EMF results: Cold day in hell

A video of how Cold Day in Hell’s feuds came to be, once it ends we go into the arena where there is a bunch of pyrotechnics on the stage. Once it ends the lights are turned on as the crowd screams holding up their signs.

JR-Welcome to Cold Day in Hell…now I would do my usual entrance. But I have to inform everyone that Sierra has failed to show up, so it’s been decided that she is Dqed from the womens tourney.

(shows a graphic of Natashia being in the finals)

King-Maybe she found out that her name was just slightly long and decided to get it changed


Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Johnny & Shane!!!

[Johnny & Shane come to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and their opponents, the team of KANE & Test.

[KANE & Test walk to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this match. Shady Shane gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Test. Shady Shane executes a pumphandle suplex on Test. (ding, ding, ding) Test executes the guillotine choke on Shady Shane. Test moves back to his feet. Test fist drops Shady Shane on the mat. Test is up again. Test tags KANE. Test leg drops Shady Shane. Test knee drops Shady Shane. Test hits Shady Shane with an elbowdrop. Test gets back to his feet. Shady Shane makes the tag to Johnny Northern-Lights. KANE executes the guillotine choke on Johnny Northern-Lights. KANE gets back to his feet. KANE hits Johnny Northern-Lights with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. KANE gets up. KANE makes the tag to Test. Johnny Northern-Lights clotheslines Test. Johnny Northern-Lights tags Shady Shane. Shady Shane clotheslines Test. Shady Shane sets Test up DDTs him into the mat. Shady Shane piledrives Test. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's it cheat!! It's the only way to win!

[Shady Shane gouges Test's eyes out. Shady Shane tags Johnny Northern-Lights. Johnny Northern-Lights grabs Test's head and hites him in the face. Test tags KANE. KANE hits Johnny Northern-Lights with a single arm DDT. Test nails Johnny Northern-Lights with a springboard dropkick. KANE with spinning headscissors on Johnny Northern-Lights send him hard to the mat. ]

Jim Ross - This is just awefull! Johnny Northern-Lights is being double teamed!

[KANE jabs Johnny Northern-Lights. KANE gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Johnny Northern-Lights. Johnny Northern-Lights executes the airplane spin and throws KANE onto the mat. ]

Jim Ross - My God!! What a match!

[Johnny Northern-Lights hits a frog splash on KANE. Johnny Northern-Lights sucks chants start in the crowd. Johnny Northern-Lights is back on his feet. ]

Jim Ross - This is how wrestling should be!

[KANE tags in Test. Johnny Northern-Lights kicks Test in the groin. Test mule kicks Johnny Northern-Lights. KANE tagged in by Test. KANE applies an arm wrench to Johnny Northern-Lights. Test tagged in by KANE. Test rolls onto Johnny Northern-Lights connecting with a knee. Test tags KANE. Test kicks Johnny Northern-Lights on the mat. ]

Jim Ross - This is just awefull! Johnny Northern-Lights is being double teamed!

[Johnny Northern-Lights suplexes Test. Johnny Northern-Lights sucks chants start in the crowd. Johnny Northern-Lights and Test go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Johnny Northern-Lights slingshot elbow drops Test. Test moves back to his feet. (..2) Johnny Northern-Lights cuts Test with a blade. Test is bleeding as a result. (...3) Johnny Northern-Lights delivers a spinning backbreak to Test. (....4) Test is hit with a backward kick. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Johnny Northern-Lights forearm smashes Test. KANE makes the tag to Test. Johnny Northern-Lights hits a koppo kick on Test. Test climbs to his feet. Johnny Northern-Lights tags in Shady Shane. Shady Shane executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Test. Shady Shane tags Johnny Northern-Lights. Johnny Northern-Lights rolls onto Test connecting with a knee. Test uses the verticle facebuster on Johnny Northern-Lights. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Johnny Northern-Lights really felt that verticle facebuster!

[Johnny Northern-Lights moves back to his feet. Johnny Northern-Lights hits Test with a baba chop. Test nails Johnny Northern-Lights with a belly-to-back suplex. Test tags KANE. They lockup. Johnny Northern-Lights sends KANE to the corner of the ring. ]

Jim Ross - weak move!

[Johnny Northern-Lights gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Johnny Northern-Lights uppercuts KANE. Test tagged in by KANE. Johnny Northern-Lights gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Johnny Northern-Lights with a headscissors takeover on Test. Johnny Northern-Lights is back on his feet. Johnny Northern-Lights knee drops Test. Johnny Northern-Lights is up again. Johnny Northern-Lights and Test go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Johnny Northern-Lights measures Test up and drops a closed fist. Johnny Northern-Lights gets up. (...3) Johnny Northern-Lights puts Test in an arm grapevine submission. (....4) Johnny Northern-Lights applies an arm wrench to Test. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Johnny Northern-Lights kicks Test on the mat. Test gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Johnny Northern-Lights. Johnny Northern-Lights tags Shady Shane. Shady Shane executes a piledriver on Test. Johnny Northern-Lights tagged in by Shady Shane. Test punches Johnny Northern-Lights repeatedly. Test tags in KANE. KANE executes a split legged moonsault on to Johnny Northern-Lights. KANE uses the verticle facebuster on Johnny Northern-Lights. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Johnny Northern-Lights is being double teamed! I LOVE it!!

