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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Saturday Shockwave video starts, after it ends we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts on the stage. They end as the fans are waving the signs, some say "SammyExtreme is the whole show!", "Bring out your giant keys, it's the Organization (XII)", and "Fyre = next organization member")

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave as always I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler, and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-Headlined by the Organization and Jarred and Kavaros.

Kris Gaffney-I wasn't surprised that he didn't go after Juvi after that pinyata attack…

("SammyExtreme theme" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Last week we saw flashes of potential in SammyExtreme as he beat Blake.

King-You sure that wasn't Jeff Blake…you know he was a fake, right?

Kris Gaffney-No, it probably wasn't…he didn't throw any interceptions…

("Nick Geb's theme" blasts on the PA system as Nick Geb walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Nick Geb has talent, he just needs to find his way here in the EMF.

King-Too bad we never have signs around the EMF to tell everyone where to go in their career…please use it wisely?

Kris Gaffney-Too easy…

[Nick Geb slides into the ring, and takes down SammyExtreme with a double leg take down and hits a few fists to the face. SammyExtreme covers up, and is able to turn it around. Nick Geb turns it around, and fires back a few fists to the face of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme finally decides that Nick Geb is too pissed off to win this, so he pushes Nick Geb off, and both wrestlers go off in different directions. SammyExtreme gets up as he see's that Nick Geb is coming towards him. Trying to stop the momentum, SammyExtreme hits a poke to the eye blinding Nick Geb. SammyExtreme hits a knee into the gut. This doubles over Nick Geb, and SammyExtreme brings him back up and hits a European upper cut that floors Nick Geb. Nick Geb slowly gets to his feet, and then SammyExtreme whips Nick Geb off of the ropes. Nick Geb bounces off of the ropes. SammyExtreme goes for a hip toss, but it's blocked, and before he can do anything. SammyExtreme hits a hard diving clothesline that floors Nick Geb. SammyExtreme goes into the cover, and gets a 1……….2…………kick out by Nick Geb. SammyExtreme looks at the ref, and the ref says that he only got a two count. SammyExtreme goes back on the attack. Nick Geb is in the corner as SammyExtreme is going into the corner. Nick Geb is able to throw him into the corner, and then fires a few fists to the face, and whips SammyExtreme into the other side of the ring. SammyExtreme crashes into the corner, Nick Geb can't charge into the corner right away, instead he has to take a few moments to recover, and he charges into the corner. But is hit with a back elbow to the face. Nick Geb stumbles forward, and SammyExtreme hits a running bulldog on Nick Geb that drives him into the mat. SammyExtreme decides to shakes off the moves that he's taken, and allowing to Nick Geb to slowly get to his feet, SammyExtreme kicks him in the gut. Sets him up in vertical suplex position, only hooking the leg, and then hits a fisherman's plex, and gets the 1…………2……………….kick out by Nick Geb, SammyExtreme doesn't argue with the ref. Instead he doesn't look pleased at all.]

King-Seemly SammyExtreme though that was 3.

Kris Gaffney-He's probably wondering if the refs were taught to count to three.

JR-Probably not, we cut that program to fund Cena's salary.


