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EMF: Latino Heat

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Brick Lesnar comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mike Williams!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Mike Williams walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Brick Lesnar checks out the ring. Mike Williams places Brick Lesnar on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Brick Lesnar hits Mike Williams with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Mike Williams stands up. Flying kick by Brick Lesnar takes Mike Williams down. ]

The King - Brick Lesnar executes a flying kick.

[Brick Lesnar jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Mike Williams. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Mike Williams gets up. Mike Williams hits Brick Lesnar with the crotch slam. Mike Williams executes a corkscrew legdrop on Brick Lesnar. Mike Williams gets back to his feet. Brick Lesnar executes a huge gutbuster on Mike Williams. Brick Lesnar executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Mike Williams. Now Brick Lesnar standing. Mike Williams gets back to his feet. Brick Lesnar puts Mike Williams in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. Brick Lesnar stomps Mike Williams's head. Flying kick by Mike Williams takes Brick Lesnar down. Mike Williams jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Brick Lesnar. Mike Williams moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar is up again. Mike Williams executes the front-layout suplex on Brick Lesnar. Mike Williams is back on his feet. Mike Williams hooks Brick Lesnar in the abdominal stretch. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Williams tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) Brick Lesnar escapes. Mike Williams slingshot elbow drops Brick Lesnar. Mike Williams chants start. Brick Lesnar gets up. Mike Williams places Brick Lesnar on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Mike Williams goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Brick Lesnar. Mike Williams hits the Samoan drop on Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Mike Williams uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Brick Lesnar down. Mike Williams goes up to the top rope, and waits for Brick Lesnar to get up. Brick Lesnar stumbles up to his feet, and Mike Williams goes for a cross body block. But it's caught by Brick Lesnar, Brick Lesnar tries to transfer Mike Williams to his shoulders. But he slides out of the back, Brick Lesnar turns around to be kicked, and hit with the Hair of the Dog DDT by Mike Williams. Mike Williams goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2……………3.]

JR-Mike Williams wins his debut match.

King-What's next for him…facing Manbearpig.

Kris Gaffney-We must stop him you know?

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Tommy Moss!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Tommy Moss walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. KANE walks around the ring. Tommy Moss executes a pumphandle suplex on KANE. (the bell rings) KANE with an illegal chokehold on Tommy Moss. Tommy Moss is back on his feet. Tommy Moss slaps KANE. KANE pokes Tommy Moss in the eye with his thumb. Tommy Moss mule kicks KANE. KANE gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Tommy Moss. Tommy Moss moves back to his feet. KANE hits Tommy Moss with an atomic drop. KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Tommy Moss sends him to the mat. KANE moves back to his feet. Tommy Moss is up again. KANE is hit with a backward kick. Tommy Moss executes a corkscrew legdrop on KANE. Tommy Moss is up again. Tommy Moss fist drops KANE on the mat. Tommy Moss is back on his feet. KANE gets back to his feet. Tommy Moss delivers a spine buster to KANE. KANE gets hit with the shooting star press from Tommy Moss. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 KANE kicks out. ]

The King - We almost had a winner.

[KANE is back on his feet. KANE gets locked in the painful STF. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... KANE trys to escape. ... ... ... KANE trys to escape. KANE escapes. Tommy Moss and KANE go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

JR - The EMF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Tommy Moss piledrives KANE into the floor. (..2) Tommy Moss cuts KANE with a blade. KANE is bleeding as a result. KANE hits Tommy Moss with an atomic drop. (...3) KANE picks up Tommy Moss, and hits a body slam. KANE pulls up Tommy Moss, and whips him to the ropes. Tommy Moss bounces off of the ropes, KANE goes for a knee to the gut, Tommy Moss floats over the leg of KANE into a double leg take down, and a set up, and turns him for the Deads End. The ref asks KANE if he wants to quit, and he taps.]

King-Wow a tap, doesn't happen often….

Kris Gaffney-Nope….

(note: Wrote the endings by myself for the nice debut/dark match RP's (sims only used in dark match system, and other rare situations.)

(The copyright information flashes on the screen, and we go into a highlight video of how these matches have come together. Once that ends we come up to a introduction screen that welcomes us to Latino Heat 2008. We go into the darken arena in Dallas as pyro blasts off on the stage. Once they end the lights turn on. Fans are yelling, and holding up their signs. Some say "I'm Dolph Ziggler….BITCH", "JBL offered me a job too", and "It's Chad's world, and he'll spit in it if he wants to!")

JR-Welcome to Latino Heat, and what a show we have for you tonight. I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King-Eddie would be proud with the matches we have for you tonight.

Kris Gaffney-Headlined by Mr. Kennedy taking on Scott Tazte for the world title!

("No Chance In Hell" blasts out. The EMF fans seem shocked, and a chorus of boos ring out as Vincent Kennedy McMahon, president of World Wrestling Entertainment does his famous power walk down the ramp and into the EMF ring. Nobody has any idea why he's there, but he takes a microphone.)

