EMF: Dark Horizon

The EMF logo flashes across the screen of the television sets around the world, as well as the EMF-Tron in the The Entertainment & Sports Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina, only to have the nWo logo spray paint itself over it as it fades out, giving way to the Dark Horizon logo. As the logo for the huge pay per view event fades away, a picture of Jarred Carthallion holding up the EMF World Heavyweight Championship appears, and the voice of Jim Ross is heard...

J.R: ³Every once in a while a superstar comes along who has the ability to effect every aspect of this great sport and this wonderful company. And tonight, right here in his home state, we salute Jarred Carthallion, paying tribute to possibly the most dominating superstar the EMF has seen over the course of the last year. And in the face of the intimidating nWo, we pray that maybe, just maybe Jarred will someday return to the EMF and help deliver us from the face of impending destruction.²

The picture of Jarred starts to slowly fade out, as ³Hero² by Chad Kroeger and Josey Scott begins to play. As the song plays, a video tribute is shown on the television as well as the EMF-Tron. The video tribute shows scenes from throughout Jarredıs long illustrious career. Beginning with footage of Jarred as the masked man known as Brimstone in the BAW. Showing his career starting ladder match against Adam Lax. It then fades into scenes of Jarred wrestling in the SFWI, winning the U.S and World Championships there before the federation closed down. The next footage seen is of Jarred in the now defunct, and now legendary Dark Circle Wrestling. Showing Jarred winning all three of his Intercontinental Championships there, both of his Tag Championships, and finally showing him defeating the great Triple X to become the last ever DCW World Champion. The next thing that is seen in the tribute is Jarred winning the XWA World Heavyweight Championship, a title he would hold his entire tenure in the XWA, as he went undefeated in that federation. The Next thing seen is Jarred winning his first of two EMF Tag Championships, then turning on Justin Franchize, and he and Warrior defeating Franchize and Primetime for the Tag Championship. That fades out to scenes of Jarred defeating Ravage for the I.C Title, and then winning his first EMF World Title from Primetime. It then shows Jarred winning the Attitude World Title, and then his second EMF World Title by beating Blindside. As ³Hero² comes to an end, several quick shots of Jarred and Katrina are seen racing across the screen, quickly giving way to a montage of photos of Jarred in his various identities, with his various titles, then fading out to a shot of the The Entertainment & Sports Arena...

The fans in the arena are all on their feet as the pyro begins to erupt, signaling the start of Dark Horizon. But before the ring announcer can even pick up the microphone to make the introductions for the first match, the lights go out, thrusting the arena in darkness. The spot lights around the entrance begin flashing neon green and purple

JR-Welcome to Dark Horizon, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "The King" Lawler

King-Hey JR looks whose here!!

(The camera goes over to somewhere ring side. A sign on the screen pops up that reads IBL Detroit Pistons: Jerry "the Stack" Stackhouse and Antoine Walker. Both are wearing their official Detroit Pistons T-shirts)

The Stack raises the Pistons eyebrow as Antoine jumps around. Antoine holds up a sign that reads "I am the fan" suddenly a bunch of people in 76ers and Jazz hats come from other rows to attack Antoine. He then holds up another sign that reads "just kidding". The people then nod and leave.) as ³House Of A Thousand Corpses² by Rob Zombie begins playing. Angelus Archer and Alucard ³The Vicous² walk out ontot the entrance stage, only to be greeted by a barrage of boos from the thousands in attendance. Both men flick the fans off, and make their way to the ring. Angelus slides in the ring, as Alucard grabs a mic from the time keeper, then slides in the ring himself, and tosses the mic to Angelus...

Angelus:Cut the damned music, and shut the fuck up! Alucard and myself have come out here because we have a couple of things that we need to get off our chests about things that have been going on here in the EMF. So, first things first, ever since Prez Mike was sent to Iran, and the nWo took over the company, we havenıt been given a match on television, more or less even at a fuckinı house show. And that pisses us off. So, we are out here to tell all of you that Pain and Suffering is going to rid the EMF of the nWo perminently. But before we get started on that, I think that the EMF, as well as all of you pathetic fans out there, need to realize that Jarred Carthallion walked out on all of you. And hes never coming back here. And even if he did, why would any of you care? What did he ever do for any of you all? Other than be the biggest asshole on the face of the earth, and prove to all of you that he truly is the most hated man in the history of the Extreme Measures Federation. And if by some act of God Jarred did ever show his face in this company again, I would personally kick his ass and send him packing. And do you all know why? Its because Jarred always was second best. The only reason he got as far as he did was because he sucked the dick of each and every suit in the main offices. I mean, he and Dark Talon were butt buddies, hell I even bet that Jarred and Prez Mike are a little funny on ea...

