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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Jason Babcock!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Jason Babcock comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Brick Lesnar walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Jason Babcock executes a pumphandle suplex on Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar drops Jason Babcock with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Jason Babcock hits a kneeling headbutt to Brick Lesnar's groin. Jason Babcock puts Brick Lesnar in an arm grapevine submission. Jason Babcock grabs Brick Lesnar and applies an arm wrench. Brick Lesnar is up again. Brick Lesnar vertical suplexes Jason Babcock to the mat. Jason Babcock gets up. Brick Lesnar and Jason Babcock go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Brick Lesnar gets snap suplexed by Jason Babcock. Jason Babcock chants start. Jason Babcock gets up. (..2) Jason Babcock swings a Steel chair and hits Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar is bleeding as a result. (...3) Jason Babcock jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Brick Lesnar. Jason Babcock moves back to his feet. (....4) Flying sommersault drop kick by Brick Lesnar puts him back in the match. Brick Lesnar stands up. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Jason Babcock gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar is back on his feet. Jason Babcock puts Brick Lesnar in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Jason Babcock locks Brick Lesnar in the Sharpshooter! Earl Hebner asks Brick Lesnar if he quits. ... Jason Babcock tightens the hold. ... ... ... Jason Babcock tightens the hold. Brick Lesnar escapes. Jason Babcock sends Brick Lesnar to ringside.]

JR-Jason almost made Brick tap there.

King-You make it sound like an accomplishment…

[Jason Babcock smashes Brick Lesnar's head on the ring steps. Jason Babcock rolls Brick Lesnar into the ring. Brick Lesnar crawls up in the corner, and Jason Babcock goes for a running shoulder block in the corner. But Brick Lesnar moves out of the way. He crashes into the corner. Brick Lesnar pulls Jason out of the corner, and hits a belly to belly suplex. He goes up to the top rope, and leaps off of the top rope, and Jason Babcock moves as Brick hits the mat with his attempted shooting star face plant. Brick Lesnar stumbles up, and Jason Babcock kicks him in the gut. Sets him up, lifts up, and hits the Jay Bomb. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………..2…………..3.]

JR-And Jason Babcock wins his debut match!

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Shockwave video. Once it ends we fade into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. The lights turn on as fans are waivng their signs. Some of the signs say "Kat = saved me from vomiting to death", "Marry me Maria!, and "I sold out to Ted too".)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-Headlined by the Last Stand preview tag team match.

Kris Gaffney-Which is only two weeks away, only on Pay Per View.

King-You sure he isn't Shawn Michaels?

JR-Might be….HBK's due a return.

("Legs like that" blasts on the PA system as Maria comes down to the ring doing her usual entrance.)

JR-Last week the somewhat story book title reign came to an end.

King-Well…who said it's the end of the story….after all, I need to get to the part where Maria poses for playboy!

Kris Gaffney-Who didn't see that coming…really?

("Fist full of steel" blasts on the PA system as Katrina walks to the ring with the women's championship.)

JR-This is Katrina's 6th reign as champion.

King-That would be a record, something that she's been chasing for a long time.

Kris Gaffney- You think in King's mind he just said "I wish she was chasing me".


