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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Shockwave video. As it ends we fade into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. They come to an end, and the lights turn on as fans wave their signs. Some signs say "Ratings down, Cena's doing a great job (with a picture of a brain)", "Bourne to win", and "Christine like's me, not Godwin!")

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney….and why the hell are you wearing that Gaffney..

(Gaffney is wearing a suit of armor.)

Kris Gaffney-Just in case anyone gets any idea's…..I'd like to see them smash me now, AAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA


(We re-open from commercial. The ring is set up with a brand new set, with a war like theme.. John Cena is standing in the ring with a microphone in his hand. He addresses the fans.)

Cena: "Welcome to the FIRST EVER edition of Cena's Warzone! A show where, some very lucky superstars.. are able to be interviewed by the EMF President. Tonight we have a very special guest.. and I have a very special announcement. But first off... let me talk about Dark Horizon. See every where I go... people have been coming up to me.. telling me Dan Godwin got one over on me that night. Telling me its bad for me that i'm no longer the "latest" grandslam champion. Telling me I tried to screw Godwin and failed. Are you people blind? I didn't try to screw Godwin whatsoever. In fact... everything worked out perfectly for me. I WANTED Dan Godwin to defeat Kevin Bourne. You know why? Because its good for business. Having a new Grandslam Champion on the block boosts ratings. Hell... we have a new Dan Godwin Grandslam T-Shirt... and most of the money from those sales is going into my company. I wanted Godwin to win BECAUSE it made me lose the title of "latest" grandslam champion. I hated it. Always felt like it made me an exeption. Someone who was on the list but not really there. I was never called "The Grandslam Champion" but always "The latest man to complete the grandslam"... as if doing it recently somehow made it worth less. Well... now Dan Godwin carries that title... and I become seen in a better light for my accomplishment. But let me take you back if you still don't believe everything went to my plan.... let me show you the ending of the Last Man Standing match... or rather.... the non-ending... and how everything went EXACTLY as I wanted!"

(Footage is shown of Bourne being about to win the match, before an attack from Ricky Ramon.)

Cena: You see? I could have let Godwin lose. I didn't. I got Ricky to give him a helping hand. So without further delay, let me bring out my guest tonight.... the former Extreme Champion of the world... the one and only... Ricky Ramon!

(Ricky's theme plays and he comes out onto the ramp. He joins Cena in the ring.)

Ricky Ramon: Thank you Mr Cena.. and may I say its a pleasure to be your first guest here.

Cena: The pleasure is mine Ricky. Now lets cut straight to the chase... why don't you tell these people about the events at Dark Horizon.

Ricky Ramon: About me attacking Kevin Bourne? It was rather simple. You see people.... John Cena is the greatest guy in the history of this industry... he's the man I want to emulate. He has unparelleled success and he did it all the right way... but not caring what others thought... and by screwing over anyone that got in his way! So when John Cena was horribly injured... I decided to step up. I went to Cena and I told him... whatever you want done... you come to me. Cena did that at Dark Horizon. He told me straight up to go and make sure the Last Man Standing match went the distance... and I did. I did what I had to do... and I don't regret it for a second.

Cena: And you won't regret it once I reward you for it... but that will come soon. Ricky, you had your own match out there for the Extreme Title... your thoughts?

Ricky Ramon: I guess I wasn't at the races there. I got caught off guard and beaten and pinned by Tyson Tomko. But hey.. he's a good guy... he's on the right side... I rather lose to him than anyone else in that match. I congratulate Tomko... but I still want my rematch!

Cena: And that's the reward I was talking about. You see Ricky... coming up is Survival of the Fittest. Last year at this time.. I invented a match... pitched the idea.. and it came to life. Hardcore Rules... hour long time limit... and as many title changes as is possible in the time! And once again... I was be reviving that match up! It'll be Tyson Tomko... Vs Ricky Ramon... Vs 4 other superstars... for one hour... to determine the biggest, baddest, most brutal man in the company... and that man will end the night as champion! Its going to be one hell of a match... and I wish you good luck Ricky. Ricky Ramon: Well thank you Mr Cena. It means a lot to me that I have your backing. I just want you people to be clear of one thing. Mr Cena owns this company... and he OWNS you. What he wants... he gets. There is no man in Sports Entertainment with more power than him. Any guy with any sense in the locker room would listen to Cena. People that do get places... people that don't suffer... like the Revolution will suffer.

Cena: So you think you can out last 6 guys for one hour to win the title?

