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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the EMF Shockwave video. Once it ends, we fade into the darken arena as pyrtecohnics blasts off on the stage. The lights turn on as the pyrotechnics end to reveal the fans waving their signs, and screaming at the top of their lungs. Some say "HBK's due a return", "Oh…so that's X-Cold!", and "I'm X-Tazte".)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler, and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-And what a show we have for you tonight. Headlined by Tyson Tomko and Chris X going against each other.

Kris Gaffney-Even though it's non-title.

King-Always the downer…aren't you Kris?

(Rip Extreme's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rip Extreme walks to the ring along with his tag team partner SammyExtreme following behind him, and goes around ring side.)

JR-This new comer has formed an alliance with Sammy Extreme.

King-He must be a fan of flaming tables.

Kris Gaffney-I think so, maybe that's why Sammy's facing..he figures there might be some in this match.

("Priceless" blasts on the PA system as Cody Rhodes walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

Kris Gaffney-Oh good….someone fixed his theme.

King-Well…we weren't done with making fun of the generic one.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, sucks.

("Cowboy" blasts on the PA system as Chad Vargas walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Lately this man has been bugged by Chris Legend.

King-You mean Chris X?


[Cody Rhodes and Chad Vargas lock up, and Chad Vargas goes behind him, and hits a few clubbing blows to the back of Cody Rhodes, and takes him down with a waist lock. Into a front face lock, and Cody Rhodes twists around, and puts Chad Vargas into an arm bar. Chad Vargas gets to his feet, and Chad Vargas backs up Cody Rhodes to the ropes. He whips Cody Rhodes off of the ropes, Cody Rhodes bounces off of the ropes, he leaps in the air for a cross body block, but it's ducked under by Chad Vargas. Cody Rhodes crashes into the mat, and slowly gets up to his feet, and stumbles towards Chad Vargas who takes down Cody Rhodes with a head lock, Cody Rhodes is down on the mat, but doesn't stay on the mat for long Cody Rhodes gets up to his feet, and goes for a belly to back suplex that Chad Vargas is able to roll out of the back on Cody Rhodes with, Chad Vargas gets behind Cody Rhodes. Chad Vargas hooks Cody Rhodes, and hits the stroke on Cody Rhodes. Chad Vargas goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2………………..Rip Extreme from the outside pulls Chad Vargas off of the cover, and to the outside. Rip Extreme hits a knee lift into the gut of Chad Vargas. Rip Extreme tries to whip Chad Vargas into the steps, but it's reversed. Rip Extreme hits hard into the steel steps. Rip Extreme is in a lot of pain, and Chad Vargas with that out of the way climbs up to the apron, and up to the top rope. Chad Vargas measures Cody Rhodes who is getting to his feet. Once he does, Chad Vargas leaps off of the ropes for what seems to be a double axe handle. But it's countered with a drop kick out of mid air, and Chad Vargas goes down to the mat. Cody Rhodes takes time to rest up, and he goes over to the ropes, and climbs up to his feet with the help of the ropes. Chad Vargsa gets up dazed, and angry, he charges at Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes is able to counter this with a flap jack that sends Chad Vargas Chad Vargas throat into the top rope, and Chad Vargas stumbles towards him. Cody Rhodes hits a few fists to the face of Chad Vargas. Cody Rhodes tries to whip Chad Vargas into the ropes, but it's reversed, and Cody Rhodes bounces off of the ropes. Chad Vargas lowers his head, but Cody Rhodes counters with a swinging neck breaker.]

JR-Cody Rhodes has taken control of this match.

King-Seemly he's too common for Vargas.

Kris Gaffney-Must be a gene he got.

[Cody Rhodes waits as Chad Vargas gets up to his feet, and Cody Rhodes kicks Chad Vargas in the gut, and goes for a DDT. But Chad Vargas is able to spin out it, and Chad Vargas goes for a short arm clothesline that misses, and Chad Vargas goes towards the ropes. But Rip Extreme hits a hang man on Chad Vargas, Chad Vargas stumbles towards Cody Rhodes who kicks Chad Vargas in the gut, and hits a DDT on Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas is on the mat, Cody Rhodes would go into the cover, but he senses Rip Extreme nearby, he gets up only to get a Singapore cane to the gut that doubles over Cody Rhodes. Chad Vargas rolls out of the ring, and Rip Extreme smashes the cane over the head. Cody Rhodes goes down to the mat in pain, and Rip Extreme measures up on Cody Rhodes gets up to his knee's, and hits a cane shot to the head of Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes goes down to the mat Rip Extreme pushes him on his back, and goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………..2………………..Chad Vargas reaches into the ring, and pulls him off of the cover. Rip Extreme gets up to his feet, Chad Vargas pulls himself up on the apron, but Rip Extreme runs at Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas falls off of the apron, and Chad Vargas hits his face on the apron. Chad Vargas falls to the arena floor. Rip Extreme see's that Cody Rhodes has crawled into the corner, Rip Extreme hits a few fists into the face of Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes reels into the corner, and Rip Extreme whips Cody Rhodes into the corner. Cody Rhodes crashes into the corner, and Rip Extreme follows in soon there after, and hits a clothesline into the corner. Rip Extreme backs out of the corner, Cody Rhodes stumbles out of the corner. Rip Extreme sets up Cody Rhodes up, and puts him on the top rope. He gets him up there, and Rip Extreme hits a few fists to the face of Cody Rhodes, and then climbs up to the top rope where Cody Rhodes was put on.]

