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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rip Extreme!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Rip Extreme comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Brick Lesnar walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Brick Lesnar gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Rip Extreme. Brick Lesnar checks his boots. (ring, ring, ring) Rip Extreme hits Brick Lesnar with an earringer. Rip Extreme gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Brick Lesnar. Rip Extreme is back on his feet. Rip Extreme knifehand chops Brick Lesnar. Rip Extreme short lariats Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar dropkicks Rip Extreme. Rip Extreme gets back to his feet. ]


[Brick Lesnar tackles Rip Extreme. Rip Extreme is back on his feet. Rip Extreme executes the jumping sidekick on Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar rakes the face of Rip Extreme in attempt to make a come back. Rip Extreme gouges Brick Lesnar's eyes out. Rip Extreme double underhook faceslams Brick Lesnar hard to the Brick Lesnar. Rip Extreme stomps Brick Lesnar's head. ]

The King - Brick Lesnar takes a stomp.

[Brick Lesnar gets back to his feet. Brick Lesnar hits a running sommersault legdrop on Rip Extreme. Rip Extreme is up again. Rip Extreme gets knock to the ground while Brick Lesnar locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Rip Extreme is fighting the hold. ... Rip Extreme is fighting the hold. ... Rip Extreme escapes. Brick Lesnar with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Rip Extreme. Brick Lesnar climbs to his feet. Brick Lesnar goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Rip Extreme. Brick Lesnar measures Rip Extreme up and drops a closed fist. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Now Rip Extreme standing. Rip Extreme lifts up Brick Lesnar and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb. ]

JR - Nice gut-wrench powerbomb by Rip Extreme.

[Brick Lesnar gets back to his feet. Rip Extreme puts Brick Lesnar in the hangman submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... Rip Extreme tightens the hold. Brick Lesnar escapes. Brick Lesnar hits Rip Extreme with an inverted atomic drop. Rip Extreme is up again. Brick Lesnar drags Rip Extreme to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Brick Lesnar throws a chair at Rip Extreme. Brick Lesnar goes up to the top and comes down on Rip Extreme with an asai leg lariat. Rip Extreme is up again. Brick Lesnar executes a jawbreakeron Rip Extreme. Brick Lesnar climbs to his feet. They head back into the ring. Rip Extreme punches Brick Lesnar repeatedly. Rip Extreme executes a spinning DDT, planting Brick Lesnar's head in the mat. Rip Extreme chants start. Rip Extreme stands up. Rip Extreme thrust kicks Brick Lesnar in the head. Brick Lesnar falls back to the ropes, hits the ropes, and stumbles back. Rip Extreme kicks Brick in the gut, sets him up, lifts him and drives him down for the Brain Crusher!! Rip Extreme goes into the cover on Brick Lesnar. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Rip Extreme!!!

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, we bypass the usual Shockwave video and go into the darken arena. Suddenly the EMF tron lights up, and "Crush'em" plays on the PA system. Slowly the man known as X-Cold in nice clothes. He walks out to the ramp. He gets a very loud response, he grins as he looks over the crowd, and continues to the ring. He steps inside of the ring, goes over to the turnbuckle, he climbs up, and gives the crowd his "x" hand sign. He steps down, and goes over to the ropes. He gets handed a microphone, he paces around the ring, he has a noticeable limp in his step when he's going faster than a slow walk. As he does this, his theme fades off as the crowd is chanting "X-Cold! X-Cold! X-Cold!" X-Cold stops, he looks down to the mat, shakes his head with a grin.)

