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Presented by Snickers


Live from Memphis, Tennessee
July 17th, 2016

[The NAWA logo flashes across the screen. A pay-per-view disclaimer briefly pops up. ”End is Near” plays across your television screen signifying the official Annhiliation theme song. A video montage of various NAWA wrestlers plays in a video in between war scenes. The video fades into a hot sold-out Memphis, Tennessee crowd. Pyro shoots off all inside the arena. The lights come on, smoke lingers in the air with the camera panning all around the audience. Wrestling signs fly high all around the arena. Hollywood Tom Brendle walks down the aisle in a nice dark blue suit and has a seat at ringside. The Jakester follows shortly behind dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt which reads: Jews rule! They introduce us to the telecast.]

Hollywood Tom Brendle: Hello everybody and welcome to NAWA Annihilation! I’m Hollywood Tom Brendle alongside Jakester!

Jakester: Oh please Hollywood Tom. Don’t sound so enthusiastic when you announce my name. You and I both know we don’t want to sit next to one another. But tonight wrestling fans, I will put that past me. For tonight, men will be Annihilated!

Hollywood Tom Brendle: We have four exciting contests scheduled for tonight including three title bouts. Of course our main event will be Jax Bryant defending that NAWA World title against Gavin Blade with Mike Tyson AND Big Country as the special enforcers. Speaking of which our new backstage interviewer, Duke Rodney, is standing by-

[The camera pans to the backstage entrance area. A slick black limousine is pulling up with the license plate:NAWA3. The fans boo in anticipation. The limousine stops. The driver pops out and opens up the back door. Duke Rodney eagerly waits. The crowd explodes as out walks Big Country, Gavin Blade and Jason Starr.]

Duke Rodney: Gentlemen, great to see you! Can I get a quick word on tonight’s main event?

[Starr is about to speak but Country buds in.]

Big Country: Boss, let me enforce this. Go ahead kid.

Duke Rodney: Gavin Blade, what are your thoughts on tonight’s match?

Gavin Blade: Let me make this perfectly clear. Tonight, The Donald’s games are over. Tonight, we have evened the playing field and I walk out the NAWA Champion.

Jason Starr: And Mike Tyson. You thought you could just up and change the stipulation of this match. You thought that you could make yourself the special enforcer and help Jax Bryant retain easily. But what you neglected was the fact that I am the Commissioner of the North American Wrestling Aliance. That being said, I look out for what’s right. I also look out for what’s wrong. You are wrong. The Wolves of Wallstreet are wrong. What you proclaim to be is a lie. You aren’t for the people. The Donald is a money grubbing dictator. He is here for only himself. He does not care about Mike Tyson. He doesn’t even care about YOU Jax Bryant. He cares that the World Champion is with him. After tonight, he will no longer have the World Champion with him.

Duke Rodney: Big Country, will you have a tough time enforcing this match-up tonight?

Big Country: Listen kid. I use to be the Commissioner here. I also was the last President before this place shut down. Heck, I was even a World Champion. I am familiar with the ins and outs of this business and specifically the NAWA. I live for big title bouts. This tonight, this is a big title bout. But let it be known, I am a man of fair judgment. I call things down the middle. I am here to make sure the match between Gavin Blade and Jax Bryant is a fair fight. I am also here for any outside interference which includes Mike Tyson and his dirty tactics.