The lights in the arena begin to flash off and on, cutting Angelus off in mid word. The speakers come alive with ³Hocus Pocus² by ICP, then after a few seconds giving way to ³Echo Side² followed by ³Life Of My Own², and finally ³Alive² by P.O.D. As the montage of music ends, Angelus raises the mic back to his mouth, only to find himself once again cut off as ³I Stand Alone² by Godsmack begins to play over the P.A system, bringing the fans to their feet, eager with anticipation who may be behind this. The lights around the entrance begin to circle around the stage and entrance, turning two shades of green. Suddenly, the stage erupts with pyro and flames, hiding the entrance with smoke. As the smoke begins to subside, and the song starts to come to an end, the fans erupt with cheers of joy and approval, as Jarred Carthallion is seen standing on the edge of the stage, a microphone in his hand....

Jarred:Angelus, shut the hell up boy! Because its time that you listened to what I have to say for once. You see, for damn near thirteen years you and I have traveled the roads together. Weıve gone to hell and back with one another. But through all of that, all you ever thought about was how far you were going to go, and how great you were going to be. But you never did anything about it man. I mean, Iım the one who got you into the DCW, XWA and even the EMF. Hell boy, I even introduced you to your wife Amy Dumas, more affectionately known to everybody as Lita. And what thanks do I get for it, absolutely nothing. But Angelus, if your so damn great, why didnıt you do all of this shit on your own? How come your not the one who has won the World Title in every federation hes ever wrestled in? Hell, youıve never even won a world title. But you say that you and Alucard will save the EMF from the nWo, and that if I ever showed my face around here again you would personally kick my ass and send me packing. Well Angelus, Iım not cleared by the doctors to wrestle yet, but Iım here, so why donıt you kick my ass and send me packing boy? Or better yet, to make things fair, seeing just how shitty a wrestler you are, Iıll even let you have your tag team partner, and Iıll face you both in a handicapped match. A match in which the loser, or losers leave the EMF forever!

Alucard reaches out, jerking the microphone from Angelusı hand before he can make a response...

Alucard:Jarred, brother, youıve got yourself a match. And Iım going to show you just who is the better of the remaining Carthallion brothers. And Iım going to show you that my career, and my marriage are no flukes that were inspired by you!

Jarred:Whoa, just calm down there vicious man! I wouldnıt want you to give yourself a heart attack before I kicked your ass in that ring later tonight. But I do believe that I should set the record straight. You see Alucard, you owe me everything, becuase I introduced you to Christina, and thats how you became co-owner of the XWA. Because I introduced you to your ex-wife, yeah Iıll show you two that in a few minutes. But anyways, you owe me everything. I introduced you to Dark Talon, then he made you the last Vice President of the DCW. Iım the one who brought you to the EMF, and youıve done nothing but fail. Hell, even your wives think your failures. I mean, why do you think Christina came to me and Katrina back in the XWA, it was because you couldnıt keep her satisfied boy! Anyways, I think the statement that I made earlier will be explained by this little video footage, so shut the hell up and watch!

The EMF-Tron cuts on to Jarred sitting in his locker room watching the past weeks Shockwave on his monitor. The door to his locker room burst open, and Amy Dumas and Christina Carthallion walk in, each of them carrying a set of papers. No words are heard, but they hand the papers to Jarred. As he reads over them, he smiles and laughs a little, sitting back down on the leather couch. Amy sits down next to him, running her hand over his chest, as Christina sits down on his lap, the scene fading to black...

Angelus:You sorry son of a bi....