[Johnny Northern-Lights gets hit with a back heel kick. KANE puts Johnny Northern-Lights in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jim Ross - KANE with a arm grapevine.

[Johnny Northern-Lights climbs to his feet. Johnny Northern-Lights places KANE on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Johnny Northern-Lights gets up. KANE gets knock to the ground while Johnny Northern-Lights locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. Earl Hebner asks KANE if he quits. ... KANE trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) KANE escapes. KANE makes the tag to Test. They lockup. KANE sends Johnny Northern-Lights to the corner of the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's strategy right there! Double Team Johnny Northern-Lights.

[Johnny Northern-Lights hits KANE with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Johnny Northern-Lights climbs to his feet. KANE gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Johnny Northern-Lights. Johnny Northern-Lights is back on his feet. KANE gets up. Johnny Northern-Lights gets hit with a dragon scerw from KANE. Test makes the tag to KANE. KANE measures Johnny Northern-Lights up and drops a closed fist. KANE stands up. KANE kicks Johnny Northern-Lights on the mat. Johnny Northern-Lights brings in Shady Shane for Johnny & Shane. KANE legsweeps Shady Shane. Shady Shane brings in Johnny Northern-Lights for Johnny & Shane. They lockup. Johnny Northern-Lights sends KANE to the corner of the ring. Johnny Northern-Lights is back on his feet. KANE picks up Johnny Northern-Lights and front slams him on the mat. Johnny Northern-Lights stands up. Johnny Northern-Lights tags Shady Shane. KANE knees Shady Shane and rolls back to his feet. Shady Shane hits KANE with the back of his elbow. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - back elbow!

[Johnny Northern-Lights tagged in by Shady Shane. Shady Shane hits a kneeling headbutt to KANE's groin. Johnny Northern-Lights executes the front-layout suplex on KANE. Johnny Northern-Lights powerbombs KANE. Johnny Northern-Lights bounces KANE off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop. Johnny Northern-Lights and KANE go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Johnny Northern-Lights grabs KANE and applies an arm wrench. (...3) Johnny Northern-Lights hits KANE with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Johnny Northern-Lights is back on his feet. KANE moves back to his feet. (....4) KANE hits Johnny Northern-Lights with the back of his elbow. (.....5) They head back into the ring. KANE bounces Johnny Northern-Lights off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. KANE climbs to his feet. KANE tags in Test. Test puts Johnny Northern-Lights in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - arm grapevine!

[Johnny Northern-Lights climbs to his feet. Test brings in KANE for KANE & Test. Test piledrives Johnny Northern-Lights into the mat. Test hits Johnny Northern-Lights with a heart punch. Johnny Northern-Lights tags Shady Shane. Johnny Northern-Lights clotheslines KANE. Johnny Northern-Lights piledrives KANE. KANE fist drops Johnny Northern-Lights on the mat. KANE is back on his feet. KANE throws Johnny Northern-Lights off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. KANE gets up. KANE makes the tag to Test. Test uses a lariat on Shady Shane. Shady Shane is back on his feet. Test nails Shady Shane with an inverted DDT. Shady Shane is back on his feet. Test goes for a big boot. Shane ducks it and then Test hits the ref with it. Test turns around into the Shady Tree, but there is no one to count the 3. KANE comes into the ring with a steel chair and is about to hit Shane with it. Johnny slides into the ring and then hits a low blow. KANE goes down and then Johnny grabs the chair and gets ready to hit KANE. KANE ducks and Johnny hits Shane instead. Johnny looks stunned like it was an accident and then Johnny hits a few stomps to the downed Shane and then walks out on his partner. Johnny then walks out on Shane, KANE pulls up Shane and TOOMBSTONE to HEEL and then puts Test’s arm over the downed Shane as the ref comes around and gets the 1……….2………..3]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winners of this match, KANE and Test!!!

(if I got the result wrong, I’ll change it. But this is what basically what was happen)

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, Mercedes!!!

[Mercedes comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and her opponent, Ashlee Ikeda!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[Ashlee walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Mercedes checks her boots. Ashlee executes a pumphandle suplex on Mercedes. (ring, ring, ring) Mercedes takes Ashlee down with a knee. Ashlee is up again. Ashlee rakes the face of Mercedes in attempt to make a come back. Mercedes gets nailed with a double axhandle chop from Ashlee. Mercedes jabs Ashlee. Mercedes shoulder tackles Ashlee. Mercedes is back on her feet. Mercedes executes a corkscrew legdrop on Ashlee. Mercedes climbs to her feet. Ashlee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Mercedes. ]

Jim Ross - Mercedes with a diving elbow smash.

[Mercedes gets back to her feet. Mercedes hits Ashlee with an elbowdrop. Mercedes gets up. Ashlee is up again. Ashlee trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift Mercedes.Indian deathlock applied by Ashlee. Earl Hebner asks Mercedes if she quits. ... ... Ashlee tightens the hold. ... Mercedes escapes. Ashlee sends Mercedes to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Mercedes places Ashlee on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ashlee really felt that belly-to-back superplex!

