Official Online Home of Raven

Been Under Construction since:October 1, 2000 & it will continue to be under construction from here on out.

Opened on:October 20, 2000

11/14/02 No I have not forgotten about THIS Site, however until WWE gets "their" HEADS out of "their" @$$es and LETS RAVEN WRESTLE again. There will be very little if at all any updates @ the moment. Sorry for the incovenance.

*~*If you go down and clink on the "Home" button, this will take you back to the first section of our site. (It's about Raven's ECW Career).*~*

{If your a fan of ECW, then trust me the Just-ECW Newsletter is worth Subscribing to, both Laura & myself are on the list...Luis the guy who runs it, is a very cool person to talk to.}

Raven's Flock: Visit to Philadelphia, PA.

© 2000 Raven

Disclaimer: To WWE's Staff & Employee's and Titan Sports. I "AM NOT" Scott "Raven" Levy. This Site was up and running long before Raven ever signed his WWF(E) Contract. It was started in February 2000 to be exact, while Raven was STILL wrestling for EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING. Raven is well aware of this site and I would not have done any of it without his permission to begin with.

"I think I'm going to have to interfere in this match"....Raven on SmackDown, 11/02/00

**Raven's WWF(E) Contract is for 3 Years**, thinking to myself oh the DAMAGE Scott can do. *evil grin*

(Unless "somebody" ruins it for him and Im not refering to Scott himself, either!)

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Official Online Home of Raven

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