Vince: Well thats not very nice is it! The richest, most powerful man in wrestling makes his way out here... and gets subjected to this kind of abuse from you people! But it doesn't bother me.... not one bit! Because I know that soon.... very soon in fact.... all of you will be leaving these EMF arenas and these second rate shows, and tuning in to WWE programming! How do I know this? Because very soon... the EMF will exist... NO MORE! My Lawyers are currently working overtime, trying to find ever charge at the book to throw at the EMF for the way they have treated my show. So far, we already have enough to robably sue this company for so much that it not only shuts down, but all of its emloyees get signed over to me.... and its owners become homeless! But i'm not going to say anymore than that.... other than the fact that Santino is right.... we at the WWE... don't like the EMF any more! But there is one man above all other here that we despise. And that mans name is John Cena! Now... Cena's injured... we know that... but let me take you back to the latest Shockwave... and some footage from that show:

(Footage is shown of John Cena running down the ramp and attacking Santino Marella after he had attacked Mickie James.)

Vince: Injured... and yet able to hold his own! So Mr Cena... I have a challenge for you tonight... I want you to come down to this ring and compete with a suerstar of my choosing. And if you win.... well... i'll tell you what all this is about. Why we hate you. And what legal matters we have against you. But if you lose... I won't. Simple as that. And the random attacks and matches will continue... and who knows... maybe next time... you won't be able to save Miss James from her fate. So Mr Cena... i'm waiting.... get your ass out here and give me an answer!

(There is a moments pause, and then "Bad, Bad Man" hits the arena, and John Cena makes his way out. He gets his usual deafening boos, but a few cheers due to the fact he is representing EMF. He comes on to the stage with a microphone.)

Cena: Well well... I never thought i'd have to see you in a ring again.... least of all in MY ring. But you are full of surprises aren't you Vince... like having a bunch of your goons try and take out Mickie and Christy last week.

Vince: I'll do what I want Mr Cena. We have serious allogations against the EMF which could, and probably will, lead to this company closing down if you don't do something about it! So i'm telling you... get in the ring tonight and fight to know what the issue is.

Cena: You'd have to tell me sometime... and whenever you do i'm sure I can think of or buy a suitale defence for this company.

Vince: Perhaps... but it'll be too late... because my prosecution will be MONTHS ahead of you. Beside... with the crimes this company has commited against the WWE... there is no chance in HELL you could get away with it! I would merely be telling you what mistake you made, so you can avoid doing it again when you wind up buying TNA or some other 3rd rate company...

Cena: I'm not scared of you Vince. And likewise... you're not going to tempt me out of retirement when i'm not ready. Troy Gagen may have done it... but that was a fluke. And no amount of you insulting me will get me to do the same. Troy caught me at a bad time.... you won't.

Vince: Shows how much you value this company I guess. But no matter... because I can just keep invading randomly... whenever I want. Hell... maybe i'll send Khali down next time Mickie James is competing...

Cena: Good luck getting him through security....

Vince: Not been a problem so far....

Cena: Whatever. I don't know how your guys are getting past security.... frankly, I don't care. I don't trust a word you say though. How do I know even if I do have this match... that you won't attack Mickie anyway?

Vince: I'll have it written into the contract for this match. If you compete... you have my word... she'll be spared from all future invasion attacks.

Cena: Give me one good reason why I should trust you?

Vince: If i'm telling the truth... your friend is safe. And if i'm not.... then what have you lost? Isn't it worth sacrificin yourself to protect Mickie?

(Cena stands on the ramp, as if thinking about it.)

Cena: Alright.... you got a deal. On ONE condition.

Vince: I thought not attacking Mickie was the condition?

Cena: No. No that won't do. I want more. I want you to swear to me that none of you WWE losers will lay a hand on a single female employee of this company.

Vince: Since when did you become so honourable? Since when did you care about all the women you employ?

Cena: I don't. But I care about enough of them to ask for this.I'm not going to explain myself further. Either you agree.... or not. Its up to you.

(Vince smirks at Cena.)

Vince: Alright Cena... you got yourself a deal. I won't have them attack any more of your female staff. But I get to pick your opponent tonight. If we're agreed... then I'll get my people to bring the contract by your office later on.

Cena: Alright... deal. But while i'm out here... I have an announcement of my own to make. And it is with regards to a certain superstar on my books. He goes by the name of Death. Now Death... attacking my staff is no way to get what you want around here. But... it ust so happens.... that what you want... is probably the worst thing for you. Its probably better than any punishment I could inflict for your cowardly attack on Amy. So... as a result... I would like to announce that right here tonight... in this very ring... you will see Death get EXACTLY what he wanted... and go one on one... with Angelus Archer! As I said to Troy Death.... Be careful what you wish for... because you just might get it!

(Vince laughs)

Vince: Oh... that explains everything. Thats who you were trying to protect with your little "all female employees" line. Amy huh..... shes married John... shes out of bounds!

Cena: You don't know what your talking about...

Vince: Its alright... its alright... your secrets safe with me... and all these people watching....

Cena: Your full of shit. And if your not careful... it'll be you that needs protecting. But for now... i'll take it out on your little hired goon you send to the ring later.

(Bad, Bad Man hits again and Cena turns and heads backstage again.)

("Stock Exchange" blasts on the PA system as John "Brandshaw" Layfield comes out doing his usual limo entrance.)

King-Why's is JBL facing Chad again?

JR-Chad needed to shake off the ring rust, and who better than a great veteran like JBL.

Kris Gaffney-That…and JBL took exception to the mess that Chad created earlier. That costs money to clean up after all

("Cowboy" blasts on the PA system as Chad Vargas walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.

King-I heard Amy Jericho groan when she saw that promo..

Kris Gaffney-Only thing that matched it was when old man Salvatore blew his brains out on Stephanie's carpet…

King-How did you know that?

