EMF results: Cold day in hell

Copyright information flashes over the screen, and then it fades out out into a video screen on how all the matches came to be. From the build up of the tag team to the Extreme title to the women’s championship. Once it ends we fade into an introduction screen that welcomes the viewers to Cold Day in Hell 2006. We go into the darken Gunda Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. Pryotechnics blasts on the stage, and then finally it ends and fans yell as they start waving their signs that read “Edge should marry me!”, “I play for Gaffney’s Magic”, and “Don’t kill Amy, Jackie!”

JR-Welcome to Cold Day in Hell, we know what a history this event has had

King-Yeah, but I want to bring up a little fact…did you know that if Jackie Cena beats Amy Jericho tonight. She would have beaten both Sierra and Amy at the same PPV in back to back years?

JR-No I didn’t realize that King, that’s an interesting fact…were did you studying?

King-Yeah…from Gaffney’s notes

*Gaffney walks into the announce position*

Kris Gaffney-Hey JR! Did you know…

JR-Yeah..yeah…I know, let’s just get to the first match.

Kris- For our other title match, we have a rematch from last months PPV as the Satanic Prince Marc Mead looks to continue his TV title reign aganist Devin Malis. All of this is later to come in what will certainly be a historic night. Tonight we are starting off with a bam!

Howard Finkel: The opening contest for the match is a EMF divas match.

"Rylee's Theme" blasts over the PA system as Rylee walks down to the ring

Howard Finkel: First, on her wat to the ring standing 5'6 and weighting in at 130 pounds Rylee!

King- Rylee is looking as hot as ever

J.R- Not only is she good looking, shes a fine wrestler.

"Candice Michelle's Theme" blasts over the PA system as Candice Michelle poses on the stage and then walks out to the ring

Kris- Candice is going to try to get back on a winning streak here tonight

[The two ladies then pose each trying to get the crowd on their side, about a minute later they go to the middle of the squared circle and argue about who got the better response. Candice feels disrespect and slaps Rylee who falls back but still remains on her feet. Rylee not happy about just being slapped, runs and tackles Candice Michelle down. She is on top of Candice and starts laying punches on until she stands up and poses for the crowd. Candice who is still on the ground, is able to get up and push Rylee from behind. Candice then goes to hit Rylee in the back of the neck with a closeline, but it it ducked under by Rylee and Rylee catches her with a back body drop. Candice Michelle takes a few seconds to regroup and then gets back up to her feet. Rylee runs at her, but Candice ducks and hits her with a DDT and goes for the pin 1...2....KICKOUT]

J.R- Perfect DDT by Candice that was a close one

King- It was also a close one when I ran out of her bedroom

Kris- I hear ya

[Candice picks up Rylee and presses her over her head, Rylee slips from behind and lands on her feet on the mat. Rylee dropkicks Candice's knee and she falls. Rylee tries to take Candice over the top rope, but misses and Rylee falls on her head and Candice falls on her knee on the outside, neither get up in the 10 out and there is a Double Countout]



J.R- Well king, the next match is the monsters ball match.

King - AH

["CJ Lethal's theme" hits as he walks down to the ring with a look of confidence on his face]

J.R- CJ hasnt had the best luck as of late

Kris- Maybe that will change tonight, he has the look on his face to change it

["Muhammad Hassan's Theme" hits as he walks down to the ring with Davari which is followed by the ever so loud booos]

J.R- Hassan beat Rex two weeks ago

King- He has to be the favorite here tonight

["Rex's Theme" hits as he has an angry look on his face as he walks to the ring with a baseball bat in his hand]

Kris- Rex looks like he means business

J.R- Should be a very intense match here tonight at a Cold Day in Hell

[The three men all meet in the center of the ring for a stare down. For minutes nothing seems to happen until Rex and Muhammad look at each other and forget about CJ, then CJ pushes both of the men at the same time. They both then look at each other and hit CJ. Cj falls and they both start kicking away at him. Rex and Hassan couldnt keep the alliance together as they start punching each other. Hassan gets the upperhand and spears Rex down. At that time CJ is waiting for Hassan and hits his leg from behind and Hassan falls. Lethal goes to the outside and looks under the ring and grabs a steel chair. He waits for Muhammad to get up and starts to measure him. Right then Rex takes the chair from him and hits him in the head with it. Lethal falls out of the ring with a blood face. Rex tries to go for the pin but CJ Lethal is about to fall out of the ring before Rex can hook the leg]

J.R- Ow, blood is gushing, it isnt looking good for Lethals coming back streak

King- Rex looks intense

[With Lethal on the outside, Rex waits for Hassan, wanting to get revenage, Davari gets on the apron to distract Rex, he does but Rex gets over it and Davari gets down, he turns around and rex gets the chair kicked back in his face! Hassan throws Rex over the top and Hassan goes over taking out both Rex and the just getting up CJ Lethal. Hassan gets up and throws both of them back inside, and reaches into the bottom of the ring. He gets the bag of tacks and rolls back into the ring. He pours them out and sets up both men, they both duck and hit Hassan with a doubleman flapjack face first into the tacks!]