King-This could be bad for Cody.

Kris Gaffney-I guess so.

[Rip Extreme would hit the move, but Chad Vargas grabs Rip Extreme's leg, Cody Rhodes falls into a cross body block, and rolls off him. Rip Extreme falls out of the ring, and Cody Rhodes gets up stunned, and right into the Stroke by Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………2…………………….3!]

JR-Chad Vargas has won this match!

King-That was better than last time.

(The EMF tron lights up with the image of Amy Jericho working on some paper work. She is wearing a black backless dress. It had been a pretty boring after noon for the Vice President; however, that was about to change as she was about to get an unexpected visitor. In steps Scott Tazte wearing full black pin stripe suit and a crimson red tie.)

Tazte: Hey, I'm here to get down to business.

(Amy looks up at Scott Tazte, and she crosses her arms, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's funny, normally you don't expect anyone who's "retired" to be doing any business. So what type of business would you be refering to?

Tazte: Whoa whoa whoa (makes cat noises and acts like he's clawing). Calm down now. I'm here to un-retire. To make things official. I mean if you rather I just go around doing as I please without any contract I'm fine with that too...

(She shakes her head.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-*she laughs a bit, and shrugs* Well, just saying, that's all. I'm perfectly calm, but for the record....I think you saw how well that worked for Scott Mann, right?

Tazte: Yeah, it worked out perfectly. One less clown running around here.

(There's a knock at the door as it swings open and Doink The Clown peeks into the room.)

Doink The Clown: Oops! Wrong room!

(Doink closes the door)

Tazte: See what I mean? Anyways, you got the paperwork ready? Cause I'm here to sign on the dotted line.

.::Amy Jericho::.-That was random, and Wasabi is no where to be seen. I'm just kinda beating around the bush, I heard what X-Cold said. Not saying I'd ever join up with you guy's, but in one insistance, I do agree with you guy's. At least as it stands, so who knows...might be interesting having you running around here.

Tazte: I've got a few things to settle. Unfinished business. Now that Scott Mann is out of the way there's going to be less restraint and less looking over my back than a few months back. As it stands though I think people around here are due for a wake up call. Things are going to change drastically.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, as long as their the right people, I'll be interested to see what you do. Some people do deserve it. Anyways, I'm sure it won't hurt to have another Hall of Famer around here, so give me a second.

(Amy gets up, and opens up a filing cabinet. She pulls out some paper work. She walks over to her desk, and starts to writing the contract. She finishes up after a little bit, and pushes over the contract with a pen.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-If you want to look it over, go ahead, but all you need to do is sign it on the last page.

(Tazte picks it up, quickly glances through it to make things are in place.)

Tazte: Looks good to me.

(Tazte takes the pen and signs on the last page.)

Tazte: It's official then. I can resume business.

.::Amy Jericho::.-I suppose so, it's good to have you back Scott.

Tazte: Thanks. If everything's done I got some things to take care of.

.::Amy Jericho::.-yeah, were done here. I'll talk to you another time.

(Tazte exits the office and begins to walk down the hall as we fade back into the ring.)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Troy!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Troy comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Randy Savage!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Randy Savage walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Troy executes a pumphandle suplex on Randy Savage. Randy Savage checks his boots. (ring, ring, ring) Troy uses a lariat on Randy Savage. Randy Savage is up again. Randy Savage kicks Troy in the stomach. Troy chops Randy Savage. Troy hiptosses Randy Savage. Randy Savage gets back to his feet. Troy uses a snap mare takeover on Randy Savage. Randy Savage gets hit with the shooting star press from Troy. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Randy Savage kicks out. ]

The King - Troy should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Randy Savage stands up. Troy drives a forearm into Randy Savage. Troy pulls Randy Savage's hair. Troy pokes Randy Savage in the eye with his thumb. Troy executes the jumping sidekick on Randy Savage. ]

JR - jumping sidekick!

[Randy Savage gets up. Randy Savage executes a spinning DDT, planting Troy's head in the mat. Randy Savage climbs to his feet. Troy stands up. ]

JR - Is this a great match or not?

cument (*.htm)|*.htm|| - Yeah, you know it.

[Randy Savage comes from behind and bulldogs Troy. Randy Savage climbs to his feet. Troy is back on his feet. Troy hits Randy Savage with the back of his elbow. Randy Savage grabs Troy's head and hites him in the face. Randy Savage throws Troy off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Randy Savage chants start. ]

JR - Nice cross-body block by Randy Savage.

[Randy Savage measures Troy up and drops a closed fist. Randy Savage stands up. Troy legsweeps Randy Savage. Randy Savage is back on his feet. Troy get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Randy Savage. Randy Savage goes for a slingshot sommersault splash but Troy dodges the attack. Randy Savage drags Troy to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Troy kicks Randy Savage in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Troy moves back to his feet. (..2) (...3) Troy hits Randy Savage with a rolling elbow smash to the face. (....4) Randy Savage connects with a flying knee. Troy goes down. Troy climbs to his feet. (.....5) Troy takes Randy Savage into the ring. Troy puts Randy Savage on the top rope and executes a superplex. Troy is up again. Troy puts Randy Savage in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. ]

The King - Nice double underhook backbreaker by Troy.

