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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Saturday Shockwave video plays as it ends, we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics go off on the stage. As they end the lights go up, and shows that fans are standing up, waving their signs. Some say "Kounting down from happy to pissed", "watch Hanley win!", and "Heyman never brings good news".)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have lined up for you tonight.

King-Headlined by two Hall of Famers fighting for the right to face CM Punk as the official #1 contender

Kris Gaffney-Also, the TV title match as Gambler takes on Dan Godwin who finally used that TV title shot he had.

("Chad Vargas' theme" blasts on the PA system as Chad Vargas walks to the ring, he steps inside of the ring.)

JR- A few weeks ago Virus was able to put the first lost on Chad Vargas record, but not with a lot of help. You have to wonder who would have really won that match had CJ Lethal didn't stick his nose into it, and Chad Vargas since that time looks like he wants to find that out.

King-But first off, he wants to prove that he's still dominate here against Kavaros.

("Kavaros' theme" blasts on the PA system as Kavaros walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring waiting for the bell.)

Kris Gaffney-Well, if CJ Lethal's match was for revenge. Facing a recent television champion here is a good first step to getting on track.

King-Maybe the Bucks should face Kavaros.

Kris Gaffney-hhhhmmmm…that's not a bad idea…

JR-Are you just playing dumb, or were you just born that way?

Kris Gaffney-Playing….if you want dumb, talk to Shane…

King-Good thing the other IBA GM's don't watch this show…

[Chad Vargas and Kavaros stand in the middle of the ring staring down, and Kavaros takes the first swing at Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas ducks under, and runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Then Kavaros turns around right into a flying shoulder block that knocks down Kavaros down to the mat. Kavaros gets up, and Kavaros stumbles towards Chad Vargas, Chad Vargas hits a body slam, and Chad Vargas runs to the ropes. Then comes off of the ropes, and Chad Vargas hits a boot to the face as Kavaros is in the sitting position. Kavaros rolls away with the impact, and goes over to the ropes. Then uses them to get up. Kavaros starts to be choked Chad Vargas into the ropes, and the ref counts to 4. Finally Chad Vargas lets go of the choke, and puts his hands up to prove it. Kavaros gets up Chad Vargas hits a few fists to the face, and tries to whip Kavaros to the ropes. But it's reversed, and Chad Vargas bounces off of the ropes. Kavaros lowers his head, but Chad Vargas is able to leap frog over it. Chad Vargas bounces off of the opposite side of the ropes, and Kavaros goes for a clothesline that misses. Once that happens, Kavaros goes off running as he knows that if he turns around it will give Chad Vargas the advantage. He comes off of the ropes, and Chad Vargas is able to counter this with a belly to belly over head throw. Kavaros stumbles up dazed, and Chad Vargas is able to hit a running clothesline that knocks down Chad Vargas. Kavaros slowly gets up to his feet, and Chad Vargas kicks him in the gut, and sets him up. Chad Vargas lifts him up, and gets him up for what seems to be a crufix power bomb. He throws him, and hits a sit down crufix power bomb, and Chad Vargas goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2…………kick out by Kavaros. Chad Vargas gets in the ref's face as he thought that he should have had the three count. Kavaros with this time stumbles into the corner, and Chad Vargas is able to focus. Chad Vargas follows him into the corner, and hits a few fists to the face of the cornered Kavaros. Chad Vargas backs off as the ref asks it, and follows up with a few knife edge chops to the chest.]

JR-Chad Vargas thought he had the match there, but it wasn't to be.

King-I'm surprised he didn't say his name three times.

Kris Gaffney-JR is a snake lover.

King-So he's like the reverse Indiana Jones….

