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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF shockwave video starts to play, when it finishes we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts on the stage. The lights turn after the pyro conclude as fans wave their signs. Some signs say "Ass hole patrol can't see me", "don't get "enhancements" Stephanie!", and "Just another Tazte sign!")

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave like always I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-We have quite a show for you tonight, headlined by MVP and Dan Godwin facing off.

Kris Gaffney-That should be much more interesting than any season of leagues I'm apart of….*grabs a calculator* stupid…cap….

("Cousin Sal's theme" blasts on the PA system as Cousin Sal walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-For a while, Cousin Sal has been showing up by the side of the Pond's, and now were going to see if he can back it up in the ring.

King-Like the Kendrick's main man Zeke?

Kris Gaffney-Kinda…wonder if Sal's been getting tips from Sam I am like Zeke?

("Marquise theme" blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring with Shelley Martinez, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-Marquise is a very talented individual when he gets focused.

King-What?...I wasn't listening…

[Cousin Sal stands in the middle of the ring as Marquise is wondering what to make of the new comer (well to the ring) Cousin Sal. Marquise goes for a wild fist to the face to try to catch Cousin Sal off guard, but Cousin Sal ducks under, and runs to the ropes. He comes off of the ropes. He leaps in the air as Marquise turns around, and hits a flying shoulder block that knocks down Marquise. Marquise gets up to his feet, and Cousin Sal hits a release arm drag. Marquise goes down to the mat once again, and gets up a little more slowly. Cousin Sal hits a running clothesline that knocks down Marquise down to the mat. Marquise slowly gets up to his feet, and Cousin Sal closes in as Marquise is now dazed, Cousin Sal hits a few fists to the face of Marquise. Marquise reels backs to the ropes, and Cousin Sal tries to whip Marquise off of the ropes, and does. He bounces off of the ropes, Cousin Sal goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Marquise, Marquise goes to the other side of the ring. He bounces off of the ropes. As Marquise comes towards him, Cousin Sal uses Marquise momentum against him to throw him in the air, and steps away as Marquise crashes down on the mat. Marquise gets on his knee's as he holds his mid section, and gets up to his feet right into the waiting Cousin Sal who picks him up, and puts him over his shoulder. Cousin Sal backs up into the corner, and runs out of the corner. He hits a running power slam on Marquise, Cousin Sal goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………..2…………kick out by Marquise. Cousin Sal looks at the ref, and just shakes it off, and Cousin Sal pulls up Marquise and puts Marquise into a chin lock. The ref makes sure that it's not a choke, and makes sure it doesn't slip into that to be in the position in the unluckily event that Marquise gave up in that hold. Marquise starts to make it to his feet.]

JR-Marquise is mounting a comeback.

King-I thought that was what he was here for anyways.

Kris Gaffney-He meant in this match….not in his career!

King-Or life!

[Marquise gets up to his feet, and looks for a way out of the hold. Somehow he's able to get on the side of Marquise, and hit a belly to back suplex. Both wrestlers are down on the mat. Marquise is able to get to his feet using the corner to get up. Cousin Sal see's Marquise in the corner, and he charges at Marquise and goes for a splash, but Marquise is able to move out of the way. Cousin Sal crashes in the corner with his head. Cousin Sal stumbles out of the corner. Marquise waits for him, he kicks Cousin Sal in the gut, and sets him up, turns him, and hits the hanging neck breaker on Cousin Sal. Cousin Sal is in a lot of pain. Marquise hits a few stomps on the downed Cousin Sal who gets up to his feet, and Marquise hits a few fists to the face of Cousin Sal. Sal backs up to the ropes, and Marquise tries to whip him off of the ropes, but it's reversed by Cousin Sal. Marquise bounces off of the ropes. Cousin Sal lowers his head, but Marquise is able to counter this move by kicking him in the face Cousin Sal stumbles up, and Marquise kicks him in the gut, and hits a t-bone suplex that makes Cousin Sal go flying, and crashes down on the mat. Marquise waits as Cousin Sal slowly gets up dazed, and stumbles right into the waiting Marquise who sets up Sal, and hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge. The ref counts 1………………..2…………….kick out by Cousin Sal. Marquise looks at the ref, and doesn't look quite happy that he didn't get the three. But doesn't argue it too much, he pulls up Cousin Sal by the hair, and picks up him, and hits a body slam near the corner. Marquise climbs up to the top rope.]

