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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Shockwave video, once it ends. We go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. Once they end, the lights turn on as fans stand up, and wave their signs. Some of the signs say "I'll lay on top of Hemme!", "why are people invading again", and "Neddles isn't Darter like anymore!".)

JR-Welcome to another edition of Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-This will be headlined by MVP and Tomko going against the Elite.

Kris Gaffney-That'll shut up people against the tag division…

King-Yeah…..*slyly hides the date of the card was completed in*

("Walk Idiot Walk" blasts on the PA system as Christy Hemme walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

King-She still hasn't changed that theme…

Kris Gaffney-It opens up to so many insults, it's amazing…

King-Maybe they expected Maria to win.

JR-Moving on…

("Your not enough for me" as Michelle McCool comes out pumping her fist for no particular reason, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This amazing athlete is not only a gifted athlete, but she's a former school teacher as well.

King-Well….so is Amy.

Kris Gaffney-But she never finished her degree…

King-You really don't want to keep your job, do you?…

[Christy Hemme charges at Michelle McCool, Michelle McCool is able to counter this with an release arm drag. Christy Hemme gets up to her feet, and Michelle McCool hits a running clothesline that knocks down Christy Hemme to the mat. Slowly Christy Hemme gets up to her feet, and Michelle McCool tries to whip her to the ropes, Christy Hemme bounces off of the ropes. Michelle McCool lowers her head, and hits a back body drop that sends Christy Hemme flying through the air. Christy Hemme crashes into the mat, and she gets up fairly quickly. Michelle McCool kicks her in the gut, and sets up Christy Hemme, and hits a snap suplex. Michelle McCool hits a elbow drop to Christy Hemme. Christy Hemme looks like she's in pain. Michelle McCool hits a few stomps on the downed Christy Hemme. Christy Hemme gets up to her feet, and Michelle McCool hits a snapmare that sends Christy Hemme into a sitting position. Michelle McCool runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. She then hits a low drop kick to the face of Christy Hemme, Christy Hemme goes down to the mat, and Michelle McCool goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2……….kick out by Christy Hemme. Michelle McCool puts Christy Hemme in a chin lock, the ref makes sure that the move isn't over the throat as she makes sure Hemme doesn't want to job up. Hemme refuses to job up…just yet, Christy Hemme gets up to her feet, and drops down with a jaw breaker. Michelle McCool stumbles back, and Christy Hemme runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. McCool hits a spine buster, into a heel hook, into the ankle lock.]

JR-McCool locks in the ankle lock!

King-Kurt is going to be angry…

Kris Gaffney-I can think of someone else that would be even more angry.

Ken Shamrock-All this stealing is putting me in the ZONE!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

[Christy Hemme screams in pain as Michelle McCool holds on the hold, Christy Hemme slowly makes her way towards the ropes. Michelle McCool drags her back, Christy Hemme puts up her hand. But before she taps, she rolls through, and Michelle McCool goes into the corner, and hits her face into the top turnbuckle. She stumbles back, and Christy Hemme hits a reverse back breaker on Michelle McCool goes down in pain, and Christy Hemme goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………2……….Michelle McCool kicks out. Christy Hemme rolls to the ropes, and she gets up using the ropes. Christy Hemme is limping a little trying to put pressure on the ropes. Michelle McCool slowly gets up to her feet, and see's Christy Hemme, Michelle McCool charges at Christy Hemme who moves out of the way. Michelle McCool hits hard into the turnbuckle, and stumbles out of the corner. Christy Hemme kicks Michelle McCool in the gut, and hits a release fishermans suplex. Christy Hemme takes a few moments to rest, as Michelle McCool gets up to her feet. Christy Hemme hits a running clothesline that knocks down Michelle McCool with a running clothesline. Michelle McCool gets up to her feet, and Christy Hemme hits a few forearm shots to the face. Christy Hemme whips Michelle McCool to the ropes, and Michelle bounces off of the ropes. Christy lowers her head, and hits a back body drop that sends Michelle McCool flying through the air, and crashing hard down on the mat. Michelle slowly gets up to her feet, and Michelle McCool gets up to her feet. Christy Hemme picks up Michelle McCool, and hits a body slam. Christy Hemme goes to the nearest turnbuckle, and climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and drops an elbow on Michelle McCool. Christy Hemme goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………2…….kick out by McCool!]