Kris Gaffney-Eeerrr….I've been watching tapes, just ended there…wonder how he got into the Hall of Fame if he died there…

[Chad Vargas and John "Brandshaw" Layfield pace around the ring, and then they lock up. John "Brandshaw" Layfield is able to push Chad Vargas into the corner. The ref calls for the clean break, and John "Brandshaw" Layfield gives it to the ref. But like a heel, he goes for a cheap shot to the face, but Chad Vargas ducks under. Brandshaw is now in the corner. Chad Vargas hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Brandshaw. The ref tells Chad Vargas to give JBL some space, and he does for a moment or two, then goes back into the corner. Chad Vargas throws a fist to the face that stuns John "Brandshaw" Layfield enough for Chad Vargas to bring out Brandshaw out of the corner. Chad Vargas tries to whip him to the ropes, and then he bounces off of the ropes. As Chad Vargas comes off of the ropes, John Brandshaw Layfield goes for a knee to the gut, but Chad Vargas is able to float over the move, and takes down John "Brandshaw" Layfield with a double leg take down. Chad Vargas sets up, and points himself towards the nearest turnbuckle. Then hits a catapault that sends John "Brandshaw" Layfield flying into the turnbuckle. John "Brandshaw" Layfield stumbles around right into the waiting Chad Vargas who hits a belly to back suplex that puts down JBL. But Chad Vargas doesn't believe that he's quite ready for a pin just yet. So Chad Vargas goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope, and he waits for Brandshaw to get up to his feet. Once he does Chad Vargas measures him, and then once Brandshaw is where he wants him to be. Chad Vargas leaps off of the top rope, and goes for a cross body block that connects. But JBL rolls through the move, and stands up holding Chad Vargas in his hands. Brandshaw looks cocky as he takes his time, and then goes for a fallaway slam….that's countered right into a DDT by Chad Vargas.]

JR-JBL took too much time there, and paid the price.

King-Bet he hopes that same strategy will work out for the stock market.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, no kidding…

[Chad Vargas goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2………..kick out by John "Brandshaw" Layfield. In fact he throws with so much authority that Chad Vargas rolls out under the rope, and to the apron. Chad Vargas gets up on the apron, and waits for JBL to get up to his feet. Once he does, Chad Vargas sling shots himself up to the top rope, and goes for a what seems to be a seated senton on JBL. But it is blocked, and Brandshaw is able to get under Chad Vargas, and drives him down with a power bomb. John "Brandshaw" Layfield falls back on the ropes trying to recover from the moves that he's had to take until this point. This gives Chad Vargas time to recover, and Chad Vargas gets up to his feet. Then Chad Vargas charges at Brandshaw, who counters the charge with a hot shot that sends Chad Vargas flying into the top rope throat first, and Chad Vargas stumbles around. John "Brandshaw" Layfield hits a few fists to the face as Vargas is on the ropes. John "Brandshaw" Layfield backs up as the ref tells him to, Chad throws a fist to the face as JBL is coming back in to attack, but it's ducked under, and Brandshaw grabs a hold of Chad Vargas' arm, and hits a short arm clothesline that knocks down Chad Vargas. Chad Vargas slowly gets up, and Brandshaw hits a few fists to the face, and whips him to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and Brandshaw lowers his head, and hits a back body drop that sends Chad Vargas flying. Chad Vargas slowly gets up, right into the waiting arms of Brandshaw who puts on a bear hug on Chad Vargas as the ref is right there to make sure that Chad doesn't want to quit.]

JR-This is a very painful hold.

King-Although, when's the last time it finished anyone.

Kris Gaffney-It did kill Hulk-a-mania…until Hogan needed more money….BROTHER!

[Chad Vargas hits a few fists to the face of JBL to break the hold, and then add's an eye rake for good measure. JBL stumbles into the corner, and Chad Vargas hits a few fists to the face. Chad Vargas whips him to the other side of the ring. Brandshaw crashes into the corner. Chad Vargas charges into the corner, and he goes for some sort of splash, but Brandshaw moves out of the way. Chad Vargas stumbles out of the corner, and Brandshaw comes off the ropes, and goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under and Chad Vargas hits the stroke. Chad Vargas goes into the cover on Brandshaw, and gets the 1………….2………….3.]

JR-And Chad Vargas comes out of his first match back with a win.

King-JBL's winning ability seems to go with the stock market….

(The scene opens backstage. Vince McMahon is walking around the backstage area, looking pretty pleased with himself after his confrontation with Cena earlier. He is suddenly approached by a certain EMF Superstar...Troy Gafgen walks up and places a hand on Vince's shoulder.)

Troy; Hey Vince how are you man?

Vince: Ah... if it isn't Troy Gafgen... former World Champion, am I right? *he smirks* and... let me guess. I know what you want from me. You think EMF has lost this war already... and you want me to sign you up for WWE?

( Troy smiles)

Troy: Ah Vince if only I wanted to be in a brand like WWE...then I would go to TNA! But seriously...I heard your going to pick someone to challenge John Cena...well I wanted to tell you that I'm the man for the job

Vince: Oh really? And why might that be? After all... the WWE is full of talented superstars I can call upon... so why would I pick you over them?

Troy: Because unlike all your old relics in WWE, I am the real thing. Your business likes to stay in the past with old fucks like Undertaker and Shawn Michaels that it is sickening. You need someone that actually has talent!

Vince: They draw money... what can I say. And they can carry the World Title longer than you did! But my real problem Troy is... why should I trust you? The EMF has a lot riding on this match... and John Cena ays your wages. I would expect if I picked you... you'd just lay down and let him take the win!