Jarred:Shut the fuck up Angelus. I donıt want to hear what you have to say about what you think might have happened. Although, what your thinking is exactly what happened. I showed the two of them why Iım the biggest man in the EMF today. So, now that the two of you have been motivated to royally kick my ass later on tonight, I must inform you of this, if you look over head youıll see a large steel cage hanging from the rafters. And if you boys can do basic math, and put and two together, youıll come to the realization that youıre not facing Brimstone, or ³The Shadow Mage² or ³Demon Chylde² tonight. Hell, your not even going to be facing ³The Man, The Myth, The Legend², no tonight boys, tonight you two face....The King Of The Death Cell!! So, if one of you make me submit, Iım gone. But if I make both of you submit, then your both gone from the EMF forever. So, Iıll see you boys later tonight!

"The Mario brothers theme" blasts on the PA system as Mario walks to the ring

JR-Mario is certainly...a weird competitor

King-Your fucked for saying that

"Firestorms theme" blasts on the PA system

JR-here is another former TAW wrestler


"Suicide theme" blasts on the PA system as Suicide walks to the ring

JR-This is certainly a great chance for Suicide

King-Yeah, but my moneys on Mario!

[Mario charges at Firestorm, Firestorm side steps him and then hits his head against the top turn buckle. Firestorm then charges at Suicide while he's not paying attention and then knocks him down with a hard flying forearm to the face. Suicide gets up and charges at Firestorm, but Firestorm takes him down with a arm drag take down release. Suicide gets up fast and charges at Firestorm who takes him down for a arm drag once again. But this time he holds on to turn it into arm bar, Suicide a little fustrated gets up and backs with Firestorm holding on to the arm bar. Suicide backs up Firestorm and whips him to the ropes. Firestorm bounces off the ropes. Suddenly Mario comes into the picture and hits a double leg take down. Mario hits a few fists on the downed Firestorm. Mario gets up and runs without thinking, then he gets run down by a running knee lift into the gut. Mario goes down,Firestorm hits a few stomps on the downed Mario. Firestorm pulls up hits a few fists to Suicide to back him to towards the ropes. Firesstorm then back out and allows the dazed Suicide to come out of the corner. Suicide comes stumbling out of the corner only to get kicked in the gut. Suicide doubles over, Firestorm then sets up Suicidie and hits a russian leg sweep. Firestorm paying too much attention doesn't notice Mario on the top rope. Mario jumps off and really doesn't do anything other than land on Firestorms shoulders feet first, Mario looks confused after his inpact didn't do anything Firestorm then trys to turn it into a power bomb. But before he can Mario is able to counter his mistake into a hurricanarana into a roll up for a 1......Suicide is able to shake of the russian leg sweep effects enough to make a diving ax handle into the back of Mario to break up the roll up. Firestorm rolls out by the downed Mario, then quickly hits a eye rake on Suicide. Then puts Mario in a half boston crab, Mario screams in pain as he trys to get to the ropes. But it seems like he isn't going to make it, suddenly Suicide comes back with a super kick to the jaw of Firestorm. Firestorm goes down, but Suicide pulls him back up and whips him to the ropes. Firestorm bounces off the ropes and then Firestorm gets cought in a sleeper hold, Firestorm fights it for a few moments. But slowly goes down]

JR-Firestorm is fading

King-Don't worry the always get up.....damn it!

[Suicide holds Firestorm in the sleeper hold as Firestorm is seemly going out. Firestorm goes to one knee and is seemly is out. Suicide checks his arm once......twice....but Firestorm puts it up on the third time. Firestorm gets up and hits a few elbows into the gut that stuns Suicide to let go of the hold. Mario comes charging, Firestorm ducks and Mario knocks down Suicide. Firestorm gets up and then runs to the ropes and bounces off. But before he can do anything Mario catches Firestorm in a powerslam and goes into the cover for the 1.......2...kick out. Mario sees Suicide getting up, Mario charges at Suicide. But Suicide counters with a back body drop over the top rope. But Mario is able to land on his feet on the apron, Mario grabs Suicide hair/head and yanks Suicide down to the ground. Mario then uses the rope to put himself standing on the top rope and then leaps off and hits a double foot stomp on the gut of Suicide from the top rope. Mario comes off and goes to where Firestorm is, Mario hits a few fists and then backs Suicide to the ropes. Mario trys to whip Firestorm off the ropes, but Firestorm reverses the whip and then Mario bounces off the ropes. Firestorm is then able to hit a high impact front spinebuster. Firestorm pulls up Mario and trys for a short arm clothesline, but Mario ducks it and waits for Firestorm to turn around. Mario kicks Firestorm in the gut and hits a DDT]

JR-Mario is in control

King-were fucked!