[Troy measures Randy Savage up and drops a closed fist. Troy stands up. Now Randy Savage standing. Troy hits a spinning leg lariat on Randy Savage sending him to the mat. Randy Savage climbs to his feet. Troy is t-bone suplexed by Randy Savage. Randy Savage stands up. Randy Savage applies a nerve hold on Troy. Earl Hebner asks Troy if he quits. ... Troy is fighting the hold. ... Randy Savage breaks the hold. Randy Savage executes a spinning back suplex on Troy. Randy Savage stands up. Randy Savage climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Troy. Randy Savage climbs to his feet. Randy Savage chokes Troy. Troy is back on his feet. Randy Savage picks up Troy and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Randy Savage chants start. Randy Savage moves back to his feet. Randy Savage uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Troy down. Randy Savage climbs up to the top rope, and goes for his pattern elbow off of the top rope. But Troy Gafgen moves out of the way, and Randy Savage crashes into the mat. Randy Savage gets up to his hands and knee's. Troy Gafgen hits a kick to the head, and he goes down to the mat. Troy Gafgen goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2…………………3!]

JR-And Troy has come out on top in this match.

King-Guess the Macho Man really wasn't ready….

As Troy is celebrating his win, suddenly "Crush'em" blasts on the PA system. EMF legend X-Cold slowly walks out on the stage, he gives a confused look into the ring at Troy. He walks down to ring side, and steps inside of the ring after being handed a microphone. He looks like he's going to say something, but stops, and paces around the ring for a few moments. His music stops, and he looks up at Troy, and says.)

.::X-Cold::.-This must be a joke....

(Troy smirks at X-Cold as he grabs the mic)

Troy: What's a joke X? The fact that all legends are being destroyed by one single man?

(X-Cold grabs the microphone back, as he looked at Troy Gafgen not impressed.)

.::X-Cold::.-Watch who your grabbing the microphone from....boy. Anyways, no...the fact that you really think beating up guy's 20 years out of their prime is impressive. You think anyone cares the fact you decided to whip up on Bonesaw McGraw over there, you might be ready, but certainly he wasn't, and hasn't been ready for years...

(Troy gets angry and steps right up in X-Cold's face)

Troy: Really? Let me tell you something X, I could whoop your ass any time and any place. The fact of the matter is EMF is ridden with old timers like you and Savage. You guys need to admit your done and walk away. But you can’t get that through your fucking skulls!

.::X-Cold::.-The fact is BOY, you couldn't whip my ass at any point of my career. Not now, not EVER! But maybe you should calm down for a minute, because really as I said last week. I'm not here for a return to the ring. If I was, you'd be lucky to make a televised event. So your new thing is to make your name on the people who gave you the opportunity to be a three time IC some fluke a former world champion. Let me tell you something, your plan might be to drive off the old guy's who you should owe everything to, but your plan has back fired, because believe it or not, your one of the reason I stand in this ring today. Now I know what your thinking, "why exactly would a real EMF legend waste his breath on a waste of space like me". It seems pretty unbelieveable to me too, but here we are.

(Troy just laughs)

Troy: I suggest you lower your voice unless you want to be trashed and scattered like all your other old ass friends. But, just out of curiosity why are you here. Reveal your plans, or fear the punt.

.::X-Cold::.-ooooh, big bad Troy, the man with three tiny testicles. Trust me, I've stared into the devil's eye, and flipped him off. You don't intimdate me one bit. But anyways, my plans here are very simple, I've been watching you Troy....and I'm not impressed. I mean sure it's not impressive to beat up guy's past their prime, no matter what their name is, but I don't think you get it. No matter how hard you punt, no matter how hard you are NO ONE. The fact that you think you can make a name on these guy's names is the biggest joke of them all.

(Troy scowls and shoves X-Cold)

Troy: Lets go then X. I’ll show you just how much of a fucking joke I am!

(X-Cold backs away, looking very amused at Troy.)

.::X-Cold::.-Troy, Troy...Troy! My simply don't get it. Years ago, I was a stupid newbie...a mind set you still are yet to over come. But soon I started to "get it", and my legend began to grow. There was nothing I wasn't physically willing to do, no level I was willing to go...well, I said it all last week. The point is, because of the things I did to my body during my time here in the EMF, so that guy's like you might have a job, I'm physically unable to give you the beating you deserve myself. I'm unlike the guy's you have stepped on over these past few weeks. So I'm not like them, not because it was my choice, a choice that my body forced me into, but my choice none-a-less. But I didn't come out here to go over my entire career. I came out here to deliver a message. You see Troy, the fact that you think you can make your name on guy's like me, and many something WE have a problem with.

(Troy smirks)

Troy: And what do you plan to do about it?

.::X-Cold::.-It's not a matter of what I plan on doing about it, it's about what my new business partners plan on doing about it. You see Troy...I've come here...not to start a fight, but to start a war. The balance of power has shifted here in the Extreme Measures Federation. I've aligned myself with two legends in Scott Tazte and Firestorm. These two men plan on taking guy's like you...who don't respect the people that came before them, and remind you exactly where you stand. Now you probably would think that we'd have bigger fish to fry, but the fact is that you might be a small part of this, but you are still apart of this...that we are VERY sure of.

(Troy laughed)

Troy: Yeah because I’m so afraid of Tazte and Firestorm. I have beaten those two before and I will do it again. You on the other hand may not be here to fight but trust me you will get one. I am apart of this because yes, the balance in EMF did shift for the better! It’s time for the young stars in this business to shine and lay to rest the old, and useless fucks that cling to one last glimmer of light in the limelight!

