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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video starts to play, and we go into the darken arena as it ends. Pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage, and the fans wave their signs as they scream their lungs out. Some say "you won't take one second to review this, why bother?", "my sign sucks", and "so does mine".)

King-Wow..someone lacks creativitiy this week.

JR-Well..welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

Kris Gaffney-And what a show we have for you tonight…headlined by the world title match..

King-Actually…it already happened in Unleashed.

Kris Gaffney-Huh? I didn't see it.

King-Oh yeah?...Well…yeah! p>

*Shockwave opens up, before the pyrotechnics, before shots of the crowd, the arena is dark as the screen lights up and television goes live showing a limo pull up to the Scott Trade Center in St. Louis, MO. Out steps EMF Attitude President Tony "The Badd Boy" Ikeda. He adjusts his suit, and with a sour look on his face he begins walking from the parking lot into the arena. The camera stays in front of him as he makes his way through the doorway entering the back hallways of the arena. EMF crew members and superstars alike are scurrying around getting ready for the show. A technician walks up to Mr. Ikeda.*

Technician: Mr. Ikeda, I have all of the pyrotechnics ready for your grand celebration entrance tonight. Once you get through the gorilla, it is all set to go.

*Tony just glares at the Technician. He continues walking down the hallway. A caterer is the next to step up to Tony.*

Caterer: We have a huge feast prepared for you just as you ordered for your championship celebration.

*Tony now glares at the caterer and continues to walk down the hallway.*

JR: Was The Badd Boy preparing to be the champion prematurely?

The King: That's the way it looks. I wonder how much he spent expecting to return to St. Louis as the champion?

*Tony Ikeda hits the Gorilla and walks through it stepping out into the arena, simultaneously "Game On" by Disciple starts playing. The Badd Boy walks out as Golden shower pyro starts to shower down. He just keeps walking down the ramp as his usual blue pyro starts firing off. Confetti starts showering from the raftors of the arena. The ring is laiden with red velvet with a wooden stand in the middle of the ring and a glass case that has no championship in it as it appears it should. He climbed into the ring and walked to the middle. He was handed a microphone. The hometown St. Louis crowd was loudly booing him, minus a few cheers from people who just go against the norm. The music fades out and Tony raises the microphone up to his mouth.*

Tony Ikeda: ......

*Before Tony even speaks streamers shoot out of the turnbuckles and a live marching band starts playing music as they march their way down the ramp and start surrounding the ring. As they finished surrounding the ring pyro started firing off from the top of the arena. A banner drops down from the top reading "Congratulations World Champion Ikeda". Tony sees this, looks down at the ground and drops his microphone. Tony just climbs out of the ring and moves through the band. He walks swiftly up the ramp and to the back.*

JR: King, this has to be absolutely embarrassing. He created an outlandish victory party, and he didn't get the victory.

*The camera follows Tony back through the back hallways. He walks by the Catering table and kicks it over. He makes his way to the back door and kicks it open. Tony goes straight back to his limosuine, climbs in, and the camera watches as the Limo exits the arena.*

("Hollywood Undead" blasts on the PA system as Vampire Christ walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is the debut match for Vampire Christ.

King-Vampire's?....Must be a new Hot Topic open somewhere near…

Kris Gaffney-Yep…guess you know what we have to do…

("Black Acid's theme" blasts on the PA system as Black Acid walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Black Acid has developed a new attitude.

King-It's like he's a killer.

Kris Gaffney-Where is Angelus Archer when you need him.

King-Probably behind you?


[Black Acid and Vampire Christ lock up, Black Acid twists Vampire's Christ's arm, Black Acid hits a few clubbing blows to the arm. Then puts on the pressure on Black Acid, Vampire Christ looks for a way out of the hold. He backs up Black Acid to the ropes, and whips Black Acid off of the ropes, and whips Black Acid off of the ropes, Black Acid bounces off of the ropes.Black Acid hits a shoulder block on Vampire Christ, Black Acid waits as Vampire Christ gets up to his feet, and charges at Black Acid who hits a spinning back elbow to the face of Vampire Christ. Vampire Christ goes down to the mat, Vampire Christ gets up dazed, but he still charges at Black Acid who counters thi with a hip toss. This time Vampire Christ gets up to his feet, and can't charge at Black Acid. Black Acid picks up Vampire Christ, and hits a rib breaker. Vampire Christ is in pain, and Black Acid hits a few stomps on the downed Vampire Christ, and Vampire Christ rolls near the ropes. The ref asks Black Acid to give Vampire Christ some space. Black Acid gives Vampire a few moments to get up in the corner, and Black Acid closes the gap, and hits a few stomps into the gut of Vampire Christ to stun him. Black Acid whips Vampire Christ to the opposite side of the ring, and Vampire Christ flips in the corner. Vampire Christ somehow ends up sitting on the top rope turnbuckle with his back towards the inside of the ring. Black Acid hits a few clubbing blows to the back of Vampire Christ as he gets him there, and climbs up to the top rope, hooks up Vampire Christ, then hits a super belly to back suplex off of the top rope that connects. Vampire Christ is down on the mat, and isn't really moving. Black Acid rolls on to the cover, and gets the 1………………………2…………………kick out by Vampire Christ. Black Acid shakes his head, and thinks of the next move he's going to do. He decides to slow things down, and he puts on a surfboard stretch, the ref asks Vampire Christ if he wants to give it up. Vampire Christ refuses, Vampire Christ looks for a way out of this hold. Vampire Christ tries to get up, but seems to be having some problems with this as Black Acid holds on the hold.]