*JR back hands King, King strinks*

King-aw shit, now I'm going to have to ask Mario to hook me up with one of those mushrooms..

[Mario gets up and hits Suicide with the fireball. Suicide stumbles around the ring about to fall, Firestorm comes behind Suicide and rolls up Suicide and gets the 1.....2......3 before Mario can break up the count. Pissed off Mario waits for Firestorm to get up. Mario hits Firestorm with the fireball. Firestorms arm is on FIRE! Firestorm runs up the ramp on fire looking for something to put himself out with

JR-Firestorm is on fire

King-sucks to be him!
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mercedes!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Mercedes comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Fyre!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Fyre walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Mercedes executes a pumphandle suplex on Fyre. Fyre walks around the ring. (the bell rings) Mercedes with an illegal chokehold on Fyre. Mercedes rolls onto Fyre connecting with a knee. Fyre is back on his feet. Mercedes with an Aztecan suplex on Fyre sends him to the mat. Mercedes executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Fyre. ]

King - Fyre takes a flying knee drop.

King - Mercedes could use some help about now.

[(...3) Fyre pokes Mercedes in the eyes. (....4) Mercedes grabs Fyre's leg and takes him down. Fyre is back on his feet. (.....5) Fyre takes Mercedes into the ring. Fyre bites Mercedes's arm out of desparation. A flying bodypress by Fyre takes Mercedes to the mat with authority. Fyre is up again. Mercedes stands up. Mercedes with a gut-wrench suplex on Fyre. Mercedes is back on his feet. Fyre gets up. Kneelock submission applied by Mercedes. Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... Fyre is fighting the hold. ... ... Mercedes tightens the hold. ... Mercedes breaks the hold. Flying side kick by Mercedes takes Fyre off his feet. Fyre stands up. Fyre grabs Mercedes's head and hites him in the face. Mercedes executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Fyre. ]

King - Fyre takes a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Fyre slaps Mercedes. Mercedes gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. A side kick by Fyre turns the match around by knocking Mercedes to the mat. Fyre trys for a flying armdrag but Mercedes avoids it. Fyre drags Mercedes to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Fyre hits a jumping elbow hrust on Mercedes. (...3) Mercedes bounces Fyre off the ropes and clotheslines him. Fyre gets back to his feet. (....4) Mercedes gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. (.....5) Mercedes and Fyre move back into the ring. Mercedes uses a lariat on Fyre. Fyre gets knocked on the ground and Mercedes flips onto him. Mercedes gets back to his feet. Mercedes delivers a kick to the head of Fyre. Fyre gets back to his feet. Mercedes gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Fyre moves back to his feet. Fyre rakes the face of Mercedes in attempt to make a come back. Fyre hits a ropeflip moonsault on Mercedes. Mercedes sets Fyre up DDTs him into the mat. Mercedes measures Fyre up and drops a closed fist. Mercedes is back on his feet. Mercedes body Slams Fyre. ]

JR-Mercedes is in control

King - quick Fyre, CHEAT TO WIN!

[(...3) Fyre pokes Mercedes in the eyes. (....4) Mercedes grabs Fyre's leg and takes him down. Fyre is back on his feet. (.....5) Fyre takes Mercedes into the ring. Fyre bites Mercedes's arm out of desparation. A flying bodypress by Fyre takes Mercedes to the mat with authority. Fyre is up again. Mercedes stands up. Mercedes with a gut-wrench suplex on Fyre. Mercedes is back on his feet. Fyre gets up. Kneelock submission applied by Mercedes. Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... Fyre is fighting the hold. ... ... Mercedes tightens the hold. ... Mercedes breaks the hold. Flying side kick by Mercedes takes Fyre off his feet. Fyre stands up. Fyre grabs Mercedes's head and hites him in the face. Mercedes executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Fyre. ]