[Maria and Katrina pace around the ring, and Maria tries to go for a waist lock, but Katrina is able to hits a clubbing blow to the back of Maria. Maria goes down to her knee's. Katrina backs up, and hits a kick to the ribs. Maria rolls away, she is holding her mid section as Katrina stalks Maria in the corner. She gets up to her feet, but Katrina hits a few kicks into the gut. Then Katrina puts her boot to the throat of Maria, the ref counts to 4, and finally Katrina lets up before she gets DQed. She bad mouths the ref, and goes back into the corner. Katrina grabs Maria by the hair, and whips her to the ropes, she bounces off of the ropes. Katrina goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Maria. Maria goes to the other side of the ring, and bounces off of the ropes. Maria leaps in the air, and goes for a cross body block. But it's caught by Katrina. Katrina holds Maria for a few moments letting her think about it, and then hits a rib breaker on Maria. Katrina goes over, and hits a leg drop to the throat of Maria. Katrina goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2…………..kick out by Maria. Katrina looks at the ref, and screams in frustration. Katrina doesn't do anything else though, she gets up pulling Maria with her by the hair. Katrina sets up Maria, and his a snap plex, Maria looks like she's in a lot of pain. Katrina hits a few slaps to the back of the head of Maria to just embarrass her a little it. Once she's done fooling around. Katrina picks up Maria, and hits a falling slam near the corner. Katrina goes up to the top turnbuckle, and she leaps off of the top rope. But before Katrina comes crashing down on Maria with a widow sault. Maria gets her knee's up, and drives her knee's into the gut of Katrina.]

JR-Maria has a chance here.

King-She probably doesn't realize it.

Kris Gaffney-I wonder if Amy's daughter was here….would that make a difference?

[Maria and Katrina are down on the mat, and Maria rolls into the corner, and gets up there. Katrina gets up to her feet, and she does not look happy. She charges at Maria, Maria hits a drop toe holds that sends Katrina into the turnbuckle face first. Katrina hits her head hard into the second turnbuckle, and then stumbles into the waiting Maria who kicks Katrina in the gut, and hits an impaler DDT. Maria goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………….kick out by Katrina. Maria looks disappointed, Maria hits a few stomps on the downed Katrina, Katrina slowly gets up to her feet. Maria hits a few forearms that back up Katrina up to the ropes. Maria whips her to the ropes, and Katrina bounces off of the ropes. Maria lowers her head, and Katrina gets hit with a back body drop that makes Katrina crashes on the mat. The shock of the move makes her stumble up to her feet, and Katrina stumbles towards where Maria is. Maria picks up Katrina, and hits a back breaker on Katrina. Maria goes into the cover once again, and gets a 1……………..2…………kick out by Katrina. Katrina crawls into the corner, and Maria goes over to the corner and starts a 10 punch combo. 1……………2………..3……..4………5………6…….7….Katrina walks out of the corner, and hits power bomb on Maria.]

JR-Oh geez, that was one heck of a power bomb.

King-I think she was knocked stupid…

Kris Gaffney-……….

[Maria crawls into the corner, and Katrina tries to whip her out of the corner, but Maria reverses. Katrina is able to stop in her tracks, and pulls Maria back into the corner. Maria crushes the ref in the corner. The ref is stunned, and goes down to his knee's (but probably really happy). Katrina kicks Maria in the gut, and lifts her up for the Widow's peak, but then drops her, as she see's Mickie James on the apron. Katrina takes a swing at Mickie James, Mickie James hits a hangman on the top rope. Katrina stumbles back, into a roll up where Maria bridges and puts all her weight into it as the ref is able to count the 1………….2…………3]

JR-Maria regained the title!

King-With help by her girlfriend.

Kris Gaffney-I hope they have some live sex now…..what?...I'm just saying what everyone is thinking…

("Walk" blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-Rad Hazard for some reason decided to make his presence known SammyExtreme's chance at a title.

King-Seems Rad was tired of being ignored.

Kris Gaffney-Maybe he should get a translator, so he can tell us his feelings in a somehow funny way…

("Holy Driver" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-This kid has potential, and doesn't seem to have any quit in him.

King-That's always good attribute .

