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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Shockwave video. Once that fades away, we go into the darken arena as pryotechincs blasts off on the stage. Once they end the lights turn on, and fans are waving their signs. Some of the signs say "*starts to pick guitar pieces out of his hair*", "Chris Legend = Not the next member of Legacy", and "Ricky Ramon has a weird conscious".)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney

King-That we do, headlined by a match that will determine who will go for Unleashed to face the champion.

Kris Gaffney- Should be interesting, each of the competitors want that second chance from a bad First Blood.

("Cowboy" blasts on the PA system as Chad Vargas walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Chad Vargas last week seemed to want to continue forward after that brutal parking lot brawl.

King-And Black Acid received it.

Kris Gaffney-He's probably still picking guitar pieces out of his hair…

("Black Acid's theme" blasts on the PA system as Black Acid walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Black Acid also has made waves in the EMF as of late, he's picked up a few impressive wins.

King-As mention before, he's also picking guitar out of his hair too.

Kris Gaffney-Need to remind everyone until they get sick of it….then remind them some more!

[Black Acid and Chad Vargas face off in the middle of the ring staring down, they don't seem to blink as they don't say anything for a while. Suddenly Chad Vargas throws the first punch, and it's returned by Black Acid. They trade punches for a little bit with neither really moving back. Chad Vargas blocks one of the punches by Black Acid, and hits a knee lift into the gut, and hits a headlock take down, Chad Vargas puts on the pressure on Black Acid. Black Acid looks for a way out of the hold, and is able to push Chad Vargas' head down to the mat, and Black Acid puts Chad Vargas into a scissors lock, Black Acid holds on to the hold as Chad Vargas looks for a way out of the hold. Chad Vargas nips out of the hold, Chad Vargas gets to his feet, and Black Acid gets up as well, and charges at Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas counters with an arm drag, Chad Vargas holds on the hold, and Black Acid looks for a way out of the hold. Black Acid gets to his feet, and backs Chad Vargas to the ropes, and whips Chad Vargas off of the ropes. Chad Vargas bounces off of the ropes, Black Acid drops down to the mat, and Chad Vargas jumps over him, and continues to the other side of the mat. As Chad Vargas is coming towards him, Black Acid sets up for a monkey flip, which Chad Vargas turns into a jack knife pin for the 1…………….2…………..kickout by Black Acid. Black Acid gets up to his feet, and goes for a wild fist to the face of Chad Vargas that is ducked under by Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas goes goes behind, and sets up, lifts up, and hits an atomic drop that sends Black Acid flying over the top rope. Black Acid gets up on the apron, and Chad Vargas goes over towards Black Acid. Black Acid hits a shoulder block, and Black Acid sling shots over Chad Vargas for a sunset flip that Chad Vargas rolls through, and hits a quick low drop kick that brings Black Acid to the mat. Black Acid rolls into the corner, and gets up. Chad Vargas hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Black Acid, and tries to whip Black Acid to the other side of the ring, but it's reversed. He crashes in the corner, and Black Acid charges into the corner. But Chad Vargas gets his boot up. Chad Vargas pulls himself up second turnbuckle, sets up Black Acid and drives him down to the mat with a tornado DDT!]

JR-What a move by Chad Vargas.

King- This is Chad Vargas' chance to win this match.

Kris Gaffney-In his world!

