EMF results: Cold day in hell

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Brick Lesnar comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Ryan Knight!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Ryan Knight walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Brick Lesnar executes a pumphandle suplex on Ryan Knight. Ryan Knight checks his boots. (ring, ring, ring) Brick Lesnar short clothslines Ryan Knight. ]

The King - Ryan Knight takes a short clothesline.

[Brick Lesnar fist drops Ryan Knight on the mat. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar puts Ryan Knight in an arm grapevine submission. Ryan Knight gets up. Ryan Knight powerbombs Brick Lesnar. Ryan Knight chants start. Brick Lesnar gets up. Brick Lesnar gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Brick Lesnar gets hit with the shooting star press from Ryan Knight. The ref starts the count. ...1Ryan Knight gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Brick Lesnar. Ryan Knight drops Brick Lesnar with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Ryan Knight gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Brick Lesnar. Ryan Knight tackles Brick Lesnar and pummels his head. Brick Lesnar is back on his feet. Brick Lesnar rakes his fingers across Ryan Knight's back. Brick Lesnar hits Ryan Knight with a Baba chop. Ryan Knight nails the bridging back suplex on Brick Lesnar. Ryan Knight executes a pumphandle suplex on Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar places Ryan Knight on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) A flying shoulder block send Brick Lesnar to the mat.]

JR-Ryan Knight has taken control of this match


[Ryan Knight celebrates, but then Brick explodes and then hits a clothesline. Brick Lesnar executes a pumphandle suplex on Ryan Knight. Ryan Knight places Brick Lesnar on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Brick Lesnar executes a jawbreakeron Ryan Knight. Now Brick Lesnar standing. Brick Lesnar hits Ryan Knight with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Brick Lesnar grabs Ryan Knight and applies an arm wrench. Ryan Knight gets hit with the shooting star press from Brick Lesnar. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Ryan Knight escapes. ]

JR - Brick Lesnar should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Ryan Knight picks up Brick Lesnar and drops him neck first on the ropes. Ryan Knight chants start. ]

King - I wish every match could be like this!

[Brick Lesnar is up again. Brick Lesnar pulls Ryan Knight's hair. Ryan Knight gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Brick Lesnar. Brick then hits a rib breaker and then calls for the F-16. Brick then picks up Ryan Knight on his shoulders, but then Knight slides out the back Brick turns around into a kick by Ryan Knight and then Ryan Knight hits the Impact flatliner and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2…………3]

JR-Ryan Knight with an impressive victory

King-ummm…it was against Brick Lesnar and no one really saw it…it’s a dark match

JR-You take the fun out of everything…

The copyright information appears on the screen, we then fade into a video package of how the main event came to be. Once it ends we fade into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the specially made stage for the Pay Per View and then the lights rise up and the camera search around the arena as the fans hold up their signs

JR-Welcome everyone to Cold Day in Hell, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler

King-This would be the time I say something positive, so I decided to take a cue from you and be predictable…*King reads a few cards*…it’s going to be a great show….JR this is great…umm..this sucks *throws out the cards *

*Prophecy’s music hits as he makes his way down the ramp and eyes the steel cage. He takes a few laps around it and enters through the door. James Hardy’s theme plays as he runs down the ramp and attacks the cage, climbing quickly to the top to a huge pop from the crowd. Freddy Kruger’s theme hits as he stalks down to the ring and gets right in. Prophecy and he start going at it. James Hardy is still watching from the top of the cage and is getting set up.*

JR: Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

King: Oh god, here we go……

*Messiah’s theme hits as he starts strolling to the ring watching the chaos unfold within the ring. James Hardy is still watching Messiah and Prophecy go at it. James Hardy measures them and leaps from the top of the cage nailing a cross-body block on both of them.*

JR: Gawd what a cross body block!!! That James Hardy is a bah gawd hos….er crazy man!

King: Anymore stunning pieces of wit for us JR?

*The crowd starts chanting “Holy Shit!” Messiah sees his opportunity and jumps into the ring. He closes the door and the ref rings the bell. Messiah rolls Freddy over and goes for the cover but James Hardy breaks it up. Messiah and Hardy have no paired off exchanging lefts and rights while Freddy and Prophecy are still layed out from the suicidal leap from James Hardy. Messiah sends Hardy into the ropes. Messiah leapfrogs and then hits a standing dropkick sending Hardy back into the cage. Messiah measures Hardy and lunges at him but Prophecy yanks James Hardy out of the way at the last minute letting Messiah smash face first into the cage*

JR: Are Hardy and Prophecy a bah gawd team?