JR-Black Acid refuses to let go of this hold.

King-Think he might need to tap out?

Kris Gaffney-Eeeerrr…doubt he'll want to, or will…that would be kinda embarrassing…

[Vampire Christ slowly gets up to his feet, and then turns the move into a roll up pin for the 1…………2………..Black Acid is able to get out of the pin before the three. Both wrestlers are slow to get up to his feet. Black Acid charges at Vampire Christ as he's getting up to his feet. He goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Vampire Christ. Black Acid bounces off of the ropes, and Vampire Christ is able to hit a spinning spine buster. Vampire Christ can't do much with the advantage, as he falls off any cover, and away from Black Acid. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and both wrestlers are down on the mat. Both get up at about the same time, Vampire Christ throws the first fist to the face of Black Acid that connects, but its' answered back by Black Acid. The two wrestlers trade fists back and forth, finally Black Acid pokes Vampire Christ in the eyes to stun him, and whips him off of the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, Vampire Christ ducks under a clothesline by Black Acid. Vampire Christ bounces off of the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. He comes off of the ropes, Black Acid lowers his head, and goes for a back body drop. But as Black Acid has him up, Vampire Christ is able to hold on to the head of Black Acid, and plants him with a DDT. Vampire Christ is able to fairly quickly goes into the corner to get up to his feet. Using this chance to rest up all the way. Black Acid slowly gets up to his feet, and charges at Vampire Christ in the corner. He leaps blindly in the corner, and Vampire Christ moves out of the way, and Black Acid crashes face first into the top turnbuckle. Vampire Christ waits as Black Acid stumbles around dazed. Vampire Christ kicks Black Acid in the gut that doubles him over, sets him up, and hits a brain buster perfectly placed to where Vampire Christ wants Black Acid. Vampire Christ gets up to his feet, and climbs out of the ring, and on to the apron. He climbs up to the top rope, measures, leaps off of the top rope, and hits a flying leg drop off of the top rope across the throat of Black Acid. Vampire Christ goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………………….2……………………….kick out by Black Acid just before the three count.]

JR-Almost three.

King-He probably doesn't want to allow Vampire Christ to cross the line.

Kris Gaffney-Vampire isn't into lines…persay..

[Vampire Christ waits for Black Acid to get up to his feet, and Black Acid gets kicked in the gut, and goes for a power bomb. Black Acid punches Vampire Christ in the gut, and then pushes Vampire Christ to the corner. Black Acid charges at Vampire Christ, and goes for some sort splash, but Vampire Christ moves out of the way, and brings the ref in harms way instead. The ref goes down stunned, Vampire Christ tries to take advantage with a fist, but Black Acid ducks it, and hits a DDT. Black Acid climbs up to the top rope, but as he's there, suddenly out of no where a mask man jumps on the apron undetected, and hits a low blow that stuns Black Acid, and goes undetected by the ref. a mask man jumps down, Vampire Christ probably unaware of what happened, climbs up to the top rope, and hits the Vampire Bite off of the top rope! Vampire Christ goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………………..2………………….3!]

JR-What was that guy doing?

King-Proving he's still angry? That's why he wears the mask...

(note: Will change, once I get the word. You'll find out who it is.

(The EMF tron lights up with Amy Jericho working in her office, she is wearing a very tight black dress. Like always, shows off a lot, but stops just before becoming too much. The skirt goes all the way down to her ankles, she also wears black high heels. She is behind her desk doing some paper work, when a knock at the door is heard. She looks up, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Come in....

(The EMF President John Cena walks into the office. He looks slightly more serious than on his usual visits to Amy.)

Cena: Hi Amy. Erm. I guess we need to talk.

(Amy looks up, she rolls her eyes, gives Cena an unwelcomed look.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Really? What about....don't tell me, someone spat in your food, and you think it was me? Sorry, I haven't done that.....yet, I was planning to in a couple days though. So your out of luck, it wasn't me.

Cena: No Amy. This is more serious. I'm sure you've heard all about the match McMahon has set up for us. I need to mak sure your going to co-operate in this.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Let me a man who threw me in a dress, and told me I'm just a girl.The same man who told me I'm not important to this company other than showing off my body, or not see that same man get what's coming to him. Hhhhhhmmmm....hard choice.

Cena: So you'd be happy to see this whole company die? To see the EMF go out of business?

.::Amy Jericho::.-As much as I love the company, the way I was treated, I don't owe it anything. I gave it everything, and I was left with nothing, but self serving assholes taking away or threatening to take away everything important to me. So no, I really don't care. Honestly, the company has gone down once or twice before. Mike was able to reboot it, maybe he could do it again without you there. Honestly it would be a good thing if it went down that way.

Cena: It wouldn't happen, this is McMahon. It'll be as likely to see EMF again as it is to see WCW make a comeback. Well, maybe it'll become another lame feeder to the WWE roster like ECW. Amy this is serious. You might hate me, but you don't hate EMF. For all the bad you've gone through, its given you plenty more joy in your life. Surely you don't want it to die. And more importantly, its death to be your fault?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, could always put those tricks from Snitsky to some good use. It hasn't brought me much joy in the past year, or do you forget you taking my job by kidnapping my daughter? Convincing your ex-wife that I liked you, so she'd almost kill me. What else do I have to say. I love the EMF, it's your EMF I can't stand.

Cena: I feared you might act this way. Refuse to help me when you know how dependant on you I am. How much is it going to cost me to get you on side Amy? I really need you to help me on this one.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Aw a price, normally I can't be bought. But really, for too long I've been treated like a third class citizen here, being a business woman, I would be stupid not to take advantage of this situation. Besides, really I do think there is some good left in this place at least. So there are a few things that come to mind....