Troy: Vinny, I am not the best of friends with Cena let me start with that. He robbed me of my world title so thats a reason to beat him right? All I want is for you to make the match...I won't dissapoint

Vince: Well thanks for your offer Troy... but you see.... this isn't about you Vs Cena. This is about the WWE Vs the EMF. By putting my trust in you... i'm letting my guard down. That... and i'm fairly sure that even if you did try... Cena would demolish you easily! So thanks... but no thanks. I'll stick with one of my own guys. But Troy.... its never too late to jump ship.... remember that.

(Vince smirks again and walks away, leaving Troy looking angry at what he just said.)

(Troy snarls as Vince leaves and quickly says)

Troy: You'll be sorry.

(Bad, Bad Man blasts out as EMF President John Cena comes onto the ramp with Kelly Kelly beside him. He walks down the ramp and slides into the ring.)

Finkle: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring... he is the President of the EMF.... John Cena!

(The fans quieten down and await his opponent. They roar when "LoveFuryPassionEnergy" blasts out over the PA System.)

Finkle: And his opponent..... Amy Jericho!

(The crowd roar even louder, but when "Amy" appears, they quickly notice that all is not what it seems. It appears to be someone disguised as Amy, and he is quickly recognised as Charlie Haas. Haas slides into the ring and Cena gives him a look as if to say "What the fuck?" Haas hands Finkle a sheet of paper.)

Finkle: Correction.... Chy Jericho!

(Cena just looks very confused as Haas slides into the ring looking like Amy and climbs onto the turnbuckle and taunts the crowd. He climbs down and the referee calls for the bell. Cena just continues to look at Haas in disbelief, and then Haas throws a right handed slap at Cena and hits him round the face. Haas continues to slap Cena quickly, and then throws him into the ropes. Cena ducks a clothesline attempt and then turns and clotheslines Haas down. Cena still looks confused and turns to the referee as if to ask if Haas is for real, and the referee just shrugs. Cena picks Haas up and just hammers away at him, backing him into the corner. He lets Haas stumble out and then takes him down with a suplex into the cover for the 1.... 2..... kick out.)

JR: This sure is.... original.

King: Never seen anything like this before...

Kris: Of all the people... why would Vince pick Haas?

(Cena picks Haas up again and goes for a knife edge chop. He catches Haas on the fake breasts he has put in for the image, and Haas acts as if he's in great pain. Cena looks freaked out by this, but continues to chop the area in order to inflict more pain on Haas. Cena then knocks him down with a neck breaker and covers for the 1..... 2...... kick out. Cena picks Haas up and drills him back down with a DDT. He then calls for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle.)

JR: Cena trying to end this early, probably due to the injury.

King: Don't think it's going to be too difficult...

(Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle down on to Haas's "breast" and Haas reacts like he's been shot. He somehow stumbles up to his feet, and Cena hoists him up for the FU. Cena looks like he's about to hit it but then Haas smashes Cena in the back and Cena drops him. The referee goes to check on Cena and Haas throws something out of the ring. The cameras zoom in on... brass knuckles!)

JR: Damn him! Right on the inured back of the President....

King: What goes around... comes around...

Kris: EMF could be in trouble here...

(Cena is in a lot of pain and Haas just kicks him in the gut and then nails The Twist of fate! Haas climbs to the top rope and calls for the Lita-sault. He leaps but Cena throws his knees up and catches Haas in the stomach. Cena springs up, still clearly in pain, and looks like he's about to go for another FU. Then he changes his mind, and just hits Haas with a DDT and then locks in the STFU when Haas is down. Haas struggles... and soon submits!)

Finkle: Here is your winner..... JOHN CENA!

(The referee raises Cena's hand as "Bad, Bad Man" plays. Suddenly its replaced by "Victory is Mine", the theme of Santino. Glamerella appear on the ramp and Cena is looking at them and doesn't notice as Vladimir Kozlov slides into the ring behind him. Kozlov gets an evil look on his face and then rams his head into Cena's inured back. Cena goes down in agony. Kozlov goes to the outside and grabs a Steel Chair and brings it into the ring. Santino comes running down as well and picks Cena up, holding him in position for Kozlov to hit him. Kozlov swings the chair, but Cena ducks and Kozlov takes out Santino. Kozlov looks a bit stunned, but takes aim at Cena again, who is still barely able to move. Suddenly Troy Gafgen comes running down the ramp. Kozlov turns his attention to Gafgen, but as Gafgen slides into the ring he stops and says something to Kozlov. Kozlov nods and gives the chair to Troy. Troy takes aim at Cena.)

JR: Oh no! Troy Gafgen about to get revenge on Cena for taking his world title!

King: Right when the EMF needs to stick together the most...

(Troy swings, but then pulls out of the shot, turns round, and nails Kozlov. Kozlov falls to the outside. Haas stumbles up, and Troy nails him too, sending him to the outside. Troy helps Cena get to his feet, and then slowly, Santino regains consciousness. Troy goes to swing at him, but Cena calls him back, and then locks in the STFU on Santino! Santino cries out furiously and begins to submit. Cena keeps it locked in for a good while, then eventually releases it, and throws him to the outside too. It is only then that Cena really notices who saved him. He gets a confused look on his face when he sees it was Troy. Troy just looks at him, and then slides out of the ring (after the invaders have left) and heads to the back.)