King: *holds up an “I’m sitting next to a BAH GAWD idiot” sign*

*James Hardy offers his hand to thank Prophecy. Prophecy takes it and then hits a vicious clothesline sending Hardy to the mat.*

King: Guess not

*Prophecy goes for the cover 1……….2………….but Hardy kicks out. Freddy takes this opportunity to try to get out of the cage but Messiah leaps and grabs a hold of his leg. Messiah pulls him down and rams him face first into the cage. James Hardy starts fighting out of a Prophecy head lock with elbows to the mid section. Hardy picks him up and nails a belly to back suplex. Messiah sees this and picks up Freddy for a press slam. He takes Freddy over to the pile of bodies and drops him on top of everyone. Messiah turns to pose to the crowd. Freddy manages to crawl over to Messiah and hits a low blow ala Ric Flair. The crowd “oooooooooooooooooooooh’s”.*

JR: Everything’s legal in the cage…..

King: And the sky is blue too….

*Freddy gets a rush of energy and starts pounding lefts and rights into Messiah. He sends Messiah into the ropes and nails a back body drop. Freddy then gets to the turnbuckle and gets ready. He waits for Messiah to get up and nails a flying dropkick. Freddy gets up and plays to the crowd but as soon as he spins around Prophecy is there to nail him with a kick to the gut. Prophecy doubles him over and sets him up for a powerbomb. Prophecy gets him up in the air and before he can slam him down, James Hardy nails a spinning kick from the top rope, dropping him to the ground. James Hardy then sets up Prophecy for the “Cold Shoulder” and hits it. But before he can go for the pin Messiah goes for a super kick, but it’s blocked and then James Hardy spins Messiah around and then Hardy throws him against the cage. Messiah bounces off into a DDT by Hardy. Suddenly Dewey Pond comes into the cage through the side of the cage where the ref is (through the crowd) and then hands Hardy a chair and then tells him something and holds him up and then Hardy goes for the chair shot on Prophecy. But then Prophecy ducks and smacks Pond. Pond goes down and them Hardy looks shocked as then Prophecy is able to sneak around and then for a roll up and gets the 1……..2………3]

JR-Prophecy steals one

King-yeah, but what was Pond doing out here?

JR-Suppose it was no DQ




King-why you here?

Duane Gates-I don’t get a league anymore L , but I was WCW champion!

Everyone was expecting the women's title match. Instead VP Amy Dumas's music “lovepassionfuryenergy” by boy hit car. Instead of Amy, Sierra walked out dressed very similar to Amy's days as Lita. She even wore a red wig. She mocked all of Amy's moves as she got into the ring. She walked over and took the microphone.

Sierra(Amy): Okay I know you people are stupid, but I'm Amy Dumas your VP of the EMF. Now before we watch Sierra defeat Tori and keep her title, I've got something to say. See Sierra made me realize something and thats I'm In love with Chris Jericho. So Chris I know you are back there, come on out here so I can tell you how I feel.

Y2J's music hits as a man standing on stage in Y2J pose. He turned around revealing Prez Mike in Jericho gear. He made his way to the ring and got in...

Sierra(Amy): Chris, and your freakishly hideous pants. I Amy Dumas am in love with you..

Prez Mike (Chris Jericho): Its about time, I knew you couldn't resist my Vitamin C Baaaaybeee.

With that said Sierra(Amy) jumped into Prez Mike(Jericho's) Arms and made out with him. It went on until Tori's Music interrupted them and Sierra stepped back from Mike with a pissed off look on her face and pulled her red wig off awaiting Tori...

Booker T-I didn’t just see that…tell me I didn’t just see that

King-What are you doing here Booker?