[Chad Vargas whips Kavaros to the other side of the ring, and follows him into the ring, but Kavaros uses the corner of the ring to try to go over Chad Vargas. But Chad Vargas stops, and throws him to the apron. Kavaros falls on the apron on his feet, Chad Vargas goes for a fist. But it's blocked, and Kavaros is able to hit a hang man that snaps Chad Vargas' neck across the top rope. Kavaros is able to climb up to the top rope. Measure up Chad Vargas, leaps off of the top rope. Then hits a flying back elbow that connects with Chad Vargas and puts him down on the mat. Kavaros is down on the mat, and takes a few moments to rest. Both Chad Vargas, and Kavaros get up at the same time. But Kavaros is able to act much more quicker than Chad Vargas. Kavaros hits a double leg take down of Chad Vargas. He sets up Kavaros, and hits a catapault that sends Chad Vargas' head crashing into the to turnbuckle. Chad Vargas stumbles around dazed, and right into where Kavaros is waiting on Chad Vargas. Kavaros picks up Chad Vargas and lifts up Chad Vargas into a belly to back suplex into a back breaker on Chad Vargas. Kavaros goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2……………kick out by Chad Vargas. Kavaros picks up Chad Vargas, and hits a few fists to the face of Chad Vargas who reels to the ropes. Kavaros whips Chad Vargas off of the ropes. Kavaros lowers his head, and hits a big back body drop. Chad Vargas bounces off of the canvus, and Kavaros whips Chad Vargas off of the ropes, but it's reversed. Kavaros bounces off of the ropes, and Chad Vargas tries to go for a hip toss, but Kavaros is able to counter the move into a DDT that drives Chad's head into the mat. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1………..2……….kick out by Chad Vargas.]

JR-Seems that Kavaros might be setting up for his finisher.

King-Don't think that Chad is going to go down that easy.

[Chad Vargas slowly makes it to his feet as Kavaros stalks him. Kavaros goes for the burn and bleed. But Chad Vargas pushes Kavaros off, Kavaros and the ref hits heads. The ref goes down in pain, and Kavaros is really dazed. Chad Vargas uses this chance to set up. And hits the stroke, seeing how the ref is down. Another ref comes running down, and Chad Vargas goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………2………..3.]

JR-The ref was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it cost Kavaros there. But Chad didn't seem to mean to do that…

King-So it's all good?

Kris Gaffney-Guess so…

("No More Sorrow's" blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-The former world champion, Josh Hanley has made a come back with a few wins.

King-Yeah…we watched him win… a lot!

Kris Gaffney-Think it'll happen again?

King-Whatever happens, hopefully he keeps it up.

("Ricky Ramon's theme' blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon walks on to the stage, and down to the ring.)

JR-What a statement this new comer made in his debut here in the EMF.

King-Yeah, you probably can still see the statement he made….on Jeff Hardy's face.

Kris Gaffney-Ouch…

[Ricky Ramon and Josh Hanley lock up, and Josh Hanley goes behind Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon gets hits a few clubbing blows to the back by Josh Hanley seemly stunning Ricky Ramon, and Josh Hanley pushes Ricky Ramon to the ropes, and tries to roll him up. But Ricky Ramon is able to hook on the top rope, and Josh Hanley does a reverse summersault back into the middle of the ring. Josh Hanley gets back up, and Ricky Ramon goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under and Ricky Ramon goes off of the ropes, and comes off. But Josh Hanley is able to counter with a one man flap jack that sends Ricky Ramon to the mat, and Ricky Ramon is down to the mat, and gets up stunned. Josh Hanley kicks Ricky Ramon to the gut, and sets him up, and hits a suplex on Ricky Ramon. Josh Hanley goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………..2………….kick out by Ricky Ramon, Josh Hanley hits a few stomps on the downed Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet, and Josh Hanley tries to whip Ricky Ramon to the ropes, but it's reversed sending Josh Hanley to the ropes instead. Josh Hanley bounces off of the ropes, and then Josh Hanley leaps in the air. He hits a flying forearm shot to the face, Ricky Ramon goes down to the mat. Ricky Ramon stumbles up to his feet, Josh Hanley hits an inverted atomic drop. That stumbles Ricky Ramon backwards, and Josh Hanley hits a kick in the gut, and then sets up Ricky Roman, and goes for a fisherman's suplex, and hits it. The suplex has a bridge, and is able to get a 1…………….2………….kick out by Ricky Ramon, Josh Hanley asks for a better count, and then picks up Ricky Ramon. Then hits a back breaker on Ricky Ramon.]