[Chad Vargas goes into the cover on Black Acid, and gets the 1………………..2……………kick out by Black Acid. Chad Vargas shakes his head about count, and rolls out of the ring on to the apron, and climbs up to the top rope, and waits for Black Acid to get up. Black Acid stumbles up to his feet, and Chad Vargas leaps off for a double axe handle, but it's countered with a standing drop kick that knocks down Chad Vargas out of the air as the move connects with Chad Vargas gut. Chad Vargas is on the mat with the wind knocked out of him, and Black Acid takes this time to rest up. Both wrestlers are slow to get up to his feet, once they get up to their feet. Black Acid hits a running clothesline down to the mat. Chad Vargas gets up to his feet, and once again gets knocked down once again with a running clothesline. Chad Vargas gets up much more slowly and dazed, Black Acid hits a few fists to the face. Chad Vargas gets whipped to the ropes, and Chad Vargas bounces off of the ropes. Black Acid lowers his head, and hits a back body drop that sends Black Acid flying through the air, and crashing on the mat. Slowly Chad Vargas gets up to his feet, and Chad Vargas takes a wild punch that's ducked under, and Black Acid hits a sleeper slam on Chad Vargas. Black Acid goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2………………kick out by Chad Vargas. Black Acid hits a few stomps on the down Chad Vargas, Chad Vargas starts to get up to his feet, and Black Acid backs up, and hits a kick to the ribs that make Chad Vargas roll on the mat. Black Acid backs up as Chad Vargas gets up to his feet, and Black Acid hits a kick to the gut that doubles over Chad Vargas. Black Acid takes Chad Vargas, and throws him hard into the corner and Chad Vargas strikes the ring post shoulder first. Chad Vargas stays there a few moments, and falls out of the corner in a lot of pain. Chad Vargas slowly gets up to his feet, and stumbles to his feet as Black Acid is waiting for him. Black Acid picks up Chad Vargas, and puts him over his shoulder almost, and hits a quick shoulder breaker on Chad Vargas. Black Acid goes into the cover once again, and gets the 1………………2…………….KICK OUT by Chad Vargas.]

JR-Black Acid almost got the three count there.

King-That probably makes Acid angry.

Kris Gaffney-Somewhere a manager probably died or something.

[Black Acid gets up to his feet, and waits for Chad Vargas to get up to his feet. Chad Vargas gets up and Black Acid goes for some sort of move, but it's countered into a front spine buster, Black Acid goes down to the mat. He slowly gets up to his feet, Chad Vargas goes for the stroke, but it's blocked. Black Acid stumbles in the corner, Black Acid stumbles in the corner. Chad Vargas charges in the corner, and dives for some sort of move, but he moves out of the way. Chad Vargas hits his head on the corner. He stumbles backwards. Black Acid rolls up Chad Vargas and does a bridge, Chad struggles, but he is able to get the 1……………..2………………..3!]

JR-Acid just shocked Chad there.

King-You do need to watch out for those quick roll ups…

Kris Gaffney-That's what my dentist always says…

King-That's actually fruit roll ups…

Kris Gaffney-Oh….

("MVP" blasts on the PA system as Ezekiel Jackson walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Well…at least we can say that Jackson is willing to fight his own fights…

King-What did you expect? When you know more about war than Sam I am, no one misses with you.

Kris Gaffney-He'll probably illustrate the beat down after he's done.

("Tommy Moss' theme" blasts on the PA system, but Moss doesn't come out.Suddenly the EMF tron lights up with the image of MVP beating down on Moss after jumping him from behind with a chair. Moss pushes off MVP off of him, Moss tries to get up to try to fight back. But MVP hits a drive by kick.)

JR-….well that was a little dirty…

King-So Zeke wins the match?


King-He's undefeated!



JR-eeeerrr….well, I doubt it'll be like this on PPV.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…and no one had to burn up to keep it from being ruined!

(Zeke walks out of the ring as the ref declares that they can't have the match now as we go to commercial.)

(Note: Brandon, if I got anything wrong, let me know, but I think this was what he wanted.)

("Chris Legend's theme" blasts on the PA system as Chris Legend walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Chris Legend comes into the EMF with a lot of experience, we will see how he translate into the EMF.

King-He's going to get some new challenges, so we'll see how he does.

("Stranglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-And what a challenge he'll be getting in the former IC and TV champion Dewey Pond.

King-Eeeerrr….if Pond doesn't win, I hope Legend likes fishes…

Kris Gaffney-I do! I also like winning…! I should face Dewey Pond next.