[Mercedes is up again. (..2) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - These girls are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - No they are much better.

[(...3) Mercedes fist drops Ashlee on the floor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - fist drop by Mercedes.

[Mercedes stands up. (....4) Mercedes grabs Ashlee and applies an arm wrench. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Mercedes and Ashlee move back to ringside. Mercedes takes Ashlee into the ring. Ashlee gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Ashlee is hit with a backward kick. Mercedes bites Ashlee's arm out of desparation. Ashlee trys for a over the shoulder stomachbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Mercedes because Mercedes shifts her weight. Ashlee puts Mercedes in the hangman submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Ashlee tightens the hold. ... Ashlee breaks the hold. ]

Jim Ross - What an outstanding match!

[Ashlee hits a jumping elbow hrust on Mercedes. Mercedes gets hit with the shooting star press from Ashlee. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Mercedes escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Not even close!

[Mercedes gets back to her feet. Mercedes kicks Ashlee in the groin. Ashlee trys for a belly-to-back suplex but it is blocked by Mercedes. Mercedes pokes Ashlee in the eyes. Ashlee takes a slap to the face from Mercedes. Now Mercedes standing. Ashlee hits Mercedes with a heart punch. Ashlee rolls onto Mercedes connecting with a knee. Ashlee executes a corkscrew legdrop on Mercedes. Ashlee is back on her feet. Mercedes gets back to her feet. Mercedes hits Ashlee with a running powerbomb on to the mat. Mercedes locks Ashlee in the grapevine submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... Mercedes tightens the hold. ... ... Mercedes breaks the hold. Mercedes gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Ashlee. Mercedes gives Ashlee a reverse neckbreaker. Mercedes delivers a spinning backbreak to Ashlee. Ashlee climbs to her feet. Ashlee hits a gutbuster on Mercedes.Ashlee hits Mercedes with a Baba chop. Mercedes nails Ashlee with a belly-to-back suplex. Mercedes covers Ashlee hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Ashlee kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - Mercedes should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Ashlee climbs to her feet. Ashlee hits a backdrop driver lift Mercedes. Ashlee sends Mercedes to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Ashlee short lariats Mercedes. Mercedes is back on her feet. (...3) Mercedes executes a headlock takedown. (....4) Ashlee pokes Mercedes in the eyes. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Ashlee kicks Mercedes in the back of the leg. Ashlee fist drops Mercedes on the mat. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a fist drop.

[Mercedes gets hit with the shooting star press from Ashlee. The ref starts the count. ...1 Mercedes escapes. ]

Jim Ross - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Mercedes.

[Ashlee strikes Mercedes in the chest. Ashlee gouges Mercedes's eyes out. Ashlee executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Mercedes's face to the mat. Ashlee moves back to her feet. Ashlee gets tiger suplexed by Mercedes. Mercedes is back on her feet. Ashlee is up again. Ashlee discus punches Mercedes. Mercedes gets hit with the shooting star press from Ashlee. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Mercedes escapes. Mercedes gets back to her feet. Mercedes punches Ashlee in the gut. Mercedes drives a forearm into Ashlee. Ashlee chops Mercedes. A flying shoulder block send Mercedes to the mat. Ashlee stands up. Mercedes hits Ashlee with an inverted atomic drop. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ashlee really felt that inverted atomic drop!

[Mercedes and Ashlee go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - This is how wrestling should be!

[Mercedes goes for a falling head butt but Ashlee dodges the attack. Mercedes takes Ashlee into the ring. Mercedes knees Ashlee and rolls back to his feet. Ashlee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Mercedes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - diving elbow smash!

[Mercedes is up again. Mercedes measures Ashlee up and drops a closed fist. Ashlee is up again. Flying Tomahawk by Ashlee sends Mercedes down to the mat. Mercedes moves back to her feet. Mercedes hits Ashlee with a heart punch. Mercedes executes a corkscrew legdrop on Ashlee. Mercedes knees Ashlee and rolls back to her feet. Ashlee is back on her feet. Mercedes trys for a sitdown faceslam but Ashlee avoids it. Mercedes and Ashlee go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Mercedes cuts Ashlee with a blade. Ashlee is bleeding as a result. Mercedes picks up Ashlee and hits him with a Back Suplex. Mercedes stands up. (..2) (...3) Mercedes hits Ashlee with an elbowdrop. Mercedes gets back to her feet. Ashlee is back on her feet. (....4) Flying side kick by Ashlee takes Mercedes off his feet. Ashlee gets back to his feet. Mercedes gets back to her feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Ashlee uses a closed fist on Mercedes. Mercedes executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Ashlee's head onto the mat. Now Mercedes standing. Mercedes short lariats Ashlee. Mercedes pokes Ashlee in the eye with his thumb. Ashlee jabs Mercedes. Ashlee leg lariats Mercedes, sending her to the mat. Ashlee Choke Slams Mercedes. Mercedes looks to be out cold! Mercedes gets hit with the moonassault from Ashlee. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Ashlee!!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, CM Punk!!!