Kris- Eat tacks

King- That he did

[Lethal and Rex then get up and start fight, Rex does after CJ Lethal, but Lethal ducks and goes for a powerbowb but Rex counters, CJ Lethal gets up quickly. CJ Lethal goes for a big boot on Rex. But it's ducked, and it hits Hassan instead. Rex uses this chance to roll up up CJ Lethal, and gets the 1..2..3!]

J.R- 24 hours in a dark room really toughened Rex !

“Cold” blasts on the PA system as Devin Malis walks to the ring, and slides into the ring

JR-Here comes Devin Malis, and to date no one has made him tap or submit

King-Probably because he has long endurance, he talks so fast without breathing

Kris Gaffney-That must be his secret to winning so much

“All the thing she said” blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walks to the ring with Serena Hughes

JR-Marc is an interesting person, but certainly a very talented young man.

Kris Gaffney-And if that doesn’t work, he has interference coming! And he doesn’t even have to pay for it like Becky Bayless!

King-Meh, Amy Jericho’s been trying to get him to stop. I bet she packs Marc a lunch every Shockwave…

[Devin Malis and Marc Mead are in their corners, Marc Mead hands off the TV title and then the ref puts it out of the ring to the time keepers table. He rings the bell, and Marc Mead and Devin Malis pace around the ring. Devin Malis and Marc Mead locks up, and then Marc Mead is able to go behind Devin Malis and then hits a few clubbing blows to the back of the nec k of Devin Malis and then Devin s forward. Devin Malis turns around and Marc Mead hits a fist to the face. Devin Malis stumbles back, and then Devin Malis gets whipped to the ropes by Marc Mead. Devin Malis comes off the ropes, and Marc Mead hits a standing drop kick that takes down Devin Malis. Devin Malis goes down down to the mat. Marc Mead waits for Devin Malis, Devin Malis stumbles up and Marc Mead charges and hits a running clothesline. Devin Malis stumbles up and then Marc Mead hits an inverted atomic drop that sends Devin Malis stumbling back. Marc Mead hits a standing drop kick and sends Devin Malis to the outside and then crashes to the outside. Marc Mead takes a few moments to taunt the crowd, because obviously the next move he wants to do is obviously a timed one. Devin Malis is stumbling to his feet, and then Marc Mead takes to the ropes, and comes off the ropes and leaps through the ropes and connects with a suicide dive on Marc Mead. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, as the crowd does give Marc Mead a positive response for that crazy move. Marc Mead starts to finally get up, and then he takes Devin Malis with him. Marc Mead holds Devin by the hair and throws him face first into the steel steps and then Marc Mead rolls in Devin Malis into the ring and then jumps on the apron, and climbs to the top rope. He then waits for Devin Malis to get up. Devin Malis stumbles up and then Marc Mead leaps off the top rope, and hits a cross body block on Devin Malis. Marc Mead goes into the cover from that move, and gets the 1…………..2……….kick out by Devin Malis. Devin Malis is able to get away as Marc Mead questions the ref’s count and then Marc Mead goes back on the attack. Devin Malis goes over to where Devin Malis, and then whips him to the other side of the ring. Devin Malis crashes into the other side of the ring.]

JR-The television champion has remained in control of this match

King-It probably has to do with the fact he now pictures his opponents as NFL players

Kris Gaffney-Except Edgerrin James, because we all know Edge is well good!

[Marc Mead taunts the crowd some more , and then he runs and goes for a big splash into the corner on Devin Malis. But Devin Malis moves out of the way and Marc Mead goes face first into the top turnbuckle. Devin Malis quickly goes to the outside, and then climbs to the top orpe and waits ofMarc Mead to get in position, and then he leaps off the top rope and catches Marc Mead for the top rope bulldog. Devin Malis goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2…………..kick out by Marc Mead. Devin Malis knowing that he needs to keep the momentum going, hits a few stomps on the downed Marc Mead and then Marc Mead gets to his feet. Devin Malis hits a few fists to the face, and then Marc Mead is reeling on the ropes. Then Devin Malis, tries to whip him to the ropes. But it’s reversed, Marc Mead lowers his head as Devin Malis bounces off the ropes. Devin Malis counters this with a kick to the face, and Marc Mead pops up in pain. As he does this, Devin Malis is able to jump, and nails a standing hurricanarana that sends Marc Mead flying. Marc Mead stumbles up using the ropes, and then Devin Malis measures up and then hits a running clothesline over the top rope. Devin Malis goes over the top rope, and then crashes to the floor. Devin Malis takes a few moments to rest, and then goes to the top rope and waits for Marc Mead to get up. Marc Mead stumbles to his feet and Devin Malis hits a flying vertical cross body block. Marc Mead and Devin Malis are both down, and then Devin Malis takes Marc Mead by the hair, and throws him into the ring. Devin Malis takes a few moments to rest again, and rolls back into the ring himself. Marc Mead is stumbling to his feet, obviously really stunned from everything that he’s taken thus far. Marc Mead stumbles right into Devin Malis, who kicks Marc Mead into the gut and then sets Marc Mead up. Devin Malis lifts up Marc Mead, and drops him for the piledriver! Devin Malis goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2………..kick out by Marc Mead.]

