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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the EMF Shockwave video. Once that ends we go into the darken arena in Utah. Fireworks blasts on the stage, once they finishes the lights turn on, and fans are waving their signs. Some signs say "MVP isn't stallin, he's ballin'!", "Any ruined storyline by Amy is a good storyline", and "Why can I watch dreams?)

JR-Welcome to another edition of Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight. I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler, and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-Finally the talking is going to end, it's put up or shut up time for the Organization as a tag team as they get their shots at the tag team gold against Revolution.

Kris Gaffney-Also the debut of the VIP lounge.

JR-Which speaking of which we will be starting off with, so lets get this started.

Scene: "I'm Coming" hits over the PA systems in the arena. The crowd jump to their feet to boo MVP. MVP walks out from the curtain in an all white suit. He has his bling around his neck. Sunglasses cover his eyes. He poses at the top of the ramp, and pyro shoots off behind him. He makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. The ring is set up like the VIP Lounge from his last job. He is handed a microphone from the ring announcer.

MVP: Welcome everyone to the first VIP Lounge here in the EMF. Everyone knows me already. I'm the King of Bling MVP. On today show I have a huge guest. She is the Vice President of the EMF. She is also won many awards here in the EMF. I bring to you fans Amy Jericho!

("lovepassionfuryenergy" blasts on the PA system as Amy Jericho walks out on the stage. She is wearing a blue dress, the skirt reaching to her ankles, and has a long slit on the side. She is also wearing blue high heels along with the dress. The crowd cheers her loudly as she puts her "I love you" sign up to the crowd, she makes her way down the ramp way to the bouncer, the bouncer allows her to continue to the ring, and she uses the steps to get up on the apron. She ducks under the bottom rope, and walks into the ring. She poses around the ring a little bit to the crowd. Then walks over, and grabs the other microphone laid around the set. As she looks over the crowd, her music starts to fade away, the crowd starts a loud "Lita! Lita! Lita!" chant. Amy gives a smile to them, and lets them go for a little bit. Until MVP decides to get this interview started.)

MVP: Thank you Mrs. Jericho for coming on my show. I would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind. Here are the questions...

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thanks for inviting me, but alright.

How would you describe things between you and John Cena?

.::Amy put it lightly...not good? I really don't know if there is one word to describe how "things" are between myself and John Cena. All I know is John Cena is complete scum. The world has witness all he's done to me, my friends, and my family. From cheating on my friend Jackie, to sending me to Iraq pregnant with my first baby Ashley, to him claiming he raped me while I was unconscious, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. So to say that as far as I'm concerned, "things" aren't good between us, I don't think "things" will ever be good between us. But I can tell you this MVP, he can black mail me into giving the power he misuses almost every show. He can take away my freedom of expression, and dress me up how he wants me to be. But let me tell you this, as long as I'm breathing, I'm going to be that thorn in his side that he can't get rid of. He just writes me off, "just because I'm a girl", so I can't be a threat to him. But there is one thing I know's that people like him always get what's coming to them in the end, and as long as I can help it. I will continue to fight against his abuse of power as half President of the EMF, I won't rest until he's put in his place...once, and for all.

MVP-I wouldn't say John Cena is that bad. I think you being a little harsh. What are your thoughts of the Elite?

.::Amy Jericho::.-My thoughts about the Elite are about the same as any other John Cena stable. I know John Cena will tell everyone that he's doing the EMF a great service by "creating" that stable. I do use the word "creating" loosely, but that is beside the point. The point is that John Cena made that stable for one reason ...himself. When I've cut promo's against John Cena, I've notice something. John Cena all through out his career has needed someone or something to make himself look better than he is. Whether it be a stable, friends, or power. The common theme is that John Cena says that he helps people become stars, but really he's just using them to make himself look better. Don't be fooled, it's the only way that John Cena is anything in this federation. Once he's done with them, he just throws them away, and moves on. So I am not very impressed by the Elite...and honestly as far as the members of that stable go, if they were smart they would get away from John Cena as soon as possible. They don't have to believe me, they can look it up for themselves, and know that if they stay around him too long. What happened to the first Revolution, the real Elite after Punisher left, John Cena's former love interests, the Edge group. That soon enough that will be them. It's only a matter of time.

MVP-Any group without MVP isn't a very good group. There is a reason why you guys signed me. You need someone like me to save you. How is your marriage going?

