amy get an unpleased look on their faces.)

Scott Hall-Well if it ain’t the former champ….Y…2…J..and his..

Chris Jericho-Let me stop you right there…SNOTT, just what in the hell do you think your doing here?

Scott Hall-What is it look like chico, you see there is something you got to get use to…you..old news and me…Scott Hall, “the bad guy”…new news!

(Jericho gets an amused look on his face, as Amy looks up with a bit of concern.)

Chris Jericho-Well Amy at least we know something doesn’t skip realities with Snott Hall’s…they are still the biggest jackasses walking any reality. Now I suggest you hit the bricks junior…because we got a hell of a lot of more important things to do than talk to jackasses like you.

(Jericho wheels Amy out of the picture, as the camera zooms into Scott Hall who stands there for a moment and then cracks a grin and shakes his head. Then walks into a room with the name plate “Prez Mike” as the camera fades back into the arena)

*GONG* *GONG* as the lights go out and the Undertaker's theme plays over the PA as he makes his way to the ring*

JR: There he is King. The Deadman. The Undertaker. King: This entrance still gives me chills. JR: And you arent even his opponent, the still young but sadistic Kaedon.

*Some Kind Of Monster blasts over the PA as Kaedon makes his way to the ring*

JR: Here comes that damn S.O.B. Kaedon. I can't believe what he did to the Undertaker on fathers day.

King: Is that worse than when Undertaker's brother Kane flambee'd you? All you needed was some of Good Ol JR's BBQ Sauce.

*The camera cuts to JR holding a bottle*

JR: Now on sale by the case through shopzone.emf.com

King: *cough* cheap plug *cough*

*Kaedon enters the cell and watches the ref lock it behind him. He then tests the door to make sure it wont open. When Kaedon turns his head, it is met by the Undertaker's fist. Undertaker sends Kaedon reeling into the side of the cell*


King: He only threw one punch JR...

*Undertaker sets Kaedon up against the cell and nails him again with another straight right. The Undertaker spins Kaedon around and goes to throw his head into the cell. Kaedon blocks it and rams Undertaker head first into the cell. Kaedon throws Undertaker into the ring and follows him in. Undertaker gets to his feet and throws a left at Kaedon to get him reeling. Undertaker sends Kaedon into the ropes and nails him with a clothesline. Undertaker bounces off the ropes and goes for his legdrop but Kaedon moves out of the way. Kaedon picks up Undertaker and scoops him up for a slam. Instead of slamming him onto the canvas, he rams Undertaker back first into the corner. Kaedon then starts laying in kicks on the Undertakers back. Kaedon lets up on his assault and hops out of the ring. Kaedon lifts the tarp from around the ring and looks for something under the ring. He comes up out from under the ring with a chair but when he looks towards the ring, Undertaker is flying over the top rope with plancha sending the chair into Kaedon's face. Undertaker shakes the cob webs loose and gets the chair in his hands. Kaedon gets to his knees but gets put back down with a viscious chairshot from the Undertaker. Undertaker winds up and sings again, andagain, and again, and again. nailing Kaedon with chairshot after chairshot. Undertaker picks up Kaedon and irish whips Kaedon into the cell. It gives way very slightly but not too much. The Undertaker measures Kaedon and goes for a clothesline but Kaedon moves. Kaedon grabs Undertakers head and rubs his face into the cell like a cheese grater. Kaedon pulls the Undertaker back and throws him headfirst into the steel steps. he rolls Undertaker back into the ring and picks him up. Kaedon picks up Undertaker for a suplex but turns it into a brainbuster. He goes for the cover 1.............2...........kickout*


King: JR, that was only the first pin attempt of the match....

*Kaedon picks up the Undertaker and sends him into the ropes and gives him a backdrop. Kaedon picks up the Undertaker again and grabs him by the throat and signals for a chokeslam. Undertaker blocks it and goes for one of his own. They both have each other by the throat. Undertaker pushed Kaedon back a little then Kaedon pushes Undertaker back a little.

JR: Those are 2 prime bulls going at each other.

King: And here come more farm references...