X-Division Title Match
Chill Dawg vs. Alex Riley

Alex Riley comes out to the ring with his manager Steve Corino. Chill Dawg comes out second with the X-Division title around his waist. He takes the belt of and hands it to the referee. Corino gets Chill Dawg's attention. Alex Riley charges Chill Dawg from behind with a clothesline. Chill Dawg falls into the ropes. Riley irish whips him off. Chill Dawg comes off the ropes swiftly. Riley ducks down and Chill Dawg jumps over him for a sunset flip. Alex Riley falls to the canvas. Chill Dawg pops up and stands to his feet. Riley lays with his back on the mat. Chill Dawg jumps as high as he can and drops down with an elbow drop. Chill Dawg gets to his feet. Riley is on his feet. Chill Dawg kicks him in the ribs. Chill Dawg kicks him in the chest. Riley fights back. Riley pounds Chill Dawg with some big rights. Riley irish whips him off the ropes again. Chill Dawg pounces off and connects with a forearm smash. Riley pops up and Chill Dawg takes him off his feet with another forearm smash. Riley is up again. Chill Dawg connects with a spinning back kick. Riley is bent over. Chill Dawg kicks him in the face. Riley crawls to a corner. Corino yells at him. Riley helps himself up the ropes in a corner. Chill Dawg plants himself in the opposing corner. Chill Dawg runs at him He attempts a strike. Riley bends down and tosses him over the top rope. Chill Dawg grabs the top rope for leverage and pulls himself down on the ring apron. Riley tries to clothesline him off of it. Chill Dawg ducks the strike. Chill Dawg kicks him in the back. Riley backs out of the corner and the referee checks on him. Chill Dawg starts climbing to the top rope. Corino grabs his left foot. Chill Dawg kicks him in the face and Corino flies backwards. Chill Dawg turns around and Alex Riley starts punching him. Riley climbs to the top rope as does Chill Dawg. Riley picks up Chill Dawg and hits a superplex off the top rope. Riley covers and Chill Dawg kicks out after the two count. Both men lay on their backs in the middle of the ring. Riley is up first. Chill Dawg is trying to get up as well. Riley assists him. Riley attempts a lariat. Chill Dawg ducks under is and runs off the ropes which is his strong suit. Chill Dawg comes back and jumps in the air. Riley catches him and plants him hard with a spinebuster. Corino tosses the X-Division title in the ring for Riley. Corino gets on the ring apron to distract the referee. It works. Chill Dawg is slowly coming to and getting to his feet. Riley walks over to the title and picks it up. He waits in anticipation for Chill Dawg. Chill Dawg gets up. Riley charges at him with the belt. Chill Dawg rolls underneath the attack. Riley turns around. Chill Dawg pops up and clothesline him. The belt falls out of his grasp. Chill Dawg quickly locks on the Tequilla Sunrise. Riley is in the middle of the ring trying to reach from anything around him. The ropes are too far away. The X-Division title lies within inches of his grasp. Chill Dawg yells for him to tap. Riley refuses. After a few seconds he has no choice but to tap. But Corino still has the referee distracted. Chill Dawg looks for the referee and notices what is happening. Chill Dawg lets go of the submission maneuver. Chill Dawg walks over to Corino. The referee gets in between the two. Corino continues to argue with Chill Dawg. Suddenly, Chill Dawg finds himself in a Crossface Chickenwing from Alex Riley. Corino drops down off the ring apron. Riley continues to apply pressure. Chill Dawg refuses to tap. Chill Dawg finally passes out. The referee raises his hand up three times to which it falls after each time. Chill Dawg is out. The referee calls for the bell. Alex Riley refuses to release the hold. He finally does and tosses Chill Dawg to the canvas. Corino slides into the ring and grabs the X-Division title. The referee tries to hold Alex Riley's hand in victory but Corino pushes him. Corino straps the title around Riley's waist and holds his hand in the air for victory.

Winner and NEW X-Division Champion: Alex Riley!!

[Backstage, the camera is focused in front of the NAWA President's Office. The door opens and inside the President is found sitting behind his desk. Moments later, Jax Bryant walks in with the World title on his shoulder. Mike Tyson sits on the couch with a referee shirt on.]

The Donald: Where have you been my boy?

Jax Bryant: Getting ready. It's fight night and I'm ready to win.

The Donald: That's the spirit! This is what I like about you Jax. You never back down from a fight. Tonight, we have plans though. Stick with the game plan and you are sure to walk out with that World title.