JR-McCool isn't going to go down that easy.

King-The Undertaker would tell you differently….

Kris Gaffney-There is no resting in peace in that household…

[Hemme looks frustrated that McCool kicked out. She calls for her finisher, the Twist of Fate. She waits for McCool to stumble up, and then goes for the move, but McCool hits some elbows and throws her off. McCool kicks Hemme in the gut and then goes for a move herself, but Hemme pushes her off, and McCool falls into the ropes and gets tangled. While she attempts to get free, Christy doesn't notice Beth Phoenix sliding into the ring. Beth blasts Hemme with the WWE Women's Championship, and the bell rings. Christy goes down and looks out of it. Beth then picks her up, and hits her with the Glam-Slam! Suddenly, Santino slides into the ring too. He no longer has his Intercontinental Championship. He is yelling instructions at Beth, who then picks Hemme back up, and allows Michelle to take some cheap shots. Even though Hemme is a heel, the crowd are booing these actions. Suddenly "Obsession" blasts out, and Mickie James comes charging down the ramp.]

JR: Looks like help is at hand...

King: Is she crazy?

[Mickie slides into the ring, and pulls McCool away and begins hammering away at her. Beth then grabs Mickie and Mickie begins firing shots at her too. Mickie is getting the better, before Santino hits a chop-block on her. Mickie falls to the floor and then Beth begins hammering away and suddenly "Bad, Bad Man" hits and John Cena comes tearing down the ramp at full speed. He slides into the ring and pulls Beth off of Mickie and throws her from the ring. McCool rolls out too. Santino looks terrified and tries to run away, but Cena is too quick for him, and begins to hammer away at him with fast, strong fists.]

JR: I don't think i've ever seen Cena this angry..

King: What about all those times he faced Wes?

Kris: I'd say he was more disturbed...

[Cena continues the assault, and then lifts Santino onto his shoulders, looking for the FU. Seemingly, this tweaks his back injury, but he still delivers the move with authority. He attempts to continue hitting him, but Mickie pulls him back. She seems to be assuing Cena that she's ok, and that he needs to watch his back to prevent hurting it further. Beth slides into the ring and pulls Santino out of there. Cena just takes Mickie in his arms and seems more relaxed. He watches them leave up the ramp.]

JR: I guess he is still hurt... but anyone putting their hands on Mickie was going to pay for it.

King: I bet a lot of women wish they had someone who would risk their whole career to protect them like that.

Kris: Yea. Just a shame its not his wife he'd do it for!

(We open up the scene in Amy Jericho's office, she is wearing a fairly low cut dress. We can't see much more as she's sitting down behind her desk. But the lack of clothe on the upper part of her dress allowed some bruises around her arms to be seen from her run in with Death. Being the tough girl that she is, she wasn't going to let it get to her. She continued to work on her paper work, but that was about to be interupted. Suddenly the door swung open making a loud bang against the wall as a shadow appeared on the desk Amy looks at the man in the shadows, and smirks to herself.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Were you ever taught how to knock, rather than just come in bursting into a person of power office?

(A familiar voice comes from the doorway)

|+|Voice|+| - I only knock on doors when the person inside has real power

.::Amy Jericho::.-Real power? That's kinda insulting...what? Because I'm a woman? So if I don't have power around here, why is it that you find yourself in my office?

(The camera turns around to show Jonathan Fairbanks standing in the doorway. He walks into the office and smirks)

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Because while you don't have real power, because you don't deserve it and not just because your a woman, because you couldn't hold onto it, you do have some sway backstage and with the higher ups that takes a while to achieve.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Same reason Mr. Fairbanks that John Cena has power and doesn't deserve it. John Cena felt a girl couldn't handle the EMF power....but an idiot like him could, ironic isn't it? But I'm still the Vice President, I still very much have power around here, so I'd treat me with a little respect.

