~We slowly begin to fade into a backyard, poolside area…it’s a very luxurious setting as there is a rock waterfalls, granite siding and all other top of the line amenities a wealthy person would add to their own, personal pool. Inside the pool, however, is the more interesting sight…we see, first, Mrs. Shapiro…she’s never looked better…her rock hard, bronze abs glisten in the sunlight…her tan, luscious legs correspond beautifully with the deep red bottoms of her bikini…her legs go on for days…her, spectacular, surgically enhanced breasts are truly a sight to behold…her hair, flowing and brunette rests, perfectly, on her shoulders…she’s lying out on a rubber raft, floating in the crystal clear pool water. Also, in the pool, is Mr. Shapiro…he is less spectacular in sight…no muscle mass, balding and somewhat short…he has a basketball in his hands and is throwing it at a poolside hoop that has been attached to the edge of the pool. The lounging couple hasn’t exchanged a word to one another, as they both seem to be in their own little word…Shapiro has made a few shots in a row and, feeling lucky, tries a hook shot…it air balls and goes rolling into an exotic forest area behind their pool…Shapiro frowns and speaks to Mrs. Shapiro~

Shapiro: Hey, Jaira…honey, you wouldn’t mind getting that ball for me, would you?

Mrs. Shapiro: Are you crazy? Get it yourself…and, next time, learn how to shoot!

~Shapiro laughs, realizing before he asked the questions that she was going to say ‘no’, but he wanted to bug her anyways…Shapiro starts to wade through the water, heading for a set of steps…but, he is quickly stopped as a very familiar, deep voice is heard off in the back ground…it is immediately followed by the sound of a leather basketball bouncing against some pavement…Shapiro quickly turns his head and sees Dean and Warrick Hill emerging from the exotic shrubbery…Shapiro’s eyes grow wide as Dean starts to methodically dribble the ball~

Dean: Gotcha, Sucka! Looking for this? Come and get it…

~Shapiro begins to panic…Mrs. Shapiro suddenly realizes what is going on and she starts to panic as well…she ends up spilling over the side of her float and into the pool…they both decide to try and exit the pool…Dean and Warrick, however, block their exit…Shapiro, realizing he’s no match for Dean…stops…Mrs. Shapiro does as well…Shapiro then suddenly calls out for help…a few bodyguards exit the Shapiro residence, immediately…Dean turns and sees them~

Dean: Oh Shit!! Warrick, catch Shapiro, I’ll handle these two chump suckas!

~Dean begins to fight with the bodyguards as goes after Warrick, apparently liking his odds with Warrick more…Warrick, though, decks Shapiro with a stiff right hand…Shapiro collapses like a ton of bricks on the outside of the pool…blood begins to ooze down his nose…Warrick then starts to stomp on Shapiro’s face, as Shapiro is out, cold…Jaira Shapiro rushes out of the pool and leaps on Warrick, they both fall back into the pool as a result…meanwhile, Dean is being hammered by these two bodyguards, he calls out to Warrick~

Dean: Yo, Dawg…a little help, if you don’t mind!

Warrick Hill: Hold on, Dean…let me get rid of this bitch!

~Dean starts to fight back, evening out the action on his end…Warrick, meanwhile, snaps Mrs. Shapiro over his back and into the pool…she immediately pops back up, gasping for air, Warrick goes to grab her, but accidentally finds his hand cupping her left breast…Mrs. Shapiro catches her breath and notices where Warrick’s hand is…she slaps Warrick across the face…Warrick grabs her other breast…she then responds by kissing Warrick…they quickly find themselves making out, hardcore in the pool…Dean, manages to knock out one bodyguard, meanwhile, and is going blow, to blow, with the other one…he turns around and sees Warrick making out with Mrs. Shapiro~

Dean: Warrick?!?! What the hell!!! Stop fucking around and give me a fucking hand out here you stupid, pot smoking, good for nothing sucka!!!

Warrick Hill: Be…*smooch*…right…*smooch, smooch*…there…*smooth, lick* Deano!!!

~Warrick finally decides to shove Mrs. Shapiro off of him and wades his way over to Dean…however, Mrs. Shapiro comes back and yanks Warrick’s hair, they exchange a few more kisses…Mrs. Shapiro speaks to Warrick while they’re making out~

Mrs. Shapiro: Take me with you, baby…take me with you and I’ll call off all the hits, I promise! Screw my husband, he’s a loser anyways…you’re much better…much more of a man!!

