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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(the EMF logo flashes on the screen, we go into the EMF Shockwave video. It plays through, and as it ends we go into the darken arena. Pryotechnics blasts on the stage, they end and the lights turn on. The camera zooms over the fans who are yelling and holding up their signs. Some of the signs say "Wrong PR choice Fyre", "Sucks to be Bourne", and "Tomko fears acceptance".)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight.

King-It looks like Cena is hell bent on destroying Revolution tonight.

Kris Gaffney-As well as more power abuse…..with Jarred going against Degenerate.

("Let's Light a Fire tonight" blasts on the PA system as Fyre runs out to a better reception than her PR person got.)

JR-Seems the people actually do like Fyre…

King-Yeah…seems she just picked the wrong person for a PR person.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure…

("Fist full of Steel" blasts on the PA system as Katrina walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-For some reason Katrina decided to get involved with the Ashley and Fyre match.

Kris Gaffney-Which is the point of this match.


[Fyre charges at Katrina, and takes her down with a spear. Fyre hits fists to the downed Katrina. Katrina turns the tables, and hits a few fists on Fyre. Fyre turns the table, and is able to get a few fists in before Katrina pushes Fyre off. Fyre charges at Katrina, but is floored by a back thrust kick. Katrina hits a few stomps on the downed Fyre. Katrina grabs Fyre by the hair, and whips her to the ropes. Fyre bounces off of the ropes, and hits a back elbow that takes down Fyre. Fyre slowly gets up only to be knocked down once again with a running clothesline. Fyre slowly gets up to his feet with the help of Katrina, and Katrina picks up Fyre on her shoulders and goes into the corner. Katrina hits a running powerslam into the cover as she hooks the leg. Katrina gets a 1…………..2……………..kick out by Fyre. Katrina yells at the ref for no reason, and starts to choke Fyre. The ref counts, and Katrina let's go before the count of 5. Katrina hits a few stomps on the downed Fyre, and then backs off on her as she gets on her hands and knee's. Fyre gets hit with a kick into the gut by Katrina, Fyre goes rolling away, Katrina backs away as Fyre pulls herself up in the corner. Katrina hits a few fists to the face, and whips Fyre to the opposite side of the ring, or she would have if Fyre didn't reverse the whip. Katrina goes crashing into the corner. Fyre charges at Katrina, and Katrina counters this with a boot to the face. Fyre stumbles back, and Katrina pulls herself up to the second turnbuckle, and leaps off the second turnbuckle. Katrina catches Fyre with a flying bulldog that drives Fyre's face right into the mat. Katrina pushes Fyre on her back, and makes the cover. The ref gets a 1…………..2………..KICK OUT by Fyre.]

JR-Almost three by Katrina.

King-I thought for a minute there that Fyre's campaign for fans didn't work.

Kris Gaffney-Probably not with the person that she tired…

[Fyre gets pulled up to her feet, and Katrina whips Fyre off of the ropes. Katrina ducks her head, but Fyre flips over Katrina and tries to go for a sunset flip, Katrina is falling. But she is able to get her balance, and throws a punch, and Fyre moves out of the way and Katrina hurts her hand. Fyre bounces off of the ropes and catches Katrina with a wrap around clothesline that knocks down Katrina. Katrina goes down to the mat, and gets up to her feet quickly. Katrina gets kicked in the gut, and set up, and Fyre hits a release fisherman suplex that makes Katrina get up slowly in the corner, she turns around, and Fyre hits a big splash in the corner. Fyre backs out of the corner as Katrina stumbles out of the corner, and hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge. The ref counts 1…………..2………….kick out by Katrina. Fyre gets up and hits a few stomps on the downed Katrina, and Katrina gets up, Fyre hits a few European uppercuts. Then Fyre tries to whip her to the ropes, but it's reversed, and Fyre bounces off of the ropes, and leaps in the air and catches Katrina with a flying forearm. Katrina gets up to her feet dazed, and Fyre kicks her in the gut. Then sets her up, and hits a double handed face buster that drives Katrina's face into the mat, Katrina bounces up on her knee's holding her face. Fyre bounces off of the ropes, and hits a kick to the face knock Katrina down to the mat. Fyre goes into the cover once again, and gets the 1…………….2……………..kick out by Katrina. Fyre gets frustrated, and picks up Katrina by the hair, and brings her over to the corner. Fyre picks up Katrina, and hits a body slam perfectly placed in the corner.]

