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On July 4th, 2001 at Independence Day the TUWF was divided as the WWF wrestlers, WCW wrestlers, and ECW wrestlers brawled as the event ended! There is also a new TUWF champion, Kurt Angle. He defeated hHh 2/3 in a match hHh picked out. Angle lost the first fall in a pin only, but won the 2nd fall in a submission only setting up the 3rd fall. The match would be decided in a Hardcore Hell where the only way to win is to escape the cell. Angle beat the odds and managed to escape to win the TUWF Championship. The Intercontinental title also changed hands as Big Show beat Justin Credible. Tank Abbot won the Hardcore title over Rhyno. DDP got the upset win over Undertaker and Chris Jericho captured the Canadian Title. Rankings top 20 1.Kurt Angle 2.HHH 3.Goldberg 4.Steve Austin 5.The Rock 6.RVD 7.Scott Steiner 8.DDP 9.Undertaker 10.Kane 11.Big Show 12.Benoit 13.Jericho 14.Lance Storm 15.Sting 16.HBK 17.Rikishi 18.Booker T. 19.Rhyno 20.X -Pac Tag Teams top 5 1.Impact Players 2.Outsiders 3.Harlem Heat 4.New age Outlaws 5.Dudleyz and Hardyz {tie} TUWF Sunday Night Power Interview - Triple H - The game promised that at Independence day he would revoke Angle's right to happiness and said that he had a special match planned and he would reveal the details tomorrow night on Nitro and he said that at Madison Square Garden the fans would not be dissapointed.Then the olympic music hit and Angle came out at MSG and said that he would be in the building all night waiting for the game! During the commercial hHh left TUWF New York and headed to MSG in his limo. TUWF European Championship - Eddie Guererro Vs. X-pac - Eddie dominated most of this match, but when X-pac countered and was about to deliver the Bronco Buster, Angle came to the ring and moved Guererro sending X-pac into the ringpost and injuring him. Guererro took advantage with a DDT and a Frog - Splash for the 3. Winner - Eddie Guererro by Frogsplash. hHh saw this in his limo and began to drive faster, but he was pulled over by the cops! When he went to give the cop his license he was knocked out by a tireiron and was tazered. The cop pulled off his masked, It was The Wall! TUWF Lightweight Championship - Rey Mysterio Jr. Vs. Jerry Lynn - Everyone thought that this would be a give me for Rey, but Lynn suprised everyone and put up a great fight. When Rey set up the Hurricarrana Tazz ran down and held rey's feet allowing Lynn to hit a top rope powerbomb for the win! Winner - Jerry Lynn by Super Powerbomb. Bret "The Hitman" Hart Vs. Vincent K. Mcmahon - Hart beat the crap out of Mcmahon and got some payback for Survivior Series 97' and made Vince tap to the Sharpshooter! Winner - Bret "The Hitman" Hart by Sharpshooter. Post - Match Bret Hart announced his retirement. Kurt Angle arrived at the scene of The Wall's attack on Triple h and put him in the Ankle lock making him tap! TUWF Slamfest - The Rock Vs. Stone Cold – TUWF Title Semi’s - This was another big match by these 2 and both men kicked out of the others finishing moves. The Rock took advantage w/ a pinebuster, but Austin kicked out. The Rock then went for the people's elbow which was blocked by Undertaker who delivered a chokeslam on Rock for the 3. Winner - Stone Cold by Undertaker Chokeslam. Test Vs. Eddie Guererro – European title - Test was dominating until guererro hit a low blow for a 2 count and threw Test onto the ring steps. Test came back with a pumphandle, but Booker T. ran down and delivered the bookend on Test for the 3. Winner - Eddie Guererro by Booker T. bookend Rhyno Vs. Big Show – Hardcore title - Big Show dominated and won with a showstopper through a table. Winner - Big Show by showstopper through a table. 6 man battle royal: Kidman, Rey mysterio, blitzkrieg, taka, malenko, lynn – lightweight title - Order of Elimination - Taka, Blitzkrieg, Malenko, Lynn, Kidman Winner - Rey Mysterio Jr. by Elimination. DDP Vs. Jarrett – U.S. title - The Chosen one came out to a decent pop, but the fans hadn't seen him for 4 months so what do u expect? DDP attacked Jarrett from behind to start it, but Jarrett foght back and won with the Stroke. Winner - Jeff Jarrett by The Stroke. Goldberg Vs. Hugh Morrus - Golberg won within the neccessary 30 seconds with the spear/jackhammer. Winner - Goldberg by Spear/Jackhammer. Nash Vs. Ken Shamrock – TUWF semi’s - Nash decimated Shamrock and won with the jacknife. Winner - Kevin Nash by Jacknife. Austin Vs. Nash – TUWF Conference final - Before Nash could celebrate Austin ran down and attacked, but this was thwarted by Nash who fought back with a big boot. When Nash tried to finish him off, Kane came down and powerbombed Nash, so Austin could get the 3. Winner - Austin by Kane powerbomb Hardyz Vs. Dudleyz – Table match - The Dudleyz attempted to jump start the match, but Edge attacked Spike and it was 3 on 2. The Hardyz got off to the early advantage, but the Dudleyz fought back with a reverse 3d and then tried to put Lita through a table, but Matt saved his girl by putting Bubba through thr table. D -von was now in a 3 on 1, but managed to fight back by putting Jeff and matt through a table, Matt helped Lita by knocking out D - von and putting him on the table so that Lita could hit the moonsault trew the table for the win. Winners - The Hardyz by moonsault through a table. Benoit Vs. Jericho Vs. Angle – I.C. title - Yet another great contest between these 3 stars and When Benoit left the ring to chase an interfering Stone Cold, Jericho hit the lionsault on Angle for the win. Winner - Jericho by Lionault. Austin Vs. hHh – TUWF World Heavyweight Championship Title - Austin and HHH put on a show and when hHh hit the neckbreaker and et up for the pedigree it appeared that the match was over, but the brothers of destruction ran out and hit a double chokeslam on hHh so that Austin could hit the stunner for the win. Winner - Stone Cold Steve Austin by Stunner. Copyright: The Ultimate Wrestling Federation 2001    


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