.::X-Cold::.-No, no, no, you see...that time is past. The time is coming that guy's like you no longer look down on the people like us. Legends aren't here just so a Z lister superstar like you can try to act like he matters. Quite frankly, you should thank god that I'm not anything more than a business man now. You need to go to Triple H, and tell him "thank you", thank you for having X-Cold run down by a car. Because if I was physically able, the next career that would end in this ring...would be yours. The fact that you are standing in my spotlight right now is almost as big of a joke as of what you are trying to do to all these legends. When the fact is that you know that you could never measure up to any of them!....sounds a lot like your love life, as you couldn't measure up as a man to...any woman that tried to be with you.

(Troy backs up and looks like he is ready to strike but he doesn’t…yet)

Troy: X, the whole thing is my career is going to outshine what you ever did. And for your information you should be the one thanking Triple H because if you still were an active competitor…I would have taken you out months ago. The fact is you are not in my league no matter how you look at it. The first thing that proves me better than you is I’m actually going to win the extreme title…something you could NEVER do!

(X-Cold gives a small smirk, and nods his head.)

.::X-Cold::.-Obviously you know nothing about EMF history, or you'd know just who in the hell your talking to. Troy, I know your a little slow, but *talking in a slow voice* one world title reign is less than five world title reigns*ends that voice*, oh yeah, before you say it. Each time each reign ended, either I didn't lose the title....or...they needed a fucking army to get the title off me. You on the other don't look like an army, nope...just a 7 foot pile of disappointment. But since I'm unlike that guy over there *refering to Savage*, I knew when my time was over. I mean sure in my day, I could have gotten that title like that *he snaps his fingers*. Only reason I didn't, I never went after it. I don't think I ever lost a match I stepped into as a contender, so you be the judge on whether or not I would have won it or not. But it should be...amusing to see you try to do something I just so happened not to bother with.

(Troy just sank to X-Cold’s height level. He poked him in his shoulder.)

Troy: You would be surprised what I can do…all I have to say is wait and you’ll see!

.::X-Cold::.-Troy, you don't have to look down too far you know...after all...I haven't shrunk. I'm still 6'7"...but then again, look who I am talking to. Anyways, you've talked a lot of shit, if you existed in wrestling 9 years ago, you'd need a miracle if we actually had a match...but for now...with what I seen from Tomko. I wish you luck...because your going to need it.

("Crush'em" blasts on the PA system as X-Cold slowly backs away out of the ring, and leaves up the ramp.)

(Our scene opens in the bedroom of Mickie James. It seems like she is setting up a video camera, when Maria enters the room.)

Maria: So this is really happening? Tonight?

Mickie: I wish there was something I could do Maria... I really do... but my hands are tied. If I don't have sex with them... Cena will fire me!

Maria: I know.. I know. Its disgusting that he's forcing this on you all! But... its ok. I know you will hate it. I know its me you want to be with!

Mickie: Of course it is. Tell me... is this camera working? On second thoughts... i'll test it myself... dunno how technical you are...

Maria: Not very. Why are you filming it anyway?

Mickie: Erm... Cena wanted proof that this all happened.

Maria: What if Stephanie and Jackie find out?

Mickie: I'm not even hiding it!

They have to do everything I say.... they can't do anything about it. Are you going out tonight?

Maria: Yep. I'm gonna hang out with my little sister. Not seen her in a while.

(Suddenly Maria's phone vibrates.)

Maria: Oh thats my taxi. I'll see you later.... erm... have fun.

Mickie: I won't.... but... you too.

(Mickie kisses her, and she leaves the room. We fade out and fade back in as there's a knock at Mickie's door. She goes to answer it. Miss Jackie is the over side.)

Mickie: Jackie! So glad you could make it! Come in. Do you want a drink?

Jackie: Got anything that can knock me out?

Mickie: Kinky! But no.... on second thoughts... I won't offer out drinks.. I don't want to numb the experience for you.

Jackie: Well.... whatever you say... I guess.

Mickie: Isn't this just wonderful? From now until tomorrow morning... your practically my slave!

Jackie: I think i'd rather be your slave forever if it involved no sex.... than have to go through this.

Mickie: Glad to see you bought the Championship with you... i'm sure you'll be feeling like a true champion throughout this!

Jackie: I'll give it to you..... if you let me go.

Mickie: No thanks. I can beat you any day. This is worth 25 championships.

Jackie: Come on Mickie... this is only 1 step up from rape....

Mickie: You picked it.... not me. I expected you to have super inflated boobs by now.... but hey... here you are. Don't worry though.... you'll enjoy it.

(Suddenly there is a second knock at the door. Mickie looks up excited.)

Mickie: Get that, would you?

(Jackie looks like shes about to argue, but realises it'll be worthless. Mickie has her under complete control while she's here. She nervously walks away. Mickie reaches out and spanks her as she turns. Jackie spins back round and glare at Mickie, who just shrugs innocently. Jackie looks angry, but realises things are going to get a LOT worse. She walks quicker towards the door and opens it. Stephanie's standing there wearing very tight jeans, and a red t-shirt. She has her arms crossed.)

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Wasted no time opening the door, I see.

Jackie: Erm.... sorry. You know we're in for the worst time of our lives, right?

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-*shrugs* As I said, I'm the more open minded person here. I didn't think you'd actually pick this, guess your full of surprises.

Jackie: Maybe. Well.... come in.. I guess.

(Stephanie walks into the room, and looks at Mickie.)