(Mr Fairbanks sits down in the chair facing the desk and puts his feet ontop of the desk)

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - And just what little woman are you going to do about it?

.::Amy know the usual stuff, seeing how you are so willing to get into that ring. I could always make a match that would make the tag team turmoil match look like a cake walk. But let's not get to that, and let's figure the real reason you find yourself in my office.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - It was partly about that match, you see I want to know why I was booked in that match? I am not an EMF talent and I had no place in that match, so why was I in it?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, you do have a contract with the EMF to be an official...right? Well, anyone else could do that. It's the same way I...a non-wrestling staff member can be put into a women's title matches at will for no reason.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Yes I do have the contract but I took care to declare myself injured to avoid such circumstances

.::Amy Jericho::.-...and I declared myself a retired wrestler, does that stop some of the staff members we have around here? I think not...

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Ok well I suggest you pass a memo around the back because if I find out I am booked in another match while being declared injured, I will sue the EMF for all it has

.::Amy Jericho::.-I already tried that trick, it never me, and I've had staff members do worse than what happened to you.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - We'll see about that

.::Amy Jericho::.-Good luck, but your wasting your time. They won't do anything against Cena who claims to have raped a unconscious woman, their not going to help you. that it?

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - They may not help you but that stroke I was talking about, I have that elsewhere, but enough about threats, that wasn't all I came to see you about because rest assured I wouldn't waste my time with you if that was all

.::Amy Jericho::.-Keep in mind I was the person at the top when he did it. But please tell me Mr. Fairbanks, what else do you have for me.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Well it seems you are the person who is directly in charge of marketing and merchandise am I correct?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yes that would be me, except that useless "Amy storyline" campaign. *she rolls her eyes*

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Well the sales figures for this shirt are far below what we agreed when I signed the contract which stated Godwin must always wear it whenever making a public appearence

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well I talked to Dan about this same thing, I'm assuming he didn't pass along why the shirts aren't doing so well?

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - He passed along that it wasn't selling because it wasn't much of an achievement

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's pretty much it, it was John Cena's grand idea to make these t-shirts. But the fact of the matter is...we didn't make much of a fuss about it in the past. I tried to tell Cena he was making a mistake, but of course, being Cena he didn't listen to me, and now they are doing poorly.....and I wonder why it's only now that people might be waking up to the possibility that I can make valid points.....

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - That's bullshit and you know it

.::Amy Jericho::.-What is... it's not BS at all, the numbers are there, I said the shirt wouldn't do well before this happened, and that's exactly what happened. So how is it bullshit?

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Because the people are morons, they will buy anything if you advertise it right, I saw a guy walk out of the EMF shop carrying a Death torch, a Chris Masters padlock and a JOB Mysterio T shirt, you honestly trying to tell me that you can't sell a shirt that commemorates winning every title in the federation for the hottest property on your roster?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Fairbanks, I doubt a t-shirt of the guy who did the grandslam FIRST would sell. But while I do have real power, John Cena just never listens to me. So that's what he gets...

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - But pieces of crap sell? a t-shirt for the second biggest jobber in history sells? you advertise things right then the morons who watch this shit will buy it

.::Amy Jericho::.-And yet, you said yourself...we had people wear the grandslam t-shirts more-so than any of those other one's you pointed out. What does that say to you?

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - That you aren't doing your job as manager of advertising and product placement, it's your job when things go wrong, thats what you get with real power

.::Amy Jericho::.-....OR...I'm doing my job...just most people think the grandslam while great, and while they like Dan Godwin. They just don't think a plain t-shirt stating that Dan Godwin got a grand slam is very exciting. You can polish a turd all you want...but in the end, it's still a turd.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Which reminds me, how is your kid doing?

(Amy doesn't particularly look happy with what she thought Fairbanks was trying to say switching subjects like that.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Now that wasn't necessary, if by that comment you are suggesting something about my daughter. I'd suggest you take that back, after all, my daughter is the sweetest little girl you could meet.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - She can't take after either parent then

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's saying a lot coming from you. What I said was just the facts, and if you don't want to deal with them, well I suggest you throw your little hissy fit somewhere else.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - See this is why women shouldn't be in power, ignore what I just said, so what are you going to do about the situation with the t-shirts?