Booker T-Oh…the wWo doesn’t let me exsist, so I figured I could hang around here

King-You thought wrong *King hits the King driver on Booker T and drags him off and chucks him in a bottom less pit *

[Suddenly Tori comes behind and attacks Sierra. The ref starts yelling for Prez Mike to get out of the ring to start the match, being that the bell hasn’t rung yet. Prez Mike pulls Tori off Sierra and hits a quick DDT. On Tori, Prez Mike laughs, but now he sees that Dewey Pond is on his way to ring. Prez Mike quickly jumps out of the ring as Pond gets to ring side and then the ref rings the bell. Pond looks pissed, but just decides to make sure nothing else happens. Sierra recovers from the beating she was getting and then goes into the cover and then goes into the cover on the downed Tori and then gets the 1………………..2…………kick out. Sierra pulls up Tori by the hair and then slaps her Tori stumbles back and then Sierra hits a few fists and then whips Tori to the ropes and then Tori bounces off the ropes and then Sierra lowers her head and then Tori counters by grabbing her head and then throwing her face first into the mat and then Sierra holds her face and then Tori hits a few kicks to the back of the head of Sierra and then pulls her up and then picks her up and then drops her into a body slam and then quickly drops a elbow and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………………2…………kick out Sierra gets up and then backs off and then gets cornered into the corner and then Tori quickly hits a few kicks into the gut and then Tori whips Sierra to the opposite side of the ring and then Tori charges in on Sierra in the corner for a clothesline, but Sierra blocks it with a boot to the face of Tori. Sierra then goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope. Seemly having a Ric Flair moment, Tori is able to easily to get to Sierra before she can do anything off the top rope and then throws her off the top and Sierra goes crashing down on the mat and then Sierra stumbles up and then Tori kicks Sierra in the gut and then hits a snap suplex and floats over into a cover and then gets a 1……………….2…………kick out by Sierra Tori then puts Sierra in a chin lock Sierra looks for a way out of it, before she can really get weak. Sierra is able to get back to her feet and then pushes Tori off the ropes. Tori and Sierra then knock down each other with a double clothesline.]

JR-Both wrestlers are down

King-yes and boy am I happy they are…

[Sierra and Tori get up to their feet, Tori is able to hit a few forearms to Sierra. But before she can get the advantage all the way Sierra then pokes Tori in the eyes and then Tori stumbles back blinded and then Sierra is able to hit a few fists and then sets up Tori and then drops her on the top rope gut first and then Tori is hanging there and Sierra backs up and then Sierra hits a knee lift in Tori’s face and Tori falls to the arena floor holding her face. Sierra then goes to the outside and then hits a few stomps on the downed Tori and then the ref notices that Dewey Pond is getting close to where Sierra and Tori are up and then the ref jumps out and then tells Pond to get away as this is happening Prez Mike says something to Sierra. Prez Mike sets near the steps, Sierra tries to whip Tori to the steps. But then Tori reverses it and sends Sierra towards Prez Mike, Mike catches Sierra Tori angry charges at Sierra. Mike pushes Sierra down and Tori runs into Prez Mike instead. Mike stumbles back and then falls over the ring steps,Tori turns around and then right into a kick into the gut and then Sierra picks up Tori and then drops her on the steel steps face first and then rolls Tori into the ring. Sierra looks a little concerned with what happened to Prez Mike, but then realizes she needs to finish the match and then she climbs to the top rope and then measures up as Tori stumbles up and then Sierra leaps off and then hits a cross body block. But it’s countered as the pin is reversed the ref is still talking with Pond as Pond alerts him of the pin. The ref goes into the ring and then makes the cover and gets the 1………………………2………..kick out]

JR-Sierra had a break there, she was lucky the ref was still arguing with Dewey Pond

King-Yeah, that back fired on Tori there…

[Tori pulls up Sierra by the hair and then whips her to the ropes, Sierra bounces off and then leaps in the air and then Tori ducks it and then Sierra crashes into the ref. The ref goes down, Prez Mike then goes to the time keeper and then slides into the ring the womens championship as Sierra stumbles up she see’s the title and gets it ready as the ref is down unable to do anything about it. Suddenly there is a cheer from the crowd and suddenly VP Amy Dumas (the real Amy..) slides into the ring unnoticed to Sierra as she has the title back ready to smash Tori, Amy grabs it from behind though Sierra is able to hold on it. A tug a war happens, Prez Mike tries to get into the ring to help. But Dewey Pond grabs him by the leg and pulls him to the outside and smashes him with a fist. Sierra then lets go as Amy pulls and Amy falls backwards hard into the corner and then Sierra makes a few comments as Amy seems a little hurt and then Sierra picks up the title ready to smash Tori again, Amy stumbles forward holding the back of her head and then turns Sierra around quickly and then kicks her in the gut sets her up and hits the twist of fate then yells a few things and then rolls out of the ring. Tori stumbles up and then picks up Sierra and hits the Tori plex, and goes into the cover as the ref comes around and then gets the 1………………………2………………..Prez Mike dives into the ring, but can’t cause the DQ in time as the ref counts 3]

“Medal” blasts on the PA system as Cena and Engle walk out to the ring

JR-This is a very odd tag team without a doubt

King-yeah, though suppose that Denis didn’t want to have the possibility of defending two titles

JR-Good point King, that’s not easy

“De Kreek’s theme” blasts on the system as De Kreek walks to the ring

JR-Neddie for whatever reason did not show up as we know, but the real question is who has volunteered to be his tag team partner

King-fucked if I know.