*Kaedon breaks it up by kicking the Undertaker below the belt. The crowd boo's. Kaedon picks up the Undertaker and slings him over his shoulder. He seems to be going for a Tombstone. Kaedon sets up and drops the Undertaker on his head. 1........2.............the Undertaker kicks out and sits up. Kaedon knows what is coming. The Undertaker starts throwing rights and lefts at the head of Kaedon, all of them skull shattering blows. Kaedon trys to cover up but to no avail. The Undertaker continues to lay into Kaedon sending Kaedon out of the ring. Kaedon slumps up against the cell. He has no idea that the Undertaker is setting him up. When Kaedon looks up and sees Undertaker coming at him again with a plancha. This time though, Kaedon moves and Undertaker goes flying headfirst into the cell. When all of the Undertakers weight hits the cell, it gives way and rips open. Kaedon scrambles to his feet and pulls the Undertaker back into the cell. Kaedon throws Undertaker back into the ring and goes for a cover 1..............2........kickout. Kaedon grabs Undertaker and pulls him to his feet. Kaedon signals for the Kaedon Crush. He picks up Undertaker but Undertaker falls behind him and locks in the Dragon sleeper. Undertaker wrenches back on Kaedon's neck trying to snap it in half. Kaedon isnt tapping yet. Undertaker wrenches back harder. He has Kaedon's neck at a 180 degree angle. Kaedon's arms go limp. The ref goes over and checks Kaedon. He picks up his arm and it drops once. He picks it up again it drops a second time. The ref picks Kaedon's arm up the final time, but it doesn't drop. Kaedon's had shoots up. He takes it and throws a stiff right into Undertakers face. The Undertaker reels but doesn't relinquish the hold. Kaedon throws another punch and another. Finally Undertaker breaks the hold. Then Kaedon hits a few hard knee’s into the gut and then hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge and then gets the 1…………2…………kick out. Taker then stumbles towards the ropes and then Kaedon messures him up and then Kaedon then clotheslines him over the top rope. Taker then falls to the arena floor, but falls on his feet and then Taker grabs Kaedon’s legs and then pulls him to the outside and then Taker throws Kaedon against the cage and then Taker then grabs Kaedon as he sinks down and then throws him against the steal steps.]

JR-the Undertaker no doubt is in his element

King-hhhhmmmm might not have been a great idea to challenge him to this match Kaedon

[Undertaker then takes Kaedon and then whips him into the cage at the door. Suddenly Undertaker goes under the ring and then grabs some bullcutters (boltcutters? or whatever they are…they can cut chain). Undertaker then cuts the chain off of the Hell in a Cell. Undertaker takes and then whips him hard into the door and it burst open and then Kaedon spills out to the outside as the refs go running as the Undertaker comes out to the isle way where Kaedon is stumbling up, Undertaker then picks up Kaedon and then smashes him face first into the cage like a long dart and then spins around and then hits a running power slam on Kaedon. Undertaker then backs up and then goes for a high elbow drop. But Kaedon moves out of the way, Undertaker stumbles up. Kaedon then takes Undertaker down with a double leg take down and then Kaedon hits a sling shot that sends Undertaker flying into the hell in a cell. Taker stumbles back and then right into Kaedon who hits a Russian leg sweep on to the floor. Kaedon then goes to his knee’s and then recovers suddenly the Taker sits up, Kaedon then gets up and then quickly goes to the side of the cage as the Undertaker gets to his feet, Kaedon pulls himself up on the top of the cage. Undertaker looks up and then follows him up to the top of the cage. Kaedon once he comes over and then clubs Undertaker on the back before he can get back to his feet.]

JR-Kaedon and Undertaker are on the top of the Hell in a Cell

King-Any other useless information you would like to pass along?

[Kaedon then picks up Taker and then tries to hit the Kaedon Krush on Taker, but then Taker pushes him off and then Kaedon stumbles and then comes back and then comes back and then Taker grabs him around the throat and then sets up Kaedon and then nails a chokeslam! Taker then signals for the tombstone as the ref is on the top of the cell, Taker picks up Kaedon and then goes for the tombstone, but then Kaedon slides out the back and then nails the Kaedon Krush and then goes into the cover and is able to get the 1………..2………3]

JR-Kaedon was able to grab a victory…but it was no way easy

King-yeah, yeah…whatever

(Kaedon goes to the bottom of the cage as the ref raises his hand and back peddles up the ramp, suddenly Kane appears behind him and then clotheslines him in the back of the head. Kane then looks at the entrance and then motitions for something and then Kane picks up Kaedon and then slams him on the steel ramp and then hits a few stomps as a coffin is rolled out by some people. Kane then puts the beat up Kaedon over his shoulder and then throws him in the opened coffin and then tries to close it, but before he can Kaedon rises up and then hits a few fists and then quickly jumps out of the coffin and then stumbles up the ramp and then gets away before the Taker can come and help out.)

