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EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Shockwave video. After it’s played through, we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the stage. As they finish the lights turn on as fans are standing up yelling and waving their signs. Some say “Tazte-rific!”, “No table is safe from Sammy”, and “Not enough Amy storylines”.)_

JR-Welcome to another edition of Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler and Kris “KG” Gaffney.

King- Should be a good show as two teams from tag team turmoil will have a second chance to continue on to face the team with the most pins in that match.

Kris Gaffney-Should be interesting..

("Marquise theme" blasts on the PA system as Marquise walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Marquise hasn't been in a match in a few months, so he might have some ring rust.

King-No time like the present to try to work it off.

Kris Gaffney-Eeeerr…..he'll be sure tested for rust in this one.

("Capital Punishment" blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring, and steps inside of it.)

JR-As mentioned the Punisher is going to be quite a test for Marquise.

King-That's for sure.

Kris Gaffney-I wonder how much he's focusing on the match though, he did get Darter to do his promo for him after all…

[The Punisher and Marquise pace around the ring, and Marquise tries to get behind the Punisher, and does. But Marquise is able to slide behind the Punisher, Marquise tries to go for some sort of move. What we will never know, because the Punisher counters with a elbow to the face Marquise is stunned, but doesn't let the Punisher go. So Marquise ducks under the next one learning from his mistake the first time. Instead of hitting him, the Punisher swings around, and Marquise goes right into a set up for a northern lights suplex. But it's countered by a knee lift to the face. Marquise stumbles backwards as the Punisher pushes him off, and Marquise hits the ropes, right into Punisher who hits a standing belly to belly suplex. Marquise crashes on the mat, and is holding his back. Punisher hits a few kicks into the back of Marquise as he's in a sitting position. The Punisher pulls up Marquise, and hits a European upper cut that makes Marquise fall on the mat. The Punisher pulls Marquise up fully, and tries to whip him to the ropes, but it's reversed. Punisher bounces off of the ropes, and Marquise goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under by the Punisher. The Punisher continues to the other side of the ring, and he comes off of the ropes as Marquise turns around, the Punisher leaps in the air and hits a flying shoulder block that knocks down Marquise. Marquise goes down to the mat, and crawls into the corner. The Punisher measures up as Marquise is pulling himself up, and then hits a body slash in the corner. The Punisher backs out as Marquise stumbles out of the corner. The Punisher kicks Marquise in the gut doubling him over, sets him up, and hits a t-bone suplex that makes Marquise. Marquise crashes hard on the mat. Marquise looks like he could be pinned, but he's still off the mat due to the impact of the last move. The Punisher pushes down Marquise down on the mat, and goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………………2…………………KICK OUT by Marquise.]

JR-The Punisher almost got three there.

King-I doubt Marquise is going to give up that easily.

Kris Gaffney-I hope not.

[The Punisher calls for the end of the match as he waits for Marquise to get to his feet. Marquise slowly does so, and stumbles right into the waiting Punisher who picks him up on his shoulders. He looks like he's going to for the Capital Punishment, but we'll never know for sure, as he slides out of the back. Marquise rolls out of the ring, and on to the apron. He slowly pulls himself up on his feet with the help of the ropes. He gets up to his feet, and takes a few moments to rest, but unfortunately the Punisher isn't willing to give him that time, and he is up, and takes a swing at him. But the Punisher ducks out of the way. Marquise ducks under, and Marquise hits a hang man that snaps the Punisher's neck off of the top rope. The Punisher falls on the mat, and Marquise climbs up to the top rope rope as Punisher is slowly getting up to his feet. Once the Punisher has gotten where he wants, Marquise leaps off of the top rope, and catches the Punisher with a cross body block into a pin. The ref counts 1…………….2……………..The Punisher is able to get out of the pin. Marquise who is too tired right now to argue goes into the corner. He pulls himself up in the corner. The Punisher charges at him with a big splash again, only this time Marquise moves out of the way, the Punisher hits his face right into the top turnbuckle. Marquise hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of the Punisher. The Punisher reels in the corner, and after the ref warns Marquise to give Punisher space, he does so for a second, only to bring him out of the corner. Marquise whips Punisher to the ropes, and hits a spinning elbow to the face. The Punisher goes down to the mat, and then gets up to his feet. Marquise kicks him in the gut doubling him over, Marquise double under hooks the Punisher, and hits a double under hooked back breaker. Marquise goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………2………………the Punisher kicks out!]