.::X-Cold::.-Judging by the response, this might not be needed. But just for the record, there are a lot of great wrestlers that have come and gone here in the EMF. I am the one who's name echo's through the ages here in the Extreme Measures Federation. I am X-Cold, now...there has been many things to describe me. However, I think I'll just use one. The EMF's true....and only MVP. That's right, because I know there are people who have tried to lay claim to that title. But let me get this straight, I never self proclaimed that title, nor did I take it from a enemy who used it as a mock towards me. Only years later to use it as if he was actually serious. No, no, no....I was given that title because my peers gave it to me. I am the first, the last, and only MVP of this federation. But enough about me, I know that you people want answers about exactly why I decided to show up at Return of an Era. But first, I want to tell you all a story. 10 years ago…there was a little federation. Built on the idea of taking it one step further than any federation would, and everyone in those early days of the little federation took that to heart. So much so, it would scar them for life. Some never have been the same since, But they were happy to do it, why…it wasn't because they needed the glory, it wasn't just a pay check. It was because it was a FUCKING LIFESTYLE! We lived it every day, and as you probably guessed by now this little federation was known as the Extreme Measures Federation. I was no exception to what people were like back in those days. I can't think of one EMF show that I happened to miss. When I was in this ring, there was nothing that I was not willing to do. There was no level that I thought of as too high. When people deemed something impossible....I went out, and did it. But just like everything, there is always a price. My price was the toll that it took on my body. Soon, I found out that my body was physicaly breaking down. I could no longer be X-Cold, so I chose First Blood 2000 to be what was suppose to be my final match. I wanted that one match to sum up everything that I was about. As it turned out, it was that and more in my opinion. I'm yet to find anyone who has seriously told me any different. You'd think that for someone who could still go like that, that they might come back at some point…well that was the plan….but then this happened.

(The EMF tron lights up with this piece of footage.)

[You then hear a engine start up as the lights from the car shine through the dim parking lot as they flash on Stephanie. X-Cold then with all of his strength looks out of the truck and sees Stephanie as he yells.]


[X-Cold then cralws out of the truck as he runs limping very badly as he pushes Stephanie out of the way at the right second as a black hummer comes flying in nailing X-Cold as he flips off the hummer to the concrete below.]

Ross: DEAR GOD! That Hummer just ran X-Cold over dammit!!

King: And it came inches away from hitting Stephanie if it wasn't for X-Cold!!

Ross: What the hell is going on, Dammit! Did you see who was in that Hummer, King?!

(We go into the ring, and the camera zooms into X-Cold. Who stares at the EMF tron for a while, not saying anything. Until he slowly brings up the microphone to his mouth.)

.::X-Cold::.-It's a moment that has haunted me ever since, they said after that, that I had no chance of ever returning to the ring. I lived in denial for a long time, even did a match with the Rock in 2003. A match…might I add, won Match of the Year. But after that match, I knew I was done. I had nothing left, and I was happy with what I accomplished. I was happy to live with my wife, and raise my family. That was until recently, when I started to notice something. You see EMF.....while I've been gone for years, I've been watching, and what have I've seen. A plague, a plague of disrespect has over taken today's superstars. So much so, that I realized that I must act. Now, I might not be able to do it myself, and you all better thank GOD that I cannot do it myself. Instead, I have laid the foundation of a new Organization. With the man that wrestled me in my very first match here in the EMF, Scott Tazte, and a TAW legend in his own right in Firestorm by my side. We plan to show these snot nose punks a thing or two about respecting the people before you. But it just doesn't stop here, because I know there are legends near here who feel the same way we do. It necessarily doesn't have to be within the EMF, but everywhere you look...this same plague has spread. I ask join us, and together, we shut them up...once, and for all.

("Crush'em" blasts on the PA system as X-Cold throws the microphone to the ring crew. Then steps out of the ring, and walks up the ramp._

King-Well that didn't tell us much.

JR-I think he told us what he wanted us to know, and that's it.

King-Stupid X-Clod!

("SammyExtreme's theme" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-A few weeks ago SammyExtreme was upsetted by Cody Rhodes.

King-And he hasn't forgotten it.

Kris Gaffney-I guess not…

("Cody Rhodes generic theme" blasts on the PA system as Cody Rhodes comes out to the ring, and does his usual entrance.)

Kris Gaffney-What are you drawing King?

King-….just what Cody and Jackie's children would look like.

Kris Gaffney-Very boring and generic, that's for sure.