JR-Marquise is trying to put Cousin Sal away.

King-Everyone else who's faced him in the past have had problems with that…

[Marquise gets up to the top rope as Cousin Sal gets to his feet, and Marquise hits the flying shoulder block that knocks him down to the mat. Marquise goes for the spear. Suddenly he see's SammyExtreme coming down to ring side. SammyExtreme stops in the ring as he knows he's gotten Marquise's attention. Marquise turns away, and tries to go for the spear. But the small distraction by SammyExtreme costed him as Cousin Sal is able to side step him, and throw Marquise into the corner. Marquise stumbles out of the corner, right into the finisher of Cousin Sal. Cousin Sal goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2……………..3..]

JR-SammyExtreme returned the favor from a few weeks ago.

King-That wasn't fair!

(note: Didn't check with the RPers, but figured this would help build towards the feud their looking for, if there is a problem let me know, and I'll take it out.)

("SammyExtreme's theme" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring.)

JR-For SammyExtreme this is an environment he's comfortable with.

King-Yeah, he can light whatever he wants on fire here.

Kris Gaffney-Geez…just think of what the EMF goes through to set up for a Sammy match…

("Tommy Moss' theme" blasts on the PA system as Tommy Moss walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

Kris Gaffney-I have a new appreciation of elevators.

King-Eeeerr…I'll remember not to ever ride one of them…

("Mike Williams theme" blasts on the PA system as Mike Williams walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

King-Things probably have settled down in his world.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah….figures that's the way the Cardinals respond to a positive.

JR-Well regardless, Mike Williams has a lot of talent, and will go a long way here in the EMF.

[Tommy Moss and Mike Williams get in each others face, and SammyExtreme slides into the ring, and takes down Mike Williams with a clothesline. Tommy Moss moves away from where the two are fighting as Mike Williams gets up to his feet. Mike Williams blocks a fist to the face by SammyExtreme, and returns with one of his own. SammyExtreme backs up to the ropes, and Mike Williams tries to whip SammyExtreme off of the ropes. But it's reversed by SammyExtreme. Mike Williams bounces off of the ropes, and leaps in the air. He hits a flying clothesline that knocks down SammyExtreme, SammyExtreme gets up and gets knocked down to the mat with a clothesline. SammyExtreme stumbles into the corner, and Mike Williams hits a few fists to the face of SammyExtreme in the corner, and then whips him hard into the corner. SammyExtreme does a flip in the corner, and on to the apron. SammyExtreme stumbles on the apron. Mike Williams grabs SammyExtreme by the hair, brings him over to the other sides turnbuckle and smashes his head on the unprotected metal part of the turnbuckle that makes SammyExtreme fall to the arena floor below. Mike Williams goes over the ropes, seemly getting ready for a high flying move over the top rope, but Tommy Moss who was picking his spot comes from behind and hits a spinning face crusher on Mike Williams. Tommy Moss goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2……….kick out by Mike Williams. Tommy Moss gets up to his feet, and hits a few stomps on the downed Mike Williams. Mike Williams gets up to his feet, and Tommy Moss whips him off of the ropes. Mike Williams bounces off of the ropes, and Tommy Moss catches him into a sleeper holds. Mike Williams tries to get the ropes, but Tommy Moss holds him in the hold.]

JR- Tommy Moss has the hold lock in.

King-I wonder who was the last person who made this move work.

