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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Saturday Shockwave video. It runs through, once it ends we go into the darken arena. Pryotechnics blasts off on the stage, and the lights turn on as they end. To show that the fans are holding up their signs, and screaming. Some of the signs say "Double A and Dan Godwin. Who teaches who?", "Where's Claire!", and "give me money Tomko!")

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight.

King-Headlined by the tag team champions, Revolution taking on Men on a Mission.

Kris Gaffney-Luckily they haven't found Oscar yet…

JR-Anyways, let's get this show started!

("Paint it black" blasts on the PA system as Firestorm walks to the ring, and he steps into the ring.)

JR-Firestorm has been very successful since making his return to the EMF.

King-But we didn't see last win…

Kris Gaffney-Na…we did, it was televised.

King-I said you didn't! It was moonlight that reflected off of Venus!

("Flashing lights" blasts on the PA system as Double A walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-This is great propect recruited by Revolution.

King- At least he has room to grow…

[Double A and Firestorm pace around the ring, and then they lock up. Firestorm is able to get behind Double A, and slip behind him. He is able to take him down with a waist lock to the mat into a front face lock. Firestorm puts on the pressure as the ref makes sure that it doesn't slip below the throat, and to make sure that for whatever reason that Double A doesn't want ot give it up. Obviously this isn't going to happen, and Double A slowly makes it to his feet, and looks for a way out of the hold. He twists in Firestorm's grip and is able to get out, and puts on a side headlock on Firestorm. Firestorm looks for a way out of the hold, and then he backs up to the ropes, and whips him off of the hold. Double A bounces off of the ropes, and Firestorm charges and hits a knee lift into the gut. This makes Double A fall to the mat, and slowly get to his feet, Firestorm kicks him in the gut, and then sets him up. Firestorm hits a snap suplex on Double A. Firestorm floats into the cover, and gets the 1……………2…………..kick out by Double A. Firestorm looks up at the ref, and shakes his head at the ref. Then in response he starts to choke Double A as the ref counts to 4, and Firestorm holds his hands up in innocent. Double A gets picked up his feet, and Firestorm tries to whip Double A to the ropes, but it's reversed and Firestorm bounces off of the ropes. But Firestorm is able to hook the ropes, Double A charges at Firestorm to go for a clothesline over the top rope. But it's countered with a back body drop over the top rope. But Double A is able to land on his feet on the apron, Firestorm turns around. Then he eye rakes Double A, and Firestorm grabs Double A's head and smashes it against the metal part that holds up the turnbuckle. Double A goes down to the arena floor. Firestorm takes a few moments to mouth off to the crowd, and climbs out on to the apron, and measures behind Double A as Double A get up to his feet. Firestorm comes down on Firestorm with a double axe handle. Firestorm hits a few stomps on the downed Double A. Firestorm picks up Double A, and tries to whip him to the steps. But it's reversed, and Firestorm crashes into the steps.]

JR-Firestorm had everything going his way until that move.

Kris Gaffeny-Sounds a lot like King…

King-Since when do I ever have things go my way?

[Double A has to stop, and then take a few moments to rest. Firestorm gets up to his feet, and stumbles right into Double A who takes him down with a double leg take down. Then hits a catapault that sends Firestorm into the ring post. Firestorm crack his head into the ring post. Stumbles around, and Firestorm gets pushed into the ring. Double A climbs up to the top rope, and measures up on Firestorm as he slowly pulls himself up to his feet. Double A leaps off as he turns towards him, Firestorm hits a flying missile drop kick that lands on Firestorm. Double A goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2…………kick out by Firestorm. Firestorm gets pulled off of the mat, but as he's coming up. Firestorm pokes Double A in the eye, Double A is stunned. Firestorm whips Double A to the ropes. Double A bounces off of the ropes, Firestorm goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under and Double A goes to the other side of the ring. Firestorm turns around, and Double A hits a flying forearm to the face. Firestorm slowly gets up, and charges blindly at Double A who counters it with a hip toss. Firestorm gets up much more slowly, and Double A whips Firestorm to the ropes. Firestorm bounces off of the ropes. Double A lowers his head, and hits a back body drop that sends Firestorm flying through the air. Firstorm slowly gets up to his feet, Double A hits a release northern lights suplex. Now Firestorm gets up completely dazed as Double A plants him into the mat with a DDT. Double A goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2…………KICK OUT!]

JR-Double A almost got the three there.

King-He's still picking his spot.

