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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Saturday Shockwave video. Once that has ended we go into the darken arena. Pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage, as they complete, the lights turn on to show the fans yelling and waving their signs. Some of the signs say "we didn't see Cena say that", "Down goes Stephanie!", and "Mannhole"!)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, we have a great show for you tonight. Like always, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "The King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-That's understatement, when's the last time we had a battle royal?

Kris Gaffney-When's the last time we had a elimination chamber?

King-I don't know, but it must have been match of the year. 6 men could walk into a elimination chamber, all take craps in the middle of the ring, and it would STILL be match of the year.

Kris Gaffney-Someone REALLY doesn't like the chamber.

King-Tell me about it…

("Cody Rhodes theme" blasts on the PA system as Cody Rhodes walks to the ring, and steps inside.)

JR-Last week this up and comer defeated Jack Swagger.

King-Yet Swaggers in the main event.

Kris Gaffney-Guess that's what you get when you sign up quickly…

("SammyExtreme's theme" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is the first match for Sammy in a few weeks.

King-Got to wonder if he's completely ready to go.

Kris Gaffney-Probably not, but then when is SammyExtreme ever alright?

[Cody Rhodes and SammyExtreme pace around the ring, and fight to see who is stronger of the two. Cody Rhodes is able to break this up after he's starting to back up with a knee to the gut. This doubles over SammyExtreme, Cody Rhodes hits a clubbing blow to the back of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme goes down to the mat on his knee's, Cody Rhodes pulls up SammyExtreme, and whips him to the ropes. SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes. Cody Rhodes goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme continues to the other side of the ring. He bounces off of the ropes, and Cody Rhodes turns around and gets hit with a flying forearm shot to the face of Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes goes down to the mat, and slowly Cody Rhodes gets up to his feet. SammyExtreme hits a running clothesline that knocks down Cody Rhodes once again. Cody Rhodes rolls out of the ring, trying to get some rest trying to rethink his strategy. Cody Rhodes stays too close to the apron, and SammyExtreme hits a baseball slide that sends Cody Rhodes on the mat, and SammyExtreme goes to the ropes. He measures up Cody Rhodes as he gets up to his feet. Cody Rhodes gets up to his feet, and SammyExtreme sling shots himself over the top rope into a dive over the top rope. He connects on Cody Rhodes with a cross body block, SammyExtreme gets up to his feet bring Cody Rhodes up with him, he brings him over to the steel steps, and smashes his head on the steps. SammyExtreme throws him into the ring, Sammy Extreme rolls into the ring, and gets to his feet. Cody Rhodes goes for a fist to the face, and ducks under the punch. He goes behind Cody Rhodes, he sets up Cody Rhodes, and hits an atomic drop. Cody Rhodes stumbles towards, hits the ropes, and stumbles backwards right into the waiting SammyExtreme who sets up Cody Rhodes, and hits a Russian leg sweep. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………………2…………………………kick out by Cody Rhodes. SammyExtreme looks up at the ref, and SammyExtreme allows Cody Rhodes to get up near the corner. SammyExtreme hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Cody Rhodes.]

JR-Shades of Ric Flair.

King-Seemly he wants Rhodes to feel at home.

