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*Column for September 22, 2002*

-Suddenly, the darkness vanquishes, and the past returns to haunt you once more, or is it?.

-Gearing up, and gearing fast. September 27th, the first big break for Overdose is coming. Will he fail? Will he succeed? Only time will tell. Hopefully, the young buck will pull through, and keep up the expectations.

-Overdose upcoming dates...

// September 27th, 2002 - West Jefferson NC - HPW \\
// EWP- Stairway 3way match- To be announced \\
//AOW HALLOCAUST - Halloween 2002 - Bluefield, WV \\

-Its funny how things go. I remember avidly the years past of when I was a backyard wrestler. When you were young, and when you did it, you never thought of the real danger you put yourself through. The battel for the #1 federation, and on going arguements, and the will to improve were always there. I checked out a backyard show the other day, and I must say; I was impressed. Was there extreme death matches? NO. Was there a hint of finsher high spot fests? NO. What was there then? There was actual mat wrestling. Technical style wrestling. There was mediocre phychology. I was impressed, if I must say it again. I see potential for future trainees, that is, if they can take the next step.

-The past month has been great for me. The more I look at it, I've did a lot, and have experienced a lot. I am quickly learning, and quickly becoming a more technical worker in the ring. Long gone are the days of the top rope addiction. Overdose, the mat woker has debuted. Will the broken bird fly again? Of course, but only when the instinct calls for it. I've realised who my few friends are. The ones you think you trust, usually aren't the ones. I trust a limited selection, 3 being probably the top number. How humanity throws the pitch, is how you must either hit...or you miss pridelessly.

-EWA...can't wait till the next show. Its a company that is becoming something notabily decent in NC. You don't see that much in NC, the land of suckage federations. Special thanks to Dee and Flop for what they have done to help me.

-NWA TNA, SCW, and CWF? What happened to them?

-I highly recommend that you check out bands such as Diecast, Faith No More, The Blank Theory, and the one and only Spiritfall.

-Special Note: To everyone wanting to check out my former backyard clips, and my current pro clips, message me on AIM. Also, if you know of a good FREE server, then please, TELL ME!

-Shout Outs:  Bobby Mcneely, the whole AOW crew, Keith, Leslie, Kelly, Mitch (SMURF!), Jonny, "Vayne", "Doom", Rage, "The Elite Savior" Michael Craver (appreciate it all man, keep your head up), and the one and only "The Expert" Dexter Holley. 

-Well...I'm speechless, and sick at the moment.. Next week, we shall learn of the future of Overdose....

Till Nextime.....

-"The Mastermind" Robert Hash, or to the fans..."Overdose"