.::Amy Jericho::.-(Amy smiles, but it's more of a sad smile) Well, as for things between me and Jericho, they are...well perfect. I've been very blessed to have a man like that in my life. However, sadly we can't truly enjoy married life as of yet due to John Cena. After all, it was John Cena who had a mob of wrestlers jump Jericho in a parking garage, and had him run down with a car to top it off... Or the ways John Cena has used my family to his advantage to achieve his twisted goals, that is something I won't forgive. So I guess if there is one bad thing about it, it's that my whole family is a target to John Cena to get at me. But if everyone knows something about my husband, it's that no matter how many times he gets knocked down, he will always get back up. When he does...well, last time John Cena came face to face with Chris Jericho, he pretty much ended John Cena's career. I'm sure the next time he'll make sure the job is finished.

MVP- Wished you stayed a house wife right? It is a tough world here in the man's world. How does it feel to sign such a MVP like myself?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, for a minute there I thought we were going to get MxMxPunk back *she laughs a little bit*, just kidding. While as you know I really wasn't in on the signing process, I heard about you, and...talent wise, I thought it was a great signing. I know you have a lot of skills, and untapped potential. You just haven't quite had that push that you needed elsewhere to reach that potential. The EMF on the other hand has had a lot of success stories like yours, but like anything it's sink or swim. Time will only tell where you go from here, but I'm sure you'll do great.

MVP- You are a smart lady Amy. You see my greatness. That is why you are were you at. You know how great I am. What is Amy Jericho up too now and days?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Other than the stupid things that John Cena has forced me to do lately, right? Well....other than that...I still work hard for the EMF as the Vice President. However with John Cena with power, he never really takes my work seriously, so I do get less work than I had in the past. Due to that, I have had more free time to myself. Although, I don't like the disrespect, it does give me time to stay at home with my daughter Ashley. Which if there is a bright spot in the situation that I find myself in, it's that. Also, I help my animal rescue group out, and there are some other random things that I do. That's pretty much it though.

MVP-You wouldn't see me touch an animal. I don't need to touch any animals, I can pay for someone to do that for me. Thanks to the EMF that is of course. More power to you I guess...Well everyone, that is my first guest on the VIP Lounge. Thank you Amy for coming. And you are welcome. I'm thanking you because you got me stand next to me. I make everyone look better. I know, I'm a nice guy.

("Fake It" blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-At times you got to wonder whether or not being around John Cena is going to be good for Ricky Ramon's career.

King-What do you mean?

Kris Gaffney-Can you name anyone under him who had a GREAT career?

King-….um…several good careers….

Kris Gaffney-Exactly.

("Golden Age of Grotesque" Blasts on the PA system as Danni Vesneski walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

King-…remind me why he hates the Elite so much?

Kris Gaffney-Think he just wants to make a name for himself, but not sure.

JR-Well, it's a good way to get noticed.

[Ricky Ramon comes into the ring and takes down Danni Vesneski with a double leg take down and hits a few fists to the face. Dann Vesneski turns it around, and hits a few mounted punches to the face. Ricky Ramon is able to push Danni Vesneski off of the mounted punches, and Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet by the ropes. Danni Vesneski charges at Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon lowers his head, and Ricky Ramon hits a back body drop. But Danni Vesneski counters it by landing on his feet. Ricky Ramon turns around, and tries to punch Danni Vesneski, but it's countered with a hang man that snaps Ricky Ramon's neck off of the top rope. Ricky Ramon stumbles back as Danni Vesneski tries to sling shots himself up to the top rope, but it's countered into a drop kick that knocks Danni Vesneski back down to apron, and he rolls into the arena floor. Ricky Ramon goes over the ropes. Then waits for Danni Vesneski to get up to his feet, once he does Ricky Ramon sling shots himself over the rope, and hits a cross body block. Both Danni Vesneski, and Ricky Ramon are down. But obviously Danni Vesneski is the first one to get up to his feet, Ricky Ramon grabs Danni Vesneski by the hair and pulls him up to his feet with him. Ricky Ramon brings him over to the steps, then smashes his head on the steel steps. Danni Vesneski pops up in pain, and Ricky Ramon throws Danni Vesneski into the ring. Ricky Ramon climbs up to the top rope, Danni Vesneski gets up, and Ricky Ramon hits a flying clothesline that connects with Danni Vesneski. Ricky Ramon notices that Danni Vesneski is getting up stunned. So Ricky Ramon kicks Danni Vesneski in the gut, and sets him up. Lifts him up in the air into a vertical suplex, and drops him down into a brain buster! Ricky Ramon goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………..2……………KICK OUT!]

