Hardcore Heaven

In the beginning, Cyrus makes his may out. He says the network is taking control. He demands Gertner to come to the backstage. He says his fat body is a ratings killer. Cyrus calls him a piece of crap. he says he doesn't like him and he can't do anything about it. Gertner says he should beat Cyrus' ass, but Cyrus has a Japan guy choke out Gertner. Cyrus will take over as announcer.

Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka
Tanaka tie up and they trade waist locks. They reverse each others moves. Mahoney gets a single leg boston crab on Tanaka, but Tanaka gets to the bottom rope. The two trade punches with Balls getting the better of Tanaka. Tanaka ducks a clothesline and hits a crossbody on Balls. Balls gets a vicious clothesline on Tanaka, who kicks out of a pin attempt. Tanaka throws Balls to the outside, Tanaka gets caught with a body press. Chops, steel rails and more are used on the outside. They're on the ramp and Tanaka puts a chair to the face and followed by a tornado DDT on the runway/ramp. Mahoney gets a chair and Tanaka has one as well and they start battling with Tanaka getting whacked over the head with a chair. It takes 3 chair shots to knock Tanaka down, but Tanaka kicks out of a pin attempt. Tanaka was about to hit a superkick, but Balls ducked and hit a superkick on Tanaka. No win as of yet. Balls throws some chairs in the ring. He piles them up in the middle of the ring. Balls doesn't let Tanaka climb the ropes. He pickes him up but it is reversed into a tornado DDT on the chairs, but Balls kicks out! He misses the roaring elbow and Tanaka kicks out of the nutcracker suite. Balls misses a chair shot in the corner and Tanaka hits a diamond dust. Tanaka takes the steel chairs and sets them up. Tanaka gets a nutcracker suite to the chairs and kicks out again! Balls puts a chair under the head of Tanaka. Balls misses a second rope leg drop. Tanaka hits the roaring elbow and Mahoney kicks out! Tanaka uses Balls chair from the top, but it doesn't affect Balls. Tanaka hits another roaring elbow for the win!. What a match! Both men shake hands after the match. Lance Strom talks about respect and how he spit on Strom and how he spit on the business. His title reign is over according to Storm.
Winner: Masato Tanaka

Simon Diamond vs. Little Guido vs. Mikey Whipwreck
Simon takes the mic. He says Simon has a problem. "You all think I have a comedy act? I am not a comedy act. Tonight, HH, I'll show you why I am a blue chip athlete." Mikey Whipwreck comes out with The Sinister Minister. Here comes Little Guido. This will be a Triple Threat Match. Big Sal has a bandage on his ear thanks to Whipwreck's burn. A "Where is my pizza" chant starts. Diamond and Guido knock down Mikey. Diamond almost gets a Simonizer on Mikey, but no. Guido gets moves in on his two other opponents. Simon saves Guido from a pinfall. Mikey has both men down with drop kicks. He works on Guido first, but Guido gives him a elbow. Guido then works on Simon, he gets caught by a frontkick by Simon. Guido reverses the same move in the other corner. Mikey off the top with a splash, but no win. Simon does a triple suplex. Guido then nails Simon in the face with a boot. Mikey pounds away on Guido. Leg drop on the drop of the neck to Guido on the outside. Mikey throws the chair at Simon. The lights go out. Guido misses a diving body press. The Diamond entourage beats on Big Sal. He throws them all off of him. Mikey gets back in the ring. Sal squashes Simon in the ring. Leg drop from thetop from Guido on Mikey. Simon makes the pin save and pounds on Guido. Lo Down by Simon with a two count. Super kick by Mikey on Simon who had Guido in a somoan drop. Mikey goes for the whippersnapper and he beats Simon. Guido and Mikey are left. Mikey hits a double underhook pedigree type move. Guido kicks out! Sal interferes and Guido hits a german suplex but only a two count. Guido climbs atop Sal iside the ring and misses the elbow. Mikey gets something from the Minister and throws a fireball in the face of Sal. Guido hits an impaler and gets the win.
Winner: Little Guido

