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The Complete War Machine.

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.... : [ The Scene: Reed’s military installation, on a warm, raining summers evening. In his training quarters Reed sinks deeper into concentration as you can hear the swift pounding of something. Reed stands in what appears to be a gym setup inside the compound wearing nothing but his pants and boots boxing gloves on his hands as he pounds away at a punching bag. Sweat is evident on his back as it rolls down his muscler form each muscle contracting and flexing with each swing of his arm and rippling slightly at the impact. ] : ....

Last week Reed suffered yet another loss to Jason Floodington.

What has become of Reed?

Is it true? Were the critics right? Is Mike Reed truly nothing without...General Carnage?!

It can't be! But it seems to ring so true in past weeks that it is etched on the faces of everyone Reed faces each week, and it haunts him.

Last week Reed beat Floodington into a bloody stub and yet it did not slow him in the end to the goal of ultimate victory. Reed is now out of the run for the World Title and is being put back into the Franchise division.

But Reed's determination to fight is a mere shadow of its former self. His confidence is shot, his pride damaged and his ego at an all time low, and there is nothing he can say or do to erase that. Perhaps they were all right..Perhaps Carnage himself was right, Reed is a failure.

A lost cause...


Even living seems like a chore in Reeds current state of mind. The thought of just ending it all has crossed his mind several times since Sunday last week and it still rings in his head now. Some would call it the cowards way out...Perhaps Reed is just that, A coward.

.... : [ Reed drops his barrage of kicks and punches to the bag in front of him as he closes his eyes his head falling forward in despair. He pulls off his gloves and sits on a bench in the center of the room and puts his elbows on his knees propping his head up. He looks about the room and at the duffle bag at his feet suddenly rummaging through it and withdrawing his sidearm from the bag he looks at it long and hard in the dim light comming through a small window in the room. ] : ....

It would only take a second and it would all be over with, In the blink of an eye the memory that is Mike Reed would be gone forever along with all the pride and pain buried inside. Perhaps that is the best way.

.... : [ Reed grasps the gun in his hand wrapping his large hand around it and snaking his finger over the trigger and sighs as suddenly a door opens and light floods into the room as Major Sean steps in. Reed ignores him and begins to point the gun at himself and prepares to fire the trigger. ] : ....

[.... : < Sean > : ....] Sir I've....What are you doing?!

.... : [ Reed fires the gun but Sean makes it just in time to grab the gun and redirect it away from Reed the shot firing harmlessly into the nearby wall as Sean rips the gun from Reeds hands in shock. Reed offers no resistance as he only stares up at Sean. ] : ....

[.... : < Sean > : ....] What the hell did you think you were doing? Commiting Suicide?! Well I won't let you do it, Reed you need some rest you havent slept since Sunday and your destroying yourself. Look at you! You look horrible! Come on...

.... : [ Sean hesitantly grabs Reeds arm as Reed looks down at Sean's hand seeming to contemplate wether he is willing to use the effort required to deck Sean for grabbing him. Reed submits and Sean escorts him out of the building into the cool night air. ] : ....

They were all right.. Reed is nothing without Carnage. The dream, the vision of becomming something great is unrealised without Carnage.

Reed doest not even posses the will to fight Sean as he drags him off to lock him in his room until he is recovered, But Reed knows this is not a sickness but an awakening. He has finally realised his place in the world now and it is not at the top. His place is in the dark fires of hell where the evil laughter of Carnage will fill his ears for an eternity of torment and despair.

This sunday Reed is booked in a fourway match for the Franchise Title but why should Reed even bother showing up? He will not win, He knows this now. That belt is for the real athletes and stars...Like Carnage. It seems only yesterday Reed caused Carnage to win the Franchise Title from Chris Cage and he was on top of the world. Now in the blink of an eye he is here..On the verge of suicide and the abyss of madness.

One of Reed's rivals Sonic Youth has been put into this match due to his loss also in the tournament and Reed should be overjoyed to get his hands on Youth once again but the results ring through his mind. For the past month Youth has destroyed Reed in countless matches crushing Reed almost effortlessly under his boot as he marches on to the greater prize in the distance.

Another man in the match Chaos Reed knows little about besides he is having his own scuffles with the organization Murder Inc. This self proclaimed Franchise is also in this match due to his loss at the World Title tournament and is claiming rightful ownership of the title long before the match. One thing is for sure Reed can lay no claims..

The last man in this match goes by the name of Rage Falcon. A man which Reed would also like to get his hands on but he has been mysteriously absent in recent weeks. This former World Champion has dropped from the light into the shadows just like Reed wishes to do. He realised he was beaten and destroyed by Cross just as Reed realises his failures against Sonic Youth.