[SammyExtreme pulls up Nick Geb by the hair, and backs him into the corner. He whips Nick Geb off of the ropes. Nick Geb bounces off of the ropes, SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes. SammyExtreme lowers his head, and Nick Geb is able to counter it with a kick to the face SammyExtreme pops up in pain. Nick Geb falls against the ropes. Not being able to do anything about it, and then SammyExtreme is able to rest up, and charges at Nick Geb. Nick Geb is able to counter it with a hot shot that sends SammyExtreme throat into the top rope. SammyExtreme stumbles around, and turns around into a small package by Nick Geb. The ref counts 1…………..2…………..kick out by SammyExtreme. Nick Geb, and SammyExtreme go off in different directions, and then SammyExtreme temper flares up, and charges at Nick Geb, but Nick Geb is able to counter this with a hip toss that sends SammyExtreme down to the mat. SammyExtreme goes down to the mat, and gets up to his feet. SammyExtreme charges into Nick Geb, who takes him down with a head lock take down. Nick Geb puts on the pressure on the mat, and then SammyExtreme pulls himself on the mat, looking for a way out of the hold. SammyExtreme backs Nick Geb to the ropes, and Nick Geb bounces off of the ropes, and hits a shoulder block that knocks down. SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme stumbles up, and Nick Geb hits a super kick that knocks SammyExtreme into the corner. SammyExtreme stumbles backwards, and falls near the corner. He crawls the rest of the way there, and Nick Geb pulls him up, then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest to weaken SammyExtreme before the next move that he has planned. The ref warns him a bit about going too far, but Nick Geb just nods, and goes back into the corner. Nick Geb whips SammyExtreme to the other side. SammyExtreme bounces off the opposite side of the ring. Then Nick Geb sets up and hits a belly to belly suplex.]

JR-Nick Geb is firmly in control of this match.

King-Doesn't look like he wants to waste anymore time.

Kris Gaffney-Wasting time is never good…

[SammyExtreme stumbles to his feet, and Nick Geb picks up SammyExtreme. Then hits a body slam on SammyExtreme. Nick Geb climbs up to the top rope, and Sammy Extreme is getting up to his feet. Nick Geb leaps off of the top rope, but Sammy catches him with the Sammy kick in mid air. Nick Geb stumbles up to his feet after a while right into a set up and Sammy Extreme hits the Sammy Driver. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1………..2……….3!]

JR-SammyExtreme just won this…

[Suddenly out of no where CJ Lethal comes into the picture as SammyExtreme turns around, and gets hit with a chair that puts him down. CJ Lethal stands looking down at the downed Sammy Extreme.]

King-Seemly CJ Lethal doesn't take kindly to new talent…

Kris Gaffney-Wonder what else he doesn't take kindly to?

("Dani Vesneski's theme" blasts on the PA system as Dani Vesneski walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-At Whiplash Dani Vesneski cost Virus the chance to retain his title.

King-You know what happens when you beat a Virus?

Kris Gaffney-A new one comes out…

King-Yeah..frustrating isn't it?

("Virus' theme" blasts on the PA system as Virus walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-The former Extreme champion is probably looking for revenge here.

Kris Gaffney-That never solves anything…

King-*pulls out a club, and yells* REEEEVENGE!

[Dani Vesneski and Virus face off in the middle of the ring, Dani Vesneski says a few things, andVirus throws a fist to the face. But it's ducked under by under by Dani Vesneski.Virus turns around and gets knocked down to the mat with a fist to the face, and then Virus gets up to his feet. Dani Vesneski takes down Virus down with a double leg take down. Dani hits a few fists to the face. Virus covers up, and then pushes off Dani Vesneski. He gets up to his feet, Dani Vesneski hits a knee lift to the gut, and pulls him out of the ring and then whips him off of the ropes. Virus comes off of the ropes, Dani Vesneski lowers his head, but it's countered with a kick to the face. Dani Vesneski stumbles around, and then Virus charges at Dani Vesneski. But it's countered with a elbow to the face, Virus puts his hands on his face. Mostly in pain, but to make sure that he's not bleeding either. Virus is not bleeding, and Dani Vesneski hits a boot to the face of Virus. Virus goes down to the mat, and Dani Vesneski picks up Virus, and puts him into the corner. Dani Vesneski hits a few fists to the face of Virus. Virus covers up with his hands trying to block as much as he can so he can't be busted open. Dan Vesneski whips Virus to the other side of the ring, and then Virus crashes into the corner. Dan Vesneski hits a clothesline in the corner that makes Virus fall to the ground in the sitting position in the corner. Dani Vesneski goes into the opposite side of the ring, and then takes off the covering. He exposes the steel, and goes over to where Virus is in the corner. Virus is pulled up in the corner, and Dani Vesneski hits a few kicks into the gut. He then follows it up with a few knife edge chops to the chest of Virus, and tries to whip him to the opposite side of the ring. But it's reversed, and Dani Vesneski goes into the corner, but it's blocked by Dani Vesneski with his feet. Dani Vesnesk turns around, and then Virus charges at Dani Vesneski. He counters with a drop toe hold that sends him face first into the second turnbuckle. Dani Vesneski sure that it wouldn't bust him open rolls out of the ring. Then goes over to the times keeper, and grabs the chair and looks inside of the ring.]

