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Welcome to the Warzone Magazine,it will be published monthly and will head line matches, including big Pay Per View specials.


Rankings - By Michael Cole

Singles Rankings

1. Goldberg- He's da man! And he's also da champ!

2. Chris Jericho- This big mamma jamma won the the King of the Ring tournament to earn himself a title shot at Fully Loaded. But he has to go through Da man and HHH to win it.

3. Triple H- This man also gets a title shot at Fully Loaded cuz he is that damn good!

4. Jack the Ripper- This man dropped the Tv title to move onto bigger things. And I sure do see bigger things in his near future.

5. The Undertaker- Well he did get pinned by Shane Mcmahon. But the Phenom is the reigning IC champion and is an unstoppable force here in the Warzone.

6. Goldustin- Goldust, Dustin, whoever this man is, he's the reining USA champ.

7. X-Pac- Although he never actually beat anyone to win the TV title, he's succedfully defended it against great people such as New Jack, nevermind he's not good, but X-pac has defended against some great competitors and deserves to be on this list.

8. Kevin Nash- Nash destroyed two of his opponents in his 4 way match even though he lost to HHH. He also, along with Sting defeated the former tag team champs, The Elements.

9. Sting- He along with Kevin Nash defeated former tag team champs, The Elements.

10. Shane McMan- Well he did manage to pin The Undertaker, better than New Jack anyway.

Tag Team Rankings

1. Two Cool- These guys are the current Tag team champions, but for how much longer. It seemed as if D-Squad had them beat if only the women didn't get in the way.

2. D-Squad- They could be the Tag Team Champs right now. It seemed as if they were doing quit a number on Two cool if only the women didn't interfere, but King probably didn't mind as long as he gets to see puppies!

3. Kevin Nash and Sting- Now both these two men may normally be singles wrestlers, but this is rankings for the week and they were in a tag match together and beat the former champs.


Bill Goldberg

Hes da man and now has the world title.Weve all heard his opinons.And this man lightens our heart by helping charities and being a sponser for the Humane Society.But he darkens our heart for being in the Corperationa nd his rude comments.But he has climbed the ladder rung by rung not to metion the rankings.Goldberg is not and is at the same time a rolemodel.Fans dont know what to do cheer him or boo him.It seems like Goldberg was meant for this sucess.After multiple stys in stables such as the nWo where he ran around with The showstoppa,Bryan Peterson,Triple H,HBK,And the Elemenets.He betryed them to go to the New blood with his friend Bryan Peterson.He know is much happier and is reported saying that his talent is finally being used right.This guy seems to have all the right things to be world champion and much more.Look for this guy when he faces Triple H and Chris Jericho on Sunday! BY:Lilian Garcia


Sorry this isuue was so late most of our staff has been on vacation.We are trying to add as much as possible to our magizine you will see a couple of new things in this issue.This has been a great week and we hop to this week outdo last week.So keep rping. BY:LILIAN GARCIA


Hardcore tournament

This is a tough one we have great hardcore wrestlers in this battle.But the man who sticks out the most in this battle is Sid Vicious he has the power and will to win this thing.

TV title Match

X-pac has been going strong in Warzone lately.He seems to be beating Chris Beniot by a landside.So we predict X-pac.

BA Bitch vs.Scott Hall

This seems to be a very hard match to call but Ba Bitch has been scaring Scott Hall a little it seems after facing HBK it looks like people are starting to take her more seriously now.We predict BA Bitch.

Kurt angle vs. Undertaker

Theses two are both threatning forces who are truly earning thier spots.But undertaker seems to have a slite edge over Kurt Angle especially with Lita by his side.So our prediction is Undertaker.

Jarrett vs.Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett both have strormed into Warzone and made a point and took no mercy.After we saw what Kevin Nash can do we also saw that Jarret really deserves the name the choosen one our prediction this is a tough one but Kevin Nash.

Too Cool and Britney vs. D-squad and BA Bitch

Both teams have thier extreme great points but D-squad seems to be lacking in talent so far right now.And at the rate Too Cool and Briteny are going we predict them.