Kris Gaffney-I guess so…

[SammyExtreme whips Cody Rhodes into the corner opposite of the one that he's at, and Cody Rhodes crashes on the corner. SammyExtreme charges at Cody Rhodes in the corner, and goes for a running shoulder block in the corner. But Cody Rhodes crashes into the corner, and Cody Rhodes falls down to the mat, trying to recover from the moves he's taken thus far. Cody Rhodes slowly stumbles to his feet after SammyExtreme pulls himself out of the corner. Cody Rhodes stalks behind SammyExtreme as he pulls himself up to his feet, Cody Rhodes hits a arm breaker on SammyExtreme as he turns around. SammyExtreme is in a lot of pain as holds his arm due to the pain of the arm breaker. SammyExtreme is in pain, and stays on the mat. Cody Rhodes takes a few moments to rest up, and as SammyExtreme gets up to his feet Cody Rhodes hits a few fists to the face, and whips him off of the ropes. SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes, and Cody Rhodes hits a spinning back elbow to the face of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme goes down to the mat, and slowly gets up to his feet. SammyExtreme stumbles right into Cody Rhodes sets up, and hits a shin breaker on SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme falls on the mat, and Cody Rhodes tries to put on a figure four leg lock, but as he tries to lock it in. SammyExtreme pushes off on Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes goes into the corner, but Cody Rhodes blocks himself going hard into the corner with his hands. Cody Rhodes turns around, and see's Sammy Extreme coming at him for a GORE, but Cody Rhodes moves out of the way. SammyExtreme crashes into the corner. SammyExtreme stumbles out of the corner, Cody Rhodes waits as SammyExtreme turns around. SammyExtreme gets set up in vertical suplex position, Cody Rhodes grabs the leg of SammyExtreme, and hits a fisherman's suplex with a bridge for the 1………………..2…………………kick out by SammyExtreme!]

JR-Cody Rhodes almost had SammyExtreme right there

King-If he doesn't win, he might crawl under the ring in shame!

Kris Gaffney-Hornswoggle won't be happy.

[Cody Rhodes pulls up SammyExtreme up to his feet, Cody Rhodes hits a few fists to the face. Cody Rhodes tries to whip SammyExtreme to the ropes, but it's reversed Cody Rhodes bounces off of the ropes. SammyExtreme hits a spinning spinebuster. He goes into the corner. Cody Rhodes starts to distract the ref as he gets up. On the other side of the ring, SammyExtreme notices that Marquise has jumped on the apron. SammyExtreme takes a swing at Marquise, but Marquise jumps down off of the apron. SammyExtreme reaches between the ropes for Marquise. But Marquise hits SammyExtreme with a chair, and ducks. As the ref turns around he doesn't see anything, SammyExtreme goes down to the mat. Cody Rhodes goes quickly into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2…………………3!]

JR-Marquise cost Sammy Extreme!

King-…I think Marquise hurt Sammy with that shot there.

[The camera gets a shot of SammyExtreme who has that glazed over eye look. Marquise slides into the ring as he stands over SammyExtreme with a can of spray paint, he turns him on his back, and spray paints the word "EVOLUTION" on his back.]

JR-I guess that means his challenge has been accepted.

King-But now is Sammy going to make it to Return of an Era?

(Note: Close match, but thought Cody had the better text overall.)

[Scott Mann is shown backstage holding a handful of flowers. He's got a grin on his face, he seems...happy?]

JR: For a guy that punched Stephanie McMahon-Walker in the face, he sure seems up beat

King: Yeah, this doesn't look good though JR.

[Mann knocks on a dressing room door, the camera shows it marked as 'Stephanie McMahon Walker' on the nameplate. After a while, Stephanie opens the door. The camera zooms in to show she still has a bit of a black eye from the punch, but seemly it's fading with time, and make up. She puts her hand on her hip, and says.)

.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-....what are YOU doing here?

Mann: Uh, special delievery for a very special person and by special person I mean smart, intelligent... not like special ed retarded special...

.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-*gives him a weird look*....eeeerrr...hope not.

Mann: Yeah, I just want to apologize for that thing that happened. By the way it's barely noticable...

[Mann forcefully hands the flowers to Stephanie.]

Mann: It's the least I can do. I was going to buy some candies, but I figured that you rather not be tempted by candy...

.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-.....what are you suggesting?!

Mann: I know how much fitness is looked upon... oh.. no I wasn't trying to infer that you were overweight. No, I'd be all over you like Rosie O'Donell on a 5 dollar foot long if you were single...

[Mann quickly realizes this is going bad.]

Mann: So, yeah I'm sorry. About that...