JR-Marquise almost had a huge upset there.

King-Guess he might not be that rusty..

Kris Gaffney-Don't say that until the last bell….this is where the rust usually shows itself…

[Marquise goes into the corner, and signals for the Punisher to get up to his feet. Punisher stumbles up to his feet, and Marquise goes for a spear. But the Punisher moves out of the way at the last moment, and throws Marquise. Marquise hits his shoulder, and looks stunned. He stumbles right into the waiting arms of the Punisher who picks him up, and hits the Capital Punishment! The Punisher goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………….3!]

JR-Marquise didn't seem like he had much rust, but it may have caught up to him in the end.

Kris Gaffney-Told you…

(Note: Marquise, for you this match was just a test match to see if you were around. Hopefully you don't take it the wrong way (and sorry if you did, because I didn't plan you to), in the grand scheme of things for you, this was a match where you were either here or not. Not to job you, I noticed you were around at the deadline. So maybe you weren't ready, I might give you another match like this in the coming weeks. Keep an eye out for that, and you can prove that you are ready soon.)

(We go backstage to the Presidents office. John Cena is sat at his desk, with Mickie James sat beside him.)

Cena: So Jackie wants her rematch... I hope she knows what she's getting in to...

Mickie: I think she does... I mean... I have taken this title from her twice already!

Cena: I know. She's quite deluded if she thinks she can beat you.

Mickie: I know. But hey. Gotta let her try I guess. But John.. I had an idea.

Cena: Really? Whats that?

Mickie: I think we should put Jackie in a match tonight. If she wins.. she can chose the stipulation of our little title match. She can chose the time, the place, the rules... anything. She can even put other contenders in for all I care.

Cena: And if she loses? Then you get that honour?

Mickie: Exactly.

Cena: It's a bit of a risk. I mean... Jackie's talented. I mean, why don't we put you in this match and just let you win.

Mickie: Because I have a plan. I can rig it so Jackie has no chance of winning this.

Cena: Oh really? Care to enlighten me?

Mickie: I've already discussed it with Christy. We know what we're doing. Just trust me.. this'll go the way I want.

Cena: Well... I don't know Mickie... but if you really want it.... alright, i'll do it.

Mickie: Thanks John. I owe you one.

Cena: Well i'll be sure to cash that in soon...

(Cena winked at her, and she started blushing, as we fade out.)

(We are live backstage just prior to the Miss Jackie Vs Christy Hemme match. Christy Hemme is seen walking towards the arena.)

JR: Well Christy Hemme is on her way out here... made a shock return to the EMF last week at Cold Day In Hell, and possibly cost Amy Jericho the women's championship... now she's coming out here to try and give Mickie James another aid in getting past Jackie...

King: I don't care! She's been in Playboy! And she's hot! And we get to see her back in ac.....

(Before King can finish his sentance, Amy Jericho comes from out of no where and knocks Hemme to the ground and begins pounding away at her. Suddenly officials are on the scene and they attempt to pull Amy away, eventually doing so. Hemme stumbles to her feet but Amy pulls away and runs and spears Hemme back down and begins attacking her again.)

JR: Well this doesn't look good... but I can't say its not deserved!

King: What are you talking about? What Hemme did was in a match... this is assault!

Kris Gaffney: Will Hemme even make it to this match? Stay tuned... we'll be right back.

