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EMF results: Cold day in hell

(Copyright information is shown over the screen as we go into a highlight reel of how all of the matches planned for tonight. Once it ends, we fade into an introduction screen that welcomes us to Cold Day in Hell 2008. We go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the stage, once they end the lights turn on. Fans are yelling and waving their signs some say "Nash and Hall stole my 6 dollars, that was my sandwich!", "Go Farter", and "I came to see HLA *I read spoilers!".)

JR-Welcome to Cold Day in Hell, and what a show we have for you tonight. I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney.

King- We have quite a show tonight, headlined by the world title match against Tony Ikeda and Scott Tazte.

Kris Gaffney-Also, the IC title will be contested in a huge show down of "the X-Factor" Dan Godwin and the Punisher.

JR-Well, let's get this show…

(Just before JR finishes his sentence, the EMF Tron cuts in to show backstage outside of John Cena’s office, suddenly the back of someone’s head comes in view and as he walks forward so does the EMF Grand Slam shirt showing it to be “The X-Factor” Dan Godwin. He knocks on the door and nothing happens. He looks both ways down the halls to check it’s clear before walking into the office and shutting the door after the camera walks in. He leans against the door as he flicks on the light.)

|+|The X-Factor|+|
Where shall I put it Frank?

The desk? (“The X-Factor” nods and walks over to the desk, he reaches into the gym back and pulls out a box. He then reaches into the box and pulls out the penis trophy from his promo for Cold Day In Hell. He places it square in the middle of the desk and then pulls out a piece of paper which the camera zooms in on as “The X-Factor” walks out of the shot)

Dear John

I felt you deserved this award since it was given to you and was only collected by proxy, therefore I have delivered it. Don’t worry about payment; I have taken something valuable from your office to make up for the cost. I also took the time to change the inscription from “Husband of the Year” to “COCK of the Year”, hope you appreciate it.

Your BFF

“The X-Factor” Dan Godwin.

(The camera comes up to show “The X-Factor” putting something into his gym bag. He then walks to the door and pokes his head out. He then opens it fully and waves for Frank to follow. Frank puts the camera down and walks out the door leaving the camera looking at a closed door. The scene then cuts back to ringside.)

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the cage.)

JR-The Gambler last week was successful in his match against Black Acid, so he was placed in this match.

King-I'm sure he wondered what would have happened if Punisher didn't show up in the last match, and got his answer.

Kris Gaffney-Well that was last match, he needs to put together to get where he wants to be.

("Holy Driver" blasts on the PA system as SammyExtreme walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring, but not before throwing a chair inside of the ring as well on the apron.)

JR-It was a few weeks ago that SammyExtreme surprised Danni Vesneski, the #1 contender for the Extreme championship. So it seems right that he should get a chance to fight his way to a shot as well.

King-Well, this is a bit out of his element…he can't get any tables.

Kris Gaffney-The Dudleyz would find a way to sneak one in….

King-Meh…he got a chair…close enough…

[SammyExtreme looks around in his surroundings, we can't really tell if he really likes this match or really hates it. But regardless he ignores that, and he charges at the Gambler, and starts to hammer away at the Gambler. The Gambler is a bit stunned, and SammyExtreme goes for a fist. But it's blocked by the Gambler, and the Gambler hits a head butt that knocks down SammyExtreme to the mat. SammyExtreme slowly gets up to his feet, and the Gambler picks up SammyExtreme for a military press. The Gambler holds him up there for a little bit….maybe a little bit too much as SammyExtreme reaches down, and rakes the eyes of the Gambler. The Gambler lets go of SammyExtreme, SammyExtreme falls behind the Gambler. SammyExtreme takes the Gambler by the hair, and tries to smash him against the cage side, but it's blocked by the Gambler with one of the Gambler's boots, and the Gambler hits a elbow to the gut, and doubles over. The Gambler smashes SammyExtreme into the side of the cage. The Gambler goes down to his knee's, and the Gambler measure up SammyExtreme who is on his hands, and knee's. He hits a kick to the ribs of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme rolls away into the corner, and the Gambler charges at SammyExtreme as he gets up in the corner. The Gambler hits an body avalanche in the corner that smashes SammyExtreme into the corner. The Gambler backs up, and waits for SammyExtreme to comes towards him. SammyExtreme stumbles out of the corner, just as the Gambler comes off of the ropes, and hits a running boot to the face that knocks down SammyExtreme to the mat. The Gambler would go into the cover, but SammyExtreme is still showing signs of life. The Gambler hits a few stomps to the downed SammyExtreme gets up to his feet, and SammyExtreme gets hits with a punch to the face of SammyExtreme that knocks him down to the mat. SammyExtreme gets up, The Gambler kicks him in the gut, and doubles him over. The Gambler sets him up. Lifts him up, and hits a fisherman's buster that drives down SammyExtreme's head into the mat. The Gambler goes into the cover on SammyExtreme, and gets the 1…………….2……………KICK OUT by SammyExtreme. The Gambler looks amazed that wasn't three.]

JR-The Gambler pulled out quite a high impact move there, but it didn't put SammyExtreme away.

King-SammyExtreme wants to live up to his name.

Kris Gaffney-I'm yet to see him glow in the dark.

King-No…that's X-Treme…very different…

[The Gambler decides not to waste anymore time, and he whips SammyExtreme off of the ropes, SammyExtreme bounces off of the ropes. The Gambler goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme stops completely in his tracks. The Gambler turns around, and the Gambler gets hit with a sit down jaw breaker. The Gambler falls away from SammyExtreme to the mat holding his jaw, he notices that he's near the door. So he calls for the door to be opened. The Gambler tries to crawl out of the ring, but SammyExtreme dives at the Gambler, and grabs his foot. He holds on to dear life as the Gambler is touching the floor with his hand, SammyExtreme pulls him into the ring. Once he's in the midde of the ring, SammyExtreme lifts up the Gambler's leg, and hits a few kicks into the leg of the Gambler. SammyExtreme hits a spinning toe drop, the Gambler is in a lot of pain after that last move. SammyExtreme once again gets a hold of The Gambler's foot, and drops an elbow into the inner part of Gambler's leg. SammyExtreme puts the Gambler into a single leg lock. The Gambler is in a lot of pain, and the ref is asking if he wants to give up, the Gambler has to refuse to quit a few times. Finally the Gambler decides that he needs to do something to get out of the hold if he wants to stay in the match. The Gambler sits up, and uses his long reach to start to push SammyExtreme's head on to the mat. Once he does that, he takes his free foot to smash SammyExtreme's face until he lets go of the hold. SammyExtreme holds on to his face, and rolls over to the ropes. SammyExtreme pulls himself up with the help of the ropes. Once he's gotten up, the Gambler tries to go for a running big boot, but it's ducked under by SammyExtreme. The Gambler is crotched on the top rope, obviously in pain, and SammyExtreme hits a chop block to the back of the knee, and the Gambler falls back into the ring. The Gambler rolls away from the ropes, and SammyExtreme goes outside of the ropes, and climbs up to the top rope. The Gambler slowly gets up as SammyExtreme measures him up.]