(De Kreek waits on the ramp as a familiar theme starts as Michael Webber walks out to a good response

JR-It’s Michael Webber!! He’s back King

King-Josh Hanley

JR-no Michael Webber

King-Oh I can’t keep train anymore, their all named too normal for me now a days…

[Engle and De Kreek lock up and then Engle goes behind De Kreek and then De Kreek not wanting to get caught in anything hits a elbow into the face of Engle. Engle stumbles back holding his face and then De Kreek stands there as Engle mouths the words “you son of bitch” and then Engle charges at De Kreek and then De Kreek is able to hits a lighting quick standing drop kick that sends Engle backwards and through the ropes on the arena floor. Wanting to get a sure advantage De Kreek goes to the ropes and then measures up and then as Engle stumbles up he sling shots himself over the top rope with a cross body block that takes down Engle. Though after this move De Kreek takes a few moments to recover himself and then picks up Engle and then throws him into the ring and then goes into a cover and gets a 1………..2….kick out, quickly De Kreek hits few elbow drops into the chest of Engle and then picks up Engle and then pulls him over to the corner and then tags in Webber. Webber comes into the ring and then De Kreek leaves Engle open and then Webber hits a punch into the ribs of Engle and then Engle goes down to one knee and then Webber hits a few clubbing blows to the back of the neck of Engle and then Webber whips him to the ropes and then Engle bounces off the ropes and then Webber hits a spinning back elbow into the face of Engle. Engle goes down and then Webber waits for Engle to get up and then Engle stumbles up after taking his time and then Webber sets him up for a suplex, but then Engle is able to land on his feet and then Engle hits a germen suplex and then both wrestlers are down as both corners try to will their partners towards their corners and slowly Webber makes the tag, just as Engle is going to make the tag. De Kreek grabs Engle and then drags him into the middle of the ring and then De Kreek hits a elbow into the inner part of Engle’s leg and then puts him in a second leg lock and then Engle is in a lot of pain as the ref asks if Engle wants to give it up, he refuses to…but then forgets where his shoulders are and then puts them on the mat and then the ref counts his shoulders down 1………….2……Engle gets up and Engle looks for way out of the hold and then Engle smashes De Kreek’s face a few times when it’s on the mat and then Engle stumbles up as quickly as he can then dives into the corner and then makes the tag to Cena]

JR-Engle tagged in Cena

King-The smarks are shuddering right now

[Cena comes into the ring as De Kreek gets up and then Cena hits a few hard fists to De Kreek and then whips him to the ropes and then De Kreek bounces off the ropes and Cena hits a high back body drop. De Kreek crashes on the mat and then Webber comes into the ring and then charges at Cena, but Cena is able to turn his charge into a standing clothesline. Webber gets up and then Webber stumbles up and then Cena hits a few fists and then Cena whips Webber to the ropes, but Webber reverses it and then sends Cena off the ropes and Cena bounces off and then Cena leaps in the air and then hits a flying shoulder block and Webber goes down to the mat and then Webber goes down and then stumbles up using the ropes and then Cena charges at Webber and then hits a clothesline to knock Webber over the top rope on to the arena floor and then Cena pumps the crowd up. De Kreek see’s that Cena’s is looking another way and then he charges at Cena. Cena turns around at the last second and is able to quickly react by dropping down on the mat and then De Kreek goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then Cena is able to hit a power slam on De Kreek and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………2…………..kick out]

JR-Cena’s on fire here

King-Oh really *calls the fire department *

JR-You take things serious

[Engle asks for the tag and then Cena gives it to him and then De Kreek is stumbling up and then Engle gets ready and then tries to an Engle slam, but then De Kreek is able to turn it into a arm drag and then sends Engle across the ring and then being outside the whole time Webber pulls off Cena off the apron and smashes his face into the ring apron and then they brawl, De Kreek stumbles up by the ropes and Engle charges at him and then De Kreek counters it with a drop toe hold into the second rope neck first and then De Kreek bounces up and then stumbles forward and then De Kreek kicks Engle in the gut and hits the down stream and then goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2………….3]