JR-I'm somewhat surprised that Danni was able to kick out there, that was a brutal brainbuster.

King-Well….Danni is one of those guy's that can take a lot of abuse.

Kris Gaffney-A lot like Shawn Michaels?

King-Kinda like him….were due to have a HBK come back at some point…

[Ricky Ramon looks at the ref to make sure that it wasn't a three, and Ricky Ramon goes to the corner, and calls for Danni Vesneski to get up to his feet. Ricky Ramon charges at Danni Vesneski going for a spear as is turn towards him. But Danni Vesneski side steps Ricky Ramon and throws him into the turnbuckle. Ricky Ramon shoulder goes into the second turnbuckle. He bounces out of the corner, and stumbles towards where Danni Vesneski kicks Ricky Ramon in the gut, and hits a quick DDT. But he can't really go into the cover. So Danni Vesneski decides to take a few moments to rest up. He gets up to his feet with the help of the ropes. But out of the corner of his eyes he see's Ricky Ramon charging at him. But it's countered with a hot shot that snaps Ricky Ramon's neck off of the top rope Ricky Ramon holds on to the ropes to make sure he doesn't fall down to the mat. He turns around, and gets hit with a few fists to the face of Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon reels on the ropes, and Danni Vesneski tries to whip Ricky Ramon to the ropes, but it's reversed. Danni Vesneski bounces off of the ropes. Ricky Ramon lowers his head for a back body drop to try to get the match back into his hands. But this is countered with a swinging neck breaker. Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet holding the back of his neck in pain. He turns right into Danni Vesneski who kicks Ricky Ramon in the gut, and sets him up, and hits a fisherman suplex with a bridge for a 1…………..2……...kick out by Ricky Ramon. Danni Vesneski doesn't want to let up, so he hits a few stomps on the downed Ricky Ramon who gets up to his feet.Danni Vesneski goes for a kick to the gut. But it's caught, but Danni Vesneski counters with a enzugri. Ricky Ramon stumbles backs, and comes back off of the ropes. Ricky Ramon throws a wild punch that Danni Vesneski ducks under, and hits a Russian leg sweep with a float over into a cover. He gets a 1………..2……….KICK OUT once again.]

JR-Danni Vesneski is determined to get this match.

King-Aren't they always?

Kris Gaffney-….um…no…not always…

[Danni Vesneski doesn't waste time, he goes up to the top rope, and waits for Ricky Ramon to get up to his feet. Danni Vesneski goes for a flying clothesline. But Ricky Ramon ducks it, and Danni Vesneski nails the ref instead is now down. Danni checks on the ref, and turns around into a kick. Ricky Ramon goes for the Green Mile, but it's counterd with a double leg take down. Danni Vesneski hits a catapault that sends Ricky Ramon stumbling. Danni Vesneski hits the filthy stab! Danni Vesneski goes into the cover, but there is no ref. Suddenly Punisher comes into the ring with a chair, and smashes it across the back of Danni Vesneski. Danni stumbles up, and takes a wild swing at Punisher who ducks under, and picks him up, and hits the Capital Punishment. The Punisher rolls out of the ring, and walks away as Ricky Ramon is crawling towards Danni Vesneski, and throws an arm over Danni Vesneski as the ref counts, and gets the 1……….2………..3! Suddenly Kevin Bourne comes into the ring, and beat down Danni Vesneski.]

JR-It seemed that the Elite were lying in wait.

King-Ricky set Danni up, Pun knocked him down, and the rest of the Elite is making sure he stays down.

(Ricky Ramon and Bourne take shots to the downed Danni Vesneski as the refs start to come out to try to stop the attack on Danni, as Shockwave goes into commercial, and we come back.)

(Note: Danni asked for the beat down, hopefully I got what he wanted. Let me know if I don't. Also, despite who won, thought Danni stepped up in this one. So he did a good job.)

("Empty Inside" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-SammyExtreme has recently made a lot of strives.

King-Sadly many tables have been lost due to it.

Kris Gaffney-It was horrible!

("Black Acid's theme" blasts on the PA system as Black Acid walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Black Acid has had some time to rest up, we'll see if it helped or not.

King-Well…it did for Shaq.

Kris Gaffney-Against the Bucks…..damn it….

