( Impostures.. Stealers.. Scoundrals.. All pretty much the same thing.. They come and go around everyones life every day.. One day they could be ripping off a small convineant store in a small town in Iowa.. And the next day they could be screwing a Casino over in Las Vegas, Nevada... Speaking of Las Vegas.. That is the hometown of Wrestlings youngest and brightest star.. The Phenomenomic one.. Thats right.. Ringo Roberts.. Ringo was born and raised in Nevada.. On Tuesday Ringo has to wrestle Racky Wreenkle.. Racky Wreenkle.. Who in the hell does that guy think he is?.. Only god could get away with such a rediculous name!!.. He is pretty much an imposter of Rocky Miavia if you ask me.. But anyhow.. Latley wrestlers have been dropping like flys.. It all started when the Big Red Scare announced his retirement... Followed by Sugar Ray James retiring.. Then a day later Brock Williams.. Ringo's hero.. Said he was putting up the boots and leaving the FWF to pursue his wrestling career by running his own wrestling organization.. The WWA.. What does this all ammount too for Ringo?.. Well it ammounts to a lot.. With all that star power gone the FWF is going to need some young studs to step up to the plate and deliver.. And Ringo is just the man to do it.. Ringo is the man to take the spotlight and show the world what he is truley about..Which is bussiness.. Ringo is stricly bussiness.. Inside the ring that is.. Outside the ring he can be a goofball and moron at times.. But oh well.. That doesent ammount to anything.. Its the in the ring ability.. And Ringo is packed tight full of it.. Ringo is truley a Grade A wrestler.. And hopefully that up and coming tag can be taken off of him so he can be the star.. And be in the spotlight.. Will it happen? And how soon?.. Only time and Ringo's wrestling on FWF cards will tell!..)

{ The shot opens to a shot of the bright blaring sun somewhere in Colorado.. The camera comes down from the sun shot to show that the camera is positioned in the parking lot of a small town Hardees.. The camera spans around the parking lot showing a fed okay cars and a few old beaters.. But when it goes a complete 90 degrees.. A large white stretch limo is seen.. How odd is that?!?! A limo in the parking lot of Hardees!.. Anyhow.. The shot fades to inside Hardees in the back of the seating area.. Where the Wrestling Phenomenom Ringo Roberts is seen.. He is sitting at a small table away from the few other people in the resturant.. He is in a booth.. He doesent look too happy.. But doesent look to mad.. He just looks.. Peachy!.. Anyhow.. Ringo is wearing a pair of kahki colored cargo pants which are pretty baggy, a Andruw Jones Atlanta Braves Baseball Home Jersey, a gold chain is seen around his neck, a pair of black nike flip flop sandels.. And a pair of silver oakleys rest on the top of his slightly spiked hair..On the table in front of Ringo is a medium sized cup which has sweat dripping from it.. And not HUMAN sweat.. Sweat from whatever the substance inside the glass is.... Ringo leans forward and puts the straw in his mouth and sucks some of it into his mouth.. He licks his lips which are now white.. Meaning that the beverage must be a malt or milkshake kinda thing.. Ringo licks his lips then sighs..}

Ringo Roberts: A hey.. A hoy.. Its Summer time!

{ Suddenly Doomsday walks into the picture and sits down in the booth across from Ringo... He is carrying a "to go" bag..And is wearing his usual black and red suit with his rediculous mask.. He sits down and scootches in.. Ringo looks at him and notices how unusually large the bag is..}

Ringo Roberts: What the fuck man?!? Did you just ask for the whole fuckin' cow or something?!?!

Doomsday:{Shaking his head back and forth slowly but sternley.} No.. Hardees burgers are made out of soy beans not cows anyways..

Ringo Roberts: They are?.. I thought that was just McDonalds..

Doomsday: I think Hardees is like that.. I cant tell the difference between the two fast food places food anyways..

Ringo Roberts: Because you dont chew your food! You just inhale it!

Doomsday: Ha, ha.. Very funny..

Ringo Roberts: I thought so...What time are those kids gonna be here..?

Doomsday:{Shrugging his shoulders} I dunno.. I think One is when they said , but I am not exactly sure..

{ Ringo looks down at his nice gold rolex and notices that it is 1:06.. He looks up at Doomsday..}

Ringo Roberts: Well its allready 1:06.. I aint givin' those little bastards much longer to get there scrawney little asses here..

Doomsday: Ringo.. Geesh!

Ringo Roberts: Whats your problem?

Doomsday: They are only kids!.. You arent going to swear at them when they get here.. Are you?

Ringo Roberts:{Shrugging his shoulders.} I dunno..

{ Before Doomsday can begin to speak.. Three un-firmiliar faces walk onto the camera view.. But they look so knowable.. Who are they?!?!.. One is a very short but very fat kid.. He is wearing a pair of kahki's which are kinda loose, a red sweater , and a blue and yellow stocking cap... Standing to the left of him is a pretty small scrawney kid.. He is wearing a pair of jenas and a orange coat with the hood over his head.. So you cant really make out his face.. And last but not least is another small kid.. He is standing to the right of the fat kid.. He is medium sized for his age.. He is wearing a pair of jeans, a brown sweater with red trim, and a blue and red stocking cap making his hair color not able to be seen...}

Middle Sized Kid:{ Looking nervously at Doomsday and Ringo as the fat kid looks around sniffing the air as if it were heaven.} Hey are you two dudes Ringo Roberts and Doomdsay of the Fans Wrestling Federation?