Kris Gaffney-I've had spots like that before…

[Double A picks up Firestorm, and hits a falling slam on Firestorm, and calls for his finisher. He goes up to the top rope, and leaps off of thet op rope for the Duracell. But Firestorm moves out of the way, and Double A crashes. Firestorm gets up, and signals for Double A to get up. Suddenly Firestorm turns around as he senses something, and gets kick in the balls by Scott Tazte. The ref DQ's Double A, Scott Tazte takes Firestorm, and hits the remedy. He pulls Double A by the hair, and throws him hard shoulder first into the corner. From there Double A falls on the apron, to the outside of the ring.]

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Ken Kennedy and Tyson Tomko walk to the ring.)

JR-Two say these two have benefit from the Cena regaining power here.

King- They see how it feels to have my salary for a year…blah to them.

Kris Gaffney- I know…

("M and M" blasts on the PA system as Morrison and Mercury come out on the stage.)

JR-This is the first appearance of Joey Mercury..

King-Hey…wasn't he Morrison's butler…

Kris Gaffney-…eeerrr, so the culter did it?

*Kris gets hit with a ladder, and jobs*

[Tyson Tomko and Joey Mercury pace around the ring, they lock up Tyson Toms down Joey Mercury. Joey Mercury goes flying, and looks up not believing the power of Tyson Tomko. Joey Mercury decides to try to use his speed to try to out wit him as he backs into the corner. It looks like he might be trying to think of a way to avoid Tomko, but before he can do that as he tries to move out of the way. Tyson TOmko is able to grabs Joey Mercury and throws him into the corner. Tyson Tomko hits a few fists to the face, and follows up with a few knee's to the gut. The ref warns him about trapping Joey Mercury into the corner for too long. But like every heel, he just threatens the ref, and goes back into the corner and does something worse by putting his boot to the throat, and the ref counts, and Tyson Tomko lets go at 4. Tyson Tomko puts his hands up to the ref, saying that he let go. The ref warns him, and Tomko just laughs it off. He takes Joey Mercury, and throws him across the ring into a two handed choke toss that sends Joey Mercury landing on his back Tyson Tomko pulls up Joey Mercury, and put in a front face lock. Tyson Tomko brings Joey Mercury into his corner where Ken Kennedy makes a tag to himself, and climbs up to the top rope as Ken Kennedy climbs up to the top rope and leaps off of the top rope. Then leaps off of the top rope, and comes across the back of Joey Mercury. Joey Mercury stumbles a few steps, and then goes down to his hands and knee's. Ken Kennedy hits a ribs into the ribs of Joey Mercury. Joey Mercury goes into the corner, and Joey Mercury gets up in the corner. Ken Kennedy hits a few fists to the face of Joey Mercury. He whips Joey Mercury to the other side of the ring, Joey Mercury goes into the corner. But it's stopped by Joey Mercury using his foot, and turning around and Ken Kennedy and Mercury smash into each others face. Both wrestlers are going into each other's separate corner. Ken Kennedy is able to make the tag to Tyson Tomko. Tomko is almost there to stop Mercury, he see's that he can't. So he lets him make the tag to Morrison, and hits a fist to the face of Morrison stunning him. He uses the top rope to sling shots Morrison into the ring hard on his back.]

JR-Tomko brought Morrison the hard way.

King-Too bad Hardcore isn't around to show Tomko what the HaRdWaY is all about.

Kris Gaffney-I wish I knew what he was talking about…

JR-Just be happy he doesn't rave about them much anymore….

[Tyson Tomko waits for John Morrison to get up, and once he does. John Morrison looks dazed. Tyson Tomko picks up John Morrison over his shoulder, and puts him on his shoulder, and runs into the corner, and John Morrison is able to slide out of the back as Tyson Tomko is running. Tyson Tomko turns around and see's Morrison near the corner, and charges into the corner. John Morrison hits a drop toe hold that sends Tyson Tomko's face first into turnbuckle. Tyson Tomko stumbles around, John Morrison hits a kick into the gut, and then hits a DDT on Tyson Tomko. John Morrison measures up, and hits his spinning leg drop across the throat of Tyson Tomko. John Morrison goes into the cover, and gets the 1………..2………….Ken Kennedy comes into the ring, and breaks up the cover before the count of three goes down. Joey Mercury looks like he might go after him. But Ken Kennedy is able to retreat into his corner quick enough to know that the ref wouldn't let him get away with it. John Morrison waits for Tyson Tomko who is slowly getting up to his feet. John Morrison kicks Tyson Tomko in the gut, and then goes for the snap shot to Tyson Tomko. But before it's hit, Tyson Tomko is able to twist out of it, and goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under and John Morrison hits a running leg sweep on Tyson Tomko. John Morrison runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Then hits a flying knee drop across the face of Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko sits up in pain, and then John Morrison pushes down Tyson Tomko and goes for another cover, and gets a 1……….but Kennedy comes into the ring, this time Mercury comes into the ring, and hits a clubbing blow from behind. Morrison and Mercury take their turns hammering Kennedy. They double whip Ken Kennedy off of the ropes, and Ken Kennedy bounces off of the ropes. Then John Morrison and Joey Mercury hit a double flap jack that sends Ken Kennedy face first into the mat. Ken Kennedy slowly gets up near the ropes, and Joey Mercury charges at Ken Kennedy, but it's countered with a back body drop over the top that sends them him falling to the arena floor. John Morrison then turns his attention back to Tyson Tomko who is in the corner away from him at this time trying to get some rest in.]