JR-Seems the former world champion is taking it to the new comer.

King-Seems this might more of a challenge than Jeff Hardy.

Kris Gaffney-Hopefully Ramon made sure the person he made his first statement was Jeff Hardy, and not his jobber equalent …Jeff Harvey.

[Josh Hanley decides that he wants to go to the outside, and climb up to the top to the top rope. Josh Hanley measures up, but as he steady's himself. Ricky Ramon gets up, and dives on the top rope. Josh Hanley is in a lot of pain, and Ricky Ramon shakes off some of the moves that he has taken, and then goes over where Josh Hanley is. Ricky Ramon hits a few fists to the face, and Josh Hanley reels on the turnbuckle. Ricky Ramon climbs up to the top rope, and hooks Josh Hanley up, then nails a super plex off of the top rope. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and Ricky Ramon slowly turns over for the cover, and gets the 1……………2………….kick out by Josh Hanley. Ricky Ramon and Josh Hanley are down on the mat, but Ricky Ramon is able to crawl towards the ropes and pull himself up before the standing 10 count get's too close to 10. Ricky Ramon is up fully using the ropes, but it looks like that he is really stunned still, but Josh Hanley is able to get up to his feet before Ricky Ramon can seemly get up before he's stunned. Josh Hanley charges at Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon is able to counter this with a back body drop over the top rope. But Josh Hanley is able to counter this by landing on his feet. Ricky Ramon turns around, and gets hit with a shoulder to the gut. Ricky Ramon stumbles back. Josh Hanley uses the ropes to sling shots himself up to the top rope for some sort of move. What we will never know as Ricky Ramon counters into an ace cutter. Ricky Ramon goes into the cover, and gets a 1………….2…………kick out by Josh Hanley. Ricky Ramon takes a few moments to rest as Josh Hanley crawls into the corner in a sitting position. Ricky Ramon see's this as a perfect chance to run at him, and hits a kick to the face. Ricky Ramon pulls up Josh Hanley who is very dazed, and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Josh Hanley. Ricky Ramon whips Josh Hanley to the other side of the ring. Josh Hanley bounces off of the turnbuckle, and Ricky Ramon hits a over head belly to belly suplex. Ricky Ramon measures Josh Hanley up as he gets up to his feet. Josh Hanley gets kicked in the gut, and Ricky Ramon kicks Josh Hanley in the gut, and then hits a vertical suplex into a sit down face buster. Ricky Ramon goes into the corner, and measures up Josh Hanley for his trademark move 25 to life.]

JR-Ricky Ramon is setting up for his version of a spear.

King-His version is a choke hold!

Kris Gaffney-Huh?

King-Oh sorry….had Tazz flashbacks.

[Ricky Ramon goes for his trademark move, but Josh Hanley moves out of the way and pushes him into the corner and Ricky Ramon crashes into the corner. Ricky Ramon stumbles up, and Josh Hanley picks up Ricky Ramon for the widow maker. Ricky Ramon slides out. He pushes Josh Hanley to the ropes. He hits the ropes face first, and bounces back and Ricky Ramon does a reverse hurricarana pin 1…………….seeing how Ramon's body is blocking the ref's view, Ramon grabs the bottom rope to get the…………2……………3!]

JR-Well that's a cheap way to win.

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to th erring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Here is another person who has been put off track since a loss in Dan Godwin.

King-He could have just blamed being distracted by Ashley…

Kris Gaffney-Na….now he had a reason to allow Double A into Revolution

King-Good point…

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-The Gambler has been impressive as of late.

King-But he hasn't won his last two matches.

Kris Gaffney-He hasn't lost them either…

JR-And in both of those two matches, he was impressive, could say people were in the right place at the right before he was, but that's not down to Gambler.