Ricky: You kidding me? This is a match that can make or break careers... and believe me... I won't let it break mine. Tomko may be wearing the gold... but its on loan to him. Come Survival of the Fittest.. it will return to me.. and I will prove to the world that me winning it was not a fluke. It was not down to a weak division. It was because I am superior to everyone else here and there is no better way to prove it than to win this match.

Cena: What makes you think you can defeat a man who beat you just a week ago for the title?

Ricky: Because it was different then. Tomko is powerful... but at Survival of the Fittest.. I have an hour to wear him down... and I can strike at the last possible moment and walks out champion! And with the backing of you John, thats exactly what I will be doing!

Cena: Well obviously both you and Tomko have my backing over the likes of Revolution if they decide to sign up... but we shall see what happens. Thank you for your time Ricky.. and good luck!

(Cena and Ramon shake hands and Ramon's theme plays as he exits the ring.)

("Marquise's theme" blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Many people believe that Marquise might have had last weeks match well in hand if it wasn't for Venom.

King-Marquise can't be too happy about that.

Kris Gaffney-I doubt he is…

(Venom's theme"" blasts on the PA system as Venom walks to the ring.)

JR-This is a dangerous man, who knows how far he will go here in the EMF.

King-Like X-Pac and the tag division?

Kris Gaffney-No, the exact opposite!


[Venom and Marquise face off in the middle of the ring, and talk some trash. They lock up, and Marquise goes into the ropes, and Marquise switches the lock up and traps Venom in the corner. The ref counts as Marquise slowly backs out of the corner, and Venom tries to go for a cheap shot out of the corner. But Marquise ducks it, and Marquise hits a few fists to the face of Venom. Venom stumbles back into the ropes. Marquise whips Venom out of the ropes, Venom bounces off of the ropes. Marquise lowers his head, and Venom hits a kick to the face. Marquise stumbles backwards, and Venom hits a diving clothesline that takes Marquise. Marquise slowly gets up to his feet, and Venom kicks him in the gut, then sets up Marquise. Venom hits a snap suplex, Marquise after absorbing the shock of the move sits up. Venom hits a kick to the back, and Marquise goes down to the mat. Venom drops an elbow drop to the chest of Marquise, and Venom goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2…………kick out by Marquise. Venom looks up at the ref, and then questions him about the count. He doesn't argue too much. Venom hits a few stomps on the downed Marquise, Marquise rolls into the ropes, and tries to get up with the help of the ropes. Venom pushes Marquise's throat on the second rope, the ref counts to 4 and Venom lets go Marquise crawls into the corner in the sitting position. Venom hits a few stomps on Marquise in the corner. Marquise gets picked up by Venom, and Venom hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Marquise. The ref warns Venom about giving Marquise a chance to get out of the corner. Venom just brushes it off. He goes into the corner once again, and whips Marquise to the other side of the ring. He crashes into the opposite side turnbuckle, and he comes out of the corner. Venon hits a t-bone suplex that sends Marquise falling into the middle of the ring on his head. Marquise slowly gets to his feet. Marquise turns around, and gets scooped up on Venom's shoulder, and is brought into the corner.]

JR-It looks like that Venom is going for a move made famous by the British Bulldog.

King-Does this mean his tag team partner will be Cody Rhodes?

Kris Gaffney-No, he hasn't said that his partner will be the son of a bulldog yet….

[Venom tries to run out of the corner, and go for a running powerslam. But as Venom runs out of the corner, Marquise slides out of the back of Vemon, and on to the top rope. Marquise turns around, and Venom turns around. Then charges into the corner where Marquise is sitting on the top turnbuckle. But Marquise is able to get his boot up. This stuns Venom, and Marquise leaps off of the turnbuckle, and hits a swing DDT that drives Venom into the mat. He crawls into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2…………kick out by Venom. He takes a few moments to rest. Venom and Marquise get up at the same time, and Venom takes a wild swing at Marquise. Marquise sets up Venom, lifts him up and hits an atomic drop that Venom, and he stumbles back to waiting Marquise. Marquise hits the ropes, and turns around as he stumbles towards Marquise. Marquise hits a t-bone suplex, and Venom crashes on the mat. Marquise runs at Venom, and hits a running clothesline that knocks down Venom. Venom gets up to his feet, and whips him to the ropes. Marquise lowers his head, and hits a big back body drop that sends Venom on the mat. Venom slowly gets up to his feet, and Marquise kicks Venom in the gut. Marquise double underhooks the arms of Venom, and lifts him up. Then drives him down with a double under hook power bomb into the pin. The ref goes down, and counts the 1………………2…………..KICK OUT by Venom. Marquise looks up at the ref, and asks for a better count, and he pulls Venom up. Then whips him to the ropes, and Venom reverses the whip. Marquise bounces off of the ropes. Venom goes for a clothesline that Marquise ducks, and he continues to the other side of the ring. Marquise leaps in the air, and goes for what seems to be a flying forearm, but Venom ducks under and Marquise hits the ref. The first goes down, Marquise looks down at the ref. Then turns around, and both Venom and Marquise knock each other down with a double clothesline.]

