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MPW Title History

*Please note, the MPW World Title was introduced at the Brawl in the Backyard Pre-show on 12/2/99. The number one contender spot was also represented by a title. At Y2Karnage the number one contender belt was deemed the "Little Nutz Title" and the world title is now the "Really Big Fat Nutz Title".

Brawl in the Backyard 12/4/99
-Eric the Extremist wins the Fat Nutz world title in the Last Man Standing match
-Rob Kong is deemed the Little Nutz Champ, due to his finishing place in the Last Man Standing match

Y2 Karnage 12/18/99
-Rob Kong loses Little Nutz title to Beautiful Bobby, who then gets defeated by Flaco

Karmageddon 1/15/00
-Rob Kong slaughters Flaco for the Little Nutz title
-Eric the Extremist surrenders the Fat Nutz to MPW, which sets up the three way dance between Stoolie, Raider, and Rob Kong: Winner Stoolie

Justice Died Here 2/26/00
-No title changes

Bizahwataba 4/1/00
-Stoolie defeats Rob Kong in a title vs title match, gaining the Little Nutz and becoming the unified champ, then is defeated by Raider later on: Raider takes both titles

Suvanamongkol 97 4/22/00
-Raider must surrender the Little Nutz title, to MPW. Rob Kong and Beautiful Bobby are Chosen to compete for the vacant title: Winner Beautiful Bobby
-Stoolie defeats Raider for the Fat Nutz Title

...And Justice for Few 6/3/00
-Raider defeats Stoolie, 13 falls to 10 falls, for the Fat Nutz title, in a grueling 45 minute "Iron Man Match"

Enemas and Animals 2 G's 7/29/00
-Stoolie defeats Raider once again to become MPW Really Big Fat Nutz champ
-Beautiful Bobby is stripped of the Little Nutz Title and 187 and Rob Kong are chosen to fight for the vacated spot: Winner 187

-Bruised Ass 2000 12/2/00
-No title changes

Brawl 2K 12/30/00
-No title changes

Karmageddon 2/10/01
-No Title Changes

Justice Died Here…Again 3/24/01
-No Ego and Corporal Punishment are crowned the first ever MPW Double Nut Tag Team Champs

Bizahwataba 4/28/01
-Agony beats Stoolie to become a first time MPW Really Big Fat Nutz World Champion

Suvanamongkol 5/26/01
-Crisis wins a triple threat between himself, Beautiful bobby and 187, to become a first time Little Nutz Champ, ending 187's 10 month reign

…And Justice for Few 6/30/01
-Devistation wins the Double Nut Tournament and gets one half of the Double Nut Tag Titles(the half that Corporal Punishment surrendered when he quit)
-Mrs Hamm gets a stunning victory over Agony to become the Really Big Fat Nutz Wrld Championette

Enemas & Animals 2G’s +1 7/28/01
-The Really Big Fat Nutz Title is deemed vacant because Mrs Hamm was revealed to be Stoolie, and according to his contract he could never get a rematch aganst Agony. So the "Where's my Title" match between Agony and 187 was made to be for the World Title and Agony wins that match to become a 2 time World Champion

Deliberate Intent 9/1/01
-Paine and Havoc defeat No Ego and Devistation to become Double Nut Tag Champs

Drunken Stupor 9/29/01
-No title changes

Bruised Ass 3 10/27/01
-No title changes

Bruised Ass 3.5 11/10/01
-Stoolie wins the three way dance between himself, Agony and No Ego, to become an unprecidented 4 time Really Big Fat Nutz World Champion

Maximum Jihad 12/1/01
-In singles match for the Double Nut Tag Team Titles, Beautiful Bobby defeats Havoc. The new champions are he Wig Splitaz, Beautiful Bobby and 187

Violent Night 12/29/01
-No title changes

Karmageddon 2K2 2/23/02
-No Ego Defeats Stoolie for the Really Big Fat Nutz Title and reveals himself to be Rob Kong. This is Rob Kongs first time winning the RBFN title, and this also makes him the first ever triple crown winner since he held one half of the Double Nut tag team titles as No Ego

Fat Nutz
Little Nutz