[CM Punk comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, P-Nut!!!

[P-Nut walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. CM Punk executes a pumphandle suplex on P-Nut. P-Nut executes a pumphandle suplex on CM Punk. (ring, ring, ring) P-Nut get nailed with a double axhandle chop from CM Punk. CM Punk puts P-Nut in an arm grapevine submission. CM Punk applies an arm wrench to P-Nut. P-Nut climbs to his feet. CM Punk kicks P-Nut in the groin. CM Punk gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. ]

Jim Ross - That inverted backbreaker was very good.


Jerry "The King" Lawler - The World Wrestling Federation is the only place to find matches like this!

[CM Punk picks up P-Nut and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. ]

Jim Ross - That shoulderbreaker was very good.

[CM Punk climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on P-Nut. CM Punk gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. P-Nut puts CM Punk in an arm grapevine submission. P-Nut applies an arm wrench to CM Punk. P-Nut goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 CM Punk escapes. CM Punk gets up. P-Nut slaps CM Punk. CM Punk goes for a double underhook backbreaker but P-Nut dodges the attack. CM Punk uses a lariat on P-Nut. CM Punk hits P-Nut with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. CM Punk moves back to his feet. P-Nut gets back to his feet. CM Punk gets thrown into the turnbuckle. P-Nut comes over and smashes CM Punk's head into it. P-Nut hiptosses CM Punk. P-Nut kicks CM Punk on the mat. CM Punk gets up. CM Punk delivers a spinning backbreak to P-Nut. P-Nut stands up. P-Nut nails CM Punk with an inverted DDT. ]

Jim Ross - If P-Nut keeps using moves like that inverted DDT he could win the match!

[P-Nut gets up. CM Punk gets locked in the double chicken wing. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... CM Punk is fighting the hold. ... CM Punk is fighting the hold. P-Nut breaks the hold. P-Nut sends CM Punk to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) P-Nut chokes CM Punk with a microphone cable. (..2) P-Nut hits CM Punk with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Follows up with a elbowdrop.

[(...3) P-Nut measures CM Punk up and drops a closed fist. P-Nut stands up. CM Punk stands up. (....4) P-Nut hits a kneeling headbutt to CM Punk's groin. CM Punk stands up. (.....5) They head back into the ring. CM Punk rakes his fingers across P-Nut's back. CM Punk mule kicks P-Nut. CM Punk knees P-Nut and rolls back to his feet. CM Punk fist drops P-Nut on the mat. CM Punk gets back to his feet. P-Nut is back on his feet. Running neckbreaker drop executed by P-Nut takes CM Punk down hard. P-Nut goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 CM Punk kicks out. CM Punk trys for a running lariat but P-Nut avoids it. ]

Jim Ross - P-Nut could use some help about now.

[CM Punk uppercuts P-Nut. P-Nut gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. CM Punk hits P-Nut with the back of his elbow. CM Punk slaps P-Nut. CM Punk connects with a flying knee. P-Nut goes down. ]

Jim Ross - CM Punk executes a knee.

[P-Nut gets up. CM Punk pump handle slams P-Nut to the mat. P-Nut moves back to his feet. P-Nut with an illegal chokehold on CM Punk. P-Nut rolls onto CM Punk connecting with a knee. CM Punk is up again. P-Nut kicks CM Punk in the groin. P-Nut executes a jawbreakeron CM Punk. Now P-Nut standing. P-Nut hits CM Punk with an elbowdrop. Now P-Nut standing. P-Nut uppercuts CM Punk. P-Nut nails CM Punk with a belly-to-back suplex. CM Punk gets up. CM Punk picks up P-Nut and drops him neck first on the ropes. CM Punk hits a frog splash on P-Nut. CM Punk is up again. CM Punk executes a piledriver on P-Nut. CM Punk leg drops P-Nut. and there he goes....DDT!!! CM Punk pins him with a backward bridge. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - CM Punk has won the match!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - New Television Champion, CM Punk!!!

*"Natashia's Theme" is heard as Natashia walks out from behind the rampway. Natashia walks down the rampway and walks up the steps, then slowly enters the ring. She walks to the opposite side of the ring and awaits her opponent.*

JR: It's nice to see the women's competition building up again.

King: I can think of some things building up alright. You see those legs?

JR: Oh go get a chicken leg and shut up.

*"Disturb's - The Game" is playing loudly as Ashlee Ikeda walks out from behind the curtain. She throws her hand into the air then runs down the rampway sliding in. Not wasting any time.*

King: Woo-Hoo, I never thought I would like her, but something about her now JR just keeps this old man's heart ticking.

JR: I thought that was your pacemaker.

King: ........

JR: Finally you shut up. Now leave these fine young ladies to work.