JR-It looks like that Dani is going to try to use the chair to bust Virus open.

King-Seemly Virus isn't an easy bleeder.

Kris Gaffney-Bet he wishes he was facing Shawn Michaels right about now…

[Dani Vesneski gets into the ring, and see's that Virus has gotten up near the ropes.. Dani Vesneski rises the chair over his head, and charges at Virus with the chair ready to strike. But Virus moves out of the way as the chair is coming down, and the chair strikes the top of the chair, and goes right into the face of Dani Vesneski who goes down to the mat covering his face. The ref is looking for a clear look at Dani Vesneski, and see's that…he's NOT busted open, so the match continues. Virus has to take a few moments to rest, and this allows Dani Vesneski to get up to his feet, and Virus charges at him and hits a running clothesline on Dani Vesneski that goes down to the mat. Dani Vesneski stumbles up to his feet, and gets hit with a few fists to the face. Dani Vesneski bounces back to the ropes, and Virus whips Dani Vesneski to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and then Virus lowers his head. Dani Vesneski hits a back body drop that sends him flying through the air, and crashing on the mat. Virus stumbles up to his feet, and Virus kicks Dani Vesneski in the gut, and sets him up in a vertical suplex position. He sets up Dani Vesneski, and lifts him up, and holds him there for a few seconds as he takes a few steps forward. Virus drives Dani Vesneski face first into the chair. Dani Vesneski holds his face in pain, although seems more worried wheter or not he is bleeding. The camera can't get a clear look, but the ref does, and the ref shakes his head "no" to Virus. Virus seemly can't believe that as he hits a few stomps on the downed Dani Vesneski. Dani stumbles up to his feet, and Virus picks him up, and hits a body slam. Virus goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope, and leaps off and hits a flying elbow drop from the top from that connects on Dani Vesneski. Virus looks around for his next move, and then see's the chair that he hit Dani Vesneski with before, and goes over to where it lays, and grabs it. Then smiles, as he smashes it on the mat, and holds it ready to smash Dani Vesneski.]

JR-Looks like Virus is going for the kill here.

King-I'd like to see when people don’t go for the kill..

[Dani Vesneski get up, and then Virus swings and misses. Virus turns around, and is able to jab the chair into the gut, and hits a chair shot across the back. Virus throws down the chair, and goes up to the top rope. Virus measures as Dani Vesneski is down on the mat, and then leaps off of the top rope for a diving head but. But Dani Vesneski is able to get the chair, and puts it up as Virus crashes into it face first. Virus rolls around in pain, the ref looks at Virus who is in pain, and calls for the bell as he's busted open.]

JR-That one move came back to bit Virus there.

King-I always get worried during First Blood that the wrong person might get busted..

Kris Gaffney-What are you talking about…it's not like these matches are pre-determined or something…

("Enemy" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring, and he steps over the ropes.)

JR-Men on a Mission had a chance to win the tag team titles, but it was seemly messed up by accident by Ricky Ramon.

King-Yeah…whoever really hates Revolution probably wasn't too happy…

Kris Gaffney-Probably not…

("Fake It" blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring)

JR-Regardless of whether or not he meant to hit Troy…I'm going to guess he is going to make him pay for it

King- Riley probably made the mistake more bareable.