(We go backstage, sometime after the John Cena Vs Charlie Haas match. Cena is with a trainer backstage.)

Trainer: It doesn't seem like you've taken any more damage... although you should not have been wrestling in this condition...

Cena: Yea.. yea... I know... but I had prove something to McMahon.... what a bastard he is...

(Troy walks in)

Troy: Hey Cena...good match

Cena: Err... thanks? But I don't get it. Why did you show up out there?

Troy: Cause we can't let WWE get the best of us man...Those guys did put a beating on you...for a bit

Cena: Those bastards blind sided an injured man... there's no depths they won't go to. But still.... of all the people.... I mean... from what I hear... you were asking Vince for the chance to kick my ass before the match.

(Troy smirks )

Troy: C'mon man who wouldn't want to face you man...that was the best match of my career. You should at least be happy I helped or you might have been out for longer right?

Cena: I guess so. Well... thanks... I guess.

(Troy smiles and begins to leave but before he does he turns back at Cena)

Troy: We cool man?

(Troy extends his hand to Cena. Cena looks hesistant, but he shrugs it off, and shakes Troy's hand)

Cena: Yea... we're cool.

Troy: I got your back man...I am more worthy than the likes of Ricky Ramon man.

Cena: We'll see... we'll see...

(Suddenly, The Badd Boy Tony Ikeda came up from behind Troy Gafgen and clubbed him in the back of the neck unexpectedly causing Gafgen to stumble forward. Cena looked on, shocked, but didn't do anything, and returned to the trainer. As Troy stumbled forward Tony kicked Troy in the back sending him down to the floor. CaRnAgE and Degenerate were there with Badd Boy. Degenerate started to help Gafgen off of the ground and to his feet where CaRnAgE came up from behind and lifted Gafgen into the air. Degenerate then ran over and grabbed a near by chair and laid it on the ground. CaRnAgE hoisted Gafgen up and delivered the Electric Chair Drop face first onto the chair. CaRnAgE stood up and grabbed Gafgen by the shoulders and lifted him up high enough for Degenerate to grab him and deliver the D-Slam onto the chair. Finally Degenerate and CaRnAgE helped lift the limp Gafgen up as Badd Boy locked him in a Full Nelson then delivered the full nelson suplex onto the concrete floor. Gafgen was knocked out cold as Badd Boy got down on his stomach, resting on his knuckles and hovered his face right above Gafgen's head.)

Tony "The Badd Boy" Ikeda: You should have known what would happen to you Gafgen. I handed you that world championship from Jarred, just because you couldn't hold onto it doesn't give you some right to try and go on some cruesade. You didn't have what it took to remain champion, but I did! I am the best world champion this company has ever seen, and I run half of it. So you listen up, and you listen good Gafgen, sometime later you will come to your senses. Someone will hand you a tape of what just happened, and you'll ned to let this soak into your thick skull. YOU DO NOT EVER AND I MEAN EEEEVVVEEERRR MESS WITH ME! You aren't worth lacing my boots. I'm going to get my world championship back, but first, first I'm going to make an example out of you so that ANYONE who thinks about crossing me and costing me my championship reign will think twice about that. Everyone will learn to run scared with their tails tucked between their legs. I suggest you consider the same!

(With that said Badd Boy stood up and dusted himself off. He nodded towards the back telling CaRnAgE & Degenerate to follow him as they exited.)

("People like me" blasts on the PA system as CM Punk walks to the ring along side Ashley Massaro.)

JR-The former world champion is now a member of Revolution, and looking to strike a blow for the group.

King-I still can't believe that Masters and Godwin haven't hit on Ashley yet…after all, Punk and her aren't together.

Kris Gaffney-Neither were Jericho and Amy…

King-Good points…

("Adrenaline" blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-You got to wonder how Cena is rubbing off on Ricky Ramon…negatively I would assume considering his promo.

King-Hey, who doesn't notice Ashley's puppies?

Kris Gaffney-Thought you weren't suppose to be like that anymore?

King-No PG King here!

[CM Punk and Ricky Ramon are on their separate corners as the bell rings. Both of the Revolution and Elite members stare each other down. Ricky Ramon comes to the middle of the ring and demands that CM Punk takes him on in a test of strength. CM Punk slowly decides to take him up on that offer, but as they are slowly going into the test of strength. As expected being the heel that he is Ricky Ramon pokes CM Punk in the eyes, and then Ricky Ramon throws a hard fist to the face that knocks down CM Punk down to the mat, and CM Punk goes down to the mat, and gets up. Ricky Ramon hits a few forearm shots to the face, and CM Punk backs up to the ropes. Ricky Ramon whips CM Punk to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. Ricky Ramon goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by CM Punk who goes to the other side of the ring, and comes off of the ropes as Ricky Ramon turns around he gets hit with a flying clothesline. Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet, and gets knocked down with a running clothesline. Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet, and CM Punk hits a spinning kick into the gut that doubles over Ricky Ramon. CM Punk runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and hits a swinging neck breaker that puts down Ricky Ramon. CM Punk goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2……………..kick out by CM Punk. CM Punk looks up to the ref, seemly just letting Ricky Ramon crawl into the corner. CM Punk gets up to his feet, and goes over the corner, and hits a few forearm shots to the face of Ricky Ramon in the corner. CM Punk whips Ricky Ramon to the other side of the ring, he crashes into the corner. CM Punk charges into the corner, and hits a running knee lift into the face. Then hits a running bulldog out of the corner that drives Ricky Ramon's face into the mat, CM Punk goes into the cover once again on Ramon, and gets a 1…………..2……….KICK OUT!]

