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Welcome to the Extreme Wrestling Federation

While other Federations are just starting out with owners that just didn't quite know that running a Fed takes alot of time and effort with recruiting and writing cards and the over all day to day runnings of a Fed (example: wrestlers asking for matches, wanting to change their gimmicks, wanting something special to happen like forming a stable, attacking someone at a show, etc.); the EWF has been around for nearly four years, Tony Cancelliere opened the EWF August 9, 1998 and shows no signs of slowing down. Federations are closing left and right, sometimes within months even weeks of starting out. But the EWF continues to thrive with wrestlers on the roster who have been with the Federation since day one.

We have a variety of role player ability: we have the elite role players who can belt out 300 lines of pure quality, we have your straight to the point role players who throw out all the razzle dazzle and go straight to telling you like it is~and that is that you are going to lose; we have role players who are into using backgrounds and logos and color coordinating the fonts with the backgrounds. Our role players put out anywhere from 25-325 lines in their role plays. We judge on a number of things rp wise, it is mostly on quality. Quantity plays a part as well, but quality is number one. That is unless there is some sort of angle involved, you will be notified before the results if anything like that is going on. Our cards are really good, we always get a lot of good feedback from the results. Usually everyone is pleased. People are expected to rp for their matches, yet we wont fire anyone right on the spot if they miss a match. It is understandable, we will just talk to you first and find out what is going on. It is understandable that this is a game, life comes first, we understand other things are going on.

Other Things About the EWF

Rules To Live By
EWF Shows
EWF Wrestlers
EWF Title Holders
EWF Application
Monday Madness Card
Friday Night Retribution Card
Pay Per View Card
Jeffery The Cat
About The Cancellieres