JR-Both competitions are down.

King-So is the ref.

*Kris is knocked oiut*

King-So is Kris…

[Marquise rolls near the ropes, and gets up with the help of the ropes. Suddenly the lights go out. There are a few crashes heard, and the lights turn on. Marquise is down, but not out, and Venom is getting to his feet not knowing what happened. The ref is coming to, but nothing else is in the ring. Marquise starts to stumble up, and Venom kicks him in the gut. He sets him up, lifts him, and hits the Viper Bomb. Venom goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2…………..3!]

JR-Venom wins, but what was up with the lights turning out?

King-No clue…

(After Venom has left ring side, the lights turn off again, and turn on as the Gambler is standing over the downed Marquise. Gambler says a few things to the downed Marquise, then walks out of the ring to his theme song "the Gambler".)

JR-It looks like the Gambler's back!

King-Oh no….and I just won back my money too…

*Disciple - "Game On" starts playing as the EMF Attitude President/EMF Attitude World Champion Tony "The Badd Boy" Ikeda comes out from behind the curtain. He walks down the ramp dressed up in a full suit and tie with the Attitude World Championship draped over his shoulder. He climbs into the ring and is handed a microphone. The music fades out as he raises the microphone to his lips.*

The Badd Boy Tony Ikeda: So everyone wants to know why I did what I did to Jarred at the pay-per-view. The answer is simple. It's time to pay. I will not stand by and watch Jarred make this triumphant return to stardom without real competition. Jarred you have known for years that no matter where you turn in the EMF there is always an Ikeda staring right at you. As the man that runs half of this company you can guarantee that I will see to it that your life as a champion is a pure living hell! I will carry out what I started many years ago when I took away your stable family, when I took away your world championships, and when I helped take away your Jarred, I am here to finish the job and take you completely out of the running at the top of this federation. Next week Jarred, you will be going one on one with the first ever person to hold the Attitude Championship I now carry DEGENERATE! I wish you luck Jarred, because you're going to need it. Enjoy the rest of your week Jarred, because it looks like things are about to get REAL BADD!

*"Game On" starts up again as The Badd Boy smirks at the camera and starts making his way to the back.*

("Paint it black" blasts on the PA system as Firestorm walks to the ring along with Chris Hanson, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is the first chance for gold in the Organization.

King-Miss Tazte must be at it again with Cena..

Kris Gaffney-Oh geez….Cena and Tazte high breeds, that's what's the world needs.

("Holy Driver" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks out to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-This up and comer has made himself quite a name, and has put himself in position to get this shot.

King-Although this is a test of a different kind.

Kris Gaffney-When gold is on the line, I doubt that he'll see anything less than his opponents best.

King-That's for sure.

[Firestorm and SammyExtreme pace around the ring, and they lock up, SammyExtreme and Firestorm fight for position. They switch back and forth as they go towards the corner. Firestorm is able to switch back on the advantage before going into the corner, and then Firestorm holds SammyExtreme in place in the corner. The ref asks for the clean break. Slowly Firestorm backs out of the corner, and Firestorm does the heelish thing. SammyExtreme gets hit with a cheap fist to the face, and Firestorm follows up with a boot to the gut. Firestorm does not back out, and instead he follow up with a hip toss out of the corner. SammyExtreme crashes into the mat, and is in a sitting position, and he runs to the ropes. He comes off of the ropes and hits a low drop kick to the face of SammyExtreme. Firestorm hits a few stomps on the downed SammyExtreme who goes into the corner, and hits down in the corner. Firestorm puts his boot on the throat of SammyExtreme. The ref counts to 4, and finally Firestorm removes his boot to the throat, and pulls up SammyExtreme. Firestorm drags SammyExtreme's face on the top rope, SammyExtreme holds his head in pain, and he brings him out of the corner. Firestorm tries to whip SammyExtreme to the whips. But it's reversed, and Firestorm goes to the ropes. SammyExtreme lowers his head, and Firestorm counters this by grabbing him by the hair, and throwing him down to the mat. SammyExtreme slowly gets up to his feet, and Firestorm picks up SammyExtreme, and hits a falling slam on SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme is on the mat, and Firestorm gets up and hits a elbow drop to the chest of SammyExtreme. Firestorm gets up and hits another one, and Firestorm goes to the ropes and comes off them. Then hits a knee drop across the face of SammyExtreme, SammyExtreme holds his face and Firestorm goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………..kick out by SammyExtreme. Firestorm gets up, and claps his hands wanting a faster count, and Firestorm decides to go for the next move. He goes to the outside, and he climbs up to the top rope. He waits as SammyExtreme slowly gets up to his feet.]