[Dan Godwin and the Gambler pace around the ring, and lock up. The Gambler pushes Dan Godwin down to the mat, and Dan Godwin looks up at the more powerful Gambler. Dan Godwin rolls out of the ring to think of how else to go about this match, but being a bit too quick to try to press the advantage. The Gambler slides out of the ring, and tries to come behind Dan Godwin and smash his head against the steel steps, but it's blocked and Dan Godwin measures the Gambler, who stumbles a bit and hits a few fists to the face. Dan Godwin throws the Gambler into the ring post, and once again The Gambler stumbles forward, and on to his knee's for a moments. Dan Godwin grabs the Gambler, and throws him into the ring. Dan Godwin goes into the ring rolling into the ring. The Gambler goes over to where Dan Godwin is, who hits a shoulder into the gut doubling over the Gambler. Dan Godwin sling shots himself over the top rope, and comes down with a leg drop across the back of the head of Gambler. Dan Godwin goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2…………kick out by the Gambler. Dan Godwin puts on a chin lock after pulling the Gambler up to a sitting position. The ref asks if The Gambler wants to give it up, and the Gambler refuses as this isn't really a submission, but it can wear him down enough. The Gambler gets up to his feet, and looks for a way out of the hold. The Gambler whips Dan Godwin off of the ropes, and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. Then comes off of the ropes, Dan Godwin looks like he's going for a shoulder block, but Gambler is so big that Dan Godwin goes down to the mat, and Dan Godwin stumbles up dazed. The Gambler picks him up on his shoulder and looks like he's heading towards the turnbuckle. But just before he can do some sort of move, Dan Godwin slides out of the back, and pushes the Gambler into the corner. He crashes into the corner, and the Gambler turns around and Dan Godwin hits a few kicks into the gut. Then measures up, and hits a knife edge chop to the chest, and measures up and hits another knife edge chop. Dan Godwin whips the Gambler into the other side of the ring, and he crashes into the corner.]

JR-Dan Godwin is taking it to the TV champion here.

King-Must have something to do with Frank the camera man.

Kris Gaffney-Really?

King-No…I just wanted him to feel important…

[Dan Godwin runs, and goes for a big splash but the Gambler moves out of the way. Luckily for Dan Godwin, he saw it coming, and was able to land on the second turnbuckle. Dan Godwin measures up as the Gambler stumbles in the middle of the ring as Dan Godwin from that position goes for a cross body block, but it's ducked under by the Gambler. The Gambler crashes down on the mat, and slowly gets up to his feet and the Gambler is able to pcik up Dan Godwin, and hits a standing spinning sit slam. Dan Godwin is down on the mat, and then the Gambler falls to the ropes, and Dan Godwin is slow to recover. Which allows the Gambler the time that he needs to recover from the move. Then Dan Godwin gets up, and the Gambler gets hit with a running forearm shot to the face. Dan Godwin goes down to the mat, and gets up to his feet, and the Gambler hits a few fists to the face of Dan Godwin. The Gambler whips Dan Godwin to the ropes, and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes, and the Gambler goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Dan Godwin, Dan Godwin goes to the other side of the ring. Then the Gambler is able to turn around just in time to throw Dan Godwin in the air, and make crash down to the mat. Dan Godwin stumbles up to this feet, and Dan Godwin gets grabbed by his throat. Then thrown right into the corner, and Dan Godwin crashes into the corner. The Gambler goes over to the corner, and throws a few hard fists to the face of Dan Godwin. The Gambler backs up, and runs in and hits a body avalanche that crushes Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin stumbles out of the corner, and Dan Godwin gets picked up on the shoulder of the Gambler. The Gambler backs up in the corner, and runs out and hits a running powerslam and goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2………..kick out by the Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin goes over the ropes, using the second rope to try to hold himself up. The Gambler goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and tries to come across the back of Dan Godwin. But Dan Godwin moves out of the way, and the Gambler ends up strattling the middle rope.]

JR-Gambler made a big mistake there.