.::Amy Jericho::.-I could advertise all EMF show, and it wouldn't make a difference. I'd say in this particular area, I'm pretty sure I know what will work, and what wouldn't. It's like that advertising campaign they tried for the dying Atari, it was just a lame attempt of trying to sell something that wouldn't sell anymore...or in this case, didn't sell in the first place.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Ok so my next question, are you going to let Godwin out of the deal? I am having to turn down lucrative guarenteed deals because of this contract preventing him wearing anything that isn't the EMF Grandslam T-Shirt

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'd love to, I really would. But as I said in the first place, this was John Cena's idea to waste money with this t-shirt. So you'd have to take it up with him. Seemly he's as stubborn as you are on this issue though.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - I would have thought since you have real power and this was in your area that you could over rule the deal or at least expand it

.::Amy Jericho::.-Normally I do, but when it comes to something John Cena is in love with, I can't. I'm the Vice President. The only one more powerful than me is John Cena, he's made sure that I couldn't touch it...especially since I told him to his face what a stupid idea it was.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Then pass on the message to him and I'll be sure to contact him shortly to deal with someone with the power to change things

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, I'll be sure to pass that along to him. Hopefully it won't go out one ear and out the other. You know Cena...only thing he ever remembers is how many women he's slept with.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Is that why he remembers you then?

.::Amy Jericho::.-No, he remembers me because I won't sleep with him seemly. That and he doesn't like me standing up to him, guess he thinks it's not lady like. *she rolls her eyes again*

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - He's right, it isn't.

(Fairbanks gets up from his chair)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, some people aren't stuck in the 60's or 70's where women had to wear dresses and skirts. What John Cena doesn't understand now is that things have changed since then, maybe you should learn that too. If what you shown today is your respect level for women in the work place, I'm wondering how Christine puts up with you.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - Because I have a problem with women getting above themselves and acting like the world revolves around them when it doesn't and they aren't important, Christine knows that, you don't seem to know that

.::Amy Jericho::.-Mr. Fairbanks, I've worked hard to gain my position here, and no, I know the insult coming. I didn't sleep my way here, I earned it, and kept it because I know what I'm doing. The fact of the matter is, what you only describes one person on the staff...and that's John Cena. But it doesn't apply because he's not a girl, right?

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - I haven't had the chance to meet John, I know Dan doesn't like him but I don't tend to judge people till I meet them

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well take it from me, the person who's dealt with him the most. He's an asshole who shouldn't be in power. The disrespect you have shown me here is nothing compared to the disrespect John Cena has for women, and everyone else. But then again, John Cena only likes assholes, because assholes attract assholes, so maybe you would like him.

(She smirks to herself.)

(Fairbanks looks stunned with his mouth opened)

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - That's why I've shown you disrespect because right from the start you've made up your mind about me, you've ignored my calls and you have shown me no respect and why? Because I am not falling over myself to show you how great you are? Well sorry if I don't fall in line but, I am not a sheep.

.::Amy Jericho::.-As for the calls...I talked to your client, and he passed it to you. So I answered what you were asking. Once again Mr. Fairbanks, few people tell me that I'm great, in fact John Cena loves to try to make me feel inferior. I'm just telling you the facts, I'm not going to smile to your face, and tell you it's not raining, when it is. You have answered me by insulting me, so what do you expect?

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - You think I've insulted you? I have done nothing of the sort

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh geez...let's go over all of it. *in her best fairbanks caveman voice* woman, you must not have make fire. *end voice*. Or how about *best whiny Fairbanks voice*...oh the t-shirts you told everyone wouldn't work, it's your fault, it's your fault...go back into the kitchen, and cook me a pie *end voice*. I can go on?

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - You call that insults? You have pretty thin skin by the seems of it which is quite amazing by the looks of it

.::Amy Jericho::.-The fact you made some pretty sexist remarks is good enough for me. I'd love to see what Christine is going to think.

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - I bet you would...