JR-It looks like Firestorm is going to take a chance here.

King-I advise against this.

Kris Gaffney-What if it works?

King-Then…you said it?

[Firestorm leaps off of the top rope as SammyExtreme turns around, but SammyExtreme is able to counter it by burying a fist into the gut of Firestorm and Firestorm goes to the mat as SammyExtreme stumbles into the corner and he takes this time to rest. Firestorm is slowly getting up to his feet, and then SammyExtreme charges at Firestorm and hits a running face buster that ends Firestorm's face into the knee of SammyExtreme. Firestorm pops up holding his face, and SammyExtreme charges at Firestorm, and hits a running clothesline to Firestorm. Firestorm goes down to the mat, and gets up to his feet. Then Firestorm gets up, and takes a wild swing at SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme ducks under, and hits a reverse neckbreaker on Firestorm. SammyExtreme goes into the cove,r and gets the 1………..2…………kick out by Firestorm who pushes SammyExtreme off of the cover with as much strength as he has so it causes some separation. Firestorm gets up, and stumbles right into the waiting SammyExtreme who hits a double leg take down. SammyExtreme aims Firestorm to the nearest turnbuckle, and hits a catapault that sends Firestorm flying into the top rope. SammyExtreme's head bounces off of the top rope. Firestorm stays in the corner, and SammyExtreme hits a big splash in the corner. Firestorm stumbles out of the corner, and SammyExtreme hits a germen suplex on Firestorm with a bridge, and gets a 1……………2……………KICK OUT on Firestorm. SammyExtreme gets up and hits a few stomps to the face of Firestorm. Firestorm crawls up the ropes. SammyExtreme holds his feet as he tries to get up, and he yanks him off the ropes. He crashes on the mat, and Firestorm gets up. SammyExtreme hits a few fists to the face, then tries to whip him to the ropes. But it's reversed, SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes. Then he comes off of the ropes, and SammyExtreme hits a swinging neckbreaker on Firestorm.]

JR-What a move by the up and comer.

King-It looks like Firestorm is in trouble.

Kris Gaffney-That probably doesn't please his agent

[SammyExtreme looks at the downed Firestorm, and decides to let Firestorm get up. Firestorm stumbles up to his feet, and SammyExtreme tries to whip him to the ropes. But it's reversed, and SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes. Firestorm goes for a clothesline, but it's side stepped and SammyExtreme goes for the Sammy kick. But the veteran firestorm ducks under, and pushes Sammy to the corner and traps the ref, Sammy stops himself before hitting into the ref. But leaving a blind spot for the ref as Firestorm hits a undetected low blow. SammyExtreme stumbles backwards, and right into the Firestarter. Firestorm goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2…………..3!]

JR-Did he really want to win like that?

King-Hey, when you’re a veteran, you know to take advantage of every situation.

JR-Doesn't make it right.

(OOC-Firestorm was too much, but keep it up Sammy, you'll get there.)

(Our scene opens. John Cena is sitting in his office, talking on the phone to someone. He hears a knock on the door, but ignores it to carry on the conversation. However the person is apparantly desperate to talk to him, as the door swings open. He temporarily looks annoyed, until he sees who has just entered the room. Amy Jericho who is wearing a baby blue dress, showing off quite a bit, but not enough to be slutty. Carrying a blue purse with her, she doesn't look happy. She makes her way to Cena's desk as her blue high heels click on the floor.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-We need to talk...

(Cena smiles.)

Cena: I'll call you back... somethings come up.

(He flips his cell phone shut.)

Cena: As far as your greetings to me go... that was almost pleasant! Then again... I doubt it'll stay that way....

.::Amy Jericho::.-Depends on what it's about, I'll stay nice as long as you do the right thing. I can go on, and on about how much you are doing wrong. Showing you how much of a "real woman" I am by telling you "I told you so". But I won't do that, I want to talk about this whole Playboy thing.

Cena: Whats there to talk about? You want advice.. ask Christy... or Chyna... or any of those. I know nothing about this other than Heffner wants you and Maria... and he wants you both in there soon. He's made me a great offer... he's made both of you great offers... and its as good as a done deal.... I see no point in discussing it.