King-So is this where Revolution is suppose to run in?

Kris Gaffney-Supposively…no, they said that’s not how they roll

King-Wow, that’s not good for Malis

[Devin Malis calls for the soul catcher, but before he can do it. Mead hits a low drop kick into the leg that takes him down to the mat and Mead is able to hit a desperation Mead kick. Both wrestlers are down on the mat. Knowing that he didn’t get all of it, and that he’s a bit away from Devin Malis. Marc Mead pulls himself up on the outside and then to the outside. He points to the air, and then leaps off and hits a frog splash! Mead gets up, looking cocky and lays down back facing Devin Malis as the ref counts, Devin Malis seems down. But suddenly Devin Malis is able to come to life enough to get a surprise crufix pin, and he gets the quick 1…………….2…………3!.]

JR-OH MY GOD! Devin Malis just surprised Mead!

King- I seen this ending somewhere, wonder where…by the way….I got to tell you something Kris

*King rips off his shirt to reveal his “I’m your papi” shirt*


(Mead looks at the ref with a blank look, and then he starts to laugh for no reason….then he clearly yells “TRANSITIONAL CHAMPION!”)

JR-that boy is a bit…interesting

(OOC-Extremely close match, there was a few confusing elements which is why it's taken so long. There will be something on the board from Mead to look out for to consider. Which if needed, be sure to e-mail or AIM me about once it's up. )

(The EMF tron lights up in the Jericho's dressing room, Amy has the Jericho baby Ashley Irvine in her arms. Ashley is looking around amazed at her surroundings. While Chris Jericho has his arms crossed, he shakes his head and says.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-I don't like this Amy...

(Amy gives her husband a frown, and says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't either....but Jackie's just blinded by Cena's lies. This might be the last time I can even get close to Jackie to talk to her, I can't let it go by.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Amy, we both know that you are in no shape to wrestle Jackie. If you don't even try to beat her, you could be hurt, are you sure you don't want me to cause a DQ or something in case things aren't going as well?

(Amy shakes her head, and looks sadly)

.::Amy Jericho::.-No.......no, Jackie would take that as I care about the title, and I don't Chris. I just want my best friend to see that her husband is lying, maybe I'm going to be a sitting duck....but I need to convince her. I'm hoping I can get her through in time...

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-If you don't?

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't know, but I have…….I…..I have to in some way.

(Jericho looks still very doubtful, as he doesn't want his wife to get hurt. Amy see's this look, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Please! Jericho, promise me that you won't get involved in this match.

(Jericho has to take a few moments, but knowing that he's not going to convince Amy otherwise, he says.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Alright Amy, I just hope you know what your doing.

.::Amy Jericho::.-So do I...

(Amy hands over Ashley to him, and she gives him a kiss on the lips.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thanks...

(Amy who is already in her ring gear, grabs the women's championship and puts it over her shoulder. She kisses the top of Ashley's forehead, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Mommy will be right back sweety!

(Amy smiles at Ashley, who makes baby noises. Amy smiles at her daughter. Amy walks out of the room, and she looks down and says to herself.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I just hope I'm in good condition when I get back...

(Amy walks off, as we fade into the ring)

“Stranglehold” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, he slides into the ring

JR-As you know, it’s been an eventful year for Dewey Pond

King-It’s probably been the most eventful year of his life, what you talking about?

“Mr. Kennedy theme” blasts on the PA system as Mr. Kennedy walks to the ring.

JR-Mr. Kennedy is a very talented individual, who is just gaining more and more steam

Kris Gaffney-Some say he’s the odd’s on favorite in this match

King-Well since YOU said it…it can’t be true

“Rage’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rage walks to the ring with Mickie James

JR-Rage got into this match thanks to his victory over Lil’ Exploder

King-Yeah…Lil’ Exploder…um…blew up?

Kris Gaffney-I would say that was lame…but I’ve heard lamer…MUCH…lamer

“Pushing me away” blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring, he slides into the ring

JR-Josh Hanley’s new tactics haven’t won him over any fans…but they have been more effective

King-Well…they at least let him hang around John Cena…he probably can any chick he wants just by that fact.

Kris Gaffney-Except Amy?


Kris Gaffney-Whatever happened to Claire?