("Marquise's theme" blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Marquise hasn't been in the ring for a little bit; however he did put up a good fight

King-Well, he has a chance to gain a win, and maybe a future chance at a title shot here.

Kris Gaffney-If the rust is all gone that is…

("Shawn Pond's theme" blasts on the PA system as Shawn Pond walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-Shawn Pond has had some great showings in the short time he's been in the EMF.

King-As well as some good wins.

Kris Gaffney-Geez….King has to be double positive to make up for JR.

[Black Acid and SammyExtreme start out as Marquise decides to wait it out on the outside as Shawn Pond and him have decided to start to fight on the outside. They trade fists to the face, and Black Acid seems to be winning this exchange. Black Acid tries to whip SammyExtreme to the ropes, but it's reversed. But Black Acid is able to put on the breaks on SammyExtreme instead of bouncing off by hooking the top rope. SammyExtreme charges at Black Acid. Black Acid counters with a back body drop that sends SammyExtreme flying over the top rope. Sammy crashes into the mat below, it looks like Black Acid might come to attack Sammy to stay on the offensive. But Marquise runs up on Black Acid and tries to roll him up, but Black Acid grabs the ropes. Marquise rolls into the middle of the ring. Black Acid goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. Marquise goes to the ropes, spring boards off for what seems to be a clothesline, and Black Acid is able to counter it with a drop kick that drops Marquise out of the air. Black Acid measures up Marquise who slowly gets up to his feet as it's clear that he had the wind knocked out of him. Black Acid kicks Marquise in the gut, and sets him up, and hits a DDT that drives Marquise into the mat. Black Acid goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………2……….SammyExtreme reaches from the outside, and pulls Black Acid off the cover to the outside of the ring by the foot. Black Acid goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. Black Acid turns around, and gets a gore that wasn't running at full steam as Sammy didn't have the space, the time or the need to finish him off. Instead SammyExtreme rolls into the ring, and goes into the cover on Marquise, and the ref counts 1…………2…………Marquise rolls the shoulder out. SammyExtreme hits a few stomps on the downed Marquise who is getting up to his feet. Sammy takes Marquise, and whips him to the other side of the ring. SammyExtreme kicks Marquise in the gut doubling him over. SammyExtreme sets up Marquise, and hits a sit down piledriver.]

King-I hate it when they try to rip me off.

JR-Sounds like Twilight..

Kris Gaffney-Sounding like Twilight makes you a clear Twilight rip off!

[SammyExtreme goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………2………….Black Acid dives and breaks up the count. Sammy gets up, and Black Acid, and SammyExtreme start to hit fists back and forth. Suddenly out of no where Marquise hits a spear on both SammyExtreme and Black Acid fall out of the ring. Marquise turns around, and Shawn Pond hits a chair shot that knocks down Marquise. Shawn Pond goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2………….kick out by Marquise. Shawn Pond takes a few moments to rest up as he seemly took some damage while fighting off camera. Marquise gets up in the corner of the ring. Shawn Pond hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Marquise. Shawn Pond brings him out of the corner, and tries to whip him to the ropes. Marquise bounces off of the ropes, and Shawn Pond runs into the ropes, and hits a knee into the gut as Marquise bounces off of the ropes. Marquise falls down in pain, and Shawn Pond kicks him in the gut, sets him up and hits a double underhook back breaker. Shawn Pond goes into the cover once again, and gets the 1…………….2………..kick out by Marquise. Shawn Pond pulls up Marquise up, and Marquise pokes Shawn Pond in the eyes. Marquise runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and knocks down Shawn Pond with a clothesline. Marquise positions himself near the chair down on the mat. Shawn Pond gets kicked in the gut, Marquise sets up Shawn Pond, and hits a double arm DDT smashes Shawn Pond's face into the chair.]

King-Hey Kris….did you hear how their ripping off TwilighT recently?

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…TwilighT wasn't happy….he's a goth.


[Marquise goes into the corner, and waits for Shawn Pond to get up. Shawn Pond gets up and Marquise charges for the spear, but Shawn Pond nails him with the chair. Marquise goes down to the mat. Shawn Pond runs to the ropes for the kill, but gets low bridged by Black Acid. He falls into the floor. Black Acid slides into the ring, and hits the Burn and Bleed on Marquise who is getting up really dazed. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2……………..3 just before Shawn Pond can break it up.]

JR-Black Acid went into the back door, and came out with the win.