(Stephanie smacks her forehead, and shakes her head. Trying to ignore Mann screwing up, she takes the flowers, and says.)

.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Eeerrr...guess don't worry about it? Well.....I'll say the flowers are pretty....what are they?

Mann: They are a type of carnations. One of the longest lasting flowers to display.

.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-.....oh no.....

Mann: Oh no what?

[Mann is confused at first.]

.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-I'm allergic to carnations! *she starts to sneeze uncontrollably* Aw....I got to go...

(Stephanie starts to take off down the hall sneezing uncontrollably as she runs to a nearby sink to wash the flower residue off and avoid provoking her allergies even more.)

Mann: Dammit. This didn't go according to plan...

[Mann walks off in frustration, knowing he probably just made things even worse for himself.]

("Through the fire and the flames" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Last week X-Tazte had a message that was sent loud and clear to the TV champion.

King-Become a Tazte, it's fun?

JR-Or I'm coming for your title.

Kris Gaffney-Oh….right…..the title.

("My World" blasts on the PA system as Chris Legend walks to the ring along with Barbie walks to the ring.)

JR-These two seem determine to prove themselves to be the best.

King-Seemly he doesn't like Prez Mike book matches.

Kris Gaffney-Guess not…

[Troy Gafgen and Chris Legend pace around the ring, and they lock up. Chris Legend backs up with the overall strength advantage. Troy Gafgen puts Chris Legend in the corner, and the ref counts, and it looks like Troy Gafgen is going ot give Chris Legend the clean break. But as he's going out of the corner, he hits a cheap shot to the face that reels back Chris Legend in the corner. Chris Legend reels in the corner, Troy Gafgen hits a few shoulders blocks in the gut stuns Chris Legend some more. Troy Gafgen tries to whip Chris Legend to the opposite side of the ring. Chris Legend crashes into the corner, Troy Gafgen goes for a clothesline in the corner. But it's countered with a boot to the face, and stuns Troy Gafgen away from Chris Legend. Chris Legend stays in the corner as Troy Gafgen shakes off the effects of the last move, and goes for some sort of splash in the corner that Chris Legend is able to counter with a drop toe hold that sends Troy Gafgen face first into the top turnbuckle. Chris Legend waits for Troy Gafgen to stumble towards him. Chris Legend hits an arm breaker on Troy Gafgen, Troy Gafgen goes down to the mat, Chris Legend shakes off the opening few moves he took, and goes towards the corner that he was in. He pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle and waits. Troy Gafgen slowly gets to his feet, and Chris Legend measures up, and leaps off of the second rope, and hits a second rope missile drop kick that connects, and backs up Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen is near the ropes. So to get him towards the ropes, Chris Legend hits a standing drop kick that sends Troy Gafgen falling over the ropes, and out of the ring. Troy Gafgen crashes on the mat, and slowly gets up to his feet just as Chris Legend spring boards off of the ropes, and leaps over the top rope for a flying cross body that catches Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen and Chrsi Legend are down on the mat. Both wrestlers make their way up to their feet. Chris Legend hits a few fists to the face of Troy Gafgen. Chris Legend hits a kick to the gut, and sets up Troy Gafgen for a snap suplex. But the weight of Troy Gafgen is in his favor, so he can't pull it off. Chris Legend tries again, but it's blocked once again.]

JR-Chris Legend might be great, but his body can't cash this check.

King-I'd say so.