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Mickie, so how long were you planning this...before or after the whole locker room thing. I mean this could be worse, but just say I'm interested.

Mickie: Well I couldn't exactly plan it before you and Jackie got into a pointless match with some stupid stipulations... so I guess after. But if id ever have been given an oppertunity like this before it... I would have done it then too!

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-God knows if I could avoid that stupid stipulation, I would have. So for the record, don't look at me, I just wanted a fair women's title match. But, you do know that the stipulation doesn't necessarily force you to do what everyone assumes your going to do, right?

Mickie: I know what I don't have to do..... but of course... I want to!

(Mickie goes up to Steph and takes hold of her. She begins to kiss her and move her hands around all over Stephanie. She pulls away after a while.)

Mickie: Sorry Jackie.. we're leaving you out. Should we move this to the bedroom?

Jackie: Do I have a choice...

(Mickie smirks at her, and motions for her to follow, before

(We fade out, and fade back a while after this whole thing had just ended. We get a shot of Stephanie downing some sort of alcoholic drink.)

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Oh yes baby...kill those memories.

Jackie: I don't think there's enough drink in the world to do that..... besides... until we're out of here... whose to say she's finished with us?

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-It can, and will be enough. *shudders, drinks some more* She's passed out as it stands, I doubt she can go anymore anyways. It's over, unless you want to stay around...

Jackie: God no. The sooner this is all forgotten, the better. Lets just... never speak of this. If neither of them were putting much effort into it...

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Ha...won't be that hard, this one goes up with that Tazte and the Road Dogg storyline *shudders*

Jackie: Not what you were expecting then? You seemed almost happy about it before we got here.

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-No, it was what I expected, I was just happy I didn't have to do that other thing, it wasn't that I was happy with this. I just think I'm one girl who wouldn't look too good with big boobs. Don't you think.

(She points down to her bra, and looks down at them.)

(Jackie looks down at Stephanie's breasts, and finds herself transfixed by them. She shakes herself after a few moments of staring.)

Jackie: Erm.... err.... yea... I guess so. Yep. Err... but you said you were "open minded".... so... I can gather you weren't impressed by the experience?

(Stephanie shrugs, and says)

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-I said I was open minded, but also said I was straight. I've had a lot worse experience, just not one high on my list of memorable things.

Jackie: I guess so. But... what could have been worse than that?

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Getting nearly burned alive for one...

Jackie: Burned? Is that how you got that scar?

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-This one?

(She eases the lip of her panties down to see a very brutal looking scar. She sighs as she shakes her head.)

Jackie: Yea... that one...

(She looks down at the scar, and again begins to stare at Stephanie briefly. But she shakes it off.)

Jackie: Its really nasty... and not a nice place to get one either.

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-No, especially when it's a butcher knife that causes it.

(Jackie winces as Steph says it. She looks disgusted.)

Jackie: That... thats horrible. I... i'm sorry Stephanie.

(Stephanie bites her lip as if this was a bad memory.)

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-It's....something I don't like to talk about. saw it, no reason not to tell you....I was...pregnant.

(Jackie almost looks heart broken as she hears this. Her own wish for a child, and the fact she felt guilt about the recent death of Amys child, made this news even worse.)

Jackie: I.... I don't know what to say...

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-It's been a long time. It's something you don't always get totally over, but you have to learn to live with. Maybe I can understand tramatic events more than I let on. Usual thing, I was always used as a tool to get to my husband. Not only did that happened, but the fact I felt so weak.....

Jackie: Your far from weak Stephanie... thats for sure.

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Thanks...actually, that does kinda mean quite a bit more than you'd know.

Jackie: Well erm... guess we should get dressed and get going... huh?

.:: Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Oh...yeah, probably a good idea..

(We fade away with that)

("Evolution" by Motorhead blats on the PA system as The Gambler and Marquise walks out towards the ring. They both step inside of the ring.)

JR-This might be the first tag match of the Evolution reunion tour.

King-Looks like they need to relearn on the fly.

Kris Gaffney-I guess so, but doesn't hurt to make things up as you go…

("Gangster music" blasts on the PA system as Shawn Pond and Big Sal walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-These two also probably have to deal with rust.

King-But the difference is that Shawn and Sal are family.

Kris Gaffney-In I'm going to kill you family.

[The Gambler and Shawn Pond pace around the ring, Shawn Pond decides the best way to go after the match bigger Shawn Pond is to charge at him. The Gambler goes for a big boot to the face, but it's ducked under. Shawn Pond hits a few fists to the face, and Shawn Pond tries to throw one last one, but it's blocked, and The Gambler hits a big head butt that knocks down the Shawn Pond down to the mat, Shawn Pond gets up to his feet, and stumbles into the corner. Shawn Pond gets trapped into the corner as the Gambler closes the gap between them, and the Gambler sets him up, and hits a chop down on the chest on the chest of Shawn Pond. Shawn Pond is in pain, and the Gambler hits another one. The Gambler then takes his boot, and puts it to the throat of Shawn Pond. The ref counts to 4, and the Gambler backs up as the ref warns him, and the Gambler backs up giving Shawn Pond space so that he is not DQed. The Gambler once again goes into the corner once he's given the ref what he wanted, and hits a fist to the face of the Gambler. The Gambler whips Shawn Pond to the other side of the ring, the Gambler follows him into the corner, as Shawn Pond crashes into the corner the Gambler meets him into the corner with a clothesline into the corner. The Gambler stays there a few moments, being that he's in his corner right now, his partner Marquise makes the tag to Gambler. The Gambler backs out of the corner and allows Shawn Pond to stumble towards him, and the Gambler picks him up with a military press as the Gambler stands behind him. The Gambler hits a press slam behind him, and Marquise hits an ace crusher on Shawn Pond as crashes down on the mat. Shawn Pond seems out of it, and Marquise goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………………….2………………………Big Sal comes into the ring, and breaks up the cover. Marquise doesn't look too pleased, but he decides to hit a few mounted punches on Shawn Pond. The ref warns him, Marquise gets off, and pulls up Shawn Pond up to his feet. Marquise whips whips Shawn Pond off of the ropes, and Marquise lowers his head for a back body drop. But as he executes the move, Shawn Pond is able to counter with a DDT that drives Marquise's head right into the mat. Both tag team partners look for the tag as both their partners are down, and probably need a tag at this point in the match.]