Jax Bryant: Works for me boss.

[The camera pans over to Tyson who is eating a Snickers, the official sponsor of Annihilation.]

Mike Tyson: Oh mannn. I got chocolate on my zebra shirt!

Jax Bryant: So put on another one.

Mike Tyson: But I like these zebra shirt bro.

The Donald: God help me.

[The camera fades into the ring.]

IC Title Match
Heartbreaker vs. Christopher Daniels

Heartbreaker and Christopher Daniels circle the ring. They meet at the center with a collar to elbow tie up. Heartbreaker uses his strength and backs Daniels up into a corner. The referee counts for the two to break free. They break but Heartbreaker tries a right hand. Daniels blocks it and punches Heartbreaker and throws him back into the corner. Daniels tries to clothesline him. Heartbreaker ducks underneath it and Daniels now finds himself in the corner again. Heartbreaker dances to the middle of the ring and laughs. Daniels charges at him and a collar to elbow tie up in the center of the ring again. Heartbreaker locks on a head lock. Daniels send a shot to Heartbreaker's abdominal region. Daniels bounces Heartbreaker off the ropes and frees the headlock. Heartbreaker comes off the ropes, Daniels drops down to the mat. Heartbreaker runs over top of him and bounces off the ropes. Daniels pounces to his feet and jumps up for Heartbreaker to shoot underneath. Heartbreaker stops dead in his tracks. He tries to kick Daniels. Daniels blocks the kick and back hand chops Heartbreaker's chest. Daniels tries an irish whips. It is successful at first but Heartbreaker reverses it and sends Daniels for the run. Daniels comes right back into a snapmare. Daniels gets up quickly. Daniels trips Heartbreaker and rolls through into a headlock around Heartbreaker on the mat. Heartbreaker quickly counters, wrapping his legs around Daniels head and prying him to the ring canvas. Daniels kips up and runs at Heartbreaker. Heartbreaker hits an arm drag. Both men are on their feet again ready to have at it. Daniels now tosses Heartbreaker for an arm drag. They meet on their feet and stand off in a fighting stance. The fans applaud in enjoyment of the match early on. After a few seconds of soaking up the audience they get back into it. Heartbreaker tries a kick. Daniels catches it and spins Heartbreaker around. Daniels tries a kick and Heartbreaker catches it. He tosses his foot down and punches Daniels in the head. They start exchanging punches. Daniels gets the upper hand when he eye rakes Heartbreaker's face. The referee yells at Daniels for the illegal strike. Heartbreaker climbs to the outside ring apron to try and gain visibility. Daniels runs at him and shoulder blocks him off the ring apron. Heartbreaker flies off and lands into the steel crowd barrier. Heartbreaker lays on the outside holding his ribs. Daniels jumps to the outside. He picks up Heartbreaker and punches him in the face. Heartbreaker walks around the ring. Daniels grabs him by the hair and the tights and tosses him in the ring. Daniels follows up with a knee strike and a punch. Daniels irish whips Heartbreaker off the ropes. Heartbreaker is running and Daniels isn't too far behind. When Heartbreaker bounces off the ropes he turns around into a leg lariat. Daniels drops down for the pinfall but it's only a two count. Daniels gets up and grabs Heartbreaker by the hair. He plants him face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Daniels starts striking Heartbreaker in the face. Heartbreaker starts to fall. He falls with his butt on the second turnbuckle pad to the bottom turnbuckle pad. Daniels continues his attack now stomping Heartbreaker's abdominal region. Now Heartbreaker is seated in the corner. Daniels backs out of the corner. He walks back to Heartbreaker and gets him to his feet. Heartbreaker starts delivering punches. Daniels throws one back. Another exchange of punching back and forth. Daniels runs at Heartbreaker and takes him down with a foreward face plant. Daniels picks up Heartbreaker. Daniels signals for the Angel's Wings. He double underhooks Heartbreaker. Heartbreaker reverses the move and throws Daniels over the top of him with a back body drop. Heartbreaker waits for Daniels on his feet. He clotheslines Daniels down. Daniels pops up and Heartbreaker clotheslines him again. Heartbreaker irish whips Daniels. Daniels reverses the momentum and irish whips Heartbreaker. Heartbreaker comes off the ropes fast, jumps into the air with a flying forearm smash. Both men land on their backs. Heartbreaker kips up and the crowd cheers. Daniels is slowly up but runs at Heartbreaker. Heartbreaker connects with a overhead belly to belly suplex. Heartbreaker crawls to Daniels and covers but a kickout at the count of two. Heartbreaker gets to his feet. Daniels is close behind. Heartbreaker picks him up and plants him with a scoop slam. Heartbreaker starts climbing to the top rope. Daniels delivers an upper cut. Heartbreaker falls with his groin area on the top turnbuckle pad. He remains seated up there. Daniels grabs Heartbreaker head and tosses him over for a flip into a modified power bomb. Daniels covers but Heartbreaker kicks out. Daniels becomes frustrated. He picks up Heartbreaker and again double under hooks for the Angel's Wings. Heartbreaker flips him over top. Daniels goes over the top rope to the outside. Heartbreaker gains his breath. He slides out of the ring. Daniels is just getting to his feet. They start exchanging punches. Daniels grabs Heartbreaker by the back of the head and plants him face first into the Spanish Announce Table. The referee begins counting both men out. Daniels removes the monitors and head board for the Spanish Announce Table. He tosses Heartbreaker on it. Heartbreaker tries to fight back but Daniels lays into him rendering him down. Daniels climbs to the ring apron. He looks back, sizing up something. Daniels springs up to the second rope and the third rope for the Best Moonsault Ever onto Heartbreaker through the table. Daniels barely makes the jump. The crowd explodes. The referee rolls to the outside and checks on both competitors. He rolls into the ring and counts them out for a no decision.