Kid Kash vs. C.W. Anderson
Lou E. tells everyone to shutup. Yada yada yada. He says Electra has never had plastic surgery, yeah right! Electra is not just tits and ass. She is the toughest woman in the wrestling business today. Lou E. issues a challenge to anyone who can beat Electra's ass, of course a woman. Jazz takes him up on her offer. She knocks out Anderson and goes for Electra. Electra has a Mike Awesome T-Shirt on. She rips her clothes off. Aa superkick on Jazz by C. W. Andersdon followed by a spinebuster. Kid Kash interupts and attacks both men of TDA. Kash clears the ring. Jazz is carried to the back. Kash climbs the ropes and goes out into the crowd on TDA. Kash gets back in the ring and celebrates. Anderson gets back in the ring and Anderson goes to work on Kash. Kash gets on the shoulders of Anderson and does a Hurricanrana. Kash works on both men. A Hurricanrana on the floor. Chops are traded and Kash gets the better of Anderson. Kash goes for a Hurricanrana but gets reversed into a powerbomb. Anderson gets some chops on Kash. Anderson puts Kash on the top rope. He just throws him off afterwards. Anderons throws Kash to the outside and Kash gets beat up by Billy. A pinfall attempt, but only 2. Kash does a double spring board and followed by a cross body. Anderson works on kash in the corner. Snap suplex by Anderson followed by a two count. CW stomps away on Kash. Kash and Anderson trade chops again with Kash getting the better of them. A reversal into the corner followed by a powerslam and Anderson gets a two count. Chops by Anderson who misses a bronco buster. Billy then coms in and pounds on Kash until Kash beats both of them down. Superkick by Anderson when Kash turns around and he gets a two. Anderson climbs the top turnbuckle but gets caught by Kash. Hurricanrana from the top and Kash is your winner.
Winner: Kid Kash

Da Baldies vs. Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. Chris Chetti & Nova
Match starts off with the Baldies attacking Doring and Roadkill on the runway. Doring hits the bearback on Nova. Baldies throw Chetti out of the ring and go to work on Doring. Nova with a swanton bomb on Devito for a two count. Baldies double flapjack RoadKill to the mat. Baldies double chokeslam RoadKill through two chairs set up in the ring. Nova with a double stunner on the Baldies. Grimes comes out but gets a bearback from Doring. Doring comes off the top on Grimes with the danaconda. Baldies eliminate Doring and RoadKill. Table set up at ringside by RoadKill. RoadKill comes off the ropes putting Grimes through the table. Chetti hits Devito with a spinning heel kick. Chetti nails Devito with the ammityville horror. Chetti and Nova hit Devito with the tidal wave for the pin. Baldies continue to attack Chetti and Nova after the match. New Jack comes out with his trash can full of weapons. New Jack bites Devito in the face. New Jack jabs a fork at Devito's head. Devito is a bloody mess. New Jack and Devito fight into the crowd. Devito tries to retreat but can't get away from New Jack's assault. New Jack sets up a table and places Devito on it. New Jack heads for the balcony. New Jack dives off the balcony putting Devito through the table. Big ECW chants. New Jack heads back to the ring where Nova and Chetti have Angel held down. New Jack blasts Angel over the head with a guitar. New Jack brings a chair into the ring and comes off the turnbuckles with the 187 chair dive on Angel for the pin. New Jack reclaims his title as king of the streets.
Winners: Chris Chetti & Nova

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Steve Corino
Corino gets on the mic before the match and says no one deserves to see them fight each other. Corino says tajiri made a big mistake when he turned his back on the network. Corino gives Tajiri a chance to come back and if he don't he is going to kick Tajiri's ass. Tajiri starts attacking Corino to start off the match. Corino powerbombs Tajiri for a two count. Tajiri puts Corino in the tarantula then lets go. Both men fight on the runway where Tajiri hits him with a brainbuster. Tajiri goes back into the ring to wait on Corino. Corino has been busted open by the brainbuster. Corino comes back in the ring and Tajiri remains in control. Tajiri puts Corino in the tree of woe and baseball slide dropkicks him in the face. Tajiri follows up with a chair to Corino's mid section. Tajiri puts Corino in the tree of woe again. Corino gets out and hits Tajiri with a surprise superkick for a one count. Tajiri kicks a chair into Corino's face. Corino's hair is now red from all the blood. Tajiri sets up a table beside the ropes. Tajiri dropkicks the table into Corino sending him out of the ring onto the runway. Tajiri springboards off the ropes to the outside with a double clothesline on Victory and Corino. Corino backdrops Tajiri through the table for a two count. Corino hits a fishermen's suplex with a bridge for a two count. Corino with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Corino sets up a table in the corner of the ring. Corino hits Tajiri with a dropkick. Tajiri rolls to the outside. Tajiri comes back in the ring and nails Corino in the ribs with a kick. Tajiri applies the octopus on Corino. Victory comes in and gets the green mist from Tajiri. Corino powerslams Tajiri for a two count. Tajiri starts laying into Corino with multiple kicks. Tajiri places Corino on the table. Tajiri comes off the top on Corino with the footstomp through the table for the pin. After the match Kintaro Kanemura comes in and attacks Tajiri. Dusty Rhodes comes out to make the save. Rhino comes in and starts attacking Dusty. Sandman's music hits and the place erupts. Time for the next match.
Winner: Yoshihiro Tajiri