Kris Gaffney-So did your Mom…but you don't see us complaining, no we have to live with her mistake every Saturday…


[The Gambler falls off of the top rope, and into the ring. Dan Godwin pulls up Gambler, and whips him to the ropes. Gambler bounces off of the ropes, the Gambler hooks the ropes before Dan Godwin can do anything. Dan Godwin charges at the Gambler. But Gambler counters with a back elbow that turns around Dan Godwin. The Gambler pushes Dan Godwin to the ropes and rolls up Dan Godwin 1………….2……….Dan Godwin kicks out. The lights go out.

JR-What's going on.

(Suddenly the EMF tron lights up with this video that was seen a few weeks ago as well.)

[The Gambler is staring at the EMF tron as the lights turn on. He can't react in time as Dan Godwin pushes him to the ropes, and rolls him, and bridges into a pinning combination as the Gambler starts to struggle as the ref counts 1…………2………….3!]

JR-That "mysterious" video has been seen again.

King-Geez…wonder who that video was about…

(In the ring, suddenly from out under the ring someone slides. But his face is turned away from the camera, and slides into the ring that way as Gambler is getting up and spears him down to the mat. The camera finally gets a close up view of his face, and it's Marquise. Marquise looks at the downed Gambler as the crowd is shocked as he hits a few stomps, and says a few things to Gambler. He leaves the ring, and goes up the ramp as we go to commercial.)

("Jarred's theme" blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Jarred had a set back at Hell on Earth, but it seemed that when Amy Jericho made Money in the Bank this year. She left open a follow up match for a number one contender match, that it seems that the CEO picked up on, so because of that Jarred has new life (note: no one claimed responsibility, if this is a problem, I'll resend this comment. But just giving Amy a final credit for something…plus I gave Heyman credit also. Basically Amy left it open, Heyman did all the rest of the work, since Amy couldn't.)

King-Giving Amy credit…that's not going to go over well with the new ownership…

Kris Gaffney-Not at all…

King-How does he get away with this?

Kris Gaffney-Because no one cares about him…unless their paranoid.

("Firebreather" blasts on the PA system as Scott Tazte walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

King-Seems like he doesn't know where Petey Williams is..

Kris Gaffney-Neither does many other people.

JR-Scott Tazte also almost had the Money in the Bank won, but did a bit too much celebrating before the match was won.

King-Posing before the Kountdown is much more important!

[Jarred Carthallion and Scott Tazte face off in the middle of the ring, they seem to be talking a lot of trash. Then they start throwing fists at each other, Scott Tazte seemly is losing the battle. Scott Tazte stumbles back with every punch, until he reaches up and hits a rake of the eye. Scott Tazte charges at Jarred Carthallion, but Jarred throws a blind clothesline that's easily ducked under, and Jarred Carthallion goes to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes, and Jarred Carthallion gets hit with a running clothesline that knocks down Jarred Carthallion. Scott Tazte picks up Jarred Carthallion, and Scott Tazte turns around right into a super kick by Jarred Carthallion. Jarred Carthallion goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………..kick out by Scott Tazte. Jarred Carthallion gets up and hits a few stomps on the downed Scott Tazte, Scott Tazte gets up to his feet. Jarred Carthallion drives him into the corner with his shoulder, and Jarred Carthallion hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut, and the ref warns Jarred to let Tazte out of the corner. Jarred Carthallion instead of going back on the attack just decides to get Scott Tazte out of the corner. Jarred Carthallion whips Scott Tazte to the ropes. Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes. Then Jarred Carthallion goes for a standing clothesline, but it's ducked under by Scott Tazte. Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes, then leaps in the air, and goes for a flying cross body block. But it's cauht by Jarred Carthallion who hits a rib breaker on Scott Tazte. Jarred Carthallion goes into the cover, and gets a 1………….2………….kick out by Scott Tazte. Scott Tazte gets pulled up, and Jarred Carthallion sets up Scott Tazte in a vertical suplex position, and hits a snap suplex on Scott Tazte. Jarred Carthallion runs to the ropes, and hits a running elbow drop. Scott Tazte rolls out of the ring, and out on to the floor using the apron to hold himself up. Jarred Carthallion runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Then hits a baseball slide on Scott Tazte that sends him down to the mat. The ref starts his 10 count, but Jarred stops it, and follows Scott Tazte outside.]