Kris Gaffney-Probably you…

[Mike Williams before going down to the mat is able to hit a few elbows into the gut, and tries to get out of the hold. Then finally breaks the hold of Tommy Moss with a jaw breaker. Mike Williams runs to the ropes, but the rope is low bridged, and Mike Williams falls out of the ring on the hard floor, SammyExtreme rolls into the ring with a chair, Tommy Moss is getting up to his feet. SammyExtreme measures him up, and hits a quick, but very hard chair shot to the head that makes Tommy Moss go down to the mat, and SammyExtreme makes the quick cover on Tommy Moss. He gets the 1………….2………kick out by Tommy Moss. SammyExtreme looks at the ref as he hits a few stomps on the downed Tommy Moss. Tommy Moss slowly gets up to his feet, and SammyExtreme hits a few fists to the face, and SammyExtreme tries to whip him to the ropes. But it's reversed, and SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes. Tommy Moss hits a knee into the gut, but it's floated over by SammyExtreme who sets up a catapault, SammyExtreme notices Mike Williams getting up to the apron. SammyExtreme hits a catapualt that sends Tommy Moss flying into Mike Williams. Mike Williams flies off of the apron, and hits the guard rail. He falls down to the mat, in the ring Tommy Moss stumbles right into the waiting SammyExtreme who hits a 3.0 back breaker. SammyExtreme goes into the cover, and then decides that it's time to end this match. SammyExtreme goes into the corner, and signals for the spear. Tommy Moss is getting up to his feet, and before SammyExtreme can hit it. Mike Williams from the outside reaches inside of the ring, and takes down SammyExtreme and pulls him to the ring post. SammyExtreme is in a lot of pain.]

JR-Mike Williams have been waiting for right time, and struck there.

King-…too bad Sammy didn't get to hit the spear…

[SammyExtreme slides out of the ring post, he stands up, Mike Williams hits a few fists to the face of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme goes to the ropes, SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes. Mike Williams goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by SammyExtreme. He bounces off of the other side of the ring, he bounces off of the other side of the ring. He comes off of the ropes, Mike Williams goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme goes to the other side of the ring. As he bounces off the other side of the ring, Marquise from outside of the ring hits SammyExtreme with a singapore cane shot. SammyExtreme stumbles forward, and Mike Williams hits a front spine buster. Mike Williams calls for the end of the match, Mike Williams gets ready as SammyExtreme gets up to his feet, and Mike Williams kicks SammyExtreme in the gut, and hits the hair of the dog DDT. Mike Williams goes into the cover, and gets the 1………….2……….Tommy Moss smashes Mike Williams with the chair breaking up the cover, Mike Williams rolls away in pain. Tommy Moss pushes him out of the ring, and gets the cover for himself for the 1………..2…………..3!]

JR-Tommy Moss out waited Mike Williams it would seem.

King-You got to wonder what the staff is going to think up for him now.

(Note: Both Mike Williams and Moss had their positives and negatives, the staff just thought Moss had the edge. Although, I thought Mike Williams did a nice job being direct in his second RP though (don't always need to do it that way, but still, it kind of gives an example of what I was talking about in the last match. Sammy was late, but I thank you for showing anyways.)

(Note 2: Eeerr tried to make this even, if it seems uneven at all, it's because it's hard to write for more than two people, so my apologise ahead of time.)

("Frank Dio's theme" blasts on the PA system as Frank Dio walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is only one of the many great new comers to the EMF.

King-Yeah, and their challenging the veterans, and vise versa.

Kris Gaffney- Well, certainly he has work cut out for him tonight.

("Pain" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Kevin Bourne is feeling the need to prove himself all over again.

King-Why so? He's already Elite…

Kris Gaffney- He's driven to succeed….not obsessed with it…like some GM's I know…

[Frank Dio lock up with Kevin Bourne in the middle of the ring. They twist the arm of Kevin Bourne, Frank Dio hits a few clubbing blows to the arm, and this takes Kevin Bourne down to one knee. Kevin Bourne after a few moments gets up to his feet, and Kevin Bourne looks for a way out of the hold as Frank Dio puts on an arm bar. Kevin Bourne backs Frank Dio to the ropes, and whips him off of the ropes. Frank Dio bounces off of the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. He hits a hard running shoulder block on Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne goes down to the mat, and Kevin Bourne gets up angry. He charges at Frank Dio, and Frank Dio hits a release arm drag. Kevin Bourne goes down to the mat, and gets up, charges at Frank Dio and gets hit with another one. Kevin Bourne gets up dazed near the ropes. Frank Dio gets hit with a few fists to the face that back Kevin Bourne to the ropes. Frank Dio tries to whip Kevin Bourne off of the ropes, but it's reversed. Frank Dio bounces off of the ropes, Kevin Bourne lowers his head. But as he does Frank Dio grabs Kevin Bourne by the hair, and throws him hard into the mat. Kevin Bourne face bounces off of the mat, and he stumbles up to his feet and backs up a bit. Then gets clotheslined over the top rope, Kevin Bourne crashes into the mat below. Frank Dio measures up as Kevin Bourne gets up near the apron, and Frank Dio hits a baseball slide that sends Kevin Bourne flying away from the apron, and back on the floor. Frank Dio goes over the ropes as Kevin Bourne is once again trying to make it up to his feet, and sling shots himself over the top rope, and hits a flying cross body block. Now both wrestlers are down on the mat. Frank Dio gets up after a few moments, and signals to the crowd that he's going to do something else as he pulls Kevin Bourne up, and tries to whip him to the steps, but it's reversed. Frank Dio crashes into the steps shoulder first.]