Cena: Why do I get the feeling this'll hit my bank balance more than my divorce did?

.::Amy Jericho::.-*she laughs* I'm not selfish Cena. I think all I want is to be treated fair, and not treated as someone who's only good is taking my clothes off.

Cena: You did look damn good that day Amy... its a shame you couldn't enjoy it. But I guess thats fair enough. What do you want me to do?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah...well....I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE isn't the only thing you have to worry about, you were the one who broke your own contract with Playboy. But regardless, look at me now, *she spins around* I look like I'm going to the prom every day. I haven't been able to wear pants in more than a year! So obviously my first thing I'd ask for is to give me my freedom of expression back. It's a stupid dress code anyways, what exactly is the point? So yeah, my first wish out of this whole thing is for you to get rid of the stupid dress stip.

Cena: I wish I could do that Amy... but I can't. Its a legally binding contract. I can't just cancel it and let you out of the stipulation altogether. Believe me, I would if I could. But seriously, don't you like looking pretty every single day of you life? Hell even the ugly girls seemed to look good at prom. You weren't ugly before, but this stipulation just brings out your very best.

.::Amy Jericho::.-I kind of knew that, I was hoping that you might have a way. But fine, I accept that there is no way out on it for now. I better not find out later that you can call it off, or the deal is off. I don't see the point in dressing me like this, the only explaination I've heard is that you didn't know I had breasts. Yet after you threw me in a dress, there you were, still chopping away at them until I cried. So obviously it's not because it reminds you not to hit me there.

Cena: Who knows. Maybe I just like you like this? I just think it makes you like far prettier. Guys don't want their girls to dress like a guy. They want them to be girly. And pretty. And right now you tick both boxes. But thats not the issue here really. If I can't do that for you, is there anything else you want that I can do?

.::Amy Jericho::.-*sigh* Your hopeless when it comes to women. Word to wise, women like to be themselves, and were not all completely girly. Anyways that's not important, there is something more reasonable. You know there has been a lot of people who have talked about me. They said I'm taking so much money away from the company. That somehow I'm the highest paid person in the company. Since you are someone that wouldn't stick up for me in any other situation. I just want you to look into that camera, and do something you never done. Tell the truth, I want the complete truth, I don't want anyone to say later that I forced you to lie. If I'm really taking away money from the EMF, then I want you to say it right now. So remind me, as far as staff members go, where do I rank as far as my salary?

(Cena gives Amy a confused look, and then shrugs.)

Cena: Honestly.... erm.... well.... your higher than Josh Matthews... i'm not sure about Grisham though. *He smirks* In all honesty.... given the amount of work you do, and how great you look doing it, and how little you get paid for it.... you really are a steal for this company. People always seem to talk about how much eachother are paid without looing at the facts. You don't do that well Amy. Maybe you need an agent to negotiate you a better deal next time.

.::Amy Jericho::.-*she rolls her eyes* With you at top of the EMF, I doubt I'd get a chance. I'd probably be told to leave the EMF as fast as I could. As I said, I don't need the money, but with the way the world is now, and the fact I have a family now. I think I should change that. I'm not going to be greedy, first thing I want is that I have at least the average salary compared to our top staff members.....excluding you, because you are way over paid, I'm not done just yet. I just want to say, is that too much to ask?

Cena: Amy... even if I didn't need you to help me out, i'd still have given you better money if you asked. Even if just to keep you around to stop me getting bored. Without you, who else would I piss off on an hourly basis? Consider it done. I'll get you a new deal in the next couple of days.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Ok, I'm not done just know the dress stip might be in my contract that you can't take out. But the whole high heel thing isn't, it's just added in, and held by you. I've been to the doctor lately, and he told me their starting to really hurt my feet, if you need a note....*she opens her desk door, and pushes it over to Cena. * Honestly, I think you should at least be able to let me cut back on it. You have me wearing them at home now. Considering it's not good to my health, once again, I'm asking would it be too much to ask to let me wear some shoes that aren't going to hurt my feet?

(Cena just slides the note back to Amy without even reading it.)

Cena: I don't even care about the heels anymore Amy. I'll get rid of it. I had my reasons for wanting it... but if we're gonna be working together... hopefully those reasons won't exist too much longer anyway.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Then why didn't you call it off sooner?

Cena: It had.... advantages. It completed the image that the dresses gave you. Plus, it made it more fun to watch you walking away after our little meetings. I guess the heels made you shake your ass more when you walk or something..... I dunno... all I know is I couldn't keep my eyes off it... even more than usual! *he laughs* but regardless. I mean... maybe you'll want to wear them with some of the dresses anyway. But i'm not going to force you anymore, I think thats fair enough.

.::Amy Jericho::.-*she rolls her eyes* I really need to make sure that I don't turn my back to you. But not the time to complain, when you make my new deal. I also want all the benefits that the top staff members have for me, and my family. You know that I don't have it, and quite frankly I'm kinda tired of having to pay out of pocket. That's just necessary, if that's ok, then I only have one more thing...

Cena: We're talking medical benefits? Really I don't believe you signed a contract that didn't have them.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Trust me, I have'll have to check my contract anyways...take a look at it. I have nothing. That's what I get for sneaking in as Vice President the way I did. But oh well, I think I more than proved myself, and I think it's time that I get what everyone else does.

Cena: And you complain that the way I got power was underhanded? But either way. Ok, it'll be in the new contract. So whats the final thing?