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kaedon!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Kaedon comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Real Deal!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Real Deal walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Real Deal gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Kaedon. Real Deal places Kaedon on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Kaedon grabs Real Deal by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Kaedon bounces Real Deal off the ropes and clotheslines him. Real Deal climbs to his feet. Real Deal places Kaedon on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Real Deal is up again. Now Kaedon standing. Kaedon pins Real Deal against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Kaedon hits Real Deal with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Real Deal nails Kaedon with a belly-to-back suplex. Real Deal stands up. Kaedon is back on his feet. Kaedon spinning mule kicks Real Deal. Kaedon executes a corkscrew legdrop on Real Deal. Kaedon moves back to his feet. Real Deal hits a running sommersault legdrop on Kaedon. Real Deal jumps from the top rope and hits Kaedon with a flying armdrag. ]

JR - Real Deal executes a flying armdrag.

[Kaedon stands up. Real Deal puts Kaedon in the cobra clutch. Earl Hebner asks Kaedon if he quits. ... ... Kaedon trys to escape. ... Real Deal tightens the hold. ... Kaedon trys to escape. Kaedon escapes. Real Deal picks Kaedon up and side suplexes him to the mat. Real Deal rolls onto Kaedon connecting with a knee. Kaedon suplexes Real Deal. Real Deal stands up. Kaedon executes a jawbreakeron Real Deal. Kaedon climbs to his feet. Real Deal climbs to his feet. Kaedon goes for the kill, but Real Deal hits a standing drop kick. Kaedon stumbles back and then Real Deal climbs to the top as Kaedon gets up and then Real Deal leaps in the air. Kaedon moves out of the way and then Real Deal falls on his leg weird. Quickly trying to take advantage of it, Kaedon picks up Real Deal who is having a hard time standing up and then Kaedon makes the cover with a roling reverse cradle. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Kaedon!!!

JR - This match is a Hardcore Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Punisher!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Punisher comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Wasabi!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Wasabi walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Punisher drops Wasabi with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Wasabi drops Punisher with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Punisher hits a koppo kick on Wasabi. Punisher hits Wasabi with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Punisher moves back to his feet. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Flying sommersault drop kick by Wasabi puts him back in the match. Wasabi is back on his feet. Punisher is driven further into the mat by Wasabi with a diving elbow smash. Wasabi gets back to his feet. Punisher climbs to his feet. Punisher nails Wasabi with an inverted DDT. Punisher gets up. ]


[Punisher nails the bridging back suplex on Wasabi. Punisher stands up. ]

JR - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[Wasabi with an illegal chokehold on Punisher. ]

The King - Punisher takes a choke hold.

[Wasabi executes a corkscrew legdrop on Punisher. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Punisher gets up. Wasabi gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Punisher comes over and smashes Wasabi's head into it. Wasabi superkicks Punisher. Now Punisher standing. Punisher uses a running lariat to take Wasabi down. Punisher chants start. Punisher is trying to put Wasabi away with a choke sleeper. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Wasabi is fighting the hold. ... Wasabi is fighting the hold. ... Wasabi escapes. Punisher and Wasabi head to the floor. Punisher swings a steel chair and hits Wasabi. Wasabi is bleeding as a result. Wasabi gets up. Wasabi tackles Punisher to the floor. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Punisher stands up. Punisher with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Wasabi. Punisher stands up. Punisher executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Wasabi. Punisher gets back to his feet. Wasabi gets back to his feet. Wasabi executes a flying sommersault bodyblock on Punisher from off the top rope. Wasabi gets back to his feet. Punisher moves back to his feet. Wasabi swings a steel chair and hits Punisher. Punisher is bleeding as a result. Wasabi hits the fallaway slam on Punisher. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Wasabi swings a steel chair and hits Punisher. Punisher is bleeding as a result. Wasabi goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash. Wasabi swings a trophy and hits Punisher. Punisher is bleeding as a result. ]

JR - I wish every match could be like this! Are you enjoying this match?

The King - Yeah, you know it.

