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Virtual Pro Wrestling 2

Okay, this game had some hype behind it, and I was very excited about it. The Original VPW 64 was GREAT, as was THQ's recent American release Wrestlemania 2000 (probably the best North American wrestling title EVER, or SO FAR). And I wasn't let down. This game RULES. Think of Fire Pro Wrestling G with the gameplay and graphics of Wrestlemania 2000, and you'll get a good idea of this game. While it's in Japanese, it's very easy to find translations for it (I'll even be providing links to some on my website in the future to the other fine sites out there who have translations for the game), and it's also really easy to simply re-name the wrestlers from Japanese to English. The game has many modes including Rally (PPV), RRS (think Road to Wrestlemania in WM2K), and plenty more, and it has probably the second best wrestling game create-a-wrestler yet (only beat out by Fire Pro Wrestling G). It has 99 wrestlers in it, that's including hiddens, and has such stars from feds like FMW, New Japan, PRIDE, RINGS, Toryumon, and of course, the license, All Japan. Not only do wrestlers have specials, but SOME wrestlers have SUPER SPECIALS, where if you toggle the joystick when already in your special you can pull off one VERY brutal finisher in the match, Example being Kenta Kobashi's Burning Hammer Inverted Death Valley Driver. The gameplay and engine have been tweaked quite a bit since Wrestlemania 2000 and are even better, not to mention added modes such as SHOOTFIGHTERS who's strong grapples are take-downs and submissions. All in all, if you own a Nintendo 64, enjoy Japanese wrestling, or hell, just enjoy a good wrestling game, Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 is for you. I highly recommend heading to, NCSX.Com, or another site like that, ordering a copy of VPW 2 and if you needed it, an Adaptor for your system, and going to town because this game is GREAT! Expect alot of future coverage of VPW 2 (especially CAWs) from me in the future.

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