[Cody Rhodes comes into the middle of the ring looking cocky, and says a few things to the much more experienced SammyExtreme. Cody Rhodes starts to point his finger into the chest of Cody Rhodes, SammyExtreme then hits a hard fist to knock down Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes gets up to his feet, and SammyExtreme takes him down with a double leg take down, and hits a few fists to the face. SammyExtreme hits a few fists to the face of Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes reaches up, and is able to rake the eyes of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme rolls off, Cody Rhodes gets up to his feet, and Cody Rhodes charges at SammyExtreme as he gets up to his feet. SammyExtreme is able to side step Cody Rhodes, and Cody Rhodes runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes tries to go for a running bulldog, but SammyExtreme pushes Cody Rhodes off of the bulldog. Cody Rhodes goes flying, and he crashes into the mat, and slowly Cody Rhodes gets up to his feet. Cody Rhodes stumbles to his feet, and SammyExtreme kicks him in the gut, and this doubles him over. SammyExtreme double under hooks Cody Rhodes, lifts him up, and connects with a double under hook back breaker. Cody Rhodes face shows the pain that was just inflected as he starts to roll out of the ring, trying to get away from SammyExtreme. But SammyExtreme doesn't seem like he's willing to let Cody Rhodes get away, SammyExtreme slides out of the ring after Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes turns into a knee into the gut, and hits a snap suplex on the mat around ring side. Cody Rhodes looks in pain, and stays on the mat a little bit longer, this allows SammyExtreme time to grab a chair, Cody Rhodes slowly gets up by the ring post. SammyExtreme goes over to where Cody Rhodes is, and takes a swing at the head of Cody Rhodes. But just before SammyExtreme smashes the head of Cody Rhodes between the ring post, and the chair. Cody Rhodes is able to duck it, and follows it up with a legal (in this match at least) low blow. SammyExtreme falls to the mat in pain, dropping the steel chair.]

King-Looks like Sammy wanted to take Cody's head off.

JR-Well, it's gotten competitive here.

Kris Gaffney-And no flaming tables have been hurt…yet.

[SammyExtreme stumbles away in pain, Cody Rhodes takes this time to rest up. After sometime after this, SammyExtreme turns around, and gets a chair shot to the face of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme goes down to the mat, Cody Rhodes uses the ring post for support, and after a time. SammyExtreme tries to get up to his feet, Cody Rhodes grabs SammyExtreme, and throws him into the ring. Cody Rhodes climbs up to the apron, and up to the top rope. He waits for SammyExtreme to get up to his feet, SammyExtrme finally stumbles up to his feet. Cody Rhodes leaps off of the top rope, and hit a cross body block. But SammyExtreme is able to reverse it into a cover of his own, and gets a 1……………….2………………..kick out by Cody Rhodes. SammyExtreme gets up to his feet, goes over to where Cody Rhodes is getting up to his feet. SammyExtreme tries to pull himself up the rest of the way. But Cody Rhodes is able to hit a jaw breaker. SammyExtreme stumbles back to the ropes, and Cody Rhodes hits a few fists to the face of SammyExtreme. Cody Rhodes tries to whip SammyExtreme to the ropes, and does. SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes. Cody Rhodes goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme continues to the other side of the ring. SammyExtreme bounces off of the other side of the ropes, and Cody Rhodes hits a one man flap jack on SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme goes to the mat, and slowly gets up stunned. Cody Rhodes kicks him in the gut, and hits a DDT. Cody Rhodes goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………..2………………..KICK OUT by SammyExtreme.]

JR-SammyExtreme barely got his shoulder up.

King-You sure this isn't Jake "the Snake" and not Cody Rhodes?

Kris Gaffney-He must be from the past.

[Cody Rhodes waits as SammyExtreme stumbles up to his feet, and Cody Rhodes hooks him for the Cross Rhodes. SammyExtreme hits a few knee's into the gut to stumble Cody Rhodes. SammyExtreme charges at Cody Rhodes, Cody Rhodes goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. SammyExtreme continues to the ropes, and bounces off of the ropes. Then hits the GORE! He goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………….2…………………….3!]

JR-SammyExtreme caught Cody Rhodes out of no where.

King-That's not good

("Cowboy" blasts on the PA system as Chad Vargas walks to the ring, and steps inside of it.)

JR-Chad Vargas made an impact at Return of an Era.

King-Your not kidding…

Kris Gaffney-He made an impact on Legend's head.

("" blasts on the PA system as Ravage walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Here is another man who returned to the EMF after a while.