[Rad Hazard and SammyExtreme start off brawling, they both seem not to be budging then finally SammyExtreme starts to get the advantage, and Rad Hazard backs to the ropes. SammyExtreme tries to whip Rad Hazard to the ropes, and does. Rad Hazard bounces off of the ropes, and SammyExtreme hits a back elbow to the face of Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard goes down to the mat, and rolls out of the ring holding his face. SammyExtreme runs to the ropes, and comes off of it. SammyExtreme hits a sliding baseball slide into the face of Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard goes down to the mat, and SammyExtreme hits a few stomps on the downed Rad Hazard who is getting up to his feet. SammyExtreme is stalking him slowly behind him. SammyExtreme grabs Rad Hazard by his hair and smashes him into the steel steps. Rad Hazard is dazed, and SammyExtreme rolls Rad Hazard into the ring. SammyExtreme looks around, and grabs a chair from ring side. He then rolls into the ring as Rad Hazard is getting up, Rad Hazard gets hit from the back with the chair. Rad Hazard falls into the corner, and SammyExtreme opens up the chair and sets it up near the corner. He runs to the corner, and leaps off of the chair, and he hits a clothesline in the corner on Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard stumbles out of the corner. SammyExtreme hits an inverted Russian leg sweep that sends Rad Hazard's head first into the chair. Rad Hazard looks like he's down for the count. SammyExtreme on instinct goes for the pin, but the ref doesn't count as he can't win like that. SammyExtreme looks at the ref, and gets reminded of that fact. So SammyExtreme rolls out of the ring, and grabs a table, and the lighting materials. He pushes the table into the ring, and rolls into the ring himself. Then puts the table in the corner, he then looks like he's trying to light the table on fire. But before he can, he side steps Rad Hazard trying to attack him, and bashes his head on the table. The table doesn't break, SammyExtreme takes a few steps back, and hits a gore through the table on Rad Hazard.]

JR-Even though Rad Hazard did go through a table a table, it does not count as a win.

King-Why not?

Kris Gaffney-It has to be on fire.

King-Oh right….I seem to forget that….then someone else can't talk either…

[SammyExtreme seems a little hurt too from the gore in the corner. He takes sometime to rest, and he roll out of the ring. SammyExtreme grabs another table, then pushes it into the ring. But Rad Hazard is able to hit a baseball slide into the table that puts it back in SammyExtreme's face. SammyExtreme falls down, and Rad Hazard goes to the ropes. He sling shots himself over the ropes. He crashes down on SammyExtreme with a sling shot dive over the top rope cross body block. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, Rad Hazard is taking a few moments to rest, and Rad Hazard gets up to his feet taking SammyExtreme up with him, and rolls him into the ring. Rad Hazard climbs up to the top rope, and waits for SammyExtreme to get up. Once he does, Rad Hazard leaps off of the top rope, and hits a flying back elbow on SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme slowly gets up, and Rad Hazard hits a drop kick to the face of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme gets up in the corner, and Rad Hazard starts a 10 punch combo 1……………2…………3…………4……….5…………6………..7………8…….9………..10. Rad Hazard hops down, as SammyExtreme stumbles out of the corner, and Rad Hazard kicks SammyExtreme in the gut, lifts him up, and holds him in the air for a few moments. Then nails a stalling brainbuster, Rad Hazard looks over at the table that SammyExtreme put into the ring earlier.]

JR-It looks like Rad Hazard is looking to end this match.

Kris Gaffney-Well hopefully he doesn't take too much time.

[Rad Hazard props the table up by the ropes, he puts lighter fluid on it, then lights it on fire. Rad Hazard turns around, and gets GORED through the table, the ref rings the bell.]

JR-Looks like he took too much time…

King-What did I say?

Kris Gaffney-Obviously no one listens to you…

("Bad Guy" blasts on the PA system as Razor Ramon slowly makes his way out of the entrance area. "The Billion Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase follows Razor ring, he steps inside of the ring, and does his usual taunts.)

JR-Since coming to the EMF, Razor has made quite an impact.

King-Are you sure that Ricky and him aren't related?

Kris Gaffney-Pretty sure.

("Stock Exchange" blasts on the PA system as Brandshaw comes out of his limo. He walks to the ring.)

JR-Brandshaw is not quite sure who attacked him, but whether or not it was Razor. I'm sure that Brandshaw is still going to take out some frustration tonight.