(Fairbanks winks at her)

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - But I couldn't go for someone like you, someone who has came to work and not even washed off the dirty marks on her skin

(Fairbanks points to her arms and bruises)

::Amy Jericho::.-Do you get turned on by being called a sexist pig? Eeeerrr....I guess that's your thing, and I'll just stay away from that. Take a cold shower when you get back home, because I wouldn't be interested in you...well ever. So don't flatter yourself....

(Before she can finish she is inturupted by Fairbanks)

|+|Mr Fairbanks|+| - You know what I don't care

Godwin pokes his head into the office)

|+|The X-Factor|+| - He wasn't causing trouble for you was he Amy?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Let's just say he was a bit rude, but nothing I couldn't handle

|+|The X-Factor|+| - Ok, sorry if he caused you bother, I'll go deal with him.

(Godwin pulls the door down the hall and can be heard shouting for Fairbanks down the hallway as we fade back into ringside.)

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring.)

JR-This man is the #1 contender for the Extreme title.

Kris Gaffney-If he wins it…you think he'll put the title up in a card game?


[The Gambler comes down the ramp, suddenly Troy Gafgen comes from behind him and hits a clubbing blow to the back of the head. The Gambler falls down to his knee's, and Troy Gafgen backs up, and hits a kick in the ribs. The Gambler rolls down to ring side, and gets up to his feet. Troy Gafgen smashes the Gambler's head into the ring steps. He stumbles away, he looks dazed. Troy Gafgen grabs the Gambler, and throws him into the ring. Troy Gafgen throws in a chair into the ring, and Troy Gafgen climbs up to the apron, he measures up on the Gambler. The Gambler gets up to his feet. Troy Gafgen leaps off of the top rope, but the Gambler is able to counter with a fist to the gut. This doubles over Troy Gafgen who goes to his knee's, and the Gambler runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen hits a boot to the face that knocks down Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen is down on the mat. Troy Gafgen grabs the chair that Troy Gafgen threw into the ring. The Gambler stumbles to the ropes, he uses them to hold himself up and rest up as he's taken a few moves. Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet in a little bit of pain, and he goes towards the Gambler, and gets hit over the head with the chair. Troy Gafgen looks like he might be out on his feet (or just really dazed). The Gambler comes behind Troy, and hits a belly to back suplex with a bridge. The ref counts 1……………2…………kick out by Troy Gafgen. The Gambler gets up after a little bit, Troy follows him up and stumbles towards him. The Gambler hits a inverted atomic drop, this stumbles Troy Gafgen back, and The Gambler hits a fist to the face that knocks him down to the mat. Troy Gafgen slowly gets up to his feet, and The Gambler kicks him in the gut, and sets him up for a vertical suplex. The Gambler comes off of the ropes, and goes for leg drop. But Troy Gafgen rolls out of the way at the last second.]

JR-The Gambler was rolling until that point.

King-Always to that point.

Kris Gaffney-Meh, could be worse…

[The Gambler crashes hard on the mat, and Troy Gafgen rolls away, and grabs a chair. Slowly Troy Gafgen gets up to his feet with the chair in his hands. The Gambler is getting up with the help of the ropes. The Gambler turns around, and Troy Gafgen tries to take his head off with the chair. But the Gambler ducks, and the chair hits the top rope, and hits Troy in the face. Troy Gafgen stumbles right into the Gambler who puts his hand around his throat. The Gambler looking like he's about to set up for a choke slam, but Troy Gafgen grabs the Gambler by his throat. It's a stand off to see who will blink first, Troy Gafgen throws the Gambler's hand off his throat, set him up, and hits the choke slam on the Gambler. But Troy Gafgen can't take advantage of the move as he's been beaten down a little bit too much at this point. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and slowly Troy Gafgen makes his way to the cover, and Troy Gafgen throws his arm over the downed Gambler. The ref counts a 1…………….2……………..KICK OUT by The Gambler. Troy Gafgen takes a few moments to rest up near the ropes. The Gambler slowly gets up to his feet. He see's Troy Gafgen near the ropes, and charges at him. But Troy Gafgen counters with a hot shot that sends the Gambler off of the top rope. The Gambler stumbles out of the ropes. Troy Gafgen kicks the Gambler in the gut, and hits a DDT on the chair. He goes into the cover once again, and he gets a 1……………….2…………kick out by the Gambler.]