[Troy Gafgen counters with a snap suplex that sends Chris Legend on the mat, and he picks up Chris Legend, and puts Chris Legend over his shoulder. Then tries to long dart Chris Legend, but Chris Legend is able to slide out of the back of Troy Gafgen. Chris Legend pushes Troy Gafgen into the ring post. Troy Gafgen stumbles forward dazed, and Chris Legend throws in Troy Gafgen in the ring, and takes a few moments to mock the crowd. Then Chris Legend climbs up to the top rope, measures up, and leaps off of the top rope at Troy Gafgen. Who hits a upper cut to the chin as Chris Legend comes at him. Chris Legend falls down to the mat, and Troy Gafgen falls against the ropes to hold him up, and Chris Legend soon gets up to his feet, and Troy Gafgen hits a clothesline that knocks down Chris Legend, and Chris Legend gets up to his feet. Troy Gafgen hits a few fists to the face and whips Chris Legend off of the ropes, and as he bounces off of the ropes, Troy Gafgen lowers his head. Chris Legend flies through the air, and comes crashing down on the mat.Slowly he gets up to his feet, and Chris Legend stumbles right into the waiting Troy Gafgen who grabs Chris Legend by the neck, and lifts him up, then drops him in the corner. Troy Gafgen hits a few body punches, and whips him to the other side of the ring. As Chris Legend crashes into the corner Troy Gafgen follows with a clothesline in the corner. Chris Legend stumbles out of the corner, and right into the waiting Troy Gafgen who picks up Chris Legend up on his shoulder. He backs up in the corner, and hits a running power slam out of the corner that connects on Chris Legend. Troy Gafgen goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………………….2……………………kick out by Chris Legend! Troy Gafgen looks at the ref, he shakes his head thinking that was a three count. But he continues keeping the pressure on Chris Legend by putting him in the sitting position, and putting a nerve hold on Chris Legend.]

JR-Troy Gafgen is trying to wear down Chris Legend.

King-I don't think Legend really thought Troy was going to be this much of a test.

[Chris Legend gets up to his feet, and he hits a few elbows into the gut, and breaks the grip of Troy Gafgen. Chris Legend runs to the ropes, Troy Gafgen lowers his head, and Chris Legend counters with a running DDT. Chris Legend stays on his feet, waiting for Troy Gafgen to get up to his feet. Chris Legend kicks Troy Gafgen in the gut, and goes for the Outshiner. But it's countered by Troy Gafgen throwing him off. Chris Legend hits the corner hard, and stumbles out of the corner. Troy Gafgen goes for the Crack of Dawn. But Chris Legend grabs the ropes, and Troy Gafgen falls hard on the mat. Chris Legend does a jack knife cover, as the ref is counting the pin. Chris Legend hooks the ropes with the free arm as Troy Gafgen struggles to get out of the pin. The ref counts 1………………….2……………………3. Troy Gafgen does kick out, just a split second too late.]

JR-The ref didn't see that, otherwise that pin wouldn't count.

King-Oh well, can't call what you can't see.

(Chris Legend gets his arm raised, and turns right into a Crack of Dawn. Chris Legend goes down to the mat, and slowly he gets up to his knee's. Troy Gafgen measuing up for his kick to the head. But suddenly out of no where Ricky Ramon spears down Troy Gafgen before he can hit the kick. Kevin Bourne and Ricky Ramon start to attack the downed Troy Gafgen. After a prolonged attack, Chris Legend yells for them to pull up Troy Gafgen. They do, Chris Legend kicks Troy Gafgen in the gut, and hits the Outshiner! Chris Legend grabs a microphone, and begins to talk.)