[The bell rings as Ashlee and Natashia lock up. The two push each other away and Ashlee grabs Natashia and whips her into the ropes. Ashlee hits a hurricanrana and starts pummeling Natashia in the face. Ashlee stands up then drops a knee down on Natashia's chest and straddles her once more grabbing her head and bouncing it off of the mat. Natashia kicks Ashlee off and jumps up but Ashlee hits a spinning heel kick taking Natashia back down, then Ashlee drops down and locks her in a leg scissors around the neck. Natashia struggles, but doesn't get too far. Ashlee releases the hold allowing Natashia up, then Ashlee sets Natashia up and hits her with a piledriver. Ashlee throws Natashia into the turnbuckle chest first. Natashia hits and stumbles out backwards. Ashlee goes for a running bulldog, but Natashia ducks down and Ashlee lands on the mat. Ashlee gets up only to be dropkicked into the corner. Natashia charges in and nails a shoulder tackle. Natasha grabs Ashlee by the hair and throws her out of the corner. Natashia runs against the ropes and comes back hitting a leg drop accrossed Ashlee's throat. Natashia grabs Ashlee's legs and turns her around then drops down and hits the slingshot. Ashlee flies up and nails the turnbuckle face first. Ashlee stumbles back as she grabs her face. Natashia stands up behind Ashlee and pulls her head back and dropped her down with a reverse DDT.]

JR: So far this looks pretty evenly matched.

King: I don't know JR, you think I should get a closer look?

JR: If it would get you out of here.

King: ..................

JR: Chalk two up for the Sooners.

[Natashia lifts Ashlee up, but Ashlee grabs Natashia by the legs, lifts her up, and slams her down with a spinebuster. Ashlee rolls out of the ring and grabs Natashia by the legs pulling her out under the bottom rope. Ashlee grabbed a hold of Natashia and hit a brainbuster on the outside. Ashlee lifts Natashia up and whips her into the guardrail. Ashlee then follows in with a strong lariat sending Natashia over. Ashlee reaches over pulling Natashia up and suplexes her back over. Ashlee climbs up on top of the railing then jumps off with an elbow drop. Ashlee lifts Natashia up and grabs her head ramming it into the steel pole. Ashlee then hits a double underhook suplex. Ashlee stands up and gets on the ring apron. Ashlee reenters the ring, and Natashia stands up. Ashlee turns around only to have Natashia grab her legs and pull them out from under her. Natashia pulls Ashlee's legs around the steel post. Natashia pulls the one leg back and rams it into the post. She repeats the process again. Natashia climbs up onto the ring apron grabbing the rope and flipping over it landing a body splash on Ashlee. Natashia picks Ashlee up and whips her into the ropes. On Ashlee's return Natashia drops down and grabs the top rope pulling it down sending Ashlee over. Natashia rolls out, grabs Ashlee and lets her get up. Natashia then hits a fisherman's suplex on Ashlee on the floor.]

JR: The outside of the ring is not forgiving at all.

King: Someone should help these girls out. They look hurt, I should kiss it and make it better.

JR: Badd Boy would be down here in a heart beat.

King: For once JR you are right. You think I can take him?

JR: No.

King: How about Damien?

JR: Probably.

[Natashia whips Ashlee into the steel steps. Natashia then follows in with a knee to the chest. Natashia then rolls Ashlee back into the ring. Natashia rolls in afterwards. Ashlee gets to her feet and Natashia grabs her by the arm and twists it in an arm wrench. Natashia tightens it then drops an elbow on the arm. Natashia then spins around and tosses Ashlee to the ground. Natashia locks Ashlee into an armbar. The referee checks on Ashlee to see if she gives up, but she doesn't. Ashlee reaches out and grabs the ropes. Natashia lets go. Ashlee gets to one foot and a knee then Natashia hits her with a low dropkick. Natashia then picks Ashlee up and charges her into the turnbuckle. Natashia goes to slam her head on the turnbuckle, but Ashlee puts a hand out and blocks it. Ashlee then slams Natashia's head off of the turnbuckle. Ashlee pushes Natashia into the turnbuckle and climbs up on the middle one. Ashlee hits ten consequetive punches to the head. Ashlee jumps up wrapping her legs around Natashia's head and gives her a hurricanrana. Ashlee climbs up onto the top turnbuckle and leaps off with a moonassault. Ashlee grabs Natashia by the head and points to the turnbuckle. Natashia is thrown into the turnbuckle. Ashlee backs up to the other side the charges in and nails a hand spring to back elbow smash. Natashia stumbles out right into Ashlee's arms. Ashlee sets up and nails the Ashlee slam. Ashlee covers for the ...1...2...3! The women's championship is brought in and handed to Ashlee Ikeda as she raises it high.]

JR: Ashlee Ikeda is your winner folks, she finally recaptures the gold.

King: And recaptures my heart.

JR: How about you recapture my fist in your face?

King: You wouldn't hit a man wearing a crown would you?

JR: Let's just get on with the next match.

“Messiah theme” blasts on the PA system as Messiah walks to the ring

JR-Messiah in this match is just trying to recover since he’s lost the EMF world championship

King-You suck JR

“Twilight theme” blasts on the PA system Twilight walks to the ring and gets in the cage.