(We go to commercial, and when we come back, "Generic Theme" is playing as Miss Jackie makes her way to the ring.)

Finkle: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring... Miss Jackie!

(The crowd give Jackie a mixed reaction, which she doesn't like. She slides into the ring, an after several moments, takes a microphone.)

Jackie: Well... as much as I was looking forward to beating Hemme for the 56,000th time... it looks like she hasn't made it. So... playing by the rules... ring the bell... start the match... and count her out!

(The referee goes to ring the bell when suddenly a different theme plays. It is recognised as "Victory is mine", the theme of Santino Marella. Santino makes his way out onto the ramp, accompanied by Beth Phoenix "The Glamazon". Beth is holding the WWE Women's Championship, and Santino the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Santino takes a microphone.)

Santino: Well well... if it isn't the E-a M-a F-a! Santino Marella is very disapointed-a that they have never tried to snap him up from the WWE-a! But it doesn't matter, because I am-a here-a tonight! It's not your fault that your owners are STUPID and don't know real talent when they-a see it on-a Monday Night-a Raw! I am-a the Greatest superstar... OF ALL THE TIMES! And you EMF-a fans-a miss out.. because you-a are too stupid-a! But you see tonight-a... well... you EMF-a fans-a are in for a real treat! Tonight... Glamerella are here on-a Shockwave-a! And Miss-a Jackie... it looks-a like-a your little opponent didn't make it out here. Perhaps she was too STUPID to find her way here from-a.... how you say... your ex-husbands bedroom-a! But it doesn't matter. Because tonight... I found you-a a new opponent-a! For the first time ever... one half of the-a greatest team-a in the world-a.... I of course mean Glamerella... will step into the-a EMF-a ring-a! As YOU.. Miss Jackie... because you are so STUPID that you come to the ring with no opponent-a... will take on... the Glamarous Amazon... Beth Phoenix! I would-a wish you good luck... but-a... you're going to need a lot-a more-a than that!

(Beth Phoenix's theme plays now and she comes down the ramp. Finkle tries to taker her championship from her but she refuses, and passes it instead to Santino. The referee calls for the ell and the match is official. Jackie charges and Beth and fires away with lefts and rights. Beth is seemingly stunned by Jackie's strength. Jackie backs beth into the corner and continues to hammer away. Suddenly, Beth just blocks one shot and hit s ahuge right hand and knocks Jackie down. Jackie gets to her knees and Beth kicks her square in the head. She drops into the cover for the 1.... kick out. She lifts Jackie up but Jackie hits some more shots on Beth, and again backs her into the corner. Just as before though, beth merely blocks one and then overpowers Jackie, knocking her back down with another right hand. Jackie gets up and steps back, looking shocked.)

JR: I think Beth Phoenix is simply over-powering Miss Jackie...

King: This can't be good...

Kris: How can Two WWE Champions just show up and get booked in a match though?

King: I dunno. Cena's got good connections?

(Jackie realises she can not use power, and will have to try and out-wrestle Beth. She runs off the ropes but Beth runs forward and spears her through the ropes to the outside. Jackie looks realy hurt on the outside, but climbs to her feet. She slides back in and Beth is mocking her. This infuriates Jackie, and she runs straight at Beth and nails a hard clothesline. Beth doesn't go down, but she stumbles enough for Jackie to grab her and hit a suplex. Jackie begins to stomp down on the Glamazon and then hits a few elbow drops. She lets Beth stumble up, and then hits a snapmere, followed by a drop kick. She covers and gets the 1.... 2.... Beth powers out, and Jackie goes flying across the ring, landing hard. Both women get to their feet. Beth goes for a clothesline, but Jackie ducks it and turns into a neckbreaker. She then goes to Beth's arm and applies an armbar.)

JR: Good strategy from the former Champion... trying to wear Phoenix down... quick movement may be key here.

King: For some reason.... I get the feeling the guy at ringsides an idiot.