King-Within the rules.

(OOC-Actually a very close match in the three that RPed, particularly between two which split the staff. Both of which could see it the other way which we were standing. We had to get a tie breaker, so this match was a full staff decision. I realized it could have went the other way, so I will have something for the people who didn't win. Sorry to the one's who didn't win, you did just as well as Black Acid.)

("Capital Punishment" blasts on the PA system as the Punisher walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-The Punisher is here for a match…but he doesn't know against who.

King-Surprises are never a good thing in the EMF…

(As Punisher stands in the ring waiting "Victory is mine" blasts out. Boos echo around as Santino Marella comes out onto the ramp again, wearing the WWE Intercontinental Championship. He takes a microphone and stands at the top of the ramp.)

Santino: Well well.... if it isn't the EMFs favourite superstar.... SANTINO MARELLA! You didn't think I was going to say this-a clown in the ring... did you? Well... you fans-a of the E-a M-a F-a....shuld be very proud! For you see.... I... Santino Marella... am once again on-a Shock-a-wave-a! And I come here again.... becuase I think... it would be unfair of me not to compete here tonight-a! You see... the WWE-a is obviously the superior federation! And last week... I-a showed up-a on this show... and you all wanted me to compete! But I didn't. And... yes.... I know.... you EMF-a fans-s are not worthy of Santino Marella.... but still... I am a nice-a man-a.... so I thought... this time-a, I will show up, and i will wrestle-a tonight-a! But before all that..... PUT UP THE HONK-A-METER! *The Honk-a-meter appears on screen*. You see... The Honky Donkey Man...was Intercontinental Champion-ey.... for 64 weeks! I... Santino Marella... have already been Intercontinental Champion-ey.... for Thirteen Weeks! That means... that in 1 year... I will catch the Honky Donkey Man... and be the greatest Intercontinental Champion-ey.... OF ALL THE TIMES! And I don't want to hear about-a your-a Tyson Tomko's and your Dan Godwins. I certainly don't want to hear-a about you MDKs! Because the EMF-a... is inferior! This... WWE Intercontinental Championship... well.... holding this for 2 minutes is greater than holding the EMF Title.... FOR ALL THE TIMES! But I needed to find-a an opponent-a for tonight... and I thought.... who better.... than The Punisher! He is worshipped in this-a low life-a federation.... despite-a the fact-a... that he hasn't held Gold.... since.... well... I don't even remember! It is time-a to show you people what a real-a champion-ey looks like! Not only this.... but-a Mr McMahon-a... told me... as his greatest superstar.... to come here-a... and teach the EMF-a a lesson! Because... we... the WWE-a... do not like you anymores! But why don't we like you? *laughs* that-a is a secret-a! So.... Mr Punisher.... be prepared to lose-a to the greatest champion.... OF ALL THE TIMES! That's-a me.... Santino Marella!

[Suddenly Punisher slides into the ring, and Santino turns around, and he almost gets his head taken off by a clothesline. A ref jumps into the ring, most likely by order of John Cena, and rings the bell. Santino gets up, and the Punisher hits a fist that knocks him down to the mat. Santino begs off into the corner. But Punisher isn't having any of it, the Punisher backs Santino into the corner, and then hits a few stomps into the gut as Santino goes down in the corner. Then to finish it off, the Punisher puts his foot on the throat of Santino as the ref counts to 4, and the Punisher lets go of the choke hold. The Punisher backs up, and Santino gets up to his feet. The Punisher whips Santino to the other side of the ring, the Santino stumbles out of the corner. The Punisher sets up Santino, and hits a belly to belly suplex that sends Santino flying. Santino crashes on the mat. The Punisher hits a few fists to the face that knocks Santino back to the ropes, and the Punisher hits a few fists to the face of Santino. Santino backs up to the ropes, and the Punisher whips Santino off of the ropes, and Santino bounces off of the ropes. The Punisher lowers his head, but Santino is able to counter this with a kick to the face. The Punisher stumbles back in pain, and Santino falls back on the ropes trying to rest up, and then he charges at the Punisher. The Punisher picks him up, and hits a spinning spine buster the Punisher gets up, and waits as Santino is trying to get up to his feet. The Punisher kicks Santino in the gut, and sets him up, and picks him up in a stalling vertical suplex. Then hits a jackhammer right into the pin. The ref counts 1…………..2…………kick out by Santino, The Punisher looks like he's done trying to mess around with Santino, so he gets up to his feet, and starts to wait for Santino to get up to his feet. Santino stumbles up to his feet, and turns right into the Punisher who picks him up on his shoulders.]