Draw: Double Count Out

[Daniels gets up and slides into the ring. He is hurt. The IC title is in the referee's hands. Daniels tries to rip the belt from him. The referee tells him his decision. Daniels kicks the bottom rope. The referee rolls to the outside with the belt and checks on Heartbreaker.]

Hollywood Tom Brendle: Unbelievable! Jakester, that was incredible!

Jakester: Yeah. Too bad there wasn't a winner in this one. Bogus!

Hollywood Tom Brendle: I have a feeling this isn't the last time we have seen these two lock up. By the looks of it, The Fallen Angel is far from satisfied.

Jakester: By the looks of it, Heartbreaker is going to need some serious medical attention.

Hollywood Tom Brendle: Fans, Duke Rodney is standing by backstage with Cannonball and Shark-Tooth.

[The camera goes backstage where Shark-Tooth is on crutches with a bandage around his head. Duke Rodney stands with a microphone in hand.]

Duke Rodney: Cannonball.. Shark-Tooth.. Tonight it seems that revenge is going to be bitter sweet. Tonight, Cannonball, you get an opportunity to avenge your friend Shark-Tooth.

Cannonball: I have had about enough of this. Doug Jones! You have beaten and battered this man for the last time. Tonight, your reckoning has come. Doug Jones! I am going to give you a taste of your own medicine. For tonight, I end your sick and twisted reign of terror. And after I'm through with you, I am going to take out the trash, Char-Char.

[Shark-Tooth nudges Cannonball.]

Cannonball: Get over it man. She's been setting you up.

Shark-Tooth: It's not true! Damnit! I won't believe you! Char-Char, if you're listening. I love you baby!

Cannonball: You make me sick! Come on man!

[Cannonball walks off leaving Shark-Tooth behind.]

Duke Rodney: Back to you guys! Wait a minute!

[Alex Riley grabs Duke Rodney by the back of his head.]

