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Welcome to the Den of the Crippler.

"Hey Austin, I know you're in the back there somewhere, hiding behind the power of the owner of the company...but on behalf of everyone here tonight...I'd like to welcome you to THIS BUILDING. This building - where Mark Messier won the Conn Smythe trophy! This building - where Wayne Gretzky broke the NHL all-time scoring record! This building, where the Oilers won four of their five Stanley Cups! So Austin, my question is: in this building, the house of champions...will you accept our challenge? Will you and Vince McMahon fight us in my home town....Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?" - Chris Benoit

A site made by some aquaintances who practice backyard wrestling, the Anti-Benoit.
WWF Themes that reak of awsomeness.
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The Wolverine's Den is Looking for Affiliates!
If you have a wrestling site and are interested, please email me at If you aren't interested in affiliating, but put a link to the Den on your site (you can use the images further down on this page), please email me and let me know! I will gladly put a link back to your site in the links section.

6/11/2001 Not much new. Just added the navigation table to your left, a new wallpaper, and a new award. Here's hoping Benoit gets to main event KOR

6/10/01 Lots of new pics, but only one from Smackdown. The rest are from near the end of 2000 back when I was not updating at all. You can find 8 new headbutt pics, 5 new WWF pics, 3 crossface pics, 1 interview, and 3 new belt pics. All of which are in their appropriate galleries. Also, if you're here, why not take the time to sign the guestbook?

6/07/2001 Added one pic to the Crossface and Various picture sections. Our Misc section is about to explode with content. I just added a section for old polls and a page with the award the Wolverine's Den won. Hopefully it is not the last. Also, you will notice the Yahoo! at the bottom of this page. The Den is now listed in the Yahoo! directory! Finally! The thing that makes me mad though, is that I've been trying to get in there for the last year and a half, and this would have been the only functioning Benoit site out there had they added me. When they finally get around to doing it, this guy is in there too! I want my Monopoly! I didn't shell out that money for Baltic and Pennsylvania Avenues for nothing! Oh well, it's okay because it's a pretty (ha ha, REALLY) good Benoit site so go check it out when you're done here.

6/04/2001Two new wall papers from our new affiliate. Also, if you're an X-Files fan, check out "Explaining Existence", an article I did explaining the mythology arc for the season finale. It's at The X-Files Ultimate Information Complex

6/02/2001 New pictures from Smackdown as well as a new South Park character. Check out the suplex, crossface, interview, WWF, various,and the all new sharpshooter galleries to see them. Also I added an all new page for Benoit wallpaper to the Misc. section.
6/01/2001 Too bad SmackDown doesn't come on until Saturday here; I can hardly wait to see the Benoit-Austin match everyone is raving about. Anyway, there are a few new pictures up, but more importantly, there are new features. Click here and here to check them out. Also, if you want to relive TLC III or just get some really cool Benoit wall papers, check out Club Crippler.
5/30/2001 The greeting cards are now working again. Now if only I could find a place to host the image for the message board...
5/28/2001 Happy Memorial Day! And what a week it has been for Benoit! The tag titles from the two top heels in the business, and an INSANE title defense in TLC III. One of the days America will be shocked when it is announced Jeff Hardy has killed himself in a wrestling match. The suprise will come from him not dying sooner... Today, I have updated the 2001 PPV section, as well as added new pics to the WWF, Crossface, and Title Galleries, and updated Benoit's title reigns. Enjoy!

I'm interested in adding a fan section to this site. It would include fan fiction, poetry, images, anything. All I need is for someone (that would be you) to send it in. You can use either the message board or you can email me at Also, I'm looking for someone to write a bi-weekly column for this site. It doesn't have to always be about Benoit. If you're interested, again email me at the address above.

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-Dynamite Crippler

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