JR-It looks like The Gambler is going to try to finish off SammyExtreme there.

King-That's pretty cold…

Kris Gaffney-If he really wanted to impress us, he would have went to Alaska….*King takes off his headset*

King-Trust me, bringing politics into this…NOT a good idea…

[SammyExtreme gets up to his feet, and the Gambler sets him up, and goes for the belly to back suplex. But SammyExtreme rolls out of the back, and the Gambler turns around. SammyExtreme goes for a fist to the face, but it's ducked under by SammyExtreme gets kicked in the gut, and set up. The Gambler then drives SammyExtreme down with a power bomb. The Gambler falls to his knee's, and decides that since really he doesn't have any major problem with SammyExtreme to just end this by climbing over the top of the top of the cage. He begins to climb up to the top. Suddenly SammyExtreme is up, and he begins to climb up to the top of the cage too. But not before putting that chair on the top of the cage. Being slower The Gambler is caught up to easily, and both wrestlers start to fire back and forth fists to the face. SammyExtreme wins the exchange, and he gets the chair, and tries to smash the Gambler with the chair. But it's blocked, and ripped away from SammyExtreme. The Gambler tries to use it, but SammyExtreme rakes the eyes of the Gambler, the Gambler drops the chair on the top of the cage. Sammy tries to picks it up to be used, but the Gambler punches it right into the face of SammyExtreme. SammyExtreme falls, but unlucky for him, falls back into the cage (he is able to hold on to the cage side to lower himself down a little bit to make the fall not so bad. The Gambler climbs over the cage, climbs down, and reaches the floor, Gambler wins!]

JR-Gambler had to over come a game SammyExtreme, but he was able to pull it out.

King-He probably broke his hand though.

Kris Gaffney-It's worth it when you win, right?


(Note: Sammy stepped up, and did very good. Although the Gambler just had the edge in this one.)

We return to ringside and the bell sounds. "Obsession" blasts out and Mickie James makes her way out, holding the Women's Championship.)

Finkle: The following is a Triple Threat match scheduled for one fall.. and it is for the EMF Women's Championship! Introducing first... she is the EMF Women's Champion... Mickie James!

(Mickie slides into the ring and then takes a microphone. She addresses the crowd.)

Mickie: As you know... I have a match of my choosing here tonight! Now I know you all think i've chosen to face Maria and Amy in a regular Triple Threat... but you're wrong. This match is not a regular match... oh no. This match is something the EMF has never seen before! Tonight we are having a Triple Threat HLA match! *the crowd roar, and Mickie waits for it to die down*. Yep, you heard right. The winner gets not only the Women's Championship... but the honour and priveledge of watching the two losers take part in some... Hot.... Lesbian.... Action! Right here in this very ring! Now bring out my opponents!

("Lovefurypassionenergy" blasts out over the PA as Amy Jericho makes her way out to a stnading ovation. She glares at Mickie as she rolls into the ring, but knows she has no choice but to compete in the match. "With legs like that" plays and Maria makes her way out too. She slides into the ring and also looks unhappy, but Mickie just smiles at her and the bell rings. Amy charges right at Mickie, with Maria seemingly not wanting to fight once again. Amy nails Mickie with a clothesline and knocks her down. Amy begins hammering away at Mickie, and then lifts her up and hits a scoop slam. Amy goes into a quick cover for the 1.... kick out. Amy lifts Mickie again but Mickie hits a thumb to the eye and then rolls Amy up for the 1.... kick out.)

JR: I think we may actually see a match where Amy goes all out to win the Championship for once.

King: Well she wants to avoid the HLA...

Kris: And get revenge for Mickie all but raping her last time...

(Amy springs to her feet and clotheslines Mickie again. As Mickie stumbles up, Amy grabs her and throws her over the ropes. Mickie falls to the outside and looks hurt. She stumbles up and then Amy dives through the ropes and takes Mickie down. Both women look hurt on the outside and Maria looks on concerned. Amy is first to her feet and stomps down on Mickie. She lifts Mickie to her feet and then hurls her into the barricade. Mickie looks hurt and stumbles forward and then Amy whips her into the ring post. Amy then rolls her into the ring and climbs up onto the apron and over the ropes into the ring. Mickie is already stirring and so Amy lifts her up and then nails a regular DDT. Amy covers Mickie for the 1..... 2..... kick out.)

JR: Amy Jericho hell bent on causing pain to Mickie James..

King: I question whether Mickie wants to win or lose this match...

Kris: Me too. Championship or legal HLA in the ring? Tough choice!

(Amy lifts Mickie again, but this time Mickie nails some hard slaps to Amy. Mickie backs Amy into the corner and then begins to chop her (not on the boobs unfortunately!) She eventualy lets Amy stumble out of the corner and then kicks her in the gut and nails a hard suplex. Knowing its going to take more to keep her down, Mickie takes a few moments to catch her breath, and then climbs to the top rope. As Amy gets to her feet, Mickie leaps off, nailing a head-scissors. Amy goes down and Mickie quickly covers for the 1.... 2.... kick out. Mickie slams the mat in frustration.)

JR: She cant honestly have expected Amy to lay down to that?

King: If she compares Amy to the rest of the Women's Division... she probably can...

Kris: That'd be a mistake though...