.::Amy Jericho::.-No, I'm here to tell you that you need to reconsider this deal, because this isn't a good deal for anyone. I hopefully can do that by appealing to your business sense, something I don't think you have. But maybe for once you can prove me wrong…?

Cena: Tell me then Amy... how is me making a lot of money not good for my business sense?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Because...although you get a cut, it's still my outside thing; therefore I'm going to get the majority of the money. But that's not what I'm going to point the long run it will cost you money.

Cena: I fail to see how?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well as a staff member, I haven't been overly exposed in bikini contests, or any of that stuff. But now you have me as your top diva. Something that you haven't even started to use. Do you know what happened to the other diva's that posed for Playboy?

Cena: The other Divas that posed? No... i didn't tend to pay attention.... enlighten me.

.::Amy Jericho::.-While they remained popular, and still able to draw money...people were less interested in seeing them in bikini contests, and things such as that. There is a reason for that, it's because if you don't allow them to keep the mystery, how are they going to be interested in a girl in a bikini that they already seen naked? I'm not saying that I'm going to cost you a lot of money, it might be a slight decline, but being that I bring you in a lot of money...I think the last thing you can afford is to make my value as your "top diva" decline.

Cena: Its a risk i'll have to take Amy... I can get other top divas if need be.... besides... the cut i'm getting from Heffner is very reasonable... I doubt you'd make me that much money in.... 5 years... and lets face it... by that time you'll have retired for good to raise your family... so from a Business perspective... this is needed.

.::Amy Jericho::.-I would have retired right now, but you won't let me. You know how long my contract there is little chance of that happening, and you know it. You have used me in one bikini contest, and that's it. Your saying that you are going to cut yourself short on the money you can make yourself on me, just so you can have a quick pay day that might be good in the short run, but it wouldn't have been anything compared to what you could have made yourself in the long run?

Cena: I can't get out now whatever happens anyway... its a done deal... signed, sealed and delivered.... I can't back out less I want one of the richest most powerful men in the world to take me to court.. and believe me... thats the last thing I want.

.::Amy Jericho::.-From what I heard, it was just a verbal that not true?

Cena: One thats as good as signed Amy.... Do you think I want to damage my relationship with Mr Heffner.... and mean that we don't get these kinda offers in the future?

.::Amy Jericho::.-I still need to sign off on it when I get there, and you know that. Sure you as my boss can force me to do it. But all that means you can back out at any time, you just don't want to. Don't BS me, tell me what this is about, because you know this isn't a smart move. Don't pay victim on me, you didn't have to agree to it, so what's the point?

Cena: Because it makes good sense. Playboy will make a lot of money from this and come back to us for more girls in the future... both companies can enjoy a profitable relationship. I didn't ask Heffner to call me up and ask for you Amy... you should take your complaints up with him.

.::Amy Jericho::.-I think I just might, don't think I haven't dealt with Heffner before...this isn't the first time. I can just about promise you that I can ruin this for you.

Cena: Not for me Amy... it doesn't bother me. My money from Heffner comes through soon... its him that misses out if you don't pose. But Amy... just remember the contract you have with me... and the fact I can take you to court if you pull out of this.... I mention that only in passing of course.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, why would you do that? Right now in front of millions of people, you are pulling this "poor me, I can't do anything about it" act, yet you are also threatening me if I were to back out? So if you get your money no matter what, what do you care if I pose or not?

Cena: As I said... I don't. Its nothing I haven't seen before anyway Amy.... but I see no reason to try and bail you out of this... of course, given the choice, i'd want you to do it.... but who wouldn't?

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't know if it's nothing you haven't seen already, remember...I don't know who's baby I was carrying. But I can answer that...someone who knows what the hell their doing? But then again, look at your idea of rating geters, it's not a surprise you decide to make another big mistake with another top asset in "your company".

Cena: My ratings are fine... you can say what you want.. you dont see the full picture. Ratings are up, contrary to what you think. And you can't exactly accuse me of giving titles to all my friends, like your so fond of doing, when my close friend Mickie James just lost hers. I know exactly what i'm doing Amy, but I don't want to sour this companies relationship with a reputable brand such as playboy.

.::Amy Jericho::.-You mean how you gave Tyson Tomko the Extreme title on a silver platter? How you ruined the grand slam accomplishment for Dan Godwin? How you have pushed Ricky Ramon down everyone's throat...oh yeah, I'm sure you are GREAT. *she rolls her eyes* I've never given my friends title shots just to give them. You on the other hand are just about your own personal wants, not what's good for the company. Which is why you are pushing me into posing for Playboy.