JR-CM Punk almost got the three there.

King-Cena wouldn't be too happy.

Kris Gaffney-Surprise he could be unhappy with his life living the life he does.

[CM Punk gets up to his feet, and calls for the GTS, and CM Punk waits as Ricky Ramon gets up to his feet. CM Punk lifts up Ricky Ramon on his shoulders for the GTS. But Ricky Ramon slides out of the back of CM Punk. Ricky Ramon goes for a kick to the gut of CM Punk, but it's caught by CM Punk. Ricky Ramon balances on one foot, and Ricky Ramon is able to counter this with an ezguri that connects with the head of CM Punk. CM Punk stumbles around dazed, and CM Punk falls on the second rope which is stopping him from falling down to the mat completely Ricky Ramon is getting up, and he see's where CM Punk is, and he goes over to the ropes and he sling shots himself over the top rope, and hits a hang man on the second rope as Ricky Ramon goes flying over the top rope. Ricky Ramon lands on his feet on the outside as CM Punk had his neck snapped on the second rope, so he's down on the mat holding his throat. Ricky Ramon slowly takes his time to get all the rest that he can. He then climbs up to the apron, CM Punk is up, and goes over to where Ricky Ramon is. Ricky Ramon tries to take some counter measures by hitting a shoulder block into the gut. But CM Punk moves out of the way, and kicks Ricky Roman in the face. Ricky Ramon stays on the apron, and CM Punk pulls him up on the apron, and sets him up for a vertical suplex back into the ring. CM Punk holds him up for a few moments, but just before he can hit the vertical suplex. Ricky Ramon drops down to the mat by swifting his weight, and hitting a reverse neck breaker. Both wrestlers are down on the mat . Slowly both get up to their feet, CM Punk goes for a wild kick to the face. But Ricky Ramon ducks it, and runs to the ropes, he comes off of the ropes, as CM Punk turns around. CM Punk gets hit with Ricky Ramon's trademark spear.]

King-So many spears now a days.

Kris Gaffney-Aw, Edge does it…Edge is good…

JR-Interesting conversation…

[Ricky Ramon goes for a the spear, but CM Punk is able to side step it, and throws Ricky Ramon into the corner. Bounces back, and CM Punk hits a t-bone suplex. Ricky Ramon falls down to the mat. CM Punk climbs up to the top rope. Ricky Ramon is distracting the ref. As he's doing that Kevin Bourne comes down and grabs a hold of CM Punk's foot. CM Punk struggles and finally kicks him off. CM Punk gets ready seeing that the time has already given Ricky Ramon the time to get where he wanted him. CM Punk leaps off the top rope, but because of the distraction by Kevin Bourne. Ricky Ramon is able to counter the leap with a trademark spear (forget the name 20 to life or something like that) that brings down CM Punk right out of the air. With the extra impact, Ricky Ramon is able to cover CM Punk for the 1……………2…………..3!]

JR-Kevin Bourne was able to distract CM Punk, and Ricky Ramon was able to take advantage.

King-He's learning from Cena alright…

Kris Gaffney-Not enough…he hasn't cheated on his wife yet.

King-Well….guess he'll get to that…

(Note: Trying to set something up with this, but not sure it'll work. If not, we'll figure something else.)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Death!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Death comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Angelus Archer!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Angelus Archer walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Death checks his boots. Angelus Archer executes a pumphandle suplex on Death. (ding, ding, ding) Death double underhook faceslams Angelus Archer hard to the Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Death. Death gets up. Death hits Angelus Archer with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Death stands up. Death gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer is up again. Angelus Archer hits Death with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Angelus Archer climbs to his feet. Death is up again. Angelus Archer pins Death against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Death rakes his fingers across Angelus Archer's back. Angelus Archer uses a snap mare takeover on Death. Death gets hit with the shooting star press from Angelus Archer. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 Death escapes. ]

The King - Not even close!

[Death gets up. Angelus Archer hits a tiger driver on Death. Angelus Archer chants start. Death gets up. Death applies the clawhold on Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer uses a swinging DDT to plant Death's head into the mat. Now Angelus Archer standing. Angelus Archer puts Death in an arm grapevine submission. Death hiptosses Angelus Archer. Angelus Archer moves back to his feet. Death places Angelus Archer on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Death stands up. Death executes the Supper DDT on Angelus Archer! Angelus Archer gets hit with the shooting star press from Death. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Death!!!

("I'm comin'" blasts on the PA system as MVP walks to the ring, he steps to what seems to be a table with a black cloth over it. MVP brings it into the ring, and sets it up in the corner. He then does his usual taughts.)

JR-What is MVP doing?

King-Hey, it's a no DQ match, it doesn't matter…

Kris Gaffney-Max Power….nice name..

("Shawn Pond's theme" blasts on the PA system as Shawn Pond walks to the ring with Tony Valentino, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-Last week it looked like Shawn Pond could have won, but Black Acid was able to pick up the win before he did.

King-Well this week he has a chance to redeem himself.

Kris Gaffney-Either that or Joel Pond will be sleeping with his fishes.

King-Seemly there was room for one more joke…

("All that remains" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-You simply can't take SammyExtreme lightly, he can pull out a win in a blink of the eye.

King-Plus he wouldn't mind to put you through a flaming table..

Kris Gaffney-Does that mean that the table is gay?

JR and King-………….