[As expected Josh Hanley goes right towards Dewey Pond trying to continue his fued, but he fails somehow (lol, j/k Josh) and Dewey Pond blocks it and hits a few fists to the face. Being the face, Josh Hanley stumbles back and then Dewey Pond goes back for an extra big one, but it’s blocked Josh Hanley basically hits a big low blow. Dewey Pond is in pain, Josh Hanley laughs as it’s no DQ. Josh Hanley then hits a standing drop kick that sends Dewey Pond to the outside. While Josh Hanley taunts the crowd, Dewey Pond uses the apron and then gets up to his feet and then Josh Hanley hits a baseball slides to the face of Dewey Pond. Josh Hanley slides out of the ring after this move and then goes back on the attack on Dewey Pond. While this is happening Rage and Ken Kennedy have been battling it out, and Ken Kennedy has starts to choke Rage. Ken Kennedy breaks it after a time and then starts to hammer away at Rage in the corner. Rage tries to blocks the punches, and then he tries to whip Rage to the opposite sides turnbuckle. Rage charges in the corner with Ken Kennedy. But it’s blocked with a back elbow that sends Rage back. Ken Kennedy pulls himself on the second turnbuckle, and measures up as Rage turns around and Ken Kennedy nails a front drop kick on Rage. Rage is down on the mat, and then Rage Ken Kennedy goes into the cover, knowing that Josh Hanley, and Dewey Pond are too busy to stop him. The ref goes for the count, and then counts 1………….2……..kick out by Rage. On the outside Josh Hanley obviously has had the table’s turned on him since the last time we checked. Dewey Pond is hitting a few fists to the face and then Dewey Pond has Josh Hanley stunned enough. He then tries to whip Josh Hanley to the steps. But it’s reversed by Josh Hanley, and Dewey Pond goes crashing into the ring steps shoulder first. Josh Hanley Takes a few moments to rest by going on his knee’s, seemly while he’s doing that he’s checking under the ring for something and then comes out with a chair. Josh Hanley measures up, and then smashes the chair across the upper back and near the shoulder where Dewey Pond struck the pole. Dweey Pond goes to his iknee’s and then Josh Hanley takes the chair and holds it up to the crowd who boo’s him. Dewey Pond is stumbling near the ring post. So Josh Hanley takes the chance to smash Dewey Pond between the post and the chair.

King-This can’t be good…

Kris Gaffney-How many times has someone actually hit this move

King-Just as much as Kurt Angle has hit his moonsault

(Angle rises out of the ground, and yells)

Angle-I’m gonna hit that moonsault……..YYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH

JR-Why is it that the most random things happen here?

King-Because if it didn’t, we would be boring.


[Dewey Pond is able to move out of the way at the last second, and Josh Hanley drops the chair in pain, and he drops the chair. While this is happening Ken Kennedy is down on the mat, it would seem that somehow Rage took the offensive, and has a trash can and then he smashes it over the head of Ken Kennedy. This puts Ken Kennedy on his knee’s and then Rage takes the somewhat dented trash can and puts it over Ken Kennedy’s head and then grabs a Singapore cane that he has in the ring as well. Rage takes it, and measures up and then starts to hit the trash can that has Ken Kennedy in it. After being hit with it, Kennedy falls to the mat. Rage holds the Singapore cane up. As Ken Kennedy stumbles to his feet uses the ropes. He backs into where Rage is, and Rage smashes him with the cane across the back. Ken Kennedy falls forward and is able to hook the ropes and not fall to the mat. Rage goes over to where Ken Kennedy is, and then takes the Singapore Cane and puts it across the neck of Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy stumbles back into the middle of the ring and then he’s somehow able to side step Rage and then hits a belly to back suplex on Ken Kennedy. On the outside, Dewey Pond is snap suplexing Josh Hanley on the rage. Josh Hanley is in pain and then Dewey Pond tells the crowd to move from the barricade . Dewey Pond leaps off the barricade and nails a flying leg drop on the downed Josh Hanley. Dewey Pond hits a few stomps on the downed Josh Hanley. Josh Hanley gets up and then Dewey Pond comes up running at Josh Hanley. Dewey Pond takes Josh Hanley and throws him against the ring post. Josh Hanley flies into the ring post and then Josh Hanley stumbles forward and Dewey Pond takes Josh Hanley and rolls him into the ring.]

JR-It seems that it’s been split into two separate fights the whole match

King-Hanley and Pond hate each other!

Kris Gaffney-I thought Pond said Hanley was his best friend?

King-*King shrugs*

[On the outside, Ken Kennedy is down on the mat. Obviously Rage did something really insane that we didn’t see and Kennedy seems down. Rage comes into the ring. Josh Hanley has Dewey Pond up for the widow maker. But Suddenly Rage comes into the ring, and hits a clothesline on Hanley breaking up his finisher. Hanley goes down to the mat, and then gets up Rage hits a few fists to the face of Hanley and then tries to go for a last clothesline over the top. But Hanley is able to counter it with a back body drop and Rage goes over the top rope and goes to the outside. Josh Hanley takes out some powder or something and waits for Dewey Pond to turn around, Dewey Pond does, and seemly he saw it coming as he kicks Josh Hanley’s hand and the powder goes right into his face. Hanley is blinded, Dewey Pond takes this and hits the Dew-justice right into the pin 1………………2…………suddenly Ken Kennedy comes out of no where and breaks up the pin with a Kenton Bomb! So that he doesn’t recover, Kennedy picks up the scraps of Josh Hanley that Pond already had seemly beat and pins him and gets the 1………….2……….3]

("Generic Theme" hits as Jackie Cena comes out onto the stage and gets a good reaction from her hometown crowd! She looks happy about this, but is still getting a bit of heel heat from some fans. She rolls into the ring and taunts the crowd.)