Kris Gaffney-Wish my wife was like that…

[Troy Gafgen and Ricky Ramon face off in the middle of the ring, Ricky Ramon charges at Troy Gafgen and hits a few fists to the face of Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen only backs up a little bit, and pushes down Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon falls backwards and does a reverse summersault. He gets up, and throws a few punches, and then gets pushed back again to the same result. Ricky Ramon gets up, and runs at Troy Gafgen who floors Ricky Ramon with a hard punch to the face of Ricky Ramon that floors him. Ricky Ramon is on the mat as Troy Gafgen hits a few stomps on the downed Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon goes into the corner, and Troy Gafgen backs up and allows Ricky Ramon to get up in the corner, and Troy Gafgen closes the distance between him and Ricky Ramon. Troy Gafgen hits a few back elbows into the corner, and then follows it up by putting his boot to the throat of Ricky Ramon. The ref counts to 4, and Troy Gafgen lets go of the hold. Troy Gafgen whips him to the ropes. Ricky Ramon bounces off of the ropes, Troy Gafgen goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and Ricky Ramon goes to the other side of the ring. He comes off of the ropes, and goes for a flying forearm. But it's caught by Troy Gafgen who turns it into a bear hug. Troy Gafgen seems to have it in deep as he puts on the pressure. The ref asks Ricky Ramon if he wants to give it up, and Ricky Ramon refuses as the pressure is put on. It looks like that as Troy Gafgen puts more, and more pressure on Ricky Ramon's back that his life is draining away from him as his eyes close. The ref decides to check the arm of Ricky Ramon, he lifts his arm once…………..twice……….before it goes down to the third time Ricky Ramon shoots it up. Ricky Ramon hits a few fists to the face of Troy Gafgen, before smashes the side of Troy Gafgen 's head. Ricky Ramon is let go, and Ricky Ramon goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. But before he can make any form of a mount on offense. Troy Gafgen is able to counter this with a samoan drop, and Troy Gafgen goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………..2……………kick out by Ricky Ramon. Troy Gafgen looks at the ref, and shakes his head. He decides to finish off the match as he grabs Ricky Ramon by the hair, and throws him into the corner.]

JR-What is Troy Gafgen trying to do here?

King-I don't know, but then again…you got to wonder if Troy even knows..

Kris Gaffney-God knows some of the IBA GM's are like that…

[Troy Gafgen charges at Ricky Ramon, and goes for the crack of dawn, but Ricky Ramon grabs on to the top rope and Troy Gafgen crashes into the mat. Ricky Ramon stacks Troy Gafgen on his shoulders, and gets a 1………….Ricky puts his feet on the middle ropes while the ref is counting…………2…………KICK OUT by Troy Gafgen. Ricky Ramon doesn't look happy at the count, but doesn't complain too much as he needs to shake off of the moves he's taken thus far. Troy Gafgen slowly gets to his feet, and Ricky Ramon goes over to where he is, and hits a few fists to the bigger Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen stumbles back, but then Troy Gafgen is able to counter this with a block of one of Ricky Ramon's fists, sets up Ricky Ramon and hits a big head butt. Dazed, Ricky Ramon stumbles around, and then he runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen goes for a big boot to the face. But it's ducked under by Ricky Ramon, Troy turns around right into a drop kick that stumbles Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen, Troy Gafgen goes to the ropes, and Ricky Ramon closes the gap quickly. But Troy Gafgen grabs Ricky Ramon by the hair, and puts him on the ropes. He hits a few fists to the face, and whips him off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen lowers his head, but it's countered with a swinging neck breaker. Ricky Ramon goes into the cover, and gets the 1………..2……………Ricky Ramon gets thrown off of the cover. Ricky Ramon goes flying, and is in the corner. Troy Gafgen charges at Ricky Ramon who moves out of the way. Troy Gafgen crashes into the corner. Ricky Ramon hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Ricky Ramon. Troy Gafgen answers back with a push back. Troy Gafgen charges out of corner with a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Ricky Ramon, he kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT on Troy Gafgen. Ricky Ramon goes to the outside, climbs up to the top rope, and leaps off and goes for a big flying leg drop across the throat of Troy Gafgen.]