JR-Oh no…what is Fyre up to…

King-This can't be good…

Kris Gaffney-Poor Fyre…she really thinks she's going to hit this move…

[Fyre climbs up to the top rope, and leaps off of the top rope for a moonsault. But crashes, and burns. Fyre is on her hands and feet, Fyre does an Oklahoma roll, and gets a 1……………2………Katrina puts a foot on the rope so the ref can't see for good measure….3.]

JR-I would say something…

King-But you won't, because it wouldn't have mattered anyways….


(OOC-Just wanted to give Fyre something, if that's a problem I'll remove that part.)

("slither" blasts on the PA system as Firestorm and Scott Tazte walk to the ring, they slide into the ring, and wait for the bell to ring.)

JR-These are just apart of a huge power struggle going on in the EMF lately.

King-It's controlled chaos…

Kris Gaffney-I wondered why I was contacted by a god to kill myself…

("Through the fire and the flames" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen and Dewey Pond walk down to the ring.)

JR-Dewey Pond has sensed some friction within his tag team.

King-Although, this isn't the first time, so it's probably nothing.

Kris Gaffney-I'll find the problem….or else…or else what?....Exactly!

[Scott Tazte and Dewey Pond start out, Dewey Pond charges at Scott Tazte. Tazte tries to counter this with a super kick, but it's ducked under by Dewey Pond, and Dewey Pond hits the ropes and hits a spear as Scott Tazte turns around. Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face of the downed Scott Tazte. Scott Tazte is able to push Dewey Pond off, and Pond goes to the opposite side of the ring. He gets up and tries to cause more punishment, but Scott Tazte is able to stop the momentum by poking Dewey Pond in the eyes. Scott Tazte grabs the blinded Dewey Pond, and smashes his head on to the turnbuckle. Scott Tazte backs up as Dewey Pond stumbles out of the corner. Scott Tazte kicks Dewey Pond in the gut, and hits a snap suplex on Dewey Pond. Scott Tazte waits as Dewey Pond slowly gets up to his feet, and Scott Tazte hits a body slam in the middle of the ring, and runs to the ropes and hits a big leg drop on Dewey Pond. Scott Tazte goes into the cover, and gets the 1………….2…………..kick out by Dewey Pond. Scott Tazte looks at the ref, but he decides not to make a big deal out of it. Dewey Pond is on the mat trying to crawl away to the ropes, and Scott Tazte hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond goes to the second rope, Scott Tazte starts to push down on his back to drive the second rope to choke him. But Scott Tazte lets up when the ref gets to 3, and goes over to his tag team partner Firestorm, and tags him in Tazte holds Dewey Pond on the second rope again. Firestorm runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Scott Tazte moves out of the way as Firestom comes crashing down on the back of Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond gets up stunned, Firestorm kicks Dewey Pond in the gut and hits a double arm DDT on Dewey Pond. Firestorm goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2………..kick out by Dewey Pond. Firestorm doesn't waste anytime, he pulls up Dewey Pond and Dewey Pond surprises him with a sit down jaw breaker that stumbles Firestorm near the Men on a Mission corner. Dewey Pond gets up, and charges at Firestorm, and tries to leap over Firestorm for the tag. But just before he can tag in Troy, Firestorm powers Dewey Pond down into almost a front spine buster. Dewey Pond is in a lot of pain.]

JR-Dewey Pond tried to reach his partner Troy, and was just turned away.

King-That's one tag he probably wish he didn't miss.

Kris Gaffney-I guess so….