[Punisher executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Wasabi. ]

JR - Punisher with a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Wasabi gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Punisher. Punisher gets back to his feet. Punisher jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Wasabi. Punisher climbs to his feet. Now Wasabi standing. Wasabi picks up Punisher and hits him with the Death Valley Driver. Now Wasabi standing. Wasabi puts a knee to Punisher's back and pulls hims arms back. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Punisher is fighting the hold. Wasabi breaks the hold. They head back to the ring. ]

The King - It was a smart move to the ring. Punisher no longer has to watch out for weapons.

[Wasabi applies an arm wrench to Punisher. Wasabi stomps Punisher's head. Wasabi hits Punisher with an elbowdrop. Wasabi stands up. Punisher uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Wasabi is down. Punisher and Wasabi head to the floor. Punisher swings the ringbell and hits Wasabi. Wasabi is bleeding as a result. Wasabi is up again. Flying somersault drop kick by Wasabi puts him back in the match. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Punisher is up again. Punisher gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Wasabi. ]

The King - Wasabi executes a fireman's carry.

[Punisher gets back to his feet. Wasabi jumps from the top and nails Punisher with a flying axhandle smash. Japanese armdrag take down from Punisher send Wasabi to the floor. Punisher locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Punisher tightens the hold. Wasabi escapes. They head back to the ring. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Wasabi tackles Punisher. Punisher gets back to his feet. Flying Tomahawk by Punisher sends Wasabi down to the mat. Punisher chants start. Punisher chokes Wasabi. Punisher and Wasabi head to the floor. They head to the aisle. They head to the locker room. They head outside of the arena. Punisher hits the flying legdrop across Wasabi's neck. Punisher is up again. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Wasabi is hit with a backward kick. Punisher uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Wasabi down. Wasabi gets hit with the Capital Punishment from Punisher. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - Punisher has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Punisher!!!

(Punisher is stumbling up in the hall somewhere, suddenly from a dark room a figure appears behind him. Then the figure starts to move towards Punisher with a singapore cane and then smashes Punisher on the back. Punisher goes down and then what appears to be once again another masked person looks down on the downed Punisher who is already beat up from his match from his match with Wasabi, the masked person hits a stomp and then walks off as we go back into the arena)

JR-Who the hell is that

King-Oh if I knew I would tell you, stupid masked people...

“Hanley’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring looking pretty determined to the slaughter house

JR-Hanley seems to be ready to fight

King-Well he better, this might be his last title shot in a long time!

“Angelus theme” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the slaughter house

JR-Recently this match has been called a Slaugther house match, which fits because of the blood

King-The creators of Resident Evil shudder when they see this match…that’s how bloody it is…

JR-how you know, this is the first one…

King-well…just building it up

[Hanley looks around the hell in a cell, where Angelus seemly is almost at home in the cell. As Hanley is not looking, Angelus takes this chance to come out swinging fists and then Hanley stumbles in the corner and then Angelus hits a few fists and then Hanley tries to cover up as Angelus continues to keep pound on Hanley and then Angelus pulls up Hanley and then whips him to the corner and then Hanley goes crashing into the corner and then Angelus waits and then charges in on Hanley and then Hanley gets his boot up. Angelus stumbles back and then Angelus goes for another charge and then Hanley this another boot to the face and then Hanley still can’t do anything out of the corner and then Angelus is actually able to recover and then Angelus charges into the corner once again and then Hanley is able to counter the move with a drop toe hold and then Angelus goes crashing into the second turnbuckle and then his arms are over the second turnbuckle and then Angelus stays there as Hanley notices it and then Hanley grabs Angelus’ legs and then pulls him vertical in the air letting the turnbuckle hold him up and then Hanley kicks Angelus for what seems to be a low blow. Angelus goes down and then Hanley who knows what type of wrestler he going against hits a few hard stomps on the downed Angelus and then pulls up Angelus after a little while and then hits a few hard knife edge chops to the chest of Angelus and then before Angelus can stumble out of the corner he pulls him out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then Angelus bounces off the ropes and then Hanley leaps in the air and then hits a high flipping drop kick that knocks Angelus back to the ropes and then Angelus hooks on to the ropes as Hanley gets up and measures up and then charges at Angelus and then knocks him over the top rope with a clothesline. Hanley drops to the mat and then rolls to the outside and then quickly grabs Angelus and then throws him into the steps as Angelus goes crashing into the steps moving the steps from their place and then Hanley goes over and then kicks the steps all away from their base and then pulls up Angelus on the base and then tries to piledriver on the steps, but as Hanley tries to pull up Angelus. Angelus blocks it and then hits a back body drop to the arena floor. Angelus goes down to his knee’s and then slowly gets up and then see’s Hanley stumbling to his feet he hits a few knee’s into the gut and then he throws Hanley into the cage and then Angelus takes a few moments to shake off the pain in his shoulder and then hits a few stomps to the downed Hanley and then pulls up Hanley and throws him into the ring and then Angelus jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Hanley to get to his feet. Once he does Angelus leaps off and then nails a flying diving clothesline to Hanley. Hanley is down, but it seems that Angelus landed a little weird and drove the air out of his body. Angelus takes this time to get up and then he looks at the weed wacker on a pole and goes over to that corner and then climbs to the pole, but then Hanley gets up as Angelus is standing on the turnbuckle trying to unhook the weed wacker and then Hanley dives on the top rope and then Angelus falls on the top rope sitting backwards with his back to the ring and then Hanley goes up to where Angelus is and then hooks him and then hits a super belly to back suplex sending both wrestlers crashing on the mat.]