King-Boy…did that PPV live up to it's name or what?

Kris Gaffney-Yep!

[Chad Vargas and Ravage pace around the ring, and lock up. Ravage pushes Chad Vargas back, and before he goes into the corner. Chad Vargas is able to turns it around just before he goes into the corner, and he now has Ravage into the corner. Chad Vargas holds him in the corner. The ref goes over, asks for the clean break. Which Chad seemly gives, but just as it seems that he is giving him the clean break. Chad Vargas hits a fist to the face of Ravage. Chad Vargas follows this up with a few stomps into the gut of Ravage, and whips Ravage into the corner. Chad Vargas follows him in, as Ravage crashes into the corner, Ravage gets out of the corner, and Chad Vargas crashes into the corner. Ravage stumbles out of the corner, and runs to the ropes. Chad Vargas stumbles out of the corner hold his shoulder. Ravage bounces off of the ropes, but Chad Vargas is able to counter this with a standing drop kick that knocks down Ravage. Chad Vargas hits a few stomps on the downed Ravage. The ref backs up Chad Vargas after a while, Ravage goes to the ropes, and starts to pull himself up to his feet with the ropes. Chad Vargas times it, and runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Leaps in the air, and comes crashing down on the back of Ravage driving the middle rope into the throat of Ravage. Ravage goes up to this feet, and gets up to his feet stunned. Chad Vargas hits a arm breaker that brings down Ravage down to the mat. Chad Vargas hits a stomp or two on the shoulder of Ravage, Ravage rolls out of the ring, and stands up on the arena floor trying to get some rest from the moves he's taken so far. Chad Vargas hits a baseball slide that knocks down Ravage down to the mat. It also just so happened to go into the shoulder that Ravage has been favoring. Chad Vargas waits for Ravage to get up to his feet, Chad Vargas sling shots himself over the top rope, and hits a cross body block dive over the top rope on Ravage. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, but Chad Vargas is the first one to get up to his feet, pulling up Ravage up with him by the hair. Chad Vargas smashes Ravage's head on the steps.]

JR-Chad Vargas is taking it to Ravage thus far.

King-Well Chad has a lot to prove.

Kris Gaffney-Including things about cell phones.

[Ravage stumbles away from Chad Vargas, and Chad Vargas grabs Ravages arm, and pulls him towards the ring post, but he seems to be distracted by some fans at ring side. Chad Vargas is too busy mouthing off to them, allowing Ravage to think up a counter. Chad Vargas sets up Ravage up to pull Chad Vargas into the ring post, Chad Vargas face smacks into the ring post, and Chad Vargas goes down to the mat. Ravage takes a few moments to rest up, Chad Vargas slowly gets up to his feet stunned. Ravage throws Chad Vargas into the ring, and Ravage climbs up on the apron, and up to the top rope. He waits for Chad Vargas to get up to his feet, once he does. Ravage leaps off of the ropes, and hits a flying clothesline to Chad Vargas. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, Ravage gets the chance to rest up from the moves he's taken thus far in this match. Chad Vargas and Ravage get up at about the same time, and Chad Vargas throws the first punch, but it's blocked. Ravage counters with one of his own fist to the face, and can't really follow up with anything else. So he takes the time to rest up as Chad Vargas is able to throw a fist to the face of Ravage once again, that is once again that is blocked by Ravage, and returned with a fist to the face. Chad Vargas backs up, and Ravage tries to whip Chad Vargas to the ropes, and does. Chad Vargas bounces off of the ropes. Ravage goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under bye Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas goes the opposite side of the ring. As he comes off of the ropes, Chad Vargas comes at Ravage, and Ravage is able to counter with a one man flap jack that sends Chad Vargas down to the mat. Slowly Chad Vargas gets up to his feet. Stumbleing around, Chad Vargas goes right into the waiting Ravage. Who hits an inverted Russian leg sweep that drives Chad Vargas face into the mat. Ravage goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………..2…………………kick out by Chad Vargas. Ravage hits a few stomps on the downed Chad Vargas. The ref makes Ravage backs off, Chad Vargas gets into the sitting position in the corner of the ring. Ravage hits a few stomps on Chad Vargas keeping him in that position, and follows it up with a boot to the throat.]