{ Before either of the two can reply The fat kid begins speaking staring over at some large chinease woman eating a quarter-pounder with cheese..}

Fat kid:{ Dribbling a little excess saliva from his mouth.} Quarter-pounders, French Frys, Super Size .. Oh My!.. I could take a few of those..{ Walking twords the counter speaking..} Screw you guys! I'm going to get some food!

Ringo Roberts: Umm.. Yeah.. I am Ringo.. But more importantly.. Is that kid the biggest fat ass I have ever seen or is it just me?

Middle Sized Kid: Dude.. Dont say that to his face or he will go ape and tell you he is just festivley plump..

Ringo Roberts: Oh.. What a bojive..

Middle Sized Kid: What in the heck is a bojive!?!?


Middle Sized Kid: I totally agree!..

Ringo Roberts:{Confused as hell.} What the hell did that kid just say..!?!?!?

Doomsday: The hell if I know!

Middle Sized Kid: Dude.. You cant understand Ricky?

Ringo Roberts:{Shaking his head back and forth slowly.}Nope.. Couldent understand one word that came out of his mouth..

Middle Sized Kid: I would say thats some weird shit there!

Ricky: KLJSDKJSDF.. kKjfglkjdfgkjaiu..

Middle Sized Kid: I agree, Ricky..

Ringo Roberts: So what in the hell are your guys' names?

Ryan: Oh.. I am Ryan.. Ricky is him..{ Points at the small , scrawney kid..}.. And the fat ass over getting food is Danny Gartman..

Ringo Roberts: Oh.. Cool.... Why do you guys seem so.. So.. Like I have seen you before?

Ricky: Yfghdfnbm..Nndfkdori..

Ryan: Yeah.. Totally..

Ringo Roberts: What did he say?!?!

Ryan: Oh yeah.. You dont understand Ricky for some reason.. But I think you think you have seen us before.. Because those "South Park" assholes copyed us without our permission!

Ringo Roberts: Oh, yeah.. I remember.. Thats why you guys hired us.. How in the hell did you come up with 20 g's to pay me and Dooms?

Ryan: Dude.. Gartmans mom has money up her ass!

Ringo Roberts: So.. Who reached up her ass? Thats truley disgusting if you ask me..

Ryan:{Not believing what Ringo had just said.}Dude! That is truley disgusting.. I cant believe you would think such a thought!

Ringo Roberts: Well sorrr-IE Mr. Ryan..

{ Suddenly a hot, short, blonde haired, blue eyed chick walks up wearing a pair of tight jeans and a tight white tank top.. She has a trey with only a cup on it..All the guys sit there and stare at her..}

Chick: Do you mind if I sit by you ?

{ Ryan's smile goes to a frown.. And he up-chucks all over the chick.. Ringo starts laughing hilariously.. As Ryan sits there trying to get the nasty taste out of his mouth as the girl rushes twords the restroom with puke all over her tank top speaking as she walks away..}

Chick:You little bastard!

{ Ringo stops his hilarious laughing to hard breathing to stop it.. The chick enters the restroom with her trey still in hand.. Then Eric Gartman comes walking back twords them with a trey full of food..It looks to be about 6 burgers and about 8 orders of frys and a huge drink... Gartman walks up and sits in the booth next to Ringo.. He looks pissed..}

Gartman: This place sucks ass!.. I cant bleieve they dont have any cheesy poofs here!

Ringo Roberts:{ Not believing how much food Gartman has.} Jesus! And I thought Doomsday ate a lot!!

Gartman:{ Wrinkling his eyebrows making them into a V.} Shut up!

Doomsday: He is right.. You do eat A LOT more then myself..

Ringo Roberts:{Nodding.} Yeah..Gartman you are one fat ass bitch!

Ricky: Khhkamdfgkj..

Ryan: Yeah.. Gartman is a fat ass!

Gartman:{Throwing a temper-tantrum.} I am not fat.. I am festivley plump!

Ringo Roberts: Festivley plump?.. Nah.. I think fat is the word..

Ryan:Yeah I believe fat ass is the right words for you..

Gartman:{Very pissed.} I am not fat!! I am festivley plump!!

Ringo Roberts: If you say so fat ass..

{ Gartman opens a burger wrapper and stuffs it in his mouth to keep himself from going crazy..}

Doomsday: So what exactly do you kids want myself and Ringo to do for you?

Ryan: We want you to tell everyone on prime time television.. You know your wrestling show.. FWF Tuesday Night Bomb.. That the creaters of South Park.. Are just impostures of Myself, Ricky, and Gartman..

Doomsday: Not saying I watch the show or anything.. But isent there a fourth kid?

Ryan: Yeah.. Tom's mom is too big of a bitch to let him go to a fast food resturant..