JR-It looks like the Punisher is going to finish off this match.

King-Good, if we have that Italian guy around anymore, I might scream…whoever he is…

Kris Gaffney-It'll come to you…

[Santino is struggling to get out of the grip of the Punisher, and finally he is able to slide out of the back of the Punisher. The Punisher turns around, and gets hit with a poke to the eye. The Punisher stumbles around, and Santino quickly kicks the Punisher in the gut, and hits a DDT that plants the Punisher into the mat. Santino goes into the cover, and gets a 1………….2…………kick out by the Punisher. Santino goes flying, and lands near the corner. Santino gets up in the corner, and takes a few moments to rest, and all of a sudden the Punisher charges and leaps for a splash, but Santino moves out of the way. The Punisher crashes into the corner, and is stunned a little bit. Santino hits a few fists to the face trying to make the best out of this advantage. The Punisher being much better than Santino pushes Santino. Santino does a reverse summersault from the force. Santino gets up to his feet, and the Punisher charges at him going for a clothesline to take his head off once again. But Santino ducks it, and hits a reverse neck breaker. The Punisher is on the mat holding his neck. Santino's confidence level seems to be going by a lot as he looks smugly to the crowd. The Punisher gets up to his feet, but he is in pain as he holds the back of his neck. The Punisher stumbles right into Santino who picks him up, and hits a body slam on the Punisher. Santino now mocks the crowd who boo's him, and Santino goes to the apron, and climbs up to the top rope. But Santino looks like he's too busy mocking the crowd. Suddenly the Punisher comes out of no where, and slams him off of the turnbuckle.]

King-Oh I remember! This guy is Ric Flair!

JR-Eeerrr not quite King….

Kris Gaffney-Wonder what's next…

[Santino gets up in pain, and he stumbles right into the Punisher who picks him up on his shoulders, and drives him down with the Capital Punishment. The Punisher goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2………….3!]

JR-And Punisher shuts up Santino.

King-I doubt it…

("I'm coming" blasts on the PA system as MVP jumps from his tunnel, and does his taunts on his way to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-MVP has already found himself right into the middle of a title race as we will preview the tag team contendership match tonight with this up coming match.

King-Wow….he did that fast…you sure it isn't MxMxPunk.

Kris Gaffney-Yes…

("Pain" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Kevin might not have gotten a chance at the world title, but he's still on the hunt for the tag team title.

King-He said he was campaigning for McCain…but that's just what he wants you to think…

Kris Gaffney-What else could he have been doing….

King-Um….helping B, Michelle, McCain, and Sarah steal the hope diamond?

JR and Kris-……….


[Kevin Bourne and MVP lock up, Kevin Bourne puts MVP into a head lock, Kevin Bourne puts more pressure on the hold. MVP looks for a way out of the hold, he backs Kevin Bourne to the ropes, and then whips him off of the ropes out of the hold. Kevin Bourne bounces off of the ropes, and Kevin Bourne knocks down MVP with a hard shoulder block. MVP stumbles up to his feet, Kevin Bourne grabs MVP by the hair and brings him into the corner, and smashes MVP's face into the turnbuckle. MVP face bounces off of the top turnbuckle. He stumbles around, right into the waiting Kevin Bourne who kicks MVP in the gut, sets up, and hits a snap suplex. From this position MVP gets up in the sitting position, and Kevin Bourne runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Kevin Bourne hits a running boot to the face to knock MVP down to the mat, MVP is hurt, but obviously not knocked out as crawls into the ropes. Being that both of these wrestlers are heels. Kevin Bourne uses the second rope to choke MVP as he pushes down on his back making the middle rope go up in MVP's throat. The ref counts to 4, and Kevin Bourne lets go of the choke hold before the ref counts to 5. Kevin Bourne holds his hands up to the ref to show that he left go. MVP gets up to his feet, Kevin Bourne hits a few fists to the face of MVP which makes him reel into the ropes. Kevin Bourne tries to whip MVP to the ropes. But it's reversed, and Kevin Bourne goes to the ropes instead. Kevin Bourne bounces off of the ropes. MVP goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under. Kevin Bourne goes to the opposite side of the ring, he bounces off of the ropes. MVP turns around right into a flying clothesline. MVP goes down to the mat, and slowly gets up. MVP throws a wild fist to the face of Kevin Bourne, which he ducks. Kevin Bourne hooks, and hits a diving DDT.]