JR-This could be a turning point in this match.

King-Good….the mob need a break right now.

Kris Gaffney-Seems like it…

[Slowly both wrestlers make it to their corner, but Marquise looks like he knows that he's not going to make it to the Gambler. Marquise grabs on to Shawn Pond's leg, but he dives out of his grasp, and Shawn Pond makes the tag to Big Sal. Big Sal comes into the ring, and Marquise gets up to his feet only to be knocked down to the mat with a clothesline. Marquise gets up to his feet, and Big Sal hits a few fists to the face of Marquise. Marquise backs up to the ropes, and Big Sal whips Marquise off of the ropes. Marquise bounces off of the ropes, and Big Sal lowers his head, and hits a back body drop that sends Marquise flying through the air, and crashing down on the mat. Slowly Marquise gets up to his feet, he stumbles towards big Sal who grabs him by the neck, and throws him into the corner. Big Sal hits a body shots to Marquise, and finishes up with a punch to the face. Big Sal whips Marquise into the corner hard, Marquise hits into the corner hard, and stumbles out of the corner. Big Sal does a tilter whirl right into having Marquise over his shoulder, and hits a running power slam from there that drives Marquise into the mat. Big Sal goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………….2………………………the Gambler comes into the ring, and breaks up the cover. The Gambler hits a few stomps on Big Sal trying to get up, Big Sal finally gets up and the Gambler hits a few fists to the face of Big Sal, Big Sal backs up to the ropes. The Gambler whips Big Sal to the ropes, Big Sal bounces off of the ropes. Shawn Pond makes a blindside tag, and Big Sal bounces off of the ropes, the Gambler goes for a big boot to the face, but Big Sal ducks under the big boot, and continues to the other side of the ring. He bounces off of the ropes, and leaps in the air, the Gambler gets hit with a flying clothesline by Big Sal that sends the Gambler stumbling backwards, and falling out of the ring. Meanwhile while Big Sal follows the Gambler outside of the ring, Marquise charges at Shawn Pond who goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. Marquise bounces off of the ropes. Shawn Pond catches him with a one man flap jack, Marquise slowly gets up to his feet. Shawn Pond lifts up Marquise on his shoulders and drives him down with a Death Valley Driver!]

King-That must make John Cena happy.

Kris Gaffney-Well…unless he suddenly gained the TwilighT view of things.

JR-It could be over right here.

[Shawn Pond goes up to the top rope, he goes for a splash, but Shawn Pond moves out of the way. He crashes into the mat, and Marquise makes the tag to the Gambler. The Gambler picks up Shawn Pond, and picks him up over his head, but Shawn Pond pokes the Gambler in the eyes. Shawn Pond falls behind the Gambler, and kicks the Gambler in the gut and hits a DDT. Marquise is pulled of the the apron, he lands on his feet. Marquise starts to fight with Big Sal. Suddenly the ref is distracted as he tries to get Big Sal and Marquise to their corner. While his back is turned, the Gambler is able to hit a low blow to Shawn Pond that goes undected. The Gambler grabs Shawn Pond by the throat, lifts him up, and drives him down with a chokeslam. The Gambler goes into the cover on Shawn Pond, and gets the 1………………..2……………..3! Big Sal comes into the ring, and the Gambler rolls out of the ring to avoid the attack.]

JR-The Gambler got away with that one.

King-I doubt this is over.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…for some reason the Gambler has a debt…wonder if the Gambler is aware of that…

King-He might be.

(Note: We decided that Gambler had enough good text to at least match Pond, and enough alright text to say he should get the win. There was some text that was questionable, but we thought the stuff that talked in length was just fine. Which seals it without much question. But to be sure I gave a ending to make the Family look good.)

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This might be the first match of what becomes a great rivalry.

Kris Gaffney-Tomko might not find that as a good thing…but a BAAAAAAD thing.

("The Frayed Edge of Sanity" blasts on the PA system as Chris X walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This man seems intent on proving he's extreme.

King-I guess…after all, he did just decided to call himself Chris X

Kris Gaffney-I'm wondering if he's like the Mega Man X version of Chris Legend?