King - Fyre takes a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Fyre slaps Mercedes. Mercedes gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. A side kick by Fyre turns the match around by knocking Mercedes to the mat. Fyre trys for a flying armdrag but Mercedes avoids it. Fyre drags Mercedes to the floor. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Fyre hits a jumping elbow hrust on Mercedes. (...3) Mercedes bounces Fyre off the ropes and clotheslines him. Fyre gets back to his feet. (....4) Mercedes gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. (.....5) Mercedes and Fyre move back into the ring. Mercedes uses a lariat on Fyre. Fyre gets knocked on the ground and Mercedes flips onto him. Mercedes gets back to his feet. Mercedes delivers a kick to the head of Fyre. Fyre gets back to his feet. Mercedes gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Fyre moves back to his feet. Fyre rakes the face of Mercedes in attempt to make a come back. Fyre hits a ropeflip moonsault on Mercedes. Mercedes sets Fyre up DDTs him into the mat. Mercedes measures Fyre up and drops a closed fist. Mercedes is back on his feet. Mercedes body Slams Fyre.]

King-Smoothness is rising

[Mercedes stands up. Fyre goes for a top-rope powerbomb but Mercedes dodges the attack. An elbow submission by Fyre brings Mercedes down to the mat. Charles Robinson asks Mercedes if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Fyre breaks the hold. ]

JR - I wish every match could be like this!

[Mercedes hits Fyre with an inverted atomic drop. Mercedes chants start. Now Fyre standing. Mercedes hits the fallaway slam on Fyre. Mercedes climbs to his feet. Fyre gets hit with the shooting star press from Mercedes. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Fyre kicks out. Fyre gets up. ]

JR - Mercedes's momma would be proud!

[Mercedes hits Fyre with an earringer. Mercedes bends over as Fyre elbows him in the midsection. Fyre goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Mercedes. Fyre hits Mercedes with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Fyre moves back to his feet. Fyre jumps and elbow smashes the lying Mercedes. ]

King - Fyre executes a diving elbow smash.

[Fyre gets back to his feet. Fyre hits Mercedes with an elbowdrop. Fyre climbs to his feet. Fyre hits Mercedes with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Fyre is back on his feet. Fyre hits Mercedes with an elbowdrop. Fyre gets back to his feet. Mercedes climbs to his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Fyre puts him back in the match. Now Fyre standing. Mercedes trys for a Mexican hiptoss but Fyre avoids it. Mercedes punches Fyre in the head. Fyre tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block. Fyre moves back to his feet. Fyre covers Mercedes. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 Mercedes escapes. ]

King - Not even close!

[Now Mercedes standing. Mercedes pulls Fyre's hair. ]

JR - Fyre takes a hair pull.

[Mercedes superkicks Fyre. Mercedes executes a corkscrew legdrop on Fyre. Mercedes stands up. Fyre is up again. Mercedes powerbombs Fyre. ]

JR - Good power bomb by Mercedes.

[Fyre gets up. Mercedes executes the flying head scissors on Fyre. Mercedes is up again. Mercedes jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Fyre. Mercedes climbs to his feet. Fyre moves back to his feet. Mercedes uses a running lariat to take Fyre down. Mercedes hits a frog splash on Fyre. Mercedes chants start. Mercedes uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Fyre down. Fyre gets hit with the mercedes go round from Mercedes. Referee Charles Robinson makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

King - Mercedes has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Mercedes!!!

*The fans quiet down .. suddenly the lights focusing up towards the rafters .. a steal cage lowering to the ring, whom Core already stands inside .. the fans sit in awe as Assassin's theme music hits, out walking Assassin. Assassin walks down to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope right before the cage lowers to the ring*

JR - This should be good

JL - Oh you better believe it ..

*The lights flicker .. Jade's theme music blaring over the PA system and out running Jade.. Jade stops near the cage, flipping off Assassin. Assassin kicks the bars .. stepping back, Jade scaling the side of the cage. Jade reaches the top .. Assassin shaking the cage .. Jade steadies himself, Assassin still shaking the cage madly, Jade eventually loses his footing and falls down from the cage and takes out Assassin! The fans go nuts, Jade and Assassin stumble to their feet, trading blows*

JR - What a start

JL - It's far from over!