Ringo Roberts:{Smiling largley.} Hey Gartman.. Sing us that Kyles moms a stupid bitch song!

Gartman:{ Finishing chewing the peice of the burger he bit off.} You mean Tom's moms a stupid bitch?

Ringo Roberts: Who's Tom?.. I want to hear the Kyle's mom song , damnit!

Ryan: Dude..Kyle of South Park is just an imposture of Tom..

Ringo Roberts:{Remembering about that.} Oh yeah.. I guess I had a brain fart..


Ryan: Yeah..

Ricky: Amdkkjfdgn..

Ryan: Totally..

Doomsday: So.. Kenny is an imposture of Ricky..Stan is an imposture of Ryan.. Cartman is a imposture of Gartman.. And Kyle is an imposture of Tom?

Ryan: Yeah..

{ The table goes quiet for a while.. Then suddenly a Big Black guy in a pair of blue jeans, a red shirt, and a Chef hat walks up.. He has a big smile on his face..}

Cook: Hello children..

Gartman, Ryan: Hello Cook..

Ricky: Hahnssfgjh..

Cook: Who are these two large men?

Ringo Roberts: I am Ringo Roberts and that stooge sitting across the table from me is Doomsday..

Doomsday:{ Raising his hand slowly.} Hello..

Cook: You two are the guys who are going to help us get back at those South Park impostures, right?

Ringo Roberts: Yeah.. I think so..

{ Gartman opens up his third burger wrapper and starts to shove the burger in his mouth as Cook sits there looking at him.. Gartman has inspired Cook!..}

Cook: I like those big brown salty Soy bean balls..

Big brown and salty..

Make you think they are real beef..

They turn me on like Gartman's mom..


{ Doomsday , Ricky , and Ryan all clap vigourously as Ringo sits there not knowing what to think.. Gartman looks pissed as Cook smiles happy people liked his singing..}

Ringo Roberts: Cook aint even close to as good of as a song maker-uper as Chef on South Park is..

Ryan: Dude.. You know Cooks song reminded me that Gartmans mom's on the cover of Crack-whore magazine!

Ricky: Jonemcenae..

{ Gartman looks even more pissed then before.. At Ryan's comment of course..}

Gartman: My mom is not on the cover of Crack-Whore magazine , damnit!

Ryan: Whatever, dude..

Cook: Well Children.. I better be leaving.. Have to go make some Salsbery steak for Tuesday..

Ricky: Yamdfggl..

Ryan: Yeah.. Sailsbury Steak does kick ass..

{ Cook waves as he walks away smiling.. He opens the door and walks into the hot spring sun..Everyone at the table sits in silence for a while.. Then suddenly a black cat walks up to the five guys..It "meow's" staring at Gartman who is just about to take a bite of his 5th burger..}

Gartman: No kitty! Its my Hamburger!

{ The cat stares for a few seconds..Then "meow's" again.. Gartman looks pissed..}

Gartman:{His eyebrows form a V, meaning he is pissed.} NO KITTY! ITS MY HAMBURGER!

{ The poor defenceless kitten sits there for a few more seconds staring at Gartman and his burger.. As everyone sits in silence..The cat then "meow's" once again.. Gartman is infuriated..}


Ryan: Gartman.. Your mom's not here..

Gartman:{Realizing thats true.} Oh yeah.. I knew that..

{ Suddenly the kitten prounces on the table and grabs the burger sitting on Gartmans trey and sprints off the screen to the left.. As everyone laughs at it a bit.. Chuckling make it.. Being they dont want Gartman to go ape shit..Gartman slowly begins to turn red..}


{ Gartman sits there breathing hard as everyone sits in silence.. Suddenly the kitten walks back up with the hamburger in its mouth.. It jumps back on the table and drops the burger on Gartmans trey.. Ringo and Doomsday seem astonished.. The cat looks at Gartman and "meow's".. Then jumps off the table and runs off to the left..Gartman sits in silence for a few seconds.. Then reaches forward and grabs the burger and takes a big bite..}

Doomsday: So.. Ricky.. What do you think of my new strings..

Ricky: Kmslkoesd...

Doomsday:{Not understanding Ricky one bit.} Pardon?


Doomsday:{Starting to get angry.}What did you say?!?!?!


Doomsday:{Standing up.} Why you!!

{ Doomsday reaches with his right hand and grabs Ricky by the neck.. He picks Ricky up with his right hand.. Then turns around.. And Chokeslams him through the table beside the one Ringo's sitting at!!... Ryan looks at Doomsday and points..}

Ricky: Oh my god! Doomsday killed Ricky!

{ Everyone sits in silence for a few seconds as Doomsday looks over a broken in half Ricky...}

Ringo Roberts: Umm.. Oh yeah.. You bastard!!

{ Ricky slowly gets up astonishing everyone.. Doomsday looks as if he was looking at the devil..}

Ryan: Oh.. Nevermind..

Ringo Roberts: Ringo out fux!!!!

{ The shot fades to black as Ricky walks past Doomsday and sits in Doomsdays seat as Doomsday sits there staring at the table, not believing that Ricky got up from a chokeslam through a table..}