Chris: In case all of you people are wondering just what the hell is going on here, allow me to put away your curiosity and explain. See about two weeks ago it was evident that Prez Mike along with several other bastard nobodies in the locker room were never going to respect me, no matter what I did they would always refuse to respect me. Luckily for me though I met up with The Elite boys at a club after decimating Marquise's face and we talked and it appeared we had something in common. That being we both deserve respect but yet are refused any, we go out every night and give it our all but yet we still are looked down upon and for no fucking reason. The Elite is filled with big stars, you got former multi time WWE/World Champ John Cena, you got former EMF TV Champion Kevin Bourne and you got right here the future of Extreme Wrestling the new Intercontinental Champion Ricky Ramon! All these guys have done great in their careers but yet you all refuse to respect em. Ricky Ramon busted his ass to win that IC title from MVP and you idiot bastards showed no respect to him. You people refuse to recognise true greatness instead you're all hung up on goofs like Batista and that has been Hulk Hogan! You people wouldn't know true greatness if it smacked ya right in the face! The Elite is called The Elite for a reason and you people fail to see why. So we hung out and talked and we decided if ever the time was right we would hook up and make our statements together! We would take over and run this company the way WE SEE FIT! And low and behold tonight just happened to be the right timing, cause tonight was the night I guaranteed you all that not even Troy former world champ and all could be a man of my caliber and well (looks down at Troy) looks as if once again I proved to be right! So mark this day on your calender as the night The Elite became complete! Cause now they have The Real fucking Legend of Wrestling the EMF TV champion ME, CHRIS LEGEND! and together we will earn our rightfully deserved respect, and come Return of an Era we shall earn that very respect because we will not fail to claim victory! And speaking of Return of an Era

Legend fixes the tv title over his shoulder and nods at the Elite guys then looks at the camera*

Chris: X Tazte! tonight comic con headliner you got lucky. As tonight you won the lottery, which is of you being lucky enough to still have a career. However Tazte that lottery of luck is only temporary because see at Return of an Era I will do what Black Acid couldn't do and what others in the back want done, and that is for you to be sent OUT of the EMF and be placed on the IR list PERMANENTLY! You wanna come out from behind, come from the rafters and attack me? (laughs) Son I coulda easily done the same thing to you tonight. I coulda came to your locker room, your house, the gym, local restaurant and taken you out right then and there. But Tazte I have bigger plans for you, see I see it better and more beneficial that I instead take you out on a much larger scale, a much bigger stage. That being Return of An Era. I promise you comic hero that you will regret the day you decided to attack me when its clear I didn't deserve it. I know you are the number one contender and all but still you should be man enough to settle your destain for me face to face where everything is fair and equal. Though it appears however that you are not a man as you choose to hid behind a mask. That's all fine and dandy but rest assure that come Return of an Era will be man up time and if you fail to not be a coward then you my friend will fail to become (raises the TV title up in the air) CHAMPION! Because Tazte even though Prez Mike appears to be on the veto side of hardcore matches being booked lately he will have no say in the matter of our match because I will sue him and this company if he fails to approve of my match type idea. A match type so heinous so disturbing that it hasn't been seen in quite sometime and when it is shown its shown very rarely. The match type I'm talking about Tazte is what I and other extreme match enthusiasts like to call (leans over the ropes) BARBED WIRE MASSACRE!! Tazte you wanna play rough, you wanna be the star around here well son come Return of an Era you'll get your chance to shine, but don't think you will shine all that brightly cause like Troy and others before him were, you too Marvel boy will be OUTSHINED! (smirks) See yout next Sunday!

Legend drops the mic and then celebrates with The Elite as their music plays through the arena

("City" blasts on the PA system as Vampire Christ walks to the ring, it changes over to "Evolution" as the Gambler walks to the ring with Marquise soon following behind. "People like me" blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring, and "Pain" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring.)

JR-This isn't the first we have seen Marquise.

King-Although, I'm pretty sure that SammyExtreme doesn't know.

Kris Gaffney-Wonder if Punk would advise him to take something for the headache or not?

("Break Stuff" blasts on the PA system as Carnage walks to the ring, it changes to "On your Knees" as Jack Swagger walks out to the ring. "Black Acid's theme" blasts on the PA system as Black Acid walks to the ring. "Strangehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring. Followed closely behind is Ken Kennedy who's theme "Turn up the Trouble" blasts on the PA system.)

JR-Ken Kennedy is a strong favorite to go for another shot at world title.

King-Although, I get the feeling he might job for CM Punk.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, anyone who makes their own wellness policy is god in the eyes of Kennedy…..Kennedy.

