O.C.W. Benefit Show 2001

O.C.W.'s Benefit Show in Wheeling, West Virginia 2-17-2001


  1. Wheeling Tux Match: Mr. Tyrone Morris def. O.C.W. Commission Jason Blizzard
  2. For the Vacant O.C.W. Crusierweight Title: Don "Da Bomb" Smith def. Terry B.
  3. Demolition 2000 (Hacket & Ozzie) def. Long & Hard (T.J. Long & Johnson Hardbody)
  4. Ladies Match: Lady J def. Dark Mistress
  5. For the Vacent O.C.W. Heavyweight Title: "Atomic Dogg" Kidd Quick def. KC Thunder
  6. Midget Match: Lil Bear def. Cheezy E.
  7. Doink the Clown def. Gene Jarrett
  8. Main Event: No DQ, NO Countout, Falls Count Anywhere, O.C.W. Television Title Match: 1/2 of the O.C.W. Tag Team Champions "Wicked" Billy Meyers drew O.C.W. T.V. Champion Blackhammer to a no contest