JR-John Morrison needs to be careful here, he is right now alone with Kennedy and Tomko. Both are not above using a situation to their own advantage.

King-Hey, what have I said all these years…if you can't cheat, then what's the point?

Kris Gaffney-Good point.

[John Morrison charges into the corner, but Tyson Tomko grabs him by the pants, and sends John Morrison into the turnbuckle. This stuns John Morrison in the corner, and Tyson Tomko tags in Ken Kennedy who charges in the corner trapping Morrison with a few fists to the face. Then a few stomps into the gut to wear him down into the sitting position, the ref warns him. Kennedy puts his hands up as if he's innocent. Then runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Then hits a foot to the face of Morrison while he's in the corner, while this is happening Joey Mercury yanks Tyson Tomko off of the apron, and Tomko falls on his face. He's stunned, as Mercury fires off a few fists to the face. Kennedy looks like he's not sure if he should just continue going after Morrison or help his partner, but Tomko starts to fight back. So he goes over to where John Morrison is, and picks him up in the corner. Ken Kennedy whips John Morrison into the other side of the ring, Ken Kennedy runs to the corner. But John Morrison is able to hit a side kick that lands on Ken Kennedy's face. John Morrison turns away from ken Kennedy who is stunned, and spring boards off of the second rope, and leg scissors into a victory rol. But Kennedy is able to lock Morrison into his own victory roll 1…… on the ref's blindside, Kennedy grabs the tights…..2……….Morrison powers through the roll, and counts the victory roll on to Kennedy and gets the 1………….2…Morrison grabs the ropes as Kennedy struggles out of sight of the ref………..3!]

King-Wait! He cheated!

JR-Kennedy tried to take a short cut, and looks like Morrison can do that as well.

("Revolution" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin and Chris Masters walk to the ring.)

JR-Dan Godwin and Chris Masters are the main stays in this new Revolution.

King-Good thing too, maybe I'll get a chance to party with them!

Kris Gaffney-Doubt it…

King-Well…the wWo let me…

("Stranglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring. "Enemy" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring as well.)

JR-These two are just coming out of their feud over the IC title.

King-Yeah, maybe they can be a great tag team.

Kris Gaffney-Like Road Dogg and X-Pac?

King-Yeah a lot like them.

Kris Gaffney-I'm going to guess you are going to be challenged to a duel soon by Pond

[Chris Masters and Troy Gafgen are the first to start in this match, they walk out from their corner, and to the middle of the ring. They have a stare down for a few moments, Troy Gafgen tries to hit a punch out of no where. But Chris Masters ducks under, and then Troy Gafgen turns around Chris Masters kicks Troy Gagen turns around. This doubles over Troy Gafgen, Chris Masters grabs his head in a head lock, and takes down Troy Gafgen with a head lock take down. Chris Masters holds the hold on the mat, and Troy Gafgen looks for a way out of the hold. So he gets up to his feet, but Chris Masters holds on to it. Putting even more pressure on it, and then Troy Gafgen backs up Masters to the ropes. He then whips Chris Masters to the ropes, Troy Gafgen bounces off of the ropes. Chris Masters hits a hard shoulder block, but it doesn't do much Troy Gafgen throws a wild punch. But it's ducked under, and Chris Masters hits a kick to the gut, and sets up Troy Gafgen, and hits a snap suplex. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1………2………..kick out by Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen gets hit with a few stomps by Chris Masters. Chris Masters backs up as Troy tries to get up to his feet, and hits a few fists to the face, and tries to whip Troy Gafgen off of the ropes. But it's reversed. Chris Masters bounces off of the ropes. Chris Masters leaps in the rope, and leaps in the air for a shoulder block that lands on Troy Gafgen. This stumbles back, and Troy Gafgen bounces off of the ropes dazed. Troy Gafgen stumbles right into Chris Masters who hits a belly to belly suplex into the cover, and gets the 1……….2……….kick out by Troy Gafgen. Chris Masters pulls up Troy Gagen, and twists his arm. Then brings him over into his corner, and tags in Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin goes to the top rope, and leaps off of the top and comes down Troy's arm with a double axe handle. Troy Gafgen stumbles around in pain. Dan Godwin measures up and hits a few kicks into the leg. He stumbles back, and Dan Godwin hits a knee clip into the back of the leg. Troy Gafgen goes down to the mat.]