(Beth is seemingly struggling in pain in the hold. She tries to climb to her feet, and manages it, but Jackie still has the hold locked on. Suddely Beth just nails a quick shot to the head with her free hand and Jackie goes down. Beth shakes her arm, seemingly trying to get rid of the pain. She waits for Jackie to stumble up and then hits a huge Scoop Slam. She covers for the 1...... 2...... kick out. Beth looks frustrated, as Jackie stumbles to her feet, looking slightly dazed. Beth just charges at her again with another hard clothesline. She then goes to Jackie's legs and applies a Cloverleaf. We get a brief shot of the Presidents office. Mickie James is now sitting on Cena's lap, enjoying the match.)

Mickie: I must say... my plan to use Hemme was good... but your plan for her replacement... was AMAZING!

Cena: I err.... didn't plan this.

Mickie: So what? Mike sanctioned this match?

Cena: No. If Mike did it, I would at least have been informed. I guess this match is... unsanctioned.

Mickie: So Beth and Santino really just showed up? You didn't hire them?

Cena: I couldn't if I wanted to. They are contracted to McMahon...

Mickie: That never stopped you before...

Cena: True... but.. I just never wanted these guys I guess... though.. if Beth keeps destroyig Jackie so easily.. she might make a great asset to the team..

(Mickie just smirks, and we return back to the match. Jackie is still struggling in the hold. She tries to claw her way to the ropes. Eventually she gets to them and the referee demands Beth break the hold. She does, but Beth just pulls Jackie up and nails a hard DDT. She covers for the 1.... 2........ kick out! Beth slams the mat in frustration and then gets in the referees face, demanding it was a 3 count. Jackie leaps up and gets Beth with a roll up and the referee counts 1..... 2............ kick out! Beth jumps to her feet looking angry and Jackie then runs off the ropes and nails a Big boot. Beth goes down, and Jackie bounces off the ropes and nails the Leg Drop of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! She calls for the end of the match. Beth stumbles up, and Jackie picks her up, and plants her down for the F-Off! Jackie goes into the cover and gets the 1.......... 2............ Santino pulls the referee from the ring!)

JR: God damn it! Against the odds Jackie had this won!

King: I KNEW he was an idiot.


(Jackie looks over and looks annoyed. She slides out the ring and Santino punches the referee so he's down. Jackie slaps Santino and then tries to again, but he catches it and knocks her down with a right hand. He then slides Beth Phoenix the WWE Women's Championship. Jackie doesn't see it, and slides into the ring. Beth nails Jackie hard with the championship. Jackie goes down, but Beth doesn't cover because there is no ref. Instead, she puts the title down, lifts Jackie, and hits the Glam-Slam right onto it. She then slides out the ring and takes a microphone.)

Beth: I'm sure this is what you want, isn't it.... JOHN CENA! Me to completely destroy Miss Jackie... and pin her.. so you'll little whore Mickie James can take her pick of title match. Well i'm Beth Phoenix.. and I don't do what other people want me to do. So let this be a message to everyone. To Jackie.. well... i'm sure she got the message. But also to you.. Mr Cena. Beth Phoenix is UNSTOPPABLE. Now i'm going to walk out of here... and Jackie? Jackie is going to get what she came here for. A count out victory. Meaning... Mr Cena... you're going to have to let her pick her title match. Just remember.. you can't stop me... because I don't work for you. Goodbye EMF... and may you rot in hell!

(Beth storms up the ramp and Jackie has barely moved. Eventually the referee slides into the ring. Jackie makes it to her feet and looks confused. The referee finishes his 10 count and rings the bell.)

Finkle: Here is your winner... by count out... Miss Jackie!

(Jackie looks hurt but refuses help as she limps to the back. We go back into the presidents office.)

Cena: God damn her! What the hell was that? She shows up.... uninvited... books herself in a match... and loses on purpose? Its a shame that doesn't count... because I never sanctioned that match.