[Dewey Pond and Chris Legend face off in the middle of the ring. Chris Legend talks some trash to Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond hits a slap to the face, Chris Legend stumbles back, and Dewey Pond takes a wild swing at Chris Legend being so angry, and he ducks under the move. Chris Legend hits a poke to the eyes of Dewey Pond, and hits a hard fist that knocks down Dewey Pond, Dewey Pond gets up to his feet, and he tries to whip Dewey Pond off of the ropes. But it's reversed by Dewey Pond, Chris Legend bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes, and Chris Legend goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by Chris Legend, Chris Legend bounces off of the ropes, and hits a flying shoulder block that knocks down Dewey Pond down to the mat. Slowly Dewey Pond gets up to his feet, and he charges at Chris Legend. Chris Legend counters this with a headlock take down, and Chris Legend holds on the hold as Dewey Pond looks for a way out of the hold. He slowly gets up to his feet, and looks for a way out of the hold. Dewey Pond can't quite get his arm on the side of Chris Legend like he wants, so he backs Chris Legend to the ropes. Dewey Pond whips Chris Legend off of the hold. Chris Legend bounces off of the ropes, and comes off of the ropes with a hard shoulder block. Dewey Pond goes down to the mat, and Chris Legend runs to another side of the ring, bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond gets up to his feet, and goes for a hip toss. Chris Legend counters this move with a monkey flip that sends Dewey Pond flying. He crashes to the mat, and gets up slowly. Chris Legend kicks Dewey Pond in the gut, and sets him up for a vertical suplex. He lifts him up, and drops him over the top rope. Dewey Pond is just hanging there for a few moments. Chris Legend goes to the nearest turnbuckle, and climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and drives an elbow across the back of the neck of Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond falls back into the ring, and Chris Legend mocks the crowd a little bit as Dewey Pond is climbing up using the rope. Chris Legend starts to choke Dewey Pond with the second rope as the ref counts to 4, finally Chris Legend lets go of the choke hold. Chris Legend backs off as the ref warns him about the count.]

JR-Chris Legend better watch out, he's certainly not going to get special treatment.

King-Yeah, ask Jarred…

Kris Gaffney-And he's been with the EMF for years!

[Chris Legend runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and leaps in the air to come across the back of Dewey Pond, but Dewey Pond rolls out of the way of Chris Legend. Chris Legend lands on the second rope, he's in a lot of pain as he falls to the ground. He crawls into the corner, and sits in the corner. Suddenly Dewey Pond charges into the corner, and hits a low drop kick into the face of the sitting Chris Legend. The only thing keeping him up is the fact he is in the corner. Dewey Pond takes a few moments to rest getting up to his feet. He pulls up Chris Legend up in the corner, and he hits a few knee lifts into the gut. Before he gets warned about it. Dewey Pond whips Chris Legend to the opposite side of the ring's turnbuckle. Dewey Pond follows Chris Legend in the corner, as Chris Legend crashes into the corner. Dewey Pond hits a clothesline in the corner on Chris Legend. Dewey Pond backs out of the corner, and Chris Legend stumbles out of the corner. Dewey Pond kicks Chris Legend in the gut, and sets up Chris Legend in a front face lock, lifts him up on to the top rope. Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face of Chris Legend as he sits on the top turnbuckle. Dewey Pond climbs up to the top rope, and hooks Chris Legend up, and hits a super plex off of the top rope. Both Chris Legend and Dewey Pond crash hard on the mat. Being that Dewey Pond has taken so much in this match to begin with, Dewey Pond is just as effected as Chris Legend is, but slowly Dewey Pond turns over, and throws his arm over Chris Legend, the ref counts 1…………………2…………….kick out by Chris Legend. Dewey Pond really can't argue as he's still on the mat, and he gets up to his feet. He pulls up Chris Legend up with him, Chris Legend is behind Dewey Pond, Chris Legend goes for a belly to back suplex. But Dewey Pond roll out of the back of Chris Legend. Chris Legend turns around, and Dewey Pond kicks Chris Legend in the gut, and hits a DDT that drives Legend's head into the mat. Dewey Pond takes this time to really start to rest. Once Chris Legend gets up to his feet. Dewey Pond goes for a running clothesline, but it's ducked under by Chris Legend. Chris Legend comes off of the ropes, but Dewey Pond hits a belly to belly over head throw as Chris Legend comes at him.]