Warrick Hill: Huh? What? No, it was Shapiro ordering the hits…not you…Shapiro is the evil one! Mr. Schmidt said so!

Mrs. Shapiro: You like bad girls, don’t you?? Hehe…no, my husband, he only wanted to have his man serve you with a restraining order, to stay away from me…I was the one who told them to whack you…but it was out of anger, baby…just like how I had Schmidt’s house burned down…I’m a very spirited woman…can’t you tell!

~Mrs. Shapiro thrusts her hips into Warrick’s groin…Warrick groans with pleasure as he likes the way that feels~

Warrick Hill: Fuck yea! You are a naughty girl…very…VERY naughty!

Mrs. Shapiro: That’s right, baby…just like how I took care of my ex husband…such a whiney, pathetic man…not strong, and virile…like you…oh yea…give it to me baby, make me bad again!!

~Dean is now being choked out on the concrete surface, outside of the pool…his head is lying on the ground, he hears every word Mrs. Shapiro is saying…Mrs. Shapiro, meanwhile, begins to lick Warrick’s chest and starts to go down on him as he’s standing in the water~

Warrick Hill: Ohhhh yeeeeeaaaa…hope you got some big lungs baby…I know about your throat, but those lungs better be big!

Dean: Warrick…*cough, choke* you fucking idiot *cough, choke* I’m dying over here *cough, cough* she’s confessing everything *cough, choke* get yo cracka ass *cough, cough* out of that fucking *choke cough* pool and help me out *cough, cough* NOW!!!

~Warrick turns around, after listening to Dean and sees him, losing consciousness…his mind suddenly switches gears…he pulls Jaira out of the pool by her hair, her mouth is wide open and she looks shocked…~

Warrick Hill: I can’t BELIEVE I’m gonna do this…

~Warrick slugs Jaira in the face, knocking her out…he then lifts her up and places her on the outside of the pool, so she doesn’t drown…Warrick then walks over to the guy choking Dean and kicks him in the temple…knocking him out…Dean slowly gets up, with the help from Warrick…catching his breath…Warrick is smiling, big, thinking he did a good job…Dean slowly catches his breath, stares at Warrick and slugs Warrick in the face…we fade to black….we slowly fade back in to the sound of some painful moaning…our vision is blurred for a moment, but starts to clear…we see Dean, standing in the middle of Shapiro’s living room…next to him is a bloodied, banged up Shapiro…they are both staring at us…Dean speaks~

Dean: Yo, sucka…wake yo dumbass up…got some news to tell ya…yo ass was out for a long time, didn’t mean to hit ya that hard…

~We cut from our current view to a view of the entire room…we see Warrick Hill, seated in one of Shapiro’s comfortable office chairs…he shakes his head around, as he slowly begins to piece together what happened…he sees Dean and smiles…he then sees Shapiro and becomes defensive…Dean tells him to calm down~

Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa…calm down, sucka…I did a lot of talkin with Mr. Shapiro over here…turns out, he’s not such a bad guy after all…he had no idea that Jaira was previously married…had nothing to do with her ex husband’s demise or that agent’s home…all he ever did was get a court order restraining you from coming near his wife again…can’t say I blame him for that…

Warrick Hill: Huh? Am I stoned? Did you guys slip me something; I thought I heard you say Shapiro is a nice guy…

Shapiro: Warrick, listen to me…

~Warrick flinches as Shapiro gets to his feet…Dean motions for Warrick to relax…Shapiro speaks~

Shapiro: I had no idea that my wife did these things…I thought she was my blushing bride…my one true love…turns out, she was an evil cancer, causing all kinds of problems in my life…my only problem with you was that you slept with my wife and you stole a few things from my store…but, water under the bridge…I don’t like to have animosity with anyone…so, can we be…friends?

~Shapiro extends his hand…Warrick looks over at Dean, unsure…Dean mouths, sternly “Shake it!”…Warrick shakes Shapiro’s hand~

Dean: Great!! So, Mrs. Shapiro and your bodyguards are in custody…we’re all cool with each other now…damn, Shapiro…how about a drink?