King-Wow….that didn't work.

Kris Gaffney-Takes time to find out what does here it seems.

JR-Kevin Bourne is going to have to use this time wisely if he wants to get back into this match.

[Frank Dio is in pain as Kevin Bourne takes a few moments to rest up, Kevin Bourne rolls in and out of the ring to break the count as Frank Dio is getting up to his feet. Kevin Bourne kicks Frank Dio in the gut, sets him up, and hits a snap suplex. Frank Dio is in pain as gets to his feet. Kevin Bourne kicks Frank Dio in the gut. Kevin Bourne sets up Frank Dio, and hits a snap suplex on the mat around the ring side. Frank Dio is in pain, and Kevin Bourne pulls up Frank Dio, and throws him into the ring. Kevin Bourne climbs up to the top rope. Frank Dio gets up to his feet, Kevin Bourne leaps off of the top turnbuckle as Frank Dio turns towards him. Kevin Bourne hits a clothesline on Frank Dio, he goes into the cover. Kevin Bourne goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2……….kick out by Frank Dio. Kevin Bourne takes this chance to rest up a little bit more. Frank Dio gets up to his feet. Frank Dio goes over to where Kevin Bourne, and Frank Dio goes for a fist to the face. But it's blocked and returned by Kevin Bourne. Frank Dio stumbles backwards, and then takes another wild swing that Kevin Bourne ducks under. Frank Dio sets up Kevin Bourne, and hits a atomic drop on Frank Dio. Frank Dio is in a lot of pain as Kevin Bourne runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and hits a running bulldog that drives Frank Dio into the mat. Kevin Bourne gets up and signals for the Checkmate. Frank Dio slowly gets up as Kevin Bourne stalks behind him. Frank Dio stumbles right where Kevin Bourne wants him, and Kevin Bourne goes for the check mate. But before he can hit it, Frank Dio hits a elbow to the face of Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne stumbles back in pain in the corner, suddenly Frank Dio goes for a running shoulder block, and hits it. Kevin Bourne stumbles out of the corner. Frank Dio picks up Kevin Bourne hits a falling slam.]

JR-Looks like Frank Dio is going to for the holy driver.

*Kris starts to randomly dance*

King-Not bad…the Kendrick would give you a thumbs in the middle.

[Frank Dio climbs up to the top rope, Kevin Bourne desperate pushes the ref into the ropes, and Frank Dio falls on the top rope, and falls into the ring. Kevin Bourne is getting up as Frank Dio is stunned. Kevin Bourne hits the checkmate on Frank Dio. Kevin Bourne goes into the cover on Frank Dio, and he gets a 1………….2………….3!]

JR-Kevin Bourne got away with using the ref, and was able to score the win.

King-Hey…it worked….didn't it?

(Note: Bourne just stepped up on this one, nice job Kev.)

("MVP" blasts on the PA system as MVP does his usual entrance, and he walks to the ring.)

King-Half man, half amazing….and doesn't use wiki-pedia.

Kris Gaffney-How do you know?

King-Just assumed….

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is a preview match of the tag team title match that will go down very soon.

King-Because we know how important momentum is!

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure….