[Dewey Pond gets pulled by Firestorm, and gets backed to the ropes, and whipped to the ropes. Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. Firestorm goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond stops in his tracks, and hits a running enzugri that knocks down Firestorm. Dewey Pond stays on the mat, and inches towards the out stretched hand of Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen gets tagged by Dewey Pond, Troy Gafgen gets into the ring, and Firestorm tries to attack Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen knocks down Firestorm with a fist. Scott Tazte gets into the ring, and charges at Troy Gafgen. But it's countered with a pick up, and Troy Gafgen hits a side walk slam. Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet. Firestorm goes for a running clothesline, but it's ducked under by Troy Gafgen. Firestorm bounces off of the ropes, and Troy Gafgen grabs Firestorm by the throat with two hands, and lifts him up and drives him down with a two handed choke slam into a pin. He gets a 1……………..2…………..kick out by Firestorm. Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet, and pulls Firestorm up with him by his hair. Troy Gafgen tags in Dewey Pond. Troy Gafgen hits a body slam on Firestorm, and Dewey Pond comes off of the top rope with a Pond water splash. Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………..2……………Scott Tazte comes out of no where diving to break up the cover. Then Scott Tazte goes back to his side of ring, Dewey Pond grabs Firestorm up to his feet, and hits a few forearm shots to the face. Dewey Pond tries to whip Firestorm to the ropes. Firestorm reverses the whip, and Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond catches Firestorm coming in with a flying forearm. Firestorm gets up quickly, and Dewey Pond takes him down with a double tag take down. Dewey Pond sets up Firestorm, and hits a catapault that sends Firestorm flying into the top turnbuckle. Firestorm's head bounces off of the turnbuckle. He stumbles backwards, and Dewey Pond school boy's him, and gets the 1………….2………….KICK OUT!]

JR-Almost three by Dewey Pond.

King-That wouldn't be good for the Organization confidence.

Kris Gaffney-Neither is the RAW tag team getting smashed by a one armed super hero…but you don't see them complaining.

Cody Rhodes-Who said I wouldn't?!

[Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face, and whips him to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Firestorm and Dewey Pond hits a double clothesline that knocks down Firestorm, and Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond reaches out for the tag, and he's getting close. Suddenly just before he reaches Troy, Troy Gafgen hops off of the apron. Dewey is looking confused as Troy back peddles up the ramp. Dewey Pond gets hit with the Firestarter, and Firestorm goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………3.]

JR-What did we just witness?

King-Not sure JR…

("Pain" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks out to the ring, and he continues walking as "Cowboy" blasts on the PA system as Chad Vargas walks to the ring.)

JR-This match was thrown together in more odd booking by our half President.

King-I didn't hear about that…I was focused on the other stuff.

Kris Gaffney-All I heard was playboy.


("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko and Ken Kennedy walk to the ring.)

JR-Here are two that have benefited since John Cena regain his power in the EMF.

King-Guess that they did do the work that was required of them, so can't fault them.

Kris Gaffney- Like me with the Bucks.

King-What did you do to your team that was that much different?

Kris Gaffney-You'll see!