[Chris X lock up with Tyson Tomko, Tyson Tomko being the stronger of the two is able to push down Chris X. Chris X gets up to his feet, and Tyson Tomko hits a knee into the gut doubling him over. Tyson TOmko sets up, and hits a big hip toss that sends Chris X flying, and crashing down on the mat, and slowly he gets up to his feet. Tyson Tomko hits a fist to the face, and Chris X backs up to the ropes. Tyson Tomko tries to whip Chris X to the ropes, and does. Chris X bounces off of the ropes. Tyson Tomko goes for a standing clothesline, and Chris X continues to the other side of the ring. Chris X bounces off of the ropes. Chris X leaps into the air, and goes for a cross body block, but Tyson Tomko is able to catch Chris X in his arms. Tyson Tomko hits a rib breaker on Chris X, but Tyson Tomko doesn't let him drop to the mat, instead he picks up Chris X, and hits a fallaway slam that sends Chris X flying, and crashing on the mat. Chris X rolls with the impact, and Chris X gets up on the apron, Tyson Tomko goes towards Chris X. Chris X gets a poke to the eyes that blinds Tyson Tomko. Chris X throws a fist to the face of Tyson Tomko, but Tyson Tomko is able to blindly block it, and hit a fist to the face of Chris X. This turns Chris X's back to the ring, and Tyson Tomko charges where he can barely see Chris X on the apron, and hits a running forearm to the back of the head of Chris X. Chris X flies off of the apron, and hits his face into the guard rail, Tyson Tomko rolls out of the ring, and see's Chris X pulling himself up to his feet with the aid of the guard rail. Chris X turns towards Tyson Tomko who picks up Chris X and drops his face into the guard rail. Chris X stumbles into the announcers desk. He grabs a chair, and swings it in a daze. Tyson Tomko ducks it, and Tyson Tomko hits a knee lift to the gut, and takes Chris X, and smashes his face into the steps. Tyson Tomko throws Chris X into the ring, and looks at the chair that Chris X dropped, and throws it into the ring as he slides into the ring with it.]

JR-The Extreme champion is taking it to Chris X.

King-He wanted extreme, he's getting Extreme.

Kris Gaffney-Next thing he'll want is to face the Extreme brothers…

[Chris X slowly gets up to his feet, and Tyson Tomko kicks Chris X in the gut, and sets up Chris X for a power bomb. But as he has him in the power bomb/piledriver position. Chris X is able to grab on the chair that Tyson Tomko brought into the ring, As Tyson Tomko lifts Chris X up the chair goes up with him, as he gets Chris X up to where he would drop him. Chris X takes the chair, and smashes Tyson Tomko on the head, and Tyson Tomko falls backwards, and Chris X crashes on top of him, and rolls away from him. Tyson Tomko and Chris X take their time to rest up, Chris X pulls himself up in the corner. Tyson Tomko slowly gets up to his feet. He see's Chris X, and gets angry, and charges at Chris X in the corner. Tyson Tomko gets hit with a boot to the face, he stumbles backwards. Chris X stays there not able to do anything just yet. Tyson Tomko is able to recover due to the fact he has taken less damage in this match thus far, and charges into the corner once again. Only to receive another boot to the face. This stuns Tyson Tomko a little bit more this time, and this time has given Chris X the chance to do something. As he pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle, Tyson Tomko dazed stumbles into where Chris X is, Chris X hooks Tyson Tomko, and hits a tornado DDT. For some reason Tyson Tomko after being hit with the move, stumbles up to his feet. Chris X grabs the chair that he used just a little bit before, as Tyson Tomko stumbles around. He turns towards Chris X, and Chris X smashes him with the chair. Tyson Tomko goes down to the mat this time, and Chris X goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………2…………………….kick out by Tyson Tomko. Chris X hits a few stomps on the downed Tyson Tomko, Tyson Tomko gets up to his knee's, and pushes away Chris X. Chris X backs up, allowing Tyson Tomko to get to his feet. Chris X kicks Tyson Tomko in the gut, and goes for the outshiner. But Tyson Tomko pushes him off, and Chris X bounces off of the ropes, and Tyson Tomko and Chris X knock each other down with a double clothesline.]

JR-Both wrestlers are down on the mat.

King-It's a wide open match.

Kris Gaffney-I think this is the point in the match where the winner could be decided.

King-Usually is…

[Chris X stumbles up to his feet, and goes right into Tyson Tomko, Tyson Tomko picks up Chris X on his shoulders. But Chris X turns slides out of the back, Tyson Tomko turns around Chris X goes for the Outshiner, but Chris X gets pushed off, and Chris X goes crashes into the mat. Tyson Tomko pulls up Chris X up from behind. Chad Vargas is on the top rope all a sudden, and goes for a guitar shot to the head. But Chris X ducks it, and Chad Vargas hits Tyson Tomko instead! Chad Vargas looks shocked at what he did, Chris X pushes Chad Vargas out of the ring, and goes into the cover on Tyson Tomko. The ref counts, and Chris X gets the 1……………..2……………….3 on Tyson Tomko!]

JR-That….was a miscue. King-You can say that again.

(Chad Vargas doesn't allow Chris X to celebrate, instead he comes into the ring, and a huge brawl with Chris X and Chad Vargas breaks out. Saturday Shockwave goes off the air with that.)

(Tuesday afternoon, Chris X standing at a door, theres a sign on the door that reads Amy Jericho. Chris X knocks on the door and waits for a reply. The door opens, and Amy Jericho looks out. She is wearing a pink dress. She looks at Chris X, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yes....can I help you?

Chris X (takes out his cigarette) Yeah you and I need to have a little talk

.::Amy Jericho::.-ok, but please no smoking....come in.

(Amy walks towards her desk, and sits at it. Chris X laughs to himself as he takes his cigarette and puts it down on the floor and puts it out with his foot. He walks into the office and sits down and pulls out a budweiser*

Chris X: May I at least drink?