JR-That's an illegal choke ref.

King-Have you seen a legal one?

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…when there are no rules.

King-Aw good point….

[Chad Vargas pulls up Ravage, and pulls up Ravage. Chad Vargas tries to whip Ravage off of the ropes, but it's reversed. At ring side, Kevin Bourne tries to trip up Chad Vargas, Chad Vargas is able to step over it, Kevin Bourne not paying attention gets pulled up to the apron. But as Ravage has the ref's back turned, Kevin Bourne counters with a hang man that stumbles Chad Vargas right into a roll up by Ravage who rolls up Chad Vargas, and bridges holding him down for the 1………………2………………….3!]

JR-The Elite just cost Vargas the match.

King-Seemly it's not over just yet….

(Note: Close match, took a full staff, just this is what we thought as a group.)

As Bourne and Cena are all beating on Chad suddenly The Frayed Ends of Sanity by Metallica hits the arena speakers and out walks Chris Legend wearing a black muscle shirt, blue jeans, white nikes, bandages on his left arm and hand from the injuries he sustained at Return of An Era. in his right hand he has a mic as he barbie begin walking down the ramp.

Chris: Whoah whoah boys, take it easy. I think you've done enough to the little country bastard. I mean after all he is top talent here, and with me no longer having a title in my hands I'm fair game for contract termination and you know the boss is gonna hold this shit against me so please slowly back away from the redneck loser so that he may have some air cause I want him to be conscious when I explain to him why he just got his ass kicked.

Legend and Barbie both step inside the ring, then legend begins talking again

Chris: Chad Chad Chad, when are you ever gonna fucking learn son that rattling a dog's cage is gonna get ya into deep shit, huh when? Is it now, or (kicks chad in the stomach) NOW! HUH, WHEN ARE YOU GONNA FUCKING GROW UP PLOWFIELDER BOY!

Legend kneels down and grabs Chad by the hair lifting his head up and looks at him with a smirk on his face.

Chris: See Chad you are lying here wondering just what this, this whole gang beating on your ass situation is all about when it should be real simple. Although seeing as you're from the South I'll be happy to explain why your past achievments and future goals are fading away at this exact moment, and well Chad it's all due to you costing me a moment, a moment in which was all that I needed to put away that comic con loser X Tazte and walk out STILL EMF TV CHAMPION! (shakes head) but I didn't get the chance did I Chad? DID I HUH?! (slaps Chad across the face) I DON'T THINK SO, BECAUSE SOME HONKY TONK PUNK HAD TO COME OUT AND BASH ME IN THE HEAD WITH A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT GUITAR! Chad, let me remind you of something about last Sunday, see kid I didn't make this barbwire match idea up in my head just for kicks, no see I came up with it as a way to prove a point. The point being that I am not just some soft WWE pg rated shit heel, but that I am AN EXTREME HEEL WHO CAN GET THE JOB DONE IN MORE WAYS THAN EVER DREAMED UP POSSIBLE! I didn't plan on going through all that hell and torment just to come out here the following week empty handed and say the same old excuse which is everyone has a bad night, because honestly Chad that isn't me and never will be! You cost me a great deal Chad, over our year long history with each other you have cost me titles, big spots on pay per view cards, health but most of all Chad you have cost me a lot of pride and the ability to come out with my head held high and be able to say I had good day at the office. And all along with doing that Chad, you have still been the same punk you have been probably before I ever met ya. Which is being you hardly show up, you barely show any passion inside that ring, and most of all Chad YOU ARE NOTHING (grabs Chad by chin) BUT A ALCOHOL ADDICTED, JAIL BIRD OF THE CENTURY LOSER! (lets go of Chad and stands up and looks down at him) You have absolutely nothing going for you other than not being fired from EMF and TCW your other employer for hardly ever showing up! That is all of the good you have going for now, but soon Chad there will come a time when the promoter will have enough and will without thinking twice fire your country hick ass and guess who's gonna be the one to escort you out of the damn building Chad? ME! I will and Chad when that day comes I will finally have something to laugh about other than hearing a lame sex story from one of your exes about how pathetic you were in trying to impress her. Truth be told Chad you're not impressive to women nor to anyone and I dare anyone and I do mean ANYONE to suggest anything differently. Especially right now you don't look to be that big star you always boast about at one hour cheap house shows where harldy anyone knows your fucking name let alone know even how to spell it! So far Chad all I've seen from you is a guy who takes every chance he gets to get ahead, but only does it with lethal tactics and in the end CHOKES when it comes time to prove it wasn't achieved just by luck or mere opportunity! That's the difference between us boy, you get one hit wonder luck and I just basically KICK ASS and take names instead of just settling and settling with one big hurrah. And speaking of one last hurrah I surely hope you enjoyed yourself in costing me the TV title because that is the last great moment you will ever live because Chad I am now issuing a challenge to you, to a match to take place anywhere, anytime at any given place on this planet! I might have lost the TV Title but I'm beginning to see it was all mere purpose to serve a bigger purpose in that I must now do something I shoulda done a long time ago and that is take everything that you have, that being your welfare, career, and health and tear it all apart and leave you with nothing while being proven that you are a NOTHING! (kneels down beside Chad again) Warrant, a word you Chad are familiar with but see this warrant is a little different as its your career's death warrant and Chad you without notice, when you came out to that ring and cost me MY TITLE! well son you right then and there in that sudden instant where you bashed me with that guitar, you sir signed your career's death warrant and whenever you are able to get up of your drunk ass and accept my challenge to a match I will be more than willing to execute your career, but Chad if push comes to shove and you don't accept my challenge, then well son you will leave me no choice but to (grabs Chad by the chin and stares him in the eyes) EXECUTE YOU!!!