FInkle: "The following contest is schedule for one fall... and it is for the EMF Women's Championship! Introducing first the challenger.. from Strongsville... OHIO (massive cheer from crowd) Jackie Cena!"

J.R: "Do you notice how Jackie is using John Cena's name again now... after a spell of being called "Miss Jackie"?"

King: "Yea.. she can change her name to Jackie Lawler if she really wants to though!"

(LovePassionFuryEnergy hits as Amy Jericho comes out holding the Women's Championship. She too gets a huge response from the crowd. She rolls into the ring and hands the Championship over to the referee. The bell sounds and Amy looks like she's trying to talk to Jackie. Jackie is having none of it and she runs at Amy and hits her with a clothesline. She then begins stamping on the downed Amy and then lifts her to a sitting positin before dropkicking her back to the mat. Jackie covers for the 1... kick out. Jackie looks Angry that Amy kicked out and seems to take tihs as a sign Amy wants to fight her. Jackie picks her up, whips her into the ropes and then hits Amy with a spinebuster. Amy looks hurt and Jackie covers for the 1... 2... kick out!)

JR: "Amy doesn't seem to have any interest in fighting Jackie here...."

King: "Of course she does... that's why she kicked out twice!"

Kris: "Maybe she's just trying to use this time to get her point across..."

(Jackie looks angry. She picks up Amy and hits some more right hands. Amy catches one and hits a few of her own. Amy then knocks Jackie to the mat with a snapmere. Jackie falls to a sitting position and then Amy pushes her to the mat. She leans over Jackie and seems to again be trying to talk to her. Jackie is having none of it and rolls Amy over and begins to slap her. Amy rolls to she is again on top and hits a few slaps to weaken Jackie. She then holds Jackies arms down and begins to shout at Jackie. Jackie just uses all her strength to sit up and rolls Amy into a pin for the 1... 2... kick out. Jackie gets up and waits for my to stumble up, then kicks her in the gut and lands a DDT. Jacki covers for the 1.. 2... kick out.)

J.R: "Amy Jericho with chances to go on the offence... but she refused to take them!"

King: "If she has no interest in winning, why does she keep kicking out?"

Kris: "She said she'd give Jackie the title when she listens to her.... maybe Amy wants to get her message across first!"

(Jackie lifts Amy up again and goes for a suplex. Amy blocks it and then as Jackie turns Amy hits her with a spear. Amy bends over Jackie and Jackie tries to slap Amy but Amy blocks and hits slaps on Jackie. She again lays off the offence but Jackie quickly takes advantage hitting a thumb to the eye. Amy staggers around and Jackie gets up. She lifts Amy up and goes for the F-Off. Amy however saw it coming and rolls out of the back. Noticing how dangerous the move was, Amy seems to realise she has no choice but to fight. Jackie spins around and Amy kicks her in the gut and then nails a Whiplash DDT. Amy covers and the referee counts 1... 2... kick out by Jackie. Amy lifts her up and hits a suplex into a bridge for the 1... 2... kick out again by Jackie!)

J.R: "Amy Jericho going on offence at last... to try defend herself."

King: "Doesn't look good for Jackie... who is suffering now after a good start."

(Amy picks up Jackie nails her with a Scoop Slam. Amy then climbs to the top rope and the crowd cheer. Amy looks for the Moonsault that won her the championship. This time however Jackie sees it coming and puts up her knees, kicking Amy in the gut. Jackie realises that cold prove dangerous, and so shoots up as quick as she can. As Amy spins round dazed, Jackie lifts her and nails the F-Off! Jackie covers Amy and gets the 1.... 2................ kick out!)

J.R: "So close! So damn close!"

King: "I can't believe she kicked out... Jackie must have thought she won this thing!"

Kris: "I don't doubt that'll knock too much out of Amy for her to win though."

(Jackie looks angry. She rolls out of the ring and pulls out a bad we know all too well. The crowd boo. Jackie then unzips it and removed John Cena's sledgehammer. She then grabs a steel chair from ringside and throws it into the ring. The referee picks it up and goes to throw it to the outside. Jackie quickly rolls into the ring and smashes the referee across the back of the head with the hammer, causing him to fall out of the ring, before he was able to remove the chair.)

J.R: "That damn John Cena planted a hammer for Jacke to do massive damage!"