.::Amy Jericho::.-I didn't kidnap anyone, was I ruthless, yeah a little bit. But this is business, sometimes you got to be, but it was simply a "be quiet deal". Mike got what he wanted, and I was given a fair deal for performing up to standards. I didn't steal anyone's job, I simply filled a position that needed to be filled. Considering my deal, I don't think you can compare what you did. What you did was out of line, and personal. So don't compare yourself to me.

Cena: I didn't kidnap anyone either technically.... so I wouldn't go throwing around allegations. Mickie James kidnapped your daughter, no one else. If anything, her being given to me and Nat saved her. If she'd stayed with Mickie and Maria she'd either have been taking Barbie's clothes off all day, or else crawling into the oven because she thinks its the back garden or something. And besides, it's not "stealing" if the thing in question was stolen from you in the first place.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Once again, I have to correct you. If were talking technicality's, you were never the owner. You never had the share of the EMF until you stole it from me. Edge was the owner, and he gave it to me. Regardless of the reason why, he sold it to me, and not you. I didn't kidnap anyone, I didn't do anything underhanded, I was just offered something, and I took it. Nothing more than that. You had no real right to the job, no matter how much you want to think you did. That desk you sit behind every day is rightfully my desk, don't act like I'm stupid. I know it was you behind the kidnapping, because if you weren' wouldn't have gotten close to being in charge, but I should get to the final thing...

(Amy shakes her head.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-The fact that you might be have my job for now doesn't sit well with me. But it's possible that I'll never get what's mine...that's why I want insurance. I don't know what the future holds, but I want to do what any Mom would do...protect her children. I want a written agreement that says that no child of mine will ever be forced into something they didn't sign for in the EMF. If it's one of my daughters, and she's candy eye...she'll be treated accordingly. But never forced into something outside of the EMF against her will like Playboy. Vise versa with the wrestler thing, if any of my children want to be wrestlers. Your not going to force them to be something they don't want to. I don't want any of my children go to through what I had to....meaning all those plans you had for my daughter if she became a EMF diva are gone. You'll treat her fair if that's really what she wants to do. I'm not worried, but if I have a chance to make it better for my children if they really have to deal with you, I'm going to do it.

Cena: Sounds fair enough. I wouldn't want to do anything to your children anyway if they happen to wonder into the EMF. Just as I hope I can trust that if your still in power when any of my children show up, you wouldn't use your hatred for me against them.

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't recall ever using my power for anything of the sort...other than stupid rumors. But if you knew if any of that was true, you probably know about it. I mean I sure know that you use your power that way, am I right?

Cena: You can think what you want about how I make decisions. Thats not important. As long as we have an understanding.... thats all that matters. But Amy, I do have a request from you if i'm going to be giving you these things we've discussed

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'm almost dreding what you are going to ask from me, but what?

Cena: Well its nothing bad. I just think me and you need to ensure we can trust eachother in this match. I think we need to do some bonding. No... not in THAT way... although, we could do that if you prefer. *he smirks after seeing her reaction* I think we should do some team building of some sort though, just to make sure we're on the same page.

.::Amy Jericho::.-*she shakes her head* I knew you would go there, and not if you were the last man on Earth. But what exactly do you have in mind?

Cena: I don't know yet. I'll need to look into things a bit more. Although, I made some calls already. Seemingly people recommend rafting trips or the like, but we can do whatever sounds good to you. I just dont want us going out there and losing to WWEs little plan because we're not on the same page.

.::Amy Jericho::.-If it was with anyone else, then I might think this might even be fun. But sadly I know that we wouldn't be bonding if we weren't going to have to be on the same boat......but oh well, suppose it could be long as you keep your hands to your self.

Cena: Its about earning your trust Amy, I can go back to trying to sleep with you after this match is out the way.

.::Amy Jericho::.-As I said, that will only happen in your dreams!

Cena: Has that ever stopped me before?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Depends what you mean. Has it stopped you from sleeping with me? Yes, it has...has it stopped you from

Cena: Exactly. It hasn't. And It never will! But for a while at least.... i'll stop trying... guess I owe you that much! But glad you agreed to it, it should be interesting to say the least.

.::Amy Jericho::.-It's about time, you want me to look more lady like, you should have been treating me more like it all along. But I'm not sure interesting is the word that will describe'll be...something, alright.

Cena: Well I guess i'll be seeing a lot more of you very soon then! Unfortunately, not in the same way I could say that before you did Playboy... but hey... its something at least.

.::Amy Jericho::.-You're a huge jerk, in fact I have a tape measure here to show how big of a jerk you are *takes it out, and takes the tape out fully*. That...times hundred! But trust me, I'm not doing this for you. Yes, I needed things so that my family might benefit, but as I said...the EMF still has some good left, at worse the only way I can stomach working with you is with that thought in mind.

Cena: Well I guess thats an opinion i'll have to work on changing when we get to the trip. But err... whats with the tape measure?

.::Amy this...I just bought it for Ashley. I figured she might need it in the future for some reason. Not sure what...

Cena: Some parents buy their kids toys... you buy yours tape measures? Well... whatever works for you I guess. I guess I should be going though. If I stay too much longer, I dont know if i'll be able to keep my word about stop trying to sleep with you. *he laughs to himself again at how Amy will react*

.::Amy Jericho::.-I buy her a lot of toys! As I said...I think she can use it at some point, just not sure for what yet. Oh well, anyways, yeah the faster the better.

Cena: Well i'll see you soon Amy. I look forward to it.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, yeah...just don't get use to it, I got to do what I have to.