Legend stands back up as Frayed Ends of Sanity hits the speakers again and drops the mic and celebrates with The Elite. they then exit the ring and walk back up the ramp backwards smirking and mocking Chad. They finally make it up the stage and walk back behind the curtain as medics come out to aid Chad.

("Why so serious" blasts on the PA system as the Joker appears in the ring through the dark. "The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-The Gambler is the #1 contender to the TV title, and has a chance tonight to see how he matches up with the champion.

King-I doubt anyone can really figure out X-Tazte enough to get anything out of it….other than he sure does like

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

("City" blasts on the PA system as Vampire Christ walks to the ring, and slides into the ring. "X-Tazte's theme" blasts on the PA system as X-Tazte walks to the ring.)

King-These teams are a little weird.

JR-Well it's not about them being about the team, it's about individual feuds.

Kris Gaffney-Got to love these matches!

[The Joker and Vampire Christ stare down at each other on their separate sides from the ring. Finally Vampire Christ charges at the Joker,a nd hits a few fists to the face of the Joker, the Joker turns it around, and starts to hit a few mounted punches to the face of Vampire Christ. Suddenly X-Tazte comes out of no where, and pulls the Joker off, Joker turns around and goes for a fist on X-Tazte. But it's ducked under by X-Tazte, X-Tazte runs to the ropes, and leaps on the second rope, spring boards off of the ropes, and hits a flying cross body block that sends him down on the mat. the Joker gets up to his feet, and gets knocked down to the mat with a fist to the face. The Joker gets up to his feet, as X-Tazte hits a few fists to the face, and the Joker gets whipped to the ropes by X-Tazte. But the Joker is able to reverse the whip, X-Tazte bounces off of the ropes. the Joker goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by X-Tazte. X-Tazte stops dead in his tracks. Vampire Christ turns around, and X-Tazte goes, and hits a standing hurricarana into a pin, he gets a 1………………2……………the Gambler comes out of no where, and breaks up the count. But before he can go on the attack, Vampire Christ comes into the picture, and hits a few fsits to the face of the Gambler. Vampire Christ fist is blocked by the Gambler, and the Gambler hits a big head butt to the head. Vampire Christ goes down to the mat, and slowly gets up to his feet near the ropes, and the Gambler measures up. He goes for a big boot to the face. But it's ducked under by Vampire Christ, The Gambler strattles the top rope in pain. The Gambler pulls himself off of the top rope, the Gambler turns around, and Vampire Christ hit a running clothesline that knocks him and the Gambler over the top rope and both wrestlers go crashing down on the mat. Vampire Christ is the first to get up to his feet, and Vampire Christ grabs a camera from the near by camera man. He measures up the Gambler, and the The Gambler gets up to his feet. The Gambler turns around, right into a camera shot to the face. The Gambler goes down to his knee's in pain. Vampire Christ takes the camera cable code, and wraps around the neck of the Gambler as the ref tries to count. But he can't really DQ Vampire Christ.]