(Mickie grabs Amy and lifts her up and nails a Snapmere, followed by a Dropkick. Amy goes down but isn't out and is able to roll out of the ring. Mickie runs and goes for a baseball slide but Amy sidesteps, and then grabs Mickie's legs, pulling her hard so she slams into the floor. Amy lifts her up and then nails some hard shots to her. She grabs Mickie's head and bounces it off the barricade again. Mickie looks hurt and then Amy clotheslines her down. Amy picks her up again and drags her towards the ring and tries to slam Mickie's head off the canvas, but Mickie blocks and then hits some hard elbows to get Amy off her. Amy backs off and charges at Mickie, but Mickie counters with a Big Back Body drop, sending Amy crashing to the floor outside. Mickie picks her up and drags her over towards the announce tables.)

JR: This ones about to get ugly...

King: Uglier than Ashlee Ikeda first thing in the morning?

Kris: Impossible! They could set eachother on fire and eat Maria and it still wouldn't compare!

(Mickie begins to take the cover off the table and clear the monitors away. This gives Amy time to recover. When Mickie turns, Amy is up, and nails her with a hard slap. She follows this up with a few more, and then grabs Mickie and nails another hard DDT. Amy lifts Mickie up and then rams her head off the announce table. Amy does this a couple more times, and then gets an idea. She rolls Mickie onto the table, and then goes over to the ring and climbs the turnbuckle from the outside...)

JR: Oh Come on! Don't do it!

King: Huge risk coming up here..

Kris: This is going to be horrible either way...

(Amy taunts the fans and they cheer her insanely loud. She then calls for.. and goes for, the Moonsault through the table. At the last possible moment, Mickie rolls out the way, and Amy crashes through the table!)

JR: I knew that was a bad move...

(Both women are down for a good while and Maria goes over to check on them. She looks really worried and begins to try and stir them. Slowly, Mickie makes it to her feet first.She sees the downed Amy and smiles. She grabs her and throws her into the ring. She slides into the ring herself and covers and gets the 1...... 2................................... kick out at the last moment! She looks on in disbelief. She slides out of the ring and grabs her Championship from ringside. The referee thinks this is because she believes she won and tries to explain otherwise. However, Mickie just stands on the apron, waiting for Amy to get up, with the title held behind her back. The referee yells at her but can't do anything because its a Triple Threat. Eventually, Amy makes it to her feet. She sees Mickie and charges, looking for a clothesline. She makes enough contact with Mickie to knock her off the apron, but at the same time, gets blasted over the head with the Women's Championship. She staggers back and is just about to fall down when, probably through instinct, Maria rolls her up. The referee counts 1..... 2............................ just when it looks like Maria got it, Mickie slides in and breaks up the pin.)

JR: I guess Mickie James has decided which means more to her.... and its the gold in her hand...

King: Amy and Maria HLA would be great! So I hope she wins!

Kris: I don't know... Amy and Mickie would be just as hot... or even Mickie and Maria... lets be honest... the real winners here are us!

(Mickie grabs Maria and begins yelling at her for almost stealing her championship. Maria seems to be apologising, but Mickie continues to shout at her. The distraction gives Amy Jericho time to get to her feet. She is clearly hurting all over, but is still determined to win this match and avoid the HLA. She begins to stalk Mickie from behind. Mickie doesn't see her, and when she finally turns around, Amy kicks her in the gut, and nails the Twist of Fate! The crowd roar believing Amy to be closing in on the title. Amy stumbles slightly from the shot to the head, but is able to fall into the cover for the 1....... 2........................ SOMEHOW Mickie kicks out!)

JR: My God! She survived the Twist of Fate!

King: I think the writer has a crush on her...

Kris: Hang on? I thought our writer fancied Amy?

King: Different guys... unlike what some people think.

Kris: Are we breaking kayfabe right here?

King ..... OH SHIT!

(Amy looks shocked that Mickie kicked out. She gets back to her feet and grabs Mickie and lifts her up. Mickie still looks hurt, and Amy grabs her legs and flips her into the Walls of Jericho! Mickie yells out in pain and Amy tightens the hold. Mickie begins to try and pull herself towards the ropes, and Amy tries to pull her away. Mickie makes a little progress, but looks trapped and looks as if shes about to tap out... when all of a sudden she puts in one final lunge and makes it to the ropes. Amy breaks the hold instantly, and then rolls Mickie over so shes laying on her back, and climbs the ropes again. This time she calls for and hits the Moonsault! It goes instantly into a cover and she gets the 1...... 2................ just as the hand is coming down again, the referee is pulled from the ring. The cameras turn to reveal Kelly Kelly. The fans boos Cena's assistant.)

JR: Damn it! Just when Amy's about to pick up the win... here comes Kelly to ruin it all!

King: She needs to do something JR... else we'll forget she exists.

Kris: You know... I think Dewey Pond should get married one of these days...

King: My point exactly....

(Amy is seemingly angry about this and goes over and begins yelling abuse at Kelly or the referee or both. The distraction allows someone we've not seen in a long while to slide into the ring. The crowd boo even more as Christy Hemme shows up, spins Amy round unexpectedly, and nails a quick Twist of Fate of her own! Hemme goes over and begins to try and revive Mickie, and seemingly succeeds as Mickie begins to stir. Hemme slides out of the ring and high-fives Kelly before they leave together. The referee slides back in, and Mickie has limped up to her feet. She pulls Amy up, sets her up and nails the Mickie-DT! The crowd boo and Mickie drops into the cover on Amy and gets the 1...... 2............. kick out! At the last moment!)

JR: My God! What does she have to do!

King: Give up?

Kris: Neither of these women wants to leave here the loser!

(Mickie again looks annoyed that Amy kicked out. She climbs to he feet and then spots the championship laying at ringside. She goes and grabs it and slides into the ring. The referee seemingly tries to prevent her using it (even though its legal) and tries to grab it off her. He tries to pull it away but Mickie slaps him and pulls it back. Amy gets to her feet, but seemingly sees it coming and ducks under the shot. Mickie accidentally ends up nailing Maria with the Championship. Mickie looks a bit shocked, but tries to capitalise by covering Maria. Before Amy can break it up, Christy Hemme, who has returned, grabs her ankle and pulls her down from outside the ring and the referee counts 1..... 2...... 3!)