[All ten wrestlers stare down each other, suddenly the two biggest men in the match the Gambler and Carnage step inside of the middle of the ring. They talk trash, then finally come to blows which unleashes total anarchy within the ring as everyone starts to fight. In the corner, Vampire Christ has pushed Marquise into the corner, and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest, and then follows it up with a few stomps into the chest of Marquise. Marquise falls down into a sitting position in the corner. Vampire Christ chokes Marquise with his boot into the throat of Marquise, then after he's in a sitting position. Vampire Christ backs up, see's a clearing in all of the fighting, runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Then hits a boot to the face of Marquise. Kevin Bourne seemly has taken on the job of going after one of the biggest men in the match the Gambler. The Gambler is reeling on the ropes as Kevin Bourne hits a few fists on the Gambler. But suddenly Jack Swagger comes from behind, and hits a clubbing blow to the back of the neck of Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne reels backwards. Jack Swagger hits a few fists to the face of Kevin Bourne, and whips him to the ropes. But as he this the ropes, Kevin Bourne hooks the ropes, and doesn't come back. This doesn't make Swagger too happy, as he charges at Kevin Bourne. But Kevin Bourne counters this with a back drop over the top rope, but Jack Swagger counters by landing on his feet Kevin Bourne turns around, and gets hit with a shoulder block into the gut. Doubling over Kevin Bourne, and Jack Swagger tries to suplex Kevin Bourne out of the ring, and Kevin Bourne is able to shift his weight, and land on his feet. Then hits a low blow on Jack Swagger that obviously nothing can be done about, due to it having no rules. Kevin Bourne hits a standing drop kick that makes Jack Swagger the first one eliminated. But as Kevin Bourne turns around, the Gambler hits a running clothesline on Kevin Bourne that sends Kevin Bourne over the top rope, and on to the floor. KEVIN BOURNE is the second elimination!]

JR-Kevin Bourne has been eliminated!

Kris Gaffney-Well, he's going to have to find another way to the world title.

King-Right now, I think he's thanking god Hell on Earth's coming up…

[On another side of the ring, Black Acid is hammering away on Marquise with fists as he starts to almost fall to the outside. But just before he hits the final blow, Black Acid ducks under, and hits a shoulder block, Black Acid stumbles back. Being dazed Marquise takes a few moments, he gets up, and tries to suplex Black Acid out of the ring, but it's blocked, and Black Acid gets Marquise up to suplex him back into the ring, but then goes forward and throws him over the top rope again, and right on to the floor. MARQUISE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! Black Acid seeing Carnage on the ropes decides that he wants to try to try his luck to get the big Carnage over the top rope. But Carnage counters by side stepping Black Acid, and Black Acid flies over the top rope, but is able to land on the apron, after stumbling. He turns right into the hand of Carnage who grabs him by the throat, lifts him up, and choke slams Black Acid to the arena floor! BLACK ACID HAS BEEN ELIMINATED! Carnage from the inside of the ring looks down at his handy work, but what he doesn't see that the Gambler is sneaking up on him. Carnage turns around, and gets hit with a running big boot to the face. Carnage goes over the top rope, but lands on the apron. Carnage gets up to his feet, the Gambler tries to hit a fist to the face. But it's blocked and Carnage grabs the Gambler by the throat, and drags him into the apron. Carnage tries to hit a fist to the face, and Carnage grabs the Gambler with both hands around the next. But the Gambler is able to low blow him, the Gambler backs up, and hits a running big boot to he face of Carnage. Carnage goes down to the mat, CARNAGE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED. The Gambler laughs at Carnage, but Dewey Pond sneaks up, and hits a standing drop kick that sends the Gambler out of the ring. THE GAMBLER HAS BEEN ELIMINATED.]

JR-The Gambler took his eye off the ball there.

King-Although, he took down Carnage with him.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure, maybe they'll go back to eat some babies out of frustration.