Kris Gaffney-What? Someone had to say it…

[SammyExtreme and Shawn Pond look like they want to go after each other. MVP just grins, and slowly goes under the bottom rope, as SammyExtreme and Shawn Pond hit fists to the face. Suddenly Shawn Pond starts to gain the advantage as SammyExtreme starts to stumble back with no answer for the punches. Shawn Pond goes for one last hard one to knock SammyExtreme down to the mat. But SammyExtreme ducks under it, and Shawn Pond gets knocked down with a hard fist by SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme waits as Shawn Pond gets up, and knocks him down with a standing drop kick. He looks over to the Singapore Cane that he brought into the ring, and he whips Shawn Pond to the ropes. Shawn Pond bounces off of the ropes, SammyExtreme grabs the cane, and hits a cane shot to the back of Shawn Pond. Shawn Pond goes down to the mat, and looks in pain. SammyExtreme starts to choke Shawn Pond with the cane. SammyExtreme holds on the choke hold for a little bit, then finally lets go of Sammy Extreme. SammyExtreme goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………….2………Shawn Pond is able to kick out, had he not. MVP had dived to break up the pin anyways, and had rolled out being the opportunist that he is. SammyExtreme shakes his head, and he goes to the outside, he climbs up to the to the top turnbuckle. He leaps off of the top rope as Shawn Pond gets up to his feet. He leaps off, but it's countered with a atomic drop as he lands. SammyExtreme is in a lot of pain as he stands there. SammyExtreme gets knocked down with a clothesline that knocks him down. SammyExtreme slowly gets up to his feet, and Shawn Pond whips him to the ropes. SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes, Shawn Pond goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme bounces off of the other side of the ring. As he comes back, Shawn Pond hits a one man flap jack on SammyExtreme.]

JR-Shawn Pond is firmly in control of this match.

King-It seems that MVP is happy to watch this.

Kris Gaffney-He's picking his spot.

[Shawn Pond gets up, he grabs the cane, and waits as SammyExtreme slowly gets up . SammyExtreme slowly gets up, and Shawn Pond hits a hard cane shot to the head.SammyExtreme goes down to the mat, and he goes into the cover. He gets a 1…………2………MVP comes out of no where, and hits a clubbing blow to the back. Then goes into the cover on SammyExtreme. MVP goes into the cover on SammyExtreme. He gets a 1………..2……….kick out by SammyExtreme. Shawn Pond doesn't quite look too happy with MVP almost stealing his pin so he goes for a few fists to the face as SammyExtreme , MVP stumbles backwards. MVP ducks one, and Shawn Pond gets hit with a low blow by MVP. MVP picks up Shawn Pond, and hits a body slam on the mat. MVP runs to the ropes, does his ballin' taunt, and drops an elbow into chest of Shawn Pond. MVP gets up, and signals for the play maker. But he notices that SammyExtreme is pushing in a table into the ring, and MVP hits a baseball slide that sends the table into the face of SammyExtreme. Sammy goes down on the outside, but the table stays in the ring. Shawn Pond has gotten up, but MVP decides that it's still worth trying for the playmaker as Pond is still stunned, and MVP kicks him in the gut. Sets up, and hits the playmaker. MVP would go for the cover, but suddenly Cousin Sal has jumped on the apron is distracting MVP, MVP is taunting him as Sal looks angry, Sal points behind him, and MVP turns around gets knocked down with a spine buster by SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme would go for the pin on Shawn Pond. But it looks like Shawn Pond is starting to recover from the playmaker, as he gets up to his feet. Shawn turns around, and he gets GORED right out of the ring.]

JR-SammyExtreme is on a roll here!

King-Nothing has even been put on fire.

Kris Gaffney-Would it be any surprise if Sammy one day dates Fyre?

[SammyExtreme gets ready to attack MVP with a spear who is slowly getting up to his feet. But suddenly Marquise jumps on the apron, and distracts SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme takes a swing at Marquise. Marquise jumps off of the apron, and SammyExtreme turns towards MVP. MVP is now on that covered table. SammyExtreme charges at him, and goes for a GORE! But MVP moves out of the way, and SammyExtreme crashes into it, right into a support beam. SammyExtreme is in pain, as he kneel's down. MVP comes out of no where, and hits a drive by kick, MVP goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………2………3.]

JR-MVP set up SammyExtreme.

King-Hey, he did game plan for him.

Kris Gaffeny-But it was Marquise who lead him right into the trap!

(MVP slides out of the ring celebrating his win, as SammyExtreme is getting up. Marquise hits a spear down to SammyExtreme. Marquise looks down to the downed SammyExtreme as the crowd is in shock at the returning Marquise.

(Note: MVP was just better in this one, all put up a good effort though. Hopefully I got everything that was requested right, if not I'll edit it.)

("Firebreather" blasts on the PA system as Scott Tazte walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-Scott Tazte doesn't seem to doubt himself anymore.

King-Good, we never doubted him to begin with.

Kris Gaffney- Just remind me not to hire Mann…

("Turn up the Trouble" blasts on the PA system as Ken Kennedy walks to the ring, he steps inside of the ring, and does his usual microphone thing.)

JR-Ken Kennedy come a long ways for this opportunity.

King-Were lucky he didn't steal Brandshaws PSP though…

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…he would be bitching about it costing him a THOUSAND DOLLARS!