King: "Well that was part of his plan..."

Kris: "This is going to get ugly...."

(Jackie now aims the hammer at Amy, who is stumbling up. Jackie seems to have completely lost it and she starts laughing. Amy stumbles up and Jackie swings the hammer. Amy somehow saw it and ducks the attempt and hits a chop block on Jackie out of desperation. Jackie stumbles and drops the hammer which Amy kicks ot of the ring. Amy now lifts up Jackie but Jackie is quicker and she ducks under Amy and then hits a Big Boot as Amy turns. Jackie mocks the Leg Drop of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM but then Amy gets up and so Jackie just lifts her up for the F-Off. Amy struggles but Jackie over-powers her. She then positions Amy and nails the move right onto the Steel Chair that was left in the ring. Jackie covers but there is no referee. Amy's back of her head smacks the chair. Amy goes down on the mat, Jackie goes into the cover. But there is no ref. Suddenly, somehow Amy's shoulder shoots up, despite the fact there is no ref. Jackie looks with big eyes, like she can't believe there is life in Amy. Amy crawls away, she starts to weakly plead with Jackie to stop. Amy can be heard saying "Jackie! Stop! Your really hurting me!". Amy gets up with help of the corner. Despite her friend's plea's to stop, because it's obvious Amy's really hurt and in no condition to take anymore. Jackie's anger gets the best of her, as Amy stumbles up. Having a hard time keeping on her feet. Jackie takes the chair and smacks over the head of Amy just about benting the chair with Amy's head print. Amy would drop like a sack of patoto's down on the mat, but Jackie holds her up and takes the dead weight Amy on her shoulders and drives her down with another F-Off! The third one of this match. Jackie throws the chair to the outside. referee has made it back tohis feet. The ref doesn't notice the bent weapon at ringside, as he slowly counts 1..... 2....... 3!)

(The bell rings and Jackie falls to her knees having finally beaten Amy Jericho in action. Tears of joy form in her eyes as the referee hands her the Women's Championship she was so used to holding. Jackie can barely stand because she is so overcome with emotion, but she raises the title high to boos from the crowd. Jackie then rolls out of the ring and starts to head up the ramp with her title. She gets a little way up but then looks up at the titantron. Amy is shown laying unconscious in the ring. Jackie looks up and then her expression completely changes. She looks back as an enormous sense of guilt sinks in at the damage she has caused. Jackie looks horrified and she gets back into the ring and goes over to Amy. She begins shaking Amy, trying to get her to wake up but she doesn't. Jackie's tears now begin to flow more at what she has done. She throws her Championship aside and the trainers come and mover her away and begin to tend to Amy. Jackie is shouting at them, asking if she's going to be ok. Suddernly it's all interupted by Cena appearing on the titantron.)

Cena: "Well well.... what's this? Is Miss Jackie feeling guilty? Is Jackie regretting the fact she DESTOYED her best friend! I guess everyone around here has a little secret that nobody else knows about. Yours Jackie, was that there is NOBODY, not even your best friend, that you value more than yourself or your championship! You did this to Amy just because you thought she looked better than you.. ... shameful! But here's a secret of mine Jackie. In fact no... it isn't a secret. It doesn't count because EVERYONE knows it, apart from you. But i'll let you in on it. The "secret" is Jackie.. that I LIED to you the whole damn time! Amy never kissed me... Amy never wanted me, Amy would NEVER come near me, much to my annoyance. I lied to you to get you where I wanted. And as for the stuff about her looking better than you.. maybe she does maybe she doesn't... but you let that get RIGHT to your head. Two companies hired you to be a Diva Jackie... you can't be repulsive... these people were only booing you because of the hell you were putting Amy through for no god damn reason! But now you know Jackie. Now you know the whole damn truth... and I hope that guilt burns away at you forever for what you have done!"

(Cena disappears from the tron and Jackie looks terrible. Amy is loaded onto a stretcher and carried out. Jackie follows, repeating the words "Im so sorry" again and again.)

“King of Kings” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring with Torrie Wilson, he steps over the top rope and then waits for Tyson Tomko

JR-Dude Nick is the long time nemesis of Tyson Tomko


King-You knew that was coming

Kris Gaffney-Very little doubt.

“Problem Solver” blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring with the IC title.