Cena: If it was about what I want, Mickie would still be champion... X-Factor would not have a title.... I have no personal wants here... I just do whats good for business. Ricky Ramon's a fine athlete. Tomko is a former World Champ so why shouldn't he be Extreme? Oh and remember who he beat for it Amy... i'm not pushing you anyway... as I said... deal with Heffner... I wont take the blame for this.

.::Amy Jericho::.-All you cared about was Jackie was out of the company, you didn't care if it was on Mickie or Maria. They both meet the same ends. All you are doing with Tomko is making a egotistical monster, but you don't care about that. Ricky Ramon is good, but like everything you are going to do more harm than good. You are a complete idiot if you think I don't see your reasoning behind it, they are your of them help you steal my office. Therefore you are paying them back. Just say that, don't BS me, because it's completely pathetic. Anyone can see how much of a complete waste you are as the half owner of the EMF. But let's not get into that, you are confusing me, are you going to sue me or not if I can break this deal with Heffner. You said yourself just moments ago that if I did, you would take me to explain to me, are you going to let me break the deal or not?

Cena: If you can convince Heffner... I won't stop you.... but I know for a fact you won't. He has the dollar signs over his eyes. The number of pre-orders shot up when he confirmed you. He won't dare let his fans down. However if you decide to just not show up, or whatever, and try and get out in a way that makes my company, and the relationship with Heffner, suffer, then I have no choice but to take you to court. I would say Amy... the chance of you getting out of this... is about zero.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh, I wasn't ever dreaming of doing that. I understand the right way, and wrong way of doing things. But you say no I said, I've dealt with Heffner before. So maybe I can surprise you yet.

Cena: Well I wish you good luck... but as I said.. i doubt Heffner will budge on this.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Let's just say that I've been a few days before a shoot, and been able to back out before, because I realized that I was just being desperate, and I realized that posing for Playboy would do more harm than good. Of course, it's always a 50/50 chance that I can get out of it or not. But if I can, maybe I can save you from yourself from making another stupid decision. By the way, hope you didn't spend too much on merchandise for that "accomplishment" your trying to make money off of.

Cena: Well.. I don't see much point continuing this conversation Amy.. I can't get you out of this... I can't help you. Talk to Heffner... see what he says... but I'm sure that you'll be posing very soon.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Fine, luckily I didn't have to take the measures that I thought I might have to, but there is more than one way out of this. But I'm telling you, if you were any type of owner, you would be helping me. But then again your the same owner that is considering making "grand slam" t-shirts for Dan Godwin.

Cena: He's a popular guy... they're flying off the shelves Amy... so shows what you know. Maybe his IC Title win isn't respected... but he won an Elimination Chamber... so he sure as hell is respected. I appreciate that you want my help.. and wish I could do more for you... but I can't.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh, I have no problem with Dan Godwin. I think he's more than capable to get the grand slam on his own. It's just I want to say you in your selfishness once again ruined another chance to make money. You can live in this dream land where people care about anything you do. But the fact is no one cares about Dan Godwin's accomplishment, because you made it all about you. You made it a tainted accomplishment, maybe you should talk to Barry Bonds and see how a tainted accomplishment works out. But keep talking this non-sense where you are really a great owner, and not a guy who's just out for himself. All you wanted to do with that match is hurt Revolution more.

Cena: Hurt Revolution? They hurt themselves by making that match. If I really wanted to hurt them... i'd get one of them on their own... and put them in a horrible situation. Something like... KEvin Bourne.. paired with a heel like... I dunno.. Chad Vargas... against Tomko and Kennedy! Thats not a bad idea actually... i'll pencil that in for next week!

(Amy throws her hands up, and shakes her head.)

.::Amy Jericho::.- You always say one thing, and do another. Then when I point it out, you do the exact same thing. It's old Cena, and I wasn't talking about the match. I was talking about how you interupted the match progress in any point possible, not giving the audience what they wanted....a good competitive match. Instead you made it about you, and your grudge with Revolution. So I don't see how you expect people to care about Dan Godwin's accomplishment. I have nothing but respect for him, but you on the other hand just have your head too far up your own ass to see what you are doing.

Cena: Think what you want Amy... but how did I impact the match in any way other than enforcing the rules? Would you have rather I stripped them both of the titles? I think not...

.::Amy Jericho::.-How about letting the ref, and the competitors do their job for once, rather than to allow the match to keep going so that they can clearly do what you wanted them to do...attempt to kill themselves. Maybe if you figure that out....maybe, just maybe you could be a good owner, but I know that would never happen.