King- I'm sure the fact that the ecomeny suck as well doesn't help Razor.

Kris Gaffney-Probably not…

[Razor Ramon and John "Brandshaw" Layfield lock up, and Razor Ramon is able to hits a knee into the gut. John "Brandshaw" Layfield doubles over. Razor Ramon hits a hard fist that knocks down Brandsahw. Razor Ramon hits a few stomps to the downed Brandshaw. Brandshaw crawls into the corner, and Razor Ramon pulls up John "Brandshaw" Layfield. Razor Ramon hits a few fist to the face of Brandshaw. Brandshaw reels in the corner. Razor Ramon gets warned by the ref about his closed fist, and Razor puts up his hands innocently, and goes back into the corner. He whips Brandshaw to the other side of the ring. John "Brandshaw" Layfield hits hard into the turnbuckle, and guess what Razor does…if you guessed totally ignore the ref, you would be right. As Brandshaw stumbles out of the corner, Razor hits a round house fist to the face that knocks down John "Brandshaw" Layfield. Brandshaw slowly gets up to his feet, and Razor Ramon whips John "Brandshaw" Layfield off of the ropes. Brandshaw bounces off of the ropes, Razor Ramon lowers his head, and hits a back body drop. Brandshaw hits the mat hard, and bounces up from the shock of the impact. He gets up with the help of the ropes, Razor measures up Brandshaw, and hits a clothesline over the top rope. Brandshaw hits the arena floor hard, as Razor does a taunt to the crowd trying to get them pumped up. Razor Ramon rolls out of the ring as Brandshaw is trying to get to his feet. Razor Ramon kicks him in the gut, sets him up, and hits a snap suplex on the mat. Brandshaw looks like he's in a lot of pain as his back hits the mat. Razor Ramon picks up Brandshaw by the hair, and leads him over to the ring steps. Brandshaws head bounces off, and he looks dazed. Razor Ramon rolls him into the ring, and rolls into the ring as well. Brandshaw gets into the corner, and Razor Ramon hits a clothesline into the corner. Brandshaw stumbles out of the corner . Razor Ramon pulls himself up behind Brandshaw, and leaps off of the second turnbuckle. Razor Ramon catches John "Brandshaw" Layfield with a flying bulldog head that drives his face right into the mat.]

JR-What a move by Razor Ramon.

King-I think Ted found that funny for some reason.

Kris Gaffney-He takes his job in great humor.

[Razor Ramon goes into the cover, and gets a 1………….2…………kick out by John "Brandshaw" Layfield. Razor gets up, and waits as he notices that JBL is stumbling up to his feet, and he turns to Razor. Razor Ramon kicks him in the gut, and singles for the Razor's Edge. But before he can hit it, Brandshaw is able to counter it with a back body drop. After Razor crashes on the mat, Brandshaw goes to his knee's trying to recover from the moves he's taken. John "Brandshaw" Layfield gets up to his feet and runs to the ropes. Brandshaw hits a shoulder block that knocks down Razor Ramon. Razor Ramon gets up to his feet, and Brandshaw hits a few fists to the face. Razor Ramon backs to the ropes, and John "Branshaw Layfield whips Razor Ramon to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Brandshaw hits a big boot to the face that knocks him down to the mat. Razor Ramon slowly gets up to his feet, and John "Brandshaw" Layfield kicks him in the gut. Then sets up Brandshaw, lifts him up and hits a gut wrench sit down power bomb into a pin, he gets a 1…………………..2………………kick out by Razor Ramon. Brandshaw looks at the ref angerly. He doesn't take too much time though, as Razor Ramon has crawled into the corner. Razor Ramon gets up, and John "Brandshaw" Layfield hits a clothesline in the corner. John "Brandshaw" Layfield backs up as Razor Ramon stumbles out of the corner. Brandshaw puts Razor Ramon on the top rope, and hits a few fists to the face of Razor Ramon. Brandshaw goes up to the top rope, and hits a fallaway slam from the top rope. Razor Ramon looks in pain, as he slowly gets to his feet. John "Brandshaw" Layfield stalks Razor Ramon. Brandshaw kicks Razor Ramon in the gut and sets him up. Brandshaw lifts him up, and drives him down to the mat with a power bomb. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………2…………….kick out by Razor Ramon.]