JR: Mickie James steals one and retains the championship!

King: She didn't steal it.. its all legal!

(Mickie smirks as she grabs the championship again and slides out of the ring. She grabs a Steel Chair from ringside, and goes over towards the ramp, setting the chair up for a view of the ring. Suddenly Chris Masters and Dan Godwin appear on the ramp. CM Punk seems to be trying to pull them back behind the curtain, but Godwin shoves him away. Punk comes out too, sees Mickie, screams and runs behind the curtain. We can now see Godwin and Masters have Foam Fingers, Flags, Caps and Shirts all showing the letters HLA! They sit on some Steel chairs too, behind Mickie. Mickie turns round and glares at them, before mouthing "I pinned you!" at Masters. Masters laughs it off. Him and Godwin stand and yell HLA! HLA! at the top of their voices, which creates a chant from the crowd. Maria sits up, and Amy is still fighting with Hemme. When she realises what happened, she stops, and slides into the ring. Hemme runs off, and Amy looks shocked and disgusted that Mickie took advantage of Maria. Then she realises what the crowd is chanting, and looks deeply embaressed. Maria seems to be trying to convince her it'll be ok, but Amy doesn't seem to agree. Maria goes up to Amy and puts her arms around her, and pulls her close towards her. Maria then leans in as if to kiss Amy. Amy looks like she wants to pull away, but knows she can't. In the end she's kissing Maria. Maria then pulls away, and removes her own top, reealing her pink bra that is underneath. She then unbuttons her pants and removes them so she is in nothing but her pink bra and matching pink thong She continues kissing Amy and seems to be suggesting that she should remove her own clothes, but Amy looks like she wants nothing to do with it. The cheering and HLA chants are really loud as Maria begins to remove Amy's clothing for her. Soon enough, Amy is also stripped right down to her black bra and matching black thong. The cameras switch back to Godwin and Masters who are giving the thumbs up symbol to some fans in the front row, and then pull out cameras to take pictures. Maria kisses Amy some more, and they continue this for a few moments, and then Maria reaches round Amy and begins to try and unhook her bra. The crowd roar at this, but suddenly Miss Jackie stands on top of the ramp with a microphone.)

Jackie: Ok enough is enough! This is sick! Seriously! Maria... Amy is not a lesbian! She never has been a lesbian... and she never will be a lesbian! See that ring on her finger? Then again... I guess maybe you don't even know what that means. It means shes MARRIED! To a man! not a woman! Whatever sick fantasies you have... save them for when your in the bedroom with your fucking psycho girlfriend there... we don;t all want to see it!

Chris Masters: Correction.... yes we do! HLA! HLA! HLA!

Jackie: Oh shut up and lay down for some more Divas to beat you! To be honest I don't care if everyone in this arena wants to see it... because I know I sure as hell don't... and I know Amy doesn't. While i'm quite happy for you to force anything you want on her... I mean... she's taken it all from Mickie anyway.... but come on.. not here! I dont want to have to watch it.. its making me want to puke! If you two are going to have lesbian sex or something do it backstage in private! Don't disgrace my ring with it! The place where I won 4 Women's Championships! But besides Maria... i'm sure there are plenty more attractive Divas who'd be more up for this than Amy is...

Godwin: Will you please shut up... some of us are trying to watch the show!

Jackie: I'll leave as soon as this little farce is over. So I suggest that both of you leave the ring.... because if you even try to carry on... i'll come down there and remove you myself!

(Amy didn't need to be asked twice, and slid out of the ring, heading up the ramp as fast as possible. Maria looked angry at Jackie and disapointed. She slid out of the ring and Mickie James came down the ramp to comfort her. Mickie put her arms around Maria, and then kissed her herself, to the crowds delight. This lasted several moments, and Maria had closed her eyes and so she didn't notice Jackie come down the ramp and grab the chair Mickie was sitting on. As Mickie turned, Jackie smashed her hard across the head with the chair, sending her down and out.)

Jackie: Oh and one more thing... I want my damn rematch!

(Maria looks shocked and begins yelling at Jackie, but Jackie just turns and ignores her. She leaves as "Generic Theme" blasts out. Maria looks shocked and stands over the downed Mickie. Shes standing now with her back to Masters and Godwin, who take a few last minute pictures of her in her thong before high-fiving some fans at ringside and giving them the HLA gear and leaving. Maria tries to help Mickie up, and suddenly the crowd boo loudly as John Cena is seen walking out, looking concerned. He simply says something to Maria, she nods, and Cena picks Mickie up and helps her to the back.)

("Fake It" blasts on the PA system as Ricky Ramon walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Ricky Ramon is just one of the up and coming stars that are rising his way through the ranks here.

King-That's right, I mean TV title might be looked down on, but at times it can mean just as much as the world championship.

Kris Gaffney-….Is he trying to be a Twilight rip off?

King-Eeeerr….no…that's only if it was the Extreme.

Kris Gaffney-Oh…haven't been here that long…

("Shawn Pond's theme" blasts on the PA system as Shawn Pond walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Shawn Pond is the brother of a former TV champion, we will see if he can win the title just like his brother.

King-I'm sure deep down he wants to also out due his brother.

Kris Gaffney-Sibling rivalry…

("The Bad Guy" blasts on the PA system as Razor Ramon and Diesel walk to the ring.)

JR-I'm getting word that for this match Scott Hall wants to be known as Razor Ramon again.

King-That's not going to set well with Ricky.

Kris Gaffney-It's mind games!