OOC-Harder than I thought, I wanted someone to help me out on this one. But I’ll just go with what I thought, I thought the focus was about equal. Though I liked Kaedon’s creativity a little bit better, so that’s why I’m going with Kaedon. The length is probably the same..so I think the creativity for Kaedon is what tipped it in his favor. Also I had the run in request, I had to alter it, because I had to have Kaedon to appear in the battle royal…but pretty much what was requested. Might build up the Elimination Chamber a little bit more with a feud going into it (thus why I'm putting a match between them in the card..just to try to build up the feud more)

OOC-sorry kind of had to rush this version of the Highlight Reel...sorry it's not any better

*We fades into the ring where Chris Jericho’s music is blasting on the PA system, the Highlight Reel set is up in the ring as Jericho goes to the side rope and then slowly raises the RWA-WWF hardcore championship over his head, and then puts it on his shoulder. The camera see’s Amy clapping in the background, Jericho goes over and grabs a microphone and then signals for the music to stop. Once it does a huge “Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!” chant starts, Jericho looks around and lets it go and then Jericho holds up his hand trying to calm them down *

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Tonight is the night! You see just like last month at Whiplash it was my time to not only get rid of my personal demons. But it was the night for me to live a dream, a dream that started in the days that I don’t talk about too much. You see my career didn’t just start at the RWA, it started in a little federation known as WIF. You see even though I really don’t like to talk about those days, but in this short lived federation “Y2J” Chris Jericho was able to become their European and United States champion in their first two shows. It seemed since even in those days I was destined to be a world champion, but then that federation closed. Of course I’m sure people know my one match where I stopped in the EMF on my way to the RWA. In the RWA, I knew I was taking on some of the best around. Their were people doubted that I could become a world champion, then I started to make my name for myself as the “Slayer of Careers”. It seemed once again I was again on track to become a world champion of the RWA. The RWA closed, past my problems with Triple H. I think you can understand why…even if it was just for a week that I wanted to become a world champion. One of the reasons I was willing to put everything it was on the line is that I knew how rare it is to gain world championship shot. That’s what this night is all about, other than a select few, this maybe the only chance that some of these guys in the battle royal get a chance to become the world champion. Tonight is the chance to make dreams come true, time to start an era of dominance for some of these superstars, and write new legends. That brings me to my guest tonight, because my guest is without a doubt knows about dominance, and being in the elite list of legends in the EMF Hall of Fame, he knows what it is to be a legend…Jerichohalics please welcome my guest on the Highlight Reel………….PUNISHER!!

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring, as a “Punisher! Punisher! Punisher!” chant starts. Darter follows Pun to the ring, Pun walk into the ring and then the music stops he let’s the crowd cheer a bit happy that Pun’s back

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Punisher, it's good to have you on the Highlight Reel

Punisher-What do you mean "good"? Pun's back in the EMF and gracious enough to appear on your little skit, and all you can say is, "It's good to have you here"? Well, it's good to be here! *Laughs* I have a few things I've been dying to talk about anyway.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well what you expect? A tribute calling you the "hero" of the EMF like Jarrett. But being we were nWo teammates back a few years back we both know how that worked out for Jarrett. After the nWo took him down...DOWN TOWN TO CHINA TOWN!! But in all seriousiness Pun it's good to see you back. It's been nearly a year since your last appearance here in the Extreme Measures Federation. So naturally the first question would be where you been?

Punisher-Well first off Chris.... *laughs* We both know Jarred has never been a hero of anything in life. Secondly, I've been here and there, all around the world, training. Training young talent in wrestling. 18 and 19 year-olds who have more ability than you could ever dream of. I mean, those mud-wrestling college girls really have some moves, if ya know what I mean.. haha! But no, seriously... I've been at home, waiting patiently as I recovered from an injury. And don't ask me what was injured... because I'm not a friggin' moron. I've been watching, though. You can bet your ass I've been watching every week...

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well even though I think it's pretty obvious, I will let you speak for yourself, so I will ask this question anyways. So you were injuried, but that begs the question why come back to the EMF?

Punisher-For the same reason as everyone else in the EMF.... this is like home. Plus, the money isn't that bad. And I haven't exactly finished all of my goals here in the EMF. I still have a few things left on my list to accomplish And Pun never leaves a job half-done

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You mentioned that you have a few things left on the list to accomplish...what exactly are those goals?

Punisher-Don't you remember? Think back, Chris... I've always wanted to be known as one thing. A Gramd-Slam champ. I've held the Tag, I've held the IC, and I've tasted the World title. So I'm short two. After I gain that prestigious title of a Grand-Slam champion, I'll focus back on that World title. So winners of the Battle Royal, that should give you a little something to look forward to. Just remember that Pun isn't an easy roadblock to run through. Personally, I kinda hope Jarred takes it. It's so much fun making him look like a fool... and I've missed it like you wouldn't believe

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well I do remember, and I will tell you something else I do remember Pun, I remember that the world title was something that always just avoided you. But for many, you were so dominant that many people have thought you have won more titles than you really have. So I know myself what it's like to not be able to gain that world title reign for so long and finally gain it. But in your own words what it was like to finally become world champion in your last run and though I know you are going to focus on being Grand-Slam champion first. When you do turn your attention back to the world title, what will you do to get back to the title that once you do turn your focus.