JR-Vampire Christ is loving these rules.

King-He must love pain.

Kris Gaffney-Your thinking of Angelus Archer.

King-Sometimes I get the two mixed up.

[While that's going on with Vampire Christ and the Gambler, inside of the ring the Joker has X-Tazte into the corner he hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of X-Tazte. The Joker tries to whip X-Tazte out of the corner to the opposite side of the ring to the corner, but it's reversed. The Joker crashes into the corner, X-Tazte charges at the Joker into the corner. X-Tazte leaps in the air, and goes for a big splash in the corner, but the Joker moves out of the way, and crashes into the corner. X-Tazte stumbles out of the corner, the Joker kicks X-Tazte in the gut, sets up X-Tazte in power bomb position, lifts him up, and drives him in the corner with a power bomb! X-Tazte stumbles out of the corner, the Joker kicks him in the gut, sets him up in vertical suplex position, lifts him up, and hits a brain buster. The Joker deciding that he's not quiet done starts to laugh, and goes out of the ring, and climbs up to the top rope. The Joker measures up, and hits a big splash on X-Tazte, the Joker goes into the corner, and gets the 1……………..2……………Vampire Christ reaches into the ring, and pulls the Joker off of the cover. Vampire Christ gets up on the apron, and tries to get into the ring trying to get at the Joker. But the Joker is able to think quick, and hits a baseball slide that makes Vampire Christ fall off of the apron, and hit his face on the apron. Vampire Christ goes down to the mat around. Slowly he gets up, right into the waiting Gambler who hits a chair shot to the gut doubling him over. The Gambler hits a chair shot to the back of Vampire Christ. Vampire Christ goes down to the mat, and slowly gets up to his feet near the ring post. The Gambler goes for a chair shot between the ring post, and the chair. But Vampire Christ ducks under, and the chair smashes into the ring post. The Gambler drops the chair, Vampire Christ hits a few fists to the face, and tries to whip the Gambler to the steps, but it's reversed. Vampire Christ goes to the steps, and crashes into the steps shoulder first. This moves the top of the steps away from the base of the steps as Vampire Christ slumps down to the mat.]

JR-the IC champion was just reversed there.

King- Not sure what Gambler has against Vampire Christ…he's the IC champion…not the TV champion.

Kris Gaffney-Anyone with gold that Gambler doesn't have angers him…..

[The Gambler goes under the ring, and pulls out a table. Then sets it up, but as he's doing that. The crowd seems to be reacting towards something, the Gambler turns around in time to see Big Sal lift him up, and drive him through his own table. Marquise runs down ot the ring, and start to jump Big Sal. Shawn Pond joins in on the fight, and Evolution brawl to the back. The Gambler soon gets up, and follows them to the back. Inside of the ring. The Joker tries to hit a bulldog on a chair on X-Tazte, but X-Tazte pushes the Joker off, and he crashes into the chair. The Joker stumbles up to his feet, X-Tazte kickts him in the gut, and hits the TAZTE INJECTION!!! X-Tazte goes into the cover on the Joker, and the ref counts 1…………………2…………………3!]

JR-And the team of Vampire Christ and X-Tazte have won it.

King-Yeah..but seems Evolution had different issues.

Kris Gaffney-Guess so…

(X-Tazte leaves the ring, and walks up the ramp…to….I guess celebrate his win with his cardboard friend Lita as Shockwave goes off the air.)

(note: Sal thing was requested to my knowledge, but added the Evolution thing and the Pond's thing. I'm going to make a match out of it, because I'm sure both want to do a tag team. Plus to make Gambler look good. If it's a problem let me know (nicely) and I'll edit it.)