[Scott Tazte and Ken Kennedy pace around the ring, and they lock up. Scott Tazte and Ken Kennedy look for the advantage, when finally after a struggle with the lock up. Scott Tazte is able to turn it into an arm bar, and Scott Tazte hits a few clubbing blows to the arm. Scott Tazte twists Ken Kennedy's arm once again. Ken Kennedy falls down to the mat. Scott Tazte puts on an arm bar once again while Ken Kennedy is on the mat, the ref makes sure that Ken Kennedy does not want to give it up. Ken Kennedy obviously refuses to give up to such a weak hold. So Ken Kennedy gets up to his feet, and looks for a way to get out of it. Ken Kennedy slowly backs Scott Tazte to the ropes as he holds on to the hold. Ken Kennedy whips Scott Tazte off of the ropes, Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes. Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes, and Ken Kennedy goes for hip toss. But it's blocked by Scott Tazte, and Scott Tazte floats over, and goes for his own hip toss. But it's blocked by Ken Kennedy who grabs Scott Tazte's hand, and goes for a short arm clothesline. But that is ducked under, and Scott Tazte hits a Russian leg sweep. Scott Tazte hits a few stomps on the downed Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy slowly gets up to his feet, and Scott Tazte waits to see where he goes. Ken Kennedy goes into the corner, and Scott Tazte hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Ken Kennedy. Scott Tazte then gets warned to let Ken Kennedy have some space in the corner, and he gives it, then goes back into the corner. Scott Tazte whips Ken Kennedy to the other side of the ring, and Ken Kennedy crashes into the corner. Scott Tazte sets up, runs, and leaps and hits a big splash in the corner. He stumbles out of the corner, and Scott Tazte lifts him up to the top rope, and puts Ken Kennedy on the top rope. Scott Tazte hits a few fists to the face of Ken Kennedy, and then begins to climb up the same turnbuckle that Kennedy is on.]

JR-It looks like the world champion is going for a big move here.

King-This could backfire.

Kris Gaffney-Sounds like a lot of things lately.

[Scott Tazte hooks Ken Kennedy, and goes for a super plex, but Ken Kennedy is able to block it into a body press, and gets a 1……………2………..kick out by Scott Tazte. Ken Kennedy has to take sometime to rest up, both wrestlers are fairly slow to get up to their feet. Scott Tazte gets up his feet first, and see's Ken Kennedy getting up with the help of the ropes. Scott Tazte charges at Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy counters this with a back body drop over the top rope. Ken Kennedy goes flying, and crashes into the mat. Ken Kennedy takes a few moments to rest, and then goes to the apron. Ken Kennedy waits as Scott Tazte gets up to his feet. Once he does, Ken Kennedy leaps off of the apron and hits a flying clothesline that knocks down Scott Tazte. Once he's on the mat, Ken Kennedy starts to hit a few fists to the face of Scott Tazte, the ref from inside of the ring tells him to stop, and get back into the ring. Ken Kennedy ignores that for the time being, even though he does stop punching Tazte. Ken Kennedy pulls up Scott Tazte by the hair, and brings him over the steps, Ken Kennedy smashes Scott Tazte's face into the steel steps. Scott Tazte's head bounces off the steps, and Scott Tazte gets thrown into the ring by Kennedy. Ken Kennedy rolls into the ring, and goes over to where Scott Tazte is in the corner. Ken Kennedy hits a few fists to the face that makes Scott Tazte fall into the corner, and Ken Kennedy hits some stomps into the gut, until Scott Tazte is in the sitting position. Ken Kennedy backs off so the ref doesn't start bitching at him. Ken Kennedy runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. He hits a running boot to the face of Scott Tazte. Scott Tazte falls out of the corner, Ken Kennedy waits as Scott Tazte gets up, once he does. Ken Kennedy lifts him up, and hits a rolling samoan drop. Ken Kennedy goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2…………..KICK OUT!]

JR-Ken Kennedy thought he might have had Tazte there.

King-That was one of his finishers at some point.

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, Kennedy has ADD when it comes to finishers.

[Ken Kennedy pulls Scott Tazte up to his feet, and whips him to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes. Ken Kennedy tries to pick him up. But it's slide behind Ken Kennedy. Scott Tazte kicks Ken Kennedy in the gut, and hits the Kountdown. Scott Tazte goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………..2…………….Ken Kennedy rolls his shoulder up at the last moment. Scott Tazte can't believe it.]

JR-Normally the Kountdown can put away most opponents but didn't there.

King-Must because he didn't have time to do the pose.

Kris Gaffney-Must be…

[Ken Kennedy gets up to his feet in the corner, and Scott Tazte measures him up, and hits a running clothesline in the corner. Ken Kennedy stumbles out of the corner, and Scott Tazte picks him up, and puts him on the top rope. Scott Tazte climbs up to the top rope, and sets him up for what seems to be a super DDT. But Tazte takes too much time, and out of no where Ken Kennedy hits a mic check from the top rope. Tazte and Kennedy fall on the mat, Ken Kennedy is able to quickly hook a leg for a quick 1……………2………….3!]

JR-Ken Kennedy did it!

King-He fell right into that one.

(Ken Kennedy celebrates his win as Latino Heat goes off the air.)

(Note: Had a hard time finding help, which is why it took so long, so sorry about that. So I am calling this one, and I do have a back up on my feelings. We both really liked Scott Tazte's RP, if you look on paper…Tazte's RP does not match up to Kennedy's very well. When you look at it closer, it becomes a lot more close; however, just not quite enough. So that's why I thought that way (and my back up felt basically the exact same thing.)