JR-For Twilight it’s more personal, I don’t think he has much interest in the IC title. But more the fact since Messiah turned his back on him and the “Alliance”

King-Yeah that was a “screw job”

[Messiah and Twilight pace on their respective sides, Twilight charges at Messiah and then goes for a clothesline. But Messiah ducks and then Twilight bounces to the ropes and then Messiah grabs Twilight by the hair and then throws him over the top rope and Twilight goes into the cage side and then slides down on the apron. Twilight holds his back in pain. Messiah doesn’t follow up on it and then Twilight goes into the ring and then Twilight and Messiah lock up and then Twilight goes behind Messiah and then hits a low front drop kick into the knee of Messiah and then brings him to one knee and then Twilight backs to the ropes and then hits a flying knee in the air to the back of the head of Messiah that sends him to the mat. Twilight then waits for Messiah to get up and then hits a few knee’s into the gut of Messiah and then pulls him by the hair and then throws him against the cage wall. Messiah bounces off and then stumbles around and then twilight gets ready and then picks up Messiah and then slams him to the mat. Twilight then quickly runs to ropes and then bounces off leaping in the air and then hitting a leg drop on Messiah. Twilight then thinking that he could end it hear, Twilight goes outside the ropes and climbs to the top rope and then leaps off the top and goes for the darkness falls, but Twilight moves out of the way and Twilight goes crashing to the mat and then both wrestlers are down. But it doesn’t take them long to get up, Twilight is still stunned from the missed finisher goes for a fist. But Messiah blocks it and then hits a few of his own and then whips him to the ropes, Twilight bounces off the ropes and then Messiah then waits for him and then hooks him and then takes Twilight over with a belly to belly suplex on Messiah. Though Messiah is a little too beat up to follow up, but after a few moments Twilight stumbles up still dazed. Messiah then hits an inverted atomic drop and gets to his feet. Twilight then stumbles right into Messiah who hits a front spine buster and then goes right into the cover and gets a 1………….2……..kick out. Messiah shakes his head knowing that he wouldn’t get the 3 there, but it was worth a shot. Messiah pulls up Twilight and then hits a few hard forearms and then whips Twilight to the ropes, Twilight bounces off the ropes and then uses Twilights momentum against him to throw him up in the air and then Twilight comes crashing down on the mat]

King-Twilight probably just saw where Jarred threw Widow

JR-Most likely King

[Messiah then waits for Twilight to get up, once he does Messiah kicks him in the gut and hits a flowing DDT on Twilight. Messiah then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2……..kick out. Messiah then decides to take a page out of Twilights book and goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope. But Twilight is quick to his feet and then dives on the top rope sending Messiah to the mat. Twilight then climbs to the top rope where Messiah is on the top rope and then hits a hurricanarana off the top rope Twilight once he hits the move he goes on the mat and then can’t gets up and then slowly pulls himself with the ropes. Messiah stumbles up and sees that Twilight is in the corner and then Messiah charges at Twilight going for a running shoulder block. But Twilight dives out of the way and then Messiah goes crashing into the ring post. Messiah is in a lot of pain, slowly Messiah pulls himself out of the move Twilight then puts him in a school boy and gets a 1………….2……..kick out. Twilight then pulls up Messiah and then Twilight tries to whip Messiah. But Twilight reverses it and sends Twilight to the ropes, Twilight bounces off the ropes and then Messiah lowers his head and then Twilight kicks Messiah and then Twilight stumbles back. Messiah then goes for a diving clothesline. But Twilight ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then nails a flying forearm that sends Messiah down. Twilight then quickly goes to the top rope and Messiah stumbles up and then hits a hurricanarana off the top rope. Twilight quickly goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………….kick out.]

JR-Almost three….you know King I have noticed you have been saying Ashlee’s good looking now..what’s up with that anyways?

King-Badd Boy’s paying some of my debt off…..you have no idea how hard it is to say that about Ashlee. So I have to hold my vomit in….which reminds me I can stop doing that now *big vomit for Ashlee earlier this show * (muhahahahhahahahahahahah)

[Messiah then stumbles up and then Twilight kicks him into the gut and then hits a piledriver. Twilight then goes to the top rope and then climbs on the top of the steal cage and looks like he’s about to escape when he decides to leap off the top of the cage and nails the Darkness falls off the top!! The crowd chants holy shit! As Twilight slowly puts his arm over Messiah and gets the 1…………..2…………….3]

As the match ends...The screen comes alive in a dimly lit area....The camera pans up putting in view the home of Ashlee and Tony Ikeda....A few footsteps are heard as the camera looks through a window spotting an older woman and the Ikeda Twins....As a dark figure moves into the shot....Sierra looks into the camera her hazel eyes staring a hole into the camera...Her once blonde hair now black....

Sierra: Look who it is Ashlee...Could that be your mom in there with your two demon spawned children...So that only means one thing...I'm not there, because I'm here...*she smiles an evil grin* You know Ashlee..I'm just showing you how easy it is to make your life hell..and I'm thinking about Going inside...I don't know what do you think?

Ashlee looks up to the screen, and stops putting her hands on her hips, watching intently.

Sierra smiles again walking around the side of the house....revealing the black cargo pants she is wearing along with a black long sleeved shirt....she put her hand on the door and found it locked...

Sierra: Normally this would cause a problem..but allow me Ashlee to show you once again how easy this is...

She reached in her pocket pulling out some gadget and opening the door almost silently....and walking in...looking around..