[Ricky Ramon does not look too amused by this new development, he goes up to Razor Ramon and pushes him away. Razor Ramon looks amused at this as he looks at Diesel, Diesel laughs at it. Then Razor Ramon catches Ricky Ramon off guard by throwing a tooth pick at him. (yeah, you probably wouldn’t think that it wouldn't be surprising, but it was because Ricky isn't happy). Ricky Ramon stumbles back, and Razor laughs at him, and Ricky Ramon charges at him. Shawn Pond stays away picking his spot, Razor Ramon ducks under a running fist to the face. Ricky Ramon is in the corner, and Razor Ramon hits a few fists to the face of Ricky Ramon, and brings him out of the corner. Razor Ramon hits a fist to the face, and whips Ricky Ramon off of the ropes. Scott Hall hits a spinning back elbow to the face that knocks down Ricky Ramon to the mat, and Ricky Ramon holds his face in pain. Ricky Ramon goes into the corner, and Razor Ramon measures him up as he is slowly getting up to his feet. Razor Ramon hits a clothesline into the corner, and Ricky Ramon stumbles out of the corner. Razor Ramon goes for his round house punch, but it's caught from behind by Shawn Pond who I guess is tired of waiting for "his spot", he turns around Razor Ramon, and goes for a short arm clothesline. It's ducked under, and Shawn Pond ends up hitting Ricky Ramon instead, Ricky Ramon goes hard down to the mat. He doesn't look sorry, but it seemed like he wanted to go after Razor. He turns around, Razor kicks him in the gut, and hits a DDT on Shawn Pond. Razor Ramon goes into the cover, and gets a 1………….2……….Ricky Ramon dives and breaks up the cover with a double axe handle. Ricky Ramon slowly gets up to his feet with the help of the ropes. Razor Ramon is up, and doesn't look too happy, he charges at Ricky Ramon, but Ricky Ramon counters with a back body drop that sends Razor Ramon flying over the top rope, he crashes on the mat, and Ricky Ramon looks like he might go back on the attack on Razor Ramon due to the lack of respect last time. But can't because Shawn Pond comes from behind, and rolls him up. But Ricky Ramon is able to roll through into the pin, and he bridges Ricky Ramon gets the 1………..Ricky Ramon grabs the ropes…..2………..the ref noticed the cheating, and he stops the count.]

JR-Good eye by the ref.

King-If Bill Belichick did it, he wouldn't get caught…

Kris Gaffney-Even if he did, he would do it in a way people would forgive him for it…

[Ricky Ramon argues to the ref about the count, but the ref will hear none of it. Ricky Ramon turns around right in time to duck a clothesline, Shawn Pond comes off of the ropes, and Ricky Ramon hits a spinning spinebuster that drives Shawn Pond into the mat. He would go for another cover, but Ricky Ramon notices that Razor Ramon is getting up on the apron. Ricky Ramon goes over there, and receives a shoulder into the gut. Razor Ramon tries to suplex Ricky Ramon over the top rope on to the floor. Ricky Ramon blocks it, and tries to suplex Razor Ramon back into the ring. But that's blocked, and Razor Ramon gets up Ricky Ramon, and Ricky Ramon lands on his feet on the apron, and Razor Ramon and Ricky Ramon trade fists. Suddenly Shawn Pond comes out of no where, and hits a drop kick that knocks off both Ricky Ramon and Razor Ramon off of the apron. They crash on the mat, soon after they get up and Ricky Ramon and Razor Ramon start to fight not paying attention that someone just knocked them both off of the mat. Shawn Pond sling shots himself over the top rope as both of them don't notice, and crashes into the both of them with a cross body block. Shawn Pond grabs the closest one, which so happens to be Razor Ramon after he's gotten up, and throws him into the ring, and rolls him into the ring. Ricky Ramon tries to prevent Shawn Pond from going into the ring, and turns him around. Ricky Ramon hits a knee into the gut, and whips Shawn Pond into the barricade. Shawn Pond crashes back first into the barricade. Ricky Ramon charges at Shawn Pond, but he's hip tossed over the barricade and into the crowd. Shawn Pond climbs up to the apron, and Razor Ramon goes for a fist on Shawn Pond, but it's ducked under. Shawn Pond hits a hang man, and this stuns Razor Ramon. Razor Ramon stumbles back, and Shawn Pond sling shots himself up to the top rope, and hits a diving clothesline that connects. Razor Ramon stumbles up to his feet, and Shawn Pond kicks Razor Ramon in the gut, and sets up, and Shawn Pond hits the fisherman suplex with a bridge for a 1……………………….2…………………kick out just before the count of three by Razor Ramon.]

JR-Shawn Pond almost got the three there.

King-He probably should have waited a few hours before he wrestled a match.

Kris Gaffney-I think that's swimming King…

King-It is? Oh…

[Shawn Pond looks up at the ref, and shrugs it off as he allows Razor Ramon to get up by the ropes, and Shawn Pond hits a few fists to the face of Razor Ramon. Shawn Pond tries to whip Razor to the ropes, but it reversed by Razor. Shawn Pond bounces off of the ropes, but he hooks the ropes so he doesn't go back to Razor Ramon. Razor Ramon runs at Shawn Pond, but Shawn Pond counters with a back body drop over the top rope. He lands on this feet on the apron. Shawn Pond turns around, and Razor Ramon goes for shoulder block, but Shawn Pond moves out of the way, and hits a kick to the face. Razor Ramon stays on the apron, and gets up to his feet. Shawn Pond throws a fist to the face, but it's blocked, and Razor Ramon hits a fist, but it's returned, both wrestlers are exchanging fists as it's become a fist fight. But they forgot about the champion who sneaks up behind Shawn Pond and hits a standing drop kick that stumbles Shawn Pond, and Pond and Razor hits heads. Razor Ramon falls off of the apron, and Shawn Pond falls back right into a roll up by Ricky Ramon for the 1…………….2…………..3!]

JR-What an opportunist, Ricky Ramon lied in wait for the right time, and got the victory.

King-Any way you can get the win, is always a good win!

(Note: Just thought overall, despite plus' from his opponents, Ricky had the edge in this.)

("Golden Age of Grotesque" blasts on the PA as Danni Vesneski walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-Danni Vesneski was born for this match.

King-He should meet Angelus Archer…think they would be friends….

Kris Gaffney-Or the would kill each other…which ever comes first…

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks out to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

King-Well Tyson Tomko has probably been dreading this day.

Kris Gaffney-Actually…think the worse is over…he already did his promo.

JR-Tomko never was a fan of weird names.