JR-both wrestlers are down, it could be over here

King-man…would that be lame..

[Angelus and Hanley are down 1…………………..2………………….3………………..4……………5 both wrestlers make it to their feet and then Angelus goes for a fist, but Hanley blocks it and then fires a few fists back at Angelus and then whips Angelus to the ropes, Angelus bounces off the ropes and then Hanley leaps in the air and hits a flying back elbow. Hanley stumbles up and then goes up to the turnbuckle where Angelus was and then quickly climbs to the top rope and then grabs the weed wacker off the pole and then he see’s that Angelus is getting up. Hanley jumps off the turnbuckle and does not have the time to start the weed wacker and then he gets ready and measures up and then waits for Angelus to get up all the way and then when he does Angelus turns around into a weed wacker to the face and then Angelus goes down holding his face, Angelus is busted open and then Hanley uses this chance to start the weed wacker and then Hanley gets it ready to start chopping up Angelus into very little bloody pieces (nice description…huh?) Angelus stumbles up, it can clearly be seen he has a cut on his head and then Angelus turns around and then Hanley tries to use the weed wacker. But Angelus blocks if from his face with his arms and then with his feet hits a low blow that sends Hanley down taking the weed wacker on the mat and then Angelus goes to one knee and then Angelus see’s the downed weed wacker and then waits for Hanley to get up, Hanley stumbles up and then Angelus kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and then moves him around in a suplex position by the downed weed wacker and then Angelus picks up Hanley and then holds him up for a few seconds for a stalling vertical suplex on the weed wacker bar and then Hanley who’s in pain rolls away from the bar. But somehow his arm gets too close to the blade and it takes a small chunk of flesh from the side of his right arm.Angelus hits a few hard stomps to the downed Hanley and then takes Hanley and then throws him to the outside and then Angelus grabs the weed wacker and then places it near the ropes so it’s easy to reach and then goes after Hanley and then Hanley is bleeding fairly well on the outside while Angelus still has blood coming down his face and then Angelus takes Hanley and then smashes Hanley against the side of the hell in a cell and then Angelus takes Hanley and tries to whip him against the cage side. But then Hanley reverses and then Hanley reverses it and then Angelus goes crashing into the side of the cage that just happen to be the door and then the door of the cage then busts open and then Angelus goes crashing on to the arena floor outside the cage and then Hanley stumbles around and then Hanley grabs the weed wacker and then goes to the outside.]

JR-This is an absolute blood bath

King-Well…it is…

[Angelus is getting back to his feet and then Hanley starts to bring the weed wacker close to Angelus. But then Angelus counters with some sort of dust/powder to the eyes and then Hanley drops the weed wacker and then Angelus takes Hanley and then throws him into the cage Hanley bounces off and then goes down to his knee’s and then Angelus picks up Hanley and then charges at the cage trying to use him like a long dart and ram him into the cage sides. But then Hanley slides out the back and then pushes Angelus forward and then Angelus crashes into the cage side and then goes down as Hanley goes down trying to rub his eyes so he can see. After a few moments Hanley seems to be able to get some sight back and then Angelus stumbles towards him and then Hanley hits a super kick to Angelus and then both Angelus and Hanley go down to the arena floor. Both bleeding a lot Hanley stumbles up and then takes Angelus and then pulls up Angelus and then throws him into the hell in the cell side and then Angelus bounces off and then Angelus stays on the cage for a few seconds and then turns around and then waits for Angelus to turn around and then Hanley picks up Angelus and then puts him over his shoulder and then rams him into the side of the Hell in a cell. Hanley then takes the weed wacker and then turns it on and then inch it towards Angelus back and then starts hacking off flesh off the back of Angelus. Though Angelus is able to get away before he can do major damage