Surely this match is filled with only despair and pain for Reed. With the new found realisation of how useless and sad he truely is he sees each new match as a chore instead of a joy. Why did Sean stop Reed from ending it? It would have saved the world from the embarassment that is Reed any longer..

.... : [ They arrive at the door to Reeds office as Sean opens the door and looks at Reed and points into the room. Reed looks into the room in which he has spent so much of his time planning, scheming, devising the defeats of his opponents but instead were his. The cot in the corner of the room seems strangely appealing as the weight of keeping his eyes open weigh heavily on him. Reed steps into the room collapsing on the cot asleep before he even hits the pillow as Sean shakes his head closing the door behind him and locking it from the outside. ] : ....

[.... : < Sean > : ....] I've never seen him this bad. I am truely worried about the safety of Reed for the first time in all my years of knowing him. Perhaps it is time to suggest pulling out of his parade to prove the world wrong before it destroys him.

.... : [ Inside the Room...Reed’s office. Reed is asleep on his bed. The curtains by his window swirl with a growing evening wind. Reed’s face reveals he is not enjoying a restful sleep. His face twists with sneers and snarls, and he turns regularly on the bed. Outside, the crickets continue their incessant chirping, while a light, humid rain is falling, some of it blowing in through the open window into the office. Some of it falls upon Reed but he is unaware, as he endures his restless sleep. ] : ....

Reed is dreaming...

Reed finds himself in a deafenly loud arena as a match ensures inside the ring.

FLASHBACK: Kidd just kicks Falcon right in the groin and buries him SIX FEET UNDER!!! Falcon is down and out! Sonic Youth drops on Falcon for the pin, but Reed pushes him off. Reed drops down, but Youth kicks him out. Both men get up as they begin to exchange words as Kidd Reaper just looks at them and laughs. He yells at them as both Sonic Youth and Mike Reed look over and Kidd Reaper pulls out PEPPER SPRAY! Both men are blinded! Reaper slides out of the ring as he pulls out a chair. He gets back in as he smashes Sonic Youth over the head with a chair! He follows it up on Reed as both men fall to the ground. Kidd then reaches behind him and pulls out some handcuffs. He drags Rage Falcon over to the corner as Rage Falcon is gaining consciousness, but it's too late, Kidd already has him handcuffed!

Kidd then comes down with the chair on Rage Falcon's head! Sonic Youth and Mike Reed are still down! But Sonic Youth is moving! A ref runs down to the ring as Sonic Youth makes the cover on Mike Reed...
O'Brien: What the hell... why is that ref wearing a mask, wait a minute, that's the same man who we saw near the beginning of the show knocking everyone out!
The masked ref slides in as he makes the count! 1...............2.............KICKOUT! MIKE REED KICKED OUT!!! Sonic Youth gasps, he can't believe it! Sonic Youth slowly gets up as he pulls up Mike Reed as well and nails THE CUP OF YOUTH! It's elementary now! 1..............2..............3!!! The bell rings! Kidd Reaper looks up in confusion!
[.... : < Voice > : ....] Your first of many failures Reed. You dissapointed me much more than I could have ever imagined. This loss here marked the turning of your career downfall into the hole in which you currently find yourself buried, and you will never dig out of. Why? Because you are a failure Reed... FAILURE. You executed your own officers for YOUR mistakes. And now Reed who will you turn to?! I am gone... Lance is gone... Sean has turned his back on you and locked you away! Who will be your rock for support now Reed?!

[.... : < Reed > : ....] Your right! I'm a failure! I do not deserve anyones support! I have betrayed and killed all those who would give it! I failed Carnage... I failed the Legions ... I FAILED MYSELF.

[.... : < Voice > : ....] You are truely pathetic Reed. You are a waste of air a failure in the race. Your will was broken from the day that ***** of a mother brought you screaming into this world! I should have never wasted my time on you. I had the gut feeling you were not worth your weight in peanuts!

[.... : < Reed > : ....] Your right! Its all true! I can't deny it longer. Carnage I should have listened to you. The critics are right I am nothing without you. I stand defeated.

.... : [ Out of the shadows steps the towering figure of General Carnage grinning evilly from ear to ear as he lets out a howl of laughter that rings like an eternity in Reeds mind. He towers over Reed by what seems like 10 feet as Reed has shrunk to a tiny form as the towering Carnage laughs at him. ] : ....

[..... : < Carnage > : ....] Your right Reed! You should have listened. But you were a fool just like the rest of them. I was a fool myself for ever believing you had the potential to rise above the competition. A mistake I will never make again, You have failed me countless times Reed, To many times to be forgiven. Prepare yourself...

.... : [ The scene fades out as the towering figure of Carnage raises his boot preparing to smash the small Reed under his boot as Reed screams and falls helplessly before him. ] : ....