Alex Riley: The Donald! Jason Starr! You both need to listen up. Your power struggle needs to take a halt because a new warrior has popped up. ME! You see this X-Division title. It means nothing to me. I do not care about what the X-Division stands for. Hell, I don't even care what this company stands for.

Duke Rodney: Sounds like you don't care about much.

Steve Corino: Shut your stinkin' mouth Rodney if you know what's good for you.

Alex Riley: Like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. I am out for supremacy. This belt does not do me justice. I will not stop until what I get what I want. And until I get what I want I will continue to brutalize anyone that steps in my path.

[Riley turns and glances at the injured Shark-Tooth.]

Alex Riley: For instance, Shark-Tooth.

[Shark-Tooth catches wind of what's about to happen. He tries to scurry off but Corino kicks out a crutch. Shark-Tooth falls.]

Steve Corino: Where ya going Sharky?

Shark-Tooth: Piss off!

Alex Riley: Wrong choice of words my friend.

[Riley picks up a crutch and starts to beat Shark-Tooth in the head with it. Corino holds Shark-Tooth's feet down. Riley calls for Shark-Tooth to his feet. Corino picks him up. Riley locks on the Crossface Chickenwing and chokes out Shark-Tooth. Shark-Tooth is unconscious and Riley disposes him to the concrete.]

Alex Riley: Give me what I want.

[Riley holds up the X-Division title to the camera lens before marching off. The camera pans to ringside.]

Jakester: I told you I liked him Hollywood Tom.

Hollywood Tom Brendle: Shark-Tooth cannot catch a break.

Jakester: Sure he can. He's got a broken face, some broken ribs, a broken-

Hollywood Tom Brendle: You really are a sick human being you know that!

Jakester: Don't blame this on me. I can't help the NAWA is not satisfying Alex Riley's needs.

Hollywood Tom Brendle: He needs a beating of his own.

Jakester: Careful Hollywood Tom.

Doug “Drug” Jones vs. Cannonball

Cannonball comes to the ring not knowing what just happened to his partner in the back. Doug Jones walks out accompanied by Char-Char. Cannonball points at her in anger. Jones runs at Cannonball for a clothesline. He completely misses with Cannonball having to barely duck. Jones is intoxicated like most of his wrestling matches. Char-Char chants him on but not seeming to care much for the match. Cannonball strikes with a punch. Followed by another punch and another. Cannonball clothesline him to the canvas. Cannonball runs off the ropes and connects with the Cannonball! Jones lets out a big breath as an almost four hundred pounder came crashing down on him. Cannonball attempts a cover but then releases it, wanting to inflict more pain. Cannonball comes off the ropes again attempting another Cannonball but this time he is stopped. Char-Char grabs his foot. He turns around and reaches through the ropes, grabbing Char-Char by her hair. He lifts her up onto the ring apron. She pleads to him and tries to kiss him. Cannonball reframes from the kiss. Jones gets up behind Cannonball and uses his drunk strength to lift him for a german suplex. Jones covers but Cannonball kicks out after two. Jones yells for Char-Char to get off the ring apron. She complies and jumps down. Jones tries to pick up his much heavier opponent. He lifts him. Cannonball connects with an uppercut, sending Jones backwards. Jones bounces off the ropes and collides head to head with Cannonball. They both fall to the mat. The referee starts his count. Both men start to get up, breaking the count. Jones tries a punch but Cannonball blocks it and plants him with a sitout powerbomb. Cannonball looks to the second rope. He grabs Jones and drags him to the corner. Cannonball scales the ropes. The ropes look as if they are going to snap. He climbs to the second rope and flies off with a Super Cannonball. Jones yelps. Cannonball covers but Char-Char takes Jones foot and puts it on the bottom rope. Cannonball has had enough. He grabs Char-Char again, this time bringing here in the ring. He threatens here. Suddenly, a large man hops over the crowd barrier. He climbs the apron and over the top rope standing almost seven feet tall. The man grabs Cannonball and picks the heavy wrestler up and plants him with a powerbomb. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner via disqualification: Cannonball

Hollywood Tom Brendle: What in the world is that?