[Danni Vesneski faces off with Tyson Tomko, he backs off and looks for an opening. When he doesn't see it. Danni Vesneski decides to just go for it, and charges at Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko tries to ward off this attack by going for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski goes to the ropes, and he leaps on the ropes, and spring boards off of the ropes. Tyson Tomko catches Danni Vesneski with a clothesline that flattens Danni Vesneski into the mat, and Danni Vesneski slowly gets up to his feet. He stumbles around as he is up to his feet, and stumbles right into the waiting Tyson Tomko who picks up Danni Vesneski over his head, and Tyson Tomko holds Danni Vesneski up in the air in a military press. He then hits a military press slam, Danni Vesneski crashes to the mat. He slowly gets up to his feet as Tyson Tomko backs up waiting for his next chance to strike. Danni Vesneski is slowly pulling himself up with the help of the ropes, and then Danni Vesneski gets up, and turns towards Tyson Tomko who hits a clothesline over the top rope Danni Vesneski crashes to the mat around the ring. Danni Vesneski is in pain, and Tyson Tomko decides being the neutral person that he is doesn't play to the crowd. Instead he decides to keep on the attack on Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski has crawl over to the barricade. He gets up, and goes right into Tyson Tomko who picks up Danni Vesneski, and drops him face first into the barricade. Danni Vesneski stumbles backwards, right into the ring post, and Tyson Tomko charges at Danni Vesneski, but Vesneski is able to side steps him, and throw Tomko into the ring post. He stumbles away from Vesneski, Vesneski throws Tyson Tomko into the ring. Danni Vesneski looks under the ring, and pulls out a Singapore Danni Vesneski slides into the ring. He signals for Tyson Tomko to get up to his feet as he holds the cane ready to smash him. Tyson Tomko gets up and turns towards Danni Vesneski.Danni Vesneski swings for Tyson Tomko's head. But Tomko ducks it, Danni Vesneski spins a circle, and Tyson Tomko picks up Danni Vesneski, and hits a standing spine buster that sends Danni hard on the mat.]

JR-What a move by the Extreme champion Tyson Tomko.

King-Aw, well I doubt Danni' going to back down to this type of match. This is his type of match.

Kris Gaffney-He's going to need more than that…he's facing a world title level guy right now…

[Tyson Tomko yells for Danni Vesneski to get up, and Danni Vesneski slowly stumbles to his feet. Danni Vesneski gets kicked in the gut, Danni Vesneski doubles over. Tyson Tomko sets up Danni Vesneski for what seems to be a power bomb or a piledriver. But what Tomko doesn't see is Danni Vesneski is able to grab the Singapore cane that he dropped not long ago. Tyson Tomko lifts him up for a power bomb, but before he drives him down. Danni Vesneski cracks Tyson Tomko over the head, and Tyson Tomko drops Danni Vesneski. Danni Vesneski falls into somewhat of a seated senton. Danni Vesneski falls away from Tyson Tomko, so he can't really capitalize on it. Tyson Tomko is able to get up before Danni Vesneski who is just to his knee's. Angry Tyson Tomko charges at Danni Vesneski, but Danni Vesneski counters with a Singapore cane shot to the gut that doubles over Tyson Tomko. Danni Vesneski measures Tyson Tomko, and cracks him over the back, and takes down Tyson Tomko. Danni Vesneski throws down the cane as Tyson Tomko slowly makes his way up to his feet, and he's holding his back in pain. He turns towards where Danni Vesneski is waiting for him. Danni Vesneski hits a few fists to the face of Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko who is stunned already stumbles back to the ropes, and Danni Vesneski whips Tyson Tomko off of the ropes, but Tomko is able to reverse the whip, and Danni Vesneski comes off of the ropes. Danni Vesneski hits a flying forearm to the face of Tyson Tomko that knocks him down to the mat for a moment. But he gets up quickly right into a scoop slam, and Danni Vesneski hits it pretty much perfectly placed in the middle of the ring. Danni Vesneski backs up to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, and hits a big leg drop. Danni Vesneski goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………….kick out by Tyson Tomko. Danni Vesneski rolls out of the ring, and grabs a chair. Danni Vesneski rolls into the ring, and Tyson Tomko is slowly getting up to his feet. Danni Vesneski tries throw the chair into the face of Tyson Tomko. But it's caught by Tyson Tomko. Danni Vesneski being shocked at this charges at Tomko. Tyson Tomko tries to hit a chair shot to Danni Vesneski, but Danni Vesneski ducks under. Tomko tries to reload to take another shot, but Danni Vesneski kicks the chair back into the face of Tyson Tomko with a super kick.]

JR-What a move by Danni Vesneski.

King-This isn't good for Tomko.

Kris Gaffney-No…this is as bad as Joey's reaction to Greato's record.

[Tyson Tomko goes down to the mat, and Danni Vesneski goes up to the top rope, and measures up Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko gets up to his feet, and is looking really stunned. Danni Vesneski leaps off of the top turnbuckle, and gets blasted with a big boot as he goes through the air. Tyson Tomko falls into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2……………3!]

JR-Tomko turned that match in a blink of an eye.

King-You can say that for sure…

("Capital Punishment" blasts on the PA system as The Punisher walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)

JR-The Punisher has stepped into a very new EMF, gone are a lot of the talents he knew, how he has new challenges.

King-Yeah, but I'm sure he has no doubt in his mind that he's better than whoever.

Kris Gaffney-He's not better than Amy's sister….."she's better than him" already!

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Dan Godwin also has been tested against many talented individuals, but he's going to be certainly tested here.

Kris Gaffney-Tests…I hate tests…can't I just take more homework instead…

King-Were not in college Kris…

Kris Gaffney-I made it to college?