Sierra: Nice place Ashlee....Shall I go further Ashlee...

*The crowd is silent as The Badd Boy comes from behind the curtain, standing at Ashlee's side. Ashlee asks for a microphone, and asks the tech man if Sierra can hear her, he nods, so Ashlee tries.*

Ashlee: Sierra, can you hear me?

Sierra holds her hand to ear like news correspondents too and smiles...

Sierra: Wait I'm getting word from the white house..oh wait its just Ashlee...Unfortuanately Ashlee I can hear you... Ashlee: Sierra, I want you to turn around and walk out of the house.

Sierra: *smirking then smiling that insanely evil simle again* But Ashlee..what fun would that be?

Badd Boy: Sierra, I've already called the St. Louis Police Department, now get out before they arrive.

Sierra: The St. Louis PD...Oh my god..*She puts her hands to her cheeks..* Now I'm freaking out...Not them..anyone but them....I'm calling your Bluff Badd Man....*she smiles again and turns walking into the living room up behind the woman...she reaches a hand out touching her shoulder*

Ashlee's Mom turns looking startled... thinking this woman looks harmless enough...

Ashlee's Mom: Can I help you?

Sierra: *smiling* Hi..friend of Ashlee's..name is Sie...Serena..Just stopping by to check on everything...

Ashlee's Mom: How nice of you... I guess Ashlee didn't mention that I was staying here this weekend, while those two crazy kids live out their wrestling dreams....

Sierra: She didn't..ANything I can help with?

Ashlee's Mom: How did you get....in?

Sierra: I have a key..I have one for the weekends they are gone...so I can keep an eye on things..BUt if you don't need anything I'll be on my way...

Ashlee's Mom: Actually, if you wouldn't mind holding Adora for a minute so I can Ashton's bottle that would be great...

Sierra: Sure thing...*she takes Adora and holds her as Ashlee's mom leaves the room..she looks back at the camera...that is hiding around the corner...* Its just that Easy Ashlee...*she smiles again*

Ashlee drops the microphone, and the audience can make out her telling Tony, she's going home, he unfortunately has to stay behind to fight his match. Ashlee storms out of the arena, making her way to the parking lot, to catch the earliest flight she can.

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Badd Boy!!! (crowd boos **)

[Badd Boy comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mr T!!! (crowd boos ***)

[Mr T walks to the ring. That one Guy is the referee for this contest. Badd Boy executes a pumphandle suplex on Mr T. Badd Boy gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Mr T. (ding, ding, ding) Badd Boy goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Mr T. Mr T gets back to his feet. Badd Boy neck snaps Mr T. Badd Boy short clothslines Mr T. Mr T gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Mr T escapes. Mr. T gets up and then Badd Boy charges at him and then hits a drop toe hold and then puts a head lock and then holds Badd Boy on the mat. Slowly Badd Boy gets to his feet and then backs up Mr. T to the ropes. Then Badd Boy whips him off the ropes and then Mr. T bounces off the ropes and then nails a shoulder block that sends Badd Boy down to the mat and then Badd Boy gets up and then Mr. T hits a hip toss. Then Badd Boy gets up and then Mr. T hits a standing clothesline that sends Badd Boy down, Badd Boy gets up and Mr. T hits a fist that sends Badd Boy flying to the ropes. Mr. T measures up Badd Boy as he stumbles back to him and then hits a body slam ]

King - Badd Boy wants to finish this one up real quick...

[Mr T climbs to his feet. Mr T places Badd Boy on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Mr T jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Badd Boy. Now Mr T standing. Mr T executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Badd Boy. Now Mr T standing. Mr T with a huge fisherman buster on Badd Boy. Now Mr T standing. Badd Boy is back on his feet. Mr T climbs the turnbuckle and nails Badd Boy with a flying bulldog. Mr T with a falling splash on Badd Boy. Mr T is back on his feet. Now Badd Boy standing. Badd Boy spinebuster bombs Mr T onto the mat. Badd Boy climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Mr T. Now Badd Boy standing. Badd Boy uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Mr T down. Mr T gets hit with the shooting star press from Badd Boy. But Mr. T moves out of the way and Badd Boy goes crashing to the mat, Badd Boy crawls into the corner and holds on to the ropes as T comes and tries to pull him back. The ref tries to separate Mr. T and Badd Boy, but this gives Badd Boy a chance to hit a low blow that the ref doesn’t see. Mr. T stumbles away in pain and stumbles right into Badd Boy who hits a full nelson slam to many boo’s and then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………….2………………3]

Jim Ross - Badd Boy has won the match!

King: Goodbye, Mr. T!!!

[Angelus Archer comes from behind the curtain, and begins walking down to the ring, to officiate the main event.]

JR: It looks as if it's time for the main event.

King: Really, what tipped you off?

["Break You" hits and Jarred Carthallion comes down the ramp, as the fans greet him with a mixed reaction. Jarred slides into the ring,]

["Oh Hell Yeah" hits. and Wes Ikeda comes out to the ramp. He stands looking down at Jarred, and then slides into the ring. The fans begin cheering right away as Jarred begins kicking Wes in the back. Jarred brings Wes to his feet, and bounces him off of the ropes, sticking his foot out for a big boot to the face, but Wes grabs on to the ropes, keeping himself from connecting with it. Wes comes off the ropes and he and Jarred begin trading right hands.]