Punisher-I'll do what I do best. Take out the competition one by one untill I'm standing at the top again. Hey, I did it once, I can do it again. There isn't enough competition around here to stop me. Oh, and uh.... yeah, I was pretty damn dominant, wasn't I? Hehe... yeah. Anyway, all there is in the back are people I've already beaten. Or people who have been beaten by people I've already beaten.... whew. So once I gain the TV and the Extreme titles, it'll just be a matter of time before I wrap the World strap back around it's favorite waist. *looks back at Darter, who hasn't been aknowledged the whole interview* Oh, hey Darter.... I forgot you was there. How are things going with you these days? *smiles*

Darter: Fuck you, Pun. Kiss my ass....

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-When the hell did you get here anyways? Darter didn't know you were still alive...too bad for us


.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Oh what's that, well I think your time on our *looks at Amy* Highlight Reel just ended...so in other words...bye, bye jackass

*Jericho pushes Darter back, Darter stumbles back and falls through to the ropes and on to the floor. Pun, Jericho and Amy laugh at the fallen Darter as EMF goes into an add for some t-shirt*

*Taz is walking down the hall way, suddenly Scott Hall walk into the picture again and then bumps into Hall. Taz head snaps, and there is a stare down by both wrestlers. Taz seems a little more pissed than Hall. *

Scott Hall-Hey man…I don’t want no trouble…just want to wish you luck in your match tonight.

(Taz still doesn’t say anything, then just walks out of the camera. Hall then smiles a bit and says

Scott Hall-Because your going to need it

*Hall throws the tooth pick into the camera and then walks out of the camera’s view and we go back to the ring *

“Whatever” blasts on the PA system as Benoit and Taz walks to the ring

King-You know if this was a few years ago…the name Taz would mean I was about to be hated

JR-Well he still seems kinda angry

“Just 2 Badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy walks to the ring

King-*flashes a cocky grin * (mocking Badd Boy)…..what! Don’t look at me like that…I’m really cocky, come on…believe me I’m cocky


[Benoit and Wes pace around the ring, they lock up and Benoit quickly turns it into a hip toss. Wes gets up pissed and charges at Benoit and then Benoit counters with a arm drag take down, Wes stumbles up and then charges again and then Benoit hits another arm drag take down this time into an arm bar. Wes then looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly gets to his feet and then Wes backs Benoit to the ropes and then whips Benoit off the ropes, Benoit bounces off the ropes. Though Wes is too busy shaking off his hand then Benoit runs over Wes with a shoulder block, Wes stumbles back and then gets up once again pissed and then charges, but Benoit counters with an inverted atomic drop on Wes. Wes jumps back in pain and then Benoit takes him down with a back heel trip and then Benoit goes for a set up for a sharpshooter, but Wes moves around trying to block it and somehow is able to grab on to the bottom rope forcing the ref to make Benoit break the hold and then he does and then Benoit pulls up Wes and then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Wes and then Benoit whips Wes off the ropes and then, Wes bounces off the ropes and then Wes lowers his head and then nails a back body drop on Wes. Wes stumbles up and then Benoit picks up Wes and then nails a back breaker on Wes and then goes into the cover and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………..2……………..kick out. Benoit gets up and then pulls him up and then twists Wes’ arm and then tags in Taz. Taz comes into the ring and then Benoit lifts up Wes’ arms and then Taz takes a shot into the ribs of Wes. Wes stumbles back and then into the ropes, and then Taz hits a few clubbing blows and then Taz whips Wes off the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes. But then Wes bounces off the ropes other side Taz turns around and then Wes goes air born and then nails a flying forearm to the face of Taz. Taz goes down, Wes down is luckly almost to his corner anyways and then makes the tag to Badd Boy. Badd Boy comes running in and then nails a fist to Taz and knocks him down. Badd Boy then goes over and then knocks Benoit off the apron and then Taz stumbles up and then Badd Boy hits a few quick hard fists and then Badd Boy whips Taz to the ropes. Taz bounces off the ropes and then Badd Boy lowers his head and then hits a back body drop. Taz stumbles up stunned and then Badd Boy kicks Taz in the gut and then sets him up and then nails a snap suplex and then Badd Boy gets up and then slowly cockly gets in position and then backs to the ropes and then comes off them and then nails a big splash on to Taz and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2……Benoit comes into the ring pissed.]

JR-Seems Benoit wasn’t happy about getting knocked off the apron

King-eeerrr hopefully Benoit knows where he is, I heard he was a party about getting into the finals

JR-Oh well, suppose nothing wrong with celebrating hard work paying off..