Mickie: The bell rang.... twice.. it was official. And unfortunately... the term in the contract said Jackie had to win her match tonight... it didn't say against who. So I guess... I got to face her.. in whatever she wants.

Cena: Don't worry honey. That title won't be leaving your waist any time soon.

Mickie: I know. I know. Its just one set back.. but hey... at least Jackie's all beat up. I wonder what she'll come up with...

Cena: Probably something really original.... like an I Quit Match.

Mickie: Shame its nota HLA match.... but it'll do I guess.

Cena: We'll just have to see what she comes up with. No doubt it'll be stupid though. Not as stupid as that Italian guy... but... farely close.

("Paint it Black" blasts on the PA system as Firestorm walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-This is the preview match of the tag team title match coming up, this will go a long way to setting the tone of that match up.

King-Sounds something that Paul Heyman would say.

Kris Gaffney-…it does….doesn't it….

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-I believe this is the first time that these two have faced off one on one.

King-Even though they were in the SOTF match.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah….that match….was interesting for many reasons…

[Dan Godwin and Firestorm are on the opposite sides of the ring, and they lock up. Dan Godwin takes down Firestorm with a double leg take down, but before Dan Godwin can do any move. Dan Godwin is pushed off with a double leg push off. Dan Godwin goes flying down to the mat. Dan Godwin gets up, and charges at Firestorm, Firestorm goes for a hip toss, but it's blocked and Dan Godwin floats over into a monkey flip that sends Firestorm flying. He crashes on the mat, he slowly gets up to his feet. Dan Godwin hits a inverted atomic drop. Firestorm stumbles back in pain, and stumbles back to the waiting Dan Godwin who kicks Firestorm in the gut, and sets him up, and hits a snap suplex. Dan Godwin decides to float into a cover, and gets a 1……………2…………kick out by Firestorm. Dan Godwin looks at the ref, but doesn’t argue the count as he's a face, Dan Godwin puts on a chin lock on Firestorm. The ref makes sure that Godwin's arm isn't on Firestorm's throat, and it's not, the ref stays close in case Firestorm for whatever reason wants to give it up, but that's of course doubtful. Firestorm slowly gets up to his feet, and then looks for a way out of the hold. Firestorm gets to his feet, and backs Dan Godwin to the ropes, and whips him off of the ropes. Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes, and comes back with a hard shoulder block. Firestorm goes hard to the mat, and gets up dazed, and stumbles right into Dan Godwin who picks up Firestorm, and hits a quick leg drop to the face of Firestorm. Firestorm gets up holding his face, Dan Godwin kicks Firestorm in the gut to double him over Dan Godwin sets up Firestorm into a vertical suplex, hooks the leg, and hits a release germen suplex that sends Firestorm crashing down to the mat. Dan Godwin goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2…………kick out by Firestorm.]

JR-Almost got a three there.

King-Luckily he did….if he didn't, then he wouldn't be happy with management again. There would be bum on Firestorm action!.....Man that sounded gross.

Kris Gaffney-And quite gay…

[Firestorm slowly gets up to his feet, and Firestorm stumbles right into the waiting arms of Dan Godwin who picks up Firestorm, and hits a body slam near the corner. Dan Godwin climbs up to the top rope, and measures up Firestorm. He goes for a flying elbow drop. But at the last second Firestorm moves out of the way, and Dan Godwin crashes hard on to the mat. Firestorm takes a few moments, and rests up. Dan Godwin gets up to his feet, and gets knocked down to the mat with a running clothesline that knocks down Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin gets up to his feet, and Firestorm hits a few fists to the face of Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin reels back to the ropes, and Firestorm whips him to the ropes, and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes. Firestorm lowers his head, and Firestorm hits a back body drop that sends Dan Godwin flying through the air and crashing down on his back. Dan Godwin with the shock of the move stumbles up to his feet, and goes right into the waiting Firestorm who picks up Dan Godwin, and hits a sit down spinebuster bomb into a pin. The ref counts 1………………2………….Dan Godwin is able to roll his shoulder up before the 3 count goes down. Firestorm gets up, and hits a few stomps on the downed Dan Godwin, the ref warns him, and Firestorm shrugs as Dan Godwin crawls into the corner. Firestorm closes the gap between them, and starts to hit a few stops into the gut of Dan Godwin who was trying to get up to his feet, but now sinks back into a sitting position. Firestorm being a heel takes his boot, and starts to choke Dan Godwin. The ref counts up to 4, and Firestorm lets go, and backs out of the corner. Dan Godwin pulls himself up. Firestorm whips Dan Godwin to the other side of the ring, he hits hard into the turnbuckle. Dan Godwin stumbles out of the corner, he takes a wild swing at Firestorm. But Firestorm is able to duck under, and set up, and hit a full nelson germen suplex with a bridge for the 1……….2…………kick out by Dan Godwin.]