JR-Troy Gafgen was able to use his surroundings to almost get the win there.

King-Well…that was why he was world champion after all.

Kris Gaffney-Hey, whatever gets the job done, right?

[Troy Gafgen see's the Gambler into the corner, and Troy Gafgen tries to hit the Crack of Dawn. But Troy Gafgen blocks it, and gets his arms under Troy Gafgen for what seems to be a power bomb, but Troy Gafgen hits a few fists to stun the Gambler. Troy Gafgen surprisely does a sunset flip right into a pin as the Gambler struggles to get out of the pinning combination as the ref counts the 1…………2………….3!]

JR-Troy Gafgen out of no where was able to gain the victory.

King-I never see Victory anymore…wonder where he's at….

("Capital Punishment" blasts on the PA system as the Punisher walks out to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Last week the Punisher made his presence felt against Danni' match against Ricky Ramon.

King-Seemly that made Danni want to stab.

Kris Gaffney-Meaning his finisher, right?

King-Yeah…that's what I meant…

("" blasts on the PA system as Danni Vesneski walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Danni Vesneski has been on a mission to prove that the Elite…aren't so Elite.

King-Seems that many people came to that same conclusion at some point.

Kris Gaffney-So guess I can cross out the Elite on the "Elite" list…along with the IBA Mavs…that should make Joey happy for some reason.

[The Punisher and Danni Vesneski start out in the middle of the ring talking trash, the Punisher takes a wild fist to the face, and it's blocked by Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski hits a few fists to the face of the Punisher. The Punisher backs up to the ropes, and Danni Vesneski whips the Punisher off of the ropes. But it's reversed, and Danni Vesneski bounces off of the ropes. The Punisher goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski continues to the other side of the ring. He comes off of the ropes, and goes for a crufix pin, but it's countered into a somoan drop that crushes Danni Vesneski. The Punisher gets up, and hits a few stomps on the downed Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski gets up in the corner, and then the Punisher goes into the corner, and hits a few fists to the face. Danni Vesneski reals in the corner, and the ref warns the Punisher. Finally the Punisher backs out just before he ref DQ's him. The Punisher goes back into the corner, and goes back on the attack on Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski tries to get out of the corner, but the Punisher hits a knife edge chop to the chest of Danni Vesneski. The Punisher hip tosses him out of the corner, Danni Vesneski crashes hard on the mat. He slowly bounces up to his feet, and stumbles right into the Punisher who picks up Danni Vesneski on his shoulders, seemly not ready to go for it all with the Capital Punishment. The Punisher hits a death valley driver on Danni Vesneski that puts him down on the mat. The Punisher goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2……………kick out by Danni Vesneski. The Punisher looks at the ref, and looks annoyed, he begins to stomp Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski crawls over the ropes. The Punisher starts to choke Danni Vesneski, the ref counts to 4, and finally the Punisher lets go of the hold.]

King-I bet he goes for that next move that's always next, and misses it.

Kris Gaffney-Your on.

JR-Geez….It's like King loves to give away his salary…

[The Punisher runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and leaps and comes cross the back of Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski gets up to his feet, and stumbles around right into the waiting arms of the Punisher who picks up Danni Vesneski on his shoulders seemly wanting to finish off the match. But before Punisher can hit the Capital Punishment, Danni Vesneski is able to slide out of the back of the Punisher. Danni Vesneski is able to hook the Punisher, and hits a diving DDT takes down the Punisher. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and slowly they make it to their feet. The Punisher seems a little less beat down, so he charges at Danni Vesneski, but Danni Vesneski counters with a kick. But it's caught by the Punisher, Danni Vesneski hops a few times, and then Danni Vesneski hits a ezaguri that connects with the Punisher's head. The Punisher stumbles backs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. Danni Vesneski hits a over the head t-bone suplex. He goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………2………..kick out by the Punisher. Danni Vesneski rolls away into the corner, and he gets up rests up a little bit. The Punisher gets up to his feet, and see's Danni Vesneski. He charges into the corner, and goes for a clothesline, but it's countered by Danni Vesneski moving out of the way. The Punisher stumbles around, Danni Vesneski hits a few fists to the face of the Punisher. Danni Vesneski whips the Punisher to the other side of the ring. The Punisher crashes into the corner, and Danni Vesneski follows up with a clothesline in the corner. Danni Vesneski lets the Punisher stumble out of the corner. Once he's where he wants, Danni Vesneski hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge. The ref counts the 1……………………….2…………………..kick out by the Punisher.]

