:v:Marcus comes back into the hospital room looking like, well normally you say like he’s just seen a ghost; but since he just literally took a nose dive to hell and met the devil herself, who knows what he just saw. He notices me staring at him but just gives me the ‘everything is OK’ nod. Fucking liar. He joins us and we turn back to my Godfather, and right away I forget about Marcus and focus on him, I still can’t believe he is still alive. I watched him die, I know I did; but Marcus did his thing and here we are, being told by the nurse he’s going to make a fully recovery and that he’s being discharged next week. Once the nurse finishes giving us the updates, she leaves and he sits up excited, telling us he’s going to give us the real update. Marcus shakes his head showing that he’s not interested and goes to sit on the sofa in the room. Clearly something is bothering him as I see him rub his forehead, thinking hard. I humor my Godfather because why not? I ain’t doing shit with my life. Once my father was out of the picture, and when wrestling was out of the picture, I had nothing else to worry about. So yeah, let’s hear what this old bastard has to say. After all, he’s one of the best wrestling minds in the world. He’s been a great commentator for years, has a been a great manager for just as many and hell, he’s even won a championship trophy with a certain football franchise. The man is a genius, and he deserves to be heard. I kick Marcus’ foot frustrated but making sure my Godfather doesn’t see me. Marcus looks up to me and I tell him with my eyes, come on dude, let’s hear him out. Marcus rolls his eyes telling me to go fuck myself but stands up anyway. Paco noticed nothing and he begins to fill us in. :v:

Paco:Mi’jos listen! So, the GCWA has been back for about a year now, and it doesn’t look to be slowing down any time soon. Like you, I have been out of the wrestling business for a while, but unlike you I am getting that itch; like when I don’t drink tequila for an hour or two.

Paula: Just when I thought you were finally back with us for good.

:v:I had completely forgotten that Paula was still here, how can something some beautiful be born from the seed of a drunken bastard like my Godfather? She definitely is the rose born out of concrete, or however that saying goes. :v:

Paco: But you’ve had me honey, for over a decade now.

Paula: Not for the whole decade, you always put us second when you’re coaching that football team.

Paco:Come on, I barely put any effort into that.

Xavier: and it shows, your team sucks, making the family name look bad.

Paco: Hey you shut up cabron, we won the trophy once. Besides, that league is folding soon so I’ll have more free time for both the wrestling and you mi’ja. You are my gente, you are still my #1 priority. I’ve watched you and your hermanos grow, graduate high-school and college; well you anyway, your brothers are pendejos. I’ve been there for you, and now, that Dios Padre has given me a second chance with this new corazon, I want to make the most out of it.

:v:Looks like the old man is winning the argument vs. his daughter. His wife surprisingly has been quiet this whole time, but never letting go of his hand once. Maybe she just knows him too well and will support him no matter what? Or just knows there is no stopping the “Drinking Time Bomb”. :v:

Paco: Look, the GCWA is less demanding now than last time you were around muchachos, well you Marcus, MLW was never that demanding for you Xavier. The schedule is easier and with the damn corona going on, they are only working out of Texas and just head out of town for pay-per-views, and even those aren’t exactly monthly. So, my plan is, starting next week, come to my training grounds in El Salvador to get started. Es perfecto señores! Perfect time for you guys to get off your asses and-

Marcus: Perfect time to get off our asses!? Do you know what I have been doing for the past 10 years?!

:v:I grab Marcus by his shoulder trying to stop him from saying something he’ll regret but he just shrugs me off. :v:

Marcus: I’ve been working my ass off trying to do with my life what I was supposed to do before my father in a bed like this one dropped ‘his legacy’ on me! I went back to school, got my masters, started my own company, a company I’ve built from the ground up by myself to the multi-million-dollar franchise it is today. I’ve been doing everything BUT seating on my ass and now you want to pull the same stunt my father did?

Xavier: Come on Marcus…

Marcus: No! I’ve been here, I’ve done this and guess what Paco? I don’t ever want to go through it ever again. You are not dying, you are going to live, so do like Paula says and stay with them and enjoy them. Forget about wrestling and forget about me!

:v:I try to stop Marcus, but just then two men enter the room blocking Marcus’ way. They aren’t big men, about the same height and weight as Marcus but there is something very peculiar about them.:v:

Marcus: Excuse me, I need to leave.

:v:They don’t move at all, and just stare daggers at him.:v:

Marcus: Look I’m not going to repeat myself. I would hate to make a scene in a hospital room and ruin your nice suits, but I will. Now move!

:v:Oh shit, here we go. Should I step in or see if Marcus actually does something? He’s a nice guy deep down inside, his ugly only comes out during wrestling matches. He’ll be fine. Right? Wrong. He tries to push himself through the two men, but they push him back, not letting him through. :v:

Marcus: Get out of my way assholes! Xavier, these two with you?!

Xavier: I’m a loner like you man, so I don’t think so? I mean it’s hard to tell with them wearing ma-

Paco: They are with me Marcus.

Marcus: Since when you need security?

Paula: I mean, Xavier’s father did try to kill us.

Xavier: It was one time! Thought we got passed that?