JR-Firestorm almost got the pin there.

King- That would have made Mann happy!

Kris Gaffney-Happier than their former manager is now….TO probably isn't good to be around right about now…

[Firestorm goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope, and waits for Dan Godwin to get up. Firestorm leaps off of the top rope, and goes for some sort of move, but it's countered with a drop kick that takes down Firestorm. Both wrestlers are down on the mat. Dan Godwin gets up to his feet, and knocks down Firestorm with a clothesline. Firestorm gets up to his feet. Dan Godwin kicks him in the gut, double under hooks his arms and hits a double arm DDT. Dan Godwin falls down to the mat after all this has been a hard match. Dan Godwin rolls out of the ring, and climbs up to the top rope. He waits for Firestorm to get up to his feet. Firestorm slowly gets up to his feet, and Firestorm gets up to his feet. Dan Godwin leaps off for a cross body block, but it’s rolled through, and the ref goes down and Firestorm (being a heel) grabs a hold of tights to hold him in place for the 1………………2……………..3!]

JR-Hey ref he had the tights!

King-Who cares, regardless it’s an upset!

Kris Gaffney- Where my challenge flag when I need it.

King-eeeerrr…you don’t have one….

Kris Gaffney-Shut up! I like to pretend I’m important…

("The Elite" blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne and Ricky Ramon walk to the ring, and they step inside of the ring.)

JR-Both of these two are very talented; although, you have got to wonder what they are thinking putting faith in John Cena.

King-What…just because John Cena has dropped every stable he's ever had like a bad habbit, you got to get on his back.

Kris Gaffney-God knows there are more pressing matters around here that need to be dealt with…

("Stanglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey and Shawn Pond walk to the ring, and step inside of the ring.)

JR-Dewey and Shawn Pond show promise as a team, will they be as good as some of the other family relation teams.

King-Cept the Harts..

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…Shawn wouldn't want to "kick the leg out of Dewey's leg".

King-That's never a good thing…

[Kevin Bourne and Dewey Pond are the firstto start out, and they lock up. Kevin Bourne is slowly starting to push Dewey Pond back to the corner. Dewey Pond turns the advantage for a second, but just before Kevin Bourne is back into the corner, he puts all his effort into turning it around once again to back Dewey Pond into the corner. The ref counts, and Kevin Bourne is slowly looking like he's going to give the ref the clean break that he is asking for, but like a heel, he hits a cheap punch to the face. Dewey Pond is dazed, and Kevin Bourne hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond is in pain in the corner. Kevin Bourne brings Dewey Pond out of the corner, and hits a European upper cut that knocks down Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond hits the mat, and gets up to his feet, and Dewey Pond gets hit with a few forearm shots to the face by Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne whips Dewey Pond to the ropes, and Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes, Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes, and Kevin Bourne hits a hip toss that makes Dewey Pond crash on the mat hard. He gets up to his feet, and Dewey Pond gets hit with a clothesline that knocks down Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond bounces up to his feet, and Kevin Bourne picks him up, and hits a shin breaker. Kevin Bourne holds on to Dewey Pond's leg, and grabs the other one. Ricky Ramon makes the tag to his partner on his back (as he has no hands free. As Kevin Bourne holds Dewey Pond in place, Ricky Ramon sling shots himself over the top rope, and hits a leg drop across the throat of Dewey Pond. Ricky Ramon pulls Dewey Pond away from the ropes, and goes into the cover. The ref counts 1……………..2………….Shawn Pond comes into the ring, and breaks up the cover, and quickly goes to his corner. Ricky Ramon goes over, and surprises Shawn Pond with a punch that knocks him off of the apron.]