JR-Danni almost got the three.

King-I'm starting to believe that he might be able to do it.

Kris Gaffney-He would become better known than Trent Gafgen.

King-Kris….stop getting his name right….Trey Gafgen won't be happy

[Danni Vesneski looks at the ref, and calls for a faster count. Danni Vesneski charges at the Punisher as he's getting up, and goes for the filthy stab. But the Punisher grabs on to the ropes, and Danni Vesneski crashes to the mat. Danni Vesneski goes down to the mat, and slowly gets up to his feet stunned. The Punisher hits a knee into the gut that doubles over Danni Vesneski. The Punisher picks up Danni Vesneski, and goes for the Capital Punishment. But it's countered with the filthy stab as Danni Vesneski falls out of the back. The Punisher falls away from Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski slowly crawls into the cover, and throws his arm over the fallen Punisher, and gets a 1………..2……….The Punisher is able to put his foot on the rope. Danni Vesneski gets up shaking his head, he waits for Punisher to get up. Danni Vesneski goes for another variation of the filthy stab. But suddenly Danni is distracted by a masked man lurking around ring side. But the man doesn't go into the ring, so he doesn't pay much attention. But it was enough distraction for Pun to get up, Danni Vesneski charges at Pun. But Punisher counters with a standing spinebuster. He crashes on the mat, Punisher falls back to the ropes. Danni Vesneski gets up, and the Punisher picks up Danni Vesneski. He hits the Capital Punishment, the Punisher goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………..2…………..3]

JR-Danni took his eyes off the ball for a second, and that cost him!

(The Punisher is getting his hand raised, he's turned around and smashed over the head with a guitar. The Punisher is down, as the mask man is standing near. He takes off the mask to reveal….Chad Vargas!)

JR-What's he doing here?

King-Seemly he still refuses to do the on the EMF tron come back.

(Note: Close match that could have went either way, had nothing to do with the focus. So it was the other things that the staff felt a slight edge in that gave him the win (quality, text, focused storyline (it wasn't too focused…but a little bit. Enough to make the RP a little more interesting, and help gain that small edge that was needed.)

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring, and "I'm coming" blasts on the PA system as MVP follows behind him.)

JR-Both these individuals are talented, but you got to wonder how they'll function as a tag team.

King-Look how it worked out for Road Dogg and X-Pac…

Kris Gaffney-Bad example.

(Road Dogg and X-Pac run into the room, suckas, and jobs….tell me I didn't just see that…)

("The Elite" blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon and Kevin Bourne walks to the ring.)

JR-Last week MVP was able to get a win over Kevin Bourne, but you got to wonder if he and his partner can beat this team.

King-No way…they been a team far longer than MVP and Tomko

[Kevin Bourne and MVP start out, they stare down. They lock up, Kevin Bourne is able to twist MVP's arm into an arm bar. But before he can do anything with it, MVP is able to poke Kevin Bourne in the eye. Kevin Bourne stumbles back, and MVP knocks down Kevin Bourne with a right hand. Kevin Bourne gets up, and MVP hits a few more punches that back up Kevin Bourne. MVP whips Kevin Bourne off of the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. MVP hits a spinning back elbow to the face, and Kevin Bourne goes down to the mat. But fairly quickly gets up a bit dazed, and gets knocked back down with a running clothesline. Kevin Bourne gets up much more slowly, MVP picks up Kevin Bourne, and hits a body slam on Kevin Bourne. MVP runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and hits a leaping knee drop across the face of Kevin Bourne. MVP goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………….2…………kick out by Kevin Bourne. MVP looks up to the ref seemly complaining about the count, but really letting Kevin Bourne go into the corner, and MVP hits a few shoulder blocks into the corner. The ref makes him back out, and MVP does, then charges into the corner, and hits a big boot. Kevin Bourne goes down to the mat. Tyson Tomko comes into the ring, and waits as Kevin Bourne is slowly getting up to his feet. Kevin Bourne stumbles right into Tyson Tomko who picks him up into a military press. Kevin Bourne reaches down, and rakes the eyes as pay back from earlier. Kevin Bourne makes the tag to Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon sling shots himself up on the top rope, and goes for a cross body block. But it's caught. Tyson Tomko hits a rib breaker in Ricky Ramon. He then picks up Ricky Ramon, and hits a fall away slam. Tyson Tomko signals that he's going for the finish as he waits for Ricky Ramon to get up from the mat.]