*Assassin takes over, grabbing onto Jade and tossing him into the cage. Jade stumbles back, Assassin grabbing him up in a backsuplex, lifting him over and taking a couple steps toward the cage, but Jade slides off his back, pushing him into the cage! Assassin stumbles backwards .. Jade turning him around and pushing him into the ropes, bouncing off the ropes, Assassin heads towards the opposite ropes, Jade meeting him in the center of the ring, Jade going for a clothesline, but Assassin ducks it. Assassin turns Jade around, hitting him in the groin and planting him with an implant DDT. The fans go nuts, Jade's head bouncing off the ground. Jade is quick to his feet holding his head, only to be tossed up into the cage again*

JR - Carnage continues

JL - I wanna' see someone just .. just .. just friggin' explode or sumthin'

*Jade falls over onto the mat .. Assassin jumping around him and beginning to scale the side of the cage .. Jade notices this and quickly gets to his, trying to knock Assassin off the cage .. but suddenly Assassin falls back! A falling elbow drop from Assassin from off the cage. Jade stumbles .. Assassin lining him up. Jade rushes Assassin, Assassin going for a punch, but Jade ducks it, tossing Assassin into the turnbuckle. Assassin jumps onto the turnbuckle, climbing the cage, Jade jumping up on the top turnbuckle, sending a punch to the ribs of Assassin. Assassin doubles over .. still clinging onto the cage. Assassin phases it, continuing to climb. Jade sends another punch to Assassins ribs.. Assassin doubling over .. Assassin slowly turns around to face Jade .. leaning back against the cage.. Assassin goes for a kick, Jade ducking it.... Jade sends another punch to Assassin's midsection .. Assassin fumbling .. but still leaning on the cage .. Jade begins to scale the cage too! Jade locks Assassin up in a suplex .. oh my god, no way .. Assassin .. Assassin is lifted up and over by Jade and to the canvas with an amazing suplex off the cage by Jade!*

JR - Dear god

JL - That was friggin' awesome!

*Jade and Assassin both crash to the ground, cringing in pain. Jade and Assassin slowly get to their feet .. both battling it out with punches.. neither can barely muster the energy to inflict pain. Both Jade and Assassin walk over toward the cage, both men beginning to scale the side of the cage. Jade reaches over and punches Assassin, Assassin fumbling and still climbing the cage, Jade doing the same. Assassin reaches over and cocks Jade, Jade stumbling up but still keep his rhythm. Both guys continue to smash each other, finally reaching the top of the cage. Jade and Assassin sit on top of the cage .. Core beginning to scale the cage as well. Assassin and Jade just all out beat the living shit out of each other, Core finally reaching the top*

JR - Somehow I highly doubt Core is going to be a fair official

JL - Three guys at the top of the cage!

*Jade and Assassin continue hauling off on each other .. slowly beginning to stand .. Core watches intently as Jade stumbles on the top .. Assassin do the same. Core reaches over .. oh my god, Core just pushed Assassin off the cage! Oh man, Assassin's head rings off the concrete on the outside of the ring, whether he knows it or not though - he just won the match! Core stands up on the cage .. Jade furious .. Jade goes for a punch on Core .. Core ducking, Jade stumbling .. Core grabs onto him though, shoving him off the cage and into the front row of the Dark Horizon crowd! Oh my god! The chaos!*

"Snap your fingers, snap your neck" blasts on the PA system as Primetime walks to the ring

JR-He's probably the last great EMF champion, can he climb the mountain again

*King shrugs*

"Crawling in the dark" blasts on the PA system as Wasabi walks to the ring

King-the other world hates me...the other world hates me

JR-why you saying that over and over again

King-Well Wasabi keeps saying it, so I can't get it out of my head now!!