[Kevin Bourne and Chad Vargas who is going on who is going to go first, and as they are arguing Chad Vargas gets school boyed up by Ken Kennedy, and the ref counts 1………2..Chad Vargas kicks out as Kevin Bourne steps to the outside. Being that he was the one that wasn't brought into the ring. Chad Vargas gets up to his feet, and goes for a running clothesline. But it's ducked under, and Ken Kennnedy hits a hanging neckbreaker. Chad Vargas holds his neck in pain, and Kennedy doesn't go into the cover, rather he hits a few kicks into the face of Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas gets up to his feet, and Ken Kennedy hits a fist that knocks Chad Vargas backwards and on to the ropes. Then Ken Kennedy hits a few more fists to the face as Chad Vargas reels on the ropes, and whips Chad Vargas off of the ropes. Chad Vargas bounces off of the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Then Ken Kennedy goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Chad Vargas Chad Vargas comes off of the opposite side of the ring, but Ken Kennedy is able to hit Chad Vargas with a power slam, and goes into the cover. Ken Kennedy gets a 1……………2………..Kevin Bourne comes into the ring, and hits a kick on Ken Kennedy to break up the pin. Ken Kennedy spares a hole through Kevin Bourne as Chad Vargas gets in the corner. Ken Kennedy goes into the corner, and hits a few knife edge chops. Ken Kennedy brings Chad Vargas out of the corner, and whips him to the ropes. Kevin Bourne does a blindside tag, and he does a sunset flip. Ken Kennedy is falling, Kevin Bourne hits a running clothesline that knocks down Ken Kennedy, but the cover doesn't count. Chad Vargas gets up, and argues with Kevin. While this happening Tomko gotten the tag, and comes into the ring and hits a clubbing blow to knock down Kevin Bourne. Chad Vargas runs at Tyson Tomko, and Tyson TOmko side steps him and throws him out of the ring. Kevin Bourne is getting up to his feet, and gets knocked down with a running clothesline. Kevin Bourne gets up to his feet, and charges at Tyson Tomko again. Tyson Tomko then spikes him down with a spinebuster. Bourne hits the mat hard, Tomko hits a few stomps on Bourne, and backs away after a time. As Bourne is now geting up much slower than the other times, and Tyson Tomko waits as he stumbles right into Tyson Tomko, and Kevin Bourne gets picked up into a military press as he turns towards the camera.]

JR-Seems that the miscommunications are costing Kevin and Chad so far.

King-Well, even if they don't have any problems with each other, it's still hard to be an effective team when they aren't a usual team.

Kris Gaffney-Ask Cena!

[Before Tyson Tomko can do anything with the move, Kevin Bourne reaches down and rakes the eyes of Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko stumbles around stunned as he drops Kevin Bourne on the mat. Kevin Bourne takes a few moments to rest, and allows Tyson TOmko to regain his eye sight, he charges at Kevin Bourne, and goes for a big boot. But Kevin Bourne ducks under, it and runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and spring boards off of the second rope and connects with a back heel kick to Tyson Tomko's face. Tyson TOmko goes down to the mat, and slowly gets up. Kevin Bourne hits a standing drop kick that knocks him down to the mat. Tyson Tomko goes into the corner, and Kevin Bourne hits a running knee lift into the face off Tyson Tomko face, Kevin Bourne backs out of the corner. Tyson Tomko stumbles out, Tomko trying to do anything to stop the momentum takes a blind swing, and he ducks under the missed punch, and hits a 3.0 inverted back breaker. Kevin Bourne goes into the cover, and gets a the 1………….2………kick out by Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko is down on the mat, and gets up to his arms and knee's. Kevin Bourne hits a kick to the ribs. Tyson Tomko rolls to the ropes, and gets up to his feet with the help of it. Kevin Bourne hits a few fists to the face, and whips him to the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and Ken Kennedy makes a blind side tag. Kevin Bourne goes for a clothesline; however, he saw the blindside tag by Ken Kennedy. He runs to the ropes, and sling shots the ropes sending Ken Kennedy into the ring and crashing hard on his back. Ken Kennedy gets up and Kevin Bourne sets him up for a back breaker, and hits it over near his corner. Kevin Bourne tags in Chad Vargas who sling shots himself over the top rope and comes crashing down on the face of Ken Kennedy with an elbow drop. Chad Vargas goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………2………….Tomko breaks up the pin. He pulls Chad Vargas up, and whips him to the ropes, Chad Vargas bounces off of the ropes. Tyson Tomko lowers his head, and its countered with a kick to the face. Tyson Tomko stumbles backwards in pain towards the ropes, Kevin Bourne, and Chad Vargas hit a double clothesline over the top rope that sends Tomko hitting the mat around ring side hard. They both turn around in time to duck under a double clothesline attempt by Ken Kennedy. They hit a double kick to the gut, and a double DDT. Kevin Bourne takes sometime to get in the corner at the urging of the ref. Chad Vargas calls for the ref to make the count. 1……………..2……….Tomko breaks up the pin, by pulling Chad Vargas' leg, putting Vargas off of the cover.]