[Badd Boy pulls up Taz and then hits a few knife edge chops to Taz backing him to the corner. Then Badd Boy hits a few stomps into the gut and then slowly Taz sinks down in the corner with the beating he’s getting then the ref makes Badd Boy back off, then Badd Boy back into the corner and then uses his boot to choke Taz. Then the ref makes him stop and then backs off and then Taz gets up and then Badd Boy comes into the corner, then Taz turns the tables and then Taz hits a few hard fast fists into Badd Boy. Badd Boy tries to cover up, but he’s clearly effected by them, then Taz tries to whip Badd Boy to the opposite sides turnbuckle. Badd Boy comes running in with him, once he does Taz tries to his momentum to get him over Badd Boy. But Badd Boy is able to put on the breaks and then catches him in mid air and then runs and then tries to go for a running power slam. But then Taz slides down and then puts on the Taz-mission, but before he can lock it in. Badd Boy is able to take advantage that he doesn’t really have a solid base and then gets to the side and belly to back suplex’s Taz. Though both wrestlers are now really effected by the move slowly get to their feet, Taz comes at swinging and then lands a few hard fists and then back up Badd Boy. But then Badd Boy hits a few hard fists to come back at Taz and then kicks him into the gut out of no where and then hits a quick DDT. Badd Boy then quickly looks for a next move, Badd Boy then pulls up Taz and then picks him up and then hits a body slam. Badd Boy then goes into the corner and then pulls himself on the second rope and then leaps off and nails diving elbow smash off the second rope. Badd Boy gets up and then calls for the end, Badd Boy then picks up Taz who is really stunned and then Badd Boy sets up Taz in suplex form and then lifts him up and then drops him for a falcon arrow and gets a 1…………………..2………….kick out. Badd Boy can’t believe he didn’t get 3! Badd Boy hits a few hard fists as he kneels over Taz, Badd Boy then yells something at Wes. Badd Boy then picks up Taz and then brings him over to his corner and then tags in Wes. Then puts Taz into Russian leg sweep, but then Taz hits a few hard back elbows and sends Badd Boy stumbling back in pain. Wes is on the top rope, then Taz runs up and then quickly peels off a quick super belly to belly suplex on Wes and then Wes goes flipping right into his older brother knocking both Ikeda brothers down. Though Taz can’t move after that, as he’s been getting beat down pretty bad. But slowly he starts to move, Taz starts to crawl towards Benoit. But before he can get there, Wes hits a elbow into the back of Taz and stops him from getting to his partner]

JR-Wes is the fresh man in, though they are not holding back it would seem

King-If the Ikeda’s really wanted to, they could put anyone to sleep..but their hoping to keep their sleep abilities fresh for the battle royal.

[Wes the pulls up Taz and then whips him to the ropes, but Taz reverses it and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then goes for a running clothesline. Taz ducks it and then Wes nails the ref, Wes looks down at the ref can’t believe he did that. Then angry Wes runs at Taz, Taz ducks it and then puts on the Taz mission and locks it in. Benoit comes running in without any ref, and then knocks Badd Boy off the apron and follows him. Wes is fighting the hold, fighting…but Taz has it locked in and then Wes taps out to the Taz mission!!…Too bad there isn’t any ref to count it, on the outside Benoit is absolutely beating the hell out of Badd Boy. Suddenly Scott Hall comes out of no where and then smashes him and then throws him into the ring steps. Hall then jumps up on the apron and then says a few things and then Taz let’s go of hold and then gets up and goes at Hall who is mouthing off to the fans and isn’t paying attention. Taz brings Hall into the ring, Hall backs up into the corner and then Taz hits a few punches backs up. Then goes back to Hall, who then throws some sort of powder into the face of Taz. Hall goes to the mat and rolls out of the ring. Suddenly Badd Boy who has no clue what just went down, due to the fact he was getting his ass beat a little while ago other than for some reason Taz is blinded. Quickly peels off a full nelson slam and then pulls Wes on Taz. The ref is coming to as he crawls into position and gets the 1………………….2…………………..3. Badd Boy not knowing what happen, pulls Wes out of the ring being that he’s still out of with the titles and leave thinking it’s over. Then Taz stumbles up still blinded, Hall slides back into the ring with a steel chair and then hits a few of his fists in the corner . Though suddenly Benoit comes back and then hits a few knife edge chops to Benoit trying to make the save. Benoit then tries to throw Hall out of the ring, but Hall reverses it and then throws him over the top rope. But Benoit hangs on. Though Hall has the chair and then smashes it over Benoit head and then he goes down to the arena floor. Taz stumbling up, then Hall smashes Taz and then starts nailing a few chair shots then Hall sets up Taz and then lifts him and then plants Taz with the Outsiders Edge. Hall shakes his head and then pulls up Taz again and then sets him up and muscling him up setting Taz up by the downed chair and then nailing the outsiders Edge on the chair on the mat back first. Seeing that Benoit might be coming around, Hall gets out of the ring and then back peddles out of the ring side area]