Cena: Well who knows. Maybe after all this.. you'll want me to get used to it.

(Cena laughs again as he exits the office. Amy rolls her eyes, as she continues to do her paper work as we fade back into the ring.)

("Marquise's theme" blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Marquise has had a quality run thus far in his return to the EMF.

King-Yeah, but SammyExtreme is out to stop that run…

Kris Gaffney-And drive it through a flaming table!

("Spike Love's theme" blasts on the PA system as Spike Love walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This newcomer made his debut when he made the save for SammyExtreme.

King-Seemly he's a fan of tables…

Kris Gaffney-Only when their on fire..

King-Yeah, I was getting to that…

[Spike Love and Marquise start up with a lock up, Spike Love hits a knee into the gut, and this doubles over Marquise. Spike Love sets up, and hits European upper cut that sends down Marquise down to the mat. Marquise slowly gets up to his feet, he stumbles right into Spike Love who hits a headlock take down on Marquise. Marquise looks for a way out of the hold, he gets up off of the mat. He backs Spike Love to the ropes, and whips him off of the ropes. Spike Love bounces off of the ropes, and goes for a running clothesline, but it's ducked under by Marquise. Spike Love continues to the other side of the ring, and he comes off of the ropes. Marquise goes for a hip toss, but it's countered into a swinging neck breaker by Spike Love. Marquise goes down to the mat, and Spike Love drops an elbow drop into about the upper part of the neck. He then picks up Marquise up to his feet, and hits a few fists to the face of Marquise. Marquise stumbles back to the ropes, and tries to whip him off of the ropes. But it's reversed, Spike Love bounce off of the ropes. Spike Love comes off of the ropes, and leaps in the air and hits a flying clothesline that connects on Marquise. Marquise slowly gets up, and looks really dazed. He takes a wild swing at Spike Love, Spike Love ducks under sets up Marquise and hits a 3.0 inverted back breaker on Marquise. Spike Love goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………………….2…………………………kick out by Marquise. Spike Love looks at the ref questioning the count for a minute or two, but then decides to continue with the attatck.]

JR-Spike Love thought he had the win.

King-The voices in his head must have thought that too…

Kris Gaffney-At least they didn't get owned by punches that never connected…

[Spike Love pulls up Marquise, and Spike Love picks up Marquise, and hits a body slam. Spike Love goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope, he turns to the crowd, and say something, suddenly Marquise comes out of no where, and runs up the top turnbuckle, and hits an drag off of the top rope. Spike Love crashes down on the mat. Marquise is able to use this time to rest, and Marquise slowly gets up to his feet as Spike Love also slowly gets up. Marquise hits a clothesline that knocks down Spike Love. Spike Love gets up to his feet, and Marquise takes down Spike Love with a double leg take down. Marquise aims Spike Love towards the ropes, and hits a catapault that sends Spike Love flying through the air, and he crashes into the top turnbuckle. Spike Love stays in the corner, and turns around right into a where Marquise hits a big splash in the corner. Marquise backs out of the corner, Spike Love stumbles out of the corner, and Marquise kicsk Spike Love in the gut, and sets up Spike Love for what seems to be a vertical suplex. But it's countered by Spike Love shifting his weight, and Spike Love lands behind Marquise. Spike Love pushes Marquise to the ropes, and tries to roll up Marquise. But Marquise is able to hook the ropes, and Spike Love does a summersault into the middle of the ring. Spike Love gets up, and charges at Marquise. But Marquise counters with a hot shot that sends Spike Love's throat crashing on the top rope. He stumbles around, Marquise kicks Spike Love in the gut, sets him up, and hits a fisherman's suplex with a bridge for the 1………………….2………..kicks out by Spike Love.]

King-Hhhhmmmm, I'm seeing a pattern here.

Kris Gaffney-So am I…wonder what it is….

JR and King-………..

[Marquise goes to the corner, and signals for the spear in the corner. Spike Love stumbles up to his feet. Marquise goes for a spear, but it's side stepped. Spike Love throws Marquise in the corner. Marquise is in pain, and falls out of the corner. Spike Love waits for Marquise to get up. Suddenly the Gambler jumps on the apron. Spike Love takes a swing at him, Spike Love turns around right into a spear by Marquise. Marquise makes the pin on Spike Love for the 1……………….2……………..3!]

JR-The Gambler just gave Marquise a small window, and Marquise capitalized on it.

King-Doubt it's over.

(The Gambler comes into the ring, and starts to stomp on the downed Spike Love. Marquise joins in, Marquies tells Gambler something. The Gambler pulls up Marquise, and sets him up for something. But before they can do what they want, Marquise alerts him to something. SammyExtreme comes down to the ring, and hits a fist that knocks down Marquise. SammyExtreme and the Gambler trade fists back and forth, Spike Love gets up and starts to brawl with Marquise. EMF officials and refs come down to break up the brawl as we go into commercial.)

("" blasts on the PA system as Chris Legend walks to the ring along with Barbie Jean, Chris Legend steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is another new comer that has been impressive thus far.

King-Man, where are all these new guy's coming from?

Kris Gaffney-I say something witty….but I got nothing…I just don't…

("Stranglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Dewey Pond didn't quite like how things panned out in Chris Legend's first match.

King-Well…getting kicked in the balls didn't have anything to do with it…

Kris Gaffney-If it were me, I'd be like…dude! That's my balls!