Booker T vs.Undertaker

These competitors both have put many years of thier life on the line and spent all those years getting better and better and wouldnt stop training but even though the we predict the Undertaker wins the first one we think Booker T really is going to raise the roof.

Ripper vs. Sting vs.Goldust

So far theve all shown potiental and have lived up to thier hipe.And a big push will come along with this match but we have seen one guy make the most impact over the weeks so we have to go with Sting or Goldust its a tie for them.

Chris Jericho vs.Goldberg vs.Triple H This should be an all around great match, but I feel there may be several surprises in store and just about any many could walk away with the World Heavy Weight title.


This man has proven himself time after time making a impressive debut by defeating Chris Jericho for the T.V. title.But he hasnt stopped there.He also has a impressive win against Goldberg in a first blood match.Now this guy has main-event written all over him.Hes shown everybody that he can go that extra mile and come out on top and hes certainly earned respect in the back from numerous wrestlers.As of this writing he is currently in Hells Henchmen with fellow wrestlers Undertaker,Mankind,and the APA.This man is just as sadistac as he says he is and he wont stop there.This guy has proven he is that damn good and that damn bad to go along with it.Watch for him to rise to the top of his fellow Hencmen and possible even become the new World Champion. BY:Lilian Garcia


Lilian Garcia had a very personal expierance when this maniac attacked her and sent her to the hospital.She should be able to write by next week but she is very hurt.