Paco: Callense! They are not security Marcus, they are… your brothers.


Well look who isn’t “just happy to be here” anymore. You see for Marcus, the tag team titles may serve as only proof that he still got it; but for me, this serves as proof that I can hang here in the mighty GCWA. This proves to all of our enemies we have made on our short run that I am not just a tag-a-long, I’m not just a sidekick or someone riding Marcus’ coattails but someone who actually can do something on his own here in this federation… and I know what you are saying: “dude, it’s a tag-team title, you didn’t do it alone”. “Dude, Marcus was the one that got the pin, not you”. I KNOW THAT. But I was the one that got the pin to get us one more title shot in the earlier match, so your point is mute imbeciles. What I am saying is that I can hold my own: Marcus and I are equals, and we proved that this past Friday at Inferno. He wouldn’t have gotten the title shot without me, and I wouldn’t have this, *MUAH* without him.

I know you can’t see me right now, but if you could, you would be watching me holding my newly shined and disinfected (hey, COVID-19 is no joke people!) GCWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship! It’s so damn clean and shiny (after getting rid of all the smudges left by those dirty-ass Spartans) that I can see myself on it. I look good as champion, and even though I hate to be cliché, this is only the beginning. That’s right, we decided to come to GCWA as tag team to go after these championships, but winning the titles wasn’t a means to an end. It was to serve as the baseline for what the Sins of the Fathers could be here in the GCWA. We didn’t know how long winning these titles would take; did we think we would win them on our return match in the gauntlet match? Sure, we did, winners have to think like winners and we never go into a match expecting to lose.

But when that didn’t happen, we knew that the GCWA tag division wasn’t going to be like many other tag divisions where you can simply walk over teams and claim the titles. OK sure, we got some easy wins here and there vs. the Storm and the Mafia but we will not be naïve or as disrespectful as Legacy was to discard every single tag team in this federation. There is real talent here and some of the talent we have yet to face, like the A-List, Zybala and crew, or even the Sick Cunts who if they actually stop playing second fiddle to Raven and Hart, could show what they are made of. But we will get to those teams hopefully down the line.

Right now though, standing right in front of us is a team that has been a thorne at our side for far too long and I’m sure they would say the same thing about us. But unlike them, we aren’t going through a mid-life crisis. Unlike them, we have been true to ourselves since coming to GCWA. Unlike them, we actually won the tag team championships. I’m sorry, did that burn just a little Nefarious World Order? Did that cause the paint to smear off your face dark(-ness falls upon the land)lord” from the tear that came rolling down your cheek? How about you “Too Sweet” Terry whatever? You still feeling too sweet or are you too damn bitter now as you watched us not only dispose of your painted sex freaks, but win the tag team titles you couldn’t even before we came into the scene? I mean how long have you guys been gunning for these titles anyway? Far too long if you ask me, but next Sunday, at Darkness Falls, you will get yet another chance.

This time however, the odds won’t be in your favor: there will not be another team like in the ultimate-x match to help you two beat us down. This time, there will not be a team in front us like S&M to soften us for you, so we are easy pickings; not like that worked well for Legacy anyway. No, you geriatric bastards, this time, it is just the two of you vs. the two of us in a classic tag team match for these titles right here.

I like those odds men, you shouldn’t.


:v:Marcus stops trying to push his way out and slightly turns towards Paco and everyone does the same, including me. Why in the hell don’t I know about this? If anyone should know is me! Or at least Paula, the hell? We all look at Paco expecting a response, but he looks sick, like he is about to throw up. His cheeks fill with what I hope isn’t vomit and he covers his mouth. :v:

Marcus: What the hell do you mean they are my brothers?! I’m an only child!


Marcus: …Aren’t I?

:v:Paco finally blows up, but thankfully, instead of puking all over the place, he burst out laughing. OK his new heart might be fine but clearly his head isn’t, do they do brain transplants? :v:

Marcus: What is so damn funny?!

Paco: JAJAJAJA! Oh my God mi’jo, you should see your face! Yours too Xavier, I got you, I got you so good!

Marcus: Paco this isn’t funny man!

Paco: Sorry, jaja, I know, but ese, you are just too damn bravo, like your Papa was. I needed you to calm down and stop-

Marcus: Yeah well that didn’t help. So, they are not my brothers?

Paco: Oh no, they are. Godbrothers. They are my sons, but Blake was their Godfather. Meet Hector and Victor.

Marcus: Look Paco, I can’t. I have mad respect for you, I do, but it’s just too much right now. I gotta go.

:v:Marcus shakes his head, upset about the latest news. He turns to leave, and Paco lifts his hand telling them to let him go. Marcus leaves and I look at Paco confused. :v:

Xavier: Don’t worry about Marcus, I’ll work on him. But do you care to explain?

Paco: Well Punisher was visiting just around the time they were kids and I needed a Godfather so-

Xavier: No I figured that pretty much on my own, I mean why are these two wearing masks?

Paco: Ah, because they are luchadores! Tag team luchadores! They are the ones that will teach you how to become tag team wrestlers and more importantly, ole-ole-ole-ole… campeones!


Paco: Venom, meet The Malvado Brothers.

…To be continued…