( Time is always fleeting. Time is always valuable but it is also like any other a resourse that will end in short time. Wonder always fleeting, always moving to the beat of a drum not heard. Swaying to a song only the birds can sing and only the keenest of ears can hear. It is this which mankind wonders constantly about when they look upon their life. Reflection, on time spent doing anything can be quite a refreshing experience for anyone who partakes in it. But what does this have to do with the wrestling buisness? Nothing at all frankly it is just something that i feel like talking about. So yet again despite all that i have been planning and despite all i have already done for this damn federation that bastard Dave Marlow is forcing me to stay till the pay per view. So thats no big deal really i dont mind it all that much. I mean frankly Marlow is going to have to reimburse me for changing the date of the party i mean that set me back a few thousand dollars and im not paying for that he is. Now as for my next duty inside the squared circle i have to go in that ring and teach some newbie nobody from the FWF revolution. Bauer or whatever his name is. i think he held their world title too. That just goes to show just how little worth that title has up here in the FWF. I mean to my recollection he held it a fair amount of time and was one of what three champions? Oh what an accomplishment huh? Now i guess i can switch over to interview set up mode and get this show on the road eh?)

(With that we open ourselves up into a small and rather secluded wooded area. A small pond, some trees and a few people scattered about. A scene so serene and calm that one must wonder why a wrestling promo such as this one would even bother to come here. Well despite what some people may be thinking. I, your old school hero do enjoy the serene quiet life that is offered up to me on a rare occasion such as this one. Now as you can all see plain as day on the screen that i am there with my girlfriend and not to mention current valet Valerie. Nothing new about that. But either way we need to really get this thing moving. I have to send this to the offices and have it aired by tommorow. I mean it's not that it's incredibly vital or that it's do or die kind of deal but you know what im saying. Anyway Valerie taking notice of the camera crew arriving on the scene gets up to send them away but i stop her and say that i asked for them to come here. So not to disturb the others that are quietly enjoying this little area i just escort the camera crew to another area where i know there is a picnic table. There we can conduct this interview in a more uneventful manner. So with that we finally arrive at our intended destination that of course being the picnic table.We take our seats at the picnic table and Valerie decides to join us anyway. So I guess i should get this thing going eh?)

Filipe Barroqueiro: Well ok so im still going to be around until the pay per view next Sunday. For you simple minded individuals no i dont mean tommorow.Now as for tonight i got some revolutionary named Bauer but i'll get to talking about him in a minute or two. But for right now im going to talk about my plans for the party im going to throw for my retirement. Now thanks to a little convincing by Dave Marlow not to mention reimbursement for losses. I have decided to push my party back to the night before the pay per view. Where in gala fashion i shall present a great event for the entire world to see. I mean not only do we have a mass amount of the FWF superstars you come to see twice a week on television but it will alos house some of their guests too. Not to mention many a hollywood visitor of whom i have befriended in my time in the lime light. We will have more than enough food for everyone to enjoy since well need i say more? People need to eat. The catering will be done by a friend of mine and yours. He also happens to be a former FWF wrestler as well in good ol Johnny O. Also known as the Greek Physique. He has also supplied us with some entertainment to be added along with what we already have in store. Im not all that sure what bouzuki players are but i guess i'll find out soon enough eh? Heck i even have information that Dave Marlow will also be joining us that night. I can only assume that he will be accompanied by Brent Kersh. So im really starting to get excited about this event and i just hope all my fans out there enjoy it too. So just give me a few moments to set myself once more so i can move on to speak about this Bauer fellow.

( With that we find that another gentleman has joined us at the picnic table. He seems to be saying something about how we are sitting around on his bed or something like that. i guess he's a homeless man and this is where he sleeps at night. We didnt really find anything on the table that might have shown some indication that someone slept here but like the gentlemen we are we just get up and let him go back to his bed. With that we see some stumps nearby that look suitable for a few quick words regarding my opponent. So like i said before we take our seats on the stumps and get this show on the road again.)

Filipe Barroqueiro: Well now that i have talked about my retirement and my retirement party it's time i shift focus over to my opponent for this evening. So like always as is typical with the FWF im getting shoved into a match with someone very much undeserving of being put into a match with yours truly. I mean so this monkey is a former FWFR world champion whoopadee doo eh? I mean to me that isnt exactly much of an accomplishment.. He beat someone who is now a nobody and lost it to someone who is now a nobody. Big surprise there. Now what does that make you Bauer? So you had a small rather miniscule amount of talent that allowed you to come in to the FWF. Yet you havent won a match yet, you havent impressed anyone yet, heck you havent even made a friend yet. Boy thats really going to get you far in this buisness. Now i you hadnt involved yourself in the FWFR when it first started maybe and i do mean maybe you might have had a shot in the FWF. But now that FWFR is gone and they only brought you in out of pity you can be sure finding another line of work is a must for you. Your just too unprepared and too much of a newbie to even match up reasonably with the old school hero. You dont even have a reasonable amount of speaking ability to entertain me for a few seconds. So with that just enjoy the rest of your day cause your night isnt going to be all that great. So goodnight everyone im heading out for my usual activities.

(Scene fades to black.)

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