Jakester: My god! Look how big that man is!

[The man helps Jones up and the duo begin to stomp Cannonball. Jones picks up Cannonball and kicks him in the balls. Cannonball crumbles to the mat. Jones calls for a microphone.]

Doug Jones: You thought you were so friggin' smart didn't you Cannonball. Well, let me introduce you to my brother.. Psycho Sid!

[Jones throws the mic down and grabs Char-Char, tossing her out of the ring. He tries to drag Char-Char to the back. She kicks and struggles. Sid picks her up and puts her on his shoulder and they exit to the back.]

Hollywood Tom Brendle: Psycho Sid?

Jakester: The name must be a family relish.

[Backstage, Gavin Blade is hyped in anticipation for the main event in his locker room. Jason Starr walks in.]

Jason Starr: You ready?

[Blade nods.]

Jason Starr: It's showtime!

[The camera pans to the Snickers branded Annihilation themed ring.]

World Title Match
Special Enforcers: Mike Tyson & Big Country
Jax Bryant vs. Gavin Blade

Mike Tyson and Big Country come out separately sporting ref shirts. They stand in opposing corners, staring one another down. Gavin Blade comes to the ring accompanied by Jason Starr. The World Champion, Jax Bryant, walks down the aisle accompanied by The Donald. Before the bell rings, Mike Tyson bans Jason Starr from ringside. Starr argues and The Donald laughs. The Donald is then told by Big Country he is banned from ringside. The enforcers refuse to start the match until their rules are complied with. Starr is halfway up the ramp to the back. The Donald follows behind as each exits behind the black curtain. Big Country calls for the bell. It sounds. Tyson becomes angered. Tyson calls for the bell. The bell keeper seems confused. Tyson tells him to ring it again for the start of the match. The bell sounds again but Blade and Bryant are quickly into action already. They lock up in the middle of the ring. Bryant uses his brute force and throws a hip into Blade's gut. Blade winces. Bryant picks him up and drops him with a suplex. Bryant covers both Country and Tyson drop down for the count. Country barely counts for one and Tyson almost counts the match to three. Blade kicks out. Country and Tyson stand up. Tyson tells Country off. Country points to his shirt. They soon get back to the action as Bryant has a headlock locked on. Tyson gets in Blade's face to give up. Blade hooks his leg on the bottom rope. Country counts fairly for Jax to give up the submission. He reaches the count of four and Bryant releases. Tyson tells Country there was no need for a break. Country points to Blade's foot which is on the bottom rope. Bryant again ignores the arguing. He picks up Blade. He throws him off the ropes. He tries a clothesline but Blade ducks underneath. Blade comes off the ropes and connects with a spinning wheel kick. Bryant falls down. Blade jumps to the second rope. He flies off with an elbow drop. He hooks a leg and Country counts but Jax kicks out. Country looks over at Tyson who still has his hand in the air and didn't smack it down for even a one count. Tyson says Bryant's shoulders weren't down. Blade gets up, ignoring Tyson's unfairness. Blade tosses Bryant into a corner. Blade springs up to the second rope. He mounts Bryant and begins to punch him. Country counts Blade to get down, as a fair referee. Tyson tells Blade one more punch and he's disqualified. Blade hesitates and looks at Tyson. Bryant lifts up Blade into the air and throws him into the top turnbuckle pad. Country argues with Tyson. Tyson points at his shirt. Blade turns around and is kicked in the mid section. He is hunched over. Bryant picks him up and powerbomb pins him. He covers and Tyson counts very quickly. Country pushes Tyson before he can make it to the count of three. Tyson gets up with an intense look on his face. County and Tyson stand toe to toe. They start arguing. Jax Bryant is now on his feet. He starts to take Tyson's side and argue with Big Country. Suddenly, Blade pops up and school boys Bryant for the pin. Country makes it to the count of two and Bryant kicks out. Tyson again does