OOC-While I liked Benoit’s RP, thought the whole mixed thing with Taz might have been the more determining factor. Probably if it was any other night, then could have very well given them a good run for their money. Just I thought it was a little too much to over come. But there were some outside factors too, thus why I made Taz and Benoit look good in defeat. (lol well other than the beat down at the end for Taz, though Luke knew it was coming…hopefully I didn’t go over the edge)

“Break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR-This is probably a match that CEO Paul Heyman wouldn’t want you to see

King-This is a match I sure know I didn’t want to see…in fact I would like if I didn’t see another Jarred match

“Tyrant’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Tyrant walks to the ring

JR-Obivously Tyrant has exploded as of late, and has earned the IC title.

King-Yeah, I think it was all luck..and he will prove me right, tonight!!

[Jarred and Tyrant lock up, Tyrant get Jarred into a side head lock and then Jarred backs up Tyrant after looking for other ways out and failing and then whips Tyrant off the ropes. Tyrant bounces off the ropes, then Jarred leap frogs over Tyrant. Tyrant bounces off the ropes and then Jarred goes for a drop kick. But then Tyrant hooks the top rope and then Jarred crashes into the mat. Tyrant then waits for Jarred, then Jarred stumbles up and then Tyrant hits a quick back breaker on Jarred. Knowing that won’t put Jarred away just yet, Tyrant hits a few hard stomps on to the downed Jarred. Jarred stumbles up, and then Tyrant hits a few hard fists and then Tyrant whips Jarred off the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Tyrant lowers his head for a back body drop, but Jarred counters with a kick to the face. Tyrant pops up, thinking that he’s stunned Jarred charges in. But then Tyrant is able to counter into a front spine buster and then Tyrant shakes off the kicks effect and then gets back to his feet knowing that he baited Jarred into that one. Jarred stumbles up and then Tyrant picks up Jarred and then hits a body slam and then goes into the corner and then Tyrant climbs to the second rope taking a little too much time and then leaps off for a big leg drop, but then Jarred moves out of the way and then Tyrant goes crashes into the mat. Jarred slowly gets up to his feet, trying to recover from the moves that Tyrant has hit and then Tyrant gets up as well and stumbles right into Jarred. Jarred with a bit of effort is able to lift him and drop him for a hot shot on the top rope Tyrant bounces off and then Jarred backs up and then waits for Tyrant and then Tyrant turns around stunned and then Jarred nails a super kick that sends Tyrant over the top rope and then crashing into the floor. Jarred then goes to his knee’s and then rolls out of the bottom of the ropes and then on to the apron and then backs up to corner of the ring and waits for Tyrant to get up. Once he does, Jarred then leaps off and hits a running flying clothesline off the apron. Jarred then gets up and then takes Tyrant and then throws him shoulder first into the steps. Jarred grabs Tyrant and then throws him back into the ring and then climbs back on to the apron and then up to the top rope, by this time Tyrant is up and then Jarred leaps off and then nails a cross body block and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2……..kick out!]

JR-Almost three

King-eeerrr…did you really think he was going to get 3, it’s Jarred after all.

[Jarred and Tyrant get up, then Jarred is able to knock down Tyrant with a quick diving clothesline on Tyrant to make sure he still has the upper hand. Jarred then picks up Tyrant and then whips Tyrant off the ropes. Tyrant bounces off the ropes and then Jarred goes for a clothesline. But then Tyrant floats over Jarred and then hits a hurricane DDT on Jarred. Jarred holds his face on the mat and then Tyrant is still down from all the moves he’s had to take and then slowly both wrestlers get to their feet. Jarred goes for a fist, but Tyrant blocks it and then hits a few hard fists and then back up Jarred to the ropes and then Tyrant whips Jarred off the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes, Tyrant goes for a standing clothesline, Jarred ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring, bounces off the ropes and then Tyrant is able to turn around fast and then catch Jarred into a power slam into the cover and gets the 1…………..2………kick out. Jarred stumbles up and then Tyrant follows him back into the turnbuckle and then Tyrant hits a few knife edge chops into the chest of Jarred who’s now has no where to go. Tyrant then hits a few knee’s into the gut of Jarred and then tries to whip Jarred to the opposite side of the ring, but Jarred reverses the move and then Tyrant goes crashing into the turnbuckle and then Jarred goes running into the boot of Jarred and then stumbles back and then Jarred runs into the corner, once again Tyrant counters with a boot to face of Jarred.]