[MVP and Dan Godwin pace around the ring, and they lock up, and Dan Godwin takes down MVP with a waste lock. Dan Godwin puts MVP in a front face lock MVP looks for way out of the hold. MVP hits a few elbows into the gut, and this finally makes Dan Godwin let go of the hold. Dan Godwin is stunned, so MVP decides to use this chance to run to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. But as MVP is coming off of the ropes, Dan Godwin hits a diving clothesline that makes MVP fall to the mat. MVP gets up dazed, and Dan Godwin waits as MVP gets up to his feet. Dan Godwin hits a running clothesline that once again knocks down MVP, MVP gets up to his feet, and Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face of MVP. MVP backs to the ropes, and Dan Godwin tries to whip him off of the ropes, but MVP reverses it. Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes, MVP goes for a clothesline. Dan Godwin continues to the other side of the ring, Dan Godwin spring boards off of the ropes, and Dan Godwin leaps off of the second rope and twists in mid air, and catches MVP. Dan Godwin rolls off of MVP instead of going into the cover mostly due to the impact of the move. Dan Godwin gets up to his feet, and waits for MVP to get up. MVP slowly stumbles to his feet as Dan Godwin waits for it, MVP turns towards Dan Godwin who kicks MVP in the gut. Dan Godwin puts MVP into the piledriver position, and lifts him up, and hits a jumping piledriver. Dan Godwin goes into the cover, and gets the 1………….2…………kick out by MVP. Dan Godwin looks up at the ref, not to really complain more to let MVP get away into the corner. MVP goes into the corner. Dan Godwin pulls him up in the corner, and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of MVP, and a few more until the ref warns him about giving MVP some room. Dan Godwin backs out at the ref asking him to do so.]

JR-Dan Godwin is taking to MVP.

King-Seemly he doesn't agree that MVP is better than him.

Kris Gaffney-Think he'll fall in love once he see's Becky Bayless?

King-That would be an interesting couple…

[Dan Godwin goes into the corner, and tries to whip MVP to the other side of the ring. But MVP showing life that Dan Godwin didn't think he had he reverses the whip. Dan Godwin crashes into the mat, and MVP follows up with a quick big boot to the face that knocks him down to the mat. MVP doesn't have the strength to go into the cover, MVP pulls his foot off of the turnbuckle, and rests up in the corner. Dan Godwin gets up to his feet, and see's MVP looking dazed in the corner. Dan Godwin charges at him, but it's countered with an elbow to the face. Dan Godwin turns around, and stumbles away from where MVP is, and turns his back, and MVP runs from behind him and hits a running face buster into the knee of MVP. Dan Godwin stumbles around dazed once again. MVP picks up Dan Godwin on his shoulders. MVP holds him there for a few moments, then hits a press slam that makes Dan Godwin crash into the mat. He gets up to his knee's, and MVP runs to the ropes, and hits a low drop kick that sends Dan Godwin down to the mat. MVP goes over to the ropes, and takes a rest to totally be able to sustain this advantage. He waits as Dan Godwin is slowly getting up to his feet, and once he does he turns right where MVP is. MVP picks him up, and hits a body slam on Dan Godwin. MVP looks to the crowd for a few moments to let them know what's coming next. He runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, does his ballin' taunt, and drops an elbow to the chest of Dan Godwin. MVP goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2………..kick out by Dan Godwin. MVP hits a few stomps on the downed Dan Godwin, and he pulls up Dan Godwin and whips him to the ropes. Dan Godwin comes off, and MVP runs, and hits a running big boot to he face of Dan Godwin that takes him down to the mat. MVP looks cocky, and looks like he's about to put this match away.]

JR-MVP feels like he has this match well in hand.

King-Big mistake if we know Dan Godwin.

Kris Gaffney-…eeerr….

[Dan Godwin gets up to his feet, and MVP goes for the drive by kick. But Dan Godwin moves out of the way, Dan Godwin gets up and goes for the eXectuion. But it's ducked under by Dan Godwin, Dan Godwin is able to stop just before he hits the ref. MVP pushes Dan Godwin forward, and which knocks down the ref and Godwin down to the mat. MVP sets up Dan Godwin up for the playmaker, but Dan Godwin twists out of it, MVP goes for a clothesline. Dan Godwin ducks under, MVP turns around and gets blasted by the eXecution. Dan Godwin falls into the cover, but there is no ref. Dan Godwin goes over to the ref and shakes him to try to get him revived, he turns around and gets blasted by a running boot by Tyson Tomko who snuck into the ring. Tomko slides out of the ring, as the ref is coming to, MVP is getting up as Dan Godwin is trying to get to his feet. MVP hits the Drive by kick, MVP goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2……………3.]

JR-Tyson Tomko came out of no where and blasted Dan Godwin.

King-It's hard to figure out these two.

(Tyson Tomko stands on the stage as MVP is standing in the ring as Shockwave goes off the air with that.)

(note: If I did something wrong with the run in let me know.)