Gldbrg1988: What exactly are you all about? MetalFreak2k: So many people ask that same question every time they see me. I'm about me and nobody else...I do things for myself, whenever and however I choose to do them Gldbrg1988: What is your wrestling backround? MetalFreak2k: I had a run with the RWO, won the T.V. title 3 times there and then was brought into the nWo efed by my former best friend, Jason Mize. We ran through the tag competition until he turned on me in the most important match of my life, so i tracked him down and crippled make a long story short MetalFreak2k: put the tape of my first interview in and watch it, i explain everything in it Gldbrg1988: Is that where you get your angry side from or was it from a rough childhood? MetalFreak2k: A mixture of both. I have a haunted past, my childhood was a nightmare...and losing everything that ever meant anything to me didn't help much. So i became apathetic and's amazing what you can do to people, and after looking in the mirror not having a single ounce of remorse in your body for it Gldbrg1988: Did you have any wrestling idols growing up? MetalFreak2k: As stated before....i do things for myself. i have no idols, i don't care what anybody else does...the only person i hold compassion for is myself Gldbrg1988: How old are you? MetalFreak2k: age is nothing but a number...but if you must know, 32 Gldbrg1988: Do you see yourself in any other wrestler in the back even a hint of you? MetalFreak2k: That Ripper character seems to have suffered somewhat the same fate i i would say him a little Gldbrg1988: Im going to name some other Warzone superstars and you tell me the first word that pops into your mind about them. Gldbrg1988: Undertaker? MetalFreak2k: Very big man, seems to have what it takes to get to the top but no better than anyone else Gldbrg1988: Too Cool MetalFreak2k: it's not even worth my time to talk about them Gldbrg1988: The Rock MetalFreak2k: Says a lot of shit that he himself has no clue what it actually means...he spends most of his time reading Dr. Suess books it seems Gldbrg1988: Chris Jericho MetalFreak2k: The boy can talk but when it comes to wrestling he has no clue what he's doing Gldbrg1988: Triple H? MetalFreak2k: being the former Warzone champion you think he was actually good for something...but the first word that comes to mind when speaking ohim is "Cliffhanger" Gldbrg1988: Mankind? MetalFreak2k: Never payed any mind to Mankind but i know his crazy son of a bitch Gldbrg1988: X-pac MetalFreak2k: Bitch boy Gldbrg1988: Goldust? MetalFreak2k: His mind wonders to did he ever get a job anyways? Gldbrg1988: Wolfpac? MetalFreak2k: talented group of men, i give them credit, they can take virtually anybody out MetalFreak2k: except myself, i would lay waste to all of them Gldbrg1988: And Finally Goldberg? MetalFreak2k: World Champion, monster instinct, talented superstar...but in due time Goldberg, you'll be laying on your back under my feet Gldbrg1988: What do you hope to accomplish here? MetalFreak2k: i want blood, and Kurt Angles will be the first i get...other than that, to put people through the same torment i had to go through Gldbrg1988: Do you respect anyone in the back? MetalFreak2k: i respect no one, i socialize with no one and i have no emotion towards people...i do however have a few things in common with The Ripper Gldbrg1988: Where do you see yourself in ten years? MetalFreak2k: i see myself doing what i do best, putting people through pure hell MetalFreak2k: and who knows where MetalFreak2k: i'll let it unfold for me Gldbrg1988: If you had to join one Stable what one would you join? MetalFreak2k: one that consisted only of Chris Storm Gldbrg1988: Are you a brawler,Highflyer,Hardcore or what? MetalFreak2k: Technically skilled, high flying with brawling skills is what i have been labeled as, but i will do ANYTHING it takes to put someone in the hospital Gldbrg1988: Who do you consider Cancer in Warzone? MetalFreak2k: Kurt Angle is a cancer to not only the Warzone but to the human race as well Gldbrg1988: Have you ever though what am I doing here in wrestling? MetalFreak2k: every day of my a kid i was souly focused on becoming a rock star. i played bass for a few years but everyone in the band dropped out or ditched me because i didn't "fit in" with them Gldbrg1988: Were you to sadistic or what? MetalFreak2k: i had the goth look but was nothing close to a goth. black fingernail polish, eyeliner, i wrote up deep and disturbing lyrics...they just shook me off when they found out who the real me was Gldbrg1988: So they gave you a sterotype label? MetalFreak2k: yeah i guess you could say that...but the line of the bible that is the only one worth reading..."Judge not unless thee be judged yourself" Gldbrg1988: Do you have a soft-side MetalFreak2k: No, i care for no one and feel no compassion, nor will i ever again Gldbrg1988: Would you ever help out with charitys or fight for animal rights like Goldberg and the other wrestlers? MetalFreak2k: Charity's maybe, i would donate money but i'm not going to show up at one, it's a waste of time...who gives a damn about animals? Gldbrg1988: Well I for one think your getting out of line Charitys are very important theses kind of people made you and then Animals are like humans and you must be the most sadistic guy ever. MetalFreak2k: *Cracks a smile* Maybe you can say that again....did you say these people made me? Gldbrg1988: *looks nervous* These people did make you they decide what reaction they can give you.Ive seen many people who aknowledge thier fans and thats the most important thing. MetalFreak2k: *removes sunglasses* let me tell you something, i made me, nobody else made me. if these people want to boo for me, let them, if they want to cheer, who gives a damn? doesn't mean anything to me, and you better lower your voice Gldbrg1988: Heres ur final thing to say Now I think that this does come from your child hood where your parents were very bad and you werent very bright as you can tlel you believed in the wrong things and paid for those.But what exactly can you do right except wrestling? MetalFreak2k: *stands up* This isn't exactly called wrestling but this i do quite well... *Grabs Lilian by the throat and lifts her out of the chair* Dont ever ask a question like that again *Lifts her into the air and throws her into the wall. Chris grabs the chair she was sitting in, fold it up and levels Lilian with it, sending her to the ground in a heap* Consider that the STORM BY:Lilian Garcia


Vince Mcmahon to return?
Stephiane to dump Triple H in the main event at Fully Loaded?
Goldberg to leave the Corperation and allign himself with the Wolfpac?
Shane to add a new member at Fully Loaded?
Jericho to have a new fued with Chris Storm?
Lilian to be planning revenge on Chris Storm?
Elements to reveal thier newest member as non other then Dean Malenko or the indy wrestler Blade?
Shane to make a very unlikely alliance this Sunday at Fully Loaded?
BA Bitch to get her wish and get a T.V. title shot after Fully Loaded?
Sid Vicious to join the Wolfpac?
The Asylum to break up involving backstage fights?
A youngster to make his debut and turn this world upside down?
BY:Lilian Garcia