[The Punisher and Dan Godwin face off in the middle of the ring, and talk trash to each other. Seem both are insulting each other, suddenly the Punisher tries to catch Dan Godwin off guard with a fist, but it's blocked and Dan Godwin is able to return it with one of his own. The Punisher stumbles back, and then Dan Godwin hits another. The Punisher backs to the ropes, and Dan Godwin tries to whip the Punisher off of the ropes. But it's reversed, and Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes as the Punisher goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin continues to the other side of the ring. He comes off of the ropes, and leaps in the air, and hits a cross body vertical press that takes down the Punisher. Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face, and the Punisher tries to cover up to try to block out some of the effect of the moves. The Punisher finally pushes Dan Godwin off , Dan Godwin rolls away. He gets up by the ropes, and the Punisher charges at him. Dan Godwin hits a back body drop to Punisher. Punisher goes over the top rope, but he lands on his feet on the apron. Dan Godwin turns around, and goes for a fist. But it's blocked from the Punisher who snaps Dan Godwin's head off of the top rope for a hang man. Dan Godwin goes down to the mat holding his throat. The Punisher is down on the arena floor, and climbs back up to the apron, and goes to the nearest turnbuckle, and climbs up to it. The Punisher steady's himself up on the top rope as Dan Godwin is getting up. But before Punisher leaps off of the top rope, Dan Godwin dives on the top rope. The Punisher falls on the top rope in a lot of pain, and Dan Godwin goes over to where the Punisher is, and hits a few fists to the face of the Punisher on the top rope. Dan Godwin climbs up to the top rope where Punisher is, and hooks him up. Dan Godwin hits a super plex off of the top rope. The Punisher goes crashing down to the mat hard, but it seems that Dan Godwin is also effected by the move as he's a bit slow to make the cover. But surely enough, Dan Godwin slowly begins to turn over for the cover, and gets the 1……………………2……………….KICK OUT by the Punisher.]

JR-Dam Godwin almost got Punisher there.

King-He might have, but that move took just as much out of Godwin as is did Punisher.

Kris Gaffney-That's the price you pay sometimes though…

[Dan Godwin looks at the ref, and checks to make sure that was a 2. Once he's confirmed that, he rolls to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope. Dan Godwin waits on the top rope for the Punisher to get up to his feet. The Punisher does so, and Dan Godwin leaps off of the top rope, and goes for a cross body block. But it's ducked under by the Punisher, and Dan Godwin crashes into the mat. The Punisher takes a few moments to rest up, Dan Godwin gets up, and gets knocked down to the mat with a running forearm to the face of Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin gets up, and throws a wild crazy fist, but it's blocked and the Punisher hits a fist that knocks down Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin slowly gets up with the help of the ropes, and the Punisher hits a few forearm shots to the face of Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin reels on the ropes, and the Punisher whips Dan Godwin to the ropes. Dan Godwin bounces off of the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes. The Punisher goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Dan Godwin. He goes to the other side of the ring. He comes off of the ropes of the opposite side of the ring he first bounce off of, and looks like he wants to try to do some move. But is unsuccessful, and instead the Punisher plants him on the mat with a spinning spinebuster. Punisher rolls into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2…………..kick out by Dan Godwin. The Punisher takes a few moments to rest up. Dan Godwin stumbles into the corner, and the Punisher gets up and closes the distance between the two the Punisher hits a forearm to the face to stun Dan Godwin. Then the Punisher hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut. The Punisher gets warned by the ref, and the Punisher backs out to give Dan Godwin space. Punisher closes that space once again, and whips Dan Godwin to the other side of the ring. Dan Godwin hits hard on the opposite side of the ring, and stumbles out of the corner. The Punisher kicks in the gut, sets him up, lifts him, and drives him down with a power bomb. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………………..2……………………kick out by Dan Godwin.]

JR-Dan Godwin almost didn't get his shoulder up in time.

King-He sure doesn't want to let Amy down.

Kris Gaffney- That's a first!

[The Punisher gets up, and starts to wait for Dan Godwin to get up to his feet. Dan Godwin gets up to Punisher, Punisher picks up Dan Godwin up for the Capital Punishment. But Dan Godwin slides out of the back, Punisher turns around, and gets blasted with the eXecution. The Punisher falls back, and hits heads with the ref as he's going down. Dan Godwin goes into the cover, but there is no ref, Dan Godwin gets up, and shakes his head. Knowing that he can't do much, he waits as he is starting to see life back into the ref, and he calls for a second eXecution as the Punisher is slowly starting to get back up to his feet. He goes for another eXecution, but the Punisher counters with a low blow with the ref down he doesn't get DQed. The Punisher holds up Dan Godwin from falling down to the mat, and lifts him up on his shoulders, and hits the Capital Punishment. Punisher crawls into the cover as the ref has just come to, and is also slowly going to where he can make the count for the 1……………….2………………3!]

JR-Punisher through some shady tactics was able to gain the victory.

King-He really is a member of the Elite it would seem.

(Note: Had a lot of problems with this one, just had a hard call. Both RP's were really good, and matched up to each other well. So whoever won it was going to be by a hair. We wanted a full staff to do this, but we didn't get that, so the staff just decided we liked Pun's RP a little bit more as far as some of the factors go. I wouldn't be surprised to see a rematch soon, but there is another idea on the table too for Rich, so I'll need to know from Rich which way he wants to go. Either way is cool.)

("Firebreather" blasts on the PA system as Scott Tazte walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Although he had a disappointed loss, it seems that Tazte did what you are suppose to do, and brushed himself off, and now he has a chance to be world champion.

King-Wondered what Scott Mann did with the money he saved with Tazte's limo.

JR-I can answer that…..he gave it to me to invent new words I'll never tell you the meaning of…like booger red.

Kris Gaffney-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH…I was trying to forget that…

("Game On" blasts on the PA system as Tony Ikeda walks to the ring, and he slides into the ring.)

JR-While last PPV was bad for Tazte, it was very good for Tony Ikeda, he beat Jarred in his own match.

King-But then again…how many times does Shawn Michaels get beat in the ladder match?

Kris Gaffney-Has he won a ladder match since 1995?

King-Don't think so…

Kris Gaffney-Man…..that's a bitch.