[The Gambler doesn't look too happy as he tries to get back into the ring, but he's pushed back by the refs, and finally agree's to go to the backstage area. Mr. Kennedy sneaks up on Dewey Pond, and throws him over the top rope. Ken Kennedy grins a cocky grin, but what he doesn't see that Dewey Pond was able to hold on to the top rope to avoid falling to the mat. Dewey Pond measures up on Ken Kennedy waiting for him to turn around, Ken Kennedy turns around, and Ken Kennedy gets hit by a spring board clothesline off of the top rope by Dewey Pond. Ken Kennedy gets up to his feet, and Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face of Ken Kennedy. Dewey Pond whips Ken Kennedy off of the ropes. Ken Kennedy bounces off of the ropes, and Dewey Pond hits the Pond water splash! Dewey Pond goes over to where CM Punk is in the corner, and hits a few fists to the face of CM Punk, Dewey Pond tries to whip CM Punk into the opposite corner. But it's reversed, as Dewey Pond goes into the corner. He tries to do a little too much, and runs up the corner trying to go for a quick off the top move, but CM Punk thinking, and acting quickly is able to push Dewey Pond off the top rope, that sends Dewey Pond flying off of the top rope, and goes crashing down to the mat below. DEWEY POND IS ELIMINATED!]

JR-Dewey Pond did a little too much there, and has been eliminated.

King-I doubt Gambler is going to forget what Pond did tonight though.

[CM Punk gets up, and see that Vampire Christ is in the corner, after stunning the attacking Ken Kennedy with some sort of move off camera. CM Punk charges at him, and hits a knee to the face. CM Punk hits a running bulldog that sends Vampire Christ on the mat. Vampire Christ slowly gets up to his feet, he stumbles right into the waiting CM Punk who lifts up Vampire Christ for the GTS. But Vampire Christ is able to slide out of the back. Vampire Christ stumbles to the ropes. CM Punk charges at Vampire Christ, and goes for a clothesline. But it's countered with a back body drop that sends CM Punk over the top rope. But CM Punk lands on the apron, and Vampire Christ turns around, they start to hit fists to the face back and forth. Niether gaining the advantage. Suddenly Ken Kennedy comes from behind, and hits a running high knee to the back of vampire Christ that sends Vampire Christ crashing into CM Punk. CM Punk falls off of the apron to the floor. CM PUNK HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!]

JR-That's a huge surprise right there.

King-Biggest surprise is that Ashley and Punk are only friends..

Kris Gaffney-Really hard to believe.

[Vampire Christ stumbles around, and goes right into Ken Kennedy who goes for the Mic check. But Vampire Christ hits a few elbows out of the move, Ken Kennedy stumbles around. Vampire Christ kicks Ken Kennedy in the gut, and hits a brain buster that drives down Ken Kennedy. As that happens the lights turn off, as the lights turn on Vampire Christ is looking around the ring. But finally shrugs it off, he runs to the ropes, and gets tripped up. He gets up angry, he turns around, and see's the Joker mocking him. Vampire Christ is yelling at him. Suddenly out of no where Ken Kennedy sneaks behind Vampire Christ, gets under Vampire Christ, and throws him out of the ring over the top rope. Vampire Christ hits the mat. VAMPIRE CHRIST HAS BEEN ELIMINATED, AND KEN KENNEDY HAS WON THE MATCH.]

JR-Ken Kennedy is going to Return of an Era to face Dan Godwin, and Vampire Christ is going on to face Ricky Ramon!

King-Although, that sure doesn’t help the Vampire and Joker friendship.

Kris Gaffney-They were friends?

(Vampire Christ stomps after the Joker up the ramp as Shockwave goes off the air.)

(Note: We determined that Kennedy was the best choice to be the world title due to having his usual solid text, and quality RP. Vampire Christ because we just felt he had slightly better text on everyone (sans a mistake with Kennedy) than CM Punk. He also had good scenes that fit every person he talked about. The rest who RPed, all did a good job, and were most likely going to have SOMETHING for you coming from this. Watch the ROAE card.)