JR-Like it or not, that's good tag team strategy to try to prevent a tag.

King-Normally JR would be yelling about cheating.

Kris Gaffney-Na…this is reasonable JR…AKA…evil JR!

[Shawn Pond is down on the mat, and Ricky Ramon turns around after laughing at him right into a sitdown jaw breaker. Ricky Ramon is in pain as he is down on the mat. Dewey Pond is crawling over into his corner. Shawn Pond has gotten back to his corner, and is ready to receive the tag, and Dewey Pond gets over to his corner, and dives at his brothers out stretched hand, and makes the tag. Shawn Pond comes into the ring as Ricky Ramon is getting up to his feet, and Shawn Pond hits a running clothesline that knocks down that knocks down Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet, and Shawn Pond hits a few fists to the face of Ricky Ramon. Shawn Pond tries to whip Ricky Ramon off of the ropes, but it's reversed, and Shawn Pond bounces off of the ropes. Shawn Pond hits a flying forarm to the face of Ricky Ramon. Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet, and Shawn Pond hits a kick to the gut and sets up Ricky Ramon. He lifts up Ricky Ramon into a vertical suplex, and hits a front slam. Ricky Ramon hits hard on the mat. He bounces up on his knee's. Shawn Pond runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and hits a front drop kick that knocks down Ricky Ramon. Suddenly from the corner of his eye he see's Kevin Bourne charging at him. Kevin Bourne gets side stepped, and thrown into the waiting Dewey Pond who hits a spear on Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne goes down to the mat,Dewey Pond and Shawn Pond back off as Kevin Bourne is getting up. They start taking turns hitting fist after fist to the face of Kevin Bourne who reels on the ropes. They then whips Kevin Bourne off of the ropes, he would bounces off of the ropes. But before he comes back, Kevin Bourne hooks the top rope. Dewey Pond charges at Kevin Bourne, and hits a clothesline over the top rope. Inside of the ring, Ricky Ramon has tried to do some sort of move on Shawn Pond, but it's countered into a spinning spine buster on Ricky Ramon. Shawn Pond goes into the cover, and gets the 1………….2………kick out by Ricky Ramon!]

JR-That was a hair away.

King-Geez, Cena probably wouldn't be too pleased had he not kicked out.

Kris Gaffney-No, he's invested a lot in this stable…

[Shawn Pond gets up trying to go for the win, and he picks up Ricky Ramon, and tries to whip him to the ropes. But it's reversed, and Shawn Pond bounces off of the ropes. Kevin Bourne, who had gotten away from Dewey Pond for a second trips up Shawn Pond. Shawn Pond gets up, and turns around, and from the ropes he grabs Kevin Bourne by the hair. But Kevin Bourne counters with a hangman on the second rope. Dewey Pond and Kevin Bourne continue battling as Shawn Pond falls to the mat, he tries to get up, and before he can Ricky Ramon hits the Green Mile out of no where. Ricky Ramon goes into the cover, Dewey Pond tries to get away from Bourne. But Bourne is able to hold him back long enough for the 1…………….2…………….3 to be counted.]

JR-It took the team to beat the Ponds, but they did get it done. Like it or not.

King-Hey, that's what a tag team is all about.

(Dewey Pond comes into the ring to check on his brother as Shockwave goes off the air.)