JR- That high risk move did not pay off.

Kris Gaffney-Seemly other risks didn't pay off either in the IBA…

King-You are a very bitter owner…

[Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet, and Troy Gafgen tries to pick him up, but Ricky Ramon slides out the back. Troy hits a back elbow, but it's ducked under. Ricky Ramon bounces off of the ropes, and hits a 24 to life in the gut that stumbles Troy Gafgen off of the ropes, and then Ricky Ramon kicks him in the gut. Then hits the Green Mile. Ricky Ramon goes into the cover, and gets the 1………..2………..3]

("Velvet Revolver" blasts on the PA system as Firestorm and Scott Tazte walks to the ring.)

JR-Firestorm and Tazte set up everyone last week.

King-A lot like the first EMF D-X….right?

JR-….no King

Kris Gaffney-Before my time…

("Deceiver" blasts on the PA system as Kavaros walks to the ring, the theme turns to "Ladies and Gentlemen" as Jarred Carthallion walks to the ring.)

JR-These two groups seem to have a big problem with each other.

King-Jarred doesn't take kindy to people who don't take kindy to him!

Kris Gaffney-Jarred must have took that one time on the wWo party bus seriously, he has a Saliva song for his theme…

[Scott Tazte and Kavaros pace around the ring, and Scott Tazte and Kavaros lock up. Scott Tazte is able to hit an arm drag into an arm bar on the mat on Kavaros. The ref is by Kavaros to make sure that he doesn't want to give up for whatever reason. Obviously he refuses, and Kavaros gets up to his feet. Kavaros looks for a way out of the hold. Kavaros backs up Kavaros, and whips him off of the hold. Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes. Kavaros goes for hip toss, but Scott Tazte floats over. Then goes for a hip toss of his own, but it's blocked. Kavaros tries to go for a wrap around clothesline. But it's ducked under, and Scott Tazte hits a belly to back suplex on Kavaros. Kavaros gets to the sitting position. Kavaros goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Scott Tazte hits a low drop kick to the face of Kavaros. Scott Tazte goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2………….kick out by Kavaros. Scott Tazte doesn't look happy that he didn't get the three there, and then he starts to choke Kavaros. The ref counts to 4, and finally Scott Tazte breaks up the hold, and pulls Kavaros up.Scott Tazte twists Kavaros arm, and he brings him over to the Organization corner. He tags in Firestorm, and then Scott Tazte puts Kavaros into a Russian leg sweep position. Firestorm runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Then hits a big clothesline on that sends Kavaros into a Russian leg sweep. He gets a 1…………..2………….KICK OUT by Kavaros. Kavaros hits a few stomps on the downed Kavaros who goes to the ropes. Firestorm pushes the Kavaros' neck on the middle rope as the ref counts to 4, and finally Firestorm lets go before he gets DQed. Firestorm picks up Kavaros, drags him over to the corner away from Jarred. Then puts him in vertical suplex position, and does a swinging neck breaker from there. Firestorm goes over to the second rope, and then yells at some of the crowd members, and leaps off of the ropes. But Kavaros moves out of the way at the last second. Kavaros starts to crawl away, and he is getting close the corner as the world champion is ready to receive the tag. But he notices that Firestorm has grabbed on to his leg. Kavaros gets up, and hits an engurzi. He leaps, and tags in Jarred Carthallion.]

JR-And the tag has been made to the world champion.

King-Five time world champion.

Kris Gaffney-However, he didn't do it in year….like the other 5 time champion…

King-Why say that?

Kris Gaffney-…I…don't…know?