JR-Razor just barely kicked out there.

King-I think Ted might have paid off the ref…or that would have been a three.

Kris Gaffney-Maybe…

[Brandshaw lets Razor Ramon to get up in the corner. Brandshaw hits a few fists to the face. Brandshaw tries to whip Razor Ramon to the corner, but it's reversed, and Brandshaw crashes into the corner. Razor charges at JBL, but JBL moves out of the way. Razor stumbles out of the corner, JBL goes for the clothesline from hell, but Razor ducks it, hits an inverted atomic drop, a kick to the gut, a set up, lift and Razor Ramon drives JBL down in the Razor's Edge. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………..3.]

JR-And Razor was able to hit the Razor's Edge to defeat JBL.

(After the match, Razor helps JBL up. They end up shaking hands, they are joined in the ring by Troy Gafgen and Ted. They all raise their arms to the crowd as "All about the money" plays as we fade into commercial and we fade back in.)

(OOC-I think that's what they wanted, if not, let me know, and I'll edit)

("Revolution" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne and Dan Godwin walk to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Survival of the Fittest didn't work out too well for this team.

King-Ever noticed that Dan Godwin gets depressed easily?

Kris Gaffney- Yeah, I noticed…

("Firebreather" as Scott Tazte walks to the ring as "Fake it" blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon walks to the ring.)

King-You know what we need…more promo's that take place at Ricky's house.

JR-We all know why that is…

Kris Gaffney-Guess can't blame him for trying…

[Ricky Ramon and Kevin Bourne are the first to face off. They pace around the ring, and Ricky Ramon takes lugging fist to Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne ducks it, and Ricky Ramon runs to the ropes. Ricky Ramon comes off of the ropes, but Kevin Bourne is able to hit a spinning wheel kick that knocks down Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet, and Kevin Bourne hits a few fists to the face of Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon goes back to the ropes, and Kevin Bourne tries to whip Ricky Ramon to the ropes. Kevin Bourne bounces off of the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Ricky Ramon lowers his head, but Kevin Bourne is able grab Ricky Ramon's hair, and throw him down on the mat. Ricky Ramon looks in pain for a little while, and then Ricky Roman gets up to his feet. Ricky Ramon gets kicked in the gut, this doubles over him. Kevin Bourne double under hooks suplex that connects. Ricky Ramon is in pain, and Kevin Bourne goes into the cover. He gets a 1…………2…quick kick out by Ricky Ramon. Kevin Bourne doesn't complain, and pulls him up by the hair. Kevin Bourne hits a knife edge chops that knocks down Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet, and Kevin Bourne whips Ricky Ramon to the ropes, and Ricky Ramon bounces off of the ropes. Kevin Bourne then catches Ricky Ramon in a sleeper. Ricky Ramon struggles around looking for a way out. Being a heel, he doesn't decide to mess around, and he hits a jaw breaker. Ricky Ramon tags in Scott Tazte who comes into the ring, and charges at Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne counters this with a spinning buster. Not thinking that Tazte is going to be that easy to defeat, he pulls him up. Kevin Bourne twists Scott Tazte's arm, he puts Scott Tazte into arm bard, and pulls him into his teams corner. He tags in Dan Godwin, Dan Godwin climbs up to the top rope, and comes down off the top with a double axe handle. Scott Tazte stumbles back, and into the corner. Dan Godwin hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Scott Tazte. Dan Godwin tries to whip Scott Tazte to the corner. But it's reversed, and Dan Godwin crashes into the corner. Scott Tazte charges at Dan Godwin. But Dan Godwin hits a back elbow that stuns Scott Tazte, Dan Godwin climbs up to the top rope, and hits a moonsult press into a pin for a 1……………………2……………kick out by Scott Tazte.]