[Dewey Pond and Chris Legend step in the middle of the ring, and they stare down for a few moments. Both wrestlers not taking their eyes off the other, and then finally the two start to break out in a fist fight. Chris Legend and Dewey Pond are trading fists, neither flitching until Dewey Pond is able to hit one that does start Chris Legend stumbling back, Dewey Pond is able to string together a few more. But before he can do anymore, Chris Legend hits a knee lift to the gut, and follows this up with a poke to the eyes. Dewey Pond is blinded, and Chris Legend hits a punch to the face that knocks down Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond gets up to his feet, and Chris Legend hits a few fists to the face of Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond backs up to the ropes, and Chris Legend tries to whip Dewey Pond off of the ropes, but it's reversed. Chris Legend bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Chris Legend. Dewey Pond turns around, and gets hit with a monkey flip that sends Dewey Pond through the air, and crashing down to the mat. Dewey Pond slowly gets up to his feet, and he takes a wild swing at Chris Legend. Chris Legend ducks under, and sets up Dewey Pond up, and hits a spinning sit down power bomb, and into a pinning combination. The ref counts 1……………….2…………..Dewey Pond rolls the shoulder up just before the three count. Chris Legend doesn't argue with the count, he picks up Dewey Pond up to his feet, and tries to whip Dewey Pond off of the ropes, but it's reversed. Chris Legend hooks the ropes, Dewey Pond charges at Chris Legend, but it's countered with a back body drop over the top rope. But Dewey Pond lands on his feet, but he is still stunned, so Chris Legend runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. He hits a baseball slide that takes out Dewey Pond's base out from under him, and Dewey Pond falls off of the apron, and hits his face on the apron. He goes down to the mat around ring side, and Chris Legend rolls out of the ring. He looks around for a weapon, and notices the camera cable, and starts to choke Dewey Pond with it. The ref yells at him about it, but Chris Legend doesn't seem to care.]

King-How many puns can we use?

Kris Gaffney-Many…such as…I hope that Dewey doesn't CHOKE…this match away.

JR-Very creative.

[Chris Legend lets go of the hold, and looks around for a weapon. He finally decides to grab a chair from the time keeper. Chris Legend goes over to where Dewey Pond is, and raises up the chair, but before he can smash Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond his a desperation low blow. Chris Legend looks stunned for a moment, and falls down to the floor in pain dropping the chair in the process. Dewey Pond grabs the chair, and slowly gets up to his feet. Chris Legend also gets up, obviously still in pain. As he gets up to his feet, Dewey Pond jabs the chair into the gut of Chris Legend this doubles over Chris Legend. Dewey Pond measures up, and smashes the chair on the back of Chris Legend. Chris Legend goes down to the mat, and Dewey Pond takes this chance to rest up, and finally both wrestlers get up to their feet. Chris Legend tries to surprise Dewey Pond with a running clothesline trying to get the match back in his favor. But it's ducked under, and Dewey Pond gets behind Chris Legend, and sets up. Then Dewey Pond lifts up Chris Legend for a atomic drop, Dewey Pond charges, and sends Chris Legend into the ring post in this position, Chris Legend wraps around ring post for a few moments in a lot of pain. Then falls down. He is hanging upside down. Dewey Pond takes a few moments to figure out what he is going to do with this, and he charges and hits a delayed drop kick into the gut of Chris Legend. Chris Legend looks like he's in a lot of pain, but doesn't fall down, so Dewey Pond hits a few stomps on his face until he falls down from where he's stuck from. Dewey Pond pulls up Chris Legend, and throws him into the ring. But Dewey Pond does not go into the ring just yet, he looks under the ring, and pulls out a table. Dewey Pond takes the table, and puts it into the ring. Chris Legend has stumbled up to his feet as Dewey Pond has gotten up to the apron. Legend is dazed, so Dewey Pond hits a hang man on Chris Legend. Chris Legend stumbles back, and Dewey Pond climbs up to the top rope. He measures up Chris Legend, and leaps off of the top rope. He leaps off of the top rope, and hits a flying back elbow from the top rope Chris Legend goes down to the mat, and he goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………………..2………………kick out by Chris Legend!]

JR-Dewey Pond has Chris Legend on the ropes.

King-Guess he's not going to get away with what he did last match.

Kris Gaffney-Oh yeah…what memories…

[Dewey Pond climbs up to the top rope, and leaps off of the ropes, but suddenly Chris Legend throws some sort of powder in Dewey Pond's eyes that stuns him. Chris Legend hits a kick to the gut, and hits the Outshiner! Chris Legend goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2…………….3!]

JR-If this wasn't a street fight, I would be complaining….however, it's anything goes.

King-Exactly right!

(Note: Closer than what it looked, but with a combination of three RP's. Legend was able to beat Dewey. There were a few tough questions we had to answer though, but I think we did alright based on protocol.)

("Adrenaline" blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Ricky Ramon since returning to the EMF has been on a mission to regain some gold.

King-What gold would that be?

Kris Gaffney-Doubt it would be the TV title…two feuding stable members usually doesn't work out..

("Hail Sabin" blasts on the PA system as Chris Sabin walks to the ring along with Taylor Wilde. Chris Sabin steps inside of the ring.)

King-Is it 2016 already?

Kris Gaffney-Guess so…

JR-That's not Matty D…

King-Says you!