JR-Tyson Tomko has fought all comers his IC title

King-He’s hanging around K en Kennedy more

Kris Gaffney-I still wonder what happened with Flair…

King-He tried to work at McDonald’s, but he kept having flash backs when he had to fry up fries

[Dude Nick and Tyson Tomko face off into the middle of the ring and then they talk some trash and then Dude Nick pushes Tyson Tomko and then this angers Tyson TOmko enough to throw the first punch. That’s blocked and returned with a head butt by Nick, Tomko goes down and then Dude Nick measures up and then goes for a running clothesline, it’s ducked under by Tyson Tomko. Dude Nick turns around and then Tyson Tomko blasts Dude Nick with fists to the face. Dude Nick stumbles back and then Tyson Tomko tries to whip Dude Nick to the ropes. But Dude Nick’s overall mass is able to work his advantage, and then he I sable to turn the tables by stopping and then is able to use the advantage to throw Tyson Tomko over the top rope. Dude Nick can’t follow him, as he’s really stunned. Tyson Tomko pulls himself up to the apron. Dude Nick goes over to Tyson Tomko, and then sets him up. And brings him into the ring with suplex into the ring. Tyson Tomko hits hard on the mat as he’s brought back into the ring once more and then Dude Nick knowing Tomko too well decides he can’t waste any motion, and then hits a few stomps on the downed Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko tries to get away with every blow. Dude Nick backs off for a second until Tyson Tomko is near the ropes and then Dude Nick starts to choke Tyson TOmko with the second ropes and then the ref counts to 4, and Dude Nick breaks just before he reaches 5. So that he doesn’t get DQed, Dude Nick runs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and jumps in the air and comes crashing across the back of Tomko. Tyson Tomko stumbles to his feet, and then Dude Nick hits a few straight fists to the face and then Tyson Tomko stumbles back and then Tomko is on the ropes. Dude Nick whips Tyson Tomko off the ropes, and then Tyson Tomko bounces off the ropes and then Dude Nick goes for a clothesline as Tyson TOmko comes back and then Tyson Tomko continue sto the other side of the ring. Tyson Tomko bounce soff the roeps and then Dude Nick catches Tyson Tomko into a tirlerwhirl. Right into a position where he has him over his shoulder, and drives Tyson Tomko into the mat with a power slam. Dude Nick goes into the cover, off of the power slam and gets the 1………..2……….kick out.]

JR-Almost three

King-Dude Nick is standing out strong

[Dude Nick looks up at the ref, thinking that should have been three and then ref says it was two. So Dude Nick shrugs it off and then grabs Tomko and then pulls him up. Dude Nick takes Tyson Tomko and whips him to the ropes. Tyson Tomko bounces off the ropes and Dude Nick lowers his head and before he can hit the back body drop. It’s countered with his head is down by grabbing his hair and yanking Dude Nick to the groupd. Tyson Tomko stumbles a few steps and then Tyson Tomko uses the ropes to keep up. Dude Nick is only down for a little bit. He see’s Tyson Tomko on the ropes, and then he charges at Tomko and then it’s countered by Tyson TOmko who hits a drop toe hold on Dude Nick. This sends Dude Nick throat first into the second rope and his throat snaps off of top rope. Dude Nick hits a kick to the gut and then sets up Dude Nick. Dude Nick hits a snap suplex on Dude Nick. Dude Nick stumbles up to his feet, and then Tyson Tomko to the ropes and then Dude Nick bounces off the ropes and Tyson Tomko hits a flying shoulder block on Dude Nick. Tyson Tomko pumps up the crowd and then Dude Nick is in the corner and then Tyson Tomko hits a few shoulder blocks to the gut. He then hits a few shoulders to the gut in the corner. Tyson Tomko then whips Dude Nick to the opposite side of the ring. Dude Nick crashes into the corner, and then Tyson Tomko charges into the corner. Tyson Tomko charges into the corner and hits a big boot to the face. Dude Nick hits a big boot to the face, the ref is checking on Tomko while Dude Nick has turned around in the corner. He’s getting the turnbuckle cover off.]

JR-What is Dude Nick doing?

King-What does he look like he’s doing

King-um…your Mom?

King-Wow, that got turned south

[Tyson Tomko comes into the corner where Dude Nick is, and then Dude Nick hits a poke to the eye. Tyson Tomko stumbles back and then Dude Nick picks up Tyson TOmko on his shoulders and tries to snake eyes him on the top rope. But Tyson TOmko slides out the back, and then pushes Dude Nick forward. Dude Nick just “happens” to go into the corner and then hits the exposed turnbuckle. Dude Nick stumbles out of the corner. Tyson TOmko hits the big boot. Tyson Tomko goes into the corner and gets the 1………….2…………..3]

JR-Tyson Tomko avoided that, and got out of this match with his championship

Kris Gaffney-Dude Nick didn’t go down without a fight.

(OOC-Very competitive match, everyone thought both RP’s were good. We just felt that Tomko was slightly better in the end.)

“Bad, bad man” blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks to the ring, Natasha Jones is surprisely following him. He steps into the ring, and the crowd gives him a even more loud boo for what he did in the women’s title match

JR-I’m not sure how John Cena can live with himself setting a lady like Amy Jericho up. Who has just given birth recently into a beating as we saw early.

Kris Gaffney-Not only that! Have her best friend do it

King-Oh well, to more important things…although I’d love to talk about Amy’s ass, or anything about Amy…is the writer getting into my thought’s again? Oh well, anyways what’s Natasha doing out here?