JR-It looks like Kevin Bourne might take a chance here.

Kris Gaffney-He's about to go….air bourne!

King-Shhhh…don't say that…you know what happen to the last guy..


[Kevin Bourne goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope. But before he can do anything MVP gets up quickly, and runs up the turnbuckle, and hits a super belly to belly suplex that sends Kevin Bourne crashing down to the mat. Both wrestlers are now down. MVP takes his time getting up to his feet, Kevin Bourne has already gotten to his feet just as MVP is almost there. Kevin Bourne stumbles right into MVP who takes down Kevin Bourne with a double leg take down. MVP sets up Kevin Bourne, and hits a sling shot that sends Kevin Bourne flying into the to top turnbuckle. Kevin Bourne stumbles backwards, and MVP returns the favor from earlier, and MVP takes Kevin Bourne by the hair, and throws him hard into the turnbuckle face first by his hair. MVP makes sure that he's still facing away from the ring. MVP makes some sort of hand sign, and he charges at Bourne, and hits a high big boot to the back of the head of Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne crumples out of the corner. He goes down to the mat, and MVP goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………….Kevin Bourne is able to get his foot on the ropes. MVP looks angry, and he responses to Kevin Bourne kicking out by hitting a few stomps on the downed Kevin Bourne. Once he see's Bourne getting up to his feet. MVP pulls up Kevin Bourne up fully, and whips him to the ropes. Kevin Bourne bounces off of the ropes. MVP hits a spinning back elbow as Kevin Bourne comes back. Kevin Bourne goes down to the mat, and gets up slowly, and dazed holding his face. MVP is waiting for Kevin Bourne to get up. MVP picks up Kevin Bourne, and hits a body slam perfectly placed in about in the middle of the ring. MVP runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. He does his Ballin' taunt, and drops his BALLIN' elbow. MVP goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………..2………………KICK OUT by Kevin Bourne.]

JR-MVP might be looking for the win here.

Kris Gaffney-This would give the tag team momentum.

King-Which is never a good thing.

Kris Gaffney-Nope…never.

[Kevin Bourne is slowly getting up to his feet, and MVP goes for the playmaker. But Kevin Bourne slides under it, and goes for the check mate, but as he goes to hit it. MVP is able to slide out of the back, and rolls up Kevin Bourne who is struggling to get up 1……..MVP puts his feet on the ropes as the ref isn't looking……….2………..3!]

JR-MVP stole the match!

King-Hey JR…it's nothing Kevin Bourne would do….he out snaked him!

("Slither" blasts on the PA system as Scott Tazte and Firestorm walk out to the ring, and they step inside of the ring.)

JR-Scott Tazte and Firestorm have been waiting long for this day.

King-Really? I thought Tazte's dream was to drown 12 puppies at once.. (lol, hopefully you remember that joke Tazte)

Kris Gaffney-And he's actually not talking about breasts…

("Revolution" blasts on the PA system as Chris Masters and Dan Godwin walk to the ring.)

JR-Regardless if the Organization questions them as champions, they are not going to have an easy time taking the belts off of Godwin and Masters.

King-Yeah….no women for Masters to lose to.

[Chris Masters and Scott Tazte start out, it doesn't look like Scott Tazte is too happy as he slaps Chris Masters across the face. Chris Masters doesn't move very much, he charges at Scott Tazte, and goes for a clothesline out of no where. Scott Tazte is able to duck under it, and Chris Masters bounces off of the ropes. He comes off of the ropes, and Scott Tazte is able to hit a headlock take down. Scott Tazte puts as much pressure on the hold as he can as he holds on to the side headlock on the mat. Chris Masters slowly gets up to his feet, and begins to look for a way out of the hold. Unlike most people, Masters does not try to whip Tazte to the ropes. Instead he is able to get on the side of Tazte, and hits a belly to back suplex on Tazte. Tazte crashes down on the mat. Chris Masters shakes off the effects of the first hold, and hits a few stomps on the downed Scott Tazte who crawls into the corner, Chris Masters hits a few shoulder blocks to the gut of Scott Tazte. Chris Masters whips Scott Tazte to the other side of the ring, and he crashes into the corner, and he stumbles out of the corner. Chris Masters hits a fist to the gut that doubles him over, and hits a Russian leg sweep on Scott Tazte. Scott Tazte isn't quite ready to be pinned, so Chris Masters tags in Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin comes into the ring, and Tazte is getting up to his feet using the ropes. Dan Godwin and Chris Masters takes turns hitting him with fists. He as he reels on the ropes, Chris Masters and Dan Godwin whips Scott Tazte to the ropes. Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes, and Revolution hits a double flap jack. Masters rolls out of the ring, Dan Godwin waits as Scott Tazte gets up, and turns around into a kick, a set up, and hits a vertical suplex. Tazte gets up fairly quickly, right into a double leg take down, and a catapault that sends Scott Tazte flying to the turnbuckle. Scott Tazte doesn't stumble back as he's using the ropes to hold himself up.]

