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Upcoming Match
Ivory Vs. Candice Michelle Vs. Trish Stratus
Women's Title Match
December 2 Dismember


People Used
Veronika Vice
Personal Trainers


Last week's Overload proved to be something of a downfall for Ivory. She'd shown her wrestling career had not yet ended the previous week by winning Victoria in a match, but then fell victim to Bobbi Billard last week. Everyone knows that Ivory doesn't like losing to what she classifies as 'Barbie doll wrestlers' and she is intending to show that Bobbi's win over her last week was a simple fluke. The December 2 Dismember pay per view brings her a triple threat match against the likes of Candice Michelle and the women's champion Trish Stratus. With the title on the line, Trish is definitely going to have to work hard to be able to retain that gold against two other competitors. BUT..can Ivory snatch the championship from Trish? Or will it be Candice Michelle who takes over the throne? December 2 Dismember holds all the answers!


[ Scene #1 ]
[ Richmond, Virginia ]
[ The Trainer Tries Again...]

No sooner have the cameras sprung into action than the blonde personal trainer to the divas, Sandy, makes an appearance. This time though, walking by her side is another blonde haired woman, her hair tied back in a long ponytail. Both are wearing their designer tracksuits and both are looking feisty and determined for something. The one we all know by now as Sandy cracks her knuckles as she walks, grabbing the attention of her friend who offers a slight smile at the sound.

- - {sandy}
Well Monique, I think we've arrived at our destination.

Both women stop outside a door which is clearly marked "WiW Diva Locker Room". Sandy winks at Monique who once again gives that same quick smile but this time adds a nod of her head at the end of it. Sandy pushes on the door handle, forcing the door open and entering into the locker room. Monique hastily follows her and the two women stand side by side in the doorway. Only a few of WiW's divas are inside the room, each one of them keeping to themself, away from any other diva. Monique takes a step forward, directing her focus as she speaks towards Bobbi Billard.

- - {monique}
Alright everyone, look lively. It's time for you all to start your work outs..including you Miss Billard!

Bobbi, obviously not impressed with Monique's attempts to get her into the diva training program, turns her back on the trainer and decides instead to flip open her cell phone and make a call. With Monique left looking foolish, Sandy takes over from her.

- - {sandy}
Come on girls! Don't you want to feel fit and healthy again! We can make it happen for you all!

Sandy begins jumping on the spot and even throwing the occasional clenched fist punch out as she does so. Monique follows in line, imitating Sandy's actions.

- - {ivory}
What I think everyone in this locker room would like is for you two to go take a hike.

Making her appearance from around a corner, Ivory walks into the main section of the locker room. She glares at Sandy, who is still in the process of jumping up and down on the spot. Monique, noticing Ivory heading their way, stops her imitation act and watches Ivory's every move.

- - {ivory}
You see, we don't need any personal trainers. Least of all personal trainers who have the brain capacities of a fruit fly...between them! (She stares at Sandy) So Pinky, why don't you take your little pal Perky over there and head over to the manicurist or something!

One or two divas from the background hear Ivory's words and cheer her on, agreeing with everything she's saying. Sandy glances over at Monique for a second or two and then takes one step closer to Ivory, bringing her toe-to-toe with her.

- - {sandy}
You talk a lot of trash! You the head honcho around here or something!?

From the side, a sneer from Bobbi Billard is heard and Ivory shoots her an evil look.

- - {ivory}
No. I just like to speak my mind..and I'm sure what I just said right now was on every divas mind in here.

- - {monique}
I know who you are. You're that Ivory woman. You're facing the women's champion at December 2 Dismember tonight.

Ivory takes her attention off Sandy for a second, to direct her speech towards Monique.

- - {ivory}
That's right. And pretty soon, that women's title belt will be handed over to me. Which is a far cry more than either of you two could ever earn.

- - {sandy}
Care to place a wager on that!?

- - {ivory}
You know I'm getting really tired of you!

- - {sandy}
Take your best shot then bitch!

Ivory, feeling the rage burn up inside of her, reels her arm back, clenching her fist as she goes. Just as she is about to sending it forcefully forward towards Sandy's face, Monique grabs a hold of it and proceeds to leap onto Ivory's back!! Dragging Ivory down to the locker room floor, Monique keeps her grip on her while Sandy takes the opportunity to get involved with a few kicks and stomps to her mid-section. Ivory manages to send a kick straight into Sandy's stomach, knocking her backwards and straight into Bobbi Billard. Monique continues her assault on Ivory though, rolling around with her on the floor in a small catfight. Bobbi, who has just had her phone call interupted by the stumbling Sandy, hangs up and pushes her backwards. Sandy takes offence to this and charges at her. The two women engage in a fight of their own, with Bobbi clearly taking the advantage over Sandy. Ivory meanwhile has got the upper hand over Monique and drags her up to her feet by the hair before landing a clean right hand shot to her face. Monique falls into the locker room door, banging the back of her head as she does. Bobbi drags Sandy across the room and as Monique gets up to her feet, Bobbi tosses Sandy into her, sending both women spilling out into the hallway. Ivory then shuts the door on them both. Both Bobbi and Ivory take a couple of seconds to catch their breath before they both stare at each other with straight-edged faces. Are these two going to get into it here in the locker room? Bobbi defeated Ivory last week on Overload. What will happen here? Ivory simply walks away from Bobbi, returning around the corner from which she appeared earlier. Bobbi, who almost looked certain she was going to have another fight on her hands, returns to where she was sat. The tension in the air was thick just then. I have a feeling these two women haven't seen the last of each other!

[ Scene #2 ]
[ Richmond, Virginia ]
[ Retrieving Information!]