JR-It looks like Dewey Pond is closing in on a win

King-Eeeerrr, guess it won't matter if Legend likes fishes or not…

[Dewey Pond waits as Chris Legend gets up to his feet, and Dewey Pond goes for the dew drop. Chris Legend counters it by pushing back Dewey Pond, Dewey Pond almost hits the ref, Chris Legend is able to get away with a low blow with the ref trying to dive out of the way. Chris Legend quickly kicks Dewey Pond in the gut, and hits the outshiner. He goes inot the cover, and gets the 1……………2………………3!]

JR-Well, like it or not, Chris Legend did get the victory.

King-Hey, he gets two thumbs up from me!

("SammyExtreme's theme" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-SammyExtreme and Marquise have been locked into a battle, you got to wonder if this match will settle it all.

King-Well, his team did beat his team last week…didn't settle anything.

Kris Gaffney-Well, Marquise cost his own team there…so I guess it doesn't count?

("Marquise's theme" blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Marquise after last week seemly has a lot to prove.

King-Hey, it's not his fault that Big Sal was standing there.

Kris Gaffney-It's not like he meant to do that…

[SammyExtreme and Marquise pace around the ring, and lock up. SammyExtreme hits a knee lift to the gut, and takes aim and hits a punch to the face that knocks down Marquise. Marquise goes down to the mat, and gets up to his feet. SammyExtreme kicks Marquise in the gut, and sets up Marquise for a vertical suplex, but Marquise is able to shift his weight as SammyExtreme lifts him up. Marquise pushes SammyExtreme to the ropes, and tries to roll up SammyExtreme into a pin. But SammyExtreme is able to hook the ropes, Marquise rolls through, and gets up to his feet. He charges at SammyExtreme by the ropes. SammyExtreme counters with a flap jack that sends Marquise flying into the top rope, Marquise throat hits the top rope. Marquise stumbles back to where SammyExtreme is standing, SammyExtreme sets up Marquise, and hits a release northern lights suplex. He crashes on the mat, and gets up to his feet. SammyExtreme hits a few fists to the face of Marquise who backs up to the ropes. SammyExtreme tries to whip Marquise off of the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and SammyExtreme goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Marquise. Marquise bounces off of the other side of the ring, and before he can do whatever move he wanted to do SammyExtreme hits a spinning spinebuster that plants Marquise on the mat. SammyExtreme quickly gets up to his feet, and runs to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and hits a diving elbow drop across the face of Marquise. SammyExtreme goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2………………kick out by Marquise. SammyExtreme shakes his head, but doesn't seem too disappointed. Marquise gets pulled up to a sitting position, and puts on a chin lock on Marquise. Marquise looks for a way out of the hold as the ref makes sure that the hold isn't a choke hold. Marquise gets up to his feet, and hits a few elbows to the gut of SammyExtreme. Marquise runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and Marquise goes for a clothesine. But it's ducked under by SammyExtreme, and SammyExtreme waits for Marquise to turn around. Once he does, SammyExtreme picks up Marquise for a power slam.]

JR-Marquise hasn't yet been able to get out of the starting blocks.

King-That's never a good thing…especially when your actually racing…

Kris Gaffney-You bet on that horse that never gets out of the starting gate....again, didn't you?


[SammyExtreme goes into the corner, and runs out of the corner. But just one problem that Marquise slides out of the back, and into the corner. SammyExtreme looks back, and charges at Marquise who counters with a drop toe hold that sends SammyExtreme face first into the second turnbuckle. Marquise takes a few moments to rest, as SammyExtreme sits in the corner. Marquise gets up to his feet, and hits a running boot to the face of SammyExtreme in the corner. Marquise takes his time, and pulls up SammyExtreme. Marquise hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of SammyExtreme. Marquise whips SammyExtreme to the ropes, and follows him into the corner. SammyExtreme tries to use the momentum to go over the top of Marquise as they go into the corner, but Marquise is able to react fast enough to stop dead in his tracks. SammyExtreme falls right on to his shoulders. Marquise takes him out to the middle of the ring, and hits a death valley driver. Marquise goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2………….kick out by SammyExtreme. Marquise hits a few stomps on the downed SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme crawls over to the ropes, and Marquise starts to choke SammyExtreme with the second rope. The ref counts, and Marquise lets up at 4, the ref warns him, but Marquise just shakes him off. Marquise pulls up SammyExtreme to his feet, and tries to whip him. But it's reversed, Marquise bounces off of the ropes, and hits a flying shoulder block. Marquise waits as SammyExtreme gets up to his feet, and SammyExtreme gets kicked to the gut, and set up, and hit with a stacked power bomb, and Marquise gets a 1………………2…………..kick out. Marquise can't believe it, he holds his head, and goes into the corner, signaling for Sammy to get up.]