[Ricky Ramon and Chris Sabin pace around the ring, and locks up Ricky Ramon hits a knee into the gut of Chris Sabin. Chris Sabin doubles over, and Ricky Ramon hits a clubbing blow to the back. Chris Sabin goes down to the mat, and Ricky Ramon hits a kick to the side of the head.Chris Sabin rolls a bit, and Ricky Ramon backs up as Chris Sabin gets up to his feet, and Ricky Ramon hits a few fists to the face. Chris Sabin backs to the ropes, and Ricky Ramon tries to whip him to the ropes, and does. Ricky Ramon lowers his head, and hits a big back body drop that sends Chris Sabin flying through the air, and crashing on the mat. Ricky Ramon waits as Chris Sabin gets up slowly gets up to his feet, and Chris Sabin gets knocked down with a fist to the face. Chris Sabin slowly gets up to his feet, and Ricky Ramon kicks Chris Sabin the gut, and sets up. Ricky Ramon goes for a vertical suplex, but Chris Sabin is able to shift his weight, so he falls behind Ricky Ramon. Chris Sabin pushes Ricky Ramon to the ropes, and tries to roll up Ricky Ramon. But Ricky Ramon is able to hook the ropes, and Chris Sabin rolls into the middle of the ring. Ricky Ramon turns around as Chris Sabin gets up and charges at Ricky Ramon, Ricky Ramon counters with a back body drop, but it's countered by Chris Sabin landing on his feet. Ricky Ramon turns around into an shoulder block into the gut through the ropes by Chris Sabin. Ricky Ramon stumbles back in pain, and Chris Sabin times the next move he's going to do, once Ricky Ramon is where he wants him to be. Chris Sabin uses the ropes to spring boards off of the ropes, and leaps off of the top rope. But it's countered into a sit down power bomb, and into a pin. The ref counts 1………….2……………..Chris Sabin rolls his shoulder up just before the three count. Ricky Ramon looks at the ref not pleased. Ricky Ramon is more letting Chris Sabin recover, Chris Sabin stumbles into the corner. Ricky Ramon charges and hits a shoulder block into the gut, Chris Sabin is in pain. Ricky Ramon backs out of the corner. He kicks Chris Sabin in the gut, and sets up Chris Sabin in a front face lock, and lifts him up, and puts him on the top rope.]

JR-Chris Sabin in trouble here.

King-Maybe he should call Deema…

Kris Gaffney-He's NOT Matty D!

[Ricky Ramon hits a few fists to the face of Chris Sabin who reels on there. Ricky Ramon climbs up to the top rope, and Ricky Ramon hooks up Chris Sabin for a super plex, but before he can totally exclude it as Ricky Ramon is falling back. Chris Sabin is able to block it, and hit a cross body block. Chris Sabin crashes on top of Ricky Ramon, but the impact, and the fact he's taken most of the moves thus far makes him roll off before he can get a pin. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and Chris Sabin slowly crawls into the corner, and Chris Sabin goes over to where Ricky Ramon is, who is getting up to his feet. Chris Sabin hits a few fists to the face of Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon stumbles to the ropes, and Chris Sabin tries to whip Ricky Ramon off of the ropes, but it's reversed. Chris Sabin bounces off of the ropes. Ricky Ramon goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Chris Sabin who continues to the opposite side of the ring. He comes off of the ropes, Ricky Ramon throws Chris Sabin in the air using his own momentum against him, Chris Sabin flies through the air. But as he's coming down, Chris Sabin is able to turn it into a hurricanarana that sends Ricky Ramon flying. He gets up, and then falls through the ropes on to the apron, and Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet. Chris Sabin runs to the ropes, spring boards off of the ropes. Then hits a running enzugri, Ricky Ramon falls to the arena floor. He's down on the mat, and with this time Chris Sabin takes his time to rest up, and wait for Ricky Ramon to get up to his feet. Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet, so Chris Sabin runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, leaps over the top rope and hits a summersault dive over the top rope. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, they take a little bit to get up to his feet. Chris Sabin gets up to his feet first pulling up Ricky Ramon up with him. But as he does, Ricky Ramon hits a knee lift to the gut, and Ricky Ramon tries to whip Chris Sabin to the ropes, but it's reversed. Ricky Ramon hits the ring post shoulder first. He stumbles around ring side. Ricky Ramon gets thrown back into the ring by Chris Sabin. He climbs up to the top rope, and waits for Ricky Ramon to get up to his feet.]

JR-Chris Sabin has Ricky Ramon on the ropes.

King-Guess he spent too long away from the ring..

Kris Gaffney-It was only a few weeks…

[Ricky Ramon gets to his feet, and Chris Sabin goes for a missile drop kick that connects to Ricky Ramon. Chris Sabin gets up to his feet, and waits for Ricky Ramon to get up as well. Ricky Ramon stumbles up to this feet, and Ricky Ramon gets picked up on the shoulders of Chris Sabin going for his finisher, but before he can hit it. Ricky Ramon falls into a crufix pin, and gets the 1……..*Ricky Ramon gets his hand on the bottom rope as the ref vision is shielded by Sabin's body……………..2……………….3!]

JR-Ricky Ramon cheated!

King-Well what do you expect…It's John Cena's understudy…

(note: Since you RPed, I tried to make the pin as painless to the character as possible to show my appreciation for Sabin getting a RP up.)

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-The Gambler was able to earn this chance at First Blood, and is getting the chance to get a shot at Tyson Tomko once again.

King-Well there is a reason why Gambler keeps raising above the competition, the Gambler on any given night could beat anyone.

Kris Gaffney-That's probably why Marquise decided it would be better to be partners again, rather than have Gambler coming at him.

("Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Tyson Tomko isn't going to look past Gambler, he knows by now that he's no push over.

King-I would hope so, or we could have an upset.

Kris Gaffney-Didn't happen at the Super Bowl.

King-That's not true….Mike Williams was very upset!

