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          This is a list of items and what they do.
Dragon Radar (100$) : Finds dragon balls. Needed to find dragon balls.

Senzu Beans X10 (500$) : Restores firghter to perfect health.

Wieghted Clothing (100$) : Raises P.L. by 30 points. Can be torn off during battle.

Super Wieghted Training Clothes (1,000$) : Raises P.L. by 200 points a day when training.

Wieghts (200$) : Can train and gain 100 P.L. each day.

Space Pod 1 (1,000$) : travels to other planets in 3 days.(E-mail me when traveling)

Space Pod 2 (2,000$) : travels to other planets in 2 days. Can also train on the way for 50 P.L. a day.

Sapce Pod 3 (3,000$) : travels to other planets in 1 day. Can also train for 50 P.L. a day.

Saiyan Armor (500$) : increases P.L. 250.

Saiba Men (300$) : Green Creatures grown from seeds they have 1/3 of your P.L

Henchmen (500$) : Hired men that have 1/2 of your P.L

Androids (1,000$) : Androids that you pay Dr. Gero to make they have your total P.L

Seed of Might ( 1,000$) : Grows a Tree of Might wich grows 3 Fruits of Might, takes 10 days to grow. Limit one per month

Fruit of Might ( 3,000$)
your own Power Level X3 . Limit one per month.

Suicide Pill ( 2,000$) : You kill your self, and get half of your own stats. Allows you to go to King Kai's

Gravitron (5,000$) : Described in the training page. Can't Start out with this item.

Solor Gogels(500$)
: Counteracts the effects of Solar Flare.