Cena:There wouldn't have been a match in the first place if not for me... and don't you forget it! The match was great, and you have only me to thank for it. Besides... if Godwin minded that much... he'd be in here now whining about it... probably with Fairbanks, Frank, Clive, The Honky Tonk Man, The Hart Foundation, The Great Khali, Odge, Rita Van Toad and Donald Duck, under the collecting name of "Godwin Enterprises" to back him up. He hasn't been to see me... so clearly he's too self absorbed to care how he won the grandslam.... only that he did it.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Maybe if you take a look at his promo, you'll realize he wasn't happy. I think you don't understand many people, and I think you think that everyone is ok with getting things done how you do any means necessary. Some rather do it the right way, and give these people what they paid to see. You might not respect them, but like it or not, their the one's your getting money from, and if you don't realize that they are the one's you need to please. People might not want to spend money on a company run by you. You were corrupt the first time, and so far you haven't proven that you have changed at all this time around. Not only the way you handle the Godwin and Bourne match. But the way you committed me to something that I should have the final say in. It's much like the the Godwin and Bourne match, you hold a grudge against me, so you misuse your power to put me in a bad situation. This isn't about what is good for the company, like it should be. This is about trying to have some sort of power over me, and get your pleasures on me. I might have lost a lot, but there is one thing I still's that you can't quite seem to knock me down for long.

Cena: That may be so Amy... but I can keep you in your place. And I got rid of Jackie didn't I? I'm sure thats a big blow to you... a lot more than you let on. Besides... if I kept you down... life wouldn't be fun!

.::Amy Jericho::.-I think you would like nothing more than for me to accept how you made me dress. But I simply won't, it's a lot like I just won't open my legs for you like you suggested to get the playboy deal canceled.

Cena: How do you know you haven't opened your legs for me already Amy? For all you know... I had you moaning like nobody else in my life before. Maybe your afraid Amy. Maybe your afraid you might actually enjoy it if it happened... and how would that look for you? The perfect Amy Jericho... always Face of the Year because people feel sorry for you... the loving wife and mother... enjoying a seedy love affair with the guy she pretends to be able to resist!

(Amy goes to normal to pissed in a second flat, and is shaking her fist she's so angry.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-If I wasn't in high heels, I would leap over that desk, and rip your balls off!! GOD! You are such a JERK! You want to know why I know? Because, even if you were the last man alive, I still wouldn't even given a second thought! That's how much you disgust me! EEERRRRR I don't want to look at your face anymore, I swear to god I'll get out of this, and for all I care you can go screw yourself! *She stroms out of the room, but before she goes, she turns back and says.* But if for some reason I don't, then expect it to get ugly...really...really fast...

(Amy stomps out, and slams the door of the president's office, and Cena laughs.)

Cena: If she wants me to screw myself.. she should give up and just pose for Playboy...

(We fade back into the ring with that.)

("Through the fire and flames" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring, and steps over the top rope.)

JR-Speaking of records, Troy Gafgen has the chance to tie the record for the most IC title reigns.

King-Jarred must be shuddering somewhere, I'm senseing it now…

Kris Gaffney-Either that or Wasabi just step on another rake.

("Stragglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, he rolls into the ring.)

JR-Dewey Pond has a hard task ahead of him, if he wants to get back the IC title back, he could have to pin his tag team partner.

King-The Organization must be loving that.

Kris Gaffney-If it was the Organization in this match, I would say for being an Organization…their not very…organized…

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

King-Didn't know that the grandslam was so important.

Kris Gaffney-Guess it is in the eyes of Cena.

JR-Well it's an accomplishment no matter who's reign were under, according to the official records Dan Godwin didn't quite make his record. He only tied Road for the quickest grand slammer.