[The Gambler, and Tyson Tomko pace around the ring. The Gambler charges at Tyson Tomko out of no where, but Tyson Tomko is able to duck under the clothesline. The Gambler goes down to the ropes, and Tyson Tomko is able to counter this with a hip toss that sends the Gambler down to the mat. Tyson Tomko waits for the Gambler to get up, and Tyson TOmko hits a quick clothesline down to the mat. The Gambler slowly gets up to his feet in the corner, Tyson Tomko closes the gap between them and Tyson Tomko hits a few fists to the face. The Gambler reels in the corner, and Tyson Tomko whips the Gambler hard into the opposite side corner, and follows him into the corner. The Gambler crashes into the corner, and Tyson Tomko hits a clothesline in the corner. Tyson Tomko backs up as the Gambler stumbles out of the Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko sets up, and hits an inverted Russian leg sweep that drives the Gambler's face into the mat. Tyson Tomko goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………….2………………….kick out by the Gambler. Tyson Tomko shakes his head, and rolls out of the ring, he looks under the ring, and pulls out a trash can lid. The Gambler slowly gets up to his feet as Tyson Tomko rolls into the ring with the lid. The Gambler turns around, and gets smashed on the head. Once again, the Gambler falls down to the mat, and rolls under the ropes, and on to the apron. The Gambler gets up to his feet stunned, Tyson Tomko hits a running forearm to the back of the head of the Gambler. The Gambler goes flying off of the apron, and hits his face on the table. The Gambler goes down to the mat around ring side, Tyson Tomko continues the assault on the Gambler. Tyson Tomko hits a few stomps on the downed Gambler. The Gambler is getting up to his feet, so Tyson Tomko backs off, and Gambler gets up to his feet. The Gambler stumbles around, and Tyson Tomko picks him up, and drops him face first into the table. The Gambler stays on his feet stunned, Tyson Tomko picks up the Gambler, and aims towards the ring post. Tyson Tomko charges at the ring post, but just before Tyson Tomko hits the move. The Gambler slides out of the back, and pushes Tyson Tomko into the ring post.]

JR-That was a costly error by Tyson Tomko.

King-Does he know that?

Kris Gaffney-Tyson Tomko would….Tyson Tonko wouldn't…

Prez Ike-Neither would I…..*puts on a Mickey Mouse hat*…..duuuuuurrrrr


[Tyson Tomko falls down to the mat, and the Gambler falls down to his knee. He takes a few moments to rest up, and Tyson Tomko gets up by the post. The Gambler gets up to his feet, he see's Tyson Tomko and hits a body avalanche that smashes Tyson Tomko against the post. Tyson Tomko stumbles back, and The Gambler grabs Tyson Tomko, and rolls him into the ring. The Gambler before getting into the ring grabs a chair from under the ring, and throws it into the ring. The Gambler gets on the apron, but it seems that Tyson Tomko has already recovered, and goes for punch on the Gambler. But the Gambler is able to block it, and hits a hang man that makes Tyson Tomko fall on the mat, and the Gambler rolls into the ring. The Gambler hits a clothesline on Tyson Tomko, Tyson Tomko goes down to the mat. Tyson Tomko gets up to his feet, the Gambler hits a few fists to the face of Tyson Tomko that makes Tyson Tomko go towards the ropes. The Gambler whips Tyson Tomko to the ropes. Tyson Tomko bounces off of the ropes. The Gambler goes for a big boot, but it's ducked under by Tyson TOmko. Tyson Tomko bounces off of the other side of the ring, and he comes off of the ropes. The Gambler catches Tyson Tomko, and hits a belly to belly suplex, The Gambler rolls off so that he doesn't go for a pin. The Gambler thinks that he needs a little more than that, The Gambler grabs the chair he brought into the ring. He measures up as Tyson Tomko gets to his feet, The Gambler smashes Tyson Tomko in the gut, this doubles him over. The Gambler measures up, and smashes Tyson Tomko in the back. He goes down to the mat, the Gambler takes the chair, and puts it on Tyson Tomko's face. The Gambler runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. He leaps in the air, and hits a big leg drop that crushes Tyson Tomko's face under the chair. The Gambler quickly moves the chair, and goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………….2………………kick out by Tyson Tomko. The Gambler gets up to his feet, and pulls up Tyson Tomko with him, and starts the four of a kind as he hits one rolling belly to back suplexs]

JR-The Gambler has the Extreme champion on the ropes.

King-I'm waiting for him to say "down goes Tomko".

Kris Gaffney-Tomko will probably answer "no…"

[Hits the second, the third, and the fourth. The Gambler rolls out of the ring, and pulls out a table. The Gambler rolls back into the ring, after pushing the table into the ring. The Gambler sets up the table. Then grabs Tomko, and puts him on the table, and hits a few clubbing blows to the chest of Tomko. But Tomko gets his hand up, and pokes the Gambler in the eyes. Tyson Tomko puts the Gambler on the table, and climbs up to the top rope. Tyson Tomko steady's himself. Suddenly the Gambler jumps up, and shakes the ropes. Tyson Tomko falls on the top rope. The Gambler climbs up to the top rope, and hooks Tyson Tomko for a super plex! But as he's executing the move, Tyson Tomko blocks it into a cross body block that sends The Gambler through the table. Landing on him for the 1……………………2……………………3!]

JR-Tyson Tomko was able to block Gamblers move, and was at the right place, at the right time.

(Note: Depending on how you view it, this could have been a fairly close match. But the staff thought Tomko's text quality won it by different margins.)