JR-Smart move by Tomko, he knows where he is at all times, and didn't need to put any energy into kicking out.

King-But still you give him hell for helping Cena.

JR-No one ever questioned his talents.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure…

[Chad Vargas calls for the stroke, he pulls up Tyson Tomko, and goes for the move, but Tyson Tomko slides in the back of Chad. Tyson Tomko pushes Chad Vargas into his tag team partner. He grazes Kevin Bourne, Chad Vargas falls out of the ring, Bourne comes into the ring, and looks down seemly seeing if his partner was ok. But what he didn't noticed was the hit into each other was called a tag, and Tyson Tomko sneaks up from behind with a school boy, and gets a 1……….Tomko puts his feet on the ropes, when the ref can't see………2………….3!]

(Note: keep this short, and sweet. Really hard call, we just thought with the focused material there (which is most important). Tomko and Kennedy just seemed to us to go above it slightly, and there weaknesses that sealed it. Still hard, hard call, which is why it took so long (that and because were kinda piled up, sorry.)

*"Without Me" by Eminem plays as Degenerate comes out from the back. He looks around at the boo'ing crowd rolling his eyes not seeming real excited about his match. He just shrugs and gets in the ring.*

JR-This one of Tony Ikeda's hired goons.

Kris Gaffney-Good thing I didn't open the door.

King-*with a black eye* some aren't so lucky…

*The crowd lights up as "Ladies & Gentleman" by Saliva hits and the EMF World Heavy Weight Champion Jarred Carthallion comes out from the back. The crowd cheers loudly as Jarred stands on the ramp with the world championship over his shoulder. He makes his way down to the ring and climbs in.*

King-Wasabi is rolling around in his grave.

Kris Gaffney-Although, I've been studying up…Jarred was allowed to be on the party bus one time.

JR-That didn't end up too well…

King-It's better than some, right?

JR-…I guess?

[The Bell rings...Degenerate and Jarred Carthallion lock up in the center of the ring. They hold for a second then break free. The competitors stare each other down then lock up again. Jarred gets the advantage and throws Degenerate down to his back. Degenerate rolls through and back up to his feet holding his neck. Degenerate comes in at Jarred with a right fist, but Jarred ducks under it. Degenerate turns around only to get an open hand to the Jaw. Jarred throws another right hand, and another, and another...Degenerate starts reeling as Jarred grabs Degenerate, whips him into the ropes and on the return delivers a standing dropkick. Jarred gets up, grabs Degenerate by the top of his head and lifts him up to his feet. Jarred takes Degenerate and whips him into the turnbuckle. Jarred comes running in and clotheslines Degenerate in the corner. Degenerate stumbles out and as he does Jarred runs up from behind and delivers a bulldog driving Degenerate down to the canvas face first. Jarred stands up and stares down at Degenerate. Degenerate slowly starts to climb to his feet. Jarred gives Degenerate a knee to the mid section then gives Degenerate a DDT putting him right back down to the mat. Jarred hits the ropes an on his way back he goes down for an elbow smash, but Degenerate rolls out of the way. Degenerate gets up to his feet and hits the ropes. On his way back across the ring Jarred stays down as Degenerate runs over him hitting the other side. Jarred gets up to his feet as Degenerate comes back Jarred leaps over. Just as Degenerate hits the ropes again turning around Jarred superkicks Degenerate and sends him right over the top rope. The referee starts the count ...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...]

JR-These two need to get up, or there will be no winner.

King-I don't feel like much a winner anyways.

