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Real Name: Zack

Nicknames: Eagle

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Weight: 200 lbs

Hometown: Unknown

Theme Music: "Psalm of the City of the Dead" by ZAO (click for lyrics)

Wrestler is: Face

Main Fighting Style: High-Flyer

Valet/Manager: Prez Richard

Stable: None

Finisher Move Name: Eagle's Landing

Describe Finisher Move: Twist of Fate

Trademark Move Name: Fallen Eagle

Describe Trademark Move: 450 Splash. Eagle does a complete front-flip and a half off the turnbuckle, finishing in a splash on the opponent.

Biography: His real name is Zack. After Eagle and his brother Michael kicked ass in the HEWWF, they wanted to make a fed that would make everybody act like slutpuppies. So here they are. He decided to stop hanging around Outkast (Damien) after his brother (Michael) died. He works with Richard Rahl, as the Commissioner of the BLOOD Fed. Eagle had gone missing for a few months and nobody had seen or spoken to him. Or did they? During the "Final Battle" (Blood V 1.0) Silver Eagle was found out to be Ice Moon, his super-hero form. Now Eagle is back as his regular self and is kicking ass.