Next Event:
Season's Beatings

Next Opponent:
AJ Riot
Monsters Ball Match

As he looks now:

The scene opens up inside of a J&R Clothing just south of Atlanta. The first person you see is Will Juarez, brother and accountant to former IWS Universe champion, Rich "Revelation" Juarez. He is standing outside the dressing room looking confused and anxious. We soon learn on the other side of the door is our former champion.

Will: You know, I do have better things to do than follow you around all the time.

Rev: No you don't!

Will: What makes you think that?

Rev: Because otherwise you'd be doing them. Yet here you are!

After a couple minutes, Rev comes out wearing a white tuxedo.

Will: What the fuck is that?

Rev: It's a tuxedo, what does it look like?

Will: I know it's a tux, why are you wearing it?

Rev: Because I got a ball to go to...dumbass!

Will: A ball?

Rev: I'm supposed to meet AJ Riot at the ball. I know it's gonna be a fight, but I at least wanna look good kicking his ass!

Will: Oh Jesus. It's a MONSTER'S ball match.

Rev: What's the difference?

Will: They will lock you up, no food, water, socialization, NOTHING, for 24 hours and let you out just before your match.

Rev: That's the worst ball ever!

Will: That's kind of the point!

Rev: Why would he want to do that to me?

Will: Umm...because you kidnapped him and locked him up for weeks?

Rev: Oh yeah. I get it now.

Will: You own like 5 tuxedos, why are you shopping for one anyways?

Rev: Dude...look at me. I'm fat now. They don't fit.

Will: Good point. Have you ever thought about, you know, losing the extra weight you put on when you were injured?

Rev: I think about it all the time.

Will: Well, then why haven't you?

Rev: Because I actually have to get up and do it, and I haven't gotten that far yet.

Will: Well there's no better time than now to start. New year, new you!

Rev: Won't do me a whole lot of good just a few days before my match.

Will: It couldn't hurt to start, we'll go light for now. When we get home, just go jogging or something. Now take that tux off and let's go.

Revelation starts taking the suit off right there in the middle of the store.

Will: What the fuck are you doing? Why don't you go back in the dressing room?

Rev: I'm not going back in there. The toilet doesn't flush.

Will: There's not a toilet in...dude, did you...?

Rev: We should probably go.

The two brothers stroll casually towards the door until they see the attendant walking towards the dressing room, then they haul ass out to the parking lot and drive on home. They arrive back at Rev's house a half hour later. Rev changes his clothes into a warmup suit and stretches a little bit before going outside to jog.

Rev: Are you not coming with me?

Will: Nope, I'm in dress shoes. I'll sit here and watch TV, besides, you're taking it light remember, it won't take you too long.

Revelation begins jogging down the driveway and on to the sidewalk. Will walks in the house, helps himself to a beer and turns on the TV. About an hour goes by and Rev has not returned. Will takes a look at his watch.

Will: Where the fuck is he?

He gets up and looks outside, sees nothing. He walks to the end of the driveway and is just about to turn around and go back in when he spots something behind a bush in the neighbors yard. He rolls his eyes and walks next door. There, lying in the grass, is the bloated version of Revelation, snoring away.


Will kicks Rev in the ribs, he finally opens his eyes and climbs up to his feet.

Rev: OW! What the hell!

Will: Wake up! What are you doing napping?

Rev: Damn, I was getting along at a good pace, then I started getting short of breath and light-headed. How far did I make it?

Will: Take a look around.

Rev takes a quick glance over at his house, less than 30 feet away.

Rev: Damnit. Well that's enough for one day.

Will: How the fuck are you supposed to win a wrestling match with that kind of conditioning?

Rev: Ah, I'll figure something out.

Will: Well AJ Riot is hungry.

Rev: Hey! I'm hungry too.

Will: He's hungry for victory!

Rev: Oh, I'm hungry for a bacon cheeseburger.

Will: Fuck this, I give up!

Will gets in his car and drives off. Revelation walks towards his house, then turns back with a sly smile.

Rev: I'll figure something out. Muahahahaha.

~~~~~~~~~~Two Days Later~~~~~~~~~~

The Scene opens up inside a dimly lit room. Inside this room, we see what appears to be a vault door with a window in it. We hear some stirring and the sliding of a stool. After a moment of shuffling, Revelation pulls the stool up in front of the camera.

Rev: Well hello there. Here we are on the eve of Season's Beatings. Despite what you may believe, I do know what's going on here. AJ and I started about half a year ago. I was put on the shelf for months because of him, and that's led to the figure you see in front of you. I wasn't just going to let it slide. I knew that if I came back in a normal fashion, I'd have to wait another year to face Riot. So I did what any normal, sane, non-crazy, well-balanced person would do - I kidnapped him and locked him up for weeks.

Meaningless dramatic pause

Rev: What was I going to do with him? Not a fucking clue. But here we are. A couple obstacles between Team Queen and Josie Pleasure, but at the final event of 2013, it's Revelation vs. AJ Riot. You may look at the new me and think I'm out of shape, I may not have the stamina to keep up any more, but not everything is as it me.

He gets up off the stool, slides it out of the way and opens the vault door.

Rev: So here I shall go for the next several hours. No food, water, supplies of any kind. When I come out, I will be a different person, watch closely, I may just surprise you. Ready?

Revelation goes inside the door, the technician walks up to lock it, but Rev sticks his foot in the door way.

Rev: I almost forgot something. Here you go...

With his last activity before the door seals, he drops a discarded wig, beard and fat suit at the door, and a final pose:

The Scene Fades