[Wasabi hits a few hard forearms to the face of Primetime. Primetime backs up to the ropes and Wasabi trys to whip Primetime to the ropes. But Primetime reverses the whip, Wasabi bounces off the ropes and Primetime knocks Wasabi down with a spinning reverse elbow that knocks Wasabi down to the mat, Wasabi gets up and charges at Primetime. Primetime catches Wasabi and then hits a whiplash spinbuster. Primetime pulls up Wasabi and hits a few fists that knock Wasabi to the turnbuckle, Primetime hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Wasabi. Primetime then whips Wasabi to the oppsite side of the ring to the other turnbuckle. Primetime doesn't go for his next move right away, then finally charges Primetime for a splash in the corner, but Wasabi moves out of the way and Primetime goes face first into the turnbuckle. Wasabi backs up and then charge's in and hits a drop kick that sends Primetime into the corner face first, Wasabi grabs Primetime's legs and then pulls him off the top rope that sends him flying down into the mat. Wasabi pulls up Primetime and hits a few knife edge chops that has him reeling on the ropes. Wasabi trys to whip Primetime to the ropes, but Wasabi gets reversed and Wasabi runs to the ropes. Wasabi bounces off the ropes, Primetime gets ready for a move. But Wasabi counters this with a spinning heel kick that sends Primetime to the mat. Wasabi then goes to the ropes and goes out to the apron and then climbs to the top rope, Primetime gets up and dives on the top rope. Wasabi falls on the top rope in alot of pain, Primetime goes over and hits a few hard fists to Wasabi while he's still on top turnbuckle, Primetime climbs up the turnbuckle and hooks Wasabi. Then Primetime is able to hit a super plex from the top rope, both Wasabi and Primetime feel the effects of this move. Slowly Primetime is able to turn over and get the cover for the 1...........2......kick out. Primetime slowly gets to his feet, as Wasabi is only able to sit up. Primetime gets pulled up the rest of the way and gets hit with a few european upper cuts. that rock Wasabi to the ropes. Primetime whips Wasabi off the ropes and Wasabi bounces off the ropes and Primetime catches him in a flap jack]

JR-Wasabi was in control until he tried to go for the Hang time, that mistake has now given Primetime the control of this match

King-I hate high flying moves....but not as much as I hate YOU JR!!

[Primetime has to recover for a few moments as Wasabi gets up holding his face. Primetime picks up Wasabi and then hits a body slam on Wasabi, then Primetime jumps up and comes crashing down on Wasabi's face with a knee drop. Wasabi sits up and holds his face, Primetime puts on a sitting sleeper on Wasabi, Wasabi doesn't moves for a while. Then is able to get to his feet and looks for a way out of it, Wasabi side steps Primetime and lifts up Primetime and hits a belly to back suplex. Both wrestlers are down as the ref uses the standing 10 count. 1....................2..................3...............4..............5............6..........7......both Wasabi and Primetime get to their feet. Primetime throws a fist, but Wasabi is able to block it and return a fist. Then Wasabi rovers for a split second and then comes back with knife edge chop and another fist. Wasabi trys to whip Primetime off the ropes, but Primetimes is able to reverse the whip by Wasabi. Wasabi bounces off the ropes. But Wasabi comes off the ropes with a flying forearm to the face of Primetime, Primetime goes down. But gets up fast, Wasabi goes for a hip toss. But Primetime turns it into a back slide, Wasabi lets Primetime get the best out of that one to roll off Primetimes back out of the back slide. Primetime gets up to be meet with a kick to the gut of Wasabi that doubles him over. Primetime runs to the ropes and then hits a swinging neck breaker on Wasabi. Wasabi goes for the cover and gets a 1...........2.......kick out. Wasabi gets up and pulls up Primetime up. But Primetime comes up with a few fists, then trys to follows it up with a kick to the gut. But Wasabi blocks it. Primetime trys to counter it, but Primetime ducks his counter. Primetime lands on his stomach and Wasabi is able to step right into a single leg boston crap. Primetime screams in pain as the ref asks if Primetime wants to give it up. Primetime refuses, but Primetime can't find any way out yet. The ref has to ask him again if he wants to give it up once again, but Primetime refuses. Primetime starts to move towards the ropes as Wasabi holds on the hold. Primetime is getting close to the ropes and finally leaps towards the ropes and grabs to the ropes. Wasabi is given a count and finally Wasabi is forced to break the hold.]

JR-You have got to wonder if that hold will be the difference maker here

King-who cares!

[Wasabi pulls up Primetime and then backs Primetime to the ropes. Wasabi then whips Primetime off the ropes and then puts him into a adminal strentch. But before he can Primetime counters into a hip toss. Wasabi crawls into the corner, Primetime hits a few shots the head and then puts Wasabi to the top rope. Primetime then climbs up after Wasabi and sets him up on the top so that both are standing on the top rope. Primetime then takes him down with a super brain buster!!]

JR-That must be the new Primetime pludge

King-sucks to be Wasabi...

[ Primetime goes into the cover and gets the 1........2.....3]

JR-Primetime is the new world champion

[The rest of the nWo come running in the ring and celebrate with Primetime over his win. They put Primetime on their shoulders as Primetime raises the world championship as EMF Dark Horizon comes to a end.]