JR-Scott Tazte is on the ropes.

King- This must be the bums fault again.

Kris Gaffney-That's right…when all fails…blame poor people…just like a Re *gets knocked out*

King-I warned him…

[Dan Godwin gets the crowd pumped up, and goes back to the corner opposite where Scott Tazte is in, and charges at him. Dan Godwin leaps in the air, but before he can hit him, Firestorm comes over, and pulls him out of the corner. Dan Godwin hits his face on the top turnbuckle. Since Firestorm was not holding on to the tag rope, it does not count as a tag, and the ref warns him. Dan Godwin stumbles out of the corner right into a diving clothesline that knocks him down to the mat. Scott Tazte takes a few moments to rest up, but it seems that he didn't wear down Dan Godwin enough as he's quickly able to get up to his feet. Dan Godwin stumbles right over to the recovering Scott Tazte who is on one knee. Scott Tazte surprises Dan Godwin with a quick inverted atomic drop, Dan Godwin stumbles back in pain. Scott Tazte stands up, and Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face, Dan Godwin stumbles backwards to the ropes. Dan Godwin gets whipped off of the ropes, and Scott Tazte lowers his head, and hits a big back body drop. Dan Godwin gets up, and throws a wild fist to the face of Scott Tazte, Scott Tazte ducks under, and puts Dan Godwin into a sleeper slam. Scott goes into the cover for the 1………….2…………kick out. Scott Tazte pulls up Dan Godwin, and whips him to the ropes. Once again Scott Tazte lowers his head, but Dan Godwin hits a kick to the face this time. Scott Tazte pops up, Dan Godwin tries to go for a standing hurriacanarana that's blocked into apower bomb. Both wrestlers are down, Scott Tazte makes the tag to Firestorm, and Godwin makes the tag to tag to Chris Masters. Chris Masters run into the ring, and tries to clothesline Firestorm, Firestorm ducks it. Chris Masters bounces off of the ropes, and Firestorm hits a leg lariat to the face of Chris Masters. Chris Masters gets up stunned, and Firestorm kicks him in the gut, and hits a DDT. Firestorm goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2…………….KICK OUT by Chris Masters.]

King-With all the trash Chris Masters said to Firestorm….would losing to him here be worse than losing to Mickie James.

Kris Gaffney-No…

King-Oh….I just wanted to mention it *slaps a "don't get beat by Mickie James sticker on the screen*

JR-That's going to cost us money…

[Firestorm waits for Chris Masters to get up to his feet, and Firestorm goes for a the Firestarter. But Chris Masters pushes Firestorm right into Scott Tazte who falls off the apron, the ref signals a tag. But Masters doesn't notice it as he hits a Firestorm with a few fists to the face. Chris Masters tries to whip Firestorm to the ropes, but it's reversed. Dan Godwin makes a blindside tag, and Chris Masters hit a running clothesline to knock down Firestorm. Firestorm gets up in the corner, and Chris Masters whips him to the other side of the ring. But it's reversed, so Masters doesn't crash into the corner, he uses his foot, and Firestorm and Masters hits heads as Firestorm was running into the corner. Firestorm falls out of the ring. Tazte slides into the ring, and kicks Chris Masters in the gut. But it seems while he was down on the mat, he didn't notice a blindside tag from X-Factor who blindsides Tazte with the eXecution! dan Godwin goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2……………….3!]

JR-In all the confusion, Tazte was ready to finish off Masters, and didn't realize Godwin was legal, and got creamed.

King-That's the difference between tag and singles.

(Chris Masters and Dan Godwin celebrate their win as Shockwave goes off the air.)

(Note: Firestorms RP was good for what it was up against, I'll just keep to the positives for this one.)