JR- It looks like Dan Godwin is going to work on the leg of Troy Gafgen.

King-Geez…you think Troy being so big would realize what part of the body people are going to work on.

Kris Gaffney-That does enforce stereotypes, doesn't it?

[Troy Gafgen slowly crawls into the corner, and gets up to his feet. Dan Godwin starts a 10 punch combo 1……………..2……………3……………4…………..5……….Troy Gafgen pushes Dan Godwin off of the corner, Dan Godwin falls on his back and does a reverse summersault. Then gets up to his feet, and charges at Troy Gafgen, but it's blocked by Troy Gafgen who hits a reversed eblow to the face. Dan Godwin falls to the mat, and gets up to his feet. He turns around into the waiting arms of Troy Gafgen who grabs him by the throat, and throws him into the corner. Troy Gafgen hits a few body punches, and whips him to the other side of the ring. Dan Godwin crashes into the corner, and stumbles out of the corner. Dan Godwin gets picked up by Troy Gafgen and then dropped into a sidewalk slam, and Troy Gafgen gets a 1……………….2……….kick out by Dan Godwin. Troy Gafgen is near his corner, and he goes into the corner, and tags in Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle after he's gotten into the ring. Dan Godwin is getting up by the time this happens and doesn't noticed that Dewey Pond is in the ring. Dan Godwin turns towards Pond who hits a flying clothesline from the second rope. Dan Godwin gets up, and then gets knocked down with a fist to the face. Dan Godwin gets up slowly, and Dewey Pond whips Dan Godwin off of the ropes. Chris Masters does a blindside tag to himself. Dan Godwin comes back off the ropes as Dewey Pond lowers his head. But is able to counter a back body drop by going for a sunset flip. But before he can do anything, Dewey catches the sight of Chris Masters coming into the ring. So Dewey Pond falls back, and roll through the pin. Masters looks angry that Pond didn't do what he was expecting. Pond taunts Masters, he charges at Masters and then Dewey Pond is able to counter with a hot shot to the top rope. His head snaps off of the top rope. Dewey Pond measures up as Masters turns towards Pond. Dewey Pond kicks him in the gut, and hits a DDT on Chris Masters. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1………….2…………Dan Godwin breaks up the pin.]

King-For some reason…if Godwin didn't help out, I'm sure Masters would never live down a Dewey Pond loss.

Kris Gaffney-That's right…so much he would say he didn't accomplish ANYTHING.

JR-Not sure why it would be that big of a deal…

King-It just is for him.

[Before Dan Godwin can do anymore, Troy Gafgen comes into the ring and then goes for a big boot to the face. But it's ducked under by Dan Godwin, Dan Godwin hits a clothesline out of the ring. Dan Godwin goes back into the corner as Masters wants a tag. Masters tag in Dan Godwin, Masters roll out of the ring to neutralize Troy Gafgen. Dan Godwin goes over to where Dewey Pond. But Dewey Pond surprises Dan Godwin with a jaw breaker. Dan Godwin stumbles back in pain, suddenly the ref jumps out of the ring. He runs up the isle as Chris Masters and Troy Gafgen are fighting in the isle way. While in the ring behind the ref's back. Dan Godwin has regained the advantage. Turns around, and ducks as he see's Ricky Ramon with the tag team title coming at him. Dan Godwin ducks, and Dewey Pond gets hit with it instead. Dan Godwin hits a drop kick to the back of Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon falls out of the ring. Dan Godwin goes into the cover, and the ref runs into the ring, and gets a 1...............2............3!]

JR-What was Ricky Ramon doing?

King-Clearly someone stole his tooth picks.

Kris Gaffney-Wrong Ramon...

(Dan Godwin is on the mat, as he has the tag belt dropped down on the mat. He looks confused as we fade away.)