JR-This is tactically dangerous…

King-Since when did you become the Terminator?

*JR turns into liquid metal, and slides away*

Kris Gaffney-…..that's interesting…

King-I'm not even going to get into that.

[Jarred Carthallion is on the outside with Scott Tazte, and then grabs him by the hair, and tries to whip him to the steps. But it's reversed, and Jarred Carthallion goes shoulder first into the steps. The steel steps top moves from it's based from the impact that Jarred Carthallion hits it with. Scott Tazte takes sometime, and then Jarred Carthallion gets up, and charges at Scott Tazte. Scott Tazte is able to counter this with a back body drop on Jarred Carthallion. Jarred Carthallion flies through the air, and crashes into the mat around ring slide with an unnatural splat. Scott Tazte pulls Jarred Carthallion up to his feet, and rolls him into the ring. Scott Tazte jumps on the apron, and climbs up to the top rope. He waits for Jarred Carthallion to get up, and comes off the top rope as he turns towards him with a double axe handle that takes down Jarred Carthallion. Scott Tazte is un-able to much with this move, as he's taken a lot of moves. So he stays down on the mat, and recovers a bit as he uses the ropes. Jarred Carthallion is able to get fully on his feet. Jarred see's that Tazte is near the ropes, and charges at him. Scott Tazte is able to counter this with a drop toe hold that sends Jarred Carthallion's throat into the second rope. Jarred Carthallion bounces up, holding his throat. Scott Tazte measures up, kicks him in the gut, sets him up, and lifts him. Scott Tazte then hits a fisherman buster on Jarred Carthallion, and goes into the cover. Scott Tazte gets a 1………………2…………..KICK OUT by Jarred Carthallion. Scott Tazte takes a few moments to rest, and gets up to his feet, pulling up Jarred Carthallion to his feet, and whips him to the ropes, but it's reversed. Scott Tazte comes flying off of the ropes with a flying clothesline. Scott Tazte hits a kick in the gut, and hits a DDT on him. Scott Tazte goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2……………..KICK OUT by Scott Tazte, once again Scott Tazte looks up not believing that Jarred won't stay down. It looks like he might start to pull his hair out of his head.]

JR-Tazte thought he had the three count.

King-I think he just went from normal to crazy in half a second.

Kris Gaffney-No Kountdown needed…

[Scott Tazte rolls out of the ring, and grabs a chair. He rolls into the ring, and holds the chair over his head as Jarred Carthallion is in the corner. The ref grabs the chair from behind, then Scott Tazte and the ref struggle for it. Being more powerful, Jarred is able to yank the chair away from the ref, turns around right into a super kick by Jarred that sends the chair right into his face. Jarred uses this chance to hit a soul reaver, and covers him for the 1………..2……….3.]

(Note: Another close match by these two as they were in MITB. But it was agreed within the remaining staff that Jarred's RP all together was enough to edge out Tazte. However…at the end Tazte makes a serious run at Jarred, so yeah. Close match, and I tried to make the ending reflect that (that and a heels way's sometimes back fire.)

JR-Don't think it's quite over just yet….

King-What else does he want, he got his revenge and his title shot…

As we go into the ring, Jarred Carthallion holds the chair ready to smash Tazte once again, but before he does a voice is heard.)

Unknown person-Hold it right there……

(the camera focuses on the man as he walks down the isle.)

Unknown man-I wouldn't do that if I were you…

(He jumps on the apron)

Unknown person-If you even think about it trying to hit my client, there will be legal action!

(Jarred gives a "WTF" look with this Scott Tazte is able to roll out of the ring. Jarred seems to not be happy about this man. Who he doesn't have even have time to think about taking a swing at as he jumps down off the apron, and we fade away with that.)

Note: Eeerrr, this part can be changed up by Tazte's RPer. I was just told what the basics were.