not even attempt to make a count for Blade. Bryant gets up as does Blade. He tries to clothesline Blade. Blade ducks underneath it and plants him for an atomic drop. Blade runs off the ropes for a clothesline. Tyson gets in between Bryant and Blade. Bryant staggers into a corner. Blade stops mid stride. He stares at Tyson. Tyson says Bryant needs a break. Country gets in Tyson's face. Blade goes to strike Tyson and Country blocks it, being a fair referee and advising Blade he cannot strike a referee. Blade turns around into a spear from Jax Bryant. Bryant covers and Tyson counts very quickly, Country pushes him again. Country cannot keep order. Bryant gets up and shoves Big Country. Country points at his referee shirt. Tyson gets up and punches Big Country in the face. Country goes down. Tyson and Bryant begin to stomp him. Bryant picks up Big Country with the help of Tyson and hits the JVD. Country is out cold. The fans begin to boo. Tyson and Bryant hold their hands up and continue to receive boos. Blade sneaks out of the ring. Bryant turns around to make the cover on Blade but he is not there. Blade gets into the ring with a steel chair and lays out Tyson with it. Jax Bryant turns around and looks for a referee to calls disqualification. Both enforcers are out. Blade swings at Bryant. Bryant ducks underneath it. The chair goes flying. Bryant attempts another spear. Blade moves out of the way and plants Bryant shoulder first into the steel ring post. Bryant comes out of the corner and turns around. Blade kicks him in the gut. He picks him up and connects with the Cradle Piledriver. Jason Starr sprints down to the ring. He slides in and shakes Big Country to wake up and make the count. Big Country slowly comes through. Blade has Bryant's leg hooked. Big Country crawls to the middle of the ring. He counts with the energy he has left for the 1.........2.......but Bryant manages to get a shoulder up. Blade gets to his feet and checks on Big Country. Country is still hurt on the canvas. Blade tries to help him. Bryant comes up behind Blade with the steel chair left in the ring and plants him in the back with it. Bryant follows it up with smashing it across Big Country's back and knocking him out. Bodies lay everywhere. Bryant stands tall. He is about to go over to Mike Tyson. Jason Starr slides into the ring. Jax Bryant smirks and walks over to him. The two begin to exchange words. Suddenly, The Donald appears and marches to the ring. He grabs the World title from ringside. He slides into the ring without Jason Starr seeing it and cracks him in the back of the head with it. Starr goes down and the fans boo. The Donald hollers at Bryant. Jax picks up Jason Starr and delivers a JVD. The Donald points at Gavin Blade. Jax picks up Gavin Blade who tries to fight back. The Donald takes the belt and smashes him too with it. Jax picks up Blade on his shoulders and hits the JVD. The Donald then points at Big Country. Jax and Donald remove Big Country's referee shirt and put it on Jason Starr. The Donald begins to laugh. Bryant covers Blade. The Donald grabs Jason Starr's hand and uses it to make the three count. The bell keeper hesitates but The Donald demands him to ring the bell. The bell sounds. The Donald hands Jax Bryant the World title.

Winner and STILL World Champion: Jax Bryant

Hollywood Tom Brendle: Oh come on! These people have paid back to back months to see screw jobs! This is becoming cowardly.

Jakester: Cowardly? You want to talk cowards. How about that coward Jason Starr making the three count on his own man. That's a coward in my book.

Hollywood Tom Brendle: Now damnit, you know very well what just happened.

[Jax Bryant gathers Mike Tyson and they along with The Donald exit to the top of the ramp with the World title in possession. Jason Starr is coming through holding the back of his head. He slowly gets up. Blade starts coming through and notices Bryant's music playing. He then notices Jason Starr sporting a referee shirt. Blade argues with Starr with the show fading to black.]

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