JR-Well…not sure, but I don’t think this is an actual safe environment with Angelus around. I don’t believe Natasha has any training in case Angelus were to turn on Cena.

King-Hopefully she knows how to run!

Kris Gaffney-Hopefully…if so, maybe she could teach some of my players how to do it.

“Down with the sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus Archer walks to the ring and grins as he slides into the ring by where Cena is. Cena looks like he’s trusting Angelus, but he’s not taking his eyes off of John Cena

JR-While it seems that Cena trusts Angelus…I don’t think he really does…

King-Can he? You remember the last time…

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, it’s funny how Amy and Angelus are almost on the same page…never thought that would happen. With the dog killing, and all.

King-Meh…probably has to do with Angelus wanting to reform her parrot to a serial killer parrot. He told me he would kill me if I told the world about his plans…so this is between us.

Kris Gaffney-Um….your secret’s safe with us King….

[Angelus Archer and John Cena are talking in their corner, Angelus Archer say’s he’ll start out. John Cena throws up his hands, and has no arguments for Angelus, as he doesn’t know whether or not he can trust his tag team partner. Angelus Archer and Scott Kincaid pace around the ring, and then Angelus Archer locks up with Scott Kincaid. Scott Kincaid being the more technical of the two is able to go behind Angelus, and takes him down with a single leg take down that sends Angelus Archer on his face. Angelus Archer tries to get to his feet and is able to, and is able to catch Scott Kincaid off guard and is able to side step him and then hits a belly to back suplex on Scott Kincaid. Angelus Archer being that he hasn’t taken much of a beaten just yet, is down and then he gets up and then Scott Kincaid is close behind. Angelus Archer hits a running clothesline, and then Scott Kincaid gets up quickly and then Angelus Archer picks up Scott Kincaid and then hits a body slam. Angelus Archer goes into the corner that Angelus positioned Kincaid. He pulls himself up to the second rope and leaps off and hits a second rope knee drop across the face of Kincaid. Scott Kincaid pops up, and then Angelus Archer puts him down on the mat as he thinks that he might have a cover now. Angelus Archer has the 1……………….2………..kick out by Scott Kincaid. Angelus Archer pulls up Kincaid and twists his arms into an arm bar, and yanks him towards the Cena/Archer corner. Angelus Archer reaches out for the tag, and then John Cena makes the tag. Angelus Archer leaves Scott Kincaid’s mid section open and then John Cena takes a shot at Scott Kincaid. Angelus Archer goes to the apron, and John Cena watches him go on the apron before he goes back on the attack on Scott Kincaid. John Cena hits a few fists to back up Scott Kincaid, and tries to whip him to the ropes and Scott Kincaid reverses the whip and then this sends John Cena to the ropes. John Cena comes off the ropes and hits a flying shoulder block. Scott Kincaid gets up, and Cena hits a series of clothes as Scott Kincaid gets up. Scott Kincaid goes for a clothesline but it’s ducked under, and John Cena goes for the spinning side slam. But Scott Kincaid rolls out the back, and he hits a release germen suplex. Kincaid is down and his partner the Badd Boy is waiting for the tag.]

JR-This could be the turning point of this match?

King-You know at the turning point’s is where the codes are most disrespected.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…how could we forget…

[Scott Kincaid is slowly getting towards his corner, and then goes into the corner and then makes the tag to Badd Boy. Badd Boy comes into the ring and then knocks down John Cena with a shoulder block. Angelus Archer comes into the ring, and goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked, and Badd Boy kicks Angelus Archer in the gut and then he hits a nd hits a DDT.,Angelus rolls out of the ring.Badd Boy turns around and John Cena picks him up and then goes for the F-U. But Badd Boy slides out the back and then Badd Boy this a few fsits to the face and then whips John Cena off the ropes and then John Cena comes off the ropes and Badd Boy lowers his head for a back body drop and connects with it!, Goes to the Badd Boy hits a fist to Badd Boy tries whip John Cena off the ropes. But it's reversed by Cena. Scott Kincaid makes the blindside tag. Badd Boy goes for sunset flip. Kincaid comes into the ring, and hits a running clothesline on Cena and gets him over. But the count doesn't count, so Badd Boy goes off on the apron. He watches Kincaid think of a move, suddenly Angelus Archer comes from behind on Badd Boy and knocks him off. Badd Boy hits his face on the apron.]

JR-This match is breaking down

King-It would seem so

Kris Gaffney-Much like the IBA….wait…that hasn't happened yet…it's like this script is written by someone in the future.

[ Badd Boy recovers, and Angelus and Badd Boy are brawling in the ring, Scott Kincaid tries to whip Cena to the ropes, but it's reversed. Suddenly Kincaid goes down, he looks and see's he was tripped by Natasha Jones from the outside. Kincaid decides to get his head into the game, walks right into a pick up, and an F-U by Cena. Cena goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2……….3]

(OOC-There was suppose to be a special ending, if they still want it…just send it to me Rob. I'll leave it open)