JR-SammyExtreme is looking to finish this match up.

King-If he can connect with this move, it might get some of the frustration over the last month he has with Marquise.

[SammyExtreme charges for the spear, but Marquise moves out of the way. SammyExtreme turns around, and Marquise hits a low blow, and the ref calls for a DQ.]

JR-That was an intentional DQ!

King-No really…you think?

Kris Gaffney-Sound familiar…

[Marquise slides out of the ring, seemly happy at what he did. Suddenly "The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks out on the stage with a chair. Marquise has an "oh shit" look on his face. The Gambler slowly stalks Marquise who slowly backs up. But Marquise realizes that SammyExtreme has blocked his retreat rout, he raises his eyey brows. Marquise looks back, not knowing what to do. The Gambler, and SammyExtreme charge at Marquise. They get there, Gambler takes a swing at Marquise's head….but Marquise ducks, and the Gambler nails SammyExtreme instead. The Gambler looks like he didn't mean to do it, Marquise stalks up on the Gambler, and…they both start to stomp down on the downed SammyExtreme. Suddenly refs start to pour out of the backstage area stopping the beating. They get pushed up the stage where they raise their arms together.]

JR-Son of a bitch! They were in it together all along!

King-HAHA what a great set up.

Kris Gaffney-Somewhere Alex Salvatore hates you…

("Adrenaline" blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-Ricky Ramon is back after a few weeks off.

King-He took a few weeks off?

Kris Gaffney-That's OOC…your in trouble JR for breaking kayfabe

*JR gets pulled away from the announcers table kicking and screaming.) ("Paint it black" blasts on the PA system as Firestorm walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Alright, I'm back.

Kris Gaffney-Why does he reappear, when he shouldn't?

King-It could be worse….watch this *King takes a gun out, shoots JR in the head…JR fades into his seat again alive and well*

JR-Bah gawd!


[Ricky Ramon and Firestorm pace around the ring, Ricky Ramon and Firestorm try to lock up, but Ricky Ramon slides behind Firestorm, and goes for a waist lock. Being that he's pissed off at being attacked. Firestorm hits a pretty brutal elbow to the face. Ricky Ramon stumbles backwards, and once he looks up after being effected by this move. Firestorm hits a double leg take down, and hits a few fists to the face of Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon is able to turn it into his favor, and hits a few fists of his own. Firestorm pushes Ricky Ramon off. Ricky Ramon stumbles up in the corner, and Firestorm moves in to try to keep the pressure going. Ricky Ramon goes for a fist to the face of Firestorm to try to stop the momentum, but it's blocked, and Firestorm hits his hardest punch that he can throw. Ricky Ramon falls into the corner, and Firestorm measures up, and hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Ricky Ramon. Finally after a few more the ref warns Firestorm, Firestorm rolls his eyes, and backs off for a few seconds, and goes back into the corner. Firestorm hits a few stomps in the gut of Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon looks to be going down in the corner. But Firestorm stops the attack, and pulls up Ricky Ramon in the corner. Firestorm whips Ricky Ramon hard into the corner, so hard in fact that Ricky Ramon does a flip on to the top rope, and falls right on to the apron. Ricky Ramon stumbles on the apron as Firestorm goes over to where Ricky Ramon is on the apron, he his back turn, and Firestorm hits a nice looking standing drop kick that sends Ricky Ramon flying off of the apron. Ricky Ramon crashes on the guard rail face first. Ricky Ramon goes down to the mat in pain, Firestorm takes his time as Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet. Firestorm uses the ropes to sling shot himself over the top rope, and hits a cross body block that connects with Ricky Ramon. Firestorm takes a few moments to rest, and pulls up Ricky Ramon to his feet, and lifts him up, and drops him face first on to the guard rail. Ricky Ramon stumbles around in pain, and gets under him, and drives him back first into the guard rail back first. Ricky Ramon is in pain, seeing that the count is getting close to 10. Firestorm rolls Ricky Ramon into the ring.]

