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Send Email to a Psychopath!

Yes, each CPWA combatant has his own email address and isn't afraid to use it, either!  If you wanna learn about our crazy action, in and out of the arena, drop one of us a line.  We'd like to hear from ya.

The Ice Arrow: (

Bryan Slayter: (

The Final Authority: (

Everyone else ought to be getting an email account shortly so you can harrass them too.  We ought to respond within three days.  Remember, if you have any questions about the inner workings of the CPWA, email TFA.  If someone doesn't have an email address, send it to TFA and he'll print it for him.  He's the president and runs things.  Now, if you're gonna ask something stupid like if we're real or what's gonna happen on the next show, leave it to yourself.  THE MATCHES ARE REAL AND WE DON'T PREDETERMINE WINNERS!!!!!!  Thank you.