JR-Tyson Tomko looks like he wants to get this match done and over with quickly

King-Geez…he won't give me a beat…he won't give me a loan….he won't put a down payment on my house. Now Tomko wants to make this match short. What's next?T

Kris Gaffney-eeerr….yeah….

[Tyson Tomko goes for the big boot, but it's ducked under by Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon hits a kick to the gut, and Ricky Ramon hits a DDT. Tyson Tomko, and Ricky Ramon are down on the mat. But it just so happens that Ricky Ramon is near the corner, and he tags in Kevin Bourne. Tyson Tomko is up to his feet by this time, and notices that he needs to try to do something about this, he charges at Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne ducks it, and hits a shoulder block through the ropes. Tyson Tomko stumbles backwards, and Kevin Bourne sling shots himself up to the top rope, and hits a flying clothesline on Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko gets up to his feet after being knocked down, and Kevin Bourne hits a few fists to the face. Tyson Tomko goes back to the ropes, and Kevin Bourne whips him to the ropes, but MVP makes the blindside tag. MVP turns around as he cockily grins that no one saw his tag. Inside of the ring Kevin Bourne hits a drop kick that stumbles Tyson Tomko back, and knocks MVP down on the apron. Tyson Tomko shakes his head. Kevin Bourne waits as MVP gets up. Kevin Bourne sling shots MVP into the ring. MVP crashes hard on the mat. Kevin Bourne tags in Ricky Ramon, and they wait as MVP is getting up to his feet. They kick MVP in the gut, and sets him up, and lifts him, and hits a double vertical suplex. Kevin Bourne goes to his corner, and Ricky Ramon goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2…………Tyson Tomko comes into the ring, and breaks up the cover. Tyson Tomko goes back to his corner before he gets anything back from Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon pulls up MVP, and whips him to the ropes, and MVP bounces off of the ropes, he comes off of the ropes, and Ricky Ramon hits a spinning spine buster. He goes into the corner, and signals for MVP to get up. Once he does, he turns towards where Ricky is, and gets speared down to the mat!]

JR-That's one of Ricky's signature moves.

King-Really…for some people that's a finisher…

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…Ricky's isn't as good.

King-Oh…makes sense, I guess….

[Ricky Ramon tags in Kevin Bourne, Kevin Bourne waits for MVP to get up to his feet, Kevin Bourne goes for the Checkmate, but MVP slides back. MVP pushes Kevin Bourne forward. Bourne almost smashes the ref who dives out of the way. MVP uses this chance to hit a low blow, and out of no where Tyson Tomko hits the boot. Tomko attacks Ricky Ramon as he goes into the ring, and follows him to the outside. In the ring, MVP looks around and quickly makes the cover on Kevin Bourne, and gets the 1………….2…………3!]

JR-Not only did MVP cheat, but he picked the scraps of what his partner did.

King-Hey, he's the Captain…he's the closer.

(MVP is celebrating the win, as Tomko is giving a "what the" look on the outside as Shockwave goes off the air.)

(note: Overall it wasn't anything what the Elite did wrong, it was just as a team Tomko and MVP were better in this one match. Very good text collectively, I was happy to see someone be able to use focus storyline (yeah, another thing I look for, so you don't have to talk, and talk if you can keep it foucsed). All while keeping focus on things that effect the match. Just thought it was a great job by that team.)