JR-Firestorm's rage has made him hard to fend off so far.

King-Someone pissed in cereal, and he found out who it was.

Kris Gaffney-That's never a good thing.

[Firestorm climbs up to the apron, and climbs up to the top rope. Firestorm measures Ricky Ramon, and Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet. Firestorm leaps off of the top rope for a cross body block off of the top rope, but Ricky Ramon moves out of the way, and Firestorm crashes on the mat. Firestorm is on his knee's in pain holding his stomach area. Ricky Ramon gets to his feet as Firestorm also stumbles up stunned, and Firestorm stumbles backwards right into Ricky Ramon who sets up Firestorm, and hits a swing reverse DDT on Firestorm. Ricky Ramon goes down to the mat, and has to take this time to rest up, Ricky Ramon crawls into the corner. Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet in the corner. Firestorm gets up to his feet, and see's where Ricky Ramon is, and he charges at Ricky Ramon in a rage, and goes for a big splash in the corner. Ricky Ramon moves out of the way at the last second, and Firestorm's face crashes into the mat. Firestorm backs up stunned, and Ricky Ramon hits a release germen suplex. Firestorm crashes on the mat, and slowly gets up to his feet, only to be knocked down with a running clothesline. Firestorm slowly gets up to his feet, once he does Ricky Ramon hits a few fists to the face of Firestorm. Firestorm backs to the ropes, and Ricky Ramon tries to whip Firestorm off of the ropes, but Firestorm reverses the whip. Ricky Ramon bounces off of the ropes, and Firestorm lowers his head, and before he can hit the move he wants. Ricky Ramon hits a kick to the face of Firestorm. Firestorm stumbles around in pain, and Ricky Ramon kicks Firestorm in the gut, sets him up, hooks the leg, and executes a fisherman's suplex with a bridge for a 1……………..2……………kick out by Firestorm. Ricky Ramon looks at the ref, thinking that he should have gotten three there. Ricky Ramon hits a few stomps on the downed Firestorm. Ricky Ramon grabs Firestorm by the hair, and hits a body slam in the corner on Firestorm. Ricky Ramon goes over the turnbuckle, leaps off, and Ricky Ramon rolls out of the way as Firestorm crashes to the mat.]

JR-Ricky Ramon just barely got out of there way.

King-That probably wouldn't have been good for his chances in this match.

[Ricky Ramon goes for his spear, but Firestorm moves out of the way, Ricky Ramon stops himself from going into the corner. Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet, and turns around right into an attempted Firestarter, but Ricky Ramon surprises Firestorm with a back slide, Ricky Ramon grabs the rope with the hand that's shielded from view from the ref and gets the 1………………2………………3!]

JR-That's two matches where someone cheated to win

King-Oh no…heels being heels….stop the presses!

("Through the fire and the flames" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the irng. He steps over the ropes.)

JR-This is seen as kind of a redemption match for Troy Gafgen after First Blood.

King-Wonder if he'll ever redeem himself with his Candice situation. From his promo, I would say……

Kris Gaffney-That's a question I often ponder about…

("Game on" blasts on the PA system as Tony Ikeda walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-The same can be said about this man…Tony Ikeda.

King-First Blood was a badd time for the badd man.

Kris Gaffney-Badd time to make badd puns….

