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Of The

World Wrestling Federation

Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by.

My name is Rob Edens, and I'm 31 years old and from Somerset,Kentucky. This is my second attempt at making a wrestling page, so please bare with me.

Some of you may remember my first wrestling page titled:"Chaos240's WWF Hero Page". It's not bad for my first try at this WebPage Building.

Well, I've learned a little more since then. Hopefully, this page will be better.

I Hope Everyone Enjoys Their Visit.


Real Name:Mark Calloway

From:Death Valley,Ca.

BirthDay:March 24th 1961

Height:6'10 1/2" Weight:328 lbs.

Favorite Quote:"Rest in Peace!"

Finishing Move:Tombstone Piledriver< /p>

'The Reaper'

Real Name:Steve Williams


Date of Birth:December 18 1965

Height:6'2" Weight: 252 lbs.

Favorite Quote;"And That's The Bottom Line..Cause Stone Cold Said So!"

Finishing Move;Stone Cold Stunner

'The RattleSnake'

I guess you all noticed that there are only Two wrestlers here huh? Well, that's because these two guys are my HEROS of the WWF. I think there are alot of SuperStars in the WWF, but these two are my favorites.

I have been watching wrestling for quite sometime now. It seems to me, that 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin & 'The UnderTaker' just know how to show their fans exactly what they want to see, (Some real kickass fighting).

'Stone Cold' & 'The UnderTaker' are THE

Professional Ass Kickers




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