[Dan Godwin, Troy Gafgen, and Dewey Pond stay in their corner. Trying to see where this stand off leads. Troy Gafgen and Dewey Pond seem to be talking about something, and Dan Godwin seems to getting close. The two tag team partners hit a double fist to the face of Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin goes down to the mat, and gets up to his feet. Troy Gafgen take turns throwing fists to the face enough to sting Dan Godwin. But not enough to knock him down to the mat. Dan Godwin reels on the ropes, and Troy Gafgen and Dewey Pond still trade fists to the face, knowing that the champion is the biggest threat. They double whip Dan Godwin to the ropes, and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond and Troy Gafgen go for a double clothesline, but it's ducked under, Dan Godwin goes to the other side of the ring, and comes off of the ropes for some sort of move. But what the move is we will never know because Dewey Pond and Troy Gafgen hit a double flap jack that sends Dan Godwin on the mat, and Dan Godwin rolls under the ropes. Then Dan Godwin pulls himself up on the apron with the help of the ropes, and gets to his feet. Troy Gafgen hits a running boot to the face that sends Dan Godwin flying off of the apron, and crashes into the mat. Dan Godwin goes to the mat, and Dewey Pond and Troy Gafgen face off, and look like they decide that it's time to figure it out between them. Dewey Pond and Troy Gafgen trade fists back and forth between the each other. Dewey Pond is getting the advantage, and Dewey Pond tries to whip Troy Gafgen off of the ropes. But it's reversed, and Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond goes for a wheel barrel, but Troy Gafgen turns it into a reverse face buster. Dewey Pond is down on the mat holding his face, and Troy Gafgen hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond is getting up, Troy Gafgen backs up as Dewey Pond stumbles right into him. Troy Gafgen picks up Dewey Pond and hits a snake eyes. Dewey Pond stumbles back, and Troy Gafgen hits a inverted Russian leg sweep on Dewey Pond. Troy Gafgen goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2…………KICK OUT by Dewey Pond.]

JR-Dan Godwin was almost a former champion, and he wasn't even involved in the pin.

King-Sure they had nothing like this on the farm.

Kris Gaffney-Probably not..

[Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet, and looks for another move. But he notices that Dan Godwin has climbed up on the apron, and he catches Dan Godwin off guard by hitting a running forearm shot to the face that knocks off Dan Godwin off of the apron. Troy Gafgen turns around and see's Dewey Pond trying to get up on the other side of the ring. Troy Gafgen charges at Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond hits a drop toe hold that sends Troy Gafgen throat first into the top rope. Troy Gafgen stumbles around, right into the waiting Dewey Pond who kicks Troy Gafgen in the gut, and hits a DDT. Dewey Pond falls away from Troy Gafgen. Dewey Pond takes a few moments to rest, and crawls into the corner. He gets up to his feet, and see's Troy coming at him just in time for him to dive out of the way. Troy Gafgen crashes into the corner, and stumbles out of the corner. Dewey Pond pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle. Dewey Pond leaps off, and hits a flying bulldog that drives Troy Gafgen's face into the mat. Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2………kick out by Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet fairly quickly. Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face, and tries to whip Troy Gafgen to the ropes. But Troy Gafgen reverses it, Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen tries to go for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. Troy Gafgen gets hit with a super kick that stumbles Troy Gafgen right into a reverse leg scissors into the outside. Troy Gafgen falls out of the ring, and to the arena floor. Dan Godwin climbs up on the apron. Dewey Pond goes over to there trying to attack Dan Godwin. But Dan Godwin counters it with a hang man that stuns Dewey Pond. Dan Godwin climbs up to the top rope, and measures up Dewey Pond waiting for him to get up where he wants him. Dan GOdiwn leaps off of the top rope, and hits a reverse flying elbow. Dewey Pond slowly gets up in the corner, Dan Godwin hits a clothesline in the corner. Dan Godwin backs out of the corner, and Dewey Pond stumbles out of the corner. Dan Godwin hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge, and he gets a 1……………..2……………..KICK OUT by Dewey Pond.]

JR-Almost three by the champion.

King-Well if he doesn't start to find a way to get someone down, he won't be champion for long.

Kris Gaffney-Well he needs to change his attack…like people need to change their players in the IBA to be successful!

[Dewey Pond gets pulled up to his feet, and Dewey Pond is whipped to the ropes. Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes, then hits a flying clothesline that knocks down Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin stumbles up to his feet, and Dewey Pond picks up Dan Godwin and drives him down with a spinebuster. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1………..2………kick out by Dan Godwin. Dewey Pond gets up, and goes to the apron, then climbs to the top rope. Dan Godwin gets up, and Dewey Pond goes for a double axe handle. But flies right into Dan Godwin's boot, and gets floored by a partial eXecution. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, from the outside Troy Gafgen slides into the ring with a chair. Dan Godwin is trying to get to his feet, and Troy Gafgen takes a swing at Dan Godwin. But Godwin ducks under, and Troy Gafgen nails Dewey Pond instead with the chair. Troy looks shocked at what he did, but before he can do anything else he gets drop kicked in the back, and fall out of the ring, and Dan Godwin goes into the cover on Pond. Godwin gets the 1……………2………….3]

JR-Troy was going for Godwin, he ducked, and he accidently hit his tag team partner.

King-How you know it was an accident?

JR-It clearly was.

(Troy checks on Pond as Shockwave goes off the air.)

(OOC-Actually close match, we just thought Godwin had a bit of an edge to get him over the top, but not a slam dunk by any stretch of the imagination.)