JR-Scott Tazte almost got caught there!

King-That wouldn't have been Tazte-rific

Kris Gaffney-You can say that again…

[Dan Godwin looks at the ref not believing that he didn't get the three, but doesn't argue it. Scott Tazte goes into the corner and tries to hits a hip toss out of the corner, but it's countered with a flip that sends Dan Godwin flying. He crashes on to the mat, and Scott Tazte takes a few moments to rest, and Dan Godwin gets to his feet. Scott Tazte charges at Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin tries to go for the eXecution, but Scott Tazte ducks under, and Scott Tazte hits a belly to back suplex that drops him on the back of his head. Scott Tazte takes a few moments to rest up, and he rolls to the apron. Dan Godwin gets up, and see's Scott Tazte getting up on the apron. He charges at Scott Tazte, but it's countered with a shoulder to the gut. This stumbles back Dan Godwin, and Dan Godwin leaps on to the top rope, and leaps off the top rope. He hits a flying clothesline that knocks down Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin slowly gets up to his feet, and gets knocked down with a running clothesline. Dan Godwin gets up, Scott Tazte hits a few fists to the face. Dan Godwin backs to the ropes. Scott Tazte tries to whip Dan Godwin to the ropes, but it's reversed. Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. Dan Godwin lowers his head, and Scott Tazte is able to counter this move with a swinging neck breaker on Dan Godwin. Scott Tazte goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2………….kick out by Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin gets pulled up, and gets whipped to the ropes. Kevin Bourne blindside tags himself in. Kevin Bourne goes up to the top rope, and tires to go for a double axe handle. But Tazte saw him, and hits an inverted atomic drop that sends Kevin Bourne down in pain. Kevin Bourne slowly gets up to his feet, and Scott Tazte twists Kevin Bourne's arm, and tags in Ricky Ramon. He leaves open Bourne's ribs, and Ricky Ramon hits a fist to the ribs. Kevin Bourne stumbles away a bit, Ricky Ramon sets up Kevin Bourne and hits a hammer lock body slam. Ricky Ramon backs up as Kevin Bourne is on his hands and knee's, and hits a kick to the head of Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne falls on the mat, and Ricky Ramon instead of going for the cover, picks up Kevin Bourne and lifts him up on his shoulders. Then hits a torture rack slam on Kevin Bourne, and goes into the cover 1……………..2………….Dan Godwin breaks up the cover.]

JR-That was almost three.

King-Sure that wouldn't please Revolutions ruler had Godwin didn't gotten there.

Kris Gaffney-Well….seems Dan is a rarity in the Godwins….the rest are all slow in more ways than one.

[Scott Tazte comes behind, and hits a clubbing blow to the back of the head. Dan Godwin stumbles ropes, Scott Tazte charges at him. Dan Godwin hits a back body drop that sends Scott Tazte to the outside. He crashes into the arena floor. Dan Godwin goes to the outside, and pulls up Scott Tazte, but Scott Tazte is able to answer with a poke to the eyes, and hits a few fists to Dan Godwin. They battle on the inside, Kevin Bourne has Ricky Ramon in a sunset flip, He's falling, Kevin Bourne kicks up his legs a bit too far, and Ricky Ramon traps Kevin Bourne into a pin and is able to get the 1……………2………..3.]

JR-Seems that while Tazte and Godwin were battling, Kevin got caught.

King-Somewhere…Bret Hart doesn't approve!

(We focus on Dan Godwin and Scott Tazte who are still battling, as ref's storm out trying to separate the two as Shockwave fades out with that.)

(OOC-Thought Godwin's RP was good, just Ricky and Tazte's RP together were just a bit much for Godwin alone.)