[Firestorm gets up to be knocked down with a running forarm to the face, and he gets knocked down to the mat. Firestorm gets up once again, and gets knocked down by a running clothesline by Jarred Carthallion. Firestorm gets up, and Jarred Carthallion hits a few fists to the face of Firestorm, and whips him off of the ropes Firestorm bounces off of the ropes. Jarred Carthallion goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Firestorm. Firestorm goes to the other side, and spring boards off of the ropes into a super kick by Jarred Carthallion that sends Firestorm to the mat in pain. But before he can make a pin attempt. Scott Tazte comes from behind, and hits a clubbing blow to the back of Jarred Carthallion. Jarred Carthallion stumbles back, and Scott Tazte tries to whip him to the ropes. But it's reversed and Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes. Scott Tazte leaps off of the ropes, and he goes for a cross body block. But it's caught by Jarred Carthallion. Jarred Carthallion tries to throw Scott Tazte onto his shoulder. But it's countered into an attempted swinging DDT, but it's blocked by Jarred Carthallion who gets his arms under Scott Tazte, and lifts him up over his head into a military press. He see's Firestorm, and he throws Scott Tazte into Firestorm, and the Organization are both down. Scott Tazte rolls out of the ring, as Kavaros say something to Jarred. Jarred Carthallion agree's with whatever move he called for him. He grabs Firestorm, and brings him over to the corner, he tags in Kavaros, and hits a body slam on Firestorm. Kavaros hits a sling shot splash into the ring, and goes into the cover. He gets a 1…………..2……………Scott Tazte breaks up the count. Scott Tazte brings Kavaros over the corner, and tries to smash his leg into the ring post. But before he does, Kavaros uses his leg strength to pull him into the ring post. As Kavaros is getting up, Firestorm goes for a clothesline that's ducked under. Firestorm goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Kavaros catches Firestorm and drives him down with a spinning spine buster, he goes into the cover, and gets the 1……….2…….KICK OUT by Firestorm!]

JR-Firestorm just barely kicked out there.

King-That loss would be like a clown lit on fire.

Kris Gaffney-Let me test that theory….*lights Josh "the Clown" McCown on fire*. I'm not sure what people are complaining about…that was funny….

[Scott Tazte comes into the ring, and goes to attack Kavaros, but it's headed off with a fist to the face. Scott Tazte goes down to the mat, and then rolls on the apron. Firestorm is getting up to his feet. Jarred Carthallion charges at him, and hits a running clothesline that takes him and Firestorm over the top rope. But as he falls out of the ring, Scott Tazte makes the tag. Jarred Carthallion doesn't notice it, but Kavaros did as he sling shots Scott Tazte to flip into the ring. On the outside, Jarred has picked up Firestorm, and hits a few fists to the face of Firestorm, and tries to whip him to the steps. But it's reversed and Jarred Carthallion crashes into the steps. Firestorm looks over at the time keeper, and yells for him to get out of his chair, Firestorm grabs the chair and steps inside of the ring. Firestorm gets ready to hit Kavaros, but the ref coems over, and warns, and tries to unarm. Firestorm. Kavaros is waiting for Firestorm to try to take a swing, he gets turned around, and hit with a fist loaded with brass knuckles. Firestorm gets tripped by Jarred on the outside, and get pulled to the outside again. Still unaware that a tag happened, as Firestorm and Jarred brawl on the outside. It allows Tazte to go into the cover, and get the 1……….2…………3!]

JR-What a cheap ass way to win!

King-Whatever the ref doesn't see…won't hurt him…

Kris Gaffney-Winning is what it's about…wish I could pay off the IBA refs sometimes…

King-You can…


(Firestorm and Tazte gets pulled out of the ring as Shockwave fades away.)

(OOC-Staff decision (well, what staff I can use). Good RP's by all, however, this is the case where one beats two. The two had good material, but the one had good, thought out material too. Nothing to say that two passed the one, so that's our choice. Tried to make everyone look good. Thanks for being patient, I explained to Tazte why it took so long, basically it was lagging of other matches, and other stuff to sum it up.)