[Tony Ikeda and Troy Gafgen start at each other before the Punisher even gets to the ring. (his music hasn't even started to play). Troy Gafgen is able to get the advantage, but before he can do anything really effective. Tony Ikeda is able to duck under, and Tony Ikeda hits a kick to the gut that doubles him over,. And Tony Ikeda hits a european upper cut that sends Troy Gafgen on the mat, and Troy Gafgen tries to get up to his feet, but Tony Ikeda keeps the pressure on Troy Gafgen by hitting a few stomps on the downed Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen pushes Tony Ikeda back, Tony stumbles back, and hits the ropes, bouncing back he hits a low drop kick that drops Troy Gafgen down to the mat once again. Troy Gafgen crawls over to the ropes, and Tony Ikeda starts to choke Troy Gafgen with the second rope, and the ref counts to 4. Tony Ikeda lets go even though he can't get DQed. Tony Ikeda runs to the ropes, and jumps in the air. He comes crashing down on the back of Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet stunned, and Tony Ikeda hits a few fists to the face of Troy Gafgen. Tony Ikeda tries to whip Troy Gafgen off of the ropes, but it's reversed. Tony Ikeda bounces off of the ropes. Tony Ikeda hits a flying back elbow. Suddenly "Capital Punishment" blasts on the PA system as the Punisher walks to the ring, and tries to get into the ring. But Tony Ikeda hits a base ball slide to try to keep him out of the ring. Tony Ikeda turns back to Troy, and charges at him, but Troy Gafgen counters with a standing spike spine buster on Tony Ikeda. Troy Gafgen falls back to the ropes after the impact of that move, and waits for Tony Ikeda to get up to his feet. Tony Ikeda gets hit with a few fists to the face by Troy Gafgen. Tony Ikeda backs to the ropes. Troy Gafgen whips Tony Ikeda to the ropes, he bounces off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen lowers his head, and hits a back body drop. Tony Ikeda fly's through the air, and crashes down on the mat, but quickly gets up, and stumbles right into the waiting arms of Troy Gafgen who hits a side walk slam on Tony Ikeda. Troy Gafgen measures up Tony Ikeda, Tony Ikeda gets up, turns around, and gets hit with the crack of dawn.]

King-Wow…that's new

JR-Troy Gafgen could win it here.

[Troy Gafgen goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………….the Punisher comes into the ring with a chair, smashes Troy Gafgen on the back breaking up the cover. Troy Gafgen stumbles up to his feet, and the Punisher hits a few fists to the face of Troy Gafgen, the Punisher tries to whip Troy Gafgen to the ropes. But it's reversed, The Punisher bounces off of the ropes, but The Punisher is able to hook the ropes to prevent going back towards Troy. Troy Gafgen charges at the Punisher for a big boot, but it's ducked under by The Punisher, and Troy Gafgen gets crotched on the top rope. The Punisher hits a standing drop kick that sends Troy Gafgen falling out of the ring, and on to the arena floor.Tony Ikeda goes for a running clothesline, but the Punisher ducks under, and Tony Ikeda bounces off of the other side of the ring. The Punisher hits a one man flap jack on Tony Ikeda. Tony Ikeda slowly gets up to his feet holding his mid section in pain, and the Punisher waits as Tony Ikeda slowly gets up to his feet, and the Punisher lifts him up over his shoulder, and goes for a running power slam out of the corner. But Tony Ikeda slides out of the back of the Punisher, and on to the second turnbuckle. The Punisher charges at Tony Ikeda, Tony Ikeda counters with a boot to the ace. The Punisher stumbles back, and Tony Ikeda leaps off of the top rope for a cross body block that caught by the Punisher. The Punisher hits a quick fall away slam, Tony Ikeda slowly gets up to his feet. The Punisher lifts him up for the Capital Punishment.]

JR-It looks like Punisher is going to finish off Tony!

King-What a badd ending that would be.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah….that would be….too…Sadd?

[The Punisher goes for the Capital Punishment, but Tony Ikeda slides out of the back of Punisher and pushes Punisher forward. Troy Gafgen hits heads with the Punisher while on the apron. Troy falls off of the apron, and the Punisher stumbles right into Tony Ikeda who hits the full nelson slam. He goes into the cover on Punisher, and gets the 1…………………….2………………………..3!]

JR-Tony Ikeda was in the right place at the right time for that one.

King-Hmmmm…that wasn't so baddddddddddddddddddddddddd!

Kris Gaffney-He never stops does he.

JR-It could be worse….especially when……never mind.

King-*has a puke bucket* Go ahead say it….I dare you! I double dare you MOTHER FU….



(Tony Ikeda slides out of there as Troy Gafgen comes into the ring looking for revenge. Tony leaves ring side as Shockwave goes off the air.)