Real Name
Marcus Ka'Derrion
Marcus Ka'Derrion
Singles: 43-15-2
Tag: 10-4-0
Theme Entrance
"No More Sorrow " by Linkin Park
Miami, Florida
Brawler - Submissionist
Pic Base
Tyler Black (now Seth Rollins)
Set Up Move
His Legacy: Crucifix Powerbomb
Signed to OCW
The Punisher: Elevated Texas Clover Leaf


OCC: After coming back from my last retirement in January, 2009 to join the returning GCWA, I was faced with a dilema. Bring back Punisher or create a new character. I didn't want to hurt Punisher's legacy, so I decided to create a new character. If he didn't work out, no harm done. But since it was GCWA, a fed Punisher did really well in, I decided to make him the son of Punisher. Marcus is the second of my '2nd generation' wrestlers, but more important than Venom because he is the son of the character I was most succesful with. MK has huge shoes to fill, and with me not being the e-fedder I once was, it is going to be tough. The birth of this character meant the death of Punisher though, for storyline sake. A sad day for me. But since this is fantasy wrestling, anything 'can really' happen.

Update - Fall 2022: After coming back from my 'latest' retirement, lol, I went back to GCWA but this time with MK just being in a tag team with Xavier Lux. That was short lived as that fed closed a few months after, but won tag gold twice... So MK is staying retired maybe until 2023. Who knows, gotta come up with something new for him to do. 

Update - It's 2023! Had one match at the DPI2, and will do a small battle royal but that's it really... no real plans for him or story. Okay so wound up winning said battle royal and thus earning an International title shot, but lost, since he's now a "zombie" will keep him as a just for fun character in Outsiders. 

ICC: Marcus Ka'Derrion never had dreams of following in his father's footsteps. He only wanted to be a computer genius, working in a field as far from the wrestling business as possible. But when GCWA Hall of Famer "The Punisher" was dying, he asked Marcus for one last wish, to give wrestling a try. Marcus reluctantly agreed and now he is forced to carry his father's legacy on in a world that he had never wanted anything to do with.

Update - Fall 2022: Marcus retired over 11 years ago, having fullfilled his promised to his father and not really needing anything more from the wrestling business. He went back to the Tech World where he is a multi-millionaire mogul and doing quite well. He did got the itch to return for a bit, and tagged with Xavier Lux in GCWA where they won the tag titles, but once that promotion folded, that was enough for him and has gone back to retirement and his world wide business.

The current story: Marcus came back, bitter that Xavier left him behind and feuded him in TPW, siding with Terry Marshall and having a 'loser leaves fed' match which he won. However, since TPW closed, Marcus was happy to go back to retirement. After some time, he and Xavier made up and he recently appeared at ringside for Xavier's match vs. Jack Sullivan at CCPE vs. The World where he was brutally attacked by Shane Donovan, setting up a Bull Rope match at the Denzel Porter Invitational 2. The match was brutal but Marcus was able to defeat Shane. Since TPW re-opened and Marcus had an open contract with them, he decided to return and participate in the Caribbean Cup Battle Royal at the Thunder in Paradise 2 PPV. He won the match, thus earning an International Championship match at RetroMania PPV in May. Unfortunately he lost the match, and was left to die back in 1989 (long story), now he's back as Zombie Marcus to 2023, where he entered TPW's Bohemian Bash Royal Rumble. After that he tagged with Xavier Lux one more time to form Sins of the Fathers again, for one night only. Now he has been 'shipped' to OCW (Outsiders) for Zybala to deal with.