[Degenerate gets up to his feet as the count gets high. He climbs up onto the ring apron...8...Jarred leans over the ropes to get Degenerate, but Degenerate grabs Jarred's head and drops down whiplashing Jarred's neck across the ropes and sending Jarred back down to the mat. Degenerate rolls back into the ring. Degenerate helps Jarred start to get to his feet, grabs his head, then lifts him up delivering a brainbuster. Degenerate got to his feet then starting delivering boots to Jarred's head. He repatedly dropped the boots until the referee forced him to back up. Jarred started to get up and as he did Degenerate hit the ropes and came back with a flying forearm smash sending Jarred back down to the mat. Degenerate nipped up to his feet and went over to the turnbuckle. He got up on the turnbuckle and lept off delivering an elbow drop to Jarred. Degenerate stood up getting all pumped up. Degenerate ran to the ropes, jumped up on them and came back with a moonsault from the middle rope. As he landed, Jarred put up his knees and Degenerate landed right on them. Both men were down on the mat. Jarred stood up on his feet at the same time Degenerate climbed up. Jarred ran at Degenerate who bent over and gave a back body drop to Jarred sending him over the ropes. Jarred landed on his feet on the outside ring apron. Degenerate turned around to Jarred, and Jarred grabbed Degenerate's head, setting up, and delivering a suplex to the outside of the ring. The two men lay on the outside of the ring catching a breather.]

JR-Both men are giving their all.

King-Much better than any Carlito match.

Kris Gaffney-Dats not cool!

[Jarred climbed up to his feet and grabbed Degenerate by the arm as he was getting up. Jarred whipped Degenerate towards the steps, but Degenerate reversed it and sent Jarred into the steps. Degenerate came running in with a knee, but Jarred spun away as Degenerate gave a knee to the steps. Jarred stood up and kicked Degenerate in the leg. Degenerate started hobbling around. Jarred gave a few more kicks then rolled Degenerate into the ring. Jarred rolled in after. Degenerate got up and starting throwing rights and lefts at Jarred. Jarred grabbed Degenerate and gave him a head butt. Degenerate came back at Jarred with a thumb to the eye. Degenerate then jumped up onto the turnbuckle and lept off for a double axe handle smash. Jarred grabbed Degenerate in the air stopping the move, spinning around, and delivering a spine buster. Jarred helped Degenerate up and then nailed the SOUL REAVER. Jarred then moved towards the turnbuckle and hit the LEGENDARY END! Jarred pinned Degenerate ...1...2...COUNT INTERRUPTED! Troy Gafgen started putting boots to Jarred. The referee calls for the DQ and the victory for Jarred. Troy dropped down and started punching Jarred repeatedly. Gafgen stood up and grabbed Jarred picking him up. Gafgen threw Jarred into the corner with authority. As Jarred stumbled out Gafgen hit the CRACK OF DAWN. Jarred was down and out as Troy Gafgen rolled out of the ring and grabbed the world championship. He rolled back in waiting on Jarred tried to get up Gafgen clobbered Jarred with the championship. Jarred was down and out as Gafgen stood over him holding the world championship.]

*"Game On" by Disciple hit as EMF Attitude President Tony "The Badd Boy" Ikeda came out from the back. He had a microphone in hand as he stood on the ramp.*

President Badd Boy: Now that right there was IMPRESSIVE! Gafgen, and yes I went out and did some research, turns out you do have a name. You did exactly what I wanted to to see done. First you come out here and you have the balls to back talk the two men who run this company with utter disrespect, but most importantly without fear. Then you come out here and destroy Jarred Carthallion just as he was about to be embarrassed by Degenerate who I know was playing possum and ready to spring at any second. You proved your worth Gafgen. So Jarred, be sure you replay this show later when you are conscious and know that you will be facing Troy Gafgen in a Hardcore one on one match at Survival of the Fittest FOR THE WORLD HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! This is going to be one Badd Day that I will replay over, and over, and over again...Have a good night fellas.

JR-I think Gafgen is being used as just as another pawn in Badd Boy's game.

King-But it got him a title shot! I want to be Badd Boy's pawn too!

*"Game On" picks back up again as Badd Boy heads to the back with Degenerate limping behind him.*

(So anyone knows, anyone can challenge a champion, if there is a good reason, and the champion accepts, then they can have that shot at the champion.. That's what were treating this match as, and also if Troy were to win it is usually followed up by a rematch (since the shot is given by the champion in the first place.)