JR-It was lucky that Hanley did not go after Angelus….at least in the world champions view

King-I’m sure he has a bad idea

[Hanley then shuts off the weed wacker and then climbs to top with the harness over his shoulder and then starts climbing to the top of the hell in a cell. Hanley pulls himself on the top of the cage as he pulls himself up on the cage he then stands on top as Angelus is starting to get up and does. Angelus is bleeding a few area’s of his back as he looks up at Hanley at the Hell in a Cell and then starts to climb the hell in a cell and then once he gets to the top Hanley decides not to let him up and then tries to step on one of his toes and then before he can step on the other Angelus is able to grabs hold of Hanley’s leg and then knowing that he has to get him off him Hanley tries to do just that, but then gets a eye rake. Hanley stumbles back and then Angelus pulls himself on the top of the cage and then holds on to his back as blood is gushing from his back and then Angelus is able to get to his feet and then goes after Hanley and then Hanley turns around and then hits a low blow Angelus stumbles back in pain and then kicks Hanley in the gut and hits the widow maker on Angelus. Suddenly the crowd starts to boo as Jay has jumped from the crowd and is now making his way up the cage unnoticed by Hanley. Hanley then hits a few stomps as Jay climbs up to the top and then grabs the weed wacker that Hanley left behind and then sneaks up and tries to smack Hanley, Hanley turns around quickly and catches it and then kicks Hanley in the gut to disarm him and then Hanley sets Jay up in power bomb position and then sets him up and then hits a power bomb that breaks the top of the hell in a cell and Jay goes crashing below on the ring and then Hanley looks even shocked as he didn’t attend for that to happen. But in that split second he lets his guard down Angelus comes from behind him and then hits a drop kick that sends Hanley forward and he falls into the hell in a cell almost like a splash on the already not moving Jay]

King-Damn it, he’s the half owner..he doesn’t deserve this

JR-and Hanley deserved to be screwed out of the world title all those times?

King-No he doesn’t…man you are going to get fired just like when Triple H was the owner

[Jay rolls away as Hanley is now on the mat and right under the hole in the mat and then Angelus shrugs his shoulders and then jumps into the hole and then goes for a flying leg drop, but then at the last moment Hanley moves out of the way and Angelus goes crashing into the mat. Both wrestlers are down.]

JR-Angelus went for everything and got nothing

[Like I said, both wrestlers are down as the ref starts to count them both down 1……………………2………………….3………………..4………………..5………….6…..both Angelus and Hanley roll to the ropes and then start using the ropes to get up ……….7…………..8…..Angelus still hurting from the fall loses his grip and goes back down on the mat ………9………….10]

JR-Both wrestlers were counted down, Angelus is still gonna be world champion

King-um…but what about Jay?

JR-What about him…

King-um…*takes a tape recorder*…note to self…be sure to throw JR in the bottomless pit the minute he lets his guard down…

(Both wrestlers are on the mat in pools of their own blood as VP Jay is down as well as CDIH goes off the air.)

(OOC-Wow…I had extreme problems picking this one, I read both RP’s a few times. They both had good and bad things about them, but I felt they were both complete RP’s. Both had their storyline (Hanley’s a little more apparent than Angelus, but had a good storyline of messing with Amy Dumas, which has a direct influence on this match) while Hanley did it more with interaction, Angelus was also able to keep me reading as well, Hanley was more funny and Angelus was more serious. I have made counter point, after count point. Really as a lot of people thought that it was hard choice, since there is limited time I thought this was the best result. It was not just because I can’t decide, but because really neither of them deserves to lose and it gives me the result I want to. Since I don’t have any time, then I’ll go with this. Though if there is a problem, I can always make a more exact choice and whatever I pick will stand. But I think this will work nicely, and Hanley I…have a plan for the next move, so don’t worry. For what it is worth good job to both Rpers for making this hard on me. (by the way, notice I noted what was right and not was wrong. LOL last time I did that the person got angry, but hopefully pointing out what was right with both of them won’t be a huge deal to both of you)