JR-Jarred walked into it

King-Well he never was known to be the smartest wrestler around

[Tyrant pulls himself up to the second rope and then waits for Jarred to stumble towards him and then once he does he hooks him up for a tornado DDT. But then before he can hit it, Jarred pushes Tyrant off it and then Jarred walks to try to attack, but Tyrant is able to kick Jarred in the gut and then gets Jarred in powerbomb position, but before he can hit it. Jarred counters with a back body drop. Jarred falls to his knee’s, Tyrant stumbles up and then once he stumbles towards Jarred, Jarred springs up and then nails a soul reaver. Then Jarred has to take some time and gets into the cover 1…………………2………….kick out! Jarred can’t believe it, Tyrant is stumbling up. Jarred kicks Tyrant in the gut and nails a double arm DDT and then turns him over to his back, Jarred then goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope and then wasting no time leaps off and nails the LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jarred falls a bit far, but is able to get into the cover at decent amount of time 1…………………..2…………..KICK OUT!! Now Jarred doesn’t know what to do, even more surprised that Tyrant has crawled to the corner and then has pulled himself up in the corner. Jarred charges at Tyrant, Tyrants counters with a kick to the face. Jarred stumbles around then Tyrant climbs up to the top rope and then goes on Jarred’s shoulders and then goes for a victory roll, but as he’s doing it, Jarred is able to put all his weight down and hold Tyrant barely for the 1………………………..2………………..3]

JR-Jarred has won this match, but for sure that wasn’t easy at all

King-Well it’s called lack of skill…

JR-No, I just think Tyrant was dead set on not getting beat tonight.

King-Whatever…it’s JARRED after all

JR-Fans up next is the battle royal to determine who will go on to Survival of the Fitest. But before we start we would like to mention that Taz has had to pull out of the battle royal due to injuries he suffered in the tag title match. Which is unfortunate, because I believe he had a good chance at being in the top 6. But anyways let’s take a look on how this much hyped match came about.

*We fade into a video package about Chris Jericho beating Triple H, then shows the celebration after. Then goes into clips about Jericho’s Highlight Reel the week after when he made the match. Then we go into a few clips into the people that will be in it…then we fade back into the arena *

(Inside the ring Assassin,Kaedon, Jarred, Taz, The Badd Boy, CM Punk, Josh Hanley, Chris Benoit, Wes Ikeda, Prophecy, Barbwire Chris, Kane, Mordecai, and Edge are already in the ring)

King-God I love those time cutting videos

JR-Doesn’t everyone King?

“I’m back” blasts on the PA system as Eric Bischoff walks to the ring and then stops in the isle way

King-Remind me why he’s in the battle royal again

JR-We don’t exactly know King

King-You think it had to do with the people at RNN?


“If you smell…..what the Rock…is cooking” blasts on the PA system as the Rock walks to the ring

JR-The Rock is already the people’s champion, but will he be able to get in the top 6 and try to get the chance to become the world champion

King-eeerrrr who knows…who cares?

(Suddenly as the Rock is making his way down the isle, a new theme comes on. Rock looks back as an un known man walks on the stage)

King-JR…who the hell is that?

JR-I believe that’s Thomas Magnum, EMF’s new superstar


JR-His name is Thomas Magnum, I think he’s just here to scout some of the EMF superstars


[Bischoff stands in the isle looking like he’s having second thoughts. Suddenly the Rock comes from behind and then throws him into the ring Bischoff gets up looking pissed, but then turns around and then gets hit few fists by Jarred. Bischoff stumbles around and then Jarred is able to whip Bischoff to the ropes as everyone stands out of the way, Bischoff bounces off the ropes and then Jarred catches him and then nails a belly to belly suplex. Rock slides into the ring and then Jarred and the Rock hit a few hard stomps on the downed Bischoff. Bischoff gets up and tries to back off, then backs right into Benoit who then back suplexes him out of the ring and on to the ground Bischoff is, seeing the opening the Rock charges at Benoit, but then Benoit counters with a back body drop on the Rock that sends the Rock flying over the top rope. Rock falls on the apron, but then Benoit tries to knock him off with a fist. But it’s blocked over the rope and then nails a fist. But before Rock can get back into the ring, Assassin charges and then grabs Rock’s head and then smashes it into the ring post and then Rock falls to the apron. But is able to roll back in as the whole ring starts to fight with each other as Mordecai hits a few stomps on the downed Taz and then tries to throw him over the top. But Jarred is able to grab a hold on to the ropes before falling through the top and sliding under Mordecai’s feet. Jarred and Mordecai exchange fists by the ropes. Suddenly the Edge comes up and then tries to clothesline the both of them. But then Jarred and Mordecai double flap jack the Edge on the ropes gut first, Edge falls on the top rope and then falls outside of the ring. Edge is gone, Badd Boy is hammering away on Kane on the ropes and then charges in for a clothesline to knock him over the top rope. But Kane counters with a big boot, Badd Boy goes down and then Kane pulls up Badd Boy and then tries to throw him over the top rope. Suddenly Assassin comes over and tries to throw him over the top rope, suddenly Benoit comes out of no where and is able to throw Assassin over the top rope where it seems that he fell to the mat and then Benoit turns around not seeing that Assassin was somehow able to land on the apron and then roll back into the ring and then Assassin gets up and then with a pissed look measures up Benoit as he’s over trying to get Mordecai over the top rope. Suddenly Assassin charges at him pissed, Benoit turns around and then gets hit with a clothesline that sends him over the top. Assassin turns his back Benoit dangles from the ropes, but is able to pull himself up and back into the ring. Benoit then pulls Assassin and yells at him, Assassin pushes him suddenly Benoit answers back with an knife edge chops. Then turns into fists, the fight gets so furious that some of the wrestlers stop and watch and then Benoit and Assassin go towards the ropes and then they both push each other over the top rope. Benoit and Assassin stumble up and then keep on fighting. On the top of the ramp Thomas Magnum shakes his head and leaves as ref’s come and separate Benoit and Assassin, who keep trying to get at each other]