JR: I think we could be in for a long match King.

[Jarred backs Wes into the corner, and then whips him toward the other corner. Angelus reaches out, knocking Wes down to the ground, allowing Jarred to kick him in the back a few more times. Wes trips Jarred up, and moves to his feet. He then hits a clothesline on Angelus, throwing him over the ropes. Wes sets up for the hammer lock but Jarred turns it around, putting a sleeper on Wes wrenching his neck. Angelus comes to his senses, gets in the ring, and raises Wes's arm, it falls...

King: There's a shocker...

[Angelus raises his arm a second time, but it falls.]

King: Oh, yeah, I was real suprised by that one...

[Angelus raises Wes's arm a third time, and he comes to life, hitting Jarred in the face trying to get him to release the hold.]

King: Oh, my God, I never saw that coming!!! Wake me up when this match is over...

[Jarred walks away from Wes as Wes falls back to the mat after the sleeper hold. Jarred jumps out of the ring looking for something, and when he steps back up on the ring apron, Wes is walking toward him, Jarred drops the object in his hand, and Wes walks into the Soul Reaver.

JR: Oh my God, a Soul Reaver off the ring apron! [Jarred executes the move, and goes for the pin. 1...2... kickout. Jarred smiles, not suprised that Wes refuses to stay down. Jarred pulls Wes to his feet, and the fists start flying again. Wes knees Jarred to the midsection, and hits a power bomb throwing Jarred into the security wall. Wes leans against the ring, as Jarred gets back to his feet. Jarred throws Wes into the steel steps, and Wes rolls over onto his side, blood now coming from the stab wounds that have been reopened.]

King: It looks as if Jarred has reopened those wounds.

[Wes and Jarred begin fighting up the ramp, and onto the stage area. Jarred fights Wes past the announce table and to the edge of the stage. To save himself from falling Wes snatches a camera away from the camera man, and hits Jarred in the head with it. He then walks over to the announce table, and King and JR get up]

King: Come on not the table... not the announce table... He'll roll off, they always do... [Wes picks Jarred up laying him on top of the announce table, and pauses, turning around looking to the top of the tron. The fans start a low holy shit chant, as Wes walks over to the riging and begins to climb it, after some struggle he reaches the top, and waits. He looks down at Jarred's lifeless body, and jumps off going for a elbowdrop. Wes is in midair when Jarred rolls off of the announce table onto the floor, and Wes goes crashing through the table empty handed.] King: I told you, dumbass. [Wes rolls around in pain, blood still coming from his back. Jarred goes down the ramp a little ways, going off beside the stage, and he calls Angelus over. they procede to stack three tables on top of each other, so they are close to the height of the stage. Jarred climbs back up to Wes, drapping his broken body over teh tables. Then, as Angelus tries to talk him out of it, Jarred begins climbing the tron as Wes did. He gets to the top, and jumps off with a corckscrew sinton splash. He connects, driving Wes, and himslef through three wooden tables, both men lie motionless, but Jarred's arm is resting over Wes's chest. Angelus goes for the count 1...2... KICKOUT.]

JR: Wes kicked out, can you believe it. How in the hell did Wes Ikeda kick out of that?

[The fans respond with a very loud holy shit chant, as EMT's begin coming from behind the curtain. They try to assist the men, bringing both of them to their feet, but once they are there, the men begin punching each other again. The EMT's get out of the way, as Wes and Jarred eventually fight back up to the stage area.]

King: A finisher from either one of these guys would end it...

[Jarred is now beginning to bleed from the camera shot, and picks the reamains of the camera up off of the groud. he hits Wes with it, and Wes begins to bleed from the mouth as well. Finally, Wes finds an opportunity, as Angelus looks on in disgust Wes hits the Slain on Jarred, and goes for the pin. 1..2..

King: Well, I didn't mean that finisher.

JR: What a slap in the face to Jarred and Angelus...

[Angelus won't count the three. Wes screams "Count it you son of a bitch" as Angelus's hand goes down for the three. Wes rolls over onto his stomach in pain, as Jarred lies on his back. Angelus shakes his head, and the EMT's load both men onto stretchers, and begin to take them to the back.]

JR: Who would have thought that Wes Ikeda could have done that.

King: I sure as hell didn't.

JR: I don't even care who the winner was, thank you Wes Ikeda, thank you Jarred Carthallion for giving us one of the best matches the EMF has seen in a long time.

King: Great, you know the world has gone to hell in a handbasket when two jobbers are wrestling the main event, and then we feel we have to THANK them for winning it. Wait, what in the hell is The Black Widow doing out here?

[Katrina comes from behind the curtain, and walks over to Wes lying on the stretcher. His eyes are open, but he looks to be in great pain. she puts an arm behind him, getting her shirt bloody, helping him to a semi sitting position, and then raises his arm in victory, before he falls back down to the stretcher exhausted, as Cold Day in Hell goes off the air.]