The Sandman vs. Rhino
Sandman does his usual long entrance coming through the crowd. One lucky fan gets a whole beer poured down his throat. Match starts off with Rhino attacking Sandman. Sandman fights back with right hands. Both men roll to the outside where Sandman throws Rhino over the guardrail. Sandman comes off the ring apron with a guiloteen legdrop on Rhino perched over the guardrail. Rhino tries to set up a table on the outside but Sandman stops him. Sandman throws Rhino into the guardrail twice. Rhino sets up a chair on the runway. Sandman ducked a running charge from Rhino with Rhino going through a table. Back in the ring Sandman piledrives Rhino on a table for a two count. Lori Fullington comes out and canes Jack Victory. Rhino piledrives Sandman on the runway then pulls Lori into the ring. Rhino piledrives Lori off the ring apron through a table. Corino and Victory slump her up in front of a table. Sandman comes back in and canes everyone. Sandman picks Lori up and attempts to carry her out of the ring but Rhino spears him through a table for the pin. After the match Rhino wished Lori a happy Mother's Day and called her a F*cking B*tch.
Winner: Rhino

Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam
Match starts off with a takedown by Lynn. Both men exchange a ton of fast paced moves then break. Spinning heel kick by RVD. Cartwheel backflip splash by RVD for a two count. Lynn springboard dropkicks RVD to the floor. Lynn with a slingshot summersault plancha to the outside on RVD. RVD crotches Lynn on the guardrail. RVD sidekicks Lynn off the guardrail. RVD with a corkscrew guiloteen legdrop across the back of Lynn's neck with the chair. RVD misses a moonsault off the guardrail and hits the floor. Back in the ring Lynn hits a front face slam then heads to the top for a leg drop and a two count. Tornado ddt by Lynn for a two count. Both men clothesline each other at the same time. Alfonso places a chair in the ring. Lynn with a legdrop on RVD on the chair for a two count. RVD with a spinning heel kick on Lynn for a two count. RVD with a rolling senton splash on Lynn on the chair for a two count. RVD with a running dropkick with a chair into Lynn's shoulder for a two count. Lynn with a sunset flip off the turnbuckles onto the chair for a two count. Lynn places RVD on the turnbuckles and follows him up. Superplex by Lynn for a two count. Lynn sets up a table on the outside. Lynn crotches RVD on the ropes. RVD bulldogs Lynn off the ring apron through the table. Lynn hits Scotty Anton with a rolling shoulder block off the ring apron. Back in the ring Lynn slams RVD then goes up top. Alfonso crotches Lynn on the ropes. Top turnbuckle Vandaminator. RVD places a chair on Lynn then comes off the top with the five star frog splash. Corino and Victory come in and attack RVD. Lynn fights off Corino and Victory. Rhino comes in and spears Lynn. Rhino powerbombs RVD. RVD fights back and hits Rhino with a leaping sidekick. Cyrus comes down to the ring only to receive a Vandaminator. Match continues as RVD kicks the chair into Lynn's face. RVD goes up top and Scotty Anton shoves RVD off the top and to the floor. Lynn hits the cradle piledriver but RVD kicks out at two. Lynn with another cradle piledriver, this time on the chair, for the pin.
Winner: Jerry Lynn

Lance Storm vs. Justin Credible
This was originally going to be a 3 way match with Dreamer in it but before the match Justin got on the mic and said he wanted it to be just him and Lance. Justin said if anybody else came out he would throw the belt in the trash. Dreamer came out followed by Paul Heyman. Heyman, Dreamer, and Storm agreed to let it only be Lance and Justin. Match starts off fast paced with Lance in control. Lance dropkicks Justin out of the ring. Lance dives out only to be caned by Justin in the process. Justin throws Lance into the guardrail. Justin sets up a table on the runway. Both men trade chops in the corner. Lance walks into a big foot from Justin. Justin powerbombs Lance for a two count. Justin takes Lance down to the mat with a headlock. Sunset flip by Lance for a two count. Justin jabs his thumb into Lance's eye. Huricanrana by Lance. Lance springboards off the turnbuckles with a back elbow on Justin. Jawbreaker by Lance for a two count. Norther lights suplex with a bridge by Lance for a two count. Superkick by Justin for a two count. Justin sets up a chair and slams Lance's head on it for a two count. Justin goes to the top and hits a high crossbody which Lance rolled through for a two count. Lance hip tosses Justin out of the ring onto the runway through a table. Lance with a single leg Boston crab on Justin. Francince comes in and hits Lance in the head with a chair. Catfight breaks out between Francince and Dawn Marie. Justin puts a tombstone piledriver on Dawn Marie. Justin puts the thats incredible piledriver on Lance for a two count. Swinging ddt by Justin for a two count. Lance catapults Justin into the corner. Lance goes to the top but Justin crotches him. Justin hits another thats incredible piledriver for the pin. After the match Dreamer enters the ring and canes Justin. Francine begs for Freamer not to cane her. She tries to sweet talk him and it appears to work until Dreamer picks her up and hits her with the Spicolli driver.
Winner and still ECW World Heavyweight Champ: Justin Credible