~Shapiro nods…Dean, Warrick and Shapiro all head out of his house and into Dean’s hummer…we fade out…we quickly fade back in as the trio enter a local establishment…everyone takes notice at the threesome as Dean’s shirt is ripped up…Warrick’s eye is black and Shapiro’s face is beyond recognition…however, people like to mind their own business, so nobody asks…Warrick and Shapiro take a seat at a nearby table as Dean buys a tray of shots and a bucket of beers…everyone begins to drink…time passes…people start to get buzzed…Dean stands up and announces that he’s going to go hit on the bartender…Warrick and Shapiro laugh and begin to talk to one another~

Warrick Hill: You know what, Shapiro?

Shapiro: Please, call me Aurelio…that is my first name…

Warrick Hill: Umm, no, I like Shapiro better…listen, Shapiro…sorry about your face, bro…didn’t mean to go all Steve Seagal on your ass, but, hey…a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do…

Shapiro: Apology accepted my good friend…besides, you beat people up for a living, the face I’m still functioning and only urinating a small amount of blood gives me confidence in myself!

Warrick Hill: That’s right…I do fight for a living…I Wrestle for a living…I’m wrestling this guy named Jobe, this Sunday…listen, Shapiro, this Jobe guy…he’s not nearly as cool as you are, he’s a total PAH-rick…takes himself way too seriously, you know? I mean, he’s always hanging out at funerals or in graveyards…man, why all caught up in dead people, seriously…I don’t get it…is that some sort of preparation for his match, this Sunday, against me…cause, if it is…it’s pretty LAME-OOO…I’m alive, HELLLLOOO, Jobe…I breath, I move…I won’t be buried underground or lying in some coffin, making it an easy victory for ya…no, buddy, I’m going to be two hundred and thirty pounds of pot smoking, beer drinking, female licking muscle ready to beat the ever living cah-RAP out of you…oh yea


Warrick Hill: Damn straight…you’re my dawg man, seriously…I’d do anything for you…I would lay in traffic for you, Shapiro…I would die for you…I would fucking DIE for you man…I love you bro…but I HATE Jobe…Oh My God I hate that guy…you know what he did…he blessed a cross when talking about me…man, bless my dick, bitch! Sorry, that was uncalled for…I Uhpologize…I just get so worked up, you know? All I know, though…Shapiro…hehe, that rhymes…all I know is that this Sunday, at Darkness Falls…I’m gonna fuck that child molesting preacher up! People think they can fuck with me because I’m a pothead, they think they can take me out because I’m NOT Derek Mobley…well, fuck that man, I’m Warrick Fucking Hill…I don’t take a backseat to NOBODY…Jobe Severity will find this out on Sunday..he thought Mobley was tough? Shit, man, he hasn’t seen anything yet…that man has been many things…he’s been accused, he’s been scarred, he’s been beaten…but, Sunday will be…the first night, he’s ever…been…Wasted…

Shapiro: Woo!! Let’s see some titties!!

Warrick Hill: My thoughts exactly, Shapiro…but first…wanna get high?

Shapiro: Warrick…I would love nothing more than to get high with you, brother!

~Warrick pulls out some of the weed he purchased the other day from the weirdo alley man…he sparks one up and gets a few puffs out of it, along with Shapiro before the bartender finds out what they’re doing….she stops flirting with Dean and yells at the three of them to leave…Dean gets pissed as he grabs Warrick and Shapiro and escorts them out, along with himself…they are out, on the curb…Dean takes the joint from Warrick and crushes it…Warrick lets out a very low volume ‘noooooooo’….Dean then takes the rest of Warrick’s weed and hurls it into a trash can…Shapiro stands, there, smiling and wobbling from side to side…Dean sighs, being, by far, the most sober one there…~

Dean: Alright…c’mon you two suckas, let’s get out of here…Warrick, we need to get yo ass back to Dallas…

Warrick Hill: That’s Right! Here’s to Darkness Falls and New Beginnings…Darkness Falls, I’m gonna beat UP Jobe Severity and New Beginnings for my new BFF…right here!

~Warrick and Shapiro share a hug as Dean manages to get them near his hummer…he then helps them inside and slams the door behind them…Dean then climbs into the driver’s seat, starts his hummer up and drives off…we slowly fade to black~

Warrick Hill's Stats
Record: 1-1
3 Time ICWF World Co-Tag Team Champion
1 Time North American Champion
1 Time European Champion
1 Time Universal Champion