[Scott Tazte and Tony Ikeda wait in their corner for the bell to ring, once it does the two Hall of Famer competitors pace around the ring, and look for an opening. They decide to lock up, and Tony Ikeda is able to duck under, and put Scott Tazte into an arm bar. Tony Ikeda hits a few clubbing blows to the arm of Scott Tazte. Scott Tazte goes down to a knee, and Tony Ikeda puts on an arm bar. The ref asks Scott Tazte if he wants to give it up, and of course he doesn't. Scott Tazte looks for a way out of the hold. He gets up to his feet, and Scott Tazte tries to back up Tony Ikeda to the ropes, and whips him off of the hold. Tony Ikeda bounces off of the ropes, he comes off of the ropes and hits a shoulder block that knocks down Scott Tazte. Scott Tazte goes down to the mat, and gets up to his feet, and just as he is getting up. He gets hit with a clothesline, Scott Tazte goes down to the mat, and gets up fairly quickly. He stumbles right into the waiting arms of Tony Ikeda who lifts up Scott Tazte, and drops him down with a back breaker. Tony Ikeda holds him over the knee instead of droping him, and stretches him. The ref asks Scott Tazte if he wants to give up as there is a real chance that he might in this very painful hold. Scott Tazte refuses though, Tony Ikeda keeps the pressure on. Scott Tazte is looking for ways to get out of the hold. But his choice is very limited, but not wanting to give it up, he is able to take his outside leg, and start to hit knee's into the face. This stuns Tony Ikeda a little bit, but not quite enough to break the hold, so Scott Tazte does the desperate, but not damnable thing and pokes Tony Ikeda in the eyes. The hold is broken, Tony Ikeda falls to the ma, and crawls into the corner. He pulls himself up with the help of the ropes in the corner. Scott Tazte charges at Tony Ikeda in the corner after getting up to his feet, and goes for what seems to be a big splash in the corner. Scott Tazte moves out of the way, and crashes into the corner. Tony Ikeda waits behind Scott Tazte who stumbles out of the corner, right into Tony Ikeda who hits an inverted Russian leg sweep that drives Scott Tazte's face into the mat. Tony Ikeda goes into the cover, and gets a 1………….2………..kick out by Scott Tazte.]

JR-Scott Tazte was able to kick out.

King-Yeah, but he needs to mount some offense.

[Scott Tazte gets pulled up by his hair, and Scott Tazte pokes Tony Ikeda in the eye, and Scott Tazte throws a punch. But Tony Ikeda ducks under, and lifts up Scott Tazte, and puts him on the top rope. He climbs up to the top rope, he then hooks Scott Tazte, but Scott Tazte is able to hit a few back elbows and finally Tony Ikeda falls down to the mat. He crashes down on the mat. Scott Tazte takes a few moments to rest, and steady's himself up on the top rope. Scott Tazte leaps off as Tony Ikeda gets up to his feet, and hits a twisting cross body press. Scott Tazte rolls off of the press cover as he's taken so much damage so far. Scott Tazte goes over to the ropes, and pulls himself up with the help of the ropes. Tony Ikeda is able to recover before Scott Tazte, and hits a few fists to the face. Tony Ikeda whips Scott Tazte to the ropes. Scott Tazte bounces off of the ropes. Tony Ikeda goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Scott Tazte who hits a Russian leg sweep that sends Tony Ikeda crashing to the mat. Tony Ikeda slowly gets up to his feet holding the back of his head after being hit with the last move. Only to be knocked down with a flying clothesline from Scott Tazte who was coming off of the ropes off screen. Tony Ikeda gets up to his feet once again, and Scott Tazte hits a few fists to the face of Tony Ikeda. Tony Ikeda backs to the ropes, and Tony Ikeda gets whipped to the ropes. Tony Ikeda bounces off of the ropes, and Scott Tazte lowers his head. Scott Tazte hits a back body drop on Tony Ikeda. Tony Ikeda crashes on the mat, and Tony Ikeda slowly gets up, daze he stumbles right into Scott Tazte who picks up Tony Ikeda, and hits a falling slam on Tony Ikeda near the corner. Scott Tazte goes over to the second rope, and the crowd yells much like Matt Hardy as he was going for a leg drop. Tazte looks annoyed, and leaps off of the second rope, and connects with an elbow drop to Tony Ikeda. Scott Tazte goes into the cover on Tony Ikeda, and gets the 1…………….2………………kick out by Tony Ikeda. Scott Tazte gets up, and decides that it's time to get serious as he does the pose before the Kountdown as he stalks Tony Ikeda waiting for him to get up to his feet.]


Kris Gaffney-Um what's up with him?

King-eeeerr….he gets really excited when he see's the pose before the Kountdown…

[Tony Ikeda gets up to his feet, and Scott Tazte kicks him in the gut doubling him over. Scott Tazte goes for the Kountdown. But Tony Ikeda pushes Scott Tazte that stumbles him back and he sandwiches the ref into the corner. The ref goes down to the mat. Scott Tazte stumbles out of the corner. Tony Ikeda goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and Scott Tazte kicks Tony Ikeda in the gut. He goes the Remedy, but Tony Ikeda spins right into a set up, and Tony Ikeda hits the full nelson slam! He goes into the cover, but there is no ref, Tony Ikeda gets up and tries to revive the ref. Suddenly Troy Gafgen slides into the ring, and tries to sneak up on Tony Ikeda. He grabs him from behind. Thinking it's Tazte, Tony goes for a punch, Troy ducks it, and hits the Crack of Dawn. He rolls out of the ring.]

King-What was that all about?

JR-I doubt Troy forgets that Tony was just so happened to be handed the belt that John Cena took from him. Cena's injured, so he's the man holding the bags it would seem.

Kris Gaffney- Last man pays the check….he took that literally…

[Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and the ref is coming to, Scott Tazte and Tony Ikeda are using each other to hold each other up. Being the slightly more fresher of the two Tazte is able to kick Tony in the gut, and nail the remedy on Tony. Tazte goes into the cover on Tony, and gets the 1……………2…………..3!]

JR-Tazte took advantage of the situation, and has won this match and the championship.

King-Eh…..he probably didn't know Troy was in there…

JR-Eeeerr….doesn't mean he didn't take advantage of the situation any less.

(Cold Day in Hell goes off the air, as it gets a shot of the downed Scott Tazte as the ref holds the world title to give to him.)

(OOC-I don't think there was any doubt to me at least who was better here. I thought I gave Tony a heads up about this match, but maybe it wasn't enough. I guess I know that for the next time. I'll probably give him another chance of it because it, would have been at LH, but can't be due to what is to come. So probably after that, I will be contacting Tazte about this…he already knows something is coming. Also Tony I do have a thought I'll soon PM you while I get some other things out of the way.)

(Note 2: There is storyline to be added, just wanted to get the match up first so I can put everything in play.)