.::Amy Jericho::.-*She didn't happen to catch what he did with the cigerette. Due to that, she just looks at Chris X with a side wards look, and shrugs her shoulders* Well, I guess Punisher usually had no problem drinking in my office, I guess that's alright. As long as you aren't as much of a lightweight as I am.

Chris X: Cool, (takes a long drag of his drink) So you gonna ask exactly what we need to talk about or do you want me as they say in highschool make the first move?

.::Amy Jericho::.-I was getting to that, I assumed you were going to explain why your here, since this is the first time I've had the pleasure of running into you. So anyways...why exactly are you here?

Chris X: Well princess its like this, see you know me and Chad have had a long history, and you I'm sure know that he like me wants to be champion here in EMF. You also I assume know that Tomko hasn't really had much to do lately and well seeing as last month's ppv didn't generate many buys as you or I for that matter wouldn've liked then I my dear have come up with a way we settle everything and make everyone in this company happy.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Princess? I see John Cena is already rubbing off on you, but should have known that from that interview with that interviewer. I'm surprised you didn't yell "the champ is here" as you entered into the room. I'm not sure if you know this or not, but why come to me about this? I know you haven't been around, but the guy you follow around and I don't exactly get along.

Chris X: (laughs) Look sweet heart I may have joined the Elite but I doubt you have any place in telling me in a certain special way that I shouldn't be hanging with Cena. Quite frankly how could he rub off on me when he hasn't even been seeen around here lately.

(Amy shrugs, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Just say it's some friendly advice, he's around here more than you think. After all, he's the one that makes me wear these stupid dresses. So I guess the lesson is...just because someone's not on TV doesn't mean their not in the building. You'd think after a thousand times of making that mistake in promo's you'd learn that.

Chris X: (gets up and gets in Amy's face) You know I came here to suggest an idea to help your pay per view and in also to help me, kinda like a win win situation. Figured hell, since Mike doesn't respect me maybe I should go to the little lady, and this is what I get! nothing but smart ass remarks! I want the extreme Championship, and I also want to end Chad "Country boy" Vargas' career and I wanna do it at the fucking pay per view in a three way barbwire madness deathmatch!

.::Amy Jericho::.-Your invading my personal bubble here...Legend...or X...or whatever you are. Actually I was just trying to help, just calm down. Interesting...though, I don't think I've been called a "little lady" before...hhmmm...*she shrugs* one on me. Anyways I'll get down to business, since you clearly are a mean drunk. First off, I have no problems with you...yet, and I'm sure you aren't the only one who wants that match.

Chris X: (calmly smiles) Then use your little Vince Russo but better booking powers and make it happen toots

.::Amy Jericho::.-*she shakes her head* didn't have to go that far. I was just trying to help out here. You could use it, seeing how your already being influenced by a man whore. But do what you want, right now Tomko has nothing better to do, and I'm sure wouldn't mind getting his hands on you and Chad after the main event

Chris X: Oh I'm sure they would, but see I have more motivation for this idea to happen than you would think. In my view Chad has yet to fully pay for costing me the tv title and also costing me my dignity on a grand stage. As for Tomko? haha he's gonna come out next week and I guarantee you he will claim he had a bad night and wants another shot at me, so this way Tomko gets to "rub on me" again and I get to take out little boy Vargas and also prove Tomko that he indeed did not have a bad night, he just basically sucks and also I take home the extreme title, so see doll face everyone wins well except chad but then again who gives a fuck about him...

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well...even though this has only been one meeting, I'm starting to wonder how Barbie can put up with you (she kinda shakes her head to suggests she's not really totally serious). I'm in a bit of a good mood with this being my birthday after all....*she smiles*...anyways, since I know that you and Chad are probably going to fight at some point, and Tomko has nothing better to do, and he'll want to hurt you and Chad anyways after Shockwave. So yeah, I'll make that triple threat for the Pay Per View, and I guess we can do your little barbwire madness thing.

Chris X: First off, Barbie puts up with me because I make her happy, and second off thank you..... for signing two top star's career retirment forms.

Chris X laughs as he raises his drink to his mouth and takes a sip

.::Amy Jericho::.-I do believe you have said that before It's a matter of if you can actually do it. That remains to be seen. As you found out, the EMF isn't a ECW rip off, but it does mean we go the extra step, it's going to be hard to forefil that claim, I hope you know that. Hell, your boss has tried for years to try to get me out of his way....and he hasn't had too much luck, as you see.

Chris X: (laughs) They may seem tough to you, but little lady let me remind you of just who the fuck I am. I am a fourteen time world champion, I've held many other titles as well and also for the big picture I wouldn't have came up with this match idea if I didn't think for one lousy second that I couldnt beat them two losers. I will beat them and you will instead of calling me Mr X will simply be calling me (laughs) CHAMP!

.::Amy Jericho::.-I think you and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin would be good friends. But look forward to seeing if you can do everything you say you can. Just know for reference, that being on John Cena's side, this might be the the last time were on common ground.

Chris X: (laughs) After this little one night stand attempt gone awry experience not talking to you again, would be just fucking dandy with me!

Chris X turns and starts to walk toward the door but turns around and says

Chris X: By the way just so you never can say I ain't nice. Happy Birthday

( Chris X then walks out the door and leaves. Amy shakes her head, and says as the camera fades away.)

.::Amy….but I was trying to help out.

(We fade away with that.)