JR-It seems the chase for the TV title has gotten to Benoit and Assassin

King-Yeah…and Magnum just left for some reason

[Jarred goes to the top rope has Kane down, suddenly Kane sits up Jarred has to change his original plans which seemed to be go for an LEGENDARY END!!! To a double axe handle, but as Jarred flies through the air. But Kane is able to get his hand up and then grab Jarred by the throat and then stands up picks up Jarred and then chucks him over the top rope and crashing down to the arena mat, Jarred is now gone. Chris is now has Wes on the ropes tries to whip Wes to the ropes, but Wes reverses and then sends Chris to the ropes and then nails a quick spinning back elbow. Badd Boy is on the other side getting hammered by the somewhat fresher (well his match was first) Prophecy. Prophecy then backs up and then goes for a clothesline over the top rope, but then Badd Boy counters the move with a back body drop. But then Prophecy lands on his feet on the apron. Prophecy goes for a fist, but then Badd Boy blocks it and then hits a few hard fists and then Prophecy is holding on by one hand. Badd Boy goes for a knock off shot. But then Prophecy counters with a shoulder block to the gut and then Prophecy gains balance. Suddenly Rock comes running from behind with an elbow smash on Badd Boy and then he knocks him into Prophecy and he loses his grip and falls off the apron and now is gone from the battle royal.]

JR-Prophecy is gone, though he did put up a hell of a fight

King-Well at least he’s not like Jarred…who just got chokeslam for his troubles of entering in this match…

[On the other side Mordecai has Rock up for his crucifix power bomb and looks like he’s going to drop him over the top rope with it. But then the Rock does a thumb to the eyes, but trying to get him gone. Rock then hits a thumb to the eye, Mordecai drops him, Rock then tries to hit a clothesline on the blinded Mordecai, but he comes back with a clothesline that almost takes Rock’s head off. Then Mordecai puts Rock on his shoulder and then charges at the side of the ring and both then falls over the top rope and on to the floor Mordecai’s gone. Rock is holding on by one hand, Barbwire Chris comes over and then kicks his hand and then Rock loses his grip and the Rock is now gone. The camera switches over to Punk who clotheslines Kaedon over the top rope. Punk raises his hands up as one ref tells him that he’s won, Punk celebrates as the fighting continues. But then two other refs come in who had a better angle say something you can clearly here Punk say “WHAT!” one of the refs put Punk’s arms down. Obviously both of Kaedon’s feet didn’t touch. Kaedon is on the apron and then Punk charges at him trying to knock him off because he seems dazed. But then Kaedon counters it and then sets up in kinda power bomb or piledriver position on Punk and then does a back body drop over the top rope and Punk goes flying to the outside and crashes to the floor the 6 in the Elimination chamber are Badd Boy, Josh Hanley, Barbwire Chris, Wes, Kane and Kaedon!]

JR-We got our winners

King-Well we got the boring boys, but at least there is some entertainment value in the Elimination. Aw I’m going the smark way out and just not buying Survival of the Fittest

JR-But you have to watch it anyways…it’s your job remember…

King-….OH CRAP!!

(Anyways there is a huge brawl with the remaining six. Refs come in to stop them,

(suddenly “Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks out on the ramp way and then stands on top of the stage. Then calps and then laughs a little bit at the people in the ring, turns around and catches a